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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors associated with the delay in the initiation of breasfeeding to premature infants before discharge from hospital

Sibanyoni, Edna Jeanette 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to identify factors associated with the delay in the initiation of breastfeeding to premature infants before discharge from hospital. The need for this research is evident in the current practice of feeding premature infants after a nasogastric tube is removed. The study sought to provide answers to delayed initiation of breastfeeding to premature infants before discharge from hospital. Fifty members of staff in the Sick Neonate Unit and 50 mothers of premature infants participated in the study. Self-administered data collection instruments were used to collect data from mothers of premature infants and staff of a Sick Neonate Unit in the hospital. The results showed that sociodemographic factors of staff 15 (f=30%) were 31-40 years old, and young nursing staff have decreased knowledge of breastfeeding as compared to senior and older staff members. Maternal demographic factors 36 (f=73.5%) were single and 13 (f=26.5) were married. Married mothers were more likely to breastfeed with the support of the partner than unmarried mothers. Health service factors staff views towards breastfeeding were 11(f=22.0% staff members were neutral about breastfeeding, and Eighteen (f=36.0%) staff members strongly disagreed to other methods of infant feeding. Maternal breastfeeding knowledge was one of the factors under maternal breastfeeding factors because it showed that 48 mothers (f=98.0%) did not have breastfeeding knowledge. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse data. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Faktorer som kan påverka exklusiv amning efter kejsarsnitt : en litteraturstudie / Factors that may affect the exclusive breastfeeding after a cesarean section : a literature study

Griping, Linnéa, Serna, Laura January 2021 (has links)
Att amma är karakteristiskt för alla däggdjur och ett beteende som utvecklats under miljontals år. Amning är en global folkhälsoangelägenhet, då bröstmjölken och amningen ger ett dominerande skydd för både barnets och mammans fysiska, kognitiva och mentala hälsa. Enligt Svenska Barnmorskeförbundet ingår det i barnmorskans kompetensbeskrivning attarbeta hälsofrämjande och förebyggande, det inkluderar amning. Barnmorskan ska främja amning, ge information till blivande föräldrar om amningens hälsofördelar samt främja hud mot hudkontakt postpartum. I Sverige har andelen kejsarsnitt varit relativt bestående sedan år 2004, runt 17 procent av alla födslar. År 2015 var den värdsliga siffran 20 procent, vilket innebar att var femte förlossning i världen under året 2015, rapporterades in som kejsarsnitt. Efter ett kejsarsnitt kan mor och barn separeras från varandra postpartum, vilket ökar risken för försenad amningsinitiering jämfört med en vaginal förlossning. Detta på grund av separation de första timmarna postpartum som visat sig vara en avgörande tidpunkt för att etablera amningen. Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva om, och i så fall vilka faktorer, som kan påverka exklusiv amning upp till sex månader efter kejsarsnitt hos mödrar med normal, fullgången graviditet. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie. Den utfördes baserat på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar, med kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats. Inhämtat material söktes i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed, dessa analyserades genom en integrerad analys på ett strukturerat och systematiskt sätt. Resultatet presenterade femtiosex faktorer som kan påverka exklusiv amning sex månader efter ett kejsarsnitt. Faktorerna redovisas med hjälp av fyra bärande huvudkategorier; förlossningsvård, modern, barnet och amning. Därtill framkom även elva subkategorier. Resultatet visade att kejsarsnitt påverkade den omedelbara hud mot hudkontakten, som är främjande för den exklusiva amningen postpartum. Även maternella postoperativa komplikationer och livsstilsfaktorer, moderns amningsintention, barnets hälsotillstånd postpartum, amningsstöd, bröst- och amningskomplikationer samt modersmjölksersättning, sågs påverka exklusiv amning. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att föda med kejsarsnitt hotar den omedelbara hud mot hudkontakten som visat sig vara essentiell för den exklusiva amningen postpartum. Det sombland annat visade en lyckad exklusiv amning var kvinnans positiva avsikt och inställning till amning innan födseln. Mer utbildning behövs för all vårdpersonal inom vårdkedjan för kejsarsnitt. På så vis skulle möjligheten kunna öka till att samtliga yrkesgrupper strävar efter gemensamma beslut som gynnar hud mot hudkontakt mellan mamma och barn, och samvård utan separation i största möjliga mån. / Breastfeeding is characteristic of all mammals and a behavior that has evolved over millions of years. Breastfeeding is a global public health issue, as breast milk and breastfeeding provide a dominant protection for both the baby's and the mother's physical, cognitive and mental health. According to The Swedish Association of Midwives (Svenska Barnmorskeförbundet), it is included in the midwife's competence description, that midwives must work to promote health and health prevention, this includes breastfeeding. The midwife must promote breastfeeding, provide information to expectant parents about the health benefits of breastfeeding, and promote skin-to-skin contact postpartum. In Sweden, the proportion of caesareans has been relatively permanent since 2004, around 17 percent of all births. In 2015, the worldly figure was 20 percent, which meant that every fifth birth in the world in 2015 was reported as a caesarean section. After a caesarean section, mother and child can be separated from each other. That might increase the risk of delayed initiation of breastfeeding compared to a vaginal birth. This is due to separation the first hours postpartum which has been proved to be a crucial time to establish breastfeeding. The aim of this literature study was to describe, if and which factors, that could affect exclusive breastfeeding up to six months after a cesarean section, including mothers with a normal and full-term pregnancy. The method performed was a literature study. It was carried out based on 16 scientific articles, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. Collected material was searched in the databases CINAHL and PubMed, these were analyzed through an integrated analysis in a structured and systematic way. Result of the study features fifty-sixfactors that could affect exclusive breastfeeding six months after a caesarean section. The factors are presented using four main categories: maternity care, mother, baby and breastfeeding. In addition, eleven subcategories emerged. The results showed that cesarean section affected the immediate skin-to-skin contact, which is conducive to the exclusive postpartum breastfeeding. Maternal postoperative complications and lifestyle factors, the mother's breastfeeding intention, the child's health condition postpartum, breastfeeding support, breast and breastfeeding complications and breast milk replacement, were also seen to affect exclusive breastfeeding. Conclusion that can be drawn, is that a caesarean section threatens the immediate skin-to-skin contact that has been shown to be essential for the exclusive postpartum breastfeeding. However, the mother’s positive intention and attitude to breastfeeding before giving birth, lead to a successful exclusive breastfeeding. More training is needed for all healthcare staff within the chain for caesarean section. In this way, the possibility could increase, that all professional groups would strive for similar decisions that would be in favor for skin-to-skin contact between mother and child, and cohabitation without need for separation, as much as possible.

