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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Potenzielle Auswirkungen erhöhter Alkoholsteuern auf die alkoholbedingte Krankheitslast in Deutschland: Eine Modellierungsstudie

Kilian, Carolin, Rovira, Pol, Neufeld, Maria, Manthey, Jakob, Rehm, Jürgen 31 May 2024 (has links)
Hintergrund. Deutschland gehörte im Jahr 2019 zu den Ländern mit dem weltweit höchsten Pro-Kopf-Alkoholkonsum, welcher wesentlich zur Krankheitslast beiträgt. Fragestellung. In dieser Modellierungsstudie schätzen wir, wie viele alkoholbedingte inzidente Krankheits- sowie Todesfälle in Deutschland im Jahr 2019 hätten vermieden werden können, wenn die derzeitigen Verbrauchssteuern auf Alkohol um 20%, 50% und 100%erhöht worden wären. Methodik. Ausgangspunkt für die Modellierung sind die spezifischen Verbrauchssteuern auf alkoholische Getränke in Deutschland. Drei Szenarien wurden unter der Annahme, dass die resultierende Steuererhöhung vollständig in den Verkaufspreis übertragen wird, und unter Verwendung von getränkespezifischen Preiselastizitäten modelliert. Mittels des sich daraus ergebenden Rückgangs im jährlichen Pro-Kopf-Konsum und der krankheitsspezifischen Risikofunktionen wurde die vermeidbare alkoholbedingte Inzidenz bzw. Mortalität geschätzt. Berücksichtigt wurden alkoholbedingte Erkrankungen des Herz-Kreislauf- und Verdauungssystems, Alkoholabhängigkeit, Epilepsie, Infektionskrankheiten sowie Verletzungen und Unfälle. Ergebnisse. Insgesamt hätten durch eine Verdoppelung der spezifischen Verbrauchssteuern auf Alkohol im Jahr 2019 bis zu 200.400 alkoholbedingte Erkrankungs- und Verletzungsfälle sowie 2800 Todesfälle vermieden werden können. Dies entspricht knapp 7% der berücksichtigten alkoholbedingten Krankheits- bzw. Todesfälle in Deutschland. Diskussion. Alkoholbedingte Erkrankungen und Verletzungen sind vermeidbar und eine Erhöhung der spezifischen Verbrauchssteuern auf alkoholische Getränke in Deutschland könnte die alkoholbedingte Krankheitslast substanziell reduzieren. / Background. In 2019, Germany was among the countries with the highest alcohol per capita consumption in the world, which contributes significantly to the burden of disease. Aim. In this modelling study, we estimate how many alcohol-attributable diseases and deaths in Germany could have been avoided in 2019 if current alcohol excise taxes were increased by 20%, 50%, and 100%. Methods. The starting point for the modelling was the national beverage-specific alcohol taxes. Three scenarios were modelled under the assumption that the resulting tax increase would be fully transferred to the retail prices. Beverage-specific price elasticities were used. Based on the estimated resulting decline in annual per capita consumption and the disease-specific risk functions, we modelled the avoidable incidence and mortality for alcohol-attributable diseases for 2019. Alcohol-attributable diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, alcohol dependence, epilepsy, and infectious diseases as well as injuries and accidentswere considered. Results. Overall, doubling the beveragespecific alcohol taxes could have avoided up to 200,400 alcohol-attributable cases of disease and injury as well as 2800 deaths in Germany in 2019. This corresponds to just under 7% of the modelled new alcohol-attributable cases of disease and death in Germany. Discussion. Alcohol-attributable diseases and injuries are preventable and an increase in the alcohol taxes could substantially reduce the alcohol-attributable burden of disease in Germany.

Skadebegränsningsprincipen : – den skadelidandes skyldighet att begränsa sin skada / The principle of avoidable loss : – the plaintiff’s duty to minimize damage

