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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Représentations et réalités spatiales de la péninsule argolique aux époques archaïque et classique : de l'espace des cités à celui de l'Argolide / Representations and spatial realities of the Argolic peninsula in the archaic and classical periods : from the space of the cities to the space of the Argolis

Weber-Pallez, Clémence 10 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans une démarche de géographie historique et d’histoire des représentations de l’espace dans l’Antiquité. Elle vise avant tout à essayer de combler une lacune de l’historiographie contemporaine, à savoir celle d’une définition spatiale de ce que recouvre le terme d’Argolide et des réalités auxquelles il renvoie aux époques archaïque et classique. Cette région, située au nord-est du Péloponnèse, n’apparaît proprement sous le nom d'Argolide, dans les textes littéraires, qu’à l’époque romaine. Une unité territoriale préexistait-elle aux périodes plus anciennes ? L’Argolide est-elle un territoire ou une région aux époques archaïque et classique ou n’est-elle qu’une construction historiographique des Anciens et des Modernes ? En partant de l’analyse des territorialités qui se sont exprimées à ces époques dans la péninsule argolique, nous nous interrogeons sur les représentations spatiales qui touchaient cet espace, pour comprendre s’il formait alors chez les Anciens une unité géographique. La péninsule argolique est parcourue de nombreuses identités, qui forment autant de territoires à des échelles variées (celles de la kômè, de la cité ou encore du territoire ethnique), sans pour autant avoir une identité propre et affirmée qui ferait d’elle un territoire. L’Argolide est le résultat d’une intervention active d’Argos dans le domaine des représentations : elle correspond non seulement au lot de Téménos, qui constitua le mythe argien territorial par excellence, mais aussi à l’association des domaines sur lesquels règnent Agamemnon et Diomède dans le Catalogue des Vaisseaux. L’Argolide regroupe donc symboliquement l’ensemble du nord-est du Péloponnèse. Entité mythologique dans l’imaginaire argien qui se diffusa dans l’ensemble de la Grèce archaïque et classique, l’Argolide est également une réalité tangible, puisqu’elle forme une véritable région aux époques archaïque et classique, c'est-à-dire un cadre propice aux interactions économiques, cultuelles ou culturelles. / This thesis follows the methodology of historical geography and of the history of spatial representations in Ancient Greece. Its main goal is to fill the gap in contemporary historiography, regarding the spatial definition covered by the term of Argolid and the realities to which it refers in the archaic and classical periods. The Argolid, located in the north-east of the Peloponnese, only appears as a region in literature during the Roman period. Did a territorial unit exist in earlier periods? Is the Argolid a territory or a region in the archaic and classical periods or is it just a histographical construct by the Ancients and Moderns?Starting from the analysis of expressed territorialities at these times in the Argolic peninsula, we study the spatial representations related to this space, in order to understand whether it formed a geographical unit for the Greeks back then. In the Argolic peninsula, many identities coexisted, which formed as many territories at different scales (those of kome, of the city or of the ethnic territory). Nevertheless, the peninsula did not have a clear and strong identity that would have made it a territory.The Argolid is the result of active interventions of Argos in the field of representations: it is linked not only to the lot of Temenos, which constituted the famous territorial Argive myth, but also to the association of the areas under the rule of Agamemnon and Diomedes in the Catalogue of Ships. The Argolid hence symbolically includes all the cities of the northeastern Peloponnese. Originally a mythological entity in Argives’ minds, which was later diffused throughout the archaic and classical Greece, the Argolid is also a concrete reality, since it forms a real region in Archaic and Classical periods, that is to say, a favorable environment to economic, worship or cultural interactions.

Ikuinen rauha:vuoden 1323 Pähkinäsaaren rauha suomalaisessa historiantutkimuksessa ja historiakulttuurissa 1800- ja 1900-luvuilla