Att ge amningsstöd : Barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheter / Providing breastfeeding support : Experiences of the child health care nurse

Kuzet, Renata, Mårtensson, Chintana January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning har rapporterat att amning är associerat med flera hälsofördelar för barnet såväl som modern. Trots det är amningsfrekvensen i Sverige sjunkande. En viktig faktor för en fungerande amning är ett gott amningsstöd. I Sverige förmedlas det stödet företrädesvis av barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskor.Syfte: Syftet med studien är att belysa barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheterav att ge amningsstöd.Metod: Studien är av kvalitativ design med en datainsamling som genomfördes via semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskor. Data analyserades med metoden för kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två huvudkategorier som belyser barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att ge amningsstöd: Att främja amningsstödet och Att utmanas vid amningsstöd, med tillhörande sju underkategorier.Konklusion: Ökad kunskap om amning resulterade i större engagemang för ett gott amningsstöd. Amningen främjades av ett individualiserat amningsstöd. Det var av vikt att barnhälsovårdssjuksköterskan anpassade stödet utifrån ammande mödrars erfarenheter av amning. Barnets behov och familjens förväntningar om amning togs även i beaktande. Trots erfarenheter om ett amningsfrämjande arbete utmanades amningsstödet bland annat av bröstmjölksersättning och strävan efter en jämställd relation. / Background: Previous research has reported that breastfeeding is associated with several health benefits for the child as well as the mother. Despite that, the breastfeeding rate in Sweden is declining. An important factor for a functioning breastfeeding is breastfeeding support. In Sweden, that support is preferably provided by nurses in child health care.Purpose: The purpose of the study is to illustrate the child health nurse's experiences of providing breastfeeding support.Method: The study is of a qualitative design with a data collection that was carried out via semi-structured interviews with ten child health nurses. Data were analyzed using the method of qualitative content analysis.Results: The analysis resulted in two main categories that highlight the child health nurse's experiences of providing breastfeeding support: Promoting breastfeeding support and Being challenged by breastfeeding support, with associated seven subcategories.Conclusion: Increased knowledge about breastfeeding resulted in greater commitment to good breastfeeding support. Breastfeeding was promoted by an individualized breastfeeding support. It was important that the child health nurse adapted the support based on breastfeeding mothers' experiences with breastfeeding. The child's needs and the family's expectations about breastfeeding were also taken into consideration. Despite experiences with breastfeeding promotion work, breastfeeding support was challenged, among other things, by breast milk substitutes and the pursuit of an equal relationship.

