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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paradigm development in Systematic Theology

Lehmann, Lando Leonhardt 30 November 2004 (has links)
Systematic Theology, like all other disciplines, are subject to basic assumptions about its first principles, which is determinant for the way the discipline understands itself and does its work. The consequential perception the discipline has of knowledge acquisition and method of research in turn determines its interpretation of the knowledge acquired. The three areas of understanding (metaphysical assumptions, epistemological theories and ethical praxis) together form a cycle that builds the basis of a paradigm. Paradigms are continually present and are by nature developmental. The development from the macro-, to the messo-, and micro-levels in the structure of a paradigm is described through the three areas of understanding, providing a method for analysing paradigms. Using a developmental method of observation (affective awareness), analysis (ontological way of understanding), theorising (a different way of thinking) and application (ethical responsible living) suggests a fundamental reconsideration of the task of all disciplines, including systematic theology. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / M. Th.(Systematic Theology)

The development of working relationships between indigenous and expatriate teachers : a case study

Brown, Byron Alditon 01 January 2002 (has links)
The education reform efforts in Botswana have focused predominantly on teacher preparation, recruitment and compensation. Recruitment efforts have resulted in a significant number of expatriates working with indigenous teachers in many schools. However, as the schools are currently upgraded and restructured, the quality of the working relationships forged between indigenous and expatriate teachers represents one vital aspect in the reform effort that has gone almost unattended. Many teachers have become dissatisfied and concerned about these relationships, despite compensation and preparation. A decisive first step in attending to these relationships lies in understanding how they develop. The aim of this exploratory study was to identify and describe factors related to the development of working relationships between indigenous and expatriate teachers and illustrate how those factors contribute to the development of these relationships. The study employed a micropolitical perspective and through phenomenological interviews, observation and document analysis, indicated that cultural differences in language and communication, regard for time, handling of student discipline, work ethics and professionalism along with ambiguity and uncertainty, professional and interpersonal obligations, indigenous to expatriate teacher ratio and the interplay of micropolitics are related to the development of these relationships. Results, however, are specific to one school context and should not be generalized. The study recommends management strategies such as provision of programmes for cultural exchange, communication mode standardization, a dean of discipline system, faculty building and further research to redress the situation. / Further Teacher Education / M.Ed.

Organisasiekultuur in die chemiese bedryf

Jacobs, Michiel 30 November 2003 (has links)
This research deals with organisation culture in the Chemical Industry, with specific reference to the culture in Gas Production. In the literature survey, the concept 'organisation culture' is studied theoretically from the perspective of Burke and Litwin. Theoretically, differences may occur between the current and desired organisation culture, between divisions and between levels of authority. The conclusion is drawn that culture change involves the whole organisation. In the empirical investigation, the Organisation Culture Index is applied to 36 employees at management level and 138 at employee level. The empirical findings show that there are significant differences. The empirical findings therefore support the theoretical findings that a single culture does not always exist in an organisation. This research also confirms that the culture in this organisation may not be appropriate for the present era. / Hierdie navorsing ondersoek organisasiekultuur in die Chemiese Bedryf, met spesifieke verwysing na die kultuur in Gasproduksie. In die literatuuroorsig word die konsep "organisasiekultuur" teoreties vanuit Burke en Litwin se perspektief beskou. Teoreties kan verskille in organisasiekultuur tussen die huidige en die verlangde organisasiekultuur, tussen afdelings en tussen gesagsvlakke voorkom. Die afleiding word gemaak dat kultuurverandering die totale organisasie betrek. In die empiriese ondersoek word die Organisasiekultuurindeks op 36 werknemers van die bestuursgroep en 138 van die werknemersgroep toegepas. Uit die empiriese bevindinge blyk dit dat daar betekenisvolle verskille in organisasiekultuur voorkom. Die empiriese bevindinge steun die teoretiese bevindinge dat daar nie altyd sprake is van 'n enkele kultuur in 'n organisasie nie. Daar word ook vasgestel dat hierdie organisasie se organisasiekultuur nie toespaslik is vir die huidige era nie. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Legitimidade constitucional da cognição sumária: limites impostos pelo contraditório participativo. / Constitutional legitimacy of summary cognition: limits imposed by the adversarial principle.

