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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse spectrale des signaux chaotiques / Spectral analysis of chaotic signals

Feltekh, Kais 12 September 2014 (has links)
Au cours des deux dernières décennies, les signaux chaotiques ont été de plusen plus pris en compte dans les télécommunications, traitement du signal ou transmissionssécurisées. De nombreux articles ont été publiés qui étudient la densitéspectrale de puissance (DSP) des signaux générés par des transformations spécifiques.La concentration sur la DSP est due à l’importance de la fréquence dans lestélécommunications et la transmission sécurisée. Grâce au grand nombre de systèmessans fil, la disponibilité des fréquences de transmission et de réception est de plus enplus rare pour les communications sans fil. Aussi, les médias guidés ont des limitationsliées à la bande passante du signal. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions certainespropriétés associées à la bifurcation collision de frontière pour une transformationunidimensionnelle linéaire par morceaux avec trois pentes et deux paramètres. Nouscalculons les expressions analytiques de l’autocorrélation et de la densité spectralede puissance des signaux chaotiques générés par les transformations linéaires parmorceaux. Nous montrons l’existence d’une forte relation entre les différents typesde densité spectrale de puissance (passe-bas, passe-haut ou coupe-bande) et les paramètresde bifurcation. Nous notons également en évidence une relation entre le typede spectre et l’ordre des cycles attractifs. Le type du spectre dépend de l’existencedes orbites périodiques au-delà de la bifurcation de collision de frontière qui a donnénaissance au chaos. Nous utilisons ensuite les transformations chaotiques pour étudierla fonction d’ambiguïté. Nous combinons quelques transformations chaotiquesbien déterminées pour obtenir un spectre large bande avec une bonne fonction d’ambiguïtéqui peut être utilisée en système radar / During the two last decades, chaotic signals have been increasingly consideredin telecommunications, signal processing or secure transmissions. Many papers haveappeared which study the power spectral density (PSD) of signals issued from somespecific maps. This interest in the PSD is due to the importance of frequency in thetelecommunications and transmission security. With the large number of wirelesssystems, the availability of frequencies for transmission and reception is increasinglyuncommon for wireless communications. Also, guided media have limitations relatedto the bandwidth of a signal. In this thesis, we investigate some properties associatedto the border-collision bifurcations in a one-dimensional piecewise-linear map withthree slopes and two parameters. We derive analytical expressions for the autocorrelationsequence, power spectral density of chaotic signals generated by our piecewiselinearmap. We prove the existence of strong relation between different types of thepower spectral density (low-pass, high-pass or band-stop) and the parameters. Wealso find a relation between the type of spectrum and the order of attractive cycleswhich are located after the border collision bifurcation between chaos and cycles.We use the chaotic transformations to study the ambiguity function. We combinesome chaotic transformations well determined to obtain a broadband spectrum witha good ambiguity function that can be used in radar systems

Contribution à l’analyse mathématique d’équations aux dérivées partielles structurées en âge et en espace modélisant une dynamique de population cellulaire / Contribution to the mathematical analysis of age and space structured partial differential equations describing a cell population dynamics model

