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Способы передачи метафор экономической сферы при аудиовизуальном переводе на примере американских сериалов : магистерская диссертация / Ways to convey metaphors of the economic sphere in audiovisual translation using the example of American TV showsСафина, Д. Д., Safina, D. D. January 2024 (has links)
Работа посвящена исследованию способов перевода метафор экономической сферы. Объектом исследования являются метафоры сферы экономики на языке оригинала и их переведенные версии, встречающиеся в сериалах «Миллиарды», «Индустрия» и «Наследники», предметом - способы аудиовизуального перевода метафор экономической сферы с английского языка на русский. Цель работы: исследование способов аудиовизуального перевода метафор экономической сферы с английского языка на русский на материале выбранных тематических сериалов. Проанализированы 123 пары метафор и их переводов, отобранных методом сплошной выборки из первых 4 серий каждого из сериалов общим хронометражем 1440 минут. В ходе исследования определено, что наиболее часто используемыми способами перевода метафор оказались перевод на основе одного и того же образа, передача путем замены образа в языке оригинала на другой образ в языке перевода и перевод посредством деметафоризации (способы перечислены по мере убывания частотности). Реже всего в материале исследования использовался дословный перевод метафор. Большое внимание уделено подробному анализу 20 пар метафор и их переводов с целью определения логики осуществления метафорических переносов в каждом конкретном случае, а также произведено отнесение каждой из этих метафор к разрядам по классификациям А. П. Чудинова и Дж. Лакоффа и М. Джонсона. Кроме того, исследованы метафорические модели, самой продуктивной из который оказалась метафорическая модель «Бизнес – это игра». / The study investigates the ways to translate metaphors of the economic sphere. The object of the research is the metaphors of the sphere of economics in the original language and their translated versions found in the TV shows "Billions", "Industry" and "Succession", the subject is the ways of audiovisual translation of metaphors of the economic sphere from English into Russian. The purpose of the research: to study the ways of audiovisual translation of metaphors of the economic sphere from English into Russian based on the material of selected thematic TV shows. 123 pairs of metaphors and their translations were analyzed, selected by a continuous sampling method from the first 4 episodes of each of the TV shows with a total running time of 1,440 minutes. In the course of the study, it was determined that the most frequently used ways of translating metaphors were translation based on the same image, translation by replacing an image in the original language with another image in the target language and translation by demetaphorization (the methods are listed as the frequency decreases). The literal translation of metaphors was used less often in the research material. Much attention is paid to the detailed analysis of 20 pairs of metaphors and their translations in order to determine the logic of metaphorical transfers in each specific case, and each of these metaphors is classified according to the classifications of A. P. Chudinov and J. Lakoff and M. Johnson. In addition, metaphorical models were studied, the most productive of which was the metaphorical model "Business is a game".
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Jazyková a kulturní specifičnost české filmové produkce v titulkovaném exportu / Linguistic and cultural specificity in Czech feature films dobbed for exportZajícová, Eliška January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the transfer of Czech linguistic and cultural characteristics through English subtitles. Using four Oscar-nominated Czech films, it endeavours to explain to what extent English subtitles can influence and assist the understanding and artistic values of a Czech feature film when screened to a foreign audience. The paper is of a theoretical- empirical nature. Firstly, the parameters of audiovisual translation are described, together with the technical and linguistic features of subtitling, followed by a definition of culture-bound references categories. As part of the research, Western understanding and appreciation of Czech artistic heritage is summarised. The empirical part presents an analysis of culture- bound references transfer. Excerpts are taken from the Czech films The Wild Bees (Divoké včely), Up and Down (Horem pádem), Divided We Fall (Musíme si pomáhat) and I Served the King of England (Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále). The results of the analysis are contrasted with a survey on the reception of The Wild Bees film conducted with native speakers of English. Keywords audiovisual translation (AVT), subtitling, ideological and aesthetic reception, culture-bound references, Oscar, Czech feature film
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De l’image au mot : analyse comparative de l’audiodescription du film The King’s Speech en anglais, allemand, français et espagnolCourvalin, Pauline 23 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Le droit à la culture devrait être universel, puisqu’il est essentiel au développement personnel de l’individu et à l’enrichissement de sa qualité de vie. De nos jours, les médias audiovisuels jouent un rôle majeur au sein de la culture. Dans une société visant un idéal d’inclusion sociale, l’audiodescription (AD) se révèle d’une grande utilité puisqu’elle garantit au public malvoyant l’accès à l’immense partie de la culture que représentent les médias audiovisuels.
