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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beneficios y barreras en acciones promocionales de comercio electrónico con relación a la intención de compra del consumidor en el canal minorista de la categoría electrodomésticos en Lima / Benefits and barriers in electronic commerce promotional actions in relation to the consumer's purchase intention in the retail channel of the household appliances category in Lima

Ochoa Guanilo, Diego Alonso, Sánchez Murillo, Karla 22 August 2020 (has links)
Las acciones promocionales de las diversas plataformas online logran que el usuario considere realizar una compra no esperada. Sin embargo, en algunas ocasiones sienten temor con respecto al método de pago. Por ello, la mayoría de las empresas tienen certificado de protección de datos para que el usuario confíe en el sitio web y realice el proceso de compra. Estudios anteriores mencionan que las compras generan beneficios de placer a los consumidores online, lo cual hace referencia al valor hedónico. Dichos consumidores son captados por promociones online que incluyen obsequios, puesto que activan los deseos hedónicos. Además, existen usuarios que realizan actividades de compras orientadas a objetivos utilitarios. Dichos consumidores perciben un mayor nivel de riesgo en compras en línea. Por otro lado, existen barreras en las acciones promocionales, ya que algunos usuarios online no están dispuestos a comprar en línea debido a problemas relacionados con la privacidad de sus datos. A partir de ello, se puede interpretar que el comercio electrónico se puede concretar si los consumidores están satisfechos y se sienten seguros en el canal online. La investigación está enfocada en los usuarios que compran promociones de la categoría electrodomésticos en las páginas de ecommerce de los supermercados y tiendas por departamento de Lima metropolitana. El estudio es de tipo cuantitativo basado en una muestra de 400 participantes, los cuales mediante una encuesta se les evaluará su experiencia online. / The promotional actions of the various online platforms make the user consider making an unexpected purchase. However, sometimes they are fearful about the payment method. For this reason, most companies have a data protection certificate so that the user trusts the website and performs the purchase process. Previous studies mention that shopping generates pleasure benefits for online consumers, which refers to hedonic value. These consumers are captured by online promotions that include gifts, since they activate hedonic desires. In addition, there are users who carry out purchasing activities oriented to utilitarian objectives. These consumers perceive a higher level of risk in online purchases. On the other hand, there are barriers in promotional actions, as some online users are not willing to buy online due to problems related to the privacy of their data. From this, it can be interpreted that electronic commerce can be achieved if consumers are satisfied and feel safe in the online channel. The research is focused on users who buy promotions in the household appliances category on the ecommerce pages of supermarkets and department stores in metropolitan Lima. The study is quantitative based on a sample of 400 participants, who through a survey will evaluate their online experience. / Trabajo de investigación

Konzumní kultura sociálních tříd z hlediska zvyklostí při obstarávání a spotřebě potravin / Consumer culture of social classes in terms of food purchasing and consumption habits

Novotná, Monika January 2012 (has links)
Consumer culture of social classes in terms of food purchasing and consumption habits Monika Novotná Abstract This work deals with historical and sociological view on the issue of grocery obtaining and consumption between the end of World War II to the present. Grocery obtaining and consumption is understood as a symbolic expression of social status in society. The work is divided into two parts. Theoretical-historical part examines how food consumption is linked to changes of social stratification. Research part of thesis builds on the theme of food consumption by examining the shopping habits in relation to social class. The main question of theoretical-historical part is whether and how food consumption, relates to social differentiation. Trend of convergence of differences in consumption and rate of consumption stratification of social classes are monitored in time series in two eras - the communist period and the period after 1989. For both periods, a secondary analysis of historical data on the consumption of specific types of food that aims to detect differences or similar trends between social classes. While in the period of communism different social strata tend to convergence their consumption, with the exception of the cooperative farmers, whose consumption is influenced by self-supplying, after...