Kvinnors upplevelse av amningsstöd och information : en litteraturöversikt / Women's experience of breastfeeding support and information : a literature review

Lian Bjerkeli, Henriette, Fischerström, Pernilla January 2023 (has links)
Det finns många fördelar med att amma varför amning är förstahandsvalet. Antalet kvinnor som helammar sitt nyfödda barn minskar trots att majoriteten av svenska kvinnor planerar att helamma. WHO rekommenderar att barnet helammas till sex månaders ålder. Trots rekommendationen helammas 44 procent av barnen globalt vid sex månaders ålder. Amning är en del av barnmorskans kompetensområde vilket innebär att de ska främja amning. Barnmorskor har en plikt att genomföra amningsrådgivning till samtliga kvinnor. Många kvinnor upplever initialt amningssvårigheter och för att förhindra tidigt amningsstopp är barnmorskans amningsstöd grundläggande. För att utveckla barnmorskans amningsstöd är det därför viktigt att ta reda på hur kvinnor upplever att det är att ta emot amningsrådgivning. Syftet med studien var att undersöka kvinnors upplevelse av amningsstöd och amningsinformation från barnets födelse till sex månaders ålder. Metoden som valdes var en litteraturöversikt med systematisk metod. Studier med kvalitativ och mixad metod inkluderades och endast kvalitativa data användes i resultatet. Databassökning genomfördes i Pubmed och Cinahl. Därefter kvalitetsgranskades artiklarna och endast de som uppfyllde kvalitetskraven inkluderades i resultatet. Vald data analyserades sedan genom integrerad analys. I resultatet inkluderades femton artiklar. Likheter och skillnader i hur kvinnor upplevde amningsstödet identifierades och utformade subkategorierna: kontinuitet inom vårdkedjan, tid för amningsstöd, praktiskt amningsstöd, betydelsen av bekräftelse och uppmuntran samt information och rådgivning. Utifrån subkategorierna identifierades sedan kategorierna kontinuitet och tillgänglighet samt vårdpersonalens bemötande. Slutsatsen indikerade att kvinnorna hade både positiva och negativa upplevelser av amningsrådgivning. I resultatet framkom faktorer som barnmorskor kan påverka kvinnans amningsupplevelse på egen hand genom sitt bemötande. Vidare urskildes faktorer som barnmorskorna inte kan påverka, såsom barnmorskeutbildningens innehåll och tidsbrist. Resultatet ger en bredare förståelse för vad som behöver utvecklas för att amningsrådgivningen ska förbättras. / There are many benefits to breastfeeding and it is the preferred choice. Despite the majority of the Swedish women intending to exclusively breastfeed, the numbers are decreasing. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding until six months, however only 44 percent globally follow through. Midwives are experts in the field of breastfeeding, they should promote and provide efficient support. Many women experience initial difficulties with breastfeeding, and to prevent early disruption of breastfeeding, the midwife's support is essential. Understanding women's perception of breastfeeding advice is key to improving midwives' support. The aim of the study was to examine women's experiences of breastfeeding support and breastfeeding information from birth to six months of age. The method was a literature review using a systematic approach. Studies with qualitative and mixed methods were included, and only qualitative data were used in the results. A database search was conducted in PubMed and Cinahl. The articles were quality-reviewed, and only those meeting the quality criteria were included in the results. The selected data was then analyzed through integrated analysis. The results included fifteen articles. Similarities and differences in how women experienced breastfeeding support were identified and constituted the subcategories: continuity within the healthcare chain, time for breastfeeding support, practical breastfeeding support, the significance of affirmation and encouragement and information and guidance. Based on the subcategories, these categories where formulated: continuity and accessibility, as well as healthcare professionals' approach. The conclusion indicated that women had both positive and negative experiences of breastfeeding advice. The results revealed factors that midwives can independently influence women’s breastfeeding experience with their approach. Furthermore, factors were identified that midwives cannot change on their own, such as the content of midwifery education and time constraints. The results provide a broader understanding of what needs to be developed for breastfeeding advice to improve.

