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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Co-­‐branding i modevärlden -­‐ En studie i hur co-­‐branding påverkar ett modeföretags brand equity

Dahlin, Carl Johan, Andersson, Eleonor January 2013 (has links)
Syfte - Studien syftar till att undersöka hur ett modeföretags icke-finansiella(konsumentbaserade) brand equity påverkas av co-branding. Studien undersöker hur ettsamarbete mellan två modeföretag, så kallat intrabranschsamarbete, påverkar huvudvarumärketsicke-finansiella brand equity.Metod - Studien utgår från Aakers modell för att mäta brand equity. Metoden för studien harvarit att använda fokusgrupper för att undersöka konsumentattityder till co-branding. I studienanvändes ett verklighetsbaserat modesamarbete som diskussionsunderlag för fokusgrupperna,där ett fallföretag och dess samarbete med en annan modeaktör valdes ut. Totalt 12 styckenstudenter från Textilhögskolan i Borås deltog i studien, fördelat över två fokusgrupper.Fynd - Studien visar att ett modevarumärkes brand equity kan stärkas och påverkas positivt medhjälp av co-branding.Begränsningar - Uppsatsen är begränsad till ett samarbete genomfört av två textilföretag vilketgör resultaten främst applicerbara på samarbeten inom modebranschen. Fler genomförda studier,med ett större antal fokusgrupper och en bredare population, skulle kunna ökageneraliserbarheten.Originalitet - Studien undersöker konsumentattityder till co-branding inom modebranschen medhjälp av fokusgrupper. Resultatet ger empiriska indikationer på hur svenska studenter ser på cobrandinginom mode branschen och hur ett modeföretags brand equity påverkas av co-branding. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

Branding na sociedade do espetáculo / Branding in the society of the spectacle

Jose Dario Vargas Parra 26 October 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação parte da discussão sobre a relação entre as pessoas e as imagens, cujo marco de relacionamento é o capitalismo baseado no emocional e simbólico. Nessa medida surge uma visão crítica aos produtos multimídia no espaço público que alteram a relação do sujeito com o mundo que o rodeia. Este espaço também é alterado pelos discursos da publicidade e sua projeção dos imaginários comerciais no tecido social. As transformações das tendências artísticas e imagéticas no século XX nos oferecem elementos para usar o conceito de espetáculo, como espaço regulador da prática artística e publicitária na sociedade, levando em consideração que aspectos da interação nesses espaços têm raízes político-econômicas que suscitam posturas ideológicas nas artes em razão à relação usuário-interator e obra-produto, no contexto da hegemonia do capitalismo atual. O branding ao converter-se em eixo da criação estética contemporânea, junto à economia de consumo e a cidade como espaço para sua expansão, modificou através da semiose corporativa as linguagens artísticas e seus métodos, homogeneizando sua produção e recepção na superprodução de informação; o que, em resposta, propiciou nas artes a possibilidade de somar essas técnicas como matéria de trabalho plástico e conceitual. Para um aprofundamento nestas questões, analisam-se as obras Mecânica das emoções de Maurice Benayoun (2004-2011), 1000 platitudes (2003) de Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Pure murder (2004) de Minerva Cuevas, Toywar - Etoy.share (2000-2001) de Etoy. Estes trabalhos artísticos integram usos particulares do branding, como parte da sua estratégia estética, poética e de conceito, que, ao fazer uso das estruturas de comunicação, contrasta os usos político-econômicos convencionais da imagem com táticas e estéticas que gerem posturas e atividades nos interatores, como possíveis formas de intervenção na sociedade do espetáculo. / The present dissertation stems from the debate on the relation between people and images, whose relational hallmark is capitalism based upon the emotional and the symbolic. Hence a critical view on multi-media products pervading public spaces, which change the relation between the subject and the world surrounding him. Public spaces themselves are also changes by the publicity discourses and their projection of commercial imaginaries onto the social tissue. The transformation of imagetic and artistic tendencies throughout xx century offer elements to validate the term spectacle as the regulating environment for social artistic and publicitary practices, taking into account that aspects of the interactions in such spaces have political and economic stems which originate ideological postures within the arts due to the relation between user-interactor and opus-product, in the present capitalist-hegemony context. As branding reaches the axis of contemporary aesthetic creation, together with consumption economy and the city as the place for its expansion, has changed, through corporative semiosis, the artistic languages and their methods, rendering homogeneous their production and reception within information over-production; such has permitted the appropriation of those techniques as matter for plastic and conceptual work in response. In order to produce a deeper understanding of the issues, we analysed The mechanics of emotions by Maurice Benayoun (2004-2011), 1000 platitudes (2003) by Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Pure murder (2004) by Minerva Cuevas, Toywar - Etoy.share (2000-2001) by Etoy. The former artistic Works integrate particular usages of branding, as part of their aesthetic, poetic and conceptual strategies, which, in using communication structures, contrast conventional political economic uses of images with tactics and aesthetics which generate postures and activities within interactors, as a possible means of intervening int the society of the spectacle.

