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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A variação do ditongo nasal ão nas comunidades bilíngues de Panambi e Flores da Cunha, no Rio Grande do Sul

Horbach, Aline Regina January 2013 (has links)
O trabalho tem como tema o estudo da variação do ditongo nasal ão em sílaba final de vocábulo (ex. pão ~ pon; tiravam ~ tiravon) por falantes bilíngues de português-alemão e português-italiano das comunidades de Panambi e Flores da Cunha, respectivamente. A decisão por investigar essas comunidades deve-se à constatação preliminar de que tal fenômeno é característico de comunidades bilíngues cujas línguas de origem não possuem ditongos nasais. A amostra constitui-se de 16 entrevistas do PROJETO VARSUL (Variação Linguística Urbana na Região Sul). Dados do PROJETO ALERS (Atlas Linguístico-Etnográfico da Região Sul do Brasil) de comunidades bilíngues de alemão e de italiano contribuíram para enriquecer a discussão. No presente estudo, a variável dependente, a alternância do ditongo nasal ão/am ~on em final de vocábulo, é examinada frente a possíveis condicionadores linguísticos e extralinguísticos, suas variáveis independentes. As variáveis linguísticas analisadas são Tonicidade do Alvo, Extensão do Vocábulo, Classe Gramatical, Número (Singular ou Plural) e Contexto Precedente. De forma geral, o fenômeno se aplica em sílabas finais tônicas de palavras no singular, fazendo uma leve distinção entre palavras longas e curtas. Além disso, como se trata de uma variação fonética de superfície, a classe gramatical não parece ser relevante nesse processo, ainda que deva incidir mais significativamente sobre alguns itens lexicais em específico. Quanto às variáveis extralinguísticas, foram analisados Localidade Bilíngue, Idade, Sexo e Escolaridade. De forma geral, o processo não faz distinção importante entre as duas localidades bilíngues analisadas, mas se aplica mais entre os menos escolarizados, por seu menor contato com a modalidade padrão da língua portuguesa. Além disso, o processo aplica-se mais entre homens com mais de 50 anos, em virtude de seu grau de bilinguismo e, possivelmente, por as mulheres dessas comunidades evitarem mais do que os homens variantes desprestigiadas. Os resultados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo programa GOLDVARB X e discutidos na perspectiva da Teoria da Variação, proposta por Labov (1969, 1972). / This dissertation deals with the variation of the nasal diphthong [ãw] in final syllable of word position (ex. pão ~ pon; tiravam ~ tiravon) by bilingual speakers of German and Italian communities from Panambi and Flores da Cunha, respectively. The decision to investigate these communities due to the preliminary conclusion, that this phenomenon is characteristic of bilingual communities whose languages of origin do not have nasal diphthongs. The sample is constituted of 16 interviews from VARSUL PROJECT (Urban Linguistic Variation in South Region). Data from ALERS PROJECT (Linguistic-Ethnographic Atlas of Southern Brazil) communities bilingual German and Italian contributed to enrich the discussion. In this study, the dependent variable, the alternation of the nasal diphthong ão/am ~ on at the end of word, is examined against possible linguistic and extra linguistic conditioners, their independent variables. The linguistic variables analyzed are Target Toning, Extension of the Word totally, Grammar Class, Number (singular or plural) and Previous Context. In general, the phenomenon applies in tonic final syllables of words in the singular, making a slight distinction between long and short words. Moreover, as it is a phonetic variation of surface, the grammar class is not relevant in this process, although it should focus more significantly on some lexical items in particular. Concerning to the extralinguistic variables, were analyzed bilingual Place, Age, Gender and Education. In general, the process does not distinguish between the two major bilingual cities analyzed, but applies more among the less educated, on the slightest contact with the standard form of the Portuguese language. Furthermore, the process applies more among men over 50 years, because of their degree of bilingualism and, possibly, by the fact the women these communities more than men discredited variants. The results were statistically analyzed by the GOLDVARB X and discussed from the perspective of the Theory of Change, proposed by Labov (1969, 1972).

