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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prototype design for autonomous vehicle / Prototypkonstruktion av autonom bil

Lehander, Jacob, Persson, Joel January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the mechanical design of a prototype vehicle developed for a company located in California. The project was based on an earlier vehicle located at KTH, Transport Labs, and investigated if the existing concept for the vehicle would work as a concept for an autonomous prototype, with focus on component layout and increased forces. The design of the vehicle is based on a concept with a carbon fiber bottom plate, two separate suspension modules with electric hub motors and steer by wire. In addition a steering interface, seats and a roll cage is added to the base. Quadrant symmetric design and four wheel steering/drive makes the vehicle move equally good forward and reverse. The steering is controlled by individual rotating actuators mounted at each wheel, meaning that the vehicle, apart from acquiring a low turning radius also can angle the wheel in the same direction and drive with so called crab steer where the car is moving sideways without rotating itself. The brake system contains a regular manual hydraulic brake system in parallel with an autonomous brake system. The project was started by generating a list of requirements. This was then considered when doing the design in CAD (Solid Edge). The design was validated with ADAMS (MBS) and ANSYS Workbench (FEA). The majority of the project was carried out in Sweden at KTH where the driveline of the vehicle was designed and assembled. The driveline was then transported to California where the vehicle was finalized and tested. The test carried out indicated that the concept was working as a prototype but that some of the components needed to be upgraded. All tests needed was not carried out which led to that the maximum speed of the vehicle was limited to 40 km/h Further durability-, and high load tests will be carried out in order to, with suitable safety, raise the maximum speed. The maximum steering angle of each wheel acquired was 23 degrees that, with four wheel steering, means an effective steering angle of 46 degrees. The cars minimum turning radius was around 5 meters. / Detta examensarbete beskriver den mekaniska konstruktionen av ett prototypfordon för ett företag beläget i Kalifornien. Projektet utgick från ett befintligt fordon på KTH, Transport Labs och undersökte hur vida det befintliga konceptet för det fordonet fungerade för en autonom prototyp, med särskilt hänseende till komponentplacering och ökade krafter. Fordonet är konstruerad runt en bottenplatta av kolfiber, två separata hjulupphängningar med elektriska navmotorer och så kallad ”steer by wire” samt kompletteras med ett förargränssnitt, säten och rullbur. Kvadrant symmetriska design och fyrhjuls styrning/drivning gör att fordonet för sig lika bra framåt som bakåt. Styrningen sköts av en individuell roterande motor fäst vid varje hjul vilket innebär att fordonet, utöver att få en låg svängradie, även kan vinkla alla hjul åt samma håll och uppnå så kallad krabbstyrning där bilen rör sig i sidled utan att själv rotera. Bromssystemet består av ett vanligt manuellt hydrauliskt bromssystem parallell kopplat med ett autonomt aktiverat bromssystem. Projektet inleddes med generering av en kravspecifikation. Denna låg sedan som grund för konstruktionen som genomfördes i Solid Edge (CAD). Konstruktionen validerades med hjälp av ADAMS (MBS) och ANSYS Workbench (FEM). Största delen av projektet genomfördes i Sverige på KTH där drivlinan av fordonets konstruerades och monterads. Denna flögs sedan till Kalifornien där fordonet färdigställdes och testades på plats. De genomförda testerna tydde på att konceptet fungerade bra som prototyp men att vissa komponenter behövde uppgraderas. Full testning han inte genomföras vilket ledde till att den maximala hastigheten begränsades till 40 km/h. Vidare uthållighets- och höglasttester kommer genomföras för att, på ett säkert sätt, kunna öka den maximala tillåtna hastigheten. Den maximala styrvinkeln för varje hjul uppgick till 23 grader vilket, med fyrhjulningsstyrning, innebär en effektiv styrvinkel på 46 grader. Bilens minimi svängradie uppgick till cirka 5 meter.

