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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sécurisation frontalière et détention de migrants mineurs au Canada : étude de cas sur le centre de surveillance de l'immigration de Laval

Beauchemin, Jeanne 10 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire fait état des impacts du renforcement frontalier sur les enfants demandeurs d’asile au Canada. Nous effectuons une analyse critique du renforcement frontalier qui s’opère au Canada, en procédant à une étude de cas portant sur le centre de surveillance de l’immigration de Laval, où des centaines de demandeurs d’asile mineurs y sont détenus chaque année avec leurs familles. La détention s’inscrit dans une logique sécuritaire à la fois administrative et répressive, car elle est le fruit d’une association croissante entre migration et criminalité, ce qui a pour conséquence l’augmentation globale du nombre de migrants en détention, y compris d’enfants. Nous soutenons que l’Agence des services frontaliers du Canada se déresponsabilise de l’emprisonnement des enfants demandeurs d’asile, et ce, en donnant la possibilité aux parents en détention de laisser leurs enfants aux mains d’organisme tiers, tel que la Direction de la protection de la jeunesse. À travers cette recherche, nous nous concentrons sur diverses stratégies, qui ont pour objectif de sceller les frontières canadiennes contre l’arrivée de potentielles menaces, grâce à la combinaison de mesures défensives et préventives qui complexifient le parcours de ces personnes vulnérables. Grâce aux données récoltées provenant de 14 entretiens semi-dirigés avec des acteurs travaillant dans le domaine de la migration, nous cherchons à intégrer un éventail d’expériences et de perceptions sur la détention d’enfants demandeurs d’asile au Canada. En utilisant une démarche multiscalaire, nous mettons en évidence l’importance d’explorer les mobilités humaines à plusieurs niveaux et de développer une compréhension de l’interdépendance des régimes d’immigration à l’échelle globale, nationale, provinciale et locale. Cette recherche fournit une compréhension des pratiques spatiales des institutions gouvernementales face à l’arrivée irrégulière de familles demandeuses d’asile et de leur placement en détention. Nous traitons des impacts, sur les migrants mineurs, de l’externalisation des frontières, de la sécurisation et de la détention, qui ont pour objectif d’éloigner tout migrant indésirable des frontières physiques du pays. Ces stratégies empêchent des enfants d’accéder à des protections spécifiques et démontrent comment les politiques frontalières et les logiques sécuritaires prévalent sur les droits de l’homme, témoignant d’un régime frontalier restrictif et punitif envers certains types de migrants. Bien que, selon le droit international et national, les enfants demandeurs d’asile doivent être considérés comme des enfants en premier lieu, dans la pratique, ils sont de plus en plus traités comme des migrants devant être tenus à l’écart. / This research examines the impacts of border enforcement on child asylum seekers in Canada. We critically analyze border enforcement in Canada through a case study of the Laval Immigration Holding Centre, where hundreds of minor asylum seekers are detained each year with their families. Detention is part of a security logic that is both administrative and repressive, as it is the result of a growing association between migration and criminality. This has resulted in an overall increase in the number of migrants in detention, including children. We argue that the Canada Border Services Agency is avoiding responsibility for the imprisonment of child asylum seekers by allowing parents in detention to leave their children in the hands of third-party agencies, such as the Director of Youth Protection. Through this research, we focus on various strategies that aim to seal Canadian borders against the arrival of potential threats through a combination of defensive and preventive measures that complicate the journey of these vulnerable individuals. Through data collected from 14 semi-structured interviews with actors working in the field of migration, we seek to integrate a range of experiences and perceptions about the detention of child asylum seekers in Canada. Using a multi-scalar approach, we highlight the importance of exploring human mobility at multiple levels and developing an understanding of the interdependence of immigration regimes at global, national, provincial and local levels. This research provides an understanding of the spatial practices of government institutions in dealing with the irregular arrival of asylum-seeking families and their detention. We address the impacts of border outsourcing, securitization, and detention on underage migrants, which aim at removing unwanted migrants from the country's physical borders. These strategies prevent children from accessing specific protection and demonstrate how border policies and security logics prevail over human rights, reflecting a restrictive and punitive border regime towards certain types of migrants. Although, according to international and national law, child asylum seekers should be considered as children first, in practice they are increasingly treated as migrants who should be kept apart.


