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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da biogênese de microRNAs na cardiomiopatia chagásica crônica / Analysis of microRNA biogenesis in chronic chagas disease cardiomyopathy

Candido, Darlan da Silva 21 September 2017 (has links)
A cardiomiopatia Chagásica Crônica (CCC) é a principal complicação decorrente da infecção pelo protozoário hemoflagelado Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi). Trata-se de uma cardiomiopatia dilatada, caracterizada por um intenso infiltrado inflamatório, fibrose, dilatação das câmaras cardíacas, hipertrofia de cardiomiócitos e anormalidades de condução. Sua fisiopatologia é complexa e ainda não se consegue explicar porque apenas 30% dos pacientes infectados desenvolvem essa complicação. Nesse contexto, nosso laboratório descreveu pela primeira vez uma redução na expressão de microRNAs (miRNAs) enriquecidos em músculo (myomiRs) no miocárdio de pacientes com CCC. Sabendo-se que disfunções na biogênese de miRNAs em modelos animais levam ao desenvolvimento de cardiomiopatia do tipo dilatada com redução da expressão de myomiRs, hipotetizou-se que a CCC em humanos estaria associada a um prejuízo na biogênese de miRNAs no miocárdio. Dessa forma, amostras de ventrículo esquerdo de miocárdio de pacientes com CCC (n=16) e controles não-cardiomiopatas (n=6) foram utilizadas para avaliar: 1) a expressão gênica e proteica da maquinaria da biogênese de miRNAs (Drosha, Exportina-5, RAN, Dicer1, TRBP, PACT e Argonauta2), por qPCR e western blotting, respectivamente; 2) a expressão do transcrito primário (pri-miRNA), precursor (pré-miRNA) e miRNA maduro de myomiRs (miR-1, -133a, -133b, -208a, -208b, e -499); 3) o perfil de miRNAs diferencialmente expressos em CCC utilizando qPCR array; e 4) a interação dos miRNAs diferencialmente expressos com disfunções características da CCC (fibrose, miocardite, arritmia e hipertrofia) por meio de análises de bioinformática. Nossos resultados apontam para uma não-alteração nas etapas nucleares da biogênese de miRNAs (transcrição, edição e transporte), já que não foram encontradas alterações na expressão de pri- e pré-miRNAs de myomiRs, bem como dos componentes protéicos da biogênese, Drosha, Exportina-5 e RAN. Entretanto, observou-se uma disfunção na segunda etapa de edição da biogênese, citoplasmática, caracterizada por uma redução de 2/3 nos níveis protéicos de Dicer1, a qual não foi acompanhada por uma redução na expressão de seu RNA mensageiro. Evidenciou-se ainda, uma redução na expressão de 97,5% dos miRNAs maduros diferencialmente expressos no miocárdio de pacientes com CCC, incluindo myomiRs. As análises in silico revelaram haver participação dos miRNAs diferencialmente expressos em disfunções associadas a CCC, com destaque para a fibrose miocárdica, nodo central da rede. Experimentos adicionais preliminares sugeriram o acúmulo de adutos de 4-hidroxi-2-nonenal, decorrente do estresse oxidativo e de uma menor atividade da enzima aldeído desidrogenase 2, como uma possível causa para as alterações encontradas. Este é o primeiro estudo a caracterizar a biogênese de microRNAs em uma cardiomiopatia. Além disso, demonstrou-se que uma redução global do perfil dos miRNAs maduros diferencialmente expressos, decorrente uma disfunção na enzima Dicer1, está associada a eventos patológicos característicos da CCC. Estes mecanismos apresentam relevância biológica e terapêutica, podendo ser possivelmente compartilhados com cardiomiopatias de outras etiologias / Chronic Chagas disease cardiomyopathy (CCC) is the most severe complication of the infection by the haemoflagellate protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. This dilated cardiomyopathy is characterized by an intense inflammatory infiltrate, fibrosis, dilation of cardiac chambers, cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and conduction abnormalities. Its pathophysiology is complex and why only 30% of patients experience this complication remains an open question. In this regard, our laboratory described for the first time a reduction in the expression of muscle-enriched microRNAs (myomiRs) in human CCC myocardium. Knowing that biogenesis dysfunction and myomiR reduced expression have been associated to the development of dilated cardiomyopathy in animal models, we hypothesized that an impairment of myocardial microRNA biogenesis would be associated to CCC. Hence, left ventricle tissue samples from CCC patients (16) and non-cardiomyopathy donors (6) were used to analyze: 1) mRNA and protein expression, by qPCR and western blotting, of canonical microRNA biogenesis machinery (Drosha, Exportin-5, RAN, Dicer1, TRBP, PACT, AGO2); 2) primary transcript (pri-miR), precursor (pre-miR) and mature microRNA expression of myomiRs (miR-1, -133a, -133b, -208a, -208b, e -499); 3) mature microRNA profile using qPCR array; and 4) the interaction between differentially expressed mature microRNAs and hallmark CCC dysfunctions (fibrosis, myocarditis, hypertrophy and arrhythmia) using bioinformatics tools. Our results point to a non-dysfunction of biogenesis nuclear steps (transcription, editing and transport), since expression of pri-, pre-microRNAs, Drosha, Exportin-5 and Ran are similar between CCC patients and controls. However, we observed an alteration in the cytoplasmic editing step, characterized by a 2/3 reduction in Dicer1 protein levels. In addition, a major downregulation of differentially expressed mature microRNAs (97,5%) was noticed. In silico analysis revealed an association between differentially expressed microRNAs and CCC hallmarks, particularly fibrosis, a central node in the network. Additional preliminary data suggest 4-hydroxi-2-nonenal myocardial accumulation, resulting from oxidative stress and aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 lower activity, as a possible cause for the alterations here described. This is the first study to conduct a comprehensive analysis of microRNA biogenesis machinery in a cardiomyopathy. Moreover, we have shown a major reduction in the expression of mature microRNAs, due to lower Dicer1 protein levels, to be associated to CCC hallmark dysfunctions. These mechanisms are biologically and therapeutically relevant, and may be shared with cardiomyopathies from different etiologies