Impacto do bilinguismo nas redes de atenção, no acesso lexical e na memória de trabalho em adultos e idosos

Billig, Johanna Dagort January 2014 (has links)
Evidências sugerem que o bilinguismo possa atuar como reserva cognitiva e atenuar possíveis efeitos negativos do envelhecimento. Entretanto, há ainda muita divergência na literatura no que se refere aos mecanismos responsáveis por essa possível vantagem, sendo que a falta de um controle maior de variáveis de confusão pode explicar essa divergência. É nesse contexto que se insere a pesquisa relatada nesta tese, que teve como objetivo investigar a extensão do impacto do bilinguismo nas redes de atenção, no acesso lexical e na memória de trabalho em uma amostra composta por 136 indivíduos de duas faixas etárias (jovens de 40 a 55 anos e idosos de 60 a 71 anos), sendo 68 bilíngues (hunsrückisch-português) e 68 monolíngues (português), comparáveis em termos socioeconômicos, educacionais e funcionais. Bilíngues e monolíngues tiveram um desempenho similar em todas as tarefas; entretanto, a magnitude do efeito de envelhecimento em termos de tempo de reação geral na tarefa ANT, que avaliou as redes de atenção, na tarefa de fluência fonológica, que avaliou o acesso lexical, e na tarefa N-back, utilizada para avaliar a capacidade de memória de trabalho, foi menor para os bilíngues. Em outras palavras, nossos resultados sugerem que o bilinguismo atuou como uma espécie de reserva cognitiva. Esses resultados são discutidos com base no contexto cultural e de produção bilíngue desses participantes, chamando a atenção para a importância de se levar em consideração esses aspectos na avaliação neuropsicológica. / Evidence suggests that bilingualism can contribute to cognitive reserve. However, there have been some discrepancies in the literature regarding the mechanisms responsible for this advantage. A lack of control of possible confounding variables can explain these discrepancies. Therefore, in order to control possible confounding variables and to examine the extension of the impact of bilingualism on the attention networks, lexical access and working memory, we assessed the performance of 136 younger (40-55 years old) and older (60-71 years old) participants on the ANT task, verbal fluency tasks and N-back task. They were bilinguals (Hunsrückisch- Portuguese) and monolinguals (Portuguese) matched in terms of socioeconomic, educational and functionality levels. Bilinguals and monolinguals performed equivalently, but the magnitude of the effect of aging in the ANT test, in the N-back test and in the phonological fluency task was smaller for bilinguals. In other words, our results suggest that the bilingualism acted as a cognitive reserve. We discussed these results in terms of cultural and bilingual production contexts, calling attention to the importance of considering these aspects in the neuropsychological assessment.

Um narrador no limite: o caminho da primeira pessoa beckettiana das nouvelles aos textes pour rien / A narrator in the edge: the pathway of beckettian first person narrator from the \"nouvelles\" to the \"textes pour rien\"

Lívia Bueloni Gonçalves 17 April 2009 (has links)
O foco dessa dissertação é o estudo do narrador de uma importante fase da obra em prosa de Samuel Beckett. O período escolhido inicia-se com as novelas Premier Amour (1970), Lexpulsé, Le calmant e La fin (1955), primeiros textos em francês do autor, e encerra-se com a obra Textes pour rien (1955), o que abrange a produção em prosa de Beckett entre 1945 e 1950. A importância deste período está no surgimento e desdobramento do narrador em primeira pessoa tipicamente beckettiano, caracterizado por seu discurso instável, movido a impasses e questionamentos sobre a própria história narrada. O trabalho acompanha a trajetória deste narrador, discutindo também seu importante papel na ruptura com os moldes do realismo formal na narrativa do século XX. / This dissertation studies the narrator in Samuel Beckett s prose, particularly focusing on a critical phase in the authors literary production covering the years of 1945 to 1950. The chosen period begins with the novellas Premier Amour (1970), Lexpulsé, Le calmant and La fin (1955) Becketts first narratives written in French and closes with the work Textes pour rien (1955). The importance of this phase lies in the creation and development of Becketts characteristic first person narrator, whose unstable discourse is fraught with impasses, questioning the very story being narrated. The dissertation follows this narrators journey to discuss the key role it played in breaking with formal realism patterns of the twentieth centurys narrative.

Función del castellano como lengua materna en la formación del bilingüismo de hispanohablantes en Suecia / Spanska som modersmål och dess roll i bildandet av tvåspråkighet bland spansktalande i Sverige

Martínez Machicao, María Cielo January 2013 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo es averiguar la función que cumple la enseñanza del castellano como lengua materna en la formación del bilingüismo de hispanohablantes en Suecia. La hipótesis es que con la influencia positiva que la lengua materna ofrece, la proyección de ella, hace que exista el interés por más tiempo de enseñanza de idioma materno. El resultado de este estudio muestra que las clases de la lengua materna tienen una influencia positiva en el idioma sueco de los estudiantes bilingües. También se ha mostrado que hay un interés elevado entre los alumnos y los padres de familia que las clases de castellano como idioma materno tenga una incrementación de tiempo de enseñanza comparado con el tiempo que se da en la actualidad. Las metodologías utilizadas en este estudio son dos, la cuantitativa y la comparativa. El corpus está basado en encuestas a informantes, los cuales son padres de familia y alumnos que asisten ó asistieron a las clases de idioma materno.

