Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aristocratic.""
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Leopold Sternberg, život rakousko-uherského šlechtice ve 20. století / Leopold Sternberg, the life of Austria-Hungarian aristocrat during the 20th centuryHrdinová, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation depicts a life of Leopold Sternberg who was representative of one of the most significant Czech genus. The author of this thesis focused on his personality, war experience, and social activities as well as on a circle of his closest associates. She also focused on the fate of his siblings who until now were overlooked by researchers. This dissertation tracks the condition of family property during dramatic historical changes in the first half of the 20th century when they were often found out of the ownership of Sternberg family. We are talking about the first land reformation, the forced management during Nazi era and the nationalization after the Communist putsch in Czechoslovakia. The thesis focuses on Leopold's activities in the time of Nazi threat when he clearly registered to the Czech State. Some part of the thesis is dedicated to the American ambassador in Czechoslovakia Laurence A. Steinhardt. His fate was closely connected to at one point with the Sternberg one. The author has tried to profile the fate of Leopold Sternberg and his family after moving in abroad where he died in 1957. Keywords Sternberg, Aristocracy, Rakousko-Uhersko, World War First, Czechoslovakia, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Laurence Steinhardt
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À Teplitz et dans le monde. Les Clary-Aldringen : une maison princière dans l’Europe des Habsbourg au temps des révolutions / In Teplitz and around the world. The Clary-Aldringen : a bohemian princely House in the Habsburg monarchy at the time of revolutionsMagne, Matthieu 20 October 2017 (has links)
Au tournant du XIXe siècle, Teplitz est une ville thermale renommée à la frontière de la Bohême du Nord et de la Saxe. Il s’agit aussi de la seigneurie des Clary-Aldringen, une maison noble de la monarchie des Habsbourg élevée au rang princier en 1767. Durant la décennie révolutionnaire, les mobilités familiales entre Vienne, Prague et Teplitz se déroulent en même temps que la circulation d’un nombre croissant de baigneurs, parmi lesquels les fonctionnaires de la monarchie, les vétérans des armées de Prusse, de Saxe et d’Autriche ou les nobles francophones en exil. Les correspondances et les journaux comme ceux de Charles-Joseph de Clary-Aldringen (1777-1831) contiennent de précieuses informations sur la manière dont cette grande famille vécut le temps des révolutions et des restaurations en Europe centrale. Avec les comptabilités et les documents administratifs, les Clary-Aldringen ont également laissé de riches sources iconographiques qui présentent un regard original sur le monde de la « première société » au tournant du XIXe siècle. Leurs archives éclairent une période où le théâtre, la peinture et la littérature de société répondent à une quête identitaire née au moment des émigrations comme celle du prince de Ligne accueilli par sa belle famille à Teplitz en 1794. Cette thèse propose d’examiner le fonctionnement de cette maison princière pour mieux comprendre les transformations de la culture aristocratique qui accompagnent les transformations du pouvoir juridique et politique de la noblesse à l’échelle des seigneuries comme dans le concert des nations du XIXe siècle.Quels sont les enjeux d’une vie construite à Teplitz et dans le monde, alors que les bouleversements de la fin de l’époque moderne entraînent la recomposition de l’Europe des dynasties ? Les aspects éducatifs, les mobilités dans la monarchie et à l’étranger ou l’usage du français et de l’allemand sont des éléments essentiels pour aborder une période de refondation de la légitimité aristocratique avec la disparition du Saint-Empire Romain Germanique et la politique des congrès menée après 1815. Les recherches dans les archives de cette grande famille francophone visent ainsi à interroger la conception aristocratique d’une « Europe des Habsbourg » entre la Révolution française et le Printemps des peuples. / At the turn of the 19th century, Teplitz was a well-known spa at the border between North Bohemia and Saxony. It was also part of the seignorial estates of the Clary-Aldringen family who had been promoted to Princely House in 1767. The first Princes of Clary- Aldringen led an aristocratic way of life in their palaces in Vienna and Prague and in their castle in Teplitz. The letters and diaries written by Charles Joseph of Clary-Aldringen provide essential information to understand how this aristocratic family faced the challenges of the revolutions and restorations in Central Europe. Those were unstable times when political and social powers became questioned while new nations were emerging in central Europe.What is at stake then in their lives when the revolutionary upheavals unbalance the dynastic order in Europe? This research aims to analyse how this princely House managed to face the transformations in aristocratic culture at the end of the Holy Roman Empire and in the first decades of the Austrian empire. Indeed the Clary-Aldringen left a hoard of visual documents also with financial and administrative records, all showing the striking features of the “First Society” in the Habsburg monarchy. The archives lead us back to a period when amateur theatre, paintings and writings were given pride of place. The exceptional variety of the documents found allows us to better apprehend how the aristocrats of the Habsburg monarchy conceived their roles and their legitimacy in Europe during the period of revolutions and just before the Spring of the Peoples. One decisive key lies in the fact that this family kept travelling over Europe after 1792.