Étude des interactions protéine-protéine entre le complexe de Survie des MotoNeurones (SMN) et les facteurs d'assemblage des RNP à boîtes C/D et H/ACA / Study of the protein-protein interactions between the SMN complex and the factors required for box C/D and H/ACA RNP assembly

Huttin, Alexandra 11 December 2012 (has links)
Les particules ribonucléoprotéiques (RNP) à boîtes C/D et H/ACA sont impliquées dans la maturation des UsnRNA et des précurseurs des ARNr. L'assemblage de ces RNP dans les cellules est un processus complexe faisant intervenir de nombreux facteurs cellulaires dont NUFIP, commun aux deux RNP, et NAF1, spécifique aux RNP à boîtes H/ACA. Le complexe de Survie des Motoneurones (SMN) est essentiel à la survie cellulaire et est nécessaire à l'assemblage d'une autre RNP, les UsnRNP, composants des spliceosomes. Un déficit en protéine SMN conduit à une pathologie grave, l'amyotrophie spinale. Plusieurs études suggèrent que le complexe SMN puisse également jouer un rôle dans l'assemblage des RNP à boîtes C/D et H/ACA. Dans le but d'obtenir de plus amples informations, nous avons testé si des interactions existent entre les constituants du complexe SMN et i) les protéines associées aux RNP matures, ainsi que ii) les autres facteurs d'assemblage déjà connus. Ainsi, par une approche de double hybride chez la levure, nous avons observé des interactions fortes entre NAF1 et les protéines Gemin3 et Gemin8 du complexe SMN. Comme la protéine coeur GAR1 des RNP à boîte H/ACA interagit avec la protéine SMN, ces données suggèrent que le complexe SMN participe à l'échange de NAF1 par GAR1, qui est une étape clé de la biogenèse des RNP à boîtes H/ACA. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence des interactions entre Gemin3/NUFIP, Gemin4/NUFIP et Gemin6/NUFIP. L'étude de cette dernière interaction a été approfondie. Nous avons montré que l'interaction est directe, qu'elle existe dans les cellules de mammifères à la fois dans le cytoplasme et le noyau, et nous avons défini les domaines de chaque protéine nécessaires à l'interaction, en collaboration avec l'équipe d'E. Bertrand (IGM Montpellier). Ces résultats ouvrent de larges perspectives quant à un lien fonctionnel entre le complexe SMN et NUFIP dans l'assemblage des RNP à boîtes C/D et H/ACA, mais aussi dans l'assemblage de la snRNP U4 et dans le mécanisme de traduction localisée dans les cellules / Box C/D and H/ACA ribonucleoparticles (RNPs) are required for UsnRNA and ribosomal RNA maturation. Their assembly in cells is a complex process, which implicates numerous cellular factors, such as NUFIP, a common assembly factor, and NAF1, which is a specific factor for H/ACA box RNP assembly. The Survival of Motoneurons (SMN) complex is essential for cell survival and is required for the assembly of another class of RNPs, the UsnRNPs, which are essential components of the splicing machinery. Decreased levels of the SMN protein lead to a severe disease, the spinal muscular atrophy. Several studies led to the proposal that the SMN complex also plays a role in the assembly of box C/D and H/ACA RNPs. In order to obtain more information, we analyzed whether some interactions may exist between components of the SMN complex and i) core proteins of mature RNPs, or ii) factors already known to be involved in the assembly. Using a yeast two-hybrid approach, we observed strong interactions between NAF1 and the SMN complex components, Gemin3 and Gemin8. Since the core H/ACA protein GAR1 interacts with the SMN protein, our data suggest that the SMN complex participates to the exchange of NAF1 by GAR1, which is a crucial step of H/ACA box RNP biogenesis. Furthermore, we discovered strong interactions between Gemin3/NUFIP, Gemin4/NUFIP and Gemin6/NUFIP. Concerning the Gemin6/NUFIP interaction, we showed that is direct, that it exists in both compartments in mammalian cells and we defined domains of both proteins necessary for the interaction in collaboration with the E. Bertrand team (IGM Montpellier). These results open new perspectives concerning functional links between the SMN complex and NUFIP in box H/ACA and C/D RNP assembly, but also in U4 snRNP assembly and in the mechanism of localized translation

Étude chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae des relations entre la structure du petit ARN nucléolaire U3, ses interactions avec les protéines de la particule nucléolaire snoRNP U3 et sa fonction dans la biogenèse des ribosomes / Study to the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae of the relations between the U3 snoRNA structure, its interactions with proteins of the snoRNP U3 and its function in the of ribosome biogenesis