Chekroun, Abdennasser 21 March 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre général de l'étude de la dynamique de populations. Elle porte sur la modélisation et l'analyse mathématique de l'hématopoïèse, le processus de production et de régulation des cellules sanguines. La population de cellules est perçue comme un milieu continu avec une structuration en âge et en espace. Nous avons commencé par analyser des modèles d'équations différentielles et aux différences à retard discret et distribué. Ces modèles à retard permettent de mettre en évidence des comportements particuliers tels que l'existence de solutions périodiques. Ensuite, nous avons pris en compte l'aspect spatial et la diffusion des cellules dans ces modèles, tout en sachant que la structuration en espace, dans le cas de l'hématopoïèse, a été très peu abordée par le passé. Un nouveau modèle a été obtenu du point de vue mathématique. Une étude d'existence d'ondes progressives est effectuée lorsque le domaine est non borné et lorsque le domaine est borné une étude de stabilité des états stationnaires ainsi que de l'existence d'une bifurcation de Hopf est réalisée / This thesis focuses on the study of population dynamics. It is devoted to the mathematical analysis and modeling of hematopoiesis, which is the process leading to the production and regulation of blood cells. The cell's population is seen as a continuous medium structured in age and space. We analyzed models of differential-difference system with discrete- and distributed -delay. These models can exhibit specific behaviors such as the existence of periodic solutions. Then we consider a space structuration and the diffusion of cells in such models, knowing that the space structure has not been widely studied in the case of hematopoiesis. A new model is obtained from the mathematical point of view. We studied the existence of traveling waves when the domain is unbounded. When the domain is bounded, the stability of stationary solutions and the existence of a Hopf bifurcation are obtained

Bifurcações da região de estabilidade induzidas por bifurcações locais do tipo Hopf / Bifurcations of the stability region induced by type-Hopf local bifurcations

Gouveia Júnior, Josaphat Ricardo Ribeiro 19 March 2015 (has links)
Pontos de equilíbrio assintoticamente estáveis de sistemas dinâmicos não lineares geralmente não são globalmente estáveis. Na maioria dos casos, há um subconjunto de condições iniciais, chamada região de estabilidade (ou área de atração), cujas trajetórias tendem ao ponto de equilíbrio quando o tempo tende ao infinito. Devido à importância das regiões de estabilidade em aplicações, e motivado principalmente pelo problema de analise de estabilidade transitória em sistemas elétricos de potência, uma caracterização completa da fronteira da região de estabilidade foi desenvolvida. Esta caracterização foi desenvolvida sob a suposição de que o sistema dinâmico é bem conhecido e que os parâmetros de seu modelo são constantes. Na prática, variações de parâmetros ocorrem e bifurcações desta podem ocorrer. Nesta tese, desenvolveremos uma caracterização completa da fronteira da região de estabilidade de sistemas dinâmicos autônomos não lineares admitindo a existência de pontos de equilíbrio não hiperbólicos do tipo Hopf na fronteira da região de estabilidade. Sob certas condições de transversalidade, apresentaremos uma caracterização completa da fronteira da região de estabilidade admitindo tanto a presença de pontos de equilíbrio não hiperbólicos do tipo Hopf como também a existência de órbitas periódicas na fronteira. Ofereceremos também uma caracterização da fronteira da região de estabilidade fraca do ponto de equilíbrio não hiperbólico Hopf supercrítico do tipo zero e uma caracterização topológica da sua região de atração. Além disso, exibiremos resultados relativos ao comportamento da região de estabilidade de um ponto de equilíbrio assintoticamente estável e da sua fronteira na vizinhança do valor crítico de bifurcação do tipo Hopf. / Asymptotically stable equilibrium points of nonlinear dynamical systems are generally not globally stable. In most cases, there is a subset of initial conditions, called stability region (or attraction area), in which trajectories tend to the equilibrium point when time approaches innity. Due to the importance of stability regions in applications, and mainly motivated by the problem of transient stability analysis in electric power systems, a complete characterization of the boundary of the stability region was developed. This characterization was developed under the assumption that the dynamic system is well known and the parameters of its model are constant. In practice, parameter variations happen and bifurcations may occur. In this thesis, we will develop a complete characterization of the boundary of the stability region of autonomous nonlinear dynamical systems admitting the existence of non-hyperbolic equilibrium points of the type Hopf on the boundary of the stability region. Under certain transversality conditions, we present a complete characterization of the boundary of the stability region admitting the presence of both non-hyperbolic equilibrium points of the type Hopf and periodic orbits on the boundary. Also a complete characterization of the boundary of the region of weak stability of a supercritical Hopf non-hyperbolic equilibrium point of the type zero and a topological characterization of its region of attraction is developed. Furthermore, the behavior of the stability region of an asymptotically stable equilibrium point and its boundary in the neighborhood of a critical value of bifurcation of the type Hopf is studied.