Leonardo Faria Schenk 05 March 2012 (has links)
A tese objetiva estruturar os pressupostos constitucionais impostos pelo conteúdo atual e humanizado do contraditório participativo às técnicas de sumarização da cognição. A primeira parte do estudo volta-se ao descortínio do papel do contraditório no sistema processual civil, do seu conteúdo mínimo atual, a partir da experiência internacional, em especial das Cortes de proteção dos direitos humanos, em confronto com o estágio evolutivo da jurisprudência brasileira. A segunda parte estuda as pressões exercidas pela celeridade sobre as fronteiras do contraditório, passando pelo exame dos dados disponibilizados pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça e por outros institutos, pelo conteúdo do direito à razoável duração dos processos, também com amparo na experiência das Cortes internacionais de proteção dos direitos humanos, com o exame detido das condenações impostas ao Brasil pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos e da urisprudência interna sobre o tema, que nega aos prejudicados o direito à reparação dos danos sofridos pelos retardos injustificados. Definidas as bases, segue-se a análise das técnicas de sumarização da cognição, seus fundamentos, objetivos e espécies. A cognição sumária é definida em contraposição à cognição plena, segundo a qual as partes podem exercer, plenamente, em Juízo, os direitos inerentes ao contraditório participativo. O último quadrante se volta à estruturação dos pressupostos constitucionais legitimadores do emprego das técnicas de sumarização da cognição, impostos pelo contraditório como freio às pressões constantes da celeridade. O emprego legítimo das técnicas de tutela diferenciadas que se valem da cognição sumária para acelerar os resultados pressupõe, no quadro constitucional atual, (i) a observância do núcleo essencial do contraditório, identificado na audiência bilateral, em todo o iter da relação processual, (ii) a predeterminação legislativa, para que os cortes cognitivos não venham a ser casuisticamente realizados, (iii) a oportunidade, assegurada às partes, para integrar o contraditório em outra fase ou processo, em cognição plena, bem como (iv) a manutenção do equilíbrio na estabilização dos resultados, não podendo a cognição sumária, porque marcada pela incompletude, ser exaustiva em si. Ao final, depois do exame do caráter renunciável das garantias, é realizada a análise de alguns institutos processuais vigentes, nos quais é possível verificar o traço da sumarização da cognição, seguida da indicação das correções legislativas necessárias à conformação dos modelos aos padrões legitimadores propostos, reequilibrando as bases do sistema processual civil. / The thesis aims to structure the constitutional assumptions imposed by the current and humanized content of the adversarial principle to the cognition summarization techniques. The first part of the study is turned to envisaging the role of the adversarial principle in the civil procedure system, of its minimum current content, as from the international experience, especially of the Courts for protecting human rights, in opposition to the evolutive stage of Brazilian case law. The second part studies the pressures exerted by expeditiousness on the borderlines of the adversarial principle, by way of the review of the data made available by the National Justice Council and by other institutes, by content of the law to the reasonable duration of the procedures, also with support in the experience of the international Courts for protection of human rights, with accurate review of the condemnations imposed upon Brazil by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and of internal case law on the theme, which denies those injured the right of reparation of damage suffered by unjustified delays. The bases being defined, there follows the analysis of techniques for summarizing cognition, its grounds, objectives and species. Summary cognition is defined in counterpart to full cognition, according to which the parties may exercise, fully, in Court, the rights inherent to adversarial principle. The last quadrant is turned to the structuring of the constitutional assumptions legitimating the use of the techniques of cognition summarization, imposed by the adversarial principle as a brake to the constant pressures of expeditiousness. The legitimate use of the differentiated relief techniques employing summary cognition to expedite results assumes, in the current constitutional outlook, (i) compliance with the essential core of the adversarial principle, identified in the bilateral hearing, throughout the entire procedure, (ii) the legislative predetermination, so that the cognitive cuts may not be casuistically performed, (iii) the opportunity, assured to the parties, to integrate the current content of the adversarial principle in another phase or process, in full cognition, as well as (iv) the upkeep of the balance in the stabilization of the results, summary cognition not being, because it is highlighted by incompletion, exhaustive in itself. Finally, following review of the renounceable character of the guarantees, the analysis of a number of some standing procedural institutes, in which it is possible to ascertain traces of cognition summarizat ion, followed by the indication of the legislative corrections needed to the forming of models to the legitimating standards, rebalancing the bases of the civil procedure system.