Rolland, Nicolas 14 December 2012 (has links)
Le snoRNA U3 contient deux motifs conservés C'/D et de B/C qui permettent de recruter les protéines constitutives de la snoRNP U3. La liaison de la protéine Snu13p/15.5 kD à chacun de ces motifs est un préalable pour le recrutement des 4 autres protéines, à savoir : Nop1p, Nop56p et Nop58p sur le motif C'/D et de Rrp9p, une protéine spécifique du snoRNA U3, sur le motif B/C. Nous avons utilisé la structure 3D connue d'une protéine humaine contenant 7 motifs WD-40 et des méthodes de modélisation moléculaire pour proposer un modèle de structure 3D de Rrp9p. En parallèle, nous avons identifié les déterminants nécessaires à l'association des protéines Snu13p, Nop1p, Nop56p et Nop58p sur le motif C'/D du snoRNA U3, ceci en produisant différents variants du snoRNA U3 et en testant leurs capacités fonctionnelles et leurs stabilités dans la levure. Sur la base d'un modèle 3D d'une snoRNP C/D construit par C. Charron, nous avons ensuite formulé des hypothèses sur les interactions possibles entre le motif C'/D et les acides aminés des protéines Snu13p et Nop58p et confirmé ces hypothèses par mutagénèse dirigée. Les données ont en plus révélé qu'une faible quantité de snoRNA U3 est suffisante pour assurer la croissance des levures. Toujours par mutagénèse dirigée et étude des conséquences in cellulo, j'ai pu montrer quelles sont les contraintes en distance entre les motifs C'/D et B/C. Ce qui nous permet de formuler des hypothèses sur leurs positionnements relatifs dans la snoRNP. Au total mon travail a permis d'apporter des informations importantes sur l'architecture et les contraintes fonctionnelles de la snoRNP U3 de levure / U3 snoRNA contains two conserved pairs of boxes C'/D and B/C needed to bind the stably associated proteins. Binding of protein Snu13p/15.5 kD to each of the conserved motifs is a prerequisite for recruitment of the 4 other U3 snoRNP proteins, namely: Nop1p, Nop56p and Nop58p on the C'/D motif and the Rrp9p U3 specific protein on the B/C motif. We used the known 3D structure of a human G protein containing 7 WD-40 motifs and 3D structure homology modeling methods to build a 3D structure model for Rrp9p. In parallel, by production of variant U3 snoRNAs, and by testing their in vivo stabilities and activities, we identified the C'/D determinants needed for association of proteins Snu13p, Nop1p, Nop56p and Nop58p to U3 snoRNA. Based on a 3D structure model of U3 C/D box RNP built by C Charron, we then formulated hypotheses on the possible interactions between the C'/D motif and amino acids from Snu13p and Nop58p and verified the hypotheses by site-directed mutagenesis of yeast cell components. The data also revealed that very low amounts of U3 snoRNA are sufficient to ensure yeast growth. By site directed mutagenesis, I also studied how the C'/D and B/C motifs should be positioned one relative to the other in order to be functional. Taken together, my work brings important information on the architecture of yeast U3 snoRNP and its functional constraints

Identification des protéines de liaison à l’ARN contrôlant la traduction des ARNm 5’TOP et caractérisation de leur régulation par la voie mTOR / Identification of RNA binding proteins controlling 5’TOP mRNAs translation and characterization of their regulation by mTOR pathway

Nouschi, Aurélien 15 September 2015 (has links)
La biogenèse des ribosomes est un processus complexe finement régulé pour s’adapter à la disponibilité en nutriments et en facteurs de croissance ainsi qu’à la présence éventuelle de stress. Une étape clé de la régulation de la biogenèse des ribosomes se fait par la régulation de la traduction des ARNm 5’ Terminal OligoPyrimidine (5’TOP) qui codent pour les protéines ribosomiques. Bien que la voie de signalisation mechanistic Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) ait été identifiée depuis des décennies comme activatrice de cette traduction des ARNm 5’TOP, les régulateurs impliqués ainsi que leur contrôle par la voie mTOR n’ont jamais été identifiés avec précision. Dans ce travail, nous avons montré que La-related protein 1 (Larp1), une protéine de liaison à l’ARN cible de mTOR, est indispensable à l’inhibition de la traduction des ARNm 5’TOP en aval de mTOR. De plus, Larp1 semble participer à l’inhibition de la formation du complexe d’initiation de la traduction eIF4F, qui est responsable du recrutement du complexe de pré-initiation 43S sur la coiffe m7G présente à l’extrémité 5’ de tous les ARNm. Nous avons également démontré que Larp1 peut se lier à la protéine Poly(A)-Binding Protein (PABP) et à la protéine de la petite sous-unité ribosomique RPS6 et que cette dernière interaction diminue lorsque les sites de phosphorylation de Larp1 dépendants de mTOR Ser 689 et 697 sont mutés en alanine. Ces résultats représentent une avancée importante dans la compréhension de la régulation de la traduction des ARNm 5’TOP par la voie mTOR. Cependant, des études complémentaires sont nécessaires afin de comprendre plus en détail le mécanisme exact par lequel Larp1 réprime la traduction des ARNm 5’TOP. / Ribosome biogenesis is a process that is finely tuned to adapt to nutrients and growth factors availability as well as to cellular stress and insults. Ribosomal proteins, the protein component of ribosomes, are encoded by 5’ Terminal Oligopyrimidine (5’TOP) mRNAs. A key step in ribosome biogenesis is the up-regulation of the translation of 5’TOP mRNAs. Although the mechanistic Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) pathway have been known for decades to promote 5’TOP mRNAs translation, the regulators involved and their control by the mTOR pathway remains obscure. In this work we demonstrated that La-related protein 1 (Larp1), an RNA-binding protein and substrate of mTOR, is necessary for the inhibition of 5’TOP mRNAs translation downstream of mTOR. In particular Larp1 seems to interfere with the formation of the translation initiation complex eIF4F, which is responsible for the recruitment of the 43S preinitiation complex to the m7G cap present at the 5’ end of mRNAs. Furthermore we found that Larp1 interacts with the protein Poly(A)-Binding Protein (PABP) and with the small ribosomal subunit protein RPS6 and that the latter interaction is decreased by mutation to alanine of the mTOR-dependent phosphorylation sites Ser 689 and 697. These findings are an important contribution to the understanding of the regulation of the translation of 5’TOP mRNAs by the mTOR pathway. Nevertheless more studies will be needed in order to dissect the mechanism by which Larp1 represses translation of 5’TOP mRNAs.

