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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Boktryckaren på Visingsö : en granskning av Sven Almqvists forskning om Johann Kankel / The book printer on the island of Visingsö : a study of Sven Almqvist’s research on Johann Kankel

Hedfeldt, Göran January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine Sven Almqvist’s research on the 17th century book printer Johann Kankel who was employed by count Per Brahe the younger on the island of Visingsö. A model to describe the communications circuit, constructed by book historians Thomas R. Adams and Nicolas Barker are used as well as the historical source criticism method. This model consists of the five phases: publication, manufacture, distribution, reception and survival. All of these phases are influenced by external forces such as commercial pressures or social behaviour and taste. It is not only Almqvist’s study that is being examined. This thesis discusses also the primary sources and publications preceding of Almqvist’s study. Since Almqvist’s publication of 1965 is the latest contribution to information about Johann Kankel it is an important task to evaluate his study and to shed light upon possible new fields of research about the printing office of Visingsö. Furthermore the conditions of 17th century Sweden are briefly described, such as the four estates, gothicismus, censorship and publishing. Almqvist used mainly primary sources when describing life and work of book printer Kankel. The result of his study hasn’t therefore been greatly influenced by previous publications. In a few isolated cases the lack of primary sources permits free scope for speculation. Distribution, reception and survival as described by Adams & Barker are the most neglected phases in Almqvist’s study. These overlooked areas are therefore possible new research topics. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Tolv böcker i datorn : bättre än en i handen? / Twelve books on the computer- better than one in the hand?

Rosendahl, Hanna January 2007 (has links)
This thesis studies how readers of the electronic book (the e-book) use and perceive the electronic medium as a carrier of fiction. In this study it is assumed that fiction is mostly read in printed format. Therefore it is interesting to ask why some readers choose to read on screen. As there are all too few studies conducted on how readers perceive and use the e-book as a medium, this study aims to enrich an undeveloped research area. The study is based upon a qualitative questionnaire. It focuses on the e-book as a carrier of written text, which means that e-books such as mp3-books are not taken into account. The media theory Uses and Gratifications is used as a perspective from which the results are analysed. The theory also provides the reader of the study with a cognitive framework and a context in which the study is placed. The results are analysed using themes constructed from the answers of the respondents. Among the diverse result, the major conclusion is that there are two different reading situations, which decide how the respondents experience and use the e-book. The first reading situation is limited, because of the use of desktop computer or laptop when reading, in which the respondents are emotionally attached to the paper book. The other situation is flexible because of the use of palm computer or mobile phone, which makes flexible reading possible for the respondents who appreciate the e-book and the paper book as two separate media. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Romanen som vardagsvara : förläggare, författare och skönlitterära häftesserier i Sverige 1833-1851 från Lars Johan Hierta till Albert Bonnier /

Furuland, Gunnel, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2007.

Förläggaren som medskapare : Om Harry Martinson, Moa Martinson och samarbetet med förläggarna på Albert Bonniers förlag 1928–1939

