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Modélisation et simulation numériques de l'érosion par méthode DDFV / Modelling and numerical simulation of erosion by DDFV methodLakhlili, Jalal 20 November 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de simuler l’érosion d’un sol cohésif sous l’effet d’un écoulement incompressible. Le modèle élaboré décrit une vitesse d’érosion interfaciale qui dépend de la contrainte de cisaillement de l’écoulement. La modélisation numérique proposée est une approche eulérienne, où une méthode de pénalisation de domaines est utilisée pour résoudre les équations de Navier-Stokes autour d’un obstacle. L’interface eau/sol est décrite par une fonction Level Set couplée à une loi d’érosion à seuil.L’approximation numérique est basée sur un schéma DDFV (Discrete Duality Finite Volume) autorisant des raffinements locaux sur maillages non-conformes et non-structurés. L’approche par pénalisation a mis en évidence une couche limite d'inconsistance à l'interface fluide/solide lors du calcul de la contrainte de cisaillement. Deux approches sont proposées pour estimer précisément la contrainte de ce problème à frontière libre. La pertinence du modèle à prédire l’érosion interfaciale du sol est confirmée par la présentation de plusieurs résultats de simulation, qui offrent une meilleure évaluation et compréhension des phénomènes d'érosion / This study focuses on the numerical modelling of the interfacial erosion occurring at a cohesive soil undergoing an incompressible flow process. The model assumes that the erosion velocity is driven by a fluid shear stress at the water/soil interface. The numerical modelling is based on the eulerian approach: a penalization procedure is used to compute Navier-Stokes equations around soil obstacle, with a fictitious domain method, in order to avoid body- fitted unstructured meshes. The water/soil interface’s evolution is described by a Level Set function coupled to a threshold erosion law.Because we use adaptive mesh refinement, we develop a Discrete Duality Finite Volume scheme (DDFV), which allows non-conforming and non-structured meshes. The penalization method, used to take into account a free velocity in the soil with non-body-fitted mesh, introduces an inaccurate shear stress at the interface. We propose two approaches to compute accurately the erosion velocity of this free boundary problem. The ability of the model to predict the interfacial erosion of soils is confirmed by presenting several simulations that provide better evaluation and comprehension of erosion phenomena.
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Revision Moment for the Retail Decision-Making SystemJuszczuk, Agnieszka Beata, Tkacheva, Evgeniya January 2010 (has links)
In this work we address to the problems of the loan origination decision-making systems. In accordance with the basic principles of the loan origination process we considered the main rules of a clients parameters estimation, a change-point problem for the given data and a disorder moment detection problem for the real-time observations. In the first part of the work the main principles of the parameters estimation are given. Also the change-point problem is considered for the given sample in the discrete and continuous time with using the Maximum likelihood method. In the second part of the work the disorder moment detection problem for the real-time observations is considered as a disorder problem for a non-homogeneous Poisson process. The corresponding optimal stopping problem is reduced to the free-boundary problem with a complete analytical solution for the case when the intensity of defaults increases. Thereafter a scheme of the real time detection of a disorder moment is given.