Assessing partnerships to reach customers in water-stressed regions

Monroy García, Ángela Cristina, Schwarz, Skrollan Madita January 2019 (has links)
Water has been classified as an increasingly stress resource, according to the last World Water Development Report. Concerns about clean drinking water and water sanitation are also focal points of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Moreover, small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), as well as start-ups, are interested in water management innovation and reaching countries with difficult access. This project is motivated by a desire to identify and classify the challenges of reaching water-stressed regions or people living at the bottom of the pyramid (BOP) that are facing water scarcity as well as the aim to recognize approaches of how partnerships - strategic alliances, joint ventures, co-opetition, and buyer-supplier relationship - address some of those challenges. The importance of partnerships, their specific motives, and the assets and activities interchanged in each experience, have been examined through different interviews. By focusing attention on the relation between challenges, partnerships, and business model levels, this paper suggests that partnerships are essential to reach emerging markets, but not all of them are valuable at the earlier stages of a start-up. In addition, according to the challenges that are expected to address, a particular type of partnership should be established, which implies different adaptations in the business model. Therefore, the contribution of this study is to provide orientation to small companies on how to use partnerships based on the challenges to overcome reaching regions with water scarcity. / Vatten har klassificerats som en resurs som allt mer drabbas av vattenstress enligt senaste rapporten från World Water Development. Bekymmer om rent dricksvatten och vattenrening hamnar i fokus i de Globala målen för hållbar utveckling (SDG). Dessutom fokuserar små till medelstora företag och startups är intresserade av innovation inom vatten management och att nå länder där tillgång till vatten är svår. Detta projekt motiveras av en vilja att identifiera och klassificera utmaningarna av att nå vattenstressade regioner och människorna som lever i botten av pyramiden (BOP) som drabbas av vattenbrist och att hitta de metoder som med samarbetspartners, strategiska samarbeten, samriskföretag och leverantörssamarbeten kan hjälpa med dessa utmaningar. Betydelsen av samarbeten, deras specifika mål och tillgångar och aktiviteter som spridits i form av utbyte för varje händelse har examinerats genom olika intervjuer. Genom att fokusera på sammanhanget mellan utmaningarna, samarbeten och olika nivåer av affärsmodeller föreslår denna studie att samarbeten är grundläggande för att kunna nå utvecklingsområden, men inte alla är viktiga i de tidigare skeden i en startup. Dessutom enligt de utmaningar som uppkommer, en speciell typ av samarbete ska etableras som innebär olika anpassningar av affärsmodellen. Därför bidrar denna studie till att ge små företag riktlinjer på hur man använder sammarbetspartnerskap baserat på utmaningarna för att nå de regioner som har vattenbrist.

Оппортунизм розничного покупателя: факторы и мотивы потребительского поведения : магистерская диссертация / The opportunism of retail buyer: factors and motive customer’s behavior

Данилова, К. А., Danilova, K. A. January 2018 (has links)
Данное диссертационное исследование посвящено выявлению и обоснованию особого вида оппортунизма – оппортунизм розничного покупателя (ОРП). В работе выявлены отличительные особенности ОРП от экономического оппортунизма и потребительского экстремизма, маркетинговые факторы проявления данного феномена, предложена классификация явления и приведена типологизация потребительского поведения в зависимости от степени проявления оппортунистических реакций. Практическим результатом исследования послужило формулирование маркетинговой характеристики покупателя-оппортуниста и разработка алгоритма взаимодействия с покупателями, снижающего риски проявления ОРП, внедренного в деятельность компании посредством проектного управления. / This thesis research is devoted identification and justification specific type of opportunism – opportunism of retail buyer (ORB). In paper is identification distinctive features ORB from economy opportunism and customer’s extremism, marketing factors appearance this phenom, introduce classification of event and typologisation customer’s behavior depending on the degree of appearance opportunistic reactions. Practical result of research is marketing characteristic of opportunistic buyers and making algorithm interaction with customers which reducing appearance ORB, which using in active of company with help project management.

Supply Chain Resilience for SMEs : An exploration of buyer-supplier relationships and the role of inventory management

