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Att förklara en terrorist : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av rapporteringen av händelserna i Oslo och på Utøya den 22 juli 2011 i Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter och Göteborgs-PostenHjorth, Minja, Jonsson, Mathias January 2011 (has links)
Den 22 juli 2011 bombade Anders Behring Breivik regeringskvarteren i Oslo. 8 personer dog och flera skadades. Bomben orsakade också stor materiell skada. Några timmar senare sköt gärningsmannen ihjäl 69 personer på ön Utøya. Denna studie undersöker hur Dagens Nyheter, Göteborgs-Posten, Aftonbladet och Expressen rapporterade kring händelserna de fem första dagarna efter dåden. Med utgångspunkt i ett diskursperspektiv har studien genom kvalitativ analys av texterna svarat på hur gärningsmannen till de båda dåden har förklarats i de fyra tidningarna. Det har visat sig att han beskrivits på många olika sätt. Han har framställts som exempelvis terrorist och högerextrem, personlighetsstörd och som psykiskt sjuk. Dessa skapar tillsammans med andra beskrivningar, som exempelvis singel, frimurare eller ond, en bild av gärningsmannen som inte är enhetlig. Beskrivningarna fungerar som förklaringar till dåden. Det kan med stöd i tidigare forskning vara så att rädslan över att kategorisera rasistiska ytt-ringar eller som i detta fall, terroristiska och högerextrema sådana, vilket gör att gärnings-mannen inte kategoriseras som det ena eller det andra utan får flera benämningar. Studien har som en andra slutsats kommit fram till att de olika rubriceringarna fungerar som en förklar-ingsmodell eller orsak till brottet eftersom det inte förklaras djupare utan får stå för sig själva. En tredje slutsats är att terrorism och terrorist är beteckningar på brottet och gärningsmannen, snarare än en förklaring till varför det inträffat. Detta eftersom dessa beteckningar återkom-mer oavsett vilken förklaring som anges.
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Terrorist eller ensam galning? : En analys av Aftonbladets och Svenska Dagbladets nyhetsrapportering om Anders Behring Breivik och Rakhmat Akilov / Terrorist or Lone Wolf? : An Analysis of Swedish National Newspaper Coverage Relating to Anders Behring Breivik and Rakhmat AkilovSandelin Anton, Wilhelm January 2020 (has links)
This study aims to survey and compare Swedish newspaper coverage relating to convicted terrorists Anders Behring Breivik and Rakhmat Akilov. The pivotal question of the study is whether this coverage differs depending on factors such as each perpetrator’s ethnicity and political beliefs. The source material has been gathered from Swedish national newspapers Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet. This study has utilised a mixed research methodology consisting of a quantitative digital text analysis combined with a qualitative frame analysis. The theoretical framework of this study mainly consists of media theories such as framing (as defined by Goffman 1974, Van Gorp 2010, Shehata 2012 and more), construction of crime news and crime waves (Jewkes 2004, Fishman 1978) and news values (Häger 2014). Additionally, theories about orientalism, stereotyping, and ethnicity are applied (Dyer 1997:2006, Said 1978). Other research on the aforementioned topics is also touched upon.The quantitative part of this study has been conducted through the use of text analysis tool Textometrica. A total of 460 newspaper articles mentioning either perpetrator have been analysed. This has highlighted the framing, wording, and phraseology of said articles. The qualitative part of the study consists of an in-depth survey of frames found in a select number of these articles. It draws inspiration from frame research conducted by, among others, journalism professor Baldwin Van Gorp (2010).The results of this study show a noticeable difference