Sarviaho, S. (Samu) 31 May 2017 (has links)
Abstract This dissertation analyzes conceptions of the nature of the Treaty of Nöteborg, signed in 1323 between Sweden and Novgorod, especially in 19th and 20th century Finnish historical research and popular literature. The methodologies used are contextualization and the sociology of science. The treaty rose to great prominence in mid-19th century periodization of Finnish history. At the time, Finnish historiography considered the Crusade Period in Finland as a showdown between Sweden and Russia and emphasized the significance of interstate treaties. The treaty has maintained its status as a cornerstone of the periodization of Finnish history up to the present. It has symbolized the Christianization and Swedification of Finland and the nationalist myth of the birth of a unified Finnish people in medieval times. With the view of an era of Karelian disunity, symbolized by the treaty, an image of history was constructed in Finnish kinship ideology from the mid-19th century up to the end of World War II. This image was used in furthering the unification of Eastern Karelia with Finland. An image of the treaty as having confirmed an ancient Karelian position of power in Northern Finland was created with the view of the border as stretching to the Bay of Bothnia. This was important particularly in the 19th century, as various nations were constructing views of their own ancient dominance in the North Calotte region. Using these border conceptions, a nationalist image of Finns as having conquered Eastern Savo and Northern Finland for Sweden in late medieval times was also created. The conception of Northern Finland as a common was created in the 1960s. This view was partially based on the 19th century Swedish nationalist conception of the border as stretching to the Arctic Sea. Especially in Savo, views of the location of one’s own locality on the ancient borderline have been used in creating a local identity in the late 20th century. The conception of the border as a dividing line between modern Western and Eastern Finland arose in early 20th century Finnish ethnology based on dubious views of settlement history and geography. The hazy source material concerning borders has been interpreted based on various theoretical background assumptions, and it has been compatible with several different theories. / Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjassa analysoidaan käsityksiä Ruotsin ja Novgorodin välillä vuonna 1323 solmitun Pähkinäsaaren rauhan luonteesta erityisesti 1800- ja 1900-lukujen suomalaisessa historiantutkimuksessa ja populaarissa kirjallisuudessa. Metodeina käytetään kontekstualisointia ja tieteensosiologian metodeja. 1800-luvun keskivaiheilla Pähkinäsaaren rauha nousi merkittävään asemaan Suomen historian aikakausijaottelussa. Ajan suomalainen historiantutkimus piti Suomen ristiretkiaikaa venäläis-ruotsalaisena välienselvittelynä ja korosti valtioiden välisten sopimusten merkitystä. Rauha on säilyttänyt asemansa Suomen historian periodisoinnin kulmakivenä nykypäivään asti. Se on symboloinut Suomen kristillistymistä ja ruotsalaistumista sekä nationalistista myyttiä yhtenäisen Suomen kansan synnystä keskiajalla. Käsityksellä Pähkinäsaaren rauhan symboloimasta Karjalan hajanaisuuden ajasta rakennettiin 1800-luvun puolivälistä toisen maailmansodan loppuun heimoaatteessa historiakuvaa, jonka mukaan itäinen Karjala tulisi yhdistää Suomeen. Käsityksellä Pähkinäsaaren rauhan Pohjanlahdelle ulottuneesta rajasta luotiin 1800-luvulla kuvaa rauhan luonteesta muinaisen karjalaisvallan vahvistajana pohjoisessa Suomessa. Tällä oli merkitystä varsinkin 1800-luvulla, jolloin eri kansakunnat rakensivat näkemyksiä omasta muinaisvallastaan pohjoiskalotilla. Rajanäkemyksillä on myös rakennettu nationalistista näkemystä siitä, että suomalaiset valloittivat itäisen Savon ja pohjoisen Suomen Ruotsille myöhäiskeskiajalla. 1960-luvulla syntynyt näkemys piti Pohjois-Suomea yhteisalueena. Se perustui osittain 1800-luvun ruotsalaiseen nationalistiseen näkemykseen, jonka mukaan raja ulottui Jäämerelle. Erityisesti käsityksiä oman paikkakunnan sijainnista muinaisella rajalla on voitu käyttää etenkin Savossa paikallisen identiteetin rakentamisessa 1900-luvun lopulla. Käsitys rajasta Itä- ja Länsi-Suomen jakajana syntyi 1900-luvun alkupuolen suomalaisessa kansatieteessä kyseenalaisten maantieteellisten ja asutushistoriallisten näkemysten pohjalta. Rajoihin liittyvää epäselvää lähdemateriaalia on tulkittu useiden eri teoreettisten taustaoletusten pohjalta, ja se onkin ollut yhteensopiva useiden eri teorioiden kanssa.

Les chemins internationaux de la mobilité sociale : expériences de mobilité et d’immobilité sociale dans les parcours migratoires comparés d’émigrés comoriens et togolais / International paths of social mobility : experiences of social mobility and immobility in Comorian and Togolese's migrant life course