Castellanización en Suecia : Tendencias en el uso de verbos suecos castellanizados en el habla de hispanohablantes en Suecia.

Haglund, Ulrika January 2011 (has links)
The object of this study is to investigate which tendencies there are in terms of the frequency of hispanication of Swedish verbs used by Spanish-speakers who live in Sweden. The emphasis is put on explaining the phenomena of hispanication, and the frequency in which it may occur. The study is based on an empirical corpus, and is carried out with a questionnaire. Verbs found in earlier studies, and with help from a Spanish-speaking professor at the Linneaus University of Växjö, have been used in the questionnaire where the Hispanics have been asked to state the frequency of their use of these verbs. The individuals taking part in the study have also been asked to provide personal information in order to obtain a better understanding of the frequency of the hispanication in comparison to their social-linguistic background and how they themselves evaluate their linguistic competence in both Swedish and Spanish. Comparisons are made between different groups, such as gender, age, linguistic competence and linguistic self-evaluation. To further understand the terms used in the study, which often appears in a linguistic context, the author has made a short explanation of the terms that are most frequently used. Many of the terms used cause great controversy and lots of problems among the ones who study linguistics, and therefore it was important in this study to clarify the meaning of these terms, such as loan word, code-switching and hispanication. The author comes to the conclusion that the tendency of the use of the verbs appearing in this short study generally shows no frequent use, although some verbs such as grilar, parkear and pasar show tendencies of a major use among the informants.

Actitudes hacia el catalán : un estudio sociolingüístico de principiantes del catalán en Barcelona / Language Attitudes towards Catalan : A Sociolinguistic Study of Beginners in Catalan in Barcelona

Westin, Emil January 2013 (has links)
This study focuses on the Catalan language of Catalonia, a region located in the east of Spain. There are many immigrants living in this region who decide to learn the Catalan language in hope of finding a job or to integrate in the Catalan society. The main aim of this study was to discover the types of language attitudes the beginners of Catalan show towards this language (general, instrumental and integrative attitudes). Language attitudes are of importance because it can indicate the “health” of a minority language, such as is usually considered Catalan. The method applied was direct, where the informants had to answer a written questionnaire. The results of the study show positive attitudes towards the Catalan language and its general use in Catalonia. The main conclusions of the study were that the informants showed positive and slightly more instrumental attitudes towards Catalan, indicating that the main motive of learning the language was more of practical use than integrative motives.

Identidades y actitudes lingüísticas en contextos interculturales en comunidades bilingües amazónicas

Falcón Ccenta, Pedro Manuel January 2017 (has links)
Analiza las preferencias de lenguas de los pobladores indígenas bilingües de la selva central del Perú en términos afectivos, cognoscitivos y socioculturales dentro del marco de la teoría mentalista. Evalúa los factores edad, sexo, escolaridad y procedencia que condicionan las actitudes positivas o negativas hacia las lenguas originarias y hacia el castellano. Estos factores, además, comprometen niveles de autoestima, soportes socioculturales, lingüísticos y redes de interacción social. Utiliza un instrumento relativo al diferencial semántico y un cuestionario complementado con la observación participativa a 82 colaboradores ashaninka, a 88 colaboradores yanesha y a 87 colaboradores nomatsigenga. Desde el enfoque cualitativo, los indígenas nomatsigenga, yanesha y ashaninka no expresan una valoración muy alta hacia el castellano en desmedro de la lengua originaria, fundamentalmente en la dimensión afectiva. Sin embargo, desde la perspectiva cualitativa, especialmente en las comunidades ashaninkas del Alto Perené, las actitudes hacia el castellano adquieren preponderante importancia en las dimensiones cognoscitivas y socioculturales, lo que se refleja en el uso permanente de la lengua castellana en contextos intracomunales, intercomunales y extracomunales. / Tesis

Actitudes lingüísticas en la comunidad nativa Cubantia

Jimenez Lizama, Pamela Amalia January 2017 (has links)
Analiza las actitudes lingüísticas de los hablantes bilingües nomatsigenga-castellano de la comunidad nativa Cubantia hacia su lengua originaria, hacia el castellano y hacia su uso en correlación con las variables sociales sexo, edad y grado de instrucción. Evalúa cuál de las variables sociales mencionadas tiene mayor relación con la actitud lingüística de los hablantes hacia el castellano y hacia el nomatsigenga. Analiza si hay o no diferencias entre los hombres y las mujeres respecto a las valoraciones subjetivas hacia le castellano y hacia el nomatsigenga. Analiza si hay o no diferencias entre los cortes etarios (variable edad) en relación con la actitud lingüística presentada hacia el castellano y hacia el nomatsigenga. Analiza si hay o no diferencias entre los grupos de grado de instrucción y la valoración subjetiva que establecen hacia la lengua castellana y el nomatsigenga. Evalúa las preferencias de los pobladores hacia el uso del castellano y del nomatsigenga en diferentes contextos sociolingüísticos comunicativos. / Tesis