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Analyse de quelques problèmes elliptiques et paraboliques semi-linéaires / Analysis of some semi-linear elliptic and parabolic problemsWang, Chao 21 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est divisée en deux parties. Dans la première partie, on considère le système de réaction-diffusion-advection (Pε), qui est un modèle d'haptotaxie, mécanisme lié à la dissémination de tumeurs cancéreuses. Le résultat principal concerne la convergence de la solution du systeme (Pε) vers la solution d'un problème à frontière libre (P0) qui est bien défini. Dans la seconde partie, on considère une classe générale d'équations elliptiques du type Hénon:−∆u = |x|^{α} f(u) dans Ω ⊂ R^N avec α > -2. On examine deux cas classiques : f(u) = e^u, |u|^{p−1} u et deux autres cas : f(u) = u^{p}_{+} puis f(u) nonlinéarité générale. En étudiant les solutions stables en dehors d'un ensemble compact (en particulier, solutions stables et solutions avec indice de Morse fini) avec différentes méthodes, on obtient des résultats de classification. / This thesis is divided into two main parts. In the first part, we consider an example of reaction-diffusion-taxis system (Pε), which is a haptotaxis model - a mechanism about the spread of cancer cells. The main result concerns the convergence of the solution of System (Pε) to the solution of a free boundary problem (P0), where system (P0) is well-posed. In the second part, we consider a general class of Hénon type elliptic equations : −∆u = |x|^{α} f(u) in Ω ⊂ R^Nwith α > −2. We investigate two classical cases f(u) = e^u, |u|^{p−1} u and two others cases f(u) = u^{p}_{+} , f(u) is a general function. By studying the solutions which are stable outside a compact set (in particular, stable solutions and finite Morse index solutions) with different methods, we establish some classification results.
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Two Problems in non-linear PDE’s with Phase TransitionsJonsson, Karl January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is in the field of non-linear partial differential equations (PDE), focusing on problems which show some type of phase-transition. A single phase Hele-Shaw flow models a Newtoninan fluid which is being injected in the space between two narrowly separated parallel planes. The time evolution of the space that the fluid occupies can be modelled by a semi-linear PDE. This is a problem within the field of free boundary problems. In the multi-phase problem we consider the time-evolution of a system of phases which interact according to the principle that the joint boundary which emerges when two phases meet is fixed for all future times. The problem is handled by introducing a parameterized equation which is regularized and penalized. The penalization is non-local in time and tracks the history of the system, penalizing the joint support of two different phases in space-time. The main result in the first paper is the existence theory of a weak solution to the parameterized equations in a Bochner space using the implicit function theorem. The family of solutions to the parameterized problem is uniformly bounded allowing us to extract a weakly convergent subsequence for the case when the penalization tends to infinity. The second problem deals with a parameterized highly oscillatory quasi-linear elliptic equation in divergence form. As the regularization parameter tends to zero the equation gets a jump in the conductivity which occur at the level set of a locally periodic function, the obstacle. As the oscillations in the problem data increases the solution to the equation experiences high frequency jumps in the conductivity, resulting in the corresponding solutions showing an effective global behaviour. The global behavior is related to the so called homogenized solution. We show that the parameterized equation has a weak solution in a Sobolev space and derive bounds on the solutions used in the analysis for the case when the regularization is lost. Surprisingly, the limiting problem in this case includes an extra term describing the interaction between the solution and the obstacle, not appearing in the case when obstacle is the zero level-set. The oscillatory nature of the problem makes standard numerical algorithms computationally expensive, since the global domain needs to be resolved on the micro scale. We develop a multi scale method for this problem based on the heterogeneous multiscale method (HMM) framework and using a finite element (FE) approach to capture the macroscopic variations of the solutions at a significantly lower cost. We numerically investigate the effect of the obstacle on the homogenized solution, finding empirical proof that certain choices of obstacles make the limiting problem have a form structurally different from that of the parameterized problem. / <p>QC 20180222</p>
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Symmetry in a free boundary problem / Symmetri i ett frirandsproblemBasilio Kuosmanen, Seuri January 2023 (has links)
We consider a variational formulation of a Bernoulli-type free boundary problem for the Laplacian operator with discontinuous boundary data. We show the existence of a weak solution to the problem. Moreover, we show that the solution has symmetry properties inherited by symmetric data. These results are achieved through the use of comparison arguments, the celebrated method of moving planes, and several elaborated techniques from existing literature. / Vi studerar ett Bernoulli frirandsproblem för Laplaceoperatorn med diskontinuerliga randdata. Detta görs via en variationsformulering av problemet. Vi visar att en svag lösning existerar för problemet. Utöver det visar vi bland annat att den svaga lösningen har symmetriegenskaper. Dessa resultat uppnås genom jämförelseargument, den välkända "moving-plane” metoden, samt flera utarbetade tekniker från befintlig litteratur.