Bifurcações da região de estabilidade induzidas por bifurcações locais do tipo Hopf / Bifurcations of the stability region induced by type-Hopf local bifurcations

Josaphat Ricardo Ribeiro Gouveia Júnior 19 March 2015 (has links)
Pontos de equilíbrio assintoticamente estáveis de sistemas dinâmicos não lineares geralmente não são globalmente estáveis. Na maioria dos casos, há um subconjunto de condições iniciais, chamada região de estabilidade (ou área de atração), cujas trajetórias tendem ao ponto de equilíbrio quando o tempo tende ao infinito. Devido à importância das regiões de estabilidade em aplicações, e motivado principalmente pelo problema de analise de estabilidade transitória em sistemas elétricos de potência, uma caracterização completa da fronteira da região de estabilidade foi desenvolvida. Esta caracterização foi desenvolvida sob a suposição de que o sistema dinâmico é bem conhecido e que os parâmetros de seu modelo são constantes. Na prática, variações de parâmetros ocorrem e bifurcações desta podem ocorrer. Nesta tese, desenvolveremos uma caracterização completa da fronteira da região de estabilidade de sistemas dinâmicos autônomos não lineares admitindo a existência de pontos de equilíbrio não hiperbólicos do tipo Hopf na fronteira da região de estabilidade. Sob certas condições de transversalidade, apresentaremos uma caracterização completa da fronteira da região de estabilidade admitindo tanto a presença de pontos de equilíbrio não hiperbólicos do tipo Hopf como também a existência de órbitas periódicas na fronteira. Ofereceremos também uma caracterização da fronteira da região de estabilidade fraca do ponto de equilíbrio não hiperbólico Hopf supercrítico do tipo zero e uma caracterização topológica da sua região de atração. Além disso, exibiremos resultados relativos ao comportamento da região de estabilidade de um ponto de equilíbrio assintoticamente estável e da sua fronteira na vizinhança do valor crítico de bifurcação do tipo Hopf. / Asymptotically stable equilibrium points of nonlinear dynamical systems are generally not globally stable. In most cases, there is a subset of initial conditions, called stability region (or attraction area), in which trajectories tend to the equilibrium point when time approaches innity. Due to the importance of stability regions in applications, and mainly motivated by the problem of transient stability analysis in electric power systems, a complete characterization of the boundary of the stability region was developed. This characterization was developed under the assumption that the dynamic system is well known and the parameters of its model are constant. In practice, parameter variations happen and bifurcations may occur. In this thesis, we will develop a complete characterization of the boundary of the stability region of autonomous nonlinear dynamical systems admitting the existence of non-hyperbolic equilibrium points of the type Hopf on the boundary of the stability region. Under certain transversality conditions, we present a complete characterization of the boundary of the stability region admitting the presence of both non-hyperbolic equilibrium points of the type Hopf and periodic orbits on the boundary. Also a complete characterization of the boundary of the region of weak stability of a supercritical Hopf non-hyperbolic equilibrium point of the type zero and a topological characterization of its region of attraction is developed. Furthermore, the behavior of the stability region of an asymptotically stable equilibrium point and its boundary in the neighborhood of a critical value of bifurcation of the type Hopf is studied.