Mothers’ Reasons for Early Breastfeeding Cessation

Morrison, April H., Gentry, Retha, Anderson, Joanna 01 December 2019 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this review is to assess maternal explanations for early breastfeeding cessation in economically developed countries. Study Design and Methods: The electromic databases EBSCO, CINAHL, Child Development & Adolescent Studies, PsycInfo, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, Nursing and Allied Health; ProQuest databases: Family Health Database, Health and Medical Collection, Nursing and Allied Health, Psychology Database, and Public Health Databases were searched using the terms breastfeeding, cessation, stop, discontinuation, early weaning, quit∗, early termination, and six months. Inclusion criteria included infants born at least 37 weeks gestation, single birth, and infant birthweight > 2,500 g. Results: Initial literature search yielded 117 studies; 10 studies met inclusion criteria. The two most common reasons for early breastfeeding cessation were perceived inadequate milk supply and maternal breast or nipple pain. Conclusion: Research on maternal reasons for early breastfeeding cessation is limited. Reasons for early breastfeeding cessation are varied; however, the most common themes were perceived inadequate supply and breast or nipple pain. Nurses should tailor assessment of each breastfeeding mother-baby couplet and associated interventions based on these findings.

"JAG HAR BETT OM STÖD HELA TIDEN..." : En kvalitativ webbaserad enkätundersökning om mammors erfarenheter av individanpassat amningsstöd

Belt Gustafsson, Linda, Tillberg Wahlund, Annika January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Amning är en fysiologisk process som ofta upplevs svårare än förväntat vid amningsstart och kan kompliceras snabbt om stöd inte erhålls. Helamning i sex månader rekommenderas enligt WHO för att främja barns hälsa. Barnmorskor har stort ansvar för folkhälsan genom att stödja och stärka amning. Information och stöd bör ges tidigt, utifrån unika behov och vara lättillgängligt om hinder uppstår. Kvinnocentrering från barnmorskor gynnar amningstidens längd och uppskattas påverka folkhälsan positivt. Syfte: Att beskriva nyblivna mammors erfarenheter kring individanpassat amningsstöd i vårdkedjan. Metod: Kvalitativ webbundersökning med majoriteten öppna frågor samt induktiv ansats. Totalt 38 nyblivna mammor deltog. Data analyserades med manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Stor variation beskrevs gällande tillgången till individanpassat amningsstöd. Många beskrev känslan av att inte bli lyssnad på och bemött utifrån tidigare erfarenheter. Planering saknades vid utskrivning och stöd i form av individanpassad amningsplan var nästintill obefintligt. Information i eftervården beskrevs mycket begränsad gällande tillgängligheten och kvinnor eftersökte denna självständigt. Slutsats: Förändringar krävs i vårdkedjan för ett individanpassat amningsstöd. Främst saknas information under graviditeten och stöd i eftervården. Mer information och individanpassat stöd önskas från barnmorskor. Idag sker inte vården i enlighet med kraven för amningsvänliga sjukhus. / Background: Breastfeeding is a physiological process that can be more difficult than expected and become complicated if support is not provided. WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for six months to promote child health. Midwives have a major public health responsibility to support and strengthen breastfeeding. Information and support should be provided early, based on individual needs and available if barriers arise. Women-centeredness promotes breastfeeding duration and is estimated to have a positive impact on public health. Aim: To describe mothers' experiences of individual breastfeeding support in the care chain. Method: Qualitative web survey with 38 mothers. Data was analysed with content analysis. Results: Large variation was described regarding access to individual breastfeeding support. Many described the feeling of not being listened to and treated based on previous experiences. Planning was lacking at discharge and support in the form of an individualized breastfeeding plan was almost non-existent. Information in aftercare was described as very limited regarding accessibility. Conclusion: Changes are required in the care chain for individualized breastfeeding support. Mainly there is a lack of information during pregnancy and support in aftercare. More information and individualized support are requested. Care is not provided in accordance with the requirements for Baby-friendly hospitals initiative.