Não-normalidade multivariada e multicolinearidade em análise de trilha na cultura de milho / Non-normality multivariate and multicollinearity in path analysis in corn

Toebe, Marcos 16 February 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The path analysis allows evaluation of the direct and indirect effects of the explicative variables on variable of interest, through the breakdown of the correlation coefficients. In order to make the results obtained through the path analysis reliable, some assumptions must be met. Thus, the objectives of this study were to verify the normality and the multicollinearity interference in the corn path analysis and compare alternative methods for estimating the path coefficients. Data from 44 trials of corn cultivars was used, carried out in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, between the crop years 2002/03 and 2004/05. In each cultivar, of each trial, were measured (number of days until the male flowering, plant height, ear insertion height, relative position of the ear, number of plants, number of ears and prolificacy) and the main variable (grain yield). For each trial, descriptive statistics were calculated and univariate and multivariate normality diagnoses were conducted using the Shapiro-Wilk test and the Shapiro-Wilk multivariate generalized by Royston test, respectively. Thereupon, in the trials data that did not present a normal distribution, a transformation of the data by the Box-Cox family of transformations was carried out. The correlation coefficients between the seven explicative variables (correlation matrix X'X) and the correlation coefficients of each explicative variable with the grain yield (correlation matrix X'Y) were calculated for the original and transformed data. Then, the multicollinearity was diagnosed in the correlation matrix X'X, using four methods: variance inflation factor, tolerance, the condition number and the matrix determinant. Finally, the path analysis was performed, using the normal equations system X X �� = X Y, in three forms: traditional path analysis, path analysis under multicollinearity and traditional path analysis, with elimination of variables. The data transformation, to obtain multivariate normality, contributes to the degree of multicollinearity decrease and in the stabilization of the direct effects in path analysis with high degree of multicollinearity. The high degrees of multicollinearity adverse effects in the estimation of the direct effects in path analysis are larger than the multivariate non-normality. The traditional path analysis, with elimination of variables, is more appropriate than the path analysis under multicollinearity. / A análise de trilha permite avaliar os efeitos diretos e indiretos de variáveis explicativas sobre a variável de interesse, por meio do desdobramento dos coeficientes de correlação. Para que os resultados gerados pela análise de trilha apresentem confiabilidade adequada, alguns pressupostos devem ser atendidos. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram: verificar a interferência da não-normalidade multivariada e da multicolinearidade em análise de trilha na cultura de milho e, comparar métodos alternativos de estimação dos coeficientes de trilha. Foram utilizados dados de 44 ensaios de competição de cultivares de milho, conduzidos no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, entre os anos agrícolas de 2002/03 e 2004/05. Em cada cultivar, de cada ensaio, foram mensuradas sete variáveis explicativas (número de dias até o florescimento masculino, estatura de plantas, altura de inserção da espiga, posição relativa da espiga, número de plantas, número de espigas e prolificidade) e a variável principal (produtividade de grãos). Para cada ensaio, foram calculadas estatísticas descritivas e realizado o diagnóstico de normalidade uni e multivariada, por meio dos testes de Shapiro-Wilk e de Shapiro-Wilk multivariado generalizado por Royston, respectivamente. A seguir, nos dados dos ensaios que não apresentaram distribuição normal, foi realizada a transformação dos dados com a utilização da família de transformações Box-Cox. Para os dados originais e os dados transformados, foram calculados os coeficientes de correlação entre as sete variáveis explicativas (matriz de correlação X X) e os coeficientes de correlação de cada variável explicativa com a produtividade de grãos (matriz de correlação X Y). A seguir, foi realizado o diagnóstico de multicolinearidade na matriz de correlação X X, por meio de quatro métodos: fator de inflação de variância, tolerância, número de condição e determinante da matriz. Por fim, foi realizada a análise de trilha, com a utilização do sistema de equações normais X X �� = X Y, por três formas: análise de trilha tradicional, análise de trilha sob multicolinearidade e análise de trilha tradicional, com eliminação de variáveis. A transformação de dados, a fim de obter a normalidade multivariada, contribui para a redução do grau de multicolinearidade e na estabilização das estimativas dos efeitos diretos em análise de trilha com alto grau de multicolinearidade. Os efeitos adversos do alto grau de multicolinearidade na estimativa dos efeitos diretos de análises de trilha são maiores que a não-normalidade multivariada. A análise de trilha tradicional, com eliminação de variáveis, é mais adequada que a análise de trilha sob multicolinearidade.

