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Mensuração de eficiência pelo método de análise envoltória de dados: uma aplicação em filiais de uma sociedade de créditoTavares, Rafael Picchioni 17 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:26:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-08-17 / This study examines efficiency applying the method of data envelopment analysis (DEA) in
branches database of a consumer finance company. It presents various perspectives on the
analysis of organizational performance, identifying the pros and cons of each perspective in
comparative study of performance of business units concluding with the justification for the
application of DEA. The sample includes information from 98 branches of a consumer
finance company with operations in Brazil, with annual data from 2010 and 2011. It is also
analyzed changes in efficiency between 2010 and 2011 using Malmquist index and its
components. It is investigated different approaches of efficiency, as, for example, the
operational and financial and its linear relationship with the input variables or outputs. - The
index of correlation and linear regression analyzes seek to identify the relationship between
resources used (inputs) and results (outputs) with the efficiency index. Finally, the results are
compared using DEA with the current method adopted by the company for branch
performance analysis based on the profitability. The results suggest that, when it adopted the
criteria of profitability, there is a favoring of large branches. In contrast, it is not observed
DEA favoring any branch depending on its size. Another important result was the indication
that policies to reduce expenses through staff cuts may cause a worsening of financial
efficiency. Another warning to senior management is the fact that the branches had a worse
gap relating to efficient frontier from 2010 to 2011. / Este estudo analisa eficiência utilizando o método de Análise Envoltória de Dados (DEA
Data Envelopment Analysis) com aplicação em uma base de dados de filiais de uma sociedade
de crédito. São apresentadas diversas perspectivas de análise de desempenho organizacional,
identificando os prós e os contras de cada perspectiva no estudo comparativo de desempenho
de unidades de negócio, concluindo com a justificativa para a aplicação do DEA. A amostra
deste estudo compreende informações de 98 filiais de uma sociedade de crédito com atuação
no Brasil, com dados anuais de 2010 e 2011. São analisadas também as mudanças de
eficiência entre 2010 e 2011 pelo Índice de Malmquist e seus componentes. São investigados
diferentes tipos de abordagem de eficiência; como, por exemplo, a operacional e a financeira
e sua relação linear com variáveis de input ou output. - A partir de índices de correlação e de
análises de regressão linear busca-se identificar o relacionamento entre os recursos utilizados
(inputs) ou resultados obtidos (outputs) com os índices de eficiência. Finalmente, são
comparados os resultados encontrados na utilização do DEA com o atual método, baseado na
lucratividade, adotado pela empresa para análise de desempenho das filiais. Os resultados
sugerem que, quando é adotado o critério de lucratividade, há um favorecimento das filiais
grandes. Em contrapartida, com o método DEA, não se observa o favorecimento em função
do tamanho. Outro resultado importante foi a indicação de que políticas de redução de
despesa por de cortes de pessoal podem causar piora na eficiência financeira. Outro alerta
para a alta gestão é o fato de as filiais apresentarem um distanciamento da fronteira de
eficiência de 2010 para 2011.
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Stabilité et dynamique d'écoulements de fluides parfaits barotropes autour d'un obstacle en présence de dispersionPHAM, Chi-Tuong 23 September 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse regroupe une série de travaux ayant tous trait à des systèmes hamiltoniens non linéaires spatialement étendus présentant une bifurcation nœud-col. Elle est constituée de deux parties. Nous étudions dans une première partie la transition à la dissipation de systèmes unidimensionnels soumis à un forçage local et régis par des équations de type sine-Gordon ou Schrödinger non linéaire (ESNL). Nous en calculons analytiquement les solutions stationnaires et caractérisons le comportement dynamique au voisinage de celles-ci près de la bifurcation. Lorsque la relation de dispersion des systèmes possède une fréquence de coupure, le comportement dynamique est caractéristique de systèmes hamiltoniens. A contrario, lorsque la relation de dispersion ne possède pas de fréquence de coupure, la dynamique du système se couple avec l'émission d'ondes sonores qui joue le rôle d'un amortissement effectif. Elle devient alors typique de systèmes dissipatifs. En outre, les modes propres temporels du système subissent une délocalisation spatiale. La seconde partie de la thèse concerne l'étude de deux types d'écoulements bidimensionnels de fluides parfaits barotropes autour d'un obstacle : un écoulement décrit par l'ESNL et un écoulement à surface libre dans l'approximation eau peu profonde, où sont pris en compte les effets dispersifs dus aux effets de tension de surface. Lorsque la longueur caractérisant la dispersion des ondes sonores tend vers zéro, ces deux écoulements se réduisent à l'écoulement autour d'un disque d'un fluide eulérien compressible, auquel se superpose une couche limite que nous calculons analytiquement. Par des méthodes de suivi de branches fondés sur des développements pseudo-spectraux, nous calculons le diagramme de bifurcation complet des deux écoulements. En étudiant la dynamique des deux systèmes au-delà de la bifurcation, nous mettons en évidence une émission d'excitations (dans le cas de l'ESNL) dont la nature dépend du rapport de la longueur de cohérence sur la taille de l'obstacle. Dans le cadre de l'écoulement en eau peu profonde, cette émission est remplacée par une singularité à temps fini de démouillage.