Broborg, Sanna January 2017 (has links)
Författare beskrivs ofta som ensamma skapare till sina verk. I många fall finns det dock betydligt fler som medverkar i produktionen av ett litterärt verk, däribland förlaget. I fallet med svenska författarna Harry Martinson och Moa Martinson är det sen tidigare vederlagt att de båda hade ett utbyte med sina förläggare på Albert Bonniers förlag och att de på olika vis fick råd och ändringsförslag gällande sina texter av sina förläggare Karl Otto Bonnier, Tor Bonnier och Kaj Bonnier. Uppsatsen undersöker på vilka vis förläggarna fungerar som medskapare genom att undersöka kommunikationen i brev mellan författarna och förläggarna gällande författarnas olika manuskript under perioden 1928–1939. Uppsatsen utgår från flera frågeställningar och undersöker mönster i förläggarnas kommunikation och deras synpunkter på författarnas manuskript, hur dialogen ser ut mellan de olika parterna samt vilken funktion förläggarna kan sägas ha i produktionen av de litterära verken, allt som allt i syftet att bidra till förståelse för hur relationen mellan de två yrkesgrupperna kan påverka produktionen av ett litterärt verk fram till dess att en originalutgåva publiceras. Av analysen framkommer det att det finns ett flertal mönster i förläggarnas kritik som berör allt från språket, innehållet och formen, manuskripten i relation till den tänkta mottagaren, förlagets angelägenheter samt vänskapliga relationer mellan författare och förläggare. Trots att förläggarna refuserar båda författarna vid ett flertal tillfällen ser relationen mellan dem olika ut och på så vis skiftar även kritiken från förläggarna och författarnas respons. Bland annat Harry Martinson och Tor Bonnier utvecklar en särskild vänskaplig relation, medan Moa Martinson förmodligen anser sig åsidosatt och att hennes författarskap inte tillskrivs lika stor vikt av förlaget. Harry Martinsons får även något mindre omfattande förslag om ändringar från förlaget och med tiden dessutom mer frihet, medan Moa Martinson in i det sista ombes göra omfattande ändringar och även av andra skäl, så som att hon måste göra ändringar för att hennes innehåll inte anses passande. Båda författarna visar tacksamhet för de kommentarer de får av förläggarna på sina manuskript men är till en början inte alltid villiga att göra ändringar, även om de i slutändan väljer att göra som förläggarna önskar för att på så vis kunna publicera sina verk. Uppsatsen konstaterar att förläggarna framför allt kan ses som medskapare i den litterära produktionen på så vis att de med sina kommentarer är med och formar författarnas åsikter om hur god litteratur ska skrivas och på så vis påverkar deras skapande i det långa loppet. / Authors are often described as lone creators of their work. However, in many cases there are several others included in the production of a literary work, amongst them the publishing house. It is previously known that Swedish authors Harry Martinson and Moa Martinson both had an exchange with their publishers Karl Otto Bonnier, Tor Bonnier and Kaj Bonnier at Albert Bonniers förlag (a leading Swedish publishing house). This thesis examines in what ways the publishers’ acts as “co-creators” of the authors literary works by analysing the communication in letters between the publishers and the authors regarding numerous manuscripts written during 1928–1939. The thesis frames several questions and analyses patterns in the publishers’ letters and their comments of the authors’ writing, the dialogue between the five respective parties and what function the publishers can be said to have in the literary production. The overall purpose of the thesis is to further understand the relationship between the two professions and how that affects the production of a literary work, up until the original publication of the work. The analysis concludes that there are some distinguishable patterns in the publishers’ critique of the authors’ manuscripts regarding language, content and disposition, the recipient, the publish houses’ interests as well as the friendship between the authors and publishers. While the relationship between the authors and publishers changes, so does the publishers comments and the authors response to those comments. Harry Martinson and Tor Bonnier develops a friendship which affects their working relationship, while Moa Martinson presumably feels left out and treated less amicably by Albert Bonnier’s. There is a difference between how the authors are treated by the publishers in that Harry Martinson gets less critique and does not need to make as extensive changes in his writings whilst Moa Martinson on the other hand has to do the opposite. The publishers, especially Karl Otto Bonnier, also demands that Moa Martinson make changes regarding unsuitable topics in her writing. Both authors show gratitude for the publishers’ commentary, though they are at first often unwilling to make the suggested changes. In the end Harry Martinson and Moa Martinson tend to yield to the publishers wishes, possibly in order to get their works published. The thesis concludes that the publishers could be considered “co-creators” of the authors’ literary works mainly by contributing to and shaping the authors’ views on what literature is and how it should be written, thus affecting their writings in the long run.

Åbo-tryck i Linköping : Beskrivning av finska disserationer från tiden 1642-1827 i Linköping och deras proveniens / Prints from Turko in Linköping : Finnish Theses from Period 1642-1827 in Linköping in Sweden and their Provenance

Jauhiainen, Veikko January 1996 (has links)
In the old university of Turku there were written about 4 400 theses. About 1100 of them havefound their way to Linköping in Sweden. This paper describes these theses, new variants whichwere found and some characteristics of their provenance. They are compared with the largebibliography over theses from Turku by Vallinkoski. A couple of theses with completeinformation which have not been available since 1827 were found. Several new variants werefound and together with the known variants they have increased our knowledge about use oftheses by students. Different variants could be designed to thank people at the Academy and inTurku, to thank people at home in Sweden who have contributed to the costsome studies andvery often to the bishop of the students home-diocese. There are even examples of wbichdifferent variants were printed for different dioceses.Theses from time before 1713 are quite few, about 150. They seem to have come to the libraryby private persons, mostly by priests who studied in Turku. No signs of other forms of distributioncan be seen.There are many more theses from the period 1722-1827. The collection is anonymous withhundreds of theses which never have been opened. This and other facts indicate amassdistribution. The author presumes that this massdistribution is connected with the exchangeof publications that started in Sweden in the 1740s initiated by the Uppsala university.