Le but de ce mémoire est de promouvoir l’accessibilité des médias en observant les différences de pratique entre le Royaume- Uni, l’Espagne, la France et l’Allemagne, puis en les classifiant selon leur origine. Ce travail interdisciplinaire relève des domaines de la traductologie, de la linguistique cognitive et de l’étude cinématographique. Il vise à définir des critères de qualité applicables aux quatre pays concernés et à faciliter la traduction de scripts d’AD.
L’analyse contrastive du corpus multimodal quadrilingue composé des trente-trois premières minutes d’AD du film britannique The King’s Speech en anglais, allemand, français et espagnol permet de définir les principales similitudes et différences entre les quatre versions. Les analogies constatées sont considérées comme les indicateurs d’un degré élevé de neutralité. Les divergences entre les versions peuvent quant à elles être attribuées à trois facteurs : l’adaptation du texte audiovisuel cible à la culture cible, l’application ou le non-respect des directives en vigueur dans le pays de culture cible et enfin la subjectivité du descripteur. Cette dernière catégorie regroupe la majorité des différences entre les quatre versions. Le corpus analysé ici semble désigner la neutralité de l’AD comme un critère de qualité majeur permettant d’éviter de trop grandes divergences entre l’AD d’un même film dans différentes langues.
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[pt] O mercado de tradução para legendagem de programas de TV
sofre com a
carência de profissionais, constatação que se baseia numa
experiência pessoal de
doze anos de atuação nessa área. A presente dissertação
busca investigar os
motivos dessa carência e propor as bases para um curso de
formação de
legendadores, a partir de uma perspectiva polissistêmica e
descritivista da
tradução e de uma visão pós-estruturalista do ensino. A
proposta aqui apresentada
fundamentou-se em um levantamento das competências e
habilidades que todo
tradutor para legendas precisa desenvolver, elaborado a
partir de entrevistas
realizadas com importantes atores do polissistema de
tradução para legendagem,
bem como na análise das normas, coerções e mecanismos de
controle com os
quais o legendador se vê obrigado a lidar em sua
atividade. A reflexão
desenvolvida contempla questões metodológicas e de
conteúdo e aborda as
peculiaridades que caracterizam a tradução para legendas,
procurando oferecer
uma alternativa que contraponha uma ênfase na formação ao
caráter de
treinamento que costuma estar associado à maioria dos
cursos atualmente
disponíveis. Pretende-se, dessa forma, garantir a maior
aproximação e interação
entre academia e mercado de trabalho, o que deverá
redundar em benefício para
ambos. / [en] The television subtitling market suffers from a shortage
of professionals,
as has been attested by twelve years of personal
experience in the industry. The
purpose of this research was to investigate the reasons
behind this shortage and
suggest the basis for implementing a course program on
subtitling for TV from a
descriptive and polysystemic perspective on translation
and a poststructuralist
view on education. The proposal presented was based on a
list of competencies
and abilities every subtitle translator must develop,
elaborated from interviews
with important actors in the translation for subtitles
polysystem, and on the
analysis of the norms, constraints and control mechanisms
with which the subtitler
must deal in his or her professional capacity. The
considerations brought forth
contemplate methodological and content issues and tackle
the peculiarities of
subtitling, aiming to offer an alternative to the emphasis
on training rather than on
education which is usually associated with most courses
currently available. Thus,
this dissertation intends to guarantee a greater
interchange between university and
industry, which should bring about benefits for both.