in the portrayals of both perpetrators. While Aftonbladet tends to simplify stories, Svenska Dagbladet leans towards a more comprehensive coverage. In general, a certain degree of attention is given to elaborations on Behring Breivik’s personal life and youth to explain his wrongdoings. Akilov, on the other hand, is mostly just described through his foreign appearance and is more clearly conceptualised as a terrorist and as part of a larger network (the Islamic State). / Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra svensk nyhetsrapportering om de dömda terroristerna Anders Behring Breivik och Rakhmat Akilov. Studiens centrala frågeställning är huruvida denna rapportering skiljer sig på grundval av faktorer såsom respektive gärningsmans etnicitet och politiska tillhörighet. Källmaterialet har samlats in från de svenska nationella dagstidningarna Aftonbladet och Svenska Dagbladet. Det metodologiska ramverket består av en kvantitativ digital textanalys i kombination med en kvalitativ framinganalys. Studiens teoretiska ramverk består främst av medieteorier, däribland gestaltningsteorin (definierad av Goffman 1974, Van Gorp 2010, Shehata 2012 med flera) och konstruktionen av brottsnyheter och brottsvågor (Jewkes 2004, Fishman 1978). Dessutom appliceras teorier om orientalism, stereotypisering och etnicitet (Dyer 1997:2006, Said 1978). Tidigare forskning om ovan nämnda teorier inkluderas också.Den kvantitativa delen av studien genomfördes med hjälp av textanalysverktyget Textometrica. Totalt 460 nyhetsartiklar som nämner endera av gärningsmännen har analyserats. Detta har tydliggjort artiklarnas inramning, formuleringar och språkbruk. Den kvalitativa delen av studien består av en mer djupgående analys av gestaltningar identifierade i ett antal av artiklarna. Denna kvalitativa analys hämtar inspiration från gestaltningsforskning genomförd av, bland andra, journalistikprofessor Baldwin Van Gorp (2010).Studien visar en anmärkningsvärd skillnad i porträtteringarna av respektive gärningsman. Aftonbladet tenderar att förenkla skeenden medan Svenska Dagbladets rapportering är mer omfattande. Båda tidningarna uppmärksammar Behring Breiviks privatliv och uppväxt för att förklara hans ogärningar. Akilov å andra sidan beskrivs främst genom sitt utländska utseende och framställs tydligare som terrorist och del av ett större nätverk (den islamiska staten).
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Mediální obraz útoků Anderse Behringa Breivika v českém tisku / The media portrait of the Anders Behring Breivik's attack in czech pressFulínová, Renata January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis called "The media portrait of the Anders Behring Breivik ́s attack in czech press" focuses on events that took place on the 22nd of July 2011, when a norwegian citizen Anders Breivik detonated a bomb in the centre of Oslo and killed 8 people. Then he shot 69 young people on the Utøya island. This thesis shows how these events were presented in the four most read newspapers in the Czech republic which are Aha!, Blesk, Mladá fronta DNES and Právo. The analysis focuses on the period of time between 22nd of July and 22nd of September 2011 and then also on the period from April to August 2012 when the trial took place. This master thesis combines quantitative and qualitative research design and shows that Mladá fronta DNES published the most articles out of all 287. Blesk used the biggest amount of photographs - 2.9 photographs per article. The most used photographs were of the victims and also the photographs of Breivik himself. The most frequent topics covered were of the trial, information about Breivik and memorial events. The qualitative part of the research focuses on used language means and proves that the visual part and the photographs play a very important role on the whole feel and emotions in the article.