Map-based cloning of the gene albostrians in barley

Li, Mingjiu 25 November 2015 (has links)
Die Identifizierung des albostrians Gens erfolgte mittels Karten-basiertem Klonieren. Begonnen wurde mit der Kartierung in zwei kleinen F2-Kartierungspopulationen, MM4205 und BM4205, die zur Lokalisierung des Genes auf dem langen Arm von Gerstenchromosom 7H führte. Durch Kartierung mit hoher Auflösung in Verbindung mit extensiver Markersättigung konnte der betreffende DNA-Bereich schrittweise von anfangs 14,29 cM auf schließlich 0,06 cM eingeschränkt werden, wobei insgesamt 1344 F2-Pflanzen analysiert wurden. Zwischen den nächsten flankierenden genetischen Markern konnte in einem Bereich von 46 Kbp ein einzelnes Gen identifiziert werden. Durch Sequenzvergleich des abgeleiteten Genprodukts mit Einträgen in Datenbanken konnte das Protein der CMF-Genfamilie putativer Transkritionsregulatoren mit DNA-bindenden oder Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungs-Eigenschaften zugeordnet werden. Eine erste Bestätigung der Identität des Kandidatengens mit dem albostrians-Gen konnte durch Analyse einer EMS-induzierten TILLING-Population (abgeleitet von der Gerstensorte ‚Barke’) erreicht werden. Unter den 42 gefundenen induzierten Mutationen gab es eine Mutation, die zu einem vorzeitigen Stopcodon und damit nach der Translation potenziell zu einem verkürztem Protein führt. Die Nachkommenschaft dieser heterozygoten Mutante spaltete in grüne und albino Pflanzen auf. Der albino-Phänotyp war perfekt mit dem homozygoten Status der nonsense-Mutation in den untersuchten 245 M4-Nachkommen von fünf heterozygoten M3-Pflanzen der Mutantenfamilie verbunden. Nach transienter Transformation von Gerstenblatt-Epidermiszellen mittels biolistischem Cobombardement von ALBOSTRIANS::GFP-Fusionsprotein mit dem mCherry-markierten Organellenmarker pt-rk-CD3-999 konnte die Lokalisation des ALBOSTRIANS-Proteins in den Plastiden und im Kern beobachtet werden. / Map-based cloning was employed for identification of the albostrians gene. Starting with mapping in two small F2 mapping populations, MM4205 and BM4205, the locus could be assigned to the long arm of barley chromosome 7H. High-resolution genetic mapping in conjunction with extensive marker saturation allowed to reduce the genetic target interval iteratively from initially 14.29 cM to finally 0.06 cM by analyzing a total of 1344 F2 plants. A single gene could be identified in a physical distance of 46 Kbp between the closest flanking genetic markers. Functional annotation of the deduced protein revealed it to represent a member of the CMF gene family of putative transcriptional regulators comprising DNA binding or protein-protein interaction properties. The identified candidate gene was first confirmed by screening an EMS-induced TILLING population derived from barley cv. ‘Barke’. Among the 42 identified induced mutations a single mutation introduced a premature stop codon potentially resulting in a shorter protein upon translation. Progeny of this heterozygous mutant segregated for green and albino plants. The albino phenotype was perfectly linked with the homozygous state of the stop codon mutation in 245 M4 offspring of five heterozygous M3 plants of the mutant family. Transient transformation by biolistic co-bombardment of barley epidermal cells with an ALBOSTRIANS::GFP fusion protein and an mCherry labelled organelle marker pt-rk-CD3-999 revealed the ALBOSTRIANS protein is targeting to plastids and nucleus.