Bréant, Hugo 27 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse prend pour objet les parcours biographiques d'émigrés comoriens et togolais, en s'intéressant à la double dimension de ces mobilités internationales, entendues à la fois comme des processus de mobilité spatiale et comme des trajectoires de mobilité sociale. Pour étudier ces mobilités, l'enquête a été menée en France et dans les deux pays d'origine. Près de 200 récits de vie, complétés par des observations au sein des familles, ont pu être réalisés auprès de non-émigrés, d'émigrés, d'émigrés de retour et de leurs proches. La recherche questionne le franchissement des frontières internationales comme moyen de s'affranchir des frontières sociales nationales, c'est-à-dire les manières dont les émigrés s'approprient la mobilité internationale et peuvent converti leurs expériences migratoires en ressources leur permettant de s'engager dans un processus de mobilité sociale ascendante. Cette enquête souligne que les histoires migratoires nationales, les conditions politiques restrictives de la mobilité internationale et les dispositions familiales à la migration se combinent pour construire des parcours inégaux. La comparaison multidimensionnelle entre des émigrés originaires de deux pays, aux propriétés sociales diverses, met d'abord en lumière l'influence centrale des histoires familiales et du milieu social d'origine des émigrés dans l'explication des parcours individuels. L'enquête démontre par ailleurs que les mobilités internationales conduisent les émigrés à traverser plusieurs espaces sociaux et nationaux et à s'engager dans des trajectoires qui mêlent à la fois des expériences d'immobilité et de mobilité sociale. Au-delà de ces expériences individuelles contrastées, la thèse indique enfin que la migration participe tout autant à reproduire les inégalités qu'à brouiller les frontières sociales du pays d'origine. / This thesis explores the life course of Comorian and Togolese migrants by focusing on. the dual dimension of international mobility, understood both as a spatial mobility process and as a social mobility trajectory. In order to investigate this mobility, the study was both conducted in France and in the two countries of origin. Nearly 200 life stories of non-migrants. migrants, returning migrants and their close relations were collected and completed by observations within the families. The research questions the crossing of international borders as a mean to overcome national social boundaries, that is to say, the ways migrants appropriate international mobility and convert their experiences into resources allowing them to begin a process of upward social mobility. This study stresses that the national migration history, the restrictive political conditions of international mobility and the families' dispositions for migration ail combine to create unequal individual courses. The multidimensional comparison of migrants from both countries that show diverse social characteristics highlights the central influence of family history and migrants' social background in the explanation of their persona! trajectories. The study also demonstrates that international mobility pushes migrants to cross several national and social spaces and to engage in paths that combine both experiences of immobility and social mobility. Beyond these contrasting individual experiences, the thesis finally shows that the migration process is perpetuating inequalities as well as blurring the social boundaries in the countries of origin.

Role embedded journalism při práci novinářů na misích Lékařů bez hranic / The role of embedded journalism in reporting on Medecins Sans Frontieres missions

Nguyenová, Thuong Ly January 2017 (has links)
Médecins Sans Frontières is one of the most respected humanitarian organisations in the world, they focus mainly on providing medical care in places of emergency and war. These places are also interesting for journalists who can take advantage of the protection on the missions while also acquiring unique stories. Working in conflicted areas under a protection of an organisation is called embedded journalism. This concept has been until now studied in connection with army when journalists travel with soldiers. Therefore, their view of war can be distorted. However, a journalist who travels with Médecins Sans Frontières may also have a distorted view of world. Twelve journalists from around the world, who visited the missions and documented the work of doctors, gave interviews for this diploma thesis. In the interviews, they described their experiences, the advantages and disadvantages of being embedded, and how the organisation may have influenced their work. Several Médecins Sans Frontières workers have also shared their experience. The interviews were put in context by a content analysis that focused on the articles and photographs made on missions by these journalists.

Euroregion Těšínské Slezsko / Euroregion Těšínské Slezsko

Michejdová, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes cross border cooperation. For better understanding, Euroregion Těšínské Slezsko is used as an example. The aim of diploma thesis is describe the importance of cross border cooperation and how the borders regions try to eliminate negatives like unemployment, bad infrastructure, distance from the capitol of the country, and emigration to other regions. Euroregion is the contract which helped czech and polish sites cooperate more easily. Czechs and Poles cooperate especially in project selection and realisation. The Euroregion has a lot of positives, but I found one area where the euroregion could improve. There isn't enough cooperation between czech and polish schools.