ELEONORA ARONIS RAINHA 07 July 2022 (has links)
[pt] A partir da leitura de duas casas vizinhas no Butantã, na cidade de São Paulo, como um conjunto – uma casa bandeirante restaurada em 1954 pelo Sphan (Serviço do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional) e transformada em museu como parte das comemorações do IV centenário da cidade, e a casa que o arquiteto Paulo Mendes da Rocha construiu para si entre 1964 e 1967 – busca-se entender, através da dimensão material, construtiva e tátil da arquitetura, questões de escala continental que transpassam de um tempo ao outro; não por acaso dois momentos fundamentais para o estabelecimento das fronteiras nacionais, a partir do litoral atlântico para dentro do continente americano. Olhando simultaneamente para essas duas casas icônicas da história da arquitetura paulistana, construídas lado a lado e em uma mesma cota, é possível estabelecer associações entre as ideias de habitar que elas representam, e, na arquitetura, manifestações da construção de um território– visível não só nas duas casas, como também no plano comum que as atravessa. Uma terra batida que guarda expressões dos caminhos, dos meandros, da topografia transformada e recriada pela ação humana; t(T)erra que foi sendo minerada, escavada e revirada para caber em algum lugar no intervalo entre esses dois gestos; entre as duas casas, o Butantã. / [en] From the analysis of two neighbouring houses in the Butantã neighbourhood, in the outskirts of the metropolis of São Paulo, as a set - a Bandeirante house restored in 1954 by Sphan (National Historical and Artistic Heritage Service) and transformed into a museum as part of the celebrations of the IV centenary of the city, and the house that the architect Paulo Mendes da Rocha built for himself between 1964 and 1967 – the aim is to understand, mainly through the material, constructive and tactile dimensions of architecture, how issues of continental scale may cross from one time to another; not by chance two fundamental moments in the establishment of national borders, from the Atlantic coast to the interior of the American continent. Looking simultaneously at these two iconic houses when considering the history of São Paulo s architecture, built side by side and on the same level, it is possible to establish associations between the ideas of inhabiting that they represent, and, in their architecture, manifestations of the construction of a territory – visible not only in the two houses, but also in the common plane that traverses them. A beaten earth that carries expressions of the paths, the meanders, the topography transformed and recreated by human action; e(E)arth that was mined, excavated and turned over to fit somewhere in the interval between these two gestures; in between the two houses, Butantã.

A comparison study of PV and battery technologies for EWB off-grid electrification projects in Sub-Saharan Africa / En jämförelsestudie av solcells- och batteritekniker för EWB elektrifieringsprojekt i Afrikanska landsbygden i Sub-Sahara