Rôle d'OPA1 dans le fonctionnement et l'architecture des cellules musculaires striées et dans la réponse à un stress / Role of OPA1 in striated muscle cell function and architecture and in response to stress

Caffin, Fanny 19 December 2012 (has links)
L’ADOA-1 (Autosomal dominant optic atrophy) est une maladie neurologique pouvant être causée par la mutation de la protéine mitochondriale OPA1 (Optic atrophy type 1) et pouvant conduire à une cécité. Certains patients peuvent présenter un dysfonctionnement mitochondrial plus généralisé, et développer d'autres complications neuromusculaires (ADOA-1+). La protéine OPA1 est une dynamine GTPasique impliquée dans la dynamique mitochondriale en modulant la fusion des membranes internes, et plus largement dans le maintien des fonctions mitochondriales. Le rôle de cette protéine a été étudié dans beaucoup de types cellulaires, mais peu d’études se sont intéressées à la cellule cardiaque qui pourtant possède de nombreuses mitochondries.La 1ère question soulevée par cette thèse était de déterminer l’implication de la protéine OPA1 dans l’organisation du réseau mitochondrial et dans le fonctionnement de la cellule cardiaque en condition physiologique ou pathologique. Pour répondre à cela, nous avons utilisé un modèle murin hétérozygote pour Opa1 (Opa1+/-). Nous avons montré que dans le cardiomyocyte adulte, la diminution d’expression d’OPA1 induisait un déséquilibre de la balance fusion/fission, qui se traduisait par une désorganisation du réseau mitochondrial, ainsi qu’une altération de la morphologie des mitochondries. Cependant, ces modifications n’engendraient pas d’altération des capacités oxydatives des mitochondries, mais conduisaient à une perturbation des propriétés d’ouverture du PTP. En outre, la déficience en OPA1 n’influençait pas la fonction cardiaque en condition physiologique, mais était associée à son altération plus sévère en condition pathologique. La 2nde question de cette thèse était de savoir l’implication d’OPA1 dans la réponse à un stress physiologique des cellules musculaires squelettiques, et ainsi étudier le lien éventuel entre OPA1 et la mise en place de la biogénèse mitochondriale. Nous avons donc soumis nos souris Opa1+/- à un exercice d’endurance. Nos résultats ont révélé que nos deux groupes d’animaux disposaient des mêmes capacités physiques à l’entraînement. L’adaptation des souris Opa1+/- à l’entrainement s’effectuait par un remodelage métabolique, vraisemblablement pour contrer un défaut d’adaptation de la biogénèse mitochondriale. En conclusion, nos résultats ont permis de mieux définir le rôle de la protéine OPA1 dans les muscles striés et son implication dans l’adaptation à un stress. Ce travail nous ouvre des perspectives sur le rôle de la dynamique mitochondriale dans l’adaptation à un stress. / ADOA-1 (Autosomal dominant optic atrophy) is a neurological disease that can be caused by mutations in mitochondrial protein OPA1 (Optic atrophy type 1) and can lead to blindness. Some patients with OPA1 mutations may have a generalized mitochondrial dysfunction, and may develop additional neuromuscular complications (ADOA-1+). OPA1 protein is a GTPase dynamin involved in mitochondrial dynamics by controlling the fusion of inner membranes, and also in the maintenance of mitochondrial functions. The role of this protein has been studied in many cell types, but only few studies have been done on cardiac cell, which nevertheless has many mitochondria.The first question raised by this thesis was to determine the involvement of OPA1 protein in mitochondrial network organization and the functioning of the cardiac cell in physiological or pathological condition. To answer this, we used a mouse model heterozygous for Opa1 (Opa1+/-). We have shown that in adult cardiomyocytes, a decrease expression of OPA1 induces an imbalance fusion/fission, which results in a disruption of mitochondrial network, as well as alteration of the morphology of mitochondria. However, these changes did not alter oxidative capacities, but leads to a disturbance of PTP opening. Additionally, OPA1 deficiency did not affect cardiac function under physiological conditions, but it is associated with a stronger impairment of cardiac function in pathological condition.The 2nd part of this thesis was to determine the involvement of OPA1 in response to physiological stress in cells of skeletal muscle, and thus to study the possible link between OPA1 and mitochondrial biogenesis activation. For this, we submitted our Opa1+/- mice to an exercise training. Our results showed that both groups of animals were able to perform the same physical activity. The adaptation of Opa1+/- mice to training did not involve mitochondrial biogenesis and led to a specific response involving a metabolic remodelling towards higher fatty acids utilization.In conclusion, our results allowed us a better understanding of OPA1 role in striated muscle and its involvement for adaptation to a stress. This work opens new perspectives on the role of mitochondrial dynamics in cardiac and muscle cells and during adaptation to a stress

