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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A influência das informações contábeis e das finanças comportamentais no mercado acionário

Giaccheri, Daniel 18 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:45:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniel Giaccheri.pdf: 649434 bytes, checksum: 1bbf88f4f401fb225db9af6548b921cc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-18 / The paper focuses on understanding the influence of behavioral finance and accounting information on the Brazilian stock market, as its evolution, main characteristics and applications. The goal is to bring out this new subject, as discussed internationally, but with the impacts in Brazil. Event study models and parametric and nonparametric statistics were used as methodologies in seeking to measure the impact of accounting information disclosed; specifically earnings per share (EPS) reported quarterly, in the behavior of stock prices. The empirical results show that economic agents may not be represented only by taking into account the neoclassical assumptions of unlimited rationality, maximization of expected utility and risk aversion. This finding demonstrates that the agents make decisions with limited rationality, contrary to the behavior predicted by the Modern Theory of Finance and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH) and reinforce the importance of behavioral finance. The discussion of this issue is still far from resolved, the studies about it continually grows in the academic circles , however there are already many studies to deepen the integration of these two theoretical lines, modern finance theory and behavioral finance, which at the same time, may be considered controversial and also complementary / O trabalho teve como foco a compreensão da influência das finanças comportamentais e das informações contábeis no mercado acionário brasileiro, tal como sua evolução, principais características e aplicações. O objetivo é trazer à tona esse novo assunto, tão discutido internacionalmente, mas com baixa repercussão no Brasil. O estudo de eventos e modelos estatísticos paramétricos e não paramétricos foram utilizados como metodologia na procura de mensurar o impacto das informações contábeis divulgadas, especificamente o lucro por ação (EPS) divulgado trimestralmente, no comportamento dos preços das ações. Os resultados empíricos evidenciam que os agentes econômicos não podem ser representados apenas levando-se em conta os pressupostos neoclássicos da racionalidade ilimitada, maximização da utilidade esperada e aversão ao risco. Essa constatação demonstra que os agentes decidem com racionalidade limitada, contrariando o comportamento previsto pela Moderna Teoria das Finanças e pela Hipótese dos Mercados Eficientes (HME) e reforçam a importância das finanças comportamentais. A discussão deste tema ainda está longe de ser resolvida, os estudos a seu respeito cresce continuamente no meio acadêmico, no entanto já existem muitos estudos no sentido de se aprofundar na integração dessas duas linhas teóricas, moderna teoria de finanças e finanças comportamentais, as quais ao mesmo tempo, podem se considerar controversas e também complementares

Värdering av förhoppningsföretag en empirisk studie av marknadens värdering av internetrelaterade förhoppningsföretag

Linderyd, Donald, Wettergren, Johan January 1999 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Företag utan vinst, historia och jämförelseobjekt är svåra att värdera med traditionella värderingsmetoder. Debatten kring detta problem har den senaste tiden varit livlig, inte minst gällande internetföretag. </p><p>Syfte: Identifiera de mekanismer som i huvudsak påverkar marknadens aktörers värdering av förhoppningsföretag, samt förklara hur mekanismerna påverkar aktörernas värdering. </p><p>Avgränsningar: Vi studerar inte hur mekanismerna rankas av aktörerna eller hur vi ska kunna fastställa hur mycket de påverkar värdet på företaget. </p><p>Genomförande: Intervjuer har förts med fem professionella aktörer. </p><p>Resultat: Företagsledningens kompetens, strategi, varumärken och marknadspsykologi är de mekanismer som har en mycket storinverkan på marknadens värdering av förhoppningsföretag, jämte användandet av relativvärdering och ett omfattande tillämpande av portföljteori.</p>

Värdering av förhoppningsföretag en empirisk studie av marknadens värdering av internetrelaterade förhoppningsföretag

Linderyd, Donald, Wettergren, Johan January 1999 (has links)
Bakgrund: Företag utan vinst, historia och jämförelseobjekt är svåra att värdera med traditionella värderingsmetoder. Debatten kring detta problem har den senaste tiden varit livlig, inte minst gällande internetföretag. Syfte: Identifiera de mekanismer som i huvudsak påverkar marknadens aktörers värdering av förhoppningsföretag, samt förklara hur mekanismerna påverkar aktörernas värdering. Avgränsningar: Vi studerar inte hur mekanismerna rankas av aktörerna eller hur vi ska kunna fastställa hur mycket de påverkar värdet på företaget. Genomförande: Intervjuer har förts med fem professionella aktörer. Resultat: Företagsledningens kompetens, strategi, varumärken och marknadspsykologi är de mekanismer som har en mycket storinverkan på marknadens värdering av förhoppningsföretag, jämte användandet av relativvärdering och ett omfattande tillämpande av portföljteori.

