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Postmoderní romány Alessandra Baricca / Alessandro Baricco's postmodern novelsPřívozníková, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce zmapuje románovou tvorbu současného italského spisovatele Alessandra Baricca. Úvodem bude představen autor v kontextu současné italské prózy. V další části práce nastíníme charakteristiku postmoderního románu, zejména pokud jde o tříštění či dekompozici prostoru, času, příběhu a s tím související žánrovou heterogennost textu. V centrální části práce rozebereme jednotlivá díla, přičemž se budeme soustředit jak na příběh, jeho hlavní motivy a témata, tak na jeho kompozici a strukturu. Ve čtvrté kapitole využijeme dílčích analýz jako východiska ke komparativnímu přístupu k textům a pokusíme se najít společné i odlišné konstrukční principy jejich výstavby a návratná témata či motivické konstanty Bariccových próz. Závěrem zhodnotíme přínos tvorby Alessandra Baricca pro současnou italskou prózu.
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[pt] Esta tese investiga as propriedades eletrônicas de sistemas nanoscópicos com interações de muitos corpos, dando origem ao efeito Kondo. Primeiramente estudamos a transição SU(4)-SU(2) devido a um campo
magnético externo e as propriedades de filtro de spin de um nanossistema de dois pontos quânticos capacitivamente acoplados. A transição é caracterizada pela diferença entre as polarizações de spin da ocupação eletrônica nos dois pontos quânticos, como uma função do potencial de porta aplicado sobre
os pontos quânticos. Apesar do fato de que o campo magnético externo quebra a simetria SU(4) do Hamiltoniano, o estado fundamental a preserva, como uma propriedade emergente, na região do espaço de parâmetros onde os elétrons não estão polarizados. As propriedades de filtro de spin devido à população eletrônica spin polarizada nos pontos quânticos também é discutida. Estas propriedades são estudadas usando o formalismo dos operadores de projeção, que descreve de forma muito acurada a física associada
ao estado fundamental dos sistemas Kondo. No capítulo subsequente, analisamos os efeitos da interação spin-órbita num ponto quântico conectado a contatos, representados pelo modelo da impureza de Anderson no efeito Kondo. Contrariamente ao resultado prévio de vários outros autores, nós mostramos que a interação spin-órbita reduz exponencialmente a temperatura Kondo enquanto a ação da interação no
próprio ponto quântico pode ser um mecanismo de destruição do regime Kondo, conforme quebra a simetria SU(2). Usando o modelo de Anderson com acoplamento spin-órbita nós propomos um transistor de spin feito de um ponto quântico conectado a uma nanofaixa submetida à interação spin-órbita Rashba, depositada sobre um substrato ferromagnético. O ponto quântico também é conectado a dois contatos
metálicos laterais, através do qual a corrente flui ao longo do sistema. A interação spin-órbita Rashba cria um mecanismo de inversão do spin no ponto quântico. Nós mostramos que o sistema é capaz de operar como um transistor de spin. / [en] This thesis investigates the electronic properties of nanoscopic systems under the presence of many body interactions, given rise to the Kondo effect. Firstly we studied the SU(4)-SU(2) crossover driven by an external magnetic field and the spin-filter properties of a capacitively coupled double quantum dot nanosystem. The crossover is characterized by the difference between the spin polarization of the electronic occupation at the double quantum dot, as a function of the gate potential applied to the quantum dots. Despite the fact that the external magnetic field breaks the SU(4) symmetry of the Hamiltonian, the ground state preserves it, as an emergent property, in a region in the parameter space where the electron are not polarized. The spinfilter properties due the spin polarized electronic population at the dots is also discussed. These properties are studied using the projector projection operator approach, which describes very accurately the physics associated to the ground state of Kondo systems. In a subsequent chapter, we analyze the effect of the spin-orbit interaction in a quantum dot connected to leads, represented by the Anderson impurity model on the Kondo effect. Contrary to several other authors previous results,
we show that the Rashba spin-orbit interaction exponentially reduces the Kondo temperature while the action of the interaction on the quantum dot itself could be a mechanism of destroying the Kondo regime, as it breaks SU(2) symmetry. Using the Anderson model with spin-orbit coupling we propose a spin
transistor device made of a quantum dot connected to a Rashba spinorbit interacting nanoribbon, deposited on a ferromagnetic substrate. The quantum dot is also connected to two lateral metallic contacts, through
which the current flows along the system. The Rashba spin-orbit interaction creates a spin-flip mechanism at the quantum dot. We show that the system is capable of operating as a spin-transistor.