Vedin, Felix, Sandström, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
Only 10 % of the rural population in Sub-Saharan Africa has access to electricity. At the same time the Sub-Saharan countries are close to the equator and get many sun hours a day, leading to a huge potential for solar energy. This report aims to compare different PV system components for use in Sub-Saharan Africa to facilitate EWB for their work in electrification projects in the areas. The PV system will be compared with the following factors: economic, adoptability, scalability, environmental impact and efficiency, weighed in that order. A case simulation was made for a village around Nairobi were 20 households would be supplied with solar power. Both Polycrystalline silicon cells and thin filmed CIGS were simulated were the Poly c-Si cell was both the cost-efficient and scalable choice. Poly c-Si cells was also concluded to be advantageous of the crystalline cells by the chosen factors. Pb-acid batteries are best suited for off grid PV systems in rural areas. Different types of Pb-acid batteries can be used depending on the area’s typology. Off grid solar powered microgrids could be the solutions for an increased socioeconomic wellbeing for communities in rural areas. / Endast 10% av lantbygdens befolkning i Subsahariska Afrika har tillgång till elektricitet. Samtidigt ligger de Subsahariska länderna nära ekvatorn och får många soltimmar per dygn, vilket leder till en stor potential för solenergi. Den här rapporten syftar till att jämföra olika solcellssystems komponenter för användning i östra Afrika för att främja Ingenjörer Utan Gränsers arbete inom elektrifierings projekt i området. Jämförelsen kommer utföras med följande faktorer, ekonomi, anpassningsförmåga, skalning, miljöpåverkan och effektivitet, viktat i den ordningen. En simulation gjordes för en by i området av Nairobi där 20 hushåll skulle få tillgång till solenergi. Både Poly kristallina celler och tunnfilm CIGS simulerades där Poly kristallina celler var både kostnadseffektivast samt det plats effektivaste valet. Polykristallina celler var även konkluderades vara det fördelaktiga valet av de kristallina cellerna utefter de valda faktorerna. Bly-syra batterier var bäst lämpade för själv stående solcellssystem på landsbygden. Olika typer av bly-syra batterier kan användas beroende på områdets typologi. Fristående solcellssystem kan vara en lösning till ett ökat socioekonomisk välmående för samhällen på landsbygden.

Mehrebenengovernance im europäischen Bahnsektor am Beispiel des grenzüberschreitenden Schienenpersonenverkehrs in Mitteleuropa