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A transmutaÃÃo monadolÃgica de BjÃrk: traduÃÃo intersemiÃtica da dor em trÃs dimensÃes, a partir de Black Lake / The Monadologic Transmutation of BjÃrk: Intersemiotic Translation of Pain in Three Dimensions, from Black LakeJefferson CÃndido Nunes 25 May 2017 (has links)
nÃo hà / BjÃrk extravasa criatividade com sua arte singular e, assim, tem inovado e influenciado setores midiÃticos importantes, como os da indÃstria fonogrÃfica, da arte fotogrÃfica e digital e de video making. Com o seu Ãlbum mais recente, Vulnicura (BJÃRK, 2015n), a artista islandesa exprime um forte sentimento de dor que atinge seu Ãpice em Black Lake (2015c), quarta faixa do disco. A partir do texto poÃtico, composto pela letra dessa mÃsica, investigo como ocorreu a transmutaÃÃo da subjetividade de BjÃrk atravÃs da traduÃÃo intersemiÃtica desse texto-signo para trÃs polissistemas distintos: mÃsica, imagem e vÃdeo. Para tanto, proponho um diÃlogo, dentre outros, com os estudos de Jakobson (1992), Plaza (2003) e Pierce (2000), que tÃm trabalhos importantes sobre esse tipo de traduÃÃo, para compor a primeira parte da fundamentaÃÃo teÃrica desta investigaÃÃo. Ademais, baseio-me nas pesquisas de KÃhl (2008), Barthes (1977) e Goodwin (1992), que tratam, respectivamente, de traduÃÃes midiÃticas para mÃsica, imagem e vÃdeo, para compor os elementos especÃficos de anÃlise do corpus em estudo e, juntamente com outros autores, poder analisÃ-lo a partir de um referencial teÃrico mais heterogÃneo. Os resultados apontam para a maestria de BjÃrk, refletida na evidÃncia de sua capacidade artÃstica de transmutar singularmente a sensaÃÃo de dor â e, por extensÃo, transcriar-se a si mesma â para as trÃs dimensÃes sÃgnicas supracitadas, aguÃando esse elemento em suas traduÃÃes. Conclui-se, portanto, que a presente pesquisa se faz relevante para o fomento dos Estudos da TraduÃÃo e, mais especificamente, para proporcionar melhor compreensÃo sobre fenÃmenos concernentes à traduÃÃo intersemiÃtica. / BjÃrk goes beyond creativity with her unique art and thus has innovated and influenced important media sectors, such as the music, the photographic and digital art, and the video making industries. With her latest album, Vulnicura (BJÃRK, 2015n), the Icelandic artist expresses a keen sense of pain that reaches its apex in Black Lake (2015c), the fourth track of the disc. From the poetic text, composed by the lyrics of that song, I investigate how the transmutation of BjÃrkâs subjectivity happened through the intersemiotic translation of that text-sign to three different polysystems: music, image and video. Therefore, I propose a dialogue, among others, with the studies of Jakobson (1992), Plaza (2003) and Pierce (2000), who have important works on intersemiotic translation, to compose the first part of the theoretical foundation of this research. In addition, I ground it in the investigations of KÃhl (2008), Barthes (1977) and Goodwin (1992), who deal, respectively, with media translations to music, image and video, to compose the specific elements of analysis of the corpus here studied and, along with other authors, to be able to analyze it from a more heterogeneous theoretical framework. The results point to the mastery of BjÃrk by evidence of her artistic ability to uniquely transmutate the sensation of pain â and, by extension, to transcreate her own self â to those three sign dimensions, reinforcing such an element in her translations. It follows, therefore, that this research is relevant to the development of the Translation Studies and, more specifically, to provide better understanding of phenomena concerning the intersemiotic translation.