Ohållbart resande i Örebro kommun : En studie om invånarna i Örebro kommuns attityd till bil och kollektivtrafik

Åhs, Rebecca January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Microcontroller Selection for Automotive Embedded Systems / Val av Mikrokontroller för Inbyggda Bilsystem

Senthilkumar Parameswari, Keerthana January 2022 (has links)
Automotive industry has moved from manufacturing automobiles using mechanical units to using Electronic Control Units (ECUs). One of the integral parts of ECUs are the microcontrollers. Selecting the right microcontroller unit for the ECU in automotive industry, involves high time and cost factors, as several criteria need to be examined for each microcontroller in the market. There is a need for a methodology for selection of the microcontroller based on the given requirements, with the aid of some tools, to reduce the time and cost factors. This thesis involves determining criteria for automotive microcontrollers and selection of the microcontroller by following a systematic process. A part of the systematic process involves filtering or ranking microcontrollers according to the requirements and plotting microcontrollers for the required criteria along with pareto-front analysis of rank versus cost. Ranking of microcontrollers is done using Goal Programming and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) methods. The result from the thesis shows various criteria for the microcontroller in an ECU and the methodology to be followed for microcontroller selection using case study of Exterior Lighting System. The results of Goal Programming and TOPSIS methods show that they could provide good aid in selection by ranking the microcontrollers along with pareto-front analysis. Finally, a selection methodology guideline has been formulated to aid the selection process with the help of the methods. / Fordonsindustrin har gått från att tillverka bilar med mekaniska styrsystem till att använda elektroniska styrenheter (ECU:er). En central del i styrenheterna är mikrokontrollers. Att välja rätt mikrokontroller för en ECU i fordonsindustrin är tidskrävande och kostnadsintensivt eftersom många faktorer behöver tas i beaktning och undersökas för varje mikrokontroller på marknaden. Det finns ett behov för en metod att välja mikrokontroller utifrån en given kravställning, med hjälp av olika verktyg, för att minska utvecklingstid och kostnad. Detta examensarbete handlar om att fastställa relevanta kriterier för fordonsrelaterade applikationer som använder mikrokontrollers samt urval av mikrokontrollers genom att följa en systematisk metod. En del av den metoden är filtrering och rangordning av alternativen utifrån kravställningen och visualisering hur jämförelsealternativen uppfyller kravställningen jämte Pareto-front analys mellan rangordning och kostnad. Rangordning görs med hjälp av metoderna Målprogrammering och Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Resultatet av examensarbetet visar olika kriterier för en mikrokontroller i en ECU och metoderna att använda sig av för val av mikrokontroller i studieexemplet ett belysningsstyrningssystem. Resultaten av metoderna målprogrammering och TOPSIS visar att de kan vara till god hjälp i valet genom rangordning av mikrokontrollers med tillägg av Pareto-front-analys. Slutligen har en guide för urvalsmetod skapats för att hjälpa urvalsprocessen med hjälp av metoderna.

Efficiency Comparison between a Two-level and an NPC Inverter for Automotive Application