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Décomposition algorithmique des graphesMazoit, Frédéric 16 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons à deux types de décompositions des graphes introduits par Robertson et Seymour: les décompositions arborescentes et les décompositions en branches. À ces décompositions sont associés deux paramètres des graphes: la largeur arborescente et la largeur de branches. Nous montrons que ces deux décompositions peuvent être vues comme issues d'une même structure combinatoire; les deux paramètres mentionné ci-dessus sont égaux aux valeurs minimales de deux paramètres de cette structure commune. En poussant plus avant cette analogie, nous montrons comment adapter une technique de calcul de la largeur arborescente au calcul de la largeur de branches. Ceci nous permet de calculer la largeur de branches des graphes de nombre astéroïde borné ayant un nombre polynômial de séparateurs minimaux et celle des graphes d-trapézoïdes circulaires. Ce parallèle nous permet aussi d'adapter certains résultats structurels sur les décompositions en branches aux décompositions arborescentes. Dans le cas des graphes planaires, nous interprétons ces propriétés à l'aide d'outils topologiques. De cette façon, nous donnons une démonstration simple d'un théorème de dualité reliant la largeur arborescente d'un graphe planaire et celle de son dual. Ces outils nous permettent aussi d'énumérer de façon efficace les séparateurs minimaux des graphes planaires.
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Μέτρηση της οικονομικής επίδοσης του τραπεζικού υποκαταστήματος στο περιβάλλον της διοικητικής λογιστικής με βάση το υπολειμματικό εισόδημα και την περιβάλλουσα ανάλυση δεδομένωνΑγγελόπουλος, Ελευθέριος 04 May 2011 (has links)
H παρούσα διατριβή προσφέρει, για πρώτη φορά, μια ολοκληρωμένη ανάλυση της επίδοσης των τραπεζών σε επίπεδο υποκαταστημάτων (branch level). Αξιολογήθηκε η επίδοση ενός ομοιογενούς δικτύου υποκαταστημάτων μεγάλης Ελληνικής Τράπεζας για την περίοδο Ιανουάριος 2006 - Ιούνιος 2009, στη βάση δύο λειτουργικών κριτηρίων, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη και την επίδραση της πρόσφατης κρίσης: στην αξία που παράγουν τα υποκαταστήματα για το μέτοχο της τράπεζας (shareholder value), όπως αυτή μετράται με το Υπολειμματικό Εισόδημα (residual income -RI), και στο βαθμό αποτελεσματικότητας κέρδους και παραγωγής (profit and production efficiency). Αναφορικά με τη διαχείριση της αξίας, βρέθηκε ότι οι λειτουργικοί παράγοντες αξίας (operational value drivers) που σχετίζονται με τη διαφοροποίηση του εισοδήματος, τη διαχείριση του ελεγχόμενου κόστους, την ικανότητα διαχείρισης του πιστωτικού κινδύνου, το spread των δανείων, και την ικανότητα του υποκαταστήματος να δημιουργεί έσοδα από καταθέσεις χαμηλού κόστους, συνδέονται στατιστικά σημαντικά με το RI. Η κρίση επηρεάζει στατιστικά σημαντικά μόνο τη διαχείριση του πιστωτικού κινδύνου, καταστρέφοντας περαιτέρω αξία για το μέτοχο και υποδεικνύοντας χαμηλότερη ικανότητα διαχείρισης του πιστωτικού κινδύνου. Επιπρόσθετα, αυτό το εμπειρικό εύρημα αποκαλύπτει και την αδυναμία του τρέχοντος λογιστικού πλαισίου σύμφωνα με το ΔΛΠ 39, να αναγνωρίζει και να καταγράφει νωρίτερα (την περίοδο της πιστωτικής ανάπτυξης) ζημιές απομείωσης της αξίας των δανείων. Όσον αφορά στη μέτρηση της αποτελεσματικότητας, βρέθηκε ότι η κρίση μειώνει στατιστικά σημαντικά μόνο τη μέση αποτελεσματικότητα κέρδους του δικτύου, απόρροια της χορήγησης κακών δανείων την περίοδο της πιστωτικής επέκτασης. / This thesis offers, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis of the performance of banks at the branch level. We evaluated the performance of a homogenous retail branch network of a large private Greek bank for the period January 2006-June 2009, based on two operational criteria, taking into account the impact of the recent crisis: the shareholder value that branches generate as measured by the Residual Income (RI) and the profit and production efficiency in branch operations. Regarding the value management, we found that diversified income, cost management, credit risk capabilities, income on core deposits and loan spread are all statistically significant associated with the RI. In addition, the value driver of credit risk capabilities is incrementally negatively associated with residual income at the branch level during the recent crisis, indicating lower ability to manage credit risk. Moreover, this finding reveals the inability of the current accounting framework under IAS 39 to recognize and record earlier (in the expansion period) impaired loans. Regarding the efficiency measurement, we found that during the crisis only the average profit-oriented efficiency of the branch network reduced significantly. We located the roots of the efficiency loss in the expansion period, in which over-optimism leads to the granting of bad quality loans.