Barriers to compliance to exclusive breastfeeding and timely introduction of complementary feeding practices in Ethiopia

Mesfin Tesfay Tekle 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study aimed at exploring Barriers to compliance with exclusive breastfeeding and timely introduction of complementary feeding practices in Ofla District, Tigray Region in Ethiopia. A quantitative exploratory descriptive study was conducted to explore and describe the barriers that restrict mothers /caregivers to comply with exclusive breast feeding practice until six months and with introduction of solid, semi-solid and soft foods at six months in Ofla District. Data were collected using structured questionnaire, from a total of 112 samples of which 75 mothers and care givers with children aged 0-5 months and 38 children aged 6-8 months participated. The data were entered into a computer and analysed though the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The findings revealed that there are barriers related Doer mothers and Non-Doer mothers perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived self-efficacy, cues for actions, perceived social acceptability and positive and negative attitudes towards exclusive breastfeeding and initiation of complementary feeding. On the other hand, the participant’s perception of both groups with regard to perception of Divine (God’s) Will on two child feeding practices was insignificantly the same. Both groups perceived that children could get sometimes malnourished because of spiritual or supernatural causes. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Promoting exclusive breastfeeding among teenage-mothers in Ghana : towards a behavioural conceptual model

Acheampong, Angela Kwartemaa 08 1900 (has links)
Ghana subscribed to the global target of reaching at least 50% of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of birth by the year 2030. Policies and programmes to promote exclusive breastfeeding have been formulated and implemented in the country. In spite of these efforts, existing evidence showed that the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months post-delivery has been declining over the past decade. It was therefore important to understand behavioural factors that influence exclusive breastfeeding among teenage-mothers and propose a behavioural conceptual model based on the understanding of exclusive breastfeeding from the perspective of the teenage-mothers and their social environments. The study was conducted in three phases using multistrand mixed methods within the pragmatism philosophical framework. The Theory of Planned Behaviour and the six steps framework for developing models to address public health issues were used as frameworks in the study. In the first phase, the researcher used qualitative exploratory descriptive design to gain an understanding of the behavioural determinants of exclusive breastfeeding from the perspective of teenagers aged between 13 - 19 years attending antenatal care services at public facilities. Data were generated through focus group discussions and analysed using Group-level thematic and content analysis. In the second phase, longitudinal descriptive correlational designs were used to establish the relationships between the exclusive breastfeeding intentions during the prenatal period and actual breastfeeding practices at six months post-delivery. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data during the last visit of antenatal care visits and six months post-delivery. Data generated were analysed through descriptive inferential statistics. In the last phase, the researcher used meta-inferences to identify the key concepts of conceptual model from the integrated qualitative and quantitative results. Theoretical triangulations were used to define and establish relationships between the concepts and to structure the conceptual model. The integrated results of the two phases of the study showed that exclusive breastfeeding practices among teenage-mothers within the social context of Ghana are determined by certain personal and social related behavioural factors. The approval of the exclusive breastfeeding practice by the teenagers’ mothers and nurses/midwives’ capabilities to provide effective breastfeeding education were the strongest determinants of exclusive breastfeeding up to six months among teenage-mothers in Ghana. From these results, the researcher proposed an integrated behavioural conceptual model that provides an understanding of exclusive breastfeeding practice and the process of promoting exclusive breastfeeding among teenage-mothers in the social context of Ghana. The findings of this study have implications for public health policy-makers, health services managers, health sciences education and further research. / Health Studies / D. Lit. et Phil. (Health Studies)

The current infant feeding practices and related factors of Zulu mothers with 0-6 month old infants attending PMTCT and non-PMTCT clinics in central Durban, KwaZulu-Natal : an exploratory study.