Schneider, Simon January 2022 (has links)
De flesta nuvarande elfordon drivs med en systemspänning på 400V. En ökning av denna spänning skulle dock bland annat kunna möjliggöra en kortare laddningstid för fordonets batteri. Den högre systemspänningen medför ett antal utmaningar, varav en är att öka spänningsblockeringsförmågan hos spänningsomvandlarens transistorer. Det finns olika sätt att lösa detta problem. Om den vanligast förekommande tvånivåstopologin ska användas måste spänningskapaciteten för dess transistorer ökas. Alternativt kan man använda en topologi med tre nivåer med neutralpunktsanslutning, som inte kräver transistorer med så hög spänningsblockeringsförmåga. Syftet med denna rapport är att jämföra verkningsgraden hos dessa två topologier. Därför estimeras med hjälp av simulering spänningsomvandlarnas förluster och utgångseffekt i stationärt tillstånd över hela driftområdet för en elektrisk maskin som är lämplig för fordonsapplikationer. Olika sätt att estimera förlusterna utvärderades och transistorerna i de två topologierna valdes på ett sätt så att en rättvis jämförelse mellan topologierna kunde säkerställas. Ett antal nyckelparametrar som kan påverka effektiviteten hos spänningsomriktarna utvärderades i simuleringar. De erhållna resultaten tyder på att verkningsgraden hos både två nivå- och tre nivå-topologin med neutralpunktsanslutning är jämförbara för större delen av driftområdet. / Most current electric vehicles operate on a system voltage of 400V. However, increasing this voltage would come with, among other benefits, a reduced charging time for the vehicle’s battery. The higher system voltage does pose a number of challenges, with the increase in voltage blocking capability of the power switches of the voltage source inverter being one of them. There are different ways of solving this problem. If the currently preferred two-level topology is to be used, the voltage rating of its switches needs to be increased. Alternatively a three-level neutral point clamped topology could be used which does not require switches with such a high blocking voltage rating. The purpose of this thesis is to compare the efficiency of these two solutions. Therefore the steady state losses and output power of the voltage source inverters throughout the operating range of an electric machine suitable for automotive application were estimated through simulation. Different ways of estimating the losses were evaluated and the power switches of the two topologies were chosen in such a way that a fair comparison between the topologies could be ensured. A number of key parameters that could impact the efficiency of the voltage source inverters were evaluated in simulations. The obtained results suggest that for the majority of the operating range the efficiency of the two-level and the three-level neutral point clamped topology are closely matched.

Barriers to large-scale electrification of passenger cars for a fossil independent Sweden by 2030

Westerlund, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Passenger  cars  account  for  a  large  share  of  Sweden’s  total  greenhouse  gas emissions  and  contribute  to  increased  climate  impact. In  a  climate  policy framework previously adopted by the government, it was determined that Sweden will  have  no  net  emissions  of  greenhouse  gases  into  the  atmosphere  by 2045. An  important  area  of  action  to  achieve  the  environmental  quality objectives  is the  transition  from  internal  combustion  engine  cars  to  electric cars  as  these have  very  low  emissions  or  no  emissions  at  all. Despite the electric  car’s many  advantages,  there  are  several  barriers  to  enabling  the transition  to  a fossil independent passenger car fleet.   This thesis aims to describe barriers to a  national  large­scale  electrification  of  passenger  cars  from an  industrial  and governmental  point  of  view.   Through  semi­structured  expert interviews  from the  public  and  private  sector  followed  by  thematic  analysis, several  themes were generated from the interview data. The results from the qualitative study indicate  that  there  are  a  total  of  six barriers  to  achieve one million  electric  cars by  2030: lack  of  charging infrastructure, unbalanced political  instruments, uncertain technological development, high  purchase price,   dissemination of incorrect information and electric car export, which can be complied as three main barriers:  lack of charging infrastructure, unbalanced political instruments and dissemination of incorrect information. / Personbilar står för en stor del av Sveriges totala växthusgasutsläpp och bidrar till ökad  klimatpåverkan. I  ett  klimatpolitiskt  ramverk  som  tidigare  antogs av regeringen  så  fastställdes  det  att  Sverige  inte  ska  ha  några  nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser i atmosfären år 2045.  Ett viktigt åtgärdsområde för att uppnå de miljökvalitativa målen är omställningen från förbränningsmotorbilar till eldrivna bilar  då  dessa  har  mycket  låga  utsläpp  eller  inga  utsläpp  alls. Trots elbilens många  fördelar  så  finns  det  flertalet  hinder  för  att  möjliggöra omställningen till   en   fossiloberoende   personbilsflotta. Den   här  rapporten  syftar   till   att beskriva hinder för en nationell storskalig elektrifiering av personbilar från ett industriellt  och  statligt  perspektiv.   Genom semistrukturerade  expertintervjuer från  offentlig  och  privat  sektor  följt  av tematisk  analys  så  har  flera  teman genererats från intervjudatan. Resultatet från den kvalitativa studien indikerar att det sammantaget finns sex hinder för att uppnå en miljon elbilar år 2030: brist på laddinfrastruktur, obalanserade politiska styrmedel, osäker teknisk utveckling, högt  inköpspris, spridning  av  inkorrekt information  och  elbilsexport,  som  kan sammanställas som  tre  huvudsakliga barriärer: brist  på  laddinfrastruktur, obalanserade politiska styrmedel och spridning av inkorrekt information.