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Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-19T12:56:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ALDEMIR DA GUIA SCHALCHER PEREIRA.pdf: 1311452 bytes, checksum: 0fd0611a7b0994a9b9fdde98431599f5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-09-15 / In the search for alternative chemical control against Aedes aegypti L., various studies are developed and encouraged in order to find new substances insecticidal plant and in this context essential oils have been shown to be very promising. Extracted from the essential oils of species Lindl Pimenta dioica (leaves) and Aniba duckei Kostermans (stems) by means of hydrodistillation using a Clevenger system and promoted its mixture of equal parts. In this study, the larvicidal effect of the mixture of essential oils extracted from leaves of Pimenta dioica species Lindl and branches of Aniba duckei Kostermans were evaluated against the mosquito Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1792). The blend of essential oils obtained were carried out analysis of constant physical and chemical density (0.904 g mL-1), refractive index (ND 25 = 1.379), solubility in 70% ethanol (1:2), color (yellow) and appearance (clear). Its components were identified by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). We identified and quantified by the method of standard components, myrcene (2.36%), limonene (1.00%), linalool (63.04%), myrcenol (1.13%), alilfenol (1, 40%) and eugenol (31.07%). The blend of essential oils and patterns of eugenol and linalool were tested in five concentrations: 20, 50, 70, 90 and 100 μg mL-1. The LC50 of the mixture of essential oils and the limits of confidence at 95% probability were calculated by the methods of Reed-Muench and Pizzi, respectively. The larvicidal activity was observed based on the percentage of dead larvae, the action was assessed 24h after treatment. The blend of essential oils had larvicidal activity with LC50 of 113,95 (±2.11) μg mL-1 and the patterns of eugenol 90,86 (±0,03) μg mL-1 and linalool 305,42 (±0,03) μg mL-1. The results indicate that the mixture of essential oils evaluated, is composed of substances that together with the major components eugenol and linalool provided greater larvicidal effect against the mosquito Aedes aegypti L. / Na procura pelo controle químico alternativo contra Aedes aegypti L., diversas pesquisas são desenvolvidas e estimuladas no intuito de se descobrirem novas substâncias inseticidas de origem vegetal e neste contexto os óleos essenciais têm se mostrado bastantes promissores. Extraiu-se os óleos essenciais das espécies Pimenta dioica Lindl (folhas) e da Aniba duckei Kostermans (galhos), pelo método de hidrodestilação, utilizando um sistema Clevenger e promoveu-se sua mistura em partes iguais. Neste trabalho, o efeito larvicida da mistura dos óleos essenciais extraídos das folhas da espécie Pimenta dioica Lindl e dos galhos de Aniba duckei Kostermans foram avaliados frente ao mosquito Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1792). Da mistura de óleos essenciais obtida foram realizadas análises das constantes físico-químicas de densidade (0,904 g mL-1), índice de refração (ND 25º = 1,379), solubilidade em etanol a 70% (1:2), cor (amarela) e aparência (límpido). Os seus componentes foram identificados por Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada a Espectrometria de Massa (CG-EM). Identificou-se e quantificou-se pelo método da normalização os componentes, mirceno (2,36%), limoneno (1,00%), linalol (63,04%), mircenol (1,13%), alilfenol (1,40%) e eugenol (31,07%). A mistura dos óleos essenciais e os padrões de eugenol e linalol foram testados em cinco concentrações: 50, 70, 100, 130 e 150 μg mL-1. A CL50 da mistura de óleos essenciais e os limites de confiança a 95% de probabilidade foram calculados pelos métodos de Reed-Muench e Pizzi, respectivamente. A atividade larvicida foi verificada baseada na percentagem de larvas mortas; a ação foi avaliada 24h após o tratamento. A mistura de óleos essenciais tiveram atividade larvicida, com CL50 de 113,95 (±2,11) μg mL-1 e os padrões de eugenol 90,86 (±0,03) μg mL-1 e linalol 305,42 (±0,03) μg mL-1. Os resultados indicam que a mistura dos óleos essenciais avaliada é composta por substâncias que juntamente com os componentes majoritários eugenol e linalol propiciaram maior efeito larvicida frente ao mosquito Aedes aegypti L.