Behavioral factors influencing individual investors´ decision-making and performance. : A survey at the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange

Phuoc Luong, Le, Thi Thu Ha, Doan January 2011 (has links)
Although finance has been studied for thousands years, behavioral finance which considers the human behaviors in finance is a quite new area. Behavioral finance theories, which are based on the psychology, attempt to understand how emotions and cognitive errors influence individual investors’ behaviors (investors mentioned in this study are refered to individual investors). The main objective of this study is exploring the behavioral factors influencing individual investors’ decisions at the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange. Furthermore, the relations between these factors and investment performance are also examined. As there are limited studies about behavioral finance in Vietnam, this study is  expected to contribute significantly to the development of this field in Vietnam.  The study begins with the existing theories in behavioral  finance, based on which, hypotheses are proposed. Then, these hypotheses are tested  through the questionnaires distributed to individual investors at the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange. The collected data are analyzed by using SPSS and AMOS soft wares. Semi-structured interviews with some managers of the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange are conducted to have deeper understanding of these behaviors. The result shows that there are five behavioral factors affecting the investment decisions of individual investors at the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange: Herding, Market, Prospect, Overconfidence-gamble’s fallacy, and Anchoring-ability bias. Most of these factors have moderate impacts whereas Market factor has high influence.  This study also tries to find out the correlation between these behavioral factors and investment performance. Among the behavioral factors mentioned above, only three factors are found to influence the Investment Performance: Herding (including buying and selling; choice of trading stocks; volume of trading stocks; speed of herding), Prospect (including loss aversion, regret aversion, and mental accounting), and Heuristic (including overconfidence and gamble’s fallacy). The heuristic behaviors are found to have the highest positive impact on the investment performance while the herding behaviors are reported to influence positively the investment performance at the lower level. In contrast, the prospect behaviors give the negative impact on the investment performance.

Finns det en mikrobolagseffekt? : En kvantitativ studie på den svenska aktiemarknaden

Anna, Lööf, Malin, Persson January 2015 (has links)
En god inblick i den ekonomiska marknaden leder till ett gynnsamt läge från vilket vi kan maximera avkastningen på våra investeringar. Är det möjligt att genomföra en sådan typ av investering sett till endast bolagens storlek? Ett flertal studier har genomförts kring småbolagseffekten som en anomali på kapitalmarknaden. Effekten innebär att småbolag skulle generera en högre procentuell avkastning än storbolag under samma tidsperiod, vilket inte går i linje med vad den effektiva marknadshypotesen påstår kring kapitalmarknaden. Avsikten med denna undersökning är att analysera huruvida detta stämmer eller ej. Syftet med studien är att analysera om det förekommer en mikrobolagseffekt på den svenska aktiemarknaden under åren 2005-2014, det vill säga en anomali med extremare utfall av småbolagseffekten. Vi har använt oss av en kvantitativ statistisk analys för att mäta de genomsnittliga avkastningarna mellan de tre olika portföljer vi skapat bestående av bolag från Large Cap, Small Cap och Aktietorget. Tre hypoteser är testade och resultatet är analyserat med hjälp utav ett statistiskt t-test i programmet SPSS. Studiens resultat är att det inte går att påvisa någon signifikant skillnad i avkastningen mellan storbolag, småbolag och mikrobolag under den givna tidsperioden. Inte heller under delperioder har det kunnat påvisas någon statistisk skillnad. / A good insight in the economic market leads to a favorable position from which we can maximize the profits of our investments. Is it possible to make such investments with regards only to the size of the companies we are considering? Numerous studies have been made on the small firm effect as an anomaly of the capital market. The effect supposedly tells us that, given the same period of time, small companies generates a higher percentage return than large companies. This contradicts the Efficient-market hypothesis, and the purpose of this research is to analyze whether this could be true, or not. The research study is made with regards to micro-size companies in the Swedish capital market during the years 2005-2014, thus, this is an extreme version of the small firm effect. A quantitative statistical analysis is used to measure the average return of three different stock portfolios; Large Cap, Small Cap and Aktietorget. Three different hypothesis are tested and the results analyzed with the help of statistical T-tests in SPSS are used. The results of the study is that there is no solid statistical proof that there is a difference in profit between the three different markets during the time period. Nor could an effect be seen during any smaller time period within the given time frame.