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Proměna sociokulturní funkce karnevalu a šarivari v historické perspektivě / The Changes of the Sociocultural Role of Carnival and Charivari in the Historical PerspectiveHillebrandová, Olga January 2013 (has links)
The thesis discusses the changes of the sociocultural role of Carnival and Charivari in the Western culture from the Late Middle Agges to the end of the early modern period. The thesis is graunded in the analysis of secondary literature about the carnival and charivari , which is considered to be paradigmatic in history. The analysis follows the thesis of theoretical concepts of N. Elias and M. Foucault. Both of these authors deal with establishing specific individuality of modern man based on the necessary self-control a courtesy codified by social consensus. Carnival and charivari are examples of ritualized collective transgression, which helps create the values and norms of society. Carnival is primarily an expression of popular culture, which includes ritual, play and festivities. It celebrates human nature; the bodily pleasure food, drink, sex and violence, everything that should be civilized by culture. The goal of the thesis is to examine the process of civilizing or disciplining carnival , to determine the initiators and agents of this change. Following the previous then to check whether originally spontaneous carnival festivities, games and rituals in the historical development, which is characterized by a loss of spontaneity, commercialization and professionalization, completely lost their...
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Potentes saeculi: pouvoir séculier et royauté sous le règne de Louis le Germanique (826-876)Glansdorff, Sophie 28 April 2006 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est d’étudier les relations entre Louis le Germanique et les aristocrates laïques, aussi bien ceux qui appartenaient à son propre royaume (de Bavière puis de Francie orientale), que ceux qui appartenaient aux autres royaumes issus du traité de Verdun (843). L’intérêt de cette recherche, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un très récent renouveau d’intérêt pour le règne de Louis, est d’apporter un nouvel éclairage sur l’évolution politique de l’Empire carolingien central à tardif, en étudiant sa facette « orientale », souvent négligée par rapport à sa contrepartie « occidentale ».<p>Dans un contexte caractérisé par les rivalités et les conflits, il est évidemment vital pour le roi de s’assurer l’appui des grands et de les intégrer à son entourage. La première partie de ce travail a donc été consacrée à l’entourage du roi et à son évolution. Cet entourage a plus précisément été défini sur base du De Ordine Palatii d’Hincmar de Reims :il inclut d’abord les membres du Palais au sens étroit du terme (famille et détenteurs d’offices palatins – laïques en l’occurence -) ;ensuite l’ensemble des « grands » laïques du royaume, qui, sans détenir d’office au Palais, entretiennent une relation privilégiée avec le roi, soit qu’ils détiennent de lui un honor (les comtes), soit qu’ils appartiennent à ses vassaux ou à ses fideles. Au sein de cet ensemble de personnes, tous ne bénéficient cependant pas de la même « Königsnähe » ;par conséquent, en tenant compte de la nature des sources issues de Francie orientale (essentiellement les actes privés des abbayes et évêchés du royaume), il s’est avéré nécessaire de nuancer ce tableau en recherchant les personnalités qui font réellement preuve de la plus grande proximité avec le roi, sans être nécessairement pour autant les mieux documentés au niveau des sources.<p>De tous les membres (laïques) de cet entourage, les comtes sont apparus comme les plus importants, en raison de leur fonction même ;pour cette raison (et afin de rendre la consultation plus aisée et plus pratique pour qui s’intéresse aux comtes), une prosopographie a été constituée, incluant les comtes actifs en Bavière (826-887), Alémannie, Francie, Saxe, Thuringe (833-887) et Lotharingie orientale (870-887). <p>Si cette approche, essentiellement prosopographique, est intéressante en soi, elle ne permet néanmoins pas, en tant que telle, d’apprécier la teneur des relations entre roi et grands, ni de replacer celle-ci dans le cadre plus global de l’Empire carolingien. Pour ce faire, il est nécessaire d’y ajouter l’étude de certains éléments significatifs, qui permettent de dégager plus aisément continuités, ruptures et spécificités. A l’étude de l’évolution du fisc (et des