Mécanismes d'adressage de Pom33, protéine transmembranaire associée aux pores nucléaires chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Mechanisms contributing to the targeting of Pom33, a nuclear pore associated transmembrane protein, in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Floch, Aurélie 26 September 2014 (has links)
Chez les eucaryotes, les pores nucléaires (NPCs), ancrés dans l’enveloppe nucléaire (EN), régulent les échanges nucléocytoplasmiques. Ces complexes, très conservés, sont composés d’une trentaine de protéines appelées nucléoporines (Nups) présentes en multiples copies au sein de chaque NPC. Chez la levure S. cerevisiae, seules quatre Nups, dont la protéine Pom33, possèdent des domaines transmembranaires. Une étude réalisée en amont de ce projet a permis de caractériser Pom33 et de montrer que le mutant pom33∆ est viable et ne présente pas de défaut apparent de transport nucléocytoplasmique mais se caractérise par un défaut de distribution des NPCs. Pom33 joue également un rôle dans l’assemblage des pores nucléaires au sein de l’EN (biogenèse de novo des NPCs). POM33 appartient à une famille de gènes très conservés. Il possède un paralogue chez S. cerevisiae, PER33, qui code pour une protéine localisée majoritairement au réticulum endoplasmique et minoritairement aux NPCs et qui n’est pas impliquée dans la biogenèse des NPCs. Chez les mammifères, il n’existe qu’un homologue de Pom33/Per33, TMEM33. Dans le cadre de ce doctorat, nous nous sommes demandés quels étaient les déterminants contribuant à l’adressage spécifique de Pom33 au niveau des NPCs et à sa fonction dans la biogenèse de ces structures. La purification de Pom33-ProtA, suivie de spectrométrie de masse, nous a permis d’identifier un nouveau partenaire de Pom33, le facteur d’import Kap123. Des approches in vitro ont montré une interaction directe entre Kap123 et le domaine C-terminal (CTD) de Pom33, qui est perturbée en présence de RanGTP. Par ailleurs, des prédictions in silico ont révélé la présence dans ce domaine CTD de deux hélices amphipathiques, conservées chez l’humain. Des analyses par dichroïsme circulaire et flottaisons ont confirmé la capacité du CTD à s’organiser en hélice en présence de membranes lipidiques et à interagir préférentiellement avec les membranes très courbées. L’expression d’une version mutée de Pom33-CTD, incapable de se lier aux membranes et couplée à la GFP, a révélé la capacité de ce domaine à agir comme un NLS, importé spécifiquement dans le noyau par Kap123. Alors que la délétion du domaine CTD affecte l’adressage de Pom33 aux NPCs et provoque un défaut de distribution des NPCs, la mutation des résidus basiques impliqués dans l’interaction avec Kap123 ou des résidus permettant sa liaison aux membranes lipidiques ne récapitule pas ce phénotype. En revanche, la perte combinée de ces deux déterminants affecte l’adressage de Pom33 aux NPCs et provoque un défaut de distribution des NPCs ainsi qu'une interaction génétique avec le mutant nup133∆, impliqué dans la biogenèse de novo des NPCs. Les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude indiquent donc que l’adressage de Pom33 est un mécanisme actif et multifactoriel, qui met en jeu au moins deux déterminants dans son domaine CTD. Ces données indiquent également un rôle de ce domaine dans la biogenèse de novo des NPCs, qui pourrait néanmoins n’être qu’un effet indirect de son rôle dans l’adressage de Pom33 aux NPCs. Au cours de cette étude, nous avons également mis en évidence d’autres partenaires potentiels de Pom33, en particulier Myo2, une localisation de Pom33 au niveau du bourgeon lors de la division et une interaction génétique entre POM33 et KAP123. Ces observations préliminaires ouvrent de nouvelles pistes de réflexion quant au rôle de Pom33 lors de la division cellulaire. / In eukaryotic cells, nucleocytoplasmic exchanges take place through the nuclear pores complexes (NPCs). These conserved macromolecular assemblies are embedded in the nuclear envelope (NE) and composed of ~30 distinct proteins called nucleoporins (Nups), each presents in multiple copies. In the budding yeast Sacharomyces cerevisiae, there are only four transmembrane Nups, including Pom33. A previous study leds to the characterization of Pom33 and revealed that pom33∆ mutant cells, although viable and without apparent alteration in nucleocytoplasmic transport, display NPCs distribution defect. Pom33 also contributes to the biogenesis of NPCs into the intact NE (de novo biogenesis). Pom33 is highly conserved among species and has a paralogue in S. cerevisiae, Per33, which can associate with NPCs but is mainly localized at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and NE. Unlike Pom33, Per33 is not involved in NPCs distribution and biogenesis. In mammalian cells, there is a unique homologue of Pom33/Per33, named TMEM33. In the context of this thesis, we aimed to identify the determinants involved in the specific targeting of Pom33 to NPCs and in its function in pore biogenesis. To characterize these determinants, we first performed affinity-purification experiments followed by mass spectrometry analyses. This identified a novel Pom33 partner, the nuclear import factor Kap123. In vitro experiments revealed a direct interaction between Pom33 C-terminal domain (CTD) and Kap123 that involves positively-charged residues within Pom33-CTD and is altered in the presence of Ran-GTP. Moreover, in silico analyses predicted the presence of two evolutionarily-conserved amphipathic ~-helices within Pom33-CTD. Circular dichroism studies and liposome co-floatation assays confirmed that this CTD domain is able to fold into ~-helices in the presence of liposomes and revealed its preferential binding to highly curved lipid membranes. When expressed in yeast, under conditions abolishing Pom33-CTD membrane association, Pom33-CTD behaves as a Kap123-dependent nuclear localization domain. While deletion of Pom33 C-terminal domain (Pom33-∆CTD-GFP) impairs Pom33 NPC targeting and stability and leads to a NPC distribution phenotype, mutants affecting either Kap123 binding or the amphipathic properties of the ~-helices do not display any detectable defect. However, combined impairment of lipid and Kap123 binding affects Pom33 targeting to NPCs and leads to an altered NPC distribution and a genetic interaction with the deletion of NUP133, a gene coding for a nucleoporin involved in NPCs biogenesis. Together, these results indicate that Pom33 targeting to NPCs is an active and multifactorial process that requires at least two determinants within its CTD. They also suggest a role of Pom33-CTD in the de novo NPCs biogenesis process, which could however only be an indirect consequence of its requirement for Pom33 targeting to NPCs. Our mass spectrometry analysis also identified other partners of Pom33, in particular Myo2, a molecular motor required for the cell cycle-regulated transport of various organelles and proteins and for correct alignment of the spindle during mitosis. Our studies also revealed a specific localization of Pom33 at the bud tip during mitosis and a genetic interaction between POM33 and KAP123. Taken together, these preliminary observations open new perspectives regarding additional functions of Pom33 during cell division.