Function structure of business communication application on car machine : To increase work performance of employees / Funktionsstruktur för applikation av affärskommunikation i bilar

JIANG, XIN, LUAN, JUNDA January 2021 (has links)
With the tendency of agile work space and remote working, the importance of communication tools, especially the computer-mediated ones, is highlighted in increasing employees’ overall work-performance. Car, as a place where people spend most of time, is somewhere business-related communication could be conducted. However, the method of finding important communication tools from the perspective of software development and the method to design a business-communication application (BCA) in a car machine are still in exploration. The purpose of this master thesis is to design a function structure of businesscommunication application and its prototype in a car machine, to help employees increase their work performance. This thesis has two results: A method of finding the importance order of communication tools A method to design a function structure of BCA and a prototype of BCA on a car machine, based on the importance order of communication tools / Med en ökad tendens till flexibelt arbetsutrymme och fjärrarbete får kommunikationsverktygens betydelse för att öka den totala arbetsprestandan ökad uppmärksamhet. Bilen, som är en plats där människor tillbringar mycket tid, skulle kunna användas för arbetsrelaterad kommunikation. Men metoderna för att hitta viktiga kommunikationsverktyg ur perspektivet av mjukvaruutveckling och metoderna för att utforma en affärskommunikationsapplikation i en bil är fortfarande under utveckling.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utforma funktionsstrukturen och prototypen som svarar mot denna för arbetsrelaterad kommunikation i bilar för att hjälpa anställda att upprätthålla arbetskapaciteten. Denna avhandling har två resultat: En metod för att hitta prioriteten av betydelsen av de olika kommunikationsverktygen En metod för att designa en funktionsstruktur av arbetsrelaterad kommunikation och en prototyp av tillämpningen på denna funktionsstruktur applicerad i en bil.

A relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis com a ado????o das normas internacionais: uma an??lise das empresas listadas no Brasil