Kassier, Susanna Maria. January 2005 (has links)
Abstract: Introduction: Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of an infant's life is recommended worldwide. In 1998 the South African Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS) showed that only 10% of mothers exclusively breastfeed at three months. As the HIV virus is transmissible via breast milk, UNAIDS (2002) recommends that women in developing countries should be given a choice of feeding method after being counselled on the risks and benefits of breast feeding versus formula feeding. As a result, the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) programme was launched in KwaZulu-Natal with the aim of providing interventions to prevent Mother-to-Child Transmission of the HIV virus. However, research has shown that infant feeding practices are influenced by numerous factors. Ultimately mothers will feed their infants in a manner they feel comfortable with, even if it is not always the most appropriate choice. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine and compare current infant feeding practices and some of the factors that influenced these practices among Zulu mothers with 0 - 6 month old infants attending PMTCT and non-PMTCT clinics in Central Durban, KwaZulu-Natal. Methodology: A cross-sectional, descriptive survey was conducted amongst 150 mothers sampled from three non-PMTCT clinics and 150 mothers sampled from three PMTCT clinics. Systematic random sampling of mothers attending the two types of clinics was used to ensure an equal number of mothers· with infants aged 0 - < 6 weeks, 6 - < 14 weeks and 14 weeks to 6 months. The number of mothers interviewed per clinic was determined proportionate to clinic size. Interviews were conducted in Zulu by trained fieldworkers according to a structured interview schedule consisting of 87 open- and closed-ended questions. Summary of most important findings and conclusion: Overall, one quarter of the mothers attending non-PMTCT and one third of mothers at PMTCT clinics were practising exclusive breastfeeding at the time of the survey. The general trend was that mothers attending PMTCT clinics were more inclined than those attending non-PMTCT clinics to breastfeed their infants exclusively (34% versus 24% respectively) or to formula feed (16,7% versus 12,7% respectively). Furthermore, there was a significant decline in exclusive breastfeeding and predominant breastfeeding with increasing infant age in both clinic groups. The opposite held true for mixed feeding and formula feeding in that infants were more inclined to mixed feeding or formula feeding with increasing infant age. In both clinic groups, exclusive breastfeeding was the method of choice in the 0 - < 6 week age category, while a preference for mixed feeding was shown in the 6 - < 14 week category. This trend persisted in the 14 week - < 6 month age category, especially in the non-PMTCT clinics, while there was a small but pronounced increase in formula feeding amongst PMTCT mothers. Although these findings can be explained as a result of implementing the PMTCT programme, the positive trends observed in non-PMTCT clinics serve as an indicator that the Integrated Nutrition Programme (INP) and Baby Friendly Hospital initiative have also had an impact on the feeding choices mothers make. Despite the limited duration of the PMTCT programme at the time of the study, indicators of the impact of the intervention include that a lower percentage of PMTCT mothers introduced foods and/or liquids in addition to breast milk to their infants before six months of age compared to non-PMTCT mothers. Furthermore, more mothers attending PMTCT clinics were shown how to breastfeed and were more likely to have received information about formula feeding. Despite these indicators of a positive impact of the PMTCT programme, the mean age for introducing liquids and/or solids in addition to breast milk was about six weeks and the incidence of this practice was very high for both groups. The similar incidence of formula feeding observed between the two clinic groups suggests the presence of constraints to safe infant feeding choices among mothers attending PMTCT clinics. As observed, infant feeding practices were still not ideal in either of the two clinic groups. However, the high level of antenatal clinic attendance documented for both groups serves as evidence that, if opportunities for providing mothers with appropriate infant feeding advice are utilized optimally, the antenatal clinic could serve as an ideal medium through which infant feeding education can take place, especially as the clinic-based nursing staff were cited as the most important source of infant feeding information by both groups of mothers in the antenatal and postnatal phases. The documented infant feeding practices should be interpreted against the backdrop of factors such as socio-demographic characteristics of the mothers, availability of resources such as social support from peers and significant others and reigning infant feeding beliefs that could influence infant feeding decisions. Predictors of exclusive breastfeeding in PMTCT and non-PMTCT clinics were determined by means of multivariate logistic regression analysis. Significant values were obtained for both clinic groups in terms of the infant not having received liquids in addition to breast milk. No additional predictors were found amongst mothers attending non-PMTCT clinics, however predictors amongst mothers attending PMTCT clinics included whether the mother had not visited the clinic since the infant's birth, whether she practiced demand feeding and whether she was experiencing stress at the time of the study. The limited number of predictors of exclusive breastfeeding documented in this study, especially among non-PMTCT mothers may be explained by the fact that infant feeding behaviour is multifactorial by nature and the interaction between factors that influence feeding choice is strong. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