Vad ordet läsning betyder och hur det används i svensk dagspress 1900-2016

Larsson, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
Ordet läsning har och har haft olika betydelser. Studien undersöker hur ordet läsning varierats i svensk dagspress mellan år 1900–2016. Sammantaget identifieras 60–70 variationer av ordet. I studien undersöks även om det finns förändringar när dessa ordvariationer används. I studien kombineras två ämnesfält. Det är ämnesfältet läsning och dess historia och ämnesfältet språk och dess utveckling. Detta område undersöks ur ett biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapligt perspektiv, utifrån en teoribildning som beskriver en intensiv läsning, en extensiv läsning, en funktionell läsning, en informativ läsning och en digital läsning. Materialet till studien består av söksträngar insamlade från Kungliga bibliotekets dagspressarkiv. Dessa korta texter granskas med en metodkombination av verktyg från Informationsvetenskap och Systemisk funktionell textanalys. Resultatet visar att ord som relaterar till en intensiv läsning minskar i användning mellan år 1900–1930. Under samma tid ökar användningen av ord som beskriver ett tyst extensiv läsande. Analys av ord och ordstruktur lyfter betydelsen av det kollektiva läsandet. I början av seklet används ord som högläsning, uppläsning och föreläsning relaterade till folkrörelserna. År 1925, då radion får sitt genombrott, ökar användningen av ordet uppläsning. Under samma tid används ett ord som beskriver ett tydligt tal. Det är ordet välläsning. I söksträngarna återfinns en koppling mellan ordet välläsning och frasen dialekt borttagning. Ett tydligt läsuttal diskuteras under en tid då ett kollektivt läsande omskrivs, men en analys av hur ordet används pekar även på att det finns underliggande spänningar mellan dialekter och riksspråk. Under 1960-tal identifieras ett skifte där ord som beskriver en teoretiskt informativ läsning tar över efter ord som beskrivit en praktisk instruktiv läsning.

Idunas äpplen. Fredrika Bremers bokdonation till Högre lärarinneseminariet / The Apples of Iduna: Fredrika Bremer's Donation of Books to Högre lärarinneseminariet

Örtenblad, Linda January 2011 (has links)
In the early 1860´s, the author and opinion former Fredrika Bremer made a large donation of books to Högre lärarinneseminariet, which is the first governmental institute for higher education of women in Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to describe the collection of donated books as well as to extract information regarding Bremer's international network of contacts, her views on women's education and her relation to Högre lärarinneseminariet. Furthermore, the aim is to highlight the unique relationship between Fredrika Bremer's private collection of the books and the library of Högre lärarinneseminariet from a gender perspective. A handwritten list of the 321 titles constitutin the donation has been preserved in the seminar archive and three quarters of the books have been re-discovered in a bookcase at Årsta castle. The donation is characterized by its double origin as stamps and personal dedications remain as permanent traces in the books. The archive list of the donation defines the scope of the current thesis. A sub-population of the books was selected for a more thorough investigation which was performed according to a bibliographical form. By considering each individual book as an artefact and the donation as its context, information was derived both from the individual book as well as from the book in relation to the collection as a whole. The investigation shows that the collection reflects Fredrika Bremer's areas of interest, her travels and her contacts with other writers throughout the world. The donation of the books, as well as the Iduna statue which she also donated, confirms that she saw her vision of a college being realized in Högre lärarinneseminariet. She was also aware of her own efforts for women's education and emancipation, and her significance as a role model for future students at the school. There is a high cultural history value in the preservation of Fredrika Bremer's book collection and it is desirable to make the collection more accessible for research.

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