spécificités des donations royales), s’est jointe celle des éléments représentatifs du pouvoir des aristocrates :possession de monastères privés, disposition de fortifications, transmission des offices comtaux. L’articulation de ces éléments avec le pouvoir royal révèle des spécificités très intéressantes, notamment au niveau du contrôle du roi sur les donations et honores accordés aux grands, le maintien de la révocabilité de ceux-ci étant visiblement souhaité ;s’il n’est pas toujours possible d’évaluer le rôle de la volonté royale dans cette évolution, il n’en va pas de même quand on étudie les divers actes d’infidélité, réels ou supposés, portés contre le roi. Les réactions royales, en la matière, semblent bien le signe d’une politique distincte et cohérente.<p>En conclusion, cette analyse se joint à l’approche prosopographique pour présenter une manière spécifique de concevoir, et d’aborder sur le plan pratique, les relations entre roi et grands. Sous certains aspects, ce règne se distingue nettement de celui de ses contemporains, et éclaire donc une autre facette de l’évolution de l’Empire carolingien postérieure au traité de Verdun, globalement (et provisoirement) plus maîtrisée qu’ailleurs ;celle-ci ne peut être ignorée et doit contribuer à nuancer l’image de l’évolution du pouvoir royal au IXème s.<p> / Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation histoire / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Housing an illegitimate aristocracy : an urban profile of a coloured community in Greenwood Park from the 1950's to the 1970'sFrancis, Lynette Crysta-Lee 01 1900 (has links)
There is no historiography on Durban coloureds . This work is an attempt to change that . This dissertation is an urban study of a small coloured community in Greenwood Park (GWP) during the apartheid era - a study in which housing is used as a vehicle to examine this community's response to their changing economic and socio-political status from the 1950's to the 1970's. Because of the absence of historical data , this study relies heavily on the contributions of other social sciences . It also uses oral data to fill the many gaps in the story of this marginal group . Chapter 4 and 5 explores housing as a complex physical and social phenomenon. Chapter 6 explores the GWP community's response to their housing environment . In this chapter, the association between housing and
socio-economic status is explored . From 1950 to the l 970's, housing became the single most defining entity which kept coloureds trapped in the vortex of privilege and oppression . / History / M. A. (History)
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Heterosexuella skådespel i Margareta av Navarras <em>Heptameron</em> / <em>Heterosexual Performances in Marguerite de Navarre’s</em> HeptameronAndersson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Jag vill i den här uppsatsen beskriva hur sexualitet och genus konstrueras, befästs och utmanas i Margareta av Navarras verk <em>Heptameron</em>. Jag utgår från Judith Butlers och Thomas Laqueurs queerteoretiska perspektiv och visar hur de olika maktdiskurserna kristendom, aristokrati, patriarkalism och nyplatonism påverkar och påtvingar olika konstruktioner av sexualitet<strong> </strong>och genus, och kan konstatera att alla dessa diskurser bygger på<strong> </strong>en normerande och<strong> </strong>normaliserad heterosexualitet som ständigt för tillbaka avvikelserna från denna norm, hos såväl devisanterna som i de två noveller jag studerat, till en binär könskategorisering. Huvudfokus ligger på tvetydigheten hos begrepp som man, kvinna, och fullkomlig kärlek. Jag menar att just avsaknaden av slutgiltiga definitioner av sådana begrepp i verket visar på att det inte går att finna något essentiellt ursprung eller någon slutgiltig definition av dem. Det är just därför den heterosexuella normen måste iscensättas gång på gång.</p><p>Jag menar dock att man kan konstatera att det finns en skillnad i fråga om de bakomliggande diskursernas gestaltning i ramberättelse där de slås fast och i novellerna där de problematiseras, vilket också påpekats av Bernard. Det finns med andra ord ett större utrymme för avvikande från sexualitets- och genusnormer i <em>Heptamerons </em>noveller, medan ramberättelsens funktion tycks vara att föra dem tillbaka till ordningen. Likväl sker en ständig upprepning av den heterosexuella normen både hos devisanterna och i novellerna, en upprepning som tyder på att heterosexualiteten inte är vare sig given eller naturlig utan iscensatt.