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Eñaut Etxamendiren obra narratiboaren (1964-2011) hurbilpen kritikoa / Approche critique de l'œuvre narrative (1964-2011) d'Eñaut Etxamendi / Critical approach to Eñaut Etxamendi's narrative (1964-2011)Madina Elguezabal, Itziar 11 December 2017 (has links)
Né en 1935 à Estérençuby (Pyrénées Atlantiques), Eñaut Etxamendi est écrivain, poète et chanteur en langue basque. Dans son œuvre narrative, il décrit la société agraire du Pays Basque Nord – concrètement, la province de la Basse-Navarre – et son processus de désagrégation sociale et culturelle à partir des années 60. Quelle place accorder dans la littérature basque moderne à cette œuvre, qui sublime l'idylle détruite ? Quelle est sa place et son originalité au vu des productions des auteurs basques contemporains? Quelle part de l’œuvre d’Etxamendi se situe sous l’influence de la pensée nationaliste et quel peut bien être son degré de participation à la construction de mythes identitaires? Nous utilisons les concepts du formalisme russe pour décrire la structure, le matériau littéraire et le dynamisme de l'œuvre etxamendienne. Puis, nous interrogeons ces résultats par l'apport du post-formalisme et des propositions bakhtiniennes et tâchons de situer l'œuvre littéraire d'Eñaut Etxamendi dans son rapport à l'idylle détruite et au Cкaз. Finalement, nous faisons intervenir l'ethnocritique de la littérature et le post-colonialisme, afin d'inscrire l'œuvre littéraire d'Eñaut Etxamendi dans « la mémoire longue d’une communauté discursive » et dans le contexte particulier des années 1960-1990 qui alliait la vitalité politique à la vitalité culturelle. L’objectif de ce questionnement est d’approfondir dans la connaissance de l’œuvre d’un auteur mais aussi d’une région littéraire du Pays Basque encore trop peu étudiées. / Eñaut Etxamendi was born in Esterençuby (Pyrénées Atlantiques, France), in 1935. He is a writer, poet an singer in basque language. In his literary work, Eñaut Etxamendi describes the agrarian society who was disappearing by the 60's in the North Basque Country – concretely in the province of Basse-Navarre – and the process of social and cultural disbanding that occured then.Where can be placed Eñaut Etxamendi's literary writing – sprung up in geographical and linguistic periphery – and its sublimated « idyllic chronotope » in basque modern literature ? Which is his originality comparing to other contemporary basque writer's works ? What is Etxamendi's part of work under nationalist theories's influence and up to which point has his literature pertained to the discourse of identity ? Our search is an attempt to improve knowledge of a few known author and few known literary area of Basque Country.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Representative democracy is undergoing a period of transformation, because while it is the political system of government adopted in most countries, has been the subject of much critique. There is a perception of a gap between citizens and representatives, deviations of public funds and corruption, situations that refer to the six broken promises of democracy brought by Norberto Bobbio. In order to change this scenario, the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), particularly the Internet, appear as a new element that can attract public participation around government affairs. This is the construction of cyberdemocracy that, however, shares opinions of authors and researchers of the transformer potential of internet. In this scenario, there is the e-Democracy Website, linked to the Chamber of Deputies, that incites the popular participation to contribute in the forums, chats and wikilegis with the law projects pending in the Legislature or to suggest new projects. This research aims to analyze the manifestations of a specific Community Legislative of this Portal related to the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet in order to address an overview of popular participation in law projects online in Brazil. The research problem concerns the conditions for mass demonstrations on the internet and the effectiveness of such propositions, to check whether they are obeyed and considered by deputies when the deliberation of the projects in plenary. It is employed the hypothetical-deductive method of approach, formulating two main hypotheses. The first is the sense that the use of the internet is the most appropriate way to strengthen representative democracy. The second refers to the digital divide as the greatest obstacle to that popular online participation. Among the variables, there are the access rates to computers and the internet, public interest in accessing government portals and if the popular participation in the Portal is effectively considered by deputies. Are used the monographic and comparative methods of procedure and, as a research technique are used direct, systematic and non-participant observation of e-Democracy Website and Digital Culture blog, considering that the construction of the draft bill of the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet also occurred collaboratively. The conclusion is that the scenery around the popular online participation in law projects is still in the beginning, with a minority of the demonstrations was considered in the adoption of law projects, showing that the spaces