Maslyannikov, Lev January 2017 (has links)
Den skadeståndsrättsliga principen om den skadelidandes skyldighet att begränsa sin skada ärväl känd och vedertagen i svensk rätt. Principen åberopas ofta som invändning iskadeståndstvister av alla slag, och har därmed stor praktisk betydelse. Principens köprättsligaoch försäkringsrättsliga motsvarigheter är generöst behandlade i doktrinen. På denskadeståndsrättsliga sidan förhåller det sig annorlunda – det här är första gången som ämnetblir tillägnat ett eget arbete i Sverige. Det finns många rättsfall där skadebegränsningsskyldigheten aktualiseras, men på grund avdomskälens utformning är rättsfallens värde som vägledning begränsat. Jag anser emellertid attuppmärksamheten inte bör överfokuseras på dessa. Intar man ett framåtblickande perspektiv,finns det gott om material och idéer att hämta från den övriga civilrätten, från rättsekonominoch – inte minst – från utlandet. Arbetets strukturella och metodologiska ramverk är utformatså, att största möjliga nytta kan dras av främmande källor utan att en djupgående (och oftastointressant) komparativ utredning av dessa källor behöver göras. Det huvudsakliga syftet med undersökningen var att definiera skadebegränsningsprincipensansvarsgräns. Med hänsyn till framställningen omfattning, hade det inte varit möjligt att göragrundliga utredningar av enskilda delproblem. Istället är arbetet fokuserat på att utrönaallmängiltiga riktlinjer, tankemönster och ledtrådar, dels för skadebegränsningsbedömningen isig, och dels för den tänkbara rättsutvecklingen. Ett flertal sådana riktlinjer har kunnatdefinieras, något utspridda över principens tillämpningsområde, och ibland även i sammanhangdär det inte är uppenbart att det är skadebegränsningshänsyn som styr. Samtidigt har åtskilligasystemiska problem uppdagats såväl i principens tillämpning som i den underliggandenormbildningen. Jag har ödmjukt lagt fram några lösningsförslag, med ändamålet att främja enmer rättssäker tillämpning av principen, dels på grundval av gällande rätt, och dels på grundvalav den tänkbara rättsutvecklingen på området. / The doctrine of avoidable loss is a generally recognized principle in Swedish law. The doctrine is often invoked in damage claim disputes of all kinds, and is therefore important in practice. There is plenty of legal literature where the doctrine is treated in the context of sales law and insurance law. On the tort law side, however, there is nothing – this is the first dedicated work on the subject in Sweden. There are many tort cases where the question of avoidable loss is actualized, but due to the way the courts articulate the grounds for their rulings, the cases provide little guidance for the future, and therefore have little value as precedent. This is not necessarily an obstacle to the study. On the contrary, when looking outwards, I have found a wealth of ideas and study material in other areas of civil law, in law and economics, and in foreign law. The structural and methodological framework of the thesis was designed to allow for extraction of material from foreign sources without needing to conduct a thorough (and often uninteresting) comparative study. The main purpose of the investigation was to define the boundaries of the claimant’s liability as imposed by the doctrine. Considering the limited scope of the thesis, it would not have been possible to deconstruct the subject into details and conduct thorough investigations of those. Instead, the work was focused on determining general guidelines, thought patterns and clues; both de lege lata and de lege ferenda. Multiple such guidelines could be defined in various contexts where the doctrine is applied, but also, interestingly, in certain contexts where it is not obvious that considerations of avoidable loss are decisive. Multiple systemic issues have also been found, both in the application of the doctrine and in the underlying norms. I have humbly put forward several suggestions on how these issues could be alleviated to promote legal certainty in the doctrine’s application, both today and in the future.

A critical analysis of the South African health policies and programmes with regard to eye health promotion

Sithole, Hlupheka Lawrence 05 1900 (has links)
Eye health promotion is an important aspect of VISION 2020 campaign that aims to eliminate unwarranted cases of avoidable blindness worldwide by the year 2020. Most developing countries, including South Africa, have a serious burden of eye diseases and unwarranted causes of visual impairment and blindness. The purpose of this research therefore was to highlight the lack of an integrated eye health promotion policy in the South African primary health care system which can play a major role in the elimination of this burden of disease and also to make proposals for eye health promotion policy development in South Africa. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods was used in this study. Questionnaires and interviews were conducted with all national and provincial health managers of portfolios relevant to eye care. Also, various health policy documents were requested from the National and Provincial Department of Health to ascertain claims of any existing guidelines on eye care. The policy documents and guidelines obtained had no specific reference to eye health promotion. Only 11 (23%) of the managers of provincial health directorates reported that they have integrated vision screening in their health promotion programmes as part of eye health promotion strategies. Eye care managers in the provinces reported that school visits accounted for 75% of eye health promotion programmes target areas. Also, apart from the Northern Cape Province which has no eye care manager and consequently no eye health promotion programmes, the Western Cape Province also does not have eye health promotion programmes and relies mostly on private sector for eye care services. The lack of an integrated eye health promotion policy and most probably the lack of a dedicated directorate that deals with eye health promotion issues may be a contributing factor to the overwhelming lack of integrated eye health promotion activities in South Africa. It is therefore recommended that an integrated eye health promotion model be developed and be part of the South African primary health care system. / Health Studies / D. Litt et Phil. (Health Studies)

Att bygga broar kan skapa trygghet : Sjuksköterskans arbete med sköra patienter i Mobila Närsjukvårdsteam / Building bridges can create security : The registered nurse's work with fragile patients in the Mobile local healthcare team