Nonlinear dynamics of Kerr optical frequency combs / Dynamique non-linéaire des peignes de fréquences optiques de Kerr Nonlinear dynamics of Kerr optical frequency combs

Balakireva, Irina 09 December 2015 (has links)
La présente thèse est consacrée à l’étude des peignes optiques de Kerr dans les résonateurs àmodes de galerie, au sein desquels la lumière peut être excitée par pompage externe. L’effet Kerrexistant dans ces résonateurs engendre des modes latéraux équidistants (dans le domaine spectral)de part et d’autre du mode excité, c’est à dire un peigne de fréquence. Cette thèse est diviséeen trois chapitres. Le premier est dédié à l’introduction de la génération de ces peignes et leurapplications. Le deuxième chapitre présente l’analyse de l’équation de Lugiato-Lefever, décrivantde manière analytique le système, et conduit à la construction de deux diagrammes de bifurcationpour les dispersions normale et anomale. Ils sont tracés en fonction des deux seuls paramètresexpérimentalement contrôlables une fois le résonateur fabriqué : la puissance du laser et sondécalage de fréquence. Ces diagrammes indiquent les plages de paramètres pour lesquels une,deux, ou trois solutions existent ainsi que leur stabilité. Les simulations numériques renseignentle type exact de solution associée à chaque aire (notamment les solitons brillants et sombres, lesbreathers, les peignes optiques de Kerr de premier et deuxième ordre, et un régime chaotique) ; cesdiagrammes indiquent donc les paramètres du laser à choisir afin de générer la solution souhaitée.Le troisième chapitre est dédié aux peignes de Kerr optique secondaires, lignes additionnelles dansle domaine spectral générées entre les lignes du peigne principal. Ils apparaissent en dispersionanormale, lorsque la quantité de photon pompe excède un seuil dit de second ordre, qui a étédéterminé numériquement. / This thesis is dedicated to the study of the Kerr optical frequency combs in whispering gallery moderesonators, where the light can be excited by the extern pump. Due to the Kerr effect existing in theseresonators, the quasi-equidistant lines in the spectral domain are generated around the excited mode,that is the frequency comb. This thesis is devided in three chapters. The first one is dedicated to theintroduction of the Kerr comb generation and their applications.The second one presents the analysisof the Lugiato-Lefever equation used for the analytical study of the system, leading to the constructionof two bifurcation diagrams for the normal and anomalous dispersions. They are plotted for twoparameters, which can be controlled during experiments once the resonator has been fabricated,which are the pump power of the laser and its frequency detuning. These diagrams show the areas ofthe parameters for which one, two, or three solutions exist and their stability. The additional numericalsimulations show the exact type of the solution in each area (such as the bright and dark solitons,the breathers, the primary and secondary Kerr combs and chaotical regimes), finally these diagramsshow the parameters of the laser needed to be choosen for the generation of the desired solution.The third chapter is dedicated to the secondary Kerr combs, which are the additional lines generatedbetween the lines of the primary comb. They appear in the anomalous dispersion regime, when thequantity of the pump photons crosses the second-order threshold, which has been found numerically.

Implémentation électronique d'un oscillateur non linéaire soumis au bruit : application à la modélisation du codage neuronal de l'information / Electronic implementation of a non-linear oscillator subjected to noise : application to the modeling of neuronal information coding