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Les interjeccions en un corpus audiovisual. Descripció i representació lexicogràficaMatamala Ripoll, Anna 22 November 2004 (has links)
"Les interjeccions en un corpus audiovisual: descripció i representació lexicogràfica" aborda l'estudi de les interjeccions en un corpus audiovisual de comèdies de situació originals i doblades de l'anglès al català. En la tesi es descriuen les interjeccions des de diferents perspectives i, després d'analitzar-ne la representació als diccionaris, es proposa una aplicació lexicogràfica electrònica bilingüe. / "Les interjeccions en un corpus audiovisual: descripció i representació lexicogràfica", PhD studies interjections in an audiovisual corpus of sitcoms, both original and dubbed from English into Catalan. Interjections are described from different perspectives and, after analysing their representation in dictionaries, a bilingual electronic lexicographical tool is proposed.
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The pragmatic particles 'enfin' and 'écoute' in French film and TV dialogueConnors, Marianne Dorothy January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the use of the pragmatic particles (PPs) 'enfin' and 'écoute' in French film dialogue, and their translations in British English subtitles. Using a corpus of nine films and eight episodes drawn from two television series – all released in the UK between 2005 and 2015, and equating to approximately twenty-two hours – the study identifies tokens across a much wider range of contexts than has previously been possible using traditional corpora. The main contribution is an analysis of PP functions. The results for 'enfin' show a different functional distribution of the particle to other corpora, with corrective 'enfin' occurring significantly less frequently. The relatively large number of tokens of performative and emotional (or affective) 'enfin' allows for an elaboration of these two categories, and a tendency is observed for 'enfin' to appear as an apparent disagreement mitigator in discussions between peers. With regard to 'écoute', it is argued that écoute1 functions as a face-threat mitigator in unequal relationships and écoute2 as an FTA, although the particle is multifunctional and some tokens exhibit characteristics of both categories. Attention is given to combinations of 'enfin' and 'écoute' with other particles: while there is a clear tendency for disagreement-mitigating 'enfin' to co-occur with 'mais', and for the precision and restrictive subcategories of the corrective to co-occur with 'je veux dire', other previously documented combinations ('enfin bon' and 'ben écoute') are not frequently occurring in the present corpus. The thesis also makes a significant contribution to the field of Audiovisual Translation (AVT). The English subtitles show high rates of omission for both particles consistent with previous research, with disagreement-mitigating 'enfin' particularly vulnerable to omission. However, the analysis reveals a surprising pattern regarding 'écoute': a clear division of labour between ‘look’ (used to translate more confrontational tokens) and ‘listen’ (more conciliatory and socially distant). The study includes an experimental analysis of the subtitles relative to their character limits, demonstrating a potential new approach for researchers wishing to investigate the impact of various subtitling constraints.
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Elementos constitutivos do humor em sitcoms: uma análise à luz dos estudos da tradução baseados em corpus / Constitutive elements in sitcoms’ humor: an analysis focused on corpus-based translation studiesTeixeira, Walkiria França Vieira e [UNESP] 16 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by WALKIRIA FRANÇA VIEIRA E TEIXEIRA null (walkiriateixeira@bol.com.br) on 2016-03-15T14:26:55Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a manutenção do humor no texto midiático, a partir da compilação e análise de três corpora paralelos das legendas em inglês e de suas respectivas traduções para o português dos episódios de três temporadas de cada uma das sitcoms Seinfeld, Friends e The Simpsons. Buscamos analisar elementos que pudessem contribuir para desencadear o humor nas sitcoms, e levantar se as ocorrências de humor seriam recorrentes aos diferentes tipos de sitcoms. Abordamos os estudos sobre humor desenvolvidos por Raskin (1979, 1985), Attardo e Raskin (1991), Attardo (1994, 2002, 2008) e Vandaele (1999b, 2010); os estudos sobre a Tradução do Humor Audiovisual feitos por Gottlieb (1992, 1998, 2005), Martinez-Sierra (2003, 2004), Carvalho (2005), Díaz-Cintas e Sánchez (2006), Díaz-Cintas e Remael (2007) e Veiga (2006, 2009). Apoiamo-nos na abordagem interdisciplinar adotada por Camargo (2007, 2008), a qual se fundamenta no arcabouço teórico-metodológico dos Estudos da Tradução Baseados em Corpus lançados por Baker (1993, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2004), para