Foreign Language Education in Colombia: A Qualitative Study of Escuela Nueva

Ramirez Lamus, Daniel A 20 March 2015 (has links)
Since 2004 the Colombian Ministry of Education has been implementing the Programa Nacional de Bilingüismo (PNB) with the goal of having bilingual high school graduates in English and Spanish by 2019. However, implementation of the PNB has been criticized by English Language Teaching (ELT) specialists in the country who say, among other things, that the PNB introduced a discourse associated exclusively with bilingualism in English and Spanish. This study analyzed interviews with 15 participants of a public school of the Colombian Escuela Nueva, a successful model of community-based education that has begun a process of internationalization, regarding the participants’ perceptions of foreign language education and the policies of the PNB. Six students, five teachers, and four administrators were each interviewed twice using semi-structured interviews. To offer a critique of the PNB, this study tried to determine to what extent the school implemented the elements of Responsible ELT, a model developed by the researcher incorporating the concepts of hegemony of English, critical language-policy research, and resistance in ELT. Findings included the following: (a) students and teachers saw English as the universal language whereas most administrators saw English imposed due to political and economic reasons; (b) some teachers misinterpreted the 1994 General Law of Education mandating the teaching of a foreign language as a law mandating English; and (c) some teachers and administrators saw the PNB’s adoption of competence standards based on the Common European Framework of Reference for languages as beneficial whereas others saw it as arbitrary. Conclusions derived from this study of this Escuela Nueva school were: (a) most participants found the goal of the PNB unrealistic; (b) most teachers and administrators saw the policies of the PNB as top-down policies without assessment or continuity; and (c) teachers and administrators mentioned a disarticulation between elementary and high school ELT policies that may be discouraging students in public schools from learning English. Thus, this study suggests that the policies of the PNB may be contributing to English becoming a gatekeeper for higher education and employment thereby becoming a tool for sustaining inequality in Colombia.

Bilingüismo y representación de la identidad mexicoestadounidense en la versión original y el doblaje al francés de la serie Gentefied (2020) / Bilingualism and representation of Mexican-American identity in the original version and French dubbing of the series Gentefied (2020)

Chunga Tineo, Adriana Vanessa, Condori Belli, Frescia Denisse 23 July 2021 (has links)
La presencia de dos o más lenguas en textos audiovisuales simboliza un encuentro intercultural entre realidades sociales y culturales distintas. Asimismo, en los productos audiovisuales, el multilingüismo se ha considerado como el fenómeno tanto lingüístico y social que constituye parte central en la narrativa de la trama por cuestiones identitarias o distintivas. En el contexto de la serie Gentefied (2020), el bilingüismo constituye un rasgo identitario representativo de la comunidad mexicoestadounidense asentada en Estados Unidos. Por ello, la presente investigación pretende analizar la traducción del bilingüismo inglés-español y su impacto en la representación de la identidad mexicoestadounidense en el doblaje al francés de la serie. La investigación es un estudio de caso, debido a que busca explicar y analizar el fenómeno lingüístico y de representación de identidad que se retrata en la serie. Para ello, se recurrirá a las técnicas de recolección de información como el análisis de contenido y el análisis textual contrastivo. La primera permitirá la identificación de las unidades de análisis del texto fuente en spanglish que evidencian rasgos representativos de los personajes; y la segunda, el contraste entre ellas y las unidades de análisis del texto meta en frañol. / The presence of two or more languages in audiovisual texts symbolizes an intercultural encounter between social and cultural realities. Likewise, in audiovisual products, multilingualism has been considered a linguistic and social phenomenon that constitutes a central part in the narrative of the plot due to identity or distinctive reasons. In the context of the series, bilingualism constitutes a representative identity trait of the Mexican-American community settled in the United States. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the translation of English-Spanish bilingualism and its impact on the representation of Mexican-American identity in the French dubbing of the series Gentefied (2020). The research is a case study as it seeks to explain and analyze the linguistic phenomenon and identity representation portrayed in the series. For this purpose, we will resort to data collection techniques such as content analysis and contrastive textual analysis. The former will allow the identification of the units of analysis of the source text in Spanglish that show representative traits of the characters; and the second, the contrast between them and the units of analysis of the target text in Frañol. / Trabajo de investigación

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