Legitimidade constitucional da cognição sumária: limites impostos pelo contraditório participativo. / Constitutional legitimacy of summary cognition: limits imposed by the adversarial principle.

Leonardo Faria Schenk 05 March 2012 (has links)
A tese objetiva estruturar os pressupostos constitucionais impostos pelo conteúdo atual e humanizado do contraditório participativo às técnicas de sumarização da cognição. A primeira parte do estudo volta-se ao descortínio do papel do contraditório no sistema processual civil, do seu conteúdo mínimo atual, a partir da experiência internacional, em especial das Cortes de proteção dos direitos humanos, em confronto com o estágio evolutivo da jurisprudência brasileira. A segunda parte estuda as pressões exercidas pela celeridade sobre as fronteiras do contraditório, passando pelo exame dos dados disponibilizados pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça e por outros institutos, pelo conteúdo do direito à razoável duração dos processos, também com amparo na experiência das Cortes internacionais de proteção dos direitos humanos, com o exame detido das condenações impostas ao Brasil pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos e da urisprudência interna sobre o tema, que nega aos prejudicados o direito à reparação dos danos sofridos pelos retardos injustificados. Definidas as bases, segue-se a análise das técnicas de sumarização da cognição, seus fundamentos, objetivos e espécies. A cognição sumária é definida em contraposição à cognição plena, segundo a qual as partes podem exercer, plenamente, em Juízo, os direitos inerentes ao contraditório participativo. O último quadrante se volta à estruturação dos pressupostos constitucionais legitimadores do emprego das técnicas de sumarização da cognição, impostos pelo contraditório como freio às pressões constantes da celeridade. O emprego legítimo das técnicas de tutela diferenciadas que se valem da cognição sumária para acelerar os resultados pressupõe, no quadro constitucional atual, (i) a observância do núcleo essencial do contraditório, identificado na audiência bilateral, em todo o iter da relação processual, (ii) a predeterminação legislativa, para que os cortes cognitivos não venham a ser casuisticamente realizados, (iii) a oportunidade, assegurada às partes, para integrar o contraditório em outra fase ou processo, em cognição plena, bem como (iv) a manutenção do equilíbrio na estabilização dos resultados, não podendo a cognição sumária, porque marcada pela incompletude, ser exaustiva em si. Ao final, depois do exame do caráter renunciável das garantias, é realizada a análise de alguns institutos processuais vigentes, nos quais é possível verificar o traço da sumarização da cognição, seguida da indicação das correções legislativas necessárias à conformação dos modelos aos padrões legitimadores propostos, reequilibrando as bases do sistema processual civil. / The thesis aims to structure the constitutional assumptions imposed by the current and humanized content of the adversarial principle to the cognition summarization techniques. The first part of the study is turned to envisaging the role of the adversarial principle in the civil procedure system, of its minimum current content, as from the international experience, especially of the Courts for protecting human rights, in opposition to the evolutive stage of Brazilian case law. The second part studies the pressures exerted by expeditiousness on the borderlines of the adversarial principle, by way of the review of the data made available by the National Justice Council and by other institutes, by content of the law to the reasonable duration of the procedures, also with support in the experience of the international Courts for protection of human rights, with accurate review of the condemnations imposed upon Brazil by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and of internal case law on the theme, which denies those injured the right of reparation of damage suffered by unjustified delays. The bases being defined, there follows the analysis of techniques for summarizing cognition, its grounds, objectives and species. Summary cognition is defined in counterpart to full cognition, according to which the parties may exercise, fully, in Court, the rights inherent to adversarial principle. The last quadrant is turned to the structuring of the constitutional assumptions legitimating the use of the techniques of cognition summarization, imposed by the adversarial principle as a brake to the constant pressures of expeditiousness. The legitimate use of the differentiated relief techniques employing summary cognition to expedite results assumes, in the current constitutional outlook, (i) compliance with the essential core of the adversarial principle, identified in the bilateral hearing, throughout the entire procedure, (ii) the legislative predetermination, so that the cognitive cuts may not be casuistically performed, (iii) the opportunity, assured to the parties, to integrate the current content of the adversarial principle in another phase or process, in full cognition, as well as (iv) the upkeep of the balance in the stabilization of the results, summary cognition not being, because it is highlighted by incompletion, exhaustive in itself. Finally, following review of the renounceable character of the guarantees, the analysis of a number of some standing procedural institutes, in which it is possible to ascertain traces of cognition summarizat ion, followed by the indication of the legislative corrections needed to the forming of models to the legitimating standards, rebalancing the bases of the civil procedure system.