Design & marketing: interdependências no universo CHANEL / Design and marketing: interdependences in CHANEL\'s universe

Claudir Segura 03 May 2007 (has links)
Design e Marketing. Duas áreas do conhecimento que, graças à amplitude de atuação, permitem agregar valor a produtos, podendo atuar separadamente ou em conjunto. Mesmo antes de serem áreas consagradas profissionalmente, já apresentavam caminhos que demonstravam ser possível estas interdependências de atuação. Esta pesquisa inicia abordando conceitos de Design e Marketing e toma, como estudo de caso, o trabalho desenvolvido pela estilista Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, no início do século XX. / Design and Marketing. Two areas of knowledge that, due to their wide range of actuation that both provide, can work apart or together in order to be a plus to many products. Even before being professionally acknowledged fields, they both established ways that shown to be possible those acting interdependences. This research starts analising Design and Marketing concepts and takes Mademoiselle Gabrielle Bonheur Chanels work as a case study in early twentieth century.

Employer branding, den enda vägen till framgång? : En kvalitativ studie om Karlstads kommuns employer branding / Employer branding, the only way to success? : A qualitative study of Karlstad municipality’s employer branding

Brundin, Frida, Kanavina, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Employer branding är något som idag kan ses som en självklarhet för många arbetsgivare. De anställda ska identifiera sig med arbetsplatsens varumärke och representera det på sådant sätt som arbetsgivaren önskar. Det krävs dock en hel del förberedning och hårt arbete för att detta ska nå ut till de anställda. Detta är en kvalitativ fallstudie där Karlstad kommun är vårt case. Här undersöks närmare hur två olika yrkesgrupper mer specifikt pedagoger och sjuksköterskor mottar kommunens employer branding. Det studeras även om det är kommunen eller yrkeskåren som dessa individer identifierar sig med och vad grunden till detta kan vara. Denna kvalitativa undersökning skedde i form av samtalsintervjuer och baseras på en abduktiv forskningsansats.  Det som undersökts är följande:  Hur tillgodogör sig Karlstad kommuns anställda kommunens employer branding?  Upplever anställda inom Karlstads kommun att arbetsgivarens employer branding påverkar deras arbets- och privatliv?  Identifierar sig anställda inom Karlstads kommun sig främst med kommunen eller den egna yrkeskåren?  Arbetet baseras på flertal teorier som behandlar olika områden. Bland annat employer branding, den egna identiteten, den sociala identiteten och arbetsidentiteten samt hur dessa hör ihop. Resultatet av denna studie visar på något oväntade svar från de åtta respondenterna. Karlstads kommun lägger ned mycket jobb på employer branding och varumärkesarbete. Därför fanns en viss förväntan på hur svaren från intervjupersonerna skulle se ut. Det visade sig att båda yrkesgrupperna var väl medvetna om Karlstads kommuns jobb med att uppnå en god employer branding men trots detta kände de ingen större koppling till Karlstads kommun. Respondenterna kände en starkare identifikation med sin respektive yrkeskår framför kommunen trots kommunens försök att implementera sina värderingar i sina anställda. / Employer branding is, nowadays, something that for many employers can be seen as something natural and self-evident. The employees are supposed to be able to identify themselves with the brand of their workplace and represent it as the employer wishes. However, a great deal of preparation and hard work from the employer is required to reach the employees. This is a qualitative case study in which Karlstad municipality is the case. Here we examine more closely two different professions, more specifically how educators and nurses employed by Karlstad municipality recieve their employer branding. We are also examining if it is the Karlstad municipality or the respective professions that these individuals are most likely to identify themselves with and what the primary cause of this could be. This qualitative study is performed by interviews and is based on an abductive discovery approach. Since we have done an earlier research on the subject this approach helps us keep a more open and objective view of the reality.  The following questions are the main areas that are being researched:  How does Karlstad municipality’s employees benefit from the municipality 's employer branding?  Do Karlstad municipality’s employees experience that the municipality’s employer branding affects their work and private life?  Do employees in Karlstad municipality identify themselves primarily with the municipality or their own profession?  The work is based on several theories that are applied on different areas. This includes employer branding, personal identity, social identity and work identity, and how these are linked together. The result of this study shows some unexpected responses from the eight respondents. Karlstad municipality is putting a lot of work into their employer branding and branding work overall. Therefore, there was a certain expectation of what the answers from the interviewees could be. It turned out that both professions were well aware of Karlstad municipality 's attempts to achieve good employer branding. Despite this it was not received as expected by the employees. The respondents felt that they had a stronger identification with the respective profession rather than the municipality itself despite the municipality 's attempts to implement their values in their employees.