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Podpora zdraví v kurikulu Vyšší odborné zdravotnické školy a Střední zdravotnické školy v Praze 1 / Support of health in the curriculum of the Nursing College and Secondary Nursing School in Prague 1Urbanová, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The topic of the following thesis is the health promotion included in curriculum of Special Medical High School and Medical High School in Prague 1. The aim of a qualitative research is to find out how the school adopted the possibility of health promotion in its curriculum and other educational documents, what is the life style of the teachers and their particular experience in health promotion during their classes. Three different data collecting techniques were used when doing the research: semi- structured interviews with selected teachers; class observation; analysis of relevant pedagogical documents. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the history and presence of the schools selected, pedagogical documents and also with chosen pedagogical staff. Further it informs about specific school health support projects. The practical part contains final results of qualitative research which shows that the topic of health support is included in many areas of chosen documents. Its following realization depends not only on financial possibilities and capacity of the school but mainly on particular teachers and their responsible approach to this issue within their lessons and lifestyle. In conclusion this school can be considered as a good example...
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El concepto de renta neta imponible utilizado para el cálculo de la participación de los trabajadores en las utilidades de empresas domiciliadas que cuentan con sucursales en el exteriorMantilla-Hidalgo, Martín-Olmedo, Mantilla-Hidalgo, Martín-Olmedo January 2016 (has links)
En este trabajo, analizaremos el contenido de las normas laborales y tributarias involucradas y develaremos las incongruencias que surgen de su interpretación, a pesar que, en la práctica, las autoridades públicas competentes, así como las revistas especializadas se han alineado a un criterio que si bien termina beneficiando al trabajador, no fluye de los textos legales, generando inseguridad jurídica y confusión. / Trabajo de investigación
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Analýza a perspektivy zahraničně-obchodních vztahů ČR s vybranou zemí (nečlenem EU) / Analysis and perspectives of foreign trade relations between the Czech Republic and select country (non-member of EU)Červenková, Eva January 2007 (has links)
This work deals with the foreign trade and economic relations between the Czech Republic and Turkey. Turkey currently belongs to the most perspective developing merkets with high potential of growth. It is situated on the border of the European continent and Muslim part of Asia, thus it is influenced by both of these cultures. Turkish population is mostly Muslim. The essential values, habits and traditions of the Turkish society result from the Islamic philosophy and ideology. On the other hand, the Turkish Muslims are considered among the Islamic nations as the most liberal and open to modern ideas. Due to the legacy of its founder, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Republic of Turkey is the secular state, which ensures the independency of public affairs on the political influence of the clerical elite. Turkey keeps due to its strategy position very close relations with the Western Europe. It represents the most importanat foreign trade partner of Turkey, but also its economic, political, cultural and social ideal, which inspired Turkey after the downfall of the Ottoman empire when looking for the new identity of the Turkish state. Therefore the Republic of Turkey applied for the association to the European Economic Community just at the end of 1950's. The access negotiation between Turkey and EU started in 2005. However, the prospective membership of Turkey in EU remains very controversial and results in very conflicting reactions of the European population, politicians, non-governmental organizations and various networks. The first part of this work deals with the summary characteristic of Turkey. The second part includes the analysis of the development of foreign trade and economic cooperation between the Czech Republic and Turkey. The second part of this work summarizes the conditions and respective legislation applied in the foreign trade between the Czech Republic and Turkey. It deals with the development of the foreign trade with goods and services (tourism and transportation) and direct foreign investment flow between the countries. It also attends the area of the state support of the Czech export and investment in Turkey. Special chapter is dedicated to the sectors of Turkish economy, which can be considered as most perspective for the Czech exporters and investors, and potential risks that can threaten the success of the Czech trade and investment activities in Turkey.
