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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Respostas olfativas de Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) aos voláteis do algodoeiro Gossypium hirsutum L. / Olfactory responses of Anthonomus grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to the volatiles of cotton Gossypium hirsutum L.

Guerrero, Milton Fernando Cabezas 22 June 2017 (has links)
As respostas comportamentais do bicudo-do-algodoeiro aos compostos orgânicos voláteis de plantas em fase vegetativa, plantas com botão floral, botão floral, flor e maçã e plantas em floração do algodoeiro, e a presença dos semioquímicos que responsáveis pela interação inseto-planta foram investigadas neste trabalho. Todos os experimentos foram realizados em condições de laboratório usando insetos criados em dieta artificial e planta cultivadas em casa de vegetação. Bioensaios usando olfatômetro em ípsilon demonstraram que macho são atraídos pelos voláteis das plantas em fase vegetativa e flores, e as fêmeas pelos voláteis das flores e plantas em floração. Ambos os sexos do bicudo-do-algodoeiro não foram traídos pelos voláteis de planta com botão floral, botão flora e maçã. Compostos voláteis destes tratamentos foram coletados por oito horas e analisados por GC-MS, revelando 13 compostos liberados pelas plantas em floração e 11 nas flores e plantas em fase vegetativa. As plantas em sus respectivas fases de desenvolvimento liberam maiores quantidades de compostos que as flores. As antenas de machos e fêmeas foram eletrofisiologicamente responsivas aos extratos voláteis destes tratamentos, confirmando o mesmo padrão de resposta observado nos bioensaios de olfatometria. Os compostos sintéticos β-caryophyllene e cis-3-hexenyl-acetate presentes em maiores quantidades em plantas em floração não foram atrativos para as fêmeas na concentração utilizada nos bioensaios de olfatometria. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho demonstram que machos e fêmeas exploram os compostos orgânicos voláteis liberados pelas diferentes fases desenvolvimento da planta e pelas flores, aportando assim, com novas evidencias sobre a interação entre A. grandis e seu principal hospedeiro, G. hirsutum, abrindo a possibilidade de realizar novos estudos visando a aplicabilidade de estes semioquímicos no monitoramento e controle deste importante inseto-praga. / The behavioral responses of the cotton boll weevil to the volatile organic compounds of plants in the vegetative stage, plants with square, squares, flower, boll and flowering plants of cotton, and the presence of semiochemicals responsible for the insect-plant interaction were investigated in this work. All experiments were carried out in laboratory conditions using insects raised in artificial diet and plant grown under greenhouse conditions. Y-tube olfactometer bioassays showed that male were attracted by volatiles of plants in vegetative phase and flowers, and the females by flowers and flowering plants volatiles. Both sexes of the cotton boll weevil were not attracted by plant with squares, squares and boll volatiles. Volatile compounds of these treatments were collected for eight hours and analyzed by GC-MS, revealing 13 compounds released by flowering plants and 11 by flowers and plants in the vegetative stage. Plants in their respective stages of development release larger amounts of compounds than flowers. Male and female antennae were electrophysiologically responsive to the volatile extracts of these treatments, confirming the same response pattern observed in the olfactory bioassays. The synthetic compounds β-caryophyllene and cis-3-hexenyl-acetate present in larger quantities at flowering plants were not attractive for females at the concentration used in Y-tube olfactometer bioassays. The results obtained in this work demonstrate that males and females exploit the volatile organic compounds released by cotton plant at different development stages and by the flowers, thus contributing with new evidence about the interaction between A. grandis and their major host plant, G. hirsutum, which will serve as support for studies aiming at the applicability of these semiochemicals in the monitoring and control of the cotton boll weevil.

Control of the ball and plate system : A comparative study of controllers / Styrning av boll och platta systemet : En jämförande studie av regulatorer