Schmotz, Anja 05 September 2022 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Organisation grenzüberschreitender Schienenpersonenverkehre (SPV) in der Europäischen Union seit Beginn des Liberalisierungs- und Reformprozesses im Bahnverkehr. Wie hat sich diese verändert? Wie wirken sich heutige Strukturen und Regeln im europäischen Mehrebenensystem auf das Angebot im grenzüberschreitenden Bahnverkehr aus? - Obwohl der Bahn als Verkehrsmittel auch im internationalen Verkehr eine zentrale Rolle zur Erreichung der europäischen Klimaziele sowie der territorialen Kohäsion zukommt, wurden diese Fragen in der Forschung bislang nicht in ihrem Zusammenhang betrachtet. Diese Forschungslücke wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit adressiert. Dabei werden Fallstudien aus dem grenzüberschreitenden SPV im Raum Deutschland, Polen und Tschechien untersucht. Im Vergleich zu Deutschland sind die Akteursstrukturen in den beiden Staaten, die im Jahr 2004 der Europäischen Union beitraten, noch nicht umfangreich erforscht, sodass auch hierfür durch diese Dissertation ein Mehrwert geschaffen wird. Anhand von vier Beispielen werden die Entwicklung des Verkehrsangebots im grenzüberschreitenden SPV zwischen Deutschland und seinen beiden östlichen Nachbarstaaten nachvollzogen und die Angebotsorganisation für ausgewählte Angebotskonstellationen rekonstruiert. Die vier Fallstudien zu den Verbindungen Berlin - Wrocław, Dresden - Wrocław, München - Praha sowie Nürnberg - Praha zeigen im Vergleich positive und negative Tendenzen der Angebotsentwicklung auf. Sie belegen, dass attraktive grenzüberschreitende Angebote nicht allein vom Zustand der Schieneninfrastruktur determiniert werden, sondern dass den nationalen und regionalen Akteuren ein nicht unerheblicher Gestaltungsspielraum verbleibt. Eine besondere Bedeutung kommt der bislang vollkommen unzureichenden übergeordneten, innereuropäischen Handlungskoordination - hier als Metagovernance bezeichnet - zu. In vielen Bereichen, die sich auf das Angebot auswirken, ist Metagovernance notwendig: bei der Planung von Verkehrsangeboten und der Infrastrukturentwicklung, bei Bestellverfahren für gemeinwirtschaftliche Verkehre nach Maßgabe der europäischen PSO-Verordnung, bei der Finanzierung der Infrastruktur und nicht zuletzt im Hinblick auf die Rahmenbedingungen im Verkehrsmarkt, der einen fairen, regulierten Wettbewerb aller Verkehrsträger ermöglichen sollte. Zudem ist festzustellen, dass sich die Erfolgskontrolle europäischer Bahnverkehrspolitik im Mehrebenensystem bisher zu stark auf ökonomische Leistungskriterien richtet, dabei aber räumliche Erreichbarkeiten im Sinne der territorialen Kohäsion vernachlässigt. Diese Arbeit unterbreitet hierfür einen Vorschlag zur Erstellung von europäischen Mindestbedienstandards sowie zur systematisierten Datenerhebung über grenzüberschreitende Angebote im SPV. / This thesis deals with the organisation of cross-border rail passenger services in the European Union since the beginning of the liberalisation and reform process in rail transport. How has this changed? How do today's structures and rules in the European multi-level system affect the offer of cross-border rail transport? - Although rail as a mode of international transport has a central role to play in achieving European climate goals and territorial cohesion, existing research so far has not considered these questions. Therefore, this thesis addresses this research gap by examining case studies from cross-border rail passenger transport between Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. Compared to Germany, no extensive research regarding the actor structures in the two states that joined the European Union in 2004 is available. Thus, this work also creates added value for these countries. Based on four examples, we reconstruct the development of transport service offers in cross-border rail passenger transport between Germany and its two eastern neighbouring states and the organisation of selected service offer constellations. When compared, the four case studies of the connections between Berlin and Wrocław, Dresden and Wrocław, Munich and Praha as well as Nuremberg and Praha show positive and negative tendencies regarding the service provision quantity and quality. They prove that