快樂編輯與投資人類型 / Hedonic editing and trader types

朱孝宗 Unknown Date (has links)
Hedonic Editing is a theory of behavioral finance based on prospect theory, attempting to predict whether individuals would segregate or integrate multiple outcomes to achieve to highest perceived value. We test the theory by an actual market data in Taiwan Futures Exchange. If the hypothesis holds, we should observe that investors would integrate losses more frequently than gains and integrate smaller losses with larger gains rather than the other way around. However, results do not support the hypotheses totally. We further test the theory by different trader types. Results show that domestic individuals exhibit the strongest biases of hedonic editing, followed by domestic corporations, and foreign institutions.

La finance comportementale à l'épreuve de la crise / Behavioral finance under the test of the crisis

Hajji, Ali 11 December 2015 (has links)
La crise qui a démarré en 2007 a remis en cause les fondations de la théorie et du système financier. Cette théorie s’articule autour des postulats de la finance classique dont la « main invisible » et l’hypothèse de rationalité des investisseurs dont découle celle d’efficience des marchés.Cette crise a mis en lumière l’aspect psychologique des marchés financiers, aspect abordé par J.M Keynes lorsqu’il développait la notion d’ « esprits animaux » pour rendre compte de l’incertitude de l’économie. Jusqu’au début des années 1980, la compréhension de la psychologie a été le fruit d’une approche informelle.Depuis lors, la psychologie des marchés financiers est formalisée par la finance comportementale. Tout au long de son développement, ses tenants ont remis en cause l’hypothèse de rationalité des investisseurs sur des bases empiriques. Néanmoins, aucun évènement de l’ampleur de cette crise n’a autant invalidé les postulats du mainstream dominant.La théorie financière est à la croisée des chemins. L’hypothèse de rationalité des investisseurs est-elle valide ? Si oui, quelles sont les conditions de sa validité ? Si non, doit-on sortir du cadre de la finance classique et adopter celui de la finance comportementale? Ce sont autant de questions qui appellent à une refondation de la théorie financière.Le jury du Prix d’économie en la mémoire d’Alfred Nobel ne s’est d’ailleurs pas trompé en décernant le prix 2013 aux deux écoles. Cependant, les académiciens ne semblent pas trancher entre elles, reconnaissant ainsi leurs apports respectifs pour la théorie et la pratique financière. Cette récompense suggère néanmoins la question centrale suivante : les deux écoles sont-elles parallèles, complémentaires ou antinomiques?Le premier chapitre traite de la remise en cause des hypothèses centrales de la finance, à la base des modèles de gestion les plus courus. Le cadre de la finance classique n’a pas permis de donner une explication à la formation de la bulle immobilière pas plus qu’il n’a permis de fournir une solution unifiée à la crise. L’inadéquation des hypothèses du cadre classique avec la réalité apparaît notamment dans un contexte de forte volatilité et d’incertitude exacerbée. Cette remise en cause ouvre la voie à l’introduction de paramètres psychologiques dans la compréhension des phénomènes du marché.La finance comportementale développe la psychologie des marchés financiers. Le second chapitre aborde les concepts centraux de ce courant. L’analyse de ces concepts et du développement historique, épistémologique et paradigmatique du courant montre qu’il s’inscrit à l’opposé et, parfois, en complément du classique. Il n’en demeure pas moins que le cadre théorique de ce courant n’est pas encore achevé pas plus que la formation d’un paradigme dominant.Parmi les principaux résultats de la finance comportementale, les outils psychologiques apportent des clefs de lecture pertinentes des marchés financiers. Le troisième chapitre aborde les biais et heuristiques à la lumière de la crise. L’analyse de la crise montre que les heuristiques et les biais émotionnels ont pu conduire les investisseurs à des erreurs de jugements. L’attention et l’analyse se sont focalisées sur des croyances dans un contexte d’opacité de l’information et de l’environnement.La finance comportementale cherche à établir un cadre conceptuel plus élaboré. La théorie des « esprits animaux » a repris de la vigueur notamment chez les comportementalistes