Volwasse kinders as sekondêre slagoffers van 'n ouer wat selfmoord gepleeg het (Afrikaans)

Buys, Irma 09 September 2003 (has links)
The indirect victim's experience of suicide and the victimisation resulting from the incident was studied. The Indirect Victim's Experience Model of a Suicide Incident (see Figure 2.1) was designed as a theoretical framework to direct the research findings and for the interpretation of data. A qualitative exploratory approach was used and a group of 20 respondents was selected by means of purposive and snowball sampling methods. All the respondents were interviewed personally. The interpretation and analysis of the data showed that the assumptions based on Janoff-Bulman and Frieze's theory and certain societal myths regarding suicide still exist. These assumptions and myths could subconsciously have an influence on the nature and extent of the victimisation experienced by the next of kin. The respondents themselves accepted these assumptions and myths. Research findings further showed that these assumptions are affected upon receiving the news of the suicide, while myths are destroyed. This could have an influence on the victim's experience of suicide. Every indirect victim functions before, during and after the suicide incident within a specific family and social system. The way in which the indirect victim experiences the support and integration from within the family and social system, determines the acceptance or non-acceptance of the death by suicide of a significant other. This will also have an influence on the indirect victim's reintegration into society in the short and long term. The need of the indirect victim to be involved within a family and society was clearly identified during the study. These findings made it possible to make practical recommendations with regard to the indirect victim's experience of suicide. Society should be informed about the realities and results of suicide. In addition, these findings highlighted further areas for research. / Thesis (MA (Criminology))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Rethinking HIV/AIDS pre-test counselling in South Africa