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Optimal Trading with Multiplicative Transient Price Impact for Non-Stochastic or Stochastic LiquidityFrentrup, Peter 28 October 2019 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht eine Reihe multiplikativer Preiseinflussmodelle für das Handeln in einer riskanten Anlage. Unser risikoneutraler Investor versucht seine zu erwartenden Handelserlöse zu maximieren. Zunächst modellieren wir den vorübergehende Preiseinfluss als deterministisches Funktional der Handelsstrategie. Wir stellen den Zusammenhang mit Limit-Orderbüchern her und besprechen die optimale Strategie zum Auf- bzw. Abbau einer Anlageposition bei a priori unbeschränkem Anlagehorizont. Anschließend lösen wir das Optimierungsproblem mit festem Anlagehorizon in zwei Schritten. Mittels Variationsrechnung lässt sich die freie Grenzefläche, die Kauf- und Verkaufsregionen trennt, als lokales Optimum identifizieren, was entscheidend für die Verifikation globaler Optimalität ist. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit erweitern wir den zwischengeschalteten Markteinflussprozess um eine stochastische Komponente, wodurch optimale Strategien dynamisch an zufällige Liquiditätsschwankungen adaptieren. Wir bestimmen die optimale Liquidierungsstrategie im zeitunbeschränkten Fall als die reflektierende Lokalzeit, die den Markteinfluss unterhalb eines explizit beschriebenen nicht-konstanten Grenzlevels hält. Auch dieser Beweis kombiniert Variationsrechnung und direkten Methoden. Um nun eine Zeitbeschränkung zu ermöglichen, müssen wir Semimartingalstrategien zulassen. Skorochods M1-Toplogie ist der Schlüssel, um die Klasse der möglichen Strategien in einer umfangreichen Familie von Preiseinflussmodellen, welche sowohl additiven, als auch multiplikativen Preiseinfluss umfasst, mit deterministischer oder stochastischer Liquidität, eindeutig von endlichen Variations- auf allgemeine càdlàg Strategien zu erweitern. Nach Einführung proportionaler Transaktionskosten lösen wir das entsprechende eindimensionale freie Grenzproblem des optimalen unbeschränkten Handels und beleuchten mögliche Lösungsansätze für das Liquidierungsproblem, das mit dem Verkauf der letzten Anleihe endet. / In this thesis, we study a class of multiplicative price impact models for trading a single risky asset. We model price impact to be multiplicative so that prices are guaranteed to stay non-negative. Our risk-neutral large investor seeks to maximize expected gains from trading. We first introduce a basic variant of our model, wherein the transient impact is a deterministic functional of the trading strategy. We draw the connection to limit order books and give the optimal strategy to liquidate or acquire an asset position infinite time horizon. We then solve the optimization problem for finite time horizon two steps. Calculus of variations allows to identify the free boundary surface that separates buy and sell regions and moreover show its local optimality, which is a crucial ingredient for the verification giving (global) optimality. In the second part of the thesis, we add stochasticity to the auxiliary impact process. This causes optimal strategies to dynamically adapt to random changes in liquidity. We identify the optimal liquidation strategy in infinite horizon as the reflection local time which keeps the market impact process below an explicitly described non-constant free boundary level. Again the proof technique combines classical calculus of variations and direct methods. To now impose a time constraint, we need to admit semimartingale strategies. Skorokhod's M1 topology is key to uniquely extend the class of admissible controls from finite variation to general càdlàg strategies in a broad class of market models including multiplicative and additive price impact, with deterministic or stochastic liquidity. After introducing proportional transaction costs in our model, we solve the related one-dimensional free boundary problem of unconstrained optimal trading and highlight possible solution methods for the corresponding liquidation problem where trading stops as soon as all assets are sold.