Vliv omezujících stěn na proudění z ventilační vyústky / Influence of boundary walls on the flow from the ventilation outlet

Molčan, Filip January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this work is to experimentally assess the influence of limiting walls of Škoda Octavia 3 automobile cabin to the air jet flowing from the right-front situated automotive vent which is part of a car dashboard. The experiment is performed by the smoke visualization method. There is a single construction option measured for an experiment. The setup of the vanes direction and the air flow rate are modified for this option. The experiment is divided into two phases. In the first phase, the visualization of the free air flow is conducted. In the second phase, exit plates are constructed and consequently, the visualization of the wall-jet flow is conducted. The results of both are compared to each other. The results imply that the influence of the surrounding surfaces must be taken into account with the increasing flow rate for the vanes set in the direction of upper-right, middle-right, and middle-middle. There is a direct interaction between the flow and exit plates (the flow impact, the Coanda effect). The free flow does not contain the information about the mutual interaction between the flow and the exit plates, as it is in the case of the wall-jet flow. In the case of the wall-jet flow, the opening of the flow takes place due to the effect of the impact and the subsequential suction caused by the Coanda effect. The exit plates substituting the car dashboard and the front window contribute to the prevention of the air intake from surrounding space and consequently to earlier flow opening from the vent. The present work also contains the measurement methodology and the image evaluation, the comparison with previous free flow measurements (70% match) and the comparison to the measurement of hot-wire anemometry method.

Lékaři bez hranic jako aktér mezinárodních vztahů: Mise v Somálsku, Rwandě a Bosně a Hercegovině / Doctors Without Borders as an International Relations Actor: The Cases of Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina Missions

Němcová, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this Master thesis is to identify the specifics of non-governmental organization Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) as an actor of international relations, mainly through the presentation and activities of the organization during the implementation of its programs in the early 1990s, when the process of internationalization was consolidated. The thesis also covers the issue of respecting the commitment to shared values for which Doctors Without Borders claim responsibility, and which also represents the principles of their activities. Based on the theoretical framework of actorness, it is possible to compare three missions of Doctors Without Borders implemented during the internal state conflicts in Somalia, Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The analysis shows that during this period, Doctors Without Borders is characterized by a strong national identity of particular sections, in that we can see the strong national features of the French, Belgian and Dutch sections, which often behaved contradictorily and incoherently. The commitment to respect the shared values is fulfilled with one exception, namely the obligation to respect the neutral status.

Witnessing Emergency: Testimonial Narratives of Precarious Migration to Italy

Paynter, Eleanor 02 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

There Is Softness Hidden in Your Walls : A Material Exploration Uncovering the Textile Elements in Building Construction

Salvall, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
A wall might appear as basic, a clean surface without an identity of its own, nothing but a clean slate upon which to leave any impression. Though the walls surrounding us are all but anonymous. They are built with a structure making them stand tall and strong. They are filled with insulation to keep us warm and sheltered. They are hard and they are soft. They can allow us to isolate ourselves from each other or they are fragile enough to let us know someone is on the other side. They cover the basic necessities of our houses, and we in return cover them to make our spaces less anonymous. There is softness hidden in your walls mainly aims to highlight the textile components of architecture which we usually never see. While we tend to view textiles mostly as decoration, they constantly perform in a lot of various ways all around us. In this project I have worked with prefabricated building materials that according to me have textile qualities, but they aren’t viewed as textile. Or I have tried to adapt textile techniques to non-textile materials to test them in new ways. The wall as the leading actor has first and foremost been used as a conversation partner for the material exploration and contextualization. The main material used is wool sheep insulation though many other materials have been put to the test throughout the process.

Grenzräume und Adel in der Frühen Neuzeit: Ein Problembericht am Beispiel der von der Leyen in Lothringen

Schmidt, Maike 28 April 2023 (has links)
When Anna Katharina Elisabeth von der Leyen (1652-1738) married the margrave of Haraucourt in 1669, she became a member of one of the most ancient families of the duchy of Lorraine. As for all noblewomen of that time, this marriage would be the first step into a new life: Anna Katharina left the place where she had grown up, a tiny territory of the Holy Roman Empire, to join her husband in the German district of Lorraine – just across “the border” – where she would soon be exposed to war and officially become a subject of French King Louis XIV. Obviously, in order to fulfil expectations, Anna Katharina crossed both social and territorial borders. In Lorraine, she got strongly connected to a new family acting within a different aristocratic group and geographical, political and linguistic space. Did territorial borders matter to nobility before the rise of the nation-state? Or did noble families live a rather “borderless” life as by status and traditional habits, they travelled a lot more than the commonalty? The paper examines the von der Leyen, a rather overseen regional family of the Holy Roman Empire, by drawing special emphasis on their degree of cross-border activity towards Lorraine. On the basis of historical record drawn from the archives in Coblenz, I discuss the potential as well as the problems of a nobility-based analysis of early modern borders which includes a critical examination of the term “border region” for prenational contexts. The paper also explores recent attempts to historize borders in the early modern era which are strongly connected to the question of the actual practices of border crossing. In this regard, it argues for a small-scale analysis of “regional” families to get closer to the crossing and perceptions of early modern borders. The study also shows the importance of availability of historical record on which early modernists strongly depend as information on border perception is scarce in an era when national borders were yet to come.

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