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”Vi låter oss inte stoppas av andras kamp mot grundläggande demokratiska värden” : En narrativ analys av Sverigedemokraternas kriskommunikation efter Utöya / :Albrecht, William January 2012 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka Sverigedemokraternas kriskommunikativa försvar efter kritiken som uppkom mot partiet i samband med högerextremisten Anders Behring Breiviks massmord på Utöya 2011. I detta har jag ur ett narrativt perspektiv undersökt partiledaren Jimmie Åkessons förklaring till krisen och hur denna samspelar med partiets interna berättelse. Den första delen av resultaten visar att Åkesson strukturerar ett narrativ där uppkomsten av krisen för Sverigedemokraterna förklaras genom att det bedrivs en häxjakt på partiet. Den andra delen av resultaten visar att Åkesson genom dikotomisering använder den uppkomna krisen för att förstärka Sverigedemokraternas roll som antietablissemangsparti. I hans krisberättelse tillskrivs kritikerna och Breivik liknande egenskaper, vilket betyder att de står som en gemensam bov i narrativet. Detta i motsats till Sverigedemokraterna som i istället får rollen som en hjälte - demokratins beskyddare i Sverige. / This paper examines the communicative crisis defense of the Sweden democrats after the criticism that appeared after the mass murder by the right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik at Utöya in 2011. In this analysis a narrative examination is made of the party leader Åkessons explanation to why the crisis emerged and how his apology interacts with the party’s internal story. The first part of the results shows that Åkesson structures a narrative where the society’s witch hunt on the party stands as an explanation to why the crisis has emerged. The second part of the analysis shows that Åkesson uses the crisis to strengthen the role of the Sweden democrats as an anti-establishment party by using dichotomies. In his crisis narrative he attributes similar characteristics to his critics and Breivik. The consequence of this is that the two actors stand as a collective villain in the narrative. To the contrary, the Sweden democrats became a hero in the narrative - the protector of democracy in Sweden.
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A Matter of Relations : A reception study of global audiences’ interpretations of, and interest in, the Norwegian terrorist attacks in 2011Franzén, Stina January 2014 (has links)
This Master’s thesis investigates the matter of relations as a contributing factor to foreign audiences’ interest in, and interpretation of, news events. An explorative designed quantitative study is conducted based on the example of the terrorist attacks in Norway, 2011. First, a questionnaire was created and shared online with audiences from 53 different countries, with the target group of members of the international exchange student organization Youth For Understanding. 318 responses were collected and analysed in SPSS and the thesis then analyses behavioural-, knowledge- and attitude responses through a quantitative content analysis. The findings are discussed in relation to earlier research on news value, psychology, global compassion and cultural studies. In the results, it is found that foreign audiences’ relationships to the affected foreign country matter to a large extent, both seen to personal relationships such as having friends or family in or around Norway; but also features such as the respondents’ ability to identify with, and relate to, the news. The survey results show that a relation to Norway contributes to more in-depth knowledge and a higher interest rate in the news about the terrorist attacks, and also how relations to Norway affected the respondents’ cognitive and emotive memories of the event. The author recommends further studies with news examples tested on other, larger populations in order to reach a more reliable, valid and generalizable result.
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Brottets anatomi : Om sambandet mellan berättelsestruktur och ledfamiljer i fyra artiklar om Anders Behring Breiviks attentat på UtöyaPersson, Anders January 2015 (has links)
I föreliggande studie undersöks berättelsestruktur och ledfamiljer i fyra nyhetsartiklar. Syftet är att bidra till den textlingvistiska traditionen med en studie av referensbindning och ledfamiljer i nyhetsrapporterande text. Den analysmodell som används för studiet av referensbindning och ledfamiljer är den som Nyström presenterar i Hur hänger det ihop? En bok om textbindning (2001). Analysen av texternas berättelsestruktur görs med utgångspunkt i Labovs schema för muntliga berättelser. Materialet utgörs av en artikel vardera om Anders Behring Breiviks attentat på Utöya ur de två kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen, och morgontidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet. Resultatet visar ett samband mellan berättelsestruktur och ledfamiljer som bland annat yttrar sig på så vis att en mer komplex berättelsestruktur i morgontidningarna där ger upphov till en central ledfamilj tidpunkter vilken saknas i kvällstidningarna. Slutligen undersöks utifrån tidigare forskning olika innehållsliga stildrag i kvällstidningarna. Mest påfallande likheter upptäcktes mellan Expressen och en tidigare analyserad artikel ur samma tidning.