have as main feature the spread of the subject and the promotion of debates among citizens themselves. / A democracia representativa atravessa um período de transformações, pois ao mesmo tempo em que é o regime político de governo adotado na generalidade de países, vem sendo objeto de muitas críticas. Há a percepção de afastamento entre cidadãos e representantes, de desvios de verbas públicas e de corrupção, situações que remetem às seis promessas não-cumpridas da democracia trazidas por Norberto Bobbio. Com a finalidade de alterar esse cenário, as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), em especial a internet, surgem como um novo elemento que pode contribuir para atrair a participação popular em torno de assuntos governamentais. Trata-se da construção da ciberdemocracia que, no entanto, divide autores e pesquisadores acerca desse potencial transformador da internet. Em meio a esse cenário, vislumbra-se no Portal e-Democracia, vinculado à Câmara dos Deputados, a incitação à população para que, dentre os fóruns, bate-papos e wikilegis contribua com projetos de lei em trâmite na Casa Legislativa ou sugira novos projetos. A presente pesquisa objetiva analisar as manifestações de uma Comunidade Legislativa específica do referido Portal referente ao Marco Civil da Internet , com a finalidade de abordar um panorama geral da participação popular online em projetos de lei no Brasil. O problema de pesquisa refere-se às condições para a manifestação popular na internet e à efetividade de tais proposições, objetivando verificar se as mesmas são acatadas e consideradas pelos deputados federais quando da deliberação dos projetos em plenário. É empregado o método de abordagem hipotético-dedutivo, formulando-se duas hipóteses principais, sendo a primeira no sentido de que a utilização da internet é o caminho mais indicado para o fortalecimento da democracia representativa. A segunda refere-se à inclusão digital como o maior entrave a essa participação popular online. Dentre as variáveis, há os índices de acesso ao computador e à internet, o interesse da população em acessar portais governamentais e se as manifestações esboçadas no Portal são, efetivamente, consideradas pelos deputados federais. São utilizados os métodos de procedimento monográfico e comparativo e, como técnica de pesquisa, a observação direta, sistemática e não participante do Portal e-Democracia e do blog Cultura Digital, tendo em vista que a construção do anteprojeto de lei do Marco Civil da Internet também ocorreu de forma colaborativa. Conclui-se que ainda é incipiente o cenário em torno da participação popular online em projetos de lei, sendo que uma minoria das manifestações foi considerada na aprovação do referido Projeto de Lei, denotando que os espaços possuem como principal característica a difusão do tema e a promoção de debates entre os próprios cidadãos.
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Oro för brott : en kvantitativ studie om skillnader i oro för brott mellan stad och landsbygd / Fear of crime : a quantitative study on the differences in fear of crime between cities and rural areasBraathen, Therese, Salomäki, Tea January 2017 (has links)
Vi har med statistisk analys av datamaterial från Polisen i region Syds trygghetsundersökningar 2015 i Blekinge, Kalmar, Kronoberg och Skåne län undersökt hur oro för brott skiljer sig mellan landsbygd och stad och vilka sambandsvariabler som skulle kunna förklara skillnader. Det finns sammanfattningsvis tre viktiga resultat i vår studie: Allmän oro för inbrott är högre på landet än i städerna i region Syd. Detta resultat skiljer sig från tidigare forskning. Allmän oro för våldsbrott och stöld/skadegörelse på fordon samt konkret oro är högre i städerna än på landet, vilket överensstämmer med tidigare forskning. Vi kan inte med våra sambandsvariabler förklara den högre oron för inbrott på landet. Däremot kan den högre oron för bl.a. våldsbrott och den högre konkreta oron i städerna förklaras av variabeln problem- och ordningsstörningar i bostadsområdena. Vi ser också att variabeln utsatthet för mängdbrott inte kan förklara orosskillnaderna mellan landsbygden och städerna. Vi diskuterar resultaten utifrån teorierna om social desorganisation och risksamhället. Vi frågar oss beträffande resultatet med högre oro för inbrott på landet om det kan finnas outforskade fysiska och sociala problem som besvärar mer på landet än i staden. Våra slutsatser är att allmän oro för bl.a. våldsbrott och konkret oro kan minskas i region Syd genom att arbeta med de fysiska och sociala problem- och ordningsstörningar i bostadsområdena. Vi diskuterar även behovet av ett bredare myndighetssamarbete för att kunna påverka oro för brott. Här påstår vi också att närpolisarbete kan minska oro för brott enligt tidigare forskning och broken windows- teorin trots att detta arbete inte nödvändigtvis sänker brottsligheten. Vi kan inte se att utsatthet för brott påverkar skillnaderna mellan stad och land. Skillnaden i brottsutsatthet mellan stad och landsbygd i Sverige minskar också enligt tidigare forskning. Det kan vara så att utsattheten inte längre skiljer sig tillräckligt för att påverka orosskillnaderna i region Syd. Den mindre skillnaden i brottsutsatthet mellan stad och land samt den högre oron för inbrott på landet talar sammantaget för negativa sociala förändringar på landsbygden i region Syd.