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Macroscopic diffusion models for precipitation in crystalline gallium arsenide / modelling, analysis and simulationKimmerle, Sven-Joachim 23 December 2009 (has links)
Ausgehend von einem thermodynamisch konsistenten Modell von Dreyer und Duderstadt für Tropfenbildung in Galliumarsenid-Kristallen, das Oberflächenspannung und Spannungen im Kristall berücksichtigt, stellen wir zwei mathematische Modelle zur Evolution der Größe flüssiger Tropfen in Kristallen auf. Das erste Modell behandelt das Regime diffusionskontrollierter Interface-Bewegung, während das zweite Modell das Regime Interface-kontrollierter Bewegung des Interface behandelt. Unsere Modellierung berücksichtigt die Erhaltung von Masse und Substanz. Diese Modelle verallgemeinern das wohlbekannte Mullins-Sekerka-Modell für die Ostwald-Reifung. Wir konzentrieren uns auf arsenreiche kugelförmige Tropfen in einem Galliumarsenid-Kristall. Tropfen können mit der Zeit schrumpfen bzw. wachsen, die Tropfenmittelpunkte sind jedoch fixiert. Die Flüssigkeit wird als homogen im Raum angenommen. Aufgrund verschiedener Skalen für typische Distanzen zwischen Tropfen und typischen Radien der flüssigen Tropfen können wir formal so genannte Mean-Field-Modelle herleiten. Für ein Modell im diffusionskontrollierten Regime beweisen wir den Grenzübergang mit Homogenisierungstechniken unter plausiblen Annahmen. Diese Mean-Field-Modelle verallgemeinern das Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner-Modell, welches rigoros aus dem Mullins-Sekerka-Modell hergeleitet werden kann, siehe Niethammer et al., und gut verstanden ist. Mean-Field-Modelle beschreiben die wichtigsten Eigenschaften unseres Systems und sind gut für Numerik und für weitere Analysis geeignet. Wir bestimmen mögliche Gleichgewichte und diskutieren deren Stabilität. Numerische Resultate legen nahe, wann welches der beiden Regimes gut zur experimentellen Situation passen könnte. / Based on a thermodynamically consistent model for precipitation in gallium arsenide crystals including surface tension and bulk stresses by Dreyer and Duderstadt, we propose two different mathematical models to describe the size evolution of liquid droplets in a crystalline solid. The first model treats the diffusion-controlled regime of interface motion, while the second model is concerned with the interface-controlled regime of interface motion. Our models take care of conservation of mass and substance. These models generalise the well-known Mullins-Sekerka model for Ostwald ripening. We concentrate on arsenic-rich liquid spherical droplets in a gallium arsenide crystal. Droplets can shrink or grow with time but the centres of droplets remain fixed. The liquid is assumed to be homogeneous in space. Due to different scales for typical distances between droplets and typical radii of liquid droplets we can derive formally so-called mean field models. For a model in the diffusion-controlled regime we prove this limit by homogenisation techniques under plausible assumptions. These mean field models generalise the Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner model, which can be derived from the Mullins-Sekerka model rigorously, see Niethammer et al., and is well-understood. Mean field models capture the main properties of our system and are well adapted for numerics and further analysis. We determine possible equilibria and discuss their stability. Numerical evidence suggests in which case which one of the two regimes might be appropriate to the experimental situation.
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單一資產與複資產的美式選擇權之評價 / The Valuation of American Options on Single Asset and Multiple Assets劉宣谷, Liu, Hsuan Ku Unknown Date (has links)
對於評價美式選擇權,我們提出使用混合整數非線性規劃(MINLP)的模型,這個模型的最佳解同時提供賣方的完全避險策略、買方的最佳交易策略與美式選擇權的公平價格。因為求算MINLP模型的解需耗用大量的計算時間,我們證明此模型和其非線性規劃的寬鬆問題有相同的最佳解,所以只需求算寬鬆問題即可。觀察數值結果亦顯示非線性規劃的寬鬆問題可以大幅的降低計算的時間。此外,當市場的價格低於公平價格時,我們提出一個最小化賣方期望損失的數學規劃模型,此模型的解提供賣方最小化其期望損失的避險策略。 / In the past three decades, a great deal of effort has been made on solving the free boundary problem (FBP) arising from American option valuation problems. In this dissertation, we show that the solutions, the price and the free boundary, of this FBP are increasing functions. Furthermore, we provide a rigorous verification that the free boundary of this problem is concave. Our results imply that the optimal exercise boundary of an American call is a
strictly decreasing concave function of time. These results will provide a useful information to obtain an asymptotic formula for the optimal exercise boundary.