Lassere, Gaëtan 16 September 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, le comportement d'un modèle mathématique permettant de transcrire la dynamique neuronale est étudié : le système de FitzHugh-Nagumo. En particulier, nous nous intéressons au caractère aléatoire d'ouverture et de fermeture des canaux ioniques d'un neurone qui reçoit ou non un stimulus. Ce caractère aléatoire de la dynamique neuronale est considéré, dans notre modèle, comme un bruit. Dans un premier temps, le comportement du modèle de FitzHugh-Nagumo a été caractérisé au voisinage de la bifurcation d'Andronov-Hopf qui traduit la transition entre l'état d'activation et l'état de repos du neurone. Classiquement, un neurone positionné à l'état de repos ne produit aucun potentiel d'action. Cependant, il a été montré un phénomène pour lequel une quantité appropriée de bruit permet la production de potentiels d'action des plus réguliers : la résonance cohérente. Le deuxième effet observé lors de simulations numériques permet au neurone d'améliorer la détection et l'encodage d'un signal subliminal : il s'agit de la résonance stochastique. De plus, cette thèse s'inscrit dans un contexte électronique puisqu'en plus de simuler numériquement le système de FitzHugh-Nagumo, les résultats de simulations ont également été confirmés en réalisant un circuit électronique. En effet, nous avons reproduit la dynamique non linéaire du système de FitzHugh-Nagumo à l'aide de ce circuit électronique. Cela a permis de mettre en évidence expérimentalement les deux phénomènes de résonance cohérente et de résonance stochastique pour lesquelles le bruit peut avoir une influence constructive sur le comportement de notre circuit électronique. / We study the nonlinear FitzHugh-Nagumo model witch describes the dynamics of excitable neural element. It is well known that this system exhibits three different possible responses. Indeed, the system can be mono-stable, oscillatory or bistable. In the oscillatory regime, the system periodically responds by generating action potential. By contrast, in the mono-stable state the system response remains constant after a transient. Under certain conditions, the system can undergo a bifurcation between the stable and the oscillatory regime via the so called Andronov-Hopf bifurcation. In this Phd thesis, we consider the FitzHugh-Nagumo model in the stable state, that is set near the Andronov-Hopf bifurcation. Moreover, we take into account the contribution of noise witch can induces two phenomena coherence resonance and stochastic resonance. First, without external driving, we show the effect of coherence resonance since a critical noise level enhances the regularity of the system response. Another numerical investigation reports how noise can allow to detect a subthreshold deterministic signal applied to the system. In this case, an appropriate amount of noise maximizes the signal to noise ratio reveling the stochastic resonance signature. Besides this numerical studies, we have also built a non linear circuit simulating the FitzHugh-Nagumo model under the presence of noise. This circuit has allowed to confirm experimentally the numerical observation of stochastic resonance and coherence resonance. Therefor, this electronic circuit contributes a framework for further experimental investigation in the field of neural sciences to better understand the role of noise in neural encoding.

Mixing and fluid dynamics under location uncertainty / Mélange et mécanique des fluides sous incertitude de position

Resseguier, Valentin 10 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse concerne le développement, l'extension et l'application d'une formulation stochastique des équations de la mécanique des fluides introduite par Mémin (2014). La vitesse petite échelle, non-résolue, est modélisée au moyen d'un champ aléatoire décorrélé en temps. Cela modifie l'expression de la dérivée particulaire et donc les équations de la mécanique des fluides. Les modèles qui en découlent sont dénommés modèles sous incertitude de position. La thèse s'articulent autour de l'étude successive de modèles réduits, de versions stochastiques du transport et de l'advection à temps long d'un champ de traceur par une vitesse mal résolue. La POD est une méthode de réduction de dimension, pour EDP, rendue possible par l'utilisation d'observations. L'EDP régissant l'évolution de la vitesse du fluide est remplacée par un nombre fini d'EDOs couplées. Grâce à la modélisation sous incertitude de position et à de nouveaux estimateurs statistiques, nous avons dérivé et simulé des versions réduites, déterministe et aléatoire, de l'équation de Navier-Stokes. Après avoir obtenu des versions aléatoires de plusieurs modèles océaniques, nous avons montré numériquement que ces modèles permettaient de mieux prendre en compte les petites échelles des écoulements, tout en donnant accès à des estimés de bonne qualité des erreurs du modèle. Ils permettent par ailleurs de mieux rendre compte des évènements extrêmes, des bifurcations ainsi que des phénomènes physiques réalistes absents de certains modèles déterministes équivalents. Nous avons expliqué, démontré et quantifié mathématiquement l'apparition de petites échelles de traceur, lors de l'advection par une vitesse mal résolu. Cette quantification permet de fixer proprement des paramètres de la méthode d'advection Lagrangienne, de mieux le comprendre le phénomène de mélange et d'aider au paramétrage des simulations grande échelle en mécanique des fluides. / This thesis develops, analyzes and demonstrates several valuable applications of randomized fluid dynamics models referred to as under location uncertainty. The velocity is decomposed between large-scale components and random time-uncorrelated small-scale components. This assumption leads to a modification of the material derivative and hence of every fluid dynamics models. Through the thesis, the mixing induced by deterministic low-resolution flows is also investigated. We first applied that decomposition to reduced order models (ROM). The fluid velocity is expressed on a finite-dimensional basis and its evolution law is projected onto each of these modes. We derive two types of ROMs of Navier-Stokes equations. A deterministic LES-like model is able to stabilize ROMs and to better analyze the influence of the residual velocity on the resolved component. The random one additionally maintains the variability of stable modes and quantifies the model errors. We derive random versions of several geophysical models. We numerically study the transport under location uncertainty through a simplified one. A single realization of our model better retrieves the small-scale tracer structures than a deterministic simulation. Furthermore, a small ensemble of simulations accurately predicts and describes the extreme events, the bifurcations as well as the amplitude and the position of the ensemble errors. Another of our derived simplified model quantifies the frontolysis and the frontogenesis in the upper ocean. This thesis also studied the mixing of tracers generated by smooth fluid flows, after a finite time. We propose a simple model to describe the stretching as well as the spatial and spectral structures of advected tracers. With a toy flow but also with satellite images, we apply our model to locally and globally describe the mixing, specify the advection time and the filter width of the Lagrangian advection method, as well as the turbulent diffusivity in numerical simulations.