</p> / <p>In this study I am analyzing how categories of sexuality and gender are represented in Marguerite de Navarre’s <em>Heptameron</em>. I have narrowed the object of study down to two of the seventy-two novellas; number forty-seven and forty-three, and to four of the ten devisants; Oisille, Parlamente, Hircan and Dagoucin. The theoretical frame<strong> </strong>is taken from Judith Butlers <em>Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity</em> (1990) and <em>Undoing Gender</em> (2004) and from Thomas Laqueurs <em>Making Sex. Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud</em> (1990). Butler’s aim is to deconstruct terms such as feminine and masculine, which function as imagined normalization categories due to power relations. In <em>Undoing Gender </em>she asks: “If I am a certain gender, will I still be regarded as part of the human? Will the ‘human’ expand to include me in its reach? If I desire in certain ways, will I be able to live?” These questions are of great importance for my study, which presents how the categories of sexuality and gender can be negotiated in the equalized frame Marguerite de Navarre creates for her ten devisants and novellas. At the same time I assess how every attempt to go beyond the boundaries of norms fails due to a norm of heterosexuality, which constrains the binary categories of man and woman.</p><p>There are four main discourses by which the heterosexual norm is internalized by the devisants in <em>Heptameron</em>: the Christian, the aristocratic, the patriarchal and the neo-platonic. I suggest that each of the four devisants that I have studied represents one of these discourses. Since there are no definitive lines or definitive conclusions reached in the discussions among them it would be more correct to say that all the discourses effect all of the devisants to some extent, but<strong> </strong>that all the devisants act through a main discourse when he/she express his/her individual opinions.</p><p>When the devisants in the frame leave it to the reader to come to a conclusion about right or wrong behavior for men and women, they are still rather set in their own opinions and, also, quite unforgiving. It is my contention that the novellas create more room for negotiations of the sexual and gender roles than the frame. In novella forty-three a woman acts within the role of the active, hence masculine, part of a love affair, and novella forty-seven tells the story of a <em>parfaicte</em> <em>amytié</em> between two men. But it is also obvious that these attempts to stress and break the norms of sexuality and gender are unsuccessful, once again due to the fixed norm of heterosexuality which constrain the binary categories of man and woman. In the novellas these very failures put the norms under stress, since they point out the very problem with the determination of sexual and gender categories which were prevalent during the Renaissance.</p><p>I conclude my results by returning to Butler’s question above; “If I desire in certain ways, will I be able to live?” In <em>Heptameron </em>one can always find a chance to try a different way, but in the end only the heterosexual desire in which man and woman are in dichotomy survives.</p>
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Un linaje aristocrático en la España de los Habsburgo: los Marqueses de los Vélez (1477-1597)Rodríguez Pérez, Raimundo Antonio 24 September 2010 (has links)
La reproducción y ascenso social de la aristocracia durante la Edad Moderna se explican por el servicio al rey y el enlace con destacadas casas de la alta nobleza, vinculadas con la corte. Lo familiar y lo político han permitido estudiar la evolución del linaje Fajardo, situado en la cúspide de la sociedad ya que era una de las familias más relevantes de la nobleza hispánica. El linaje se ha analizado teniendo en cuenta tanto el tronco principal (marqueses de los Vélez) como diversas ramas colaterales, segundonas e ilegítimas. El período elegido abarca la época de los Reyes Católicos y los Austrias Mayores (Carlos V y Felipe II). En esa etapa la aristocracia vive una profunda transformación que le lleva de una función eminentemente guerrera a otra de índole cortesana. Para entender los cambios y permanencias se han estudiado las relaciones de parentesco, amistad y patronazgo-clientelismo. / Social reproduction and social rise of the aristocracy during the Early Modern Age are explained by the king's service and marriage with important houses of the nobility, associated