Castro, Tiago Morais de 20 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:35:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tiago_Morais_de_Castro.pdf: 1342136 bytes, checksum: bf015b66106a0b404f6f9a7b695bbf36 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-20 / The study of the relevance of accounting information has come to prominence with the development of capital markets and the pursuit of timely information, quality and which are able to influence its users. As relevant accounting information, this essay adopts the concept of quality that the information owns to influence prices in the capital markets. Taking advantage of the timely convergence of brazilian accounting standards to IFRS (International Financial Reports Standards), this study aimed to determine whether the adoption of international accounting standards (IFRS) affected the relevance of accounting information of non-financial companies listed in Brazil and whether there are differences in the relevance of accounting information among the published statement sunder IFRS on a voluntary and compulsory way. The first objective examined whether there were differences in the relevance of the information through an analysis of ordinary least squares (OLS) of the financial statements of 2009 prepared in BR GAAP and IFRS, and through the analysis of panel data from the annual financial statements period 2005 to 2010. The second objective of the analysis used panel data from annual financial statements for the period 2005 to 2010, and considered as those published in voluntary IFRS for prior periods to fiscal the year of 2010. All analyzes used models of Ohlson (1995) and Barth, Cram and Nelson (2001). The models were used as dependent variables price (P) and stock returns (RET), however the results were suitable only to the dependent variable (P). The analysis indicated that there are differences in the relevance of the information of non-financial companies listed in Brazil, on its financial statements prepared in BR GAAP and IFRS. The analysis of the model of Ohlson (1995) in OLS and panel data confirmed this difference and pointed to the financial statements prepared under IFRS as the major importance. The model of Barth, Cram and Nelson (2001) in OLS also revealed differences in the relevance of the information prepared in BR GAAP and IFRS, but pointed to statements in BR GAAP as the major importance. The model of Barth, Cram and Nelson (2001) on panel data found no differences in the relevance of accounting information between BR GAAP and IFRS standards. The second objective, the results indicate that there are no differences in the relevance of accounting information between the statements prepared under IFRS on a mandatory or voluntary way, from non-financial companies listed in Brazil / O estudo da relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis vem ganhando destaque com o desenvolvimento dos mercados de capitais e com a busca de informa????es tempestivas, de qualidade e que sejam capazes de influenciar seus usu??rios. Como informa????o cont??bil relevante, esta disserta????o adota o conceito da qualidade que a informa????o possui de influenciar os pre??os praticados nos mercados de capitais. Aproveitando o momento oportuno da converg??ncia das normas cont??beis brasileiras para as IFRS (International Financial Reports Standards), este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar se a ado????o das normas internacionais de contabilidade (IFRS) afetou a relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis das empresas n??o financeiras listadas no Brasil e se existe diferen??a na relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis entre as demonstra????es publicadas em IFRS de forma volunt??ria e obrigat??ria. O primeiro objetivo verificou se haviam diferen??as na relev??ncia das informa????es atrav??s de uma an??lise em M??nimos Quadrados Ordin??rios (MQO) das demonstra????es cont??beis do ano de 2009 elaboradas em BR GAAP e em IFRS; e atrav??s da an??lise de dados em painel das demonstra????es cont??beis anuais do per??odo de 2005 a 2010. O segundo objetivo utilizou da an??lise de dados em painel das demonstra????es cont??beis anuais do per??odo de 2005 a 2010, e considerou como demonstra????o cont??bil volunt??ria aquelas publicadas em IFRS para per??odos anteriores ao exerc??cio 2010. Todas as an??lises utilizaram dos modelos de Ohlson (1995) e Barth, Cram e Nelson (2001). Os modelos utilizados tinham como vari??veis dependentes o pre??o (P) e o retorno das a????es (RET), por??m, os resultados foram adequados somente com a vari??vel dependente (P). As an??lises apontaram que existem diferen??as na relev??ncia das informa????es das empresas n??o financeiras listadas no Brasil, relativo ?? suas demonstra????es cont??beis elaboradas em BR GAAP e em IFRS. A an??lise do modelo de Ohlson (1995) em MQO e dados em painel comprovaram esta diferen??a e apontaram paras as demonstra????es elaboradas em IFRS como as de maior relev??ncia. O modelo de Barth, Cram e Nelson (2001) em MQO tamb??m revelou diferen??as na relev??ncia das informa????es elaboradas em BR GAAP e IFRS, por??m apontou para as demonstra????es em BR GAAP como de maior relev??ncia. O modelo de Barth, Cram e Nelson (2001) em dados de painel n??o encontrou diferen??as na relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis entre os padr??es BR GAAP e IFRS. Quanto ao segundo objetivo, os resultados apontam que n??o existem diferen??as na relev??ncia das informa????es cont??beis entre as demonstra????es elaboradas em IFRS de forma obrigat??ria ou volunt??ria, das empresas n??o financeiras listadas no Brasil

Procedimentos periciais em processos c??veis de opera????es de cheque especial na regi??o de Bauru-SP