Synthesis and Control of Reconfigurable mechanisms / Synthèse et commande de mécanismes reconfigurables

Aimedee, Marie Fidèle 10 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde principalement trois grands aspects tels que la systématisation et l'analyse structurale, la modélisation géométrique et cinématique et les stratégies de contrôle. La première partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'élaboration d'une approche pour la systématisation des mécanismes reconfigurables selon leurs paramètres structuraux tels que la mobilité, la connectivité, la redondance et l’hyperstatisme. Ces paramètres nous permettent de comprendre les mécanismes et de les systématiser selon leur type de mouvement ; le mécanisme peut être isostatique ou hyperstatique, redondant ou non-redondant, avec ou sans mobilités internes, etc. Afin de résoudre les problèmes pratiques de modélisation, contrôle, simulation et développement du robot, les paramètres structuraux sont nécessaires. Différents types de singularités sont systématisés et analysés en tenant compte de paramètres structuraux. En plus, pour connaître les positions et les orientations relatives des membres du robot, nous avons besoin de calculer le modèle géométrique. Nous utilisons la méthode du Système de Coordonnées Voyageur pour déterminer la position et l'orientation des membres à chaque instant. Pour connaître les vitesses linéaires et angulaires des membres, nous devons formuler les équations cinématiques pour le robot étudié. La partie contrôle est dédiée à l'élaboration de stratégies de génération de trajectoire et de contrôle, sur la base de la redondance d’actionnement. La difficulté dans la commande est de développer une loi de contrôle avancée pour la synchronisation de plusieurs actionneurs afin d'avoir une transition fluide d'un mode d'assemblage à un autre, ceci sans endommager le robot. Le choix des liaisons actionnées joue également un rôle essentiel en garantissant une haute performance et la contrôlabilité du mécanisme au passage par les configurations singulières. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur le mécanisme à une seule boucle fermée de type 8-bar afin d’illustrer les développements réalisés dans les trois parties mentionnées ci-dessus. Il a été démontré que ce mécanisme présente une capacité intéressante de reconfiguration. Il dispose de deux degrés de mobilité dans une configuration générale, mais a besoin d'au moins cinq moteurs pour être entièrement contrôlés dans toutes les configurations singulières. / This thesis mainly addresses three major aspects such as systematization and structural analysis, geometric and kinematic formulation and control strategies. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the development of a systematization approach for reconfigurable mechanisms with respect to their structural parameters such as mobility, connectivity, redundancy and number of overconstraints. These parameters help us to understand the mechanism and to systematize it according to type of motion, whether the mechanism is overconstrained or non-overconstraint, redundant or non-redundant, with/without internal mobilites, etc. To resolve the practical problems of modeling, control, simulation and development of the robot, the structural parameters are required. Various types of singularities are also systematized and analyzed by taking into account the structural parameters. Further to know the relative location of robot links, we need to compute the geometric model. We use Travel Coordinate System method to determine the position and orientation of links at each instant. To find out the linear and angular velocities of links, we need to formulate the kinematic equations for the robot under consideration. The control part is dedicated to the development of trajectory generation and control strategies, based on actuation redundancy. The challenging task is to develop an advanced control law in order to synchronize several actuators to have a smooth transition from one assembly mode to another without causing wear and tear to the robot. Choice of actuated joints also plays a vital role in ensuring high performance and controllability of the mechanism when crossing singular configurations. In this thesis we focus on the 8-bar single loop mechanism to illustrate the developments achieved in the three parts mentioned above. It has been shown that, this mechanism exhibits an interesting capacity to reconfigure. It has two degrees of mobility in a general configuration but needs at least five motors to be fully controlled in all singular configurations.