For pricing of American exchange options (AEO), we convert the associated FBP into a single variable integral equation (IE) and provide a formula for valuating the perpetual AEO.
For the finite horizon AEO, we propose an asymptotic solution as time is near to expiration and develop a numerical method for its optimal exercise boundary.
Compared with the computational results, the values of our asymptotic solution are close to the computational results as time is near to expiration.
For valuating American options, we develop a mixed integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) model. The solution of the MINLP model provides a hedging portfolio for writers, the optimal trading strategy for buyers, and the fair price for American options at the same time. We show that it can be solved by its nonlinear programming (NLP) relaxation. The numerical results reveal that the use of NLP relaxation reduces the computation time rapidly. Moreover, when the market price is less than the fair price, we propose
a minimum expected loss model. The solution of this model provides a hedging strategy that minimizes the expected loss for the writer.
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Level set methods for higher order evolution laws / Levelset-Verfahren für Evolutionsgleichungen höherer OrdnungStöcker, Christina 12 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
A numerical treatment of non-linear higher-order geometric evolution equations with the level set and the finite element method is presented. The isotropic, weak anisotropic and strong anisotropic situation is discussed. Most of the equations considered in this work arise from the field of thin film growth. A short introduction to the subject is given. Four different models are discussed: mean curvature flow, surface diffusion, a kinetic model, which combines the effects of mean curvature flow and surface diffusion and includes a further kinetic component, and an adatom model, which incorporates in addition free adatoms. As an introduction to the numerical schemes, first the isotropic and weak anisotropic situation is considered. Then strong anisotropies (non-convex anisotropies) are used to simulate the phenomena of faceting and coarsening. The experimentally observed effect of corner and edge roundings is reached in the simulation through the regularization of the strong anisotropy with a higher-order curvature term. The curvature regularization leads to an increase by two in the order of the equations, which results in highly non-linear equations of up to 6th order. For the numerical solution, the equations are transformed into systems of second order equations, which are solved with a Schur complement approach. The adatom model constitutes a diffusion equation on a moving surface. An operator splitting approach is used for the numerical solution. In difference to other works, which restrict to the isotropic situation, also the anisotropic situation is discussed and solved numerically. Furthermore, a treatment of geometric evolution equations on implicitly given curved surfaces with the level set method is given. In particular, the numerical solution of surface diffusion on curved surfaces is presented. The equations are discretized in space by standard linear finite elements. For the time discretization a semi-implicit discretization scheme is employed. The derivation of the numerical schemes is presented in detail, and numerous computational results are given for the 2D and 3D situation. To keep computational costs low, the finite element grid is adaptively refined near the moving curves and surfaces resp. A redistancing algorithm based on a local Hopf-Lax formula is used. The algorithm has been extended by the authors to the 3D case. A detailed description of the algorithm in 3D is presented in this work. / In der Arbeit geht es um die numerische Behandlung nicht-linearer geometrischer Evolutionsgleichungen höherer Ordnung mit Levelset- und Finite-Elemente-Verfahren. Der isotrope, schwach anisotrope und stark anisotrope Fall wird diskutiert. Die meisten in dieser Arbeit betrachteten Gleichungen entstammen dem Gebiet des Dünnschicht-Wachstums. Eine kurze Einführung in dieses Gebiet wird gegeben. Es werden vier verschiedene Modelle diskutiert: mittlerer