the condition of the rail infrastructure is not solely determining attractive cross-border services, but that the national and regional actors can considerably influence service quantity and quality. The hitherto completely inadequate overarching, intra-European coordination of action - here referred to as metagovernance - is of particular importance. Metagovernance is necessary in many areas that have an impact on the offer: in the planning of transport offers and infrastructure development, in ordering procedures for public service transport in accordance with the European PSO regulation, in the financing of infrastructure and, last but not least, with regard to the framework conditions in the transport market, which should enable fair, regulated competition between all modes of transport. In addition, it must be noted that the monitoring of the success of the European rail transport policy in the multi-level system has so far focused too much on economic performance criteria while neglecting spatial accessibility in the spirit of territorial cohesion. This thesis presents a proposal for the establishment of European minimum operating standards and for the systematic collection of data on cross-border passenger rail services.


TIAGO QUEIROZ HERZ 24 October 2022 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação se debruça sobre a criação cênica Hoje Não Saio Daqui – espetáculo ocorrido no Rio de Janeiro, resultado do encontro artístico entre a Cia Marginal, atores e atrizes angolanos moradores da Maré convidados e o dramaturgo Jô Bilac – para investigar de que maneira a dimensão performativa e relacional de sua dramaturgia e seu investimento nas chamadas escritas de si proporcionam uma abordagem dupla sobre a questão das fronteiras contemporâneas. Por um lado, as histórias narradas pelos migrantes angolanos explicitam as fronteiras materiais e subjetivas enfrentadas pelos mesmos tanto em suas travessias de África até o Brasil quanto aquelas que recaem sobre seus corpos na circulação dentro do território brasileiro – tecnologias que operam através do controle de deslocamentos e velocidades, da racialização e da fronteirização dos corpos. Por outro, o apelo para a diferença e à necessidade de separação manifestos na disposição autobiográfica da dramaturgia, que envolve posicionamentos e reivindicações próprias dos performers, paradoxalmente revê as fronteiras pensadas como sua hipótese primordial, e ativa a possibilidade de um regime de bordas (KIFFER) e de uma nova Cosmópolis (AGIER). Por fim, examina-se de que maneira a não obliteração da figura do dramaturgo externo e não participante em uma escrita cênica que investe em dramaturgias pessoais e na presença de corpos falantes produz materialidades que repensam uma política do comum. / [en] The present dissertation focuses on the scenic creation Hoje Não Saio Daqui – a theatrical play that took place in Rio de Janeiro, which was the result of the artistic gathering among Cia Marginal, invited Angolan actors and actresses living in Maré Complex and the playwright Jô Bilac – to investigate in which way the performative and relational dimension of its dramaturgy and its investment in the so-called writings of the self provide a twofold approach to the issue of contemporary borders. On the one hand, the stories narrated by the Angolan migrants make explicit the material and subjective borders faced by them both in their crossings from Africa to Brazil and those that their bodies suffer in the circulation within the Brazilian territory – technologies that operate through the control of displacements and speeds, of racialization and borderization of bodies. On the other hand, the appeal for difference and the need for separation manifest in the autobiographical disposition of the dramaturgy, which involves the performers’ own positions and claims, paradoxically revises the boundaries thought of as its primordial hypothesis, and activates the possibility of a regime de bordas (KIFFER) and a new Cosmopolis (AGIER). Finally, it examines how the non-obliteration of the figure of the external and non-participant playwright in a scenic writing that invests in personal dramaturgies and in the presence of speaking bodies produces materialities that rethink a politics of the common.