O branding e a metodologia de sistemas de identidade visual / Branding and the methodology of visual identity systems

Cameira, Sandra Ribeiro 11 September 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propõe uma investigação sobre as mudanças incorporadas, a partir da introdução do branding no escopo dos projetos de construção de identidade de marca, à metodologia dos projetos de construção de identidade visual corporativa dos principais escritórios de design brasileiros especializados neste segmento. O principal objetivo é compreender a contribuição e as mudanças causadas pelo branding - uma disciplina proveniente das escolas de administração e marketing - na metodologia de projetos de identidades visuais, uma vez que a maioria dos designers brasileiros teve sua formação pautada sob os princípios e conceitos da escola racionalista e funcionalista de design, em um pensamento muito mais voltado para o caráter visual e pragmático de uma marca do que para o estratégico e subjetivo. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, foram investigadas as trajetórias dos principais escritórios de design brasileiros especializados na criação de identidades visuais e a evolução da metodologia por eles empregada nos últimos 40 anos, em quatro estudos de caso, para observar se a inclusão do branding representou uma mudança de paradigma dos pontos de vista metodológico e mercadológico, para o campo do design em relação à prática anteriormente adotada nos projetos de identidade visual sem branding. A análise dos resultados dessa pesquisa pretende documentar um novo estado da arte no campo do design de identidades visuais e contribuir para ampliação do repertório conceitual do designer, disseminando novos conceitos e fundamentos teóricos sobre branding, que possam conduzir este profissional a uma atuação mais estratégica e especializada. Há, ainda, o intuito de enriquecer a bibliografia sobre as relações entre marca, identidade visual, identidade corporativa e branding na concepção, construção e gestão de marcas corporativas no campo do design gráfico. / This research proposes to investigate changes that were incorporated to the methodology of visual identity projects ever since branding was instituted as part of its scope in major Brazilian design studios specialized in this segment. The purpose is to understand how branding - a concept that originated from management and marketing - may have contributed and changed the methodology of projects of visual identity, considering that most Brazilian designers were taught according to principles and concepts of the rationalist and functionalist school of design, which was more committed to the visual and pragmatic features of the brand than to its strategic and subjective aspects. From a qualitative approach, this work examines the paths of major Brazilian design studios, specialized in visual identity projects, and presents four case studies about the evolution of their methods over the last 40 years. The intention is to understand if the incorporation of branding represented a paradigmatic shift to methodological and market perspectives in the field of design, compared to formely adopted practices in visual identity projects that did not include branding. The analysis of research results aims to document a new state of the art in the field of visual identity design, and to contribute to the expansion of the tþeoretical repertoire of the designer, disseminating new concepts and principles of branding that may lead such professional to a more strategic and specialized performance. Furthermore, this work intends add to the bibliography about relationships between brand, visual identity, corporate identity and branding under the conception, construction and management of corporate brands in the field of graphic design.

Utformning av AntagonistenTVs visuella identitet : Visuell identitet inom streaming / Designing AntagonistenTV´s visual identity : Visual identity within streaming

Grape, Oliver January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie fokuserar på framtagandet av en visuell identitet för streamen AntagonistenTV på Twitch.tv som ägs av Felipe Delgado. David Sless sjustegsmetod har använts vid skapandet av identiteten. En visuell innehållsanalys har gjorts på andra streams för att få bättre förståelse inom streamingvärlden och underlätta designprocessen. Enkätundersökningar har använts för att få målgruppens perspektiv och åsikter. Enkäten visar hur tittarna påverkas av stream-designen. Slutresultatet blev en visuell identitet åt AntagonistenTV som sammanfattades i en grafisk manual. / This study focuses on developing a visual identity for the stream AntagonistenTV on Twitch.tv owned by Felipe Delgado. David Sless sevenstep method has been used in the creation of identity. A visual content analysis has been done on other streams to gain a better understanding of the streaming world and to facilitate the design process. Surveys have been used to get the target group's perspectives and opinions. The survey shows how the viewers are influenced by the stream design. The end result was a visual identity for AntagonistenTV which was summarized in a graphic manual.