Arnoldsson, Annika, Elkjaer, Eva-Karin January 2020 (has links)
Andelen äldre personer ökar i Sverige och världen vilket innebär att efterfrågan av vård ökar, men all vård behöver inte ske på sjukhus. Insatser som kan förhindra undvikbar slutenvård bör vara viktiga att arbeta fram dels ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv, men även viktigt för att minska den påfrestning, förvirring och försämrad hälsostatus en sjukhusvistelse kan innebära för den äldre sköra patienten. Mobila närsjuksvårdsteam som utgår från sjukhusen är en relativt ny vårdform i Sverige och introducerades i Västra Götalandsregionen för ungefär 10 år sedan. Mobila närsjukvårdsteam gör insatser för sköra patienter med komplexa behov i hemmet och i teamen arbetar bland annat sjuksköterskor. Inom sjuksköterskans kompetensområde ingår att självständigt kunna ansvara för omvårdnad av patienter, inneha förmågan att se hela patientens livsvärld samt arbeta för en säker vård.  Syftet med den här studien är att belysa sjuksköterskans arbete med sköra patienter i mobila närsjukvårdsteam. Denna studie har genomförts som kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats och bygger på intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Vi har intervjuat sjuksköterskor verksamma på tre olika mobila närsjukvårdsteam. Resultatet av vår studie har visat att sjuksköterskan i mobila närsjukvårdsteam har en viktig roll då de utför avancerad vård i hemmet genom samverkan i team och med andra vårdaktörer. Sjuksköterskan har ett helhetsperspektiv med patienten i fokus och på så sätt kan andelen onödiga sjukhusinläggningar minska. Vår studie visar att snabb uppföljning i hemmet av sköra patienter som skrivs ut från sjukhus skapar trygghet samt minskar återinläggningar. Dessutom är rätt vård av sköra äldre patienter en organisatorisk fråga och vården behöver bedrivas av rätt kompetens. Sjuksköterskans arbete i mobila närsjukvårdsteam innebär att arbeta med hållbar utveckling genom att konsumtion av slutenvård minskar. / The proportion of older people is increasing in Sweden and the world, which means that the demand for care is increasing, but all care need not executed in hospitals. Efforts that can prevent avoidable outpatient care should be important to work on from a sustainability perspective, but also important to reduce the stress, confusion and deteriorating health status a hospital stay can cause for the older fragile patient. Mobile local health care teams executed from the local hospital are a relatively new form of care in Sweden. Mobile local health care teams were introduced in the Västra Götaland region about 10 years ago. Mobile local health care teams makes efforts for fragile patients with complex needs in their home.  The registered nurse’s expertise includes being able to independently be responsible for the care of patients, having the ability to see the entire patient's needs and working for patient's safety. The aim of this study is to illustrate the nurse's work with fragile older patients in mobile local health care teams. This study has been conducted as a qualitative method with an inductive approach and is based on interviews as a data collection method. We have interviewed nurses working on three different mobile local health care teams. The result has shown that the registered nurse in mobile local health care teams plays an important role as they carry out advanced care in the home through collaboration in teams and with other healthcare players. The registered nurse has a holistic perspective with the patient in focus, unnecessary hospitalizations and re-admission can be reduced. This study shows that fast follow-up in the home of fragile patients who are discharged from hospitals creates security and reduces re-admissions. In addition, proper care of fragile elderly patients is an organizational issue and care needs to be conducted by the right expertise. Registered nurse's work in mobile local health care teams means working with sustainable development by reducing the consumption of inpatient care.

A critical analysis of the South African health policies and programmes with regard to eye health promotion

Sithole, Hlupheka Lawrence 05 1900 (has links)
D. Litt et Phil. (Literature and Philosophy) / Eye health promotion is an important aspect of VISION 2020 campaign that aims to eliminate unwarranted cases of avoidable blindness worldwide by the year 2020. Most developing countries, including South Africa, have a serious burden of eye diseases and unwarranted causes of visual impairment and blindness. The purpose of this research therefore was to highlight the lack of an integrated eye health promotion policy in the South African primary health care system which can play a major role in the elimination of this burden of disease and also to make proposals for eye health promotion policy development in South Africa. A combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods was used in this study. Questionnaires and interviews were conducted with all national and provincial health managers of portfolios relevant to eye care. Also, various health policy documents were requested from the National and Provincial Department of Health to ascertain claims of any existing guidelines on eye care. The policy documents and guidelines obtained had no specific reference to eye health promotion. Only 11 (23%) of the managers of provincial health directorates reported that they have integrated vision screening in their health promotion programmes as part of eye health promotion strategies. Eye care managers in the provinces reported that school visits accounted for 75% of eye health promotion programmes target areas. Also, apart from the Northern Cape Province which has no eye care manager and consequently no eye health promotion programmes, the Western Cape Province also does not have eye health promotion programmes and relies mostly on private sector for eye care services. The lack of an integrated eye health promotion policy and most probably the lack of a dedicated directorate that deals with eye health promotion issues may be a contributing factor to the overwhelming lack of integrated eye health promotion activities in South Africa. It is therefore recommended that an integrated eye health promotion model be developed and be part of the South African primary health care system. / Health Studies

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