Bodily Borders/National Borders: Toward a Post-Nationalist Valuation of Life in the Case of Kimberly Medina-Tejada

Zeh, Jason R. 29 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Renewable Borders: Sumer School. Across, October 23-27, 2023

Nathanson, Alex, Kullik, Jakob, Capomaggi, Julia, Gawryluk, Dorota, Krawczy, Dorota Anna, Acri, Marco 02 August 2024 (has links)
Electric consumption worldwide is projected to sharply increase in the coming decades, driven by population growth and the electrification of more and more human activities, like transportation, communication, industry, and housing. Electricity is thus becoming central to modern society. Most optimistic forecasts suggest that, by 2050, production will be primarily based on renewable energy sources, with the aim of achieving zero greenhouse gas emissions and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. The construction of the necessary infrastructure for this energy transition, such as solar and wind farms, is shaping significant economic, political, and social transformations, while also deeply influencing landscape quality and territorial configuration. Natural resources like the sun or wind do not recognize political borders, historical boundaries of regions or countries. On the contrary, they introduce a new dimension of a continuous, anonymous geography that blurs the conventional concept of borders. One of the aspects generally emphasised with the installation of solar and wind farms concerns their visual impact, and are emblematic of problems associated with the construction of extensive power plants in natural landscapes. Their construction consumes hundreds of hectares of land and significantly alters the skyline. However, these concerns seem to overshadow a more significant issue: the homogenization of territories as they repeat a single solution across the globe, even when the conditions of the sites are completely different. The technical design is an oversimplification of the problem, resulting in a single technology that is designed and implemented to varied scenarios without adapting to local conditions. The system components of this infrastructure are few in number and completely disregard the previous configuration of the territory and the problems traditionally associated with architecture. The built infrastructure of these plants severs any connection with the landscape and memory, it is devoid of any sense of place that evolved in response to historical development and the particular local idiosyncrasies. Traditional constructions, regardless of their technological development, were based on local techniques and materials, evolving with accrued intergenerational experience, with mutual their territory, technology, and architecture were intrinsically. The new renewable energy infrastructure also represents an unprecedented global imposition without the consensus of the local population, rapidly altering the territory’s configuration in just a few years. This imposition also causes a significant transformation of the traditional concept of borders, “lines” that separate tradition, language, or architectural resolution. In this sense, areas hosting these massive infrastructure often transition from productive tissues of the primary sector at the local level —mainly livestock and agriculture— to predominantly industrial ones that function on a global scale. However, these facilities rarely benefit the local population, as the energy produced is usually consumed hundreds of kilometres away. Furthermore, they operate autonomously, without labour, and are owned by large energy corporations, resulting in the distribution of profits among a few hands far away from the affected territories. These corporations are thus building a geography that is drastically different from what the first power plants of rudimentary technology could create. The new renewable facilities disregard the historical, cultural, social, economic, political, and architectural values rooted in the territory, solely to harness wind and solar energy as inexhaustible natural resources in electricity generation. The global implementation of these plants evokes a sense of loss, as it destroys the previous state formed over centuries. However, their construction offers a valuable opportunity to begin imagining the present transformation of the territory by adopting a multidisciplinary approach. The problem posed by these facilities, as we will see, transcends mere technological development and the foreseeable increase in consumption of resources as the only possible paths to progress. The terms “renewable” and “borders” precisely invite to incorporate other dimensions and disciplines to address this issue in a renewed and cross-cutting manner, forming a complex network through the knowledge provided by politics, landscape, history, art, and architecture. This publication, prepared on the occasion of the international workshop Renewable Borders —held in the German city of Chemnitz in October 2023— aims to offer different approaches to the problem of new renewable facilities and their relationship with border configurations. Can we still consider them as immutable lines destined to endure? How does energy production influence the evolution of these limits? What lexicon do we use to define it? In what ways can we represent them? Far from offering concrete answers, the six essays compiled in this publication pose new questions in an open and exploratory manner, uncovering a new field of inquiry that needs renewed thinking beyond the confines of borders.:10 Beyond borders Carlos Gonzalvo and Julia Capomaggi 14 Frivolous energies Alex Nathanson 18 Critical borders Jakob Kullik 22 Renewable surfaces Julia Capomaggi 40 Energy production in the cityscape Dorota Gawryluk and Dorota Anna Krawczyk 44 Heritage and power Marco Acri 46 Renewable lexicon 51 Students 52 Biographies