Nėščiųjų mokymo apie žindymą įtaka žindymo paplitimui ir papildomo maitinimo pradžiai / Influence of prenatal breastfeeding education on breastfeeding rates and initiation of supplementary feeding

Šniukaitė, Daiva 23 June 2014 (has links)
Lietuvoje išimtinai kūdikius iki 6 mėn. žindo tik 25, 7 proc. motinų, o 14 proc. jau nuo 1 gyvenimo mėnesio davė arbatos. Tyrimais yra nustatyta, kad žindymo ir laktacijos valdymo mokymas nėštumo metu, gali prailginti išimtinio žindymo trukmę.Tikslas – nustatyti nėščiųjų mokymo apie žindymo ir laktacijos valdymą įtaką išimtinio žindymo(IŽ) paplitimui, papildomo maitinimo(PM) įvedimo pradžiai bei įvertinti motinų žinias ir pastangas, siekiant spręsti su žindymu susijusias problemas.Uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti nėščiųjų mokymo apie žindymą įtaką IŽ paplitimui ir trukmei; 2.Įvertinti nėščiųjų mokymo apie žindymą įtaką PM įvedimo pradžiai; 3.Įvertinti išklausiusių ir neišklausiusių mokymo apie žindymą motinų žinias ir pastangas siekiant spręsti su žindymu susijusias problemas; 4. Išsiaiškinti motinų nuostatas apie žindymo trukmę ir veiksnius, galinčius ją įtakoti; 5. Nustatyti motinų požiūrį į personalo pagalbą pradedant žindyti.Tyrimo metodas. Tyrimas buvo atliktas VU Sporto medicinos, reabilitacijos ir slaugos instituto ir RMC bazėje 2006-2008 metais. Naudojant anoniminę anketą-klausimyną buvo apklaustos 50 moterų, auginančios 6-18 mėn. amžiaus vaikus ir išklausiusios prenatalinį žindymo ir laktacijos valdymo pagrindų kursą (poveikio grupė(PG)), ir 50 moterų (kontrolinė grupė(KG)), auginančių tokio paties amžiaus vaikus ir neišklausiusios tokio kurso. Klausimyno pirmoje dalyje buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti moterų žindymo ir papildomo maisto įvedimo praktiką, nuostatas apie sėkmingo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Lithuania only 25.7% of babies are exclusively breastfed (BF) up to 6 months. Evidence has proved that prenatal teaching on BF and lactation management(LM) can prolong exclusive BF. Objective: to determine the influence of prenatal BF training over the rates of exclusive BF and the initiation of complementary feeding(CF) and to assess the mothers‘ knowledge and efforts in solving BF-related problems. Tasks: 1.Assess the influence of prenatal BF training over the rates and length of exclusive BF. 2. Assess the influence of prenatal BF training over the initiation of CF. 3. Assess the knowledge and efforts in solving BF-related problems by mothers who have undergone and who haven‘t undergone prenatal BF training. 4. Determine mothers‘ attitudes toward the length of BF and the factors influencing this length. 5. Determine mothers’ attitudes toward the personnel’s assistance at the initiation of BF. Methods: The investigation was carried out at the IRSMN at the MF of VU and the NNC in 2006 – 2008. The survey included 50 women raising children aged 6–18 months, having completed a prenatal BF and LM course (“intervention group” IG) and 50 - raising children of the same age but having not completed such course (“control group” CG). The first part of the anonymous questionnaire was aimed at determining the practices of BF and initiating CF, the successful BF factors, the assessment of assistance in BF and trust in nurses in solving BF-related problems; the second - a test aimed at... [to full text]

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