with the court. The familiar and politics have allowed to study the evolution of lineage Fajardo, located at the top of the society because it was one of the most important families of the Spanish nobility. The lineage has been analyzed taking into account both the main trunk (Marquis of los Vélez) and several side branches, second son and illegitimate. The period chosen covers the period of the Catholic Monarchs and 'Austrias Mayores' (Charles V and Philip II). During this period the aristocracy is experiencing a profound transformation that leads to the function eminently warrior to another courtisan. To understand the changes and continuities have been studied the relationships of kinship, friendship and patronage-clientelism.
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Heterosexuella skådespel i Margareta av Navarras Heptameron / Heterosexual Performances in Marguerite de Navarre’s HeptameronAndersson, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
Jag vill i den här uppsatsen beskriva hur sexualitet och genus konstrueras, befästs och utmanas i Margareta av Navarras verk Heptameron. Jag utgår från Judith Butlers och Thomas Laqueurs queerteoretiska perspektiv och visar hur de olika maktdiskurserna kristendom, aristokrati, patriarkalism och nyplatonism påverkar och påtvingar olika konstruktioner av sexualitet och genus, och kan konstatera att alla dessa diskurser bygger på en normerande och normaliserad heterosexualitet som ständigt för tillbaka avvikelserna från denna norm, hos såväl devisanterna som i de två noveller jag studerat, till en binär könskategorisering. Huvudfokus ligger på tvetydigheten hos begrepp som man, kvinna, och fullkomlig kärlek. Jag menar att just avsaknaden av slutgiltiga definitioner av sådana begrepp i verket visar på att det inte går att finna något essentiellt ursprung eller någon slutgiltig definition av dem. Det är just därför den heterosexuella normen måste iscensättas gång på gång. Jag menar dock att man kan konstatera att det finns en skillnad i fråga om de bakomliggande diskursernas gestaltning i ramberättelse där de slås fast och i novellerna där de problematiseras, vilket också påpekats av Bernard. Det finns med andra ord ett större utrymme för avvikande från sexualitets- och genusnormer i Heptamerons noveller, medan ramberättelsens funktion tycks vara att föra dem tillbaka till ordningen. Likväl sker en ständig upprepning av den heterosexuella normen både hos devisanterna och i novellerna, en upprepning som tyder på att heterosexualiteten inte är vare sig given eller naturlig utan iscensatt. / In this study I am analyzing how categories of sexuality and gender are represented in Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptameron. I have narrowed the object of study down to two of the seventy-two novellas; number forty-seven and forty-three, and to four of the ten devisants; Oisille, Parlamente, Hircan and Dagoucin. The theoretical frame is taken from Judith Butlers Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990) and Undoing Gender (2004) and from Thomas Laqueurs Making Sex. Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud (1990). Butler’s aim is to deconstruct terms such as feminine and masculine, which function as imagined normalization categories due to power relations. In Undoing Gender she asks: “If I am a certain gender, will I still be regarded as part of the human? Will the ‘human’ expand to include me in its reach? If I desire in certain ways, will I be able to live?” These questions are of great importance for my study, which presents how the categories of sexuality and gender can be negotiated in the equalized frame Marguerite de Navarre creates for her ten devisants and novellas. At the same time I assess how every attempt to go beyond the boundaries of norms fails due to a norm of heterosexuality, which constrains the binary categories of man and woman. There are four main discourses by which the heterosexual norm is internalized by the devisants in Heptameron: the Christian, the aristocratic, the patriarchal and the neo-platonic. I suggest that each of the four devisants that I have studied represents one of these discourses. Since there are no definitive lines or definitive conclusions reached in the discussions among them it would be more correct to say that all the discourses effect all of the devisants to some extent, but that all the devisants act through a main discourse when he/she express his/her individual opinions. When the devisants in the frame leave it to