Piccolo, Erasmo Aparecido 05 September 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:35:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Erasmo_Aparecido_Piccolo.pdf: 1376633 bytes, checksum: e1caf1219ae76bbc8c1e8dd1273f1aa4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-05 / The court appointed expertise in the judicial exerts an important social function, to assist the court with explanations of technical and / or scientific, helping make decisions in the course of civil proceedings. This requires that the work of the expert, the expert report materialized accounting, is quality. The number of lawsuits related to financial institutions leads the top of the list of the Courts of Justice, which provided the opportunity to investigate the performance of professional experts in this environment. The eim of this study was to investigate the procedures used by experts appointed by the judges in the region of Bauru-SP in civil operations with overdraft. The research is descriptive, qualitative and documentary analysis. The raised the necessary procedures to work in the literature and expert in the rules of the CFC - Federal Accounting Council. In the sequel, began the field research, in an exploratory way, through the analysis documents obtained from six cases to civil courts in the region of Bauru-SP, in which we investigated the performanced of experts and sentences handed down by judges. The assessment was made by triangulation of existing procedures in the literature and in the CFC rules with the reports of the experts, accountants, administrators and economists, with the sentences handed down by judges. The model developed allowed gouge the quality of expert advice through compliance procedures and expert Degree Award of Use - GUL - by judges, with the use of keywords. The results showed that the accounting expertise is required in civil operations with overdraft and also the studies analyzed are good quality. It was found that increasing the quality and/or compliance with existing procedures in the literature and in the CFC rules are reflected in the GUL, causing its increase. The research revealed that the higher the quality of forensic work, the greater its use in their sentencing judges / A per??cia cont??bil no ??mbito judicial exerce uma fun????o social relevante, ao auxiliar o juiz com esclarecimentos de natureza t??cnica e / ou cient??fica, ajudando-o tomar decis??es no curso do processo civil. Isso requer que o trabalho do perito, materializado no laudo pericial cont??bil, seja de qualidade. A quantidade de a????es judiciais relacionadas ??s institui????es financeiras lidera o topo da lista dos Tribunais de Justi??a, o que ofereceu a oportunidade para investigar a atua????o profissional dos peritos neste ambiente. O objetivo do estudo foi investigar os procedimentos adotados por peritos nomeados pelos ju??zes na regi??o de Bauru-SP em processos c??veis de opera????es com cheque especial. A pesquisa ?? descritiva, qualitativa e com an??lise documental. Foram levantados os procedimentos necess??rios ao trabalho pericial existentes na literatura e nas normas do CFC - Conselho Federal de Contabilidade. Na sequencia, iniciou-se a pesquisa de campo, de forma explorat??ria, por meio da an??lise documental de seis processos obtidos junto ??s varas c??veis da regi??o de Bauru-SP, nos quais foram investigadas as atua????es dos peritos e as senten??as proferidas pelos ju??zes. A aprecia????o se deu pela triangula????o dos procedimentos existentes na literatura e nas normas do CFC com os laudos dos peritos, contadores, administradores e economistas, com as senten??as proferidas pelos ju??zes. O modelo elaborado permitiu aferir a qualidade do laudo pericial por meio do cumprimento dos procedimentos periciais e o Grau de Utiliza????o do Laudo - GUL - pelos ju??zes, com o uso de palavras-chave. Os resultados evidenciaram que a per??cia cont??bil ?? necess??ria nos processos c??veis de opera????es com cheque especial e, ainda, os trabalhos analisados s??o de boa qualidade. Constatou-se que o aumento da qualidade e/ou a concord??ncia dos procedimentos existentes na literatura e nas normas do CFC refletem-se no GUL, provocando seu aumento. A pesquisa revelou que, quanto maior a qualidade do trabalho pericial, maior a sua utiliza????o nas senten??as proferidas pelos ju??zes

Compreensibilidade dos relat??rios cont??beis e financeiros de companhias de capital aberto listadas na BM&FBOVESPA: uma an??lise das percep????es dos usu??rios investidores