à orientation néo-keynésienne. Le retour à cette notion s’explique par l’importance prise de concepts liés comme la confiance, la corruption ou le rôle des histoires. D’ailleurs, les collusions corruptives et le fonctionnement du système ont failli saper durablement la confiance dans l’économie financière. Ce quatrième chapitre montre que la confiance et la corruption procèdent de la psychologie humaine et montrent le poids de celle-ci en situation d’incertitude et le rapport des hommes aux gains. / The crisis that started in 2007 have challenged the foundations of the financial system and the financial theory. This theory is based on assumptions of conventional finance including the "invisible hand" and the rationality assumption of investors which builds that of market efficiency.This crisis has highlighted the psychology of financial markets, aspects already addressed by J.M Keynes when he developed the concept of "animal spirits" to reflect the uncertainty of the economy. Until the early 1980s, the understanding of psychology has always been the result of an informal approach.Since, the psychology of financial markets has been formalized by behavioral finance. Throughout its development, its theoricians have questioned the rationality assumption of investors on empirical bases. However, no paramount event such this crisis has struck much the postulates of the dominant mainstream.Consequently, the financial theory is at the crossroads. Is the assumption of rationality of investors valid? If so, what are the conditions of its validity? If not, are we departing from the scope of conventional finance and adopt that of behavioral finance? These are all issues that are calling for an overhaul of the financial theory.The Jury of the prize in economics in memory of Alfred Nobel did not err in fact by awarding the 2013 prize to these two schools. However, academics do not seem to decide between them, recognizing their contributions to financial theory and practice. This award suggests the following central question: are the two schools parallel, complementary or contradictory?The first chapter deals with the questioning of the central assumptions of finance, at the base of the most popular business models. The framework of conventional finance has failed to give an explanation to the formation of the housing bubble nor has it helped to provide a unified solution to the crisis. The inadequacy of the assumptions of the classical framework with reality appears especially in a context of high volatility and heightened uncertainty. This challenge opens the way for the introduction of psychological parameters in understanding the phenomena of the market.Behavioral finance develops the psychology of financial markets. The second chapter covers the central concepts of this trend, in order to answer the central question of this thesis. The analysis of this trend and its historical epistemological and paradigmatic development shows it is opposite and sometimes in addition to the classic one. The fact remains that the theoretical framework of this trend is not yet completed nor the formation of a new dominant paradigm achieved.Among the key findings of behavioral finance, psychological tools provide relevant insights to developments in financial markets. The third chapter addresses the biases and heuristics in light of the crisis. The analysis of the crisis shows that heuristics and emotional biases may have led investors to judgment errors. The attention and analysis has focused on beliefs in an abstruse information and environmental context, allowing the development of heuristics. Consequently, the tools of behavioral finance can develop a mental map to this crisis.Behavioral finance seeks to establish a more sophisticated conceptual framework. The theory of "animal spirits" has regained momentum especially among behaviorists of neo-Keynesian orientation. The return to this concept is explained by the growing importance of certain concepts such as confidence, corruption and the role of stories in the context of this crisis. Moreover, collusion and corrupt system operation almost permanently undermine confidence in the financial economy. This fourth chapter shows that trust and corruption stem from human psychology and show the weight of the latter in situations of uncertainty and the relationship between men and earnings.