„Active Borders” in Europa: Identität und kollektives Gedächtnis in grenzübergreifenden Räumen

Müller, Karel B., Fráně, Luděk 12 June 2024 (has links)
Die Auflösung traditioneller Konzepte der Identitätsbildung, insbesondere entlang nationaler Grenzen, wirft zunehmend die Frage nach neuen Gemeinschaften und Abgrenzungen, nach deren Wirkungsweisen und Durchlässigkeit auf. Ein Konzept, das sich aus dieser Frage entwickelt hat, ist die Idee der »Aktiven Grenzen«. Dieses Buch untersucht, wie sich Identitäten, Öffentlichkeiten und kollektive Erinnerungen in grenzüberschreitenden Gebieten verändern und leistet damit einen Beitrag zum breiten soziologischen Kontext der Europäisierung. Anhand von Fallstudien über das deutsch-tschechisch-österreichische und das tschechisch-polnisch-deutsche Grenzgebiet stellt der Band Befunde zur grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit vor. Diese werden mit Hilfe des Konzepts der aktiven Grenzen interpretiert, das Grenzen als eine Quelle multikultureller Kompetenz und kognitiver Fähigkeiten betrachtet. Sowohl territoriale als auch symbolische Grenzen sollten von den Europäern als spezifische kulturelle Formen behandelt werden. Aktive Grenzen ermöglichen ein noch nie dagewesenes Maß an grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit und Integration und fördern ein besseres Verständnis von Unterschieden, anstatt sie wieder einzubetten oder neue zu schaffen. Dementsprechend sind die Autoren der Ansicht, dass aktive Grenzen mehr dynamische, offene und widerstandsfähige Gesellschaften fördern und eine entscheidende Voraussetzung für den Erfolg des europäischen Integrationsprojekts darstellen.:Prolog: Identitäten – Gedächtnis – Sprache – Grenzen Einleitung: Euroregionen, aktive Grenzen und Europäisierung Karel B. Müller 1. Aktive Grenzen und die Europäisierung des öffentlichen Raums. Wie »Gleiches« auch »Anderes« sein kann und umgekehrt Luděk Fráně, Daniel Kný, Karel B. Müller 2. Grenzen und Identität. Der Ort, an dem Europa lebt! Karel B. Müller, Luděk Fráně 3. Grenzen und Sprache. Kleine Missverständnisse, große Probleme und die Früchte der Mehrsprachigkeit Kamil Fleissner, Karel B. Müller 4. Grenzen und Gedächtnis. Von historischen Wurzeln zu dialogischen Pfaden Abschließende Betrachtungen – I ja za tobą Polak Quellen und Literaturverzeichnis / The dissolution of traditional concepts of identity formation, especially along national borders, increasingly raises the question of new communities and demarcations, of their modes of action and permeability. One concept that has emerged from this question is the idea of „active borders“. This book explores how identities, public spheres and collective memories are being transformed in cross-border areas, contributing to the broad sociological context of Europeanization. Offering case studies on the German-Czech-Austrian, and Czech-Polish-German borderlands, the book introduces original primary data on cross-border cooperation. This data is interpreted using the concept of active borders, which approaches borders as a source of multicultural competence and cognitive capacity. In turn, the authors argue that Europeans need to treat borders, both territorial and symbolic, as specific cultural forms. Active borders allow an unprecedented level of cross-border cooperation and integration, and foster a better understanding of differences, rather than re-embedding them or constructing others. Accordingly, the authors contend that active borders promote more dynamic, open and resilient societies, and represent crucial prerequisites for the success of the European integration project.:Prolog: Identitäten – Gedächtnis – Sprache – Grenzen Einleitung: Euroregionen, aktive Grenzen und Europäisierung Karel B. Müller 1. Aktive Grenzen und die Europäisierung des öffentlichen Raums. Wie »Gleiches« auch »Anderes« sein kann und umgekehrt Luděk Fráně, Daniel Kný, Karel B. Müller 2. Grenzen und Identität. Der Ort, an dem Europa lebt! Karel B. Müller, Luděk Fráně 3. Grenzen und Sprache. Kleine Missverständnisse, große Probleme und die Früchte der Mehrsprachigkeit Kamil Fleissner, Karel B. Müller 4. Grenzen und Gedächtnis. Von historischen Wurzeln zu dialogischen Pfaden Abschließende Betrachtungen – I ja za tobą Polak Quellen und Literaturverzeichnis