Influence of Brand Name on Consumer Decision

Hasan, Tanveer January 2008 (has links)
<p>In the present developing and modern day world, consumerism has dominated all the aspects of life. The life in the society follows the pattern of the capitalist culture where the human values have a different measure, ‘you are known by what you have not by what you are’.</p><p>This naturally leads to the life in a society where everyone wants to have a unique place in the society, by possessing the things which sets them apart from the rest of people in the society.</p><p>In present society and living way, the Brands not only represent the symbol of the company or product but to a larger extent define the general life of a person. What the person uses can reflect his taste of life, his status in the society, his economic background and many other things. This makes a deep connection between the company and its brand, with the consumer. In this two way relation both are dependent on each other for various different reasons.</p><p>In today’s time customers are very deeply connected to the brands. When they purchase any product like a car, mobile, items of daily need, brand name influence the consumer’s choice.</p><p>Some customers purchase the specific branded things just due to the brand name. Customers believe that brand name is a symbol of quality.</p><p>I found this interesting and wanted to find out whether brand name influences the consumer choice when they go for purchasing any product. I chose to for the specific product because</p><p>this is one of the products which got my attention because of many reasons.</p><p>Initially the car production was dominated by few companies and one or two countries. With the time, the market started to grow and once considered to be luxurious commodity, cars became a need</p><p>rather than a choice. This increased the demand and with that many more companies entered the arena to have their share of profit and exploit the growing market. This made the companies to put more efforts and money to creating brand awareness of their product.</p><p>With the Huge sum of money and effort invested by the companies to create the awareness of their brand in the market, many questions arise; does this really affect the purchasing decision</p><p>of the customer? Does the brand awareness somehow influence the sale of the product? Etc.</p><p>On the basis of these questions, I formulated my problem as follows:</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to create deeper consideration of what influence a brand name can have, when people go for purchasing, choose the products between different brands in automobile industry. Further I want to identify, if there is a connection between brands and the consumer decision making process.</p><p>I conducted this study based on theories and surveys. I analyzed the result of the survey in order to be able to draw conclusions and find answers to my problem.</p><p>I came to the conclusion that when consumer purchases a car, brand names influence his choice. Customers choose the well known branded car among other brands which are new or not so known.</p><p>The study shows that branded cars have a great place in consumer mind, when customers go for purchasing a car, they prefer to purchase a well known branded car. Customers do not want to try new or unknown branded cars because they have no much information about the</p><p>lesser known brand. Usually, people purchase well known branded cars because they might have heard before about brands or they have some information about them from other sources.</p><p>This makes customer feel more comfortable during the time of decision making as they are not so confident about the knowledge they have gathered about the other brands.</p><p>The consumers are very conscious about branded and unbranded cars because they have the view that branded cars are more reliable than unbranded car. This study also explains that customers trust the branded cars’ quality. Before purchasing a car people do not consider the lesser known brand car, as people are very attached to some specific brands. Some people are loyal to specific brands, over time they want to purchase the same branded car because the specific brand has satisfied the customer’s needs and in turn has gained the trust in the brand name.</p><p>I feel that the purpose of this study has been fulfilled to some extant. The theory describe that brand name has a power, which attracts the customers towards branded products. The reason</p><p>is that customer gets special connection with specific brands product and become the loyal with brand.</p>

Thailand’s Nation Branding : A study of Thai nation-brand equity and capabilities