Giss Ljungberg, Mathilda, Lindgren, Emma January 2024 (has links)
An increase in global supply chain disruption, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, has exposed vulnerabilities in supply chains. This has caused a reassessment of current supply chain management practices and highlighted a need for more resilient approaches. Despite an increased focus on this research area, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are further challenged. Current practices are not well suited for these kinds of firms as they face resource and operational constrains. SMEs tend to build resilience through safety stocks, which provide a buffer against disruptions. However, maintaining inventories can be costly and inefficient. Furthermore, supply chain relationships have shown to enable collaborative efforts and increase visibility in the chain, thereby improving resilience. In light of this, the research focuses on exploring the effect of buyer-supplier relationships on SMEs resilience and how inventory management can align with SMEs efforts to build resilience. For this, a qualitative approach was employed, involving a case study of a manufacturing firm in Sweden. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with six employees and seven direct suppliers, along with observations and archival data. The findings highlight the importance of long-term relationships in fostering supply chain resilience (SCR), emphasizing the need for transparent communication and collaboration. Therefore, a managerial framework is provided to guide the assessment of these relationships fostering the resilient benefits of supplier relationships. Additionally, the findings indicate the need for SMEs to balance inventory management practices with risk mitigation efforts like dual sourcing. The research concludes by outlining the benefits and risk associated with buyer-supplier relationships, emphasizing the importance of internal structures, and how inventory management practices can enhance SCR for SMEs. / En ökning av globala störningar, såsom Covid-19-pandemin, har avslöjat sårbarheter i försörjningskedjor. Detta har lett till en omvärdering av nuvarande metoder för hur försörjningskedjan ska hanteras och framhävt behovet av mer motståndskraftiga tillvägagångssätt. Trots ett ökat fokus på detta forskningsområde utmanas små och medelstora företag (SMEs) ytterligare. På grund av deras resurs- och verksamhetsbegränsningar är nuvarande metoder inte fullt tillämpliga. SMEs väljer ofta att bygga motståndskraft genom säkerhetslager eftersom detta utgör en buffert mot störningar. Att upprätthålla denna typ av lager kan dock vara kostsamt och ineffektivt. Vidare har det visat sig att relationer i försörjningskedjan möjliggör samarbeten och ökar synligheten, därigenom förbättrat försörjningskedjans motståndskraft. Mot denna bakgrund fokuserar studien på att utforska effekten av relationen mellan köpare och leverantör på SMEs motståndskraft, samt hur lagerhantering kan linjera med SMEs ansträngningar för att bygga motståndskraft. Studien genomfördes i form av en fallstudie hos ett tillverkande företag i Sverige och antog ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex anställda och sju direkta leverantörer, observationer och arkivdata. Resultatet understryker vikten av långsiktiga relationer för att främja motståndskraft i försörjningskedjan och betonar behovet av transparent kommunikation och samarbete. Av denna anledning tillhandahålls ett ramverk för att främja de motståndskraftiga fördelarna med leverantörsrelationer. Ramverket har sitt främsta syfte att vägleda utvärderingen av dessa relationer. Vidare visar resultaten att SMEs behöver balansera lagerhanteringsmetoder med riskreducerande insatser. Slutsatsen av denna studie beskriver fördelarna och riskerna förknippade med relationen mellan köpare och leverantör, vikten av interna strukturer och hur lagerhanteringsmetoder kan förbättra motståndskraften i försörjningskedjan för SMEs.

Specifika chování zákazníka na trzích kulturního dědictví. / Specifics of Consumer Behavior on Cultural Heritage Market

Johnová, Radka January 2008 (has links)
Doctoral thesis Specifics of Consumer Behavior on Cultural Heritage Market is a market research based analysis of visitors of museums and galleries. The main goal of the work is to describe and segment the audiences, find out stimuli influencing visitor behavior, visitor motivation and lifestyle in order to suggest new marketing strategies attracting either new visitors or to turn occasional visitors into clients. The first part uses the theoretical microeconomic approach for analyzing the demand for cultural heritage; the price policy and price strategies of museums and galleries, and results in socially justified price of merit goods. The second part compares the Czech "consumer" of cultural heritage with an average consumer behavior in the same markets within the European Union and the U.S.A. The main part of the thesis consists of the research project based on quantitative descriptive research among museum and gallery visitors. The sample size is 543 respondents. Respondents were interviewed from September 2008 to March 2009 (personal intercept interview) in 25 organizations (from large and important institutions to small and regional organizations). The research project uses the nonprobability (convenience) sample of those who came to a museum, gallery or exhibition. The thesis results in the recommendation of marketing strategies for museums and galleries.