Kotze, Sophia Catharina 30 January 2006 (has links)
This study is concerned with the pre-test counselling conversation (as regulated by policy-governing and training documents) that occurs between HIV counsellors and their clients. It attempts to explore and describe some of the assumptions underlying HIV/AIDS pre-test counselling in South Africa, and reflects on how these assumptions determine the content and process of HIV pre-test counselling. This exploration has been done by means of an analysis of a selection of official and non-official documentation on pre-test counselling. The aim of HIV/AIDS counselling in general is to support and educate infected/affected clients about the HI-virus. Pre-test counselling (the conversation that takes place before an HIV-test is administered) forms the entry level to HIV counselling service delivery in South Africa, and it is often the only opportunity a counsellor has to support and educate a client about HIV/AIDS. Policy-governing pre-test counselling and training documents on such counselling confirm the role played by counsellors. The pre-test counselling conversation is based on the assumption that education about the HI-virus will enable clients to make informed decisions about their health which will help them to live long and healthy lives once they are aware of their HIV-status. However, this educational approach does not seem to be successful, as a change in risk behaviour is often not achieved. My recognition of this situation motivated this study and its focus on the conversation that takes place between counsellors and their clients in pre-test counselling. I was curious about what is discussed during pre-test counselling and why, if we acknowledge that counselling plays a major role in infection rate prevention, risk-reducing behaviour is not being achieved. This qualitative study was based on a social constructionist paradigm and document analysis was used as a research method. This study offers an alternative approach to health education – a drive towards client-centred pre-test counselling where the client’s needs become the focus of the pre-test counselling conversation. / Dissertation (MA (Counselling Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / unrestricted

Re-Authroing narratives of trauma survivors in kwazulu-natal spiritual perspective

Manda, Charles Bester January 2013 (has links)
In his thesis, Re-authoring life narratives of trauma survivors in KwaZulu-Natal: Spiritual perspective, the researcher investigates a holistic understanding of the effects of trauma on surviving individuals and communities historically affected by political violence in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Traditionally, the exploration of the impact of trauma on survivors in South Africa has been focused mainly on the bio-psycho-social aspects. The Bio-psycho-social approach recognises that trauma affects people on several dimensions- biological, social and psychological. However, Nevid (et al 2006:19) and Kaminer (et al 2012) acknowledge that these bio-psychosocial factors are incomplete for us to understand the effects of trauma on the individual and call for consideration of all possible pathways and account for multiple factors, influences, and interactions. Using qualitative and narrative approach, personal life narratives were listened to with the aim of looking in depth at the effects of traumatic experiences on the research participants, and specifically investigate whether, and how trauma affected their spirituality. The findings show that the research participants sustained psychological, moral and spiritual injuries during and after traumatic experiences. The results concur with Buckenham’s (1999:7-8) argument that trauma wreaks its toll in the life of a person emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, in our relationships with ourselves, others and with God. The study also established that regardless of religious affiliation, research participants turned to spiritual resources for answers, healing and recovery in traumatic situations. Therefore, the study recommends the integration of the spiritual perspective to reach a holistic model of understanding and treating traumatized individuals and communities. Although the study is localised in the South African context, the results have a much wider relevance in understanding the role of ‘posttraumatic spirituality’ in the re-authoring of life narratives shattered by trauma. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Analýza sportovní přípravy závodníků OCR (Obstacle Course Racing). / Analysis of sports training of OCR competitors (Obstacle Course Racing).

Faltys, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
Title: The analysis of competitors' physical preparation OCR (Obstacle Course Racing). Objectives: The aim of this thesis was to provide the analysis of physical preparation used by the competitors of the obstacle course races. The analysis was completed for all major competitor ability-based classes and then compared among the categories. Methods: For data collection quantitative research was used, provided by the survey method. Its form was an online questionnaire. Results: The research has shown that the competitors of the enthusiast class - recreational athletes mostly value the experience and the adrenalin the obstacle course races bring them, overcoming own maximum, looking for new challenges etc. Those are the type of athletes who do not have high performance expectations, they are not oriented to perform at their highest of abilities. Although, they are still capable of winning. They win over themselves, happy when they manage to overcome own fears. They consider as winning not only expanding own physical and mental capacities, but also just the actual finishing of the race. Performance athletes, compared to the recreational ones, are able to plan their training sessions much more effectively and with better training goals. The performance oriented athletes are much more performance...

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