the reader to come to a conclusion about right or wrong behavior for men and women, they are still rather set in their own opinions and, also, quite unforgiving. It is my contention that the novellas create more room for negotiations of the sexual and gender roles than the frame. In novella forty-three a woman acts within the role of the active, hence masculine, part of a love affair, and novella forty-seven tells the story of a parfaicte amytié between two men. But it is also obvious that these attempts to stress and break the norms of sexuality and gender are unsuccessful, once again due to the fixed norm of heterosexuality which constrain the binary categories of man and woman. In the novellas these very failures put the norms under stress, since they point out the very problem with the determination of sexual and gender categories which were prevalent during the Renaissance. I conclude my results by returning to Butler’s question above; “If I desire in certain ways, will I be able to live?” In Heptameron one can always find a chance to try a different way, but in the end only the heterosexual desire in which man and woman are in dichotomy survives.
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The Political Implications of Nietzsche's PerspectivismEtro-Beko, Tansy Anada 30 November 2018 (has links)
In the first chapter of my doctoral thesis, entitled The Political Implications of Nietzsche's Perspectivism, I argue that due to conflicting passages present throughout his oeuvre, Nietzsche is best understood as a twofold metaphysical sceptic. That is, a sceptic about the existence of the external world, and consequently, as a sceptic about such a world's correspondence to our perspectives. Nietzsche presents a threefold conceptualization of 'nihilism' and a twofold one of the 'will to power.' Neutral nihilism is humanity's inescapable condition of having no non-humanly created meanings and values. This state can be interpreted positively as an opportunity to create one's own meanings and values, or negatively as a terrifying incentive to return to dogmatism. The will to power is life before and as it becomes life, the unqualified will to power, and all the realities in it, the qualifiable will to power. The combination of these ontological concepts brings me to my second chapter and to the determination of Nietzsche's general epistemology: perspectivism. Perspectivism is an admittedly created, ontologically derived interpretation of knowledge, which both entails and goes beyond relativism. Nietzsche's perspectivism is constructed to support any norm that allows for univocal evaluations, not just Nietzsche's. Moreover, it can be derived from any ontology that conceptualizes life as a unit of growth and decay and human beings as creators of all their perspectives. These two elastic concepts allow me to propose, in my third chapter, that, although his texts disavow an all-inclusive democracy in favour of a new spiritual aristocracy, on the one hand, the proper political implications of perspectivism allow for democracy, while on the other hand, Nietzsche can be read as disapproving of an all inclusive or representative democracy, yet as approving of the direct democracy that arises naturally among elite peers.
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Housing an illegitimate aristocracy : an urban profile of a coloured community in Greenwood Park from the 1950's to the 1970'sFrancis, Lynette Crysta-Lee 01 1900 (has links)
There is no historiography on Durban coloureds . This work is an attempt to change that . This dissertation is an urban study of a small coloured community in Greenwood Park (GWP) during the apartheid era - a study in which housing is used as a vehicle to examine this community's response to their changing economic and socio-political status from the 1950's to the 1970's. Because of the absence of historical data , this study relies heavily on the contributions of other social sciences . It also uses oral data to fill the many gaps in the story of this marginal group . Chapter 4 and 5 explores housing as a complex physical and social phenomenon. Chapter 6 explores the GWP community's response to their housing environment . In this chapter, the association between housing and
socio-economic status is explored . From 1950 to the l 970's, housing became the single most defining entity which kept coloureds trapped in the vortex of privilege and oppression . / History / M. A. (History)
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