Aplicando estratégias simultâneas de momento e valor no mercado brasileiro

Cruz, Jerckns Affonso 11 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Jerckns Cruz (jerckns@hotmail.com) on 2009-12-11T03:37:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_Jerckns Cruz.pdf: 208471 bytes, checksum: 6be3209c95745116ae6d8db9f6c2ea1b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Gammaro(gisele.gammaro@fgv.br) on 2009-12-14T15:03:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_Jerckns Cruz.pdf: 208471 bytes, checksum: 6be3209c95745116ae6d8db9f6c2ea1b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2009-12-14T15:03:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_Jerckns Cruz.pdf: 208471 bytes, checksum: 6be3209c95745116ae6d8db9f6c2ea1b (MD5) / The theory of Behavioral Finance emerges as a new approach to the financial market, arguing that some events are better explained if the restrictions of investor’s rationality are relaxed. Concepts of psychology and limits to arbitrage are used to model market inefficiencies, bringing up the idea that market can be systematically beaten. This paper proposes a new model, of simple implementation, to explore the abnormal returns from the momentum and mean reversion strategies simultaneously. The idea of a long term momentum effect stronger than the short term effect is introduced, but the empirical results show that the Brazilian market dynamics reject this concept. The model fails to achieve riskless positive returns. / A teoria de Finanças Comportamentais surge como uma nova abordagem ao mercado financeiro, argumentando que alguns eventos podem ser mais bem explicados se as restrições da racionalidade do investidor são relaxadas. Conceitos de psicologia e limites à arbitragem são usados para modelar as ineficiências, criando a idéia de ser possível ganhar sistematicamente do mercado. Este trabalho propõe um novo modelo, simplista na sua implementação, para aproveitar os retornos anormais advindos de estratégias de momentum e reversão à média simultaneamente. A idéia de um efeito momentum de longo prazo mais forte que o de curto prazo é introduzida, mas os resultados empíricos mostram que a dinâmica do mercado brasileiro rejeita este conceito. O modelo falha em conseguir retornos positivos e livres de risco.

Choix des Portefeuilles Internationaux : diversification, attitude face aux risques et barrières à l'investissement / International Portfolio Optimization : diversification, Risk attitude and Investment Barriers

Mhiri, Maroua 28 February 2011 (has links)
Pas de résumé / No summary

Finanças comportamentais: uma avaliação crítica da moderna teoria de finanças

Anache, Marcelo de Carvalho Azevedo 28 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:00:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao marcelo.pdf: 650721 bytes, checksum: 304e8326c53bdb4bad5a379e8d9c8dfc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-28 / Entre as principais questões, que vêm sendo hodiernamente debatidas em finanças, está a validade das premissas assumidas por suas teorias mais tradicionais, em particular a da racionalidade dos agentes econômicos. Neste contexto, surgiram diferentes trabalhos com o objetivo de aprimorar os modelos teóricos dominantes, incorporando aspectos comportamentais antes desconsiderados. Estas inovações deram origem a um novo e promissor campo de estudo denominado de Finanças Comportamentais. O notável crescimento desta abordagem não ortodoxa tem sido motivado, em especial, pela tentativa de explicação satisfatória para uma gama de fenômenos observados regularmente nos mercados financeiros, incompatíveis com as predições dos modelos tradicionais. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo principal apresentar a evolução do estudo das finanças clássicas para, posteriormente, questionar a explicação de anomalias mais recorrentes nos mercados financeiros, as quais não são plenamente compreendidas através dos modelos convencionais de finanças. A ênfase do trabalho recai no recorte dos conceitos fundamentais do paradigma, ainda incipiente, das finanças comportamentais, no intuito de um melhor entendimento dos modelos já existentes. / Among the main commonly debated questions regarding finance, there is the validity of its most traditional theories premises, in special the rationality of economic agents. In this context, different studies have appeared with the intention of improving the theoretical dominant models, incorporating behavioral aspects never considered before. Such innovations gave origin to a new and promising field of study, known as Behavioral Finance. The considerable growth of this non orthodox approach has been motivated, specially, by the attempt to satisfactorily explain a whole gamma of phenomena, commonly observed in financial markets, which are incompatible with traditional models predictions. The main objective of this dissertation is to show the evolution of classical finance studies to, later, inquiry about the explanation of most of the recurring anomalies present in financial markets, which aren t fully understood by means of conventional finance models. One of the emphasis of this work is on fundamental concepts of the still incipient Behavioral Finance paradigm, with the purpose of a more accurate understanding of existing models.

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