Prucpairojkul, Piyada, Triamsiriworakul, Supatana January 2008 (has links)
<p>Problem:</p><p>Which of Thailand’s four main sectors that nation brands compete including tourism, FDI, export promotion, and talent attraction that should be develop a main focus in developing a stronger Nation Brand for the country comparing to other four countries in South East Asia including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines?</p><p>Purpose:</p><p>The purpose of this paper are 1) to study and analyze the current status of Thailand’s nation brand equity and 2) to examine the feasibility in each of Thailand’s four main sectors that nation brands compete including tourism, FDI, export promotion, and talent attraction by comparing to other four countries in ASEAN including Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia in order to generate recommendations for the country in developing a stronger nation branding strategy in the future.</p><p>Method:</p><p>In order to achieve our purpose, firstly, we chose ‘Asset-based Nation brand equity’ model to collect the information and perform analysis on the contribution of both nation internal and external assets towards nation brand equity. Secondly, ‘Nation brand internal analysis’ model was chosen in order to be a guideline for gathering data and performing analysis on Thailand’s nation brand capability in each of the 4 main sectors comparing to the other four countries. In addition, due to our research topic and limited time frame, we would rely on secondary sources as our main source of information with some guidance from our primary source. After the analysis had been performed, we had reached the conclusion and generated recommendation for our target group</p><p>Conclusion:</p><p>For the analysis of Nation brand equity, Thailand has equipped relatively strong internal assets both innate and nurtured as the country is rich with beautiful landscape and fascinating culture together with a strong support for the art from both governmental and private sectors. However, as for external assets, both disseminated and vicarious assets of Thailand still weakly contribute to the strength of the nation equity. Due to these reasons, we have recommended Thai governmental units to set up the organizations to improve the quality of disseminated asset and also start cooperation with private sector in order to come up with external portrayal in popular culture that can effective represent and enhance the country’s image.</p><p>As for the result of ‘Nation brand internal analysis’, Thailand has shown moderate to high capability in the Export Promotion sector which was the highest among the other 3 sectors. However, based on the data in the analysis part, there are still lots of things needed to be done both by Thai governmental units and private sector in order to boost the country’s nation brand capability to achieve competitive advantage in the international market in the long run. According to this point, we had listed some recommendations for the governmental units to use as a general guideline in obtaining a strong nation brand that could help the country become more competitive in the global market.</p>

Employer Branding : att attrahera arbetskraft via den sociala omgivningen och genom individens identitet / Employer Branding ­ Attracting Talent thru the social surroundings and thru the individuals personal identity

Rejnus, Wilhelm, Sewall, Magnus January 2004 (has links)
<p>Bakgrund: Vikten av att attrahera rätt personal är stor då företag söker långsiktiga konkurrensfördelar och stora resurser läggs idag på arbetet med denna viktiga uppgift. För att attrahera potentiella arbetstagare använder sig företag idag framförallt av direkt och riktad information till de individer och formella grupper av individer som bedöms som intressanta. Denna typ av kommunikation kan ses utelämna stora delar av den omgivning som inom socialpsykologin anses ha stor påverkan på individens val och agerande. </p><p>Syfte: Att söka förståelse för och vidareutveckla teorin kring hur talent attraction kan ske genom att tilltala individen emotionellt, via den sociala omgivningen och genom att se till individens identitetsskapande. Metod: Genom ett expert- och snöbollsurval har 8 experter inom det valda ämnesområdet identifierats och intervjuats. Formen för intervjuerna har varit av diskussionskaraktär. </p><p>Resultat: Vi har i uppsatsen presenterat stöd för att omgivningen påverkar individens val av arbetsgivare, att val av arbetsgivare har en påverkan på individens identitet och att även emotionella faktorer har inverkan vid individens val av arbetsgivare. Dessa resultat menar vi innebär att potentiella arbetstagare bör ingå som en intressent till varumärket. Detta medför en förändrad syn på hur arbetsgivare kan arbeta med talent attraction då emotionella och symboliska faktorer utgör ett komplement till de rationella och kompensatoriska faktorer som vi sett dominera dagens teoribildning.</p>

Emotional branding : fulfillment of people's needs: a laboratory experiment

Maracic, Jagoda, Maracic, Spomenka January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>The concept of emotional branding has not received much attention from the academic community. Emotional branding is a powerful and advantageous instrument. It links brand to the customers, makes customers identify themselves with the brand, adapts brand to customers’ way of life, and makes brand more reliable in customers´ eyes. Simply defined, emotional branding is about fulfilment of peoples’ needs.</p><p>This dissertation explores and analyses factors, which explain the concept emotional branding. After having reviewed the literature in the area of branding and emotions, the authors of the dissertation create an explanatory model. This model consists of four factors: Trust, Personality, Lifestyle, and Relationship. Four propositions are formulated in order to test the model. The suggested theory was tested in a laboratory experiment with a Multi-method qualitative study. The conclusion of the research conducted is that emotional branding, indeed, can be explained by four factors; Trust, Lifestyle, Personality, and Relationship.</p></p>

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