The suitability of the CISG and OHADA for small and medium-sized enterprises engaging in international trade in west and central Africa

Donfack, Narcisse Gaetan Zebaze 19 July 2016 (has links)
It is universally acknowledged that international trade and cooperation have become key drivers of SMEs. Indeed, the success of SMEs in the sales sector depends upon their capacity to conquer the foreign market and compete with larger companies. Many SMEs today, in particular those in Central and West Africa, are very much aware of this reality. However, because of differences between domestic laws and their maladjustment, many African SMEs still struggle to enter the international market and compete with larger companies. It is therefore obvious that any SMEs that want to succeed in international commerce today will be called upon to confront different regulations, whether domestic, regional or international, which are often shaped according to the realities and expectations of a particular environment. The challenge today is to regulate and harmonise these different legal systems, in order to render the law identical in numerous jurisdictions. This process of unifying the law internationally, in particular the law of sale, started in 1920 and culminated in 1988, with the implementation of the CISG. This Convention, which has become the primary law for international sales contracts, endeavours to deal with this problem of differences in law between states on a global scale, by attempting to achieve a synthesis between different legislations, such as civil law, common law, socialist law, and the law regarding industrialised and Third World countries. Even though the CISG appears to be a compromise between different legal systems, the fact remains that it is not yet applicable in many countries, especially those in Central and West Africa, which are mostly still ruled by domestic and regional law, namely the OHADA. The purpose of this study is to attempt to analyse and compare the OHADA’s Uniform Act Relating to Commercial Law to the CISG, in order to identify similarities and differences between the two, and to determine, with regard to the operating mode and structure of SMEs in West and Central Africa, which one of the two legislations is more appropriate. / Private Law / LL. M.

Three Essays on the Consequences of Transparency

Witter, Tobias 01 September 2023 (has links)
This dissertation comprises three essays which empirically investigate consequences of transparency. The first essay investigates how transparency, demanded by the government as a customer of firms, affects firms’ financial reporting. It provides evidence that, relative to firms without government customers, government suppliers have a higher quality of financial reporting. Findings indicate that government procurement requirements, which are linked to internal control over financial reporting, can positively affect the external information environment of firms. The second essay examines how managers react to a stricter transparency mandate in pension accounting, if this mandate increases the expected volatility of balance sheet items. Managers of affected firms change decisions on pension plans which mitigate volatility and in addition, affected firms exhibit less volatile accruals but more volatile discretionary real actions suggesting managers reduce volatility in balance sheets. Findings imply that a transparency mandate in pension accounting may have (unintended) consequences for managerial decision-making if the mandate reveals more economic volatility on balance sheets. The third essay studies how (data-transparently) researchers visualize their quantitative findings and how this affects the impact of academic work. It finds that, compared to articles in field-specific economics journals, articles in economics journals with a broader audience use more figures than tables and that articles visualizing (data-transparently) with figures receive more citations. An online experiment, which manipulates how a fictive study visualizes scientific results, finds that participants assess the internal validity of research as being higher and are more willing to cite research if it visualizes results data-transparently. The findings imply that (data-transparent) visualization can enhance the impact of academic work. / Die Dissertation besteht aus drei Aufsätzen, die die Auswirkungen von Transparenz untersuchen. Im ersten Aufsatz wird analysiert, wie sich die von einer Regierung im Rahmen der öffentlichen Auftragsvergabe geforderte Unternehmenstransparenz auf die Finanzberichterstattung von Unternehmen auswirkt. Lieferanten der Regierung weisen eine höhere Qualität der Finanzberichterstattung auf als Vergleichsunternehmen. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht, wie Manager auf strengere Transparenzanforderungen in der Pensionsbilanzierung reagieren, wenn diese die Bilanzvolatilität erhöhen. Die Manager nehmen Bilanzanpassungen vor, die die Volatilität reduzieren, was auf eine beabsichtigte Bilanzglättung hindeutet. Der dritte Aufsatz untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen der Visualisierung von quantitativen Forschungsergebnissen in wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften und dem Einfluss akademischer Forschung. Economics-Journals verwenden mehr Abbildungen als Business-Journals, was Zitationen zu fördern scheint. Experimentelle Evidenz zeigt weiterhin, dass datentransparente Visualisierungen den Einfluss akademischer Forschung positiv beeinflussen können, dass dies aber auch stark disziplinabhängig ist.

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