Cotrim, Carlos Henrique Pileggi 29 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Elba Lopes (elba.lopes@fecap.br) on 2016-01-27T18:34:52Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Carlos_Henrique_Pilleggi_Cotrim.pdf: 10713733 bytes, checksum: 45d575515233c4b974f51a451fce2dfd (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-27T18:34:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Carlos_Henrique_Pilleggi_Cotrim.pdf: 10713733 bytes, checksum: 45d575515233c4b974f51a451fce2dfd (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-29 / The participation of individual investors in the Brazilian capital market increased about 85,000 in 2002 to over 600,000 in 2011. The BMF&BOVESPA has the goal to reach about 5 million individual investors by the end of 2018 and in this context are inherent risks of investment in shares which the Brazilian investor is little used, due to the complexity of this market. As it is essential a careful evaluation of accounting and financial reporting and the prospects of the company to ensure the investors a most appropriate decision for their investments, this study aims to know the investor perception, as a user, about the understandability of accounting and financial reporting, of publicly traded companies listed on BMF&BOVESPA, investigating possible explanations and comparing user perceptions individual investors to other groups involved. From retrospective studies on accounting and financial reporting, as well as general aspects of comprehensibility and language, was created an electronic research tool accessible via the internet. This instrument was made available to an estimated audience of about 14,600 people and had a return of 413 questionnaires of which 300 were validated. The sample had 97% of respondents with higher education and the results showed a high importance of accounting and financial reporting in decision-making investment in shares by the respondents. However, meeting the expectations related to the understandability of the reports had intermediate scores in most segments analyzed and found that the CLOZE test scores were low for most individual investors. The publicly traded companies, especially in the perception of individual investors, are not easily accessible, do not involve the public in the processes related to the development of accounting and financial reporting and does not seek to know your ideas. These results were in line with the perceptions on the availability of instruments segmented for specific audiences that proved to be low as evidenced by the preference of 81.3% of respondents that preferred separate reports, one conventional and one simplified, more accessible to the user less specialized. For the sample evaluated it is concluded from this study that there are opportunities to improve communication between public companies listed on BM&FBOVESPA and the segments of capital markets, involved in the accounting and financial reporting, from the use of plain language and objective to develop targeted instruments to specific audiences, by the companies that should be attentive to the preferences of investors. / A participa????o dos investidores pessoas f??sicas no mercado de capitais brasileiro mostrou-se crescente nos ??ltimos dez anos com evolu????o de cerca de 85 mil em 2002 para mais de 600 mil em 2011. A BM&FBOVESPA tem a meta de chegar a cerca de 5 milh??es de investidores pessoas f??sicas at?? o final de 2018 e nesse contexto est??o intr??nsecos os riscos do investimento em a????es aos quais o investidor brasileiro recente est?? pouco acostumado, em raz??o da com-plexidade desse mercado. Sendo indispens??vel uma avalia????o criteriosa dos relat??rios cont??-beis e financeiros e das perspectivas da empresa para se assegurar ao investidor uma decis??o mais adequada para seus investimentos, este trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer a percep????o dos usu??rios investidores sobre a compreensibilidade dos relat??rios cont??beis e financeiros, de companhias de capital aberto listadas na BM&FBOVESPA, investigando poss??veis fatores explicativos e comparando as percep????es do usu??rio investidor pessoa f??sica com a percep????o de outros grupos envolvidos. A partir do retrospecto de estudos sobre relat??rios cont??beis e financeiros, bem como de aspectos gerais sobre compreensibilidade e linguagem, foi criado um instrumento de pesquisa eletr??nico acess??vel por meio da internet. Esse instrumento foi disponibilizado a um p??blico estimado de cerca de 14.600 pessoas e teve um retorno de 413 question??rios dos quais foram validados 300. A amostra teve 97% dos participantes com n??vel superior e os resultados demonstraram alta import??ncia dos relat??rios cont??beis e financeiros no processo decis??rio de investimentos em a????es pelos respondentes. Entretanto, o atendimento das expectativas relacionadas ?? compreensibilidade desses relat??rios tiveram notas intermedi??rias na maioria dos segmentos analisados e o teste CLOZE verificou que a compreensibilidade foi baixa para a maioria dos respondentes investidores pessoas f??sicas. As companhias de capital aberto, principalmente na percep????o do investidor pessoa f??sica, n??o s??o de f??cil acesso, n??o envolvem esse p??blico nos processos relacionados ao desenvolvimento dos relat??rios cont??beis e financeiros e n??o buscam saber suas ideias. Esses resultados estavam alinhados ??s percep????es sobre a falta de oferta de instrumentos segmentados para p??blicos espec??ficos que se mostrou baixa, comprovada pela prefer??ncia de 81,3 % dos respondentes de que fossem apresentados relat??rios distintos, um convencional e outro simplificado, mais acess??vel ao usu??rio menos especializado. Conclui-se com este estudo, para a amostra avaliada, que h?? oportunidades de aprimoramento da comunica????o entre as companhias de capital aberto listadas na BM&FBOVESPA e os segmentos do mercado de capitais envolvidos com os relat??rios cont??beis e financeiros, com a utiliza????o de linguagem clara e objetiva at?? a cria????o de instrumentos segmentados para p??blicos espec??ficos, passando pelas companhias estarem atentas ??s prefer??ncias dos investidores.