"Phantomgrenzen" in Zeiten des Umbruchs

Tomić, Đorđe 25 March 2015 (has links)
Der Zerfall des sozialistischen Jugoslawien ließ aus seinen acht föderalen Einheiten sieben neue Staaten ent-stehen. Die einzige bislang unerforschte Ausnahme ist dabei die Autonome Provinz Vojvodina, die weiterhin ein Teil Serbiens bleibt, wenn auch mit einer erheblich eingeschränkten Autonomie. Insbesondere Fragen nach Qualität bzw. Quantität der Autonomie waren Gegenstand heftiger politischer Auseinandersetzungen in der Vojvodina seit Ende der 1980er Jahre. Die politischen Unterschiede zwischen den „Autonomisten“ in der Provinz, die sich auch in den 1990ern für eine breite Autonomie einsetzten, und der Belgrader Zentralregierung, deren Macht auf der Idee eines starken vereinten Serbiens beruhte, wurden von den ersteren zunehmend als historisch vorbestimmte kulturelle Differenzen ausgelegt, die hier als „Phantomgrenzen“ untersucht werden. In Form verschiedener symbolisch verknüpfter Aussagen über die historische Besonderheit der Bevölkerung, Wirtschaft und Kultur der Vojvodina wurden die politischen Forderungen nach mehr Autonomie wiederholt bekräftigt. Diese wiederum wurde auch als Schutz vor dem und Gegenmodell zum erstarkten serbischen Nationalismus der „Ära Milošević“ dargestellt. Im Laufe der inzwischen mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte fügten sich diese Deutungen zu einem neuen Autonomiediskurs zusammen. Wie dieser entstand, d.h. welche Akteure wie und zu welchen Zwecken die Phantomgrenzen der Vojvodina wieder auftauchen ließen, sowie welche Bedeutung die Autonomieidee in der Umbruchszeit der 1990er Jahre im Alltag der Menschen in der Vojvodina erlangte, sind zentrale Forschungsfragen der Fallstudie. Sie bietet damit nicht nur neue empirische Erkenntnisse zur Geschichte des jugoslawischen Staatszerfalls und der postsozialistischen Zeit in Südosteuropa, sondern ermöglicht mit dem verwendeten Modell der „Phantomgrenzen“ auch neue Einblicke in und allgemeine Aussagen über das Wiederauftauchen von Geschichte und historischen Grenzen in Osteuropa nach 1989. / The breakup of socialist Yugoslavia led to the creation of seven new states out of its eight federal units. The only exception, until now unexplored, is the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, which remains a part of Serbia, although with a substantially restricted autonomy. Notably questions about the quality and quantity of autonomy have been a subject of heavy political conflicts in Vojvodina since the end of the 1980s. Political differences between the „autonomists“ in the province, who also during the 1990s advocated a broad autonomy, and the central government in Belgrade, whose power was based on the idea of a strong unified Serbia, the former increasingly presented as historically predetermined cultural differences, which are explored here as “phantom borders”. The political claims for more autonomy were thus repeatedly reinforced in terms of various symbolically connected statements about the historical distinctiveness of the population, economy and culture of Vojvodina. The autonomy in turn was also represented as an instrument of protection against and alternative model to the growing Serbian nationalism during the “Milošević era”. In the course of meanwhile more than two decades these interpretations merged into a new autonomy discourse. How this emerged, i.e. which agents made how and for what purposes the phantom borders of Vojvodina reappear, as well as what relevance the idea of autonomy gained during the period of radical change in the 1990s in everyday life of the people in Vojvodina are the central research questions of the case study. It hereby offers not only new empirical findings about the history of the breakup of the Yugoslav state and the post-socialist period in Southeastern Europe, but due to the used model of “phantom borders” also permits new insights into and general conclusions about the reappearance of history and historical borders in Eastern Europe after 1989.

President of Crimea. Constitution : Author(s) Autonomous Republic of Xena-Maria

Kulykivska, Mariia January 2020 (has links)
In this essay, two voices are heared, from two women: a certain artist Xena, who talks about her life and its dramas, interwoven with her own experiences from her diaries; and the voice of Maria, who analyzes Xena's life story and her art, diffracted through the prim of the history of 21stC art.  Art the outset, "President of Crimea. Constitution", announces its author as Xena-Maria; but it is not yet clear whether the author is one person or two, nor who they are. Is it Maria who writes here, or Xena, or both? Or are they one and the same person? But at the end of the story, which is told rather in a form of certain legends and fairy tales, Maria and Xena turn into one whole, and meaningfully put an ellipsis after the words "to be continued". This reception was specially intended by the artist Maria Kulikovska, author of this essay, in order to protect both herself and the reader from possible persecutions by migration services and goverment officials of various countries, especially Russia. Also, for her it is an opportunity to step aside and analyze her own life and art form a third person, about which, perhaps, a fictional character from her childhood talks - a sensible step for Maria Kulikovska. The step that her creative language conceptually continues is to replicate casts of her own body and establish them in different spaces and contexts. So she fairly confuses the viewer as to where is the truth, and where is fiction; where is herself, and where is her clone - only now, here, she has applied the same trick in her text. This essay tells a very personal story of the life of a human body, a migrant woman in forced relocation, displacements, alienation and persecutions for her views on life and the conduct of society, and for her moral values expressed throught architecture, sculpture, drawings, performances, actions and public statements. Through the prism of geopolitical upheavals, it tells the artist's own story: How her analysis of own body position and boundaries helped her overcome stigma regarding the body of a woman from Eastern Europe, and how art can save and redeem in an unending inner drama.

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