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Simply Genre Films: Extracting “King Lear” from “House of Strangers” and “Broken Lance"Funk, Sophia G. I. 25 September 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and refute Yvonne Griggs’ claims that the films “House of Strangers” (1949) and “Broken Lance” (1954) are as Griggs deems “genre-based adaptations” of William Shakespeare’s “King Lear.” I argue that the films, although they have some essential elements of “King Lear,” lack intentionality and reception, pivotal components in determining viability as a Shakespearean film adaptation. Using Griggs’ book as my critical background, I will show that these films are better classified under their respective genre categories, Western and film noir, not as “King Lear” genre adaptations. I will also suggest criteria for determining the level of canonicity of a “King Lear” film adaptation. Popularity of films does not determine validity, and a film does not need purported Shakespearean provenance to validate its ratings. Some films, like these, merely reference or pay homage to Shakespeare through use of essential elements of “King Lear”; here, I deem such affinities to be more unintentional than intentional.
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Muddy waters : framing littoral maritime security through the lens of the Broken Windows theoryTallis, Joshua January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores the growing field of study around Maritime Security. While an increasingly common sub-heading in American naval strategy documents, maritime security operations are largely framed around individual threats (i.e. counter-piracy, counter-terrorism, counter-narcotics). Here, we endeavor to explore how a seemingly disparate set of transnational issues fit into a more coherent framework to give greater theoretical substance to the notion of Maritime Security as a distinct concept. In particular, we examine, as our research question, whether the Broken Windows theory, a criminological construct of social disorganization, provides the lens through which to theorize maritime security in the littorals. By extrapolating from criminology, this dissertation engages with a small but growing impulse in studies on insurgencies, terrorism, and piracy to look beyond classic theories of security to better understand phenomena of political violence. To evaluate our research question, we begin by identifying two critical components of the Broken Windows theory, multidimensionality and context specificity. Multidimensionality refers to the web of interrelated individuals, organizations, and infrastructure upon which crime operates. Context specificity refers to the powerful influence of an individual or community's environment on behavior. These two themes, as explored in this dissertation, are brought into stark relief through an application of the Broken Windows theory. Leveraging this understanding of the theory, we explore our research question by employing process-tracing and detailed descriptions across three case studies (one primary and two illustrative)—the Caribbean Basin, the Gulf of Guinea, and the Straits of Malacca and Singapore. In so doing, we demonstrate how applying the lens that Broken Windows provides yields new and interesting perspectives on maritime security. As a consequence, this dissertation offers an example of a theoretical framework that provides greater continuity to the missions or threats frequently binned under the heading of maritime security, but infrequently associated with one another in the literature.