Feigenbaum Scaling

Sendrowski, Janek January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis I hope to provide a clear and concise introduction to Feigenbaum scaling accessible to undergraduate students. This is accompanied by a description of how to obtain numerical results by various means. A more intricate approach drawing from renormalization theory as well as a short consideration of some of the topological properties will also be presented. I was furthermore trying to put great emphasis on diagrams throughout the text to make the contents more comprehensible and intuitive.

Grey-box Identification of Distributed Parameter Systems

Liu, Yi January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis considers the problem of making dynamic models for industrial processes by combining physical modelling with experimental data. The focus is on distributed parameter systems, that is, systems for which the model structure involves partial differential equations (PDE). Distributed parameter systems are important in many applications, e.g., in chemical process systems and in intracellular biochemical processes, and involve for instance all forms of transport and transfer phenomena. For such systems, the postulated model structure usually requires a finite dimensional approximation to enable identification and validation using experimental data. The finite dimensional approximation involves translating the PDE model into a set of ordinary differential equations, and is termed model reduction.</p><p>The objective of the thesis is two-fold. First, general PDE model reduction methods which are efficient in terms of model order for a given level of accuracy are studied. The focus here is on a class of methods called moving mesh methods, in which the discretization mesh is considered a dynamic degree of freedom that can be used for reducing the model reduction error. These methods are potentially highly efficient for model reduction of PDEs, but often suffer from stability and robustness problems. In this thesis it is shown that moving mesh methods can be cast as standard feedback control problems. Existing moving mesh methods are analyzed based on tools and results available from control theory, and plausible explanations to the robustness problems and parametric sensitivity experienced with these methods are provided. Possible remedies to these problems are also proposed. A novel moving finite element method, Orthogonal Collocation on Moving Finite Elements (OCMFE), is proposed based on a simple estimate of the model reduction error combined with a low order linear feedback controller. The method is demonstrated to be robust, and hence puts only small demands on the user.</p><p>In the second part of the thesis, the integration of PDE model reduction methods with grey-box modelling tools available for finite dimensional models is considered. First, it is shown that the standard approach based on performing model reduction using some ad hoc discretization method and model order, prior to calibrating and validating the reduced model, has a number of potential pitfalls and can easily lead to falsely validated PDE models. To overcome these problems, a systematic approach based on separating model reduction errors from discrepancies between postulated model structures and measurement data is proposed. The proposed approach is successfully demonstrated on a challenging chromatography process, used for separation in biochemical production, for which it is shown that data collected at the boundaries of the process can be used to clearly distinguish between two model structures commonly used for this process.</p>

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