Krümmungsfluss, Oberflächendiffusion, ein kinetisches Modell, welches die Effekte des mittleren Krümmungsflusses und der Oberflächendiffusion kombiniert und zusätzlich eine kinetische Komponente beinhaltet, und ein Adatom-Modell, welches außerdem freie Adatome berücksichtigt. Als Einführung in die numerischen Schemata, wird zuerst der isotrope und schwach anisotrope Fall betrachtet. Anschließend werden starke Anisotropien (nicht-konvexe Anisotropien) benutzt, um Facettierungs- und Vergröberungsphänomene zu simulieren. Der in Experimenten beobachtete Effekt der Ecken- und Kanten-Abrundung wird in der Simulation durch die Regularisierung der starken Anisotropie durch einen Krümmungsterm höherer Ordnung erreicht. Die Krümmungsregularisierung führt zu einer Erhöhung der Ordnung der Gleichung um zwei, was hochgradig nicht-lineare Gleichungen von bis zu sechster Ordnung ergibt. Für die numerische Lösung werden die Gleichungen auf Systeme zweiter Ordnungsgleichungen transformiert, welche mit einem Schurkomplement-Ansatz gelöst werden. Das Adatom-Modell bildet eine Diffusionsgleichung auf einer bewegten Fläche. Zur numerischen Lösung wird ein Operatorsplitting-Ansatz verwendet. Im Unterschied zu anderen Arbeiten, die sich auf den isotropen Fall beschränken, wird auch der anisotrope Fall diskutiert und numerisch gelöst. Außerdem werden geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen auf implizit gegebenen gekrümmten Flächen mit Levelset-Verfahren behandelt. Insbesondere wird die numerische Lösung von Oberflächendiffusion auf gekrümmten Flächen dargestellt. Die Gleichungen werden im Ort mit linearen Standard-Finiten-Elementen diskretisiert. Als Zeitdiskretisierung wird ein semi-implizites Diskretisierungsschema verwendet. Die Herleitung der numerischen Schemata wird detailliert dargestellt, und zahlreiche numerische Ergebnisse für den 2D und 3D Fall sind gegeben. Um den Rechenaufwand gering zu halten, wird das Finite-Elemente-Gitter adaptiv an den bewegten Kurven bzw. den bewegten Flächen verfeinert. Es wird ein Redistancing-Algorithmus basierend auf einer lokalen Hopf-Lax Formel benutzt. Der Algorithmus wurde von den Autoren auf den 3D Fall erweitert. In dieser Arbeit wird der Algorithmus für den 3D Fall detailliert beschrieben.
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Etudes mathématiques et numériques des problèmes paraboliques avec des conditions aux limites / Mathematical and numerical studies of parabolic problems with boundary conditionsKarimou Gazibo, Mohamed 06 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse est centrée autour de l’étude théorique et de l’analyse numérique des équations paraboliques non linéaires avec divers conditions aux limites. La première partie est consacrée aux équations paraboliques dégénérées mêlant des phénomènes non-linéaires de diffusion et de transport. Nous définissons des notions de solutions entropiques adaptées pour chacune des conditions aux limites (flux nul, Robin, Dirichlet). La difficulté principale dans l’étude de ces problèmes est due au manque de régularité du flux pariétal pour traiter les termes de bords. Ceci pose un problème pour la preuve d’unicité. Pour y remédier, nous tirons profit du fait que ces résultats de régularités sur le bord sont plus faciles à obtenir pour le problème stationnaire et particulièrement en dimension un d’espace. Ainsi par la méthode de comparaison "fort-faible" nous arrivons à déduire l’unicité avec le choix d’une fonction test non symétrique et en utilisant la théorie des semi-groupes non linéaires.L’existence de solution se démontre en deux étapes, combinant la méthode de régularisation parabolique et les approximations de Galerkin. Nous développons ensuite une approche directe en construisant des solutions approchées par un schéma de volumes finis implicite en temps. Dans les deux cas, on combine les estimations dans les espaces fonctionnels bien choisis avec des arguments de compacité faible ou forte et diverses astuces permettant de passer à la limite dans des termes non linéaires. Notamment, nous introduisons une nouvelle notion de solution appelée solution processus intégrale dont l’objectif, dans le cadre de notre étude, est de pallier à la difficulté de prouver la convergence vers une solution entropique d’un schéma volumes finis