Efeitos do treinamento físico na doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica em camundongos: aspectos relacionados à biogênese mitocondrial, estresse oxidativo hepático e muscular / Effect of Physical Training on obese mice with non - alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): aspects related to mitochondrial biogenesis, hepatic and muscular oxidative stress

Fernandes, Matheus Santos de Sousa 10 July 2019 (has links)
Introdução: A doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica (DHGNA) é uma das formas mais comuns de doença hepática, que acomete cerca de 20% a 30% da população adulta, sendo encontrada mais frequentemente em indivíduos obesos (~90%). Dentre os principais fatores etiológicos estão: resistência à insulina, disfunção mitocondrial e estresse oxidativo. Até o presente momento não há tratamento farmacológico específico para a DHGNA, por isso modificações no estilo de vida como redução do peso corporal (PC), dieta e prática regular de exercício físico são eficazes no combate a DHGNA. Entretanto ainda não está elucidado quais os principais impactos do exercício físico na DHGNA. Objetivos: Com isso, propusemos um estudo experimental que avaliou o efeito do treinamento físico sobre metabolismo oxidativo, funcionalidade mitocondrial hepática e muscular (soléo) e lipogênese hepática em modelo de DHGNA em camundongos obesos (ob/ob). Métodos: Utilizou-se 14 (ob/ob) com déficit em leptina e forma divididos em dois grupos: Sedentário (SED)=7 e treinados (TF=7) de acordo com o equilíbrio na média do PC. Estes animais foram submetidos a um protocolo de 8 semanas de treinamento físico aeróbio (TFA) a 60% da velocidade máxima obtida no teste de corrida realizado no último dia da semana de adaptação ao TFA. Na quarta semana foi realizado o reajuste da intensidade apenas nos TF e o teste de capacidade de corrida foi aplicado na oitava semana em ambos os grupos para se avaliar o desempenho dos animais nas variáveis ligadas ao TFA. Avaliou-se durante todo o protocolo: peso corporal (PC) em média, percentual, evolução do PC e consumo de água e ração. Na expressão gênica intra-hepática e muscular foram analisados: PGC-1Alfa, CPT-1Alfa e PPAR-Alfa relacionados a funcionalidade mitocondrial, em adição analisou-se no fígado: SREBP1. No metabolismo oxidativo analisou-se: biomarcadores (MDA e carbonilas), atividade enzimática de SOD, CAT e GST, sistema antioxidante não enzimático: sulfidrilas, GSH e GSH/GSSG, enzimas metabólicas (Citrato sintase e Beta-HAD). Foi realizada análise histopatológica hepática por HE, além do peso absoluto e relativo dos tecidos hepático e adiposo branco retroperitoneal, periepididimal e inguinal. Resultados: Na análise intergrupo em relação ao PC, observou-se redução significativa no grupo TF, assim como nos consumos de água e ração que foram significativamente menores após 8 semanas: Na análise de expressão gênica hepática encontramos aumento de PGC-1Alfa (p=0,002) e menor de CPT-1Alfa p=0,03) no grupo LTF após 8 semanas de TFA. No músculo Soléo encontramos maior expressão dos genes: PGC-1Alfa (p=0,002) e CPT-1Alfa (p=0,01). Em relação a MDA e carbonilas não houve diferença intergrupo, assim como em SOD, CAT e GST. Entretanto, quando analisamos o sistema antioxidante não enzimático, encontramos que os TF obtiveram maior nível de: sulfídrilas (p=0,02), GSH (p=0,001) e GSH/GSSG (p=0,02), além maior ativação das enzimas metabólicas: citrato sintase (p=0,004) e Beta-HAD (p=0,01). No peso dos órgãos, o TF demonstrou menor peso absoluto e relativo hepático e retroperitoneal. Na análise histológica, não houve diferença significante. Conclusões: Nossos dados demonstram que TFA melhorou o controle do PC, hiperfagia e peso do fígado e retroperitoneal, funcionalidade mitocondrial e metabolismo oxidativo em (ob/ob) com DHGNA. Há necessidade uma intervenção a longo prazo com TFA, para que se posso visualizar possíveis melhorias histológicas / Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common forms of liver disease, affecting about 20% to 30% of the adult population, being found more often in obese individuals (~ 90%). Among the main etiological factors are insulin resistance, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. To date, no specific pharmacological treatment for NAFLD, so lifestyle modifications such as: reduction in BW, diet and regular practice of physical exercise are effective, however it is not yet elucidated what the main impacts of physical exercise on NAFLD. Therefore, we proposed an experimental study that evaluated the effect of physical training on oxidative metabolism, hepatic and muscular mitochondrial function (soles) and hepatic lipogenesis in an ob / ob model of NAFLD. We used 14 (ob / ob) with leptin deficiency and divided into two groups: Sedentary (SED) = 7 and Trained (TF = 7) according to the mean BW balance. These animals were submitted to an 8-week protocol of aerobic physical training (AET) at 60% of the maximum velocity obtained in the running test performed on the last day of the week of adaptation to AET. In the fourth week the intensity adjustment was only done in the TF and the running capacity test was amplified in the eighth week in both groups to evaluate the performance of the animals in the variables linked to the AET. It was evaluated throughout the protocol: body weight (BW) on average, percentage, BW evolution and water and feed consumption. In the intrahepatic and muscular gene expression were analyzed: PGC-1Alpha, CPT-1Alpha and PPAR-Alpha related to mitochondrial functionality, in addition liver was analyzed: SREBP1. In the oxidative metabolism, we analyzed: biomarkers (MDA and carbonyls), enzymatic activity of SOD, CAT and GST, non-enzymatic anti-oxidant system: sulfhydryl, GSH and GSH / GSSG, metabolic enzymes (Citrate synthase and Beta-HAD). Hepatic histopathological analysis was performed by HE, in addition to the absolute and relative weight of the hepatic and white retroperitoneal, periepididimal and inguinal adipose tissues. In the intergroup analysis in relation to BW, a significant reduction was observed in the TF group, as well as in the water and feed intakes that were significantly lower after 8 weeks: In the analysis of hepatic gene expression we found an increase of PGC-1Alpha (p = 0.002) and CPT-1 = 0.0Alpha 3) in the TF group after 8 weeks of AET. In the soleus we found higher expression of the genes: PGC-1Alpha (p= 0.002) and CPT-1Alpha (p = 0.01). In relation to MDA and carbonyls there was no intergroup difference, as in SOD, CAT and GST. When we analyzed the non-enzymatic anti-oxidant system, we found that the TF had a higher activity of: sulfhydryls (p = 0.02), GSH (p = 0.001) and GSH / GSSG (p = 0.02) metabolic enzymes: citrate synthase (p = 0.004) and Beta-HAD (p = 0.01). In the weight of the organs the TF showed lower absolute and relative hepatic and retroperitoneal weight. In the histological analysis, there was no significant difference. Our data demonstrate that AET improved BW control, hyperphagia and liver and retroperitoneal weight, mitochondrial functionality and oxidative metabolism in (ob / ob) with NAFLD. Long-term AET intervention is needed so that we can visualize possible histological improvements. We considered the effective AET to improve aspects related to NAFLD