Designförslag på belöningsfunktioner för självkörande bilar i TORCS som inte krockar / Design suggestion on reward functions for self-driving cars in TORCS that do not crash

Andersson, Björn, Eriksson, Felix January 2018 (has links)
Den här studien använder sig av TORCS (The Open Racing Car Simulator) som är ett intressant spel att skapa självkörande bilar i då det finns nitton olika typer av sensorer som beskriver omgivningen för agenten. Problemet för denna studie har varit att identifiera vilka av alla dessa sensorer som kan användas i en belöningsfunktion och hur denna sedan skall implementeras. Studien har anammat en kvantitativa experimentell studie där forskningsfrågan är: Hur kan en belöningsfunktion utformas så att agenten klarar av att manövrera i spelet TORCS utan att krocka och med ett konsekvent resultat Den kvantitativ experimentell studien valdes då författarna behövde designa, implementera, utföra experiment och utvärdera resultatet för respektive belöningsfunktion. Det har utförts totalt femton experiment över tolv olika belöningsfunktioner i spelet TORCS på två olika banor E-Track 5(E-5) och Aalborg. De tolv belöningsfunktionerna utförde varsitt experiment på E-5 där de tre som fick bäst resultat: Charlie, Foxtrot och Juliette utförde ett experiment på Aalborg, då denna är en svårare bana. Detta för att kunna styrka om den kan köra på mer än en bana och om belöningsfunktionen då är generell. Juliette är den belöningsfunktion som var ensam med att klara både E-5 och Aalborg utan att krocka. Genom de utförda experimenten drogs slutsatsen att Juliette uppfyller forskningsfrågan då den klarar bägge banorna utan att krocka och när den lyckas får den ett konsekvent resultat. Studien har därför lyckats designa och implementera en belöningsfunktion som uppfyller forskningsfrågan. / For this study TORCS (The Open Racing Car Simulator) have been used, since it is an interesting game to create self-driving cars in. This is due to the fact there is nineteen different sensors available that describes the environment for the agent. The problem for this study has been to identify what sensor can be used in a reward function and how should this reward function be implemented. The study have been utilizing a quantitative experimental method where the research questions have been: How can a reward function be designed so that an Agent can maneuver in TORCS without crashing and at the same time have a consistent result The quantitative experimental method was picked since the writer’s hade to design, implement, conduct experiment and evaluate the result for each reward function. Fifteen experiments have been conducted over twelve reward functions on two different maps: E-Track 5 (E-5) and Aalborg. Each of the twelve reward function conducted an experiment on E-5, where the three once with the best result: Charlie, Foxtrot and Juliette conducted an additional experiment on Aalborg. The test on Aalborg was conducted in order to prove if the reward function can maneuver on more than one map. Juliette was the only reward function that managed to complete a lap on both E-5 and Aalborg without crashing. Based on the conducted experiment the conclusion that Juliette fulfills the research question was made, due to it being capable of completing both maps without crashing and if it succeeded it gets a consistent result. Therefor this study has succeeded in answering the research question.

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