pour le problème de flux nul au bord.La deuxième partie de cette thèse traite d’un problème à frontière libre décrivant la propagation d’un front de combustion et l’évolution de la température dans un milieu hétérogène. Il s’agit d’un système d’équations couplées constitué de l’équation de la chaleur bidimensionnelle et d’une équation de type Hamilton-Jacobi. L’objectif de cette partie est de construire un schéma numérique pour ce problème en combinant des discrétisations du type éléments finis avec les différences finies. Ceci nous permet notamment de vérifier la convergence de la solution numérique vers une solution onde pour un temps long. Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéressons à l’étude d’un problème unidimensionnel. Très vite,nous nous heurtons à un problème de stabilité du schéma. Cela est dû au problème de prise en compte de la condition de Neumann au bord. Par une technique de changement d’inconnue et d’approximation nous remédions à ce problème. Ensuite, nous adaptons cette technique pour la résolution du problème bidimensionnel. A l’aide d’un changement de variables, nous obtenons un domaine fixe facile pour la discrétisation. La monotonie du schéma obtenu est prouvée sous une hypothèse supplémentaire de propagation monotone qui exige que la frontière libre se déplace dans les directions d’un cône prescrit à l’avance. / This thesis focuses on the theoretical study and numerical analysis of parabolic equations with boundary conditions.The first part is devoted to degenerate parabolic equation which combines features of a hyperbolic conser-vation law with those of a porous medium equation. We define suitable notions of entropy solutions foreach of the boundary conditions (zero-flux, Robin, Dirichlet). The main difficulty in these studies residesin the formulation of the adequate notion of entropy solution and in the proof of uniqueness. There isa technical difficulty due to the lack of regularity required to treat the boundaries terms. We take ad-vantage of the fact that boundary regularity results are easier to obtain for the stationary problem, inparticular in one space dimension. Thus, using strong-weak uniqueness approach we get the uniquenesswith the choice of a non-symmetric test function and using the nonlinear semigroup theory. The exis-tence of solution is proved in two steps, combining the method of parabolic regularization and Galerkinapproximations. Next, we develop a direct approach to construct approximate solutions by an implicitfinite volume scheme. In both cases, the estimates in the appropriately chosen functional spaces are com-bined with arguments of weak or strong compactness and various tricks to pass to the limit in nonlinearterms. In the appendix, we propose a result of existence of strong trace of a solution for the degenerateparabolic problem. In another appendix of independent interest, we introduce a new concept of solutioncalled integral process solution. We exploit it to overcome the difficulty of proving the convergence ofour finite volume scheme to an entropy solution for the zero-flux boundary problem.The second part of this thesis deals with a free boundary problem describing the propagation of a com-bustion front and the evolution of the temperature in a heterogeneous medium. So we have a coupledproblem consisting of the heat equation of bidimensional space and a Hamilton-Jacobi equation. The ob-jective is to construct a numerical scheme and to verify that the numerical solution converges to a wavesolution for a long time. Recall that an existence of wave solution for this problem was already proven inan analytical framework. At first, we focus on the study of a one-dimensional problem. Here, we face aproblem of stability of the scheme. This is due to a difficulty of taking into account the Neumann boun-dary condition. Through a technique of change of unknown, we can propose a monotone scheme. Wealso adapt this technique for solving two-dimensional problem. Using a change of variables, we obtaina fixed domain where the discretization becomes easy. The monotony of the scheme is proved under anadditional assumption of monotone propagation that requires the free boundary moves in the directionsof a cone given beforehand.
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