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How does othering in Abu Bakr Naji’s The Management of Savagery and Anders Breivik’s 2083 reveal what the two authors perceive as the main external threats to their own groups?Whitehead, James Graeme Miles January 2020 (has links)
Othering is central in the rhetoric of both Abu Bakr Naji and Anders Breivik throughout their works. Both authors use it as a device to drive a psychological wedge between the groups of ‘us’ and ‘them’. In the case of Naji, the in group is made up of violence oriented takfiris such as Al Qaeda, but Breivik hoped to appeal to other violence oriented far right groups and individuals, disillusioned with what he perceived to be a slow erosion of ‘traditional’ European life by the far left, feminism and other forces. My research question will revolve around how a use of othering by the authors can reveal what they regard as the major threat to their groups. Superficially, there seem to be many similarities in how each author uses othering to alienate and dehumanise different groups. However, closer inspection reveals entirely different priorities and different methods of othering in play. By examining how othering is used throughout the works, it is possible to see which outside groups are perceived to present the biggest threat to the inside groups and the results are perhaps surprising. Given that The Management of Savagery has been seen as the ISIS strategic manual and the key message throughout the work is try and bring the USA and her allies into a catastrophic war of attrition from which the violence oriented takfiris would rise, I had assumed that the USA, or the ‘Far’ enemy would take the brunt of Naji’s othering drive. Instead, the Shia and all Muslims who are unaligned with Al Qaeda, plus those Muslims closely aligned with the West or Western ideals are the key target for Naji. Likewise, I had expected most of the vitriol from Breivik’s right wing ‘manifesto’ to be directed at Muslim immigrants to Europe. However, his key concern, as evidenced by the othering used throughout his work, is in fact with what he terms ‘cultural Marxists’ – left leaning groups and political parties, which he sees as weakening Europe and allowing outsiders to take over.
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Analysing Evil : A Comparison of Christian and Islamist Terrorist ActsFranzino, Felix January 2021 (has links)
Although terrorism is an area that has been the subject of much research, systematic searches in databases reveal that a focus on actors and movements that find their motivation in Christian beliefs, is, by and large, lacking. Ever since the 9/11 terrorist attack, Islamist terrorism has been the major focus. The purpose of this thesis is to describe and compare Christian and Islamist acts of terrorism. This will be done by using the terrorist attack of the self-proclaimed Christian crusader Anders Behring Breivik in Norway 2011 and compare it to the terrorist attack in Paris November 2015 claimed by the terrorist organisation Islamic State (IS). A content analysis is used to explore the material. The analysis is conducted with an analytical framework created from previous research on religious terrorism to explore the similarities and differences of religiously motivated terrorist acts. The study reveals that there are a lot of similarities between Breivik and the Paris attackers. Both Breivik and IS strived to change society with violence justified by their religion. In a type of “God´s executioner” fashion. A final conclusion in this thesis is that Breivik and IS share Ideological core ideas in the form of exclusivity, however, the exclusivity is expressed differently. Breivik´s exclusiveness is linked to ethnicity and skin colour, while IS´s exclusivity is solely linked to faith.
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Norská imigrační politika po roce 2011 / The Immigration Policy of Norway after 2011Vostřáková, Marcela January 2016 (has links)
The Master thesis "The Immigration Policy of Norway after 2011" deals with Norwegian immigration policy, specifically with changes of immigration policy which took place after 2011. In July of this year, the attacks of Andres Breivik happened in the downtown of Oslo and on the island of Utøya. In the following years, the Norwegian immigration policy begin to change firstly gradually, than the changes occurred in faster pace, since the new coalition of Conservative Party and Progress Party began to rule after the General Election in autumn 2013. The goal of this Master thesis is to introduce changes in Norwegian immigration policy which took place after 2011, and find out what was behind these changes and thus was the cause of them. The thesis uses theoretical approaches explaining how policy change can happen, Punctuated Equilibrium Theory and Advocacy Coalition Framework. The first approach clarifies change of policy through period of disequilibrium which is caused by critical event. Second approach then illustrates that policy can change because the cooperation of political elite. Main research question of this Master thesis is how the Norwegian immigration policy has changed since 2011. Hypothesis then, that the Norwegian immigration policy has changed during the last for years, and not just...
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