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Att styra i en komplex organisation : En fallstudie av verksamhetsstyrning på Länsförsäkringar Blekinge / To govern in a complex organization : A case study of business management at Länsförsäkringar BlekingeLajqi, Valdrin, Avoli, Mergim, Qovanaj, Bujar January 2021 (has links)
Frågeställning: Hur kombinerar en komplex organisation formella och informella styrmedel för att samordna verksamheten i linje med dess grundläggande målsättning? Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna studie är att beskriva hur en organisation med en variation av verksamhetsområden kombinerar formella och informella styrmedel för att forma sin styrning. Metod: För att uppfylla studiens mål har vi använt oss av en abduktiv ansats. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har till denna ansats genomförts och vi har samlat in empiri från åtta olika respondenter som är verksamma inom Länsförsäkringar Blekinge Slutsats: Slutsatsen som vi kommit fram till är att en komplex organisation använder sig av både formella och informella styrmedel för att styra hela verksamheten. De formella styrmedlen används mer för att styra företagets ekonomi och även ge indikation på hur de presterar. De informella styrmedlen används för att styra beteende och värdegrunder hos de anställda. Denna blandning av styrmedel och styrsätt bidrar med att Länsförsäkringar Blekinge kan hålla samman sina olika verksamhetsområden. / Research Question: How does a complex organization combine formal and informal instruments to coordinate activities in line with its basic objectives? Aim/Purpose: Our purpose with this study is to describe how an organization with a variety of areas of activity combines formal and informal instruments to shape its governance. Method: To meet the study's goals, we have used an abductive approach. Semi-structured interviews have been conducted for this approach and we have collected empirical data from eight different respondents who are active in Länsförsäkringar Blekinge. Conclusion: The conclusion we have reached is that a complex organization uses both formal and informal instruments to control the entire business. The formal instruments are used more to control the company's finances and also give an indication of how they are performing. The informal instruments are used to control the behavior and values of the employees. This mix of control instruments and governance methods helps Länsförsäkringar Blekinge to keep its various business areas together.
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When Ye Are Assembled Together: Congregational Patterns and Worship Practices of the Early Latter-day Saints 1829-1846Johnson, Matthew 01 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The worship experience in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is inextricably linked to the ward or branch. This thesis examines the development of the Latter-day Saint congregation at the church centers from 1829 to 1846: Palmyra and Fayette, New York; Harmony, Pennsylvania; Kirtland, Ohio; Independence, Liberty and Far West in Missouri; and Nauvoo, Illinois. This work not only documents the creation and development of congregations, but also gives attention to the other important elements developed during the early years that are still associated with modern Latter-day Saint wards: meeting and worship patterns, physical locations where meetings took place, and leadership of local branches and wards. More on parameters and purpose is spelled out in Chapter 1.Each of the next three chapters deals with a time period and place, tracking all four of the elements of emphasis through an era. Chapter 2 briefly discusses meetings and groups before the official organization of the Church, and then continues on to consider the developments made in the three areas considered as Church centers: Fayette and Palmyra in New York and Harmony, Pennsylvania. The bulk of Chapter 2, however, deals with Kirtland, Ohio, which was headquarters for the Church for much of the 1830s.The three counties in Missouri that held the highest concentration of Saints-Jackson, Clay and Caldwell-are the area of study for Chapter 3. Eventually driven not only from all of these counties but also the state of Missouri, the Saints moved on to Illinois, the subject of Chapter 4. Quincy, Illinois was briefly considered the Church center until the purchase of the land that became Nauvoo. The final chapter synthesizes each of the four topics: congregational organization, meeting patterns, local leadership, and meeting places. Consequently, it is a brief overview of what advancements were made across all years and places studied in each area of focus.
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