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Etude numérique de la transformation des vagues en zone littorale, de la zone de levée aux zones de surf et de jet de riveTissier, Marion 15 December 2011 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous introduisons un nouveau modèle instationnaire de vagues valable de la zone de levée à la zone de jet de rive adapté à l'étude de la submersion. Le modèle est basé sur les équations de Serre Green-Naghdi (S-GN), dont l'application à la zone de surf reste un domaine de recherche ouvert. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche pour gérer le déferlement dans ce type de modèle, basée sur la représentation des fronts déferlés par des chocs. Cette approche a été utilisée avec succès pour les modèles basés sur les équations de Saint-Venant (SV) et permet une description simple et efficace du déferlement et des mouvements de la ligne d'eau. Dans ces travaux, nous cherchons à étendre le domaine de validité du modèle SV SURF-WB (Marche et al. 2007) vers la zone de levée en incluant les termes dispersifs propres aux équations de S-GN. Des basculements locaux vers les équations de SV au niveau des fronts permettent alors aux vagues de déferler et dissiper leur énergie. Le modèle obtenu, appelé SURF-GN, est validé à l'aide de données de laboratoire correspondant à différents types de vagues incidentes et de plages. Il est ensuite utilisé pour analyser la dynamique des fronts d'ondes longues de type tsunami en zone littorale. Nous montrons que SURF-GN peut décrire les différents types de fronts, d'ondulé non-déferlé à purement déferlé. Les conséquences de la transformation d'une onde de type tsunami en train d'ondulations lors de la propagation sur une plage sont ensuite considérées. Nous présentons finalement une étude de la célérité des vagues déferlées, basée sur les données de la campagne de mesure in-situ ECORS Truc-Vert 2008. L'influence des non-linéarités est en particulier quantifiée. / In this thesis, we introduce a new numerical model able to describe wave transformation from the shoaling to the swash zones, including overtopping. This model is based on Serre Green-Naghdi equations, which are the basic fully nonlinear Boussinesq-type equations. These equations can accurately describe wave dynamics prior to breaking, but their application to the surf zone usually requires the use of complex parameterizations. We propose a new approach to describe wave breaking in S-GN models, based on the representation of breaking wave fronts as shocks. This method has been successfully applied to the Nonlinear Shallow Water (NSW) equations, and allows for an easy treatment of wave breaking and shoreline motions. However, the NSW equations can only be applied after breaking. In this thesis, we aim at extending the validity domain of the NSW model SURF-WB (Marche et al. 2007) to the shoaling zone by adding the S-GN dispersive terms to the governing equations. Local switches to NSW equations are then performed in the vicinity of the breaking fronts, allowing for the waves to break and dissipate their energy. Extensive validations using laboratory data are presented. The new model, called SURF-GN, is then applied to study tsunami-like undular bore dynamics in the nearshore. The model ability to describe bore dynamics for a large range of Froude number is first demonstrated, and the effects of the bore transformation on wave run-up over a sloping beach are considered. We finally present an in-situ study of broken wave celerity, based on the ECORS-Truc Vert 2008 field experiment. In particular, we quantify the effects of non-linearities and evaluate the predictive ability of several non-linear celerity models.
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Nová synagoga Trutnov / New synagogue in TrutnovRudolecká, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The assignment of the diploma thesis was the elaboration of an architectural study of a new synagogue in the town of Trutnov, on the site of the original Jewish synagogue, which was burned down during the November pogrom, the so-called Crystal Night in 1938. Nowadays, the synagogue area is modified and serves as a place of reverence to honour the memory of the victims and to commemorate these historical events. The result of the design is a new community centre. Its goal is to restore the existence and support the development of the Jewish community, which disappeared in Trutnov after the Second World War. In the area there is the seat of the Jewish community, a ritual cleansing bath Mikveh, Kosher restaurant and a new synagogue, which respects the location of the former synagogue on the site of the original foundations. The new Jewish community centre ensures the operation of the entire Jewish community in Trutnov. Part of the Jewish community centre is a large courtyard, which is used to celebrate Jewish holidays and also as a summer terrace for Kosher restaurant, which will be used by the Jewish community, but also by the inhabitants of Trutnov. This creates an attractive place to spend free time with a view of the nearby Giant Mountains and the historic centre of Trutnov, but at the same time it is protected from the bustle of the adjacent main street.
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Cooperative Apocalypse : Hostile Geological Forces in N. K. Jemisin’s The Broken Earth TrilogyStenberg, Felicia January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis I explore the place of the human in the Anthropocene, and our relationship to the Earth through an analysis of N. K. Jemisin’s The Broken Earth trilogy. As the trilogy depicts an apocalyptic landscape where the Earth has sentience and humanity is divided into three subspecies, this work of speculative fiction lends itself well to be interrogated and examined as an allegory for our current climate crisis. The analysis is anchored in posthumanism and employs a variety of concepts, such as Bruno Latour’s work on agency and deanimation, Donna Haraway’s Chthulucene, and Amitav Ghosh’s work on speculative fiction among others. I argue that The Broken Earth trilogy illustrates that the Earth is an agentive network that can no longer be ignored and contend that the trilogy complicates both anthropocentrism and individualism by depicting amplified versions of human beings, and in doing so highlights the arbitrary boundaries between both nature and society, and human and nonhuman. Thus, The Broken Earth trilogy can be read as a warning call for a future to be avoided at all costs, while concurrently be used to make sense of the incomprehensibility of our contemporary era.
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