Strand, Filip, Wahlund, Martin January 2022 (has links)
This paper presents a comparison of controllers, specifically between conventional PID controllers with different structures and a Fuzzy Logic Controller. The performance has been evaluated by conducting experiments with the Ball and plate system, which is a system that is used to balance a ball on a plate. Furthermore, a large part of this work has been to assess how intuitive and straightforward the controllers are to design and implement. The results show that a PD controller with a proportional-on-error structure performs well for the Ball and plate system. Still, proportional-on-measurement is a viable alternative if a conservative controller is required. At the same time, the Fuzzy Logic Controller is a good alternative if you want more control over the system. Furthermore, the Fuzzy Logic Controller provides a design process that is easier to understand and closer to how we naturally think. However, it is more time-consuming than designing a conventional PID controller. Future work in the field should focus on optimizing this process to reduce the time required. / Denna studie består av en jämförelse mellan ett antal regulatorer. Dessa är olika strukturer av PID-regulatorer och en Suddig logik regulator. Prestandan har utvärderats genom att utföra experiment med Boll och platta systemet vilket är ett system som används för att balansera en boll på en platta. Vidare har en stor del av detta arbete handlat om hur intuitivt och enkelt det är att designa och implementera respektive regulator. Resultatet visar att en PD regulator med en proportionell-på-felet struktur presterar bra för Boll och platta systemet. Även proportionell-på-mätvärdet fungerar bra som ett mer konservativt alternativ. Dessutom är Suddig logik regulatorn ett bra alternativ om man vill ha mer kontroll över systemet. Designprocessen av denna är lättare att förstå och efterliknar hur man naturligt tänker i högre grad än de andra regulatorerna. Dock är denna mer tidskrävande att designa i jämförelse med de traditionella PID-regulatorerna. Framtida arbete bör fokusera på att optimera designprocessen så att den blir mindre tidskrävande.

Construction and theoretical study of a ball balancing platform : Limitations when stabilizing dynamic systems through implementation of automatic control theory / Konstruktion och teoretisk studie av bollbalanserande plattform

Hasp Frank, Alexander, Tjernström, Morgan January 2019 (has links)
Control theory and its applications are crucial when operating within the area of dynamic systems. Compensating for disturbances and external actions imposed on a given system being inherently unstable or semi-stable. Through the physical construction of a apparatus as a demonstrator of the theory further comparing the factual physical and computer simulated results derived from Newtonian mechanics. To enable comparison, designing a satisfactory controller capable of fulfilling the requirements set for the system is necessary. With regards to apparatus and control, the introduction of a proportional-integralderivative controller for a system balancing a ball on a platform. Further allowing for analysis to determine the limitations when stabilizing a naturally unstable or semi-stable system. Also, examine how these dier from the theoretical expectations. The control applied throughout the thesis is of the type linear, exclusively being able to operate properly within the linear spectrum of control. Using standard components and a microcontroller, a apparatus is constructed to maintain a ball on a platform. This is executed through programming with Arduino libraries and open source code. Hence, for research purposes, to see if the apparatus can operate satisfactory within the linear domain of control. With the aforementioned stated, this thesis will first cover the theoretical model of the ball on platform scenario through computer aided programs. Then compare the theoretical results with the results acquired from a physical construction. Further examine why dierences occur considering control theory and system implementation. / Reglertekniken och dess applikationer är centrala för att kontrollera dynamiska system och möjliggör för kompensering av störningar i system som är naturligt instabila eller semistabila. Genom konstruktion av en apparat som demonstrerar reglerteknisk teori kan vidare jämförelser mellan resultat från apparaten och datorsimuleringar, erhållna från Newtonsk mekanik, tillhandahållas. Syftet är vidare att utveckla en regulator som uppfyller de krav som sätts upp för systemet. Med hänsyn till apparaten och regulatorn, introduceras en proportionell-integrerande-deriverande regulator för en bollbalanserande plattform. På så sätt kan begränsningarna vid stabilisering av ett naturligt instabilt eller semistabilt system bestämmas. Vidare studeras hur dessa skiljer sig från de teoretiska förväntningarna. Endast linjär kontroll kommer att användas i detta projekt, därav en apparat som enbart är välfungerande inom ett linjärt domän. Genom användning av standardkomponenter och en mikrokontroll konstrueras en apparat för att bibehålla en boll på en plattform. Detta möjliggörs genom programmering med Arduinos bibliotek och öppen källkod. Således är, ur forskningssynpunkt, anordningens förmåga att fungera väl inom den linjära domänen av intresse. Utifrån detta kommer examensarbetet först att redogöra för den teoretiska modellen av en boll balanserande på en plattform genom användandet av datorprogram. För att sedan jämföra de teoretiska resultaten med de resultat som erhålls från den fysiska bollbalanserande konstruktionen. Vidare undersöks varför skillnader uppstår med hänsyn till reglerteknik och systemimplementering

Crafty Conversations : Om konsthantverk, konversationer och det som händer där emellan

Sandling, Erik January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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