The role of UNC-108/RAB-2 in neuronal dense core vesicle maturation in C. elegans / Die Rolle von UNC-108/RAB-2 in der neuronalen Dense-Core-Vesikelreifung in C. elegans

Sumakovic, Marija 02 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.

A mitochondrial perspective on striated muscle physiopathology: insights from sepsis, denervation, and dystrophinopathies.

Godin, Richard 05 1900 (has links)
La mitochondrie est de plus en plus reconnue pour sa contribution à la dégénerescence musculaire. Les dysfonctions mitochondriales, en plus de causer une défaillance énergétique, contribuent à la signalisation apoptotique, stimule la production de ROS et peuvent induire une surcharge calcique. Ces caractéristiques sont tous reliées à certains types de myopathies. Cette thèse met en lumières comment certaines dysfonctions mitochondriales peuvent intervenir dans la pathogenèse de diverses myopathies. Nous démontrons que les dysfonctions mitochondriales sont impliqués dans l’atrophie dû à la perte d’innervation. Par contre, la désensabilisation de l’ouverture du pore mitochondrial de transition de perméabilité, via ablation génétique de cyclophiline-D, ne prévient ni la signalisation apoptotique mitochondrial ni l’atrophie. Nous avons aussi observé des dysfonctions mitochondriales dans le muscle atteint de dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne qui furent améliorés suite à une transfection de PGC1-α, laquelle résulta aussi en une amélioration de la pathologie. Finalement, nous démontrons que le recyclage de mitochondrie par les voies de mitophagies et de contrôles de la qualité impliquant Parkin et possiblement d’autres voies de signalisation inconnues sont cruciales au recouvrement cardiaqe lors d’un choc septique. / Mitochondria are increasingly being recognized for their role in contributing in cellular damage. Mitochondrial dysfunctions, in addition to causing energy failure, contribute to apoptotic signaling, stimulate ROS production and calcium overload. These are all features of various types of myopathies. This thesis sheds light on how mitochondrial dyfunctions may contribute to the pathogenesis in certain myopathies that have been found to show mitochondrial abnormalities. Specifically, we found that although mitochondrial dysfunctions are involved in denervation-associated atrophy, desensitizing mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening through genetic ablation of CyclophilinD does not prevent mitochondrial apoptotic signaling nor atrophy in this model of chronic inactivity. We also observed mitochondrial dysfunctions in the Duchenne dystrophic muscle that were improved after PGC1-α transfection, which also resulted in an amelioration of the disease presentation. Finally, we found that mitochondrial recycling, led by Parkin and alternate mitophagy pathways a crucial component of cardiac recovery in sepsis.

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