a investigação de ocorrências dos vocábulos, além da metodologia da Linguística de Corpus adotada por Berber-Sardinha (2004). Contamos com o auxílio dos programas computacionais WordSmith Tools e Align Assist para auxiliar no levantamento dos dados. Os resultados apontaram que a frequência de Advérvios de Negação, Intensificadores e Interjeições presentes nas legendas das sitcoms podem se caracterizar como elementos constitutivos do humor. / The objective of this study was to analyze the maintenance of humor in the media text, starting from the compilation and analysis of a parallel corpus of English subtitles and their translations into Portuguese, from the episodes of three seasons of each sitcoms: Seinfeld, Friends and The Simpsons. We analyze the elements that could contribute to trigger the humor in the sitcoms, searching if the occurrences of humor would be recurring to the different types of sitcoms. We based our research in the studies of humor developed by Raskin (1979, 1985), Attardo and Raskin (1991), Attardo (1994, 2002, 2008) and Vandaele (1999b, 2010); the studies of Audiovisual Humour Translation made by Gottlieb (1992, 2001, 2005), Martinez-Sierra (2003, 2004), Carvalho (2005), Díaz-Cintas and Sánchez (2006), Díaz-Cintas and Remael (2007) and Veiga (2006, 2009). We rely on the interdisciplinary approach adopted by Camargo (2007, 2008), which is based on the theoretical and methodological framework of Corpus-Based Translation Studies proposed by Baker (1993, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2004), as well as the Corpus Linguistics methodology adopted by Berber-Sardinha (2004), in order to investigate vocabulary occurrences. We rely on the assistance of computer softwares WordSmith Tools and Align Assist to help with data collection. The results pointed that the frequency of Denial Adverbs, Intensifiers and Interjections present in the sitcoms subtitles’ can be characterized as humor elements’ constituents.
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Tlumočení a titulkování filmů na filmových festivalech v České republice / Film Interpreting and Subtitling at Film Festivals in the Czech RepublicSolilová, Dominika January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with simultaneous film interpreting and pre-prepared electronic subtitles at film festivals in the Czech Republic. Simultaneous film interpreting used to be a widespread mode of audiovisual translation at film festivals. However, today it has been mostly replaced with subtitles; these are often pre-prepared electronic subtitles manually projected under the film screen by a so-called subtitle launcher. These types of audiovisual translation are generally characterized in the theoretical part of the thesis. In the empirical part, the research first focuses on film interpreting at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival. As films are no longer interpreted at the festival, the research method of interviews with the then interpreters was chosen. Based on the information obtained from the interviews, it is described how films were interpreted and what working conditions interpreters had. General information on film interpreting was also gathered during the interviews. The second chapter of the empirical part deals with pre-prepared subtitles: first with the process of subtitle launching and subtitle launchers' working conditions, and then with the audience's opinion, which was elicited in a questionnaire survey at the Summer Film School Uherske Hradiste. The questionnaire...
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Subtitling the Internet : An investigation into subtitles for dynamic media / Undertexter på Internet : En undersökning av undertexter för dynamisk mediaDankis, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
This thesis will examine interlingual subtitles for online media. The research takes place within the descriptive translation studies paradigm. The source material consists of subtitles for a selection of webcasts found on the video sharing platform YouTube. The analysis will examine how the original dialogue has been translated as well as the form that the subtitles are presented in. An analysis of norm governed subtitles for television programs that follow established subtitling norms will also be made for comparison. Online media and broadcast media are divided into a dynamic and static category respectively in order to treat webcasts as an individual form of media. Dynamic media is defined as digital media created for the Internet, and static media is defined as media created for televised broadcasts. The results do not include qualitative assessments but have shown that subtitles for webcasts do not follow subtitling norms and display a wide range of unconventional approaches. The determining factor that illustrates the nature of webcast subtitles is attributed the diverse group of people writing them.
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