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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Método para previsão de chamadas em centrais de atendimento receptivas

Steinmann, Guilherme January 2013 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação, Florianópolis, 2013. / Made available in DSpace on 2013-12-05T22:55:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 319167.pdf: 2575562 bytes, checksum: e44fb321772f80bd9ae0b46533fa3c5d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Os algoritmos de previsão de chamadas em centrais de atendimento conseguem apresentar resultados aceitáveis diante de uma série de dados longa e bem comportada. Uma série de dados com essas características raramente é encontrada, o que restringe o uso dos algoritmos de previsão. Além disso, a falta de unidade das séries implica na presença de fenômenos que perturbam os dados. Esses fenômenos fazem com que o uso de métodos empíricos se multiplique dentre os membros das equipes de planejamento.O trabalho propõe um método de previsão de chamadas recebidas utilizando redes bayesianas para o tratamento desses fenômenos que perturbam de sobremaneira os dados. Com a proposta, é possível incorporar o conhecimento acerca desses fenômenos em um modelo de previsão computacionalmente eficiente.Para elaborar um método de previsão de chamadas em centrais de atendimento, algumas ferramentas precisaram ser desenvolvidas durante a elaboração do modelo. Primeiramente, foi necessário resolver a dificuldade da obtenção de dados de centrais de atendimento para o estudo do comportamento das chamadas recebidas. Foi então criado um simulador de call center onde é possível gerar dados de chamadas para serem utilizados nos modelos de previsão de chamadas. Em seguida, para o melhor entendimento dos algoritmos de previsão de dados, uma ferramenta de previsão por suavização exponencial foi criada como suplemento do Microsoft Excel. Por fim, foi proposto um método de previsão que utiliza as redes bayesianas para tratar os fatores aleatórios.As redes bayesianas se mostram uma boa alternativa para tratar a aleatoriedade presente nos fatores aleatórios. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o tratamento se faz necessário para a diminuição dos erros de previsão em centrais de atendimento. O modelo apresentado não requer grandes conhecimentos matemáticos por parte das equipes de planejamento, o que estimula o uso desse tipo de formalização. <br> / Abstract : The forecasting calls algorithms in contact centers can provide acceptable results before a long and well behaved time series dataset. However a time series with such characteristics is rarely found, which restricts the use of forecasting algorithms. Moreover, the lack of unity of these series implies the presence of some phenomena which disturb the data series. These phenomena make the use of empirical methods to multiply among the members of the planning team. This paper proposes a method of forecasting incoming calls using bayesian networks for the treatment of such phenomena which disturb the data. With this proposal, it is possible to incorporate the knowledge of these phenomena in a computationally efficient forecasting model. To develop a forecasting calls model in call centers, some tools needed to be developed during the elaboration of the forecasting model. First, to deal with the difficulty of obtaining data records from call centers to study the behavior of incoming calls. A simulated call center was developed, where it is possible to generate call data for use in forecasting models of calls. Then, for better understanding of data prediction algorithms, a forecasting tool for exponential smoothing was created as a supplement to Microsoft Excel. Finally, it was proposed a forecasting model that uses bayesian networks to deal with the random factors. Bayesian networks are shown as a good alternative for treating the randomness present in random factors. The results show that the treatment is necessary to reduce the forecasting errors in call centers. The model presented does not require great mathematical knowledge by planning teams, which encourages the use of this kind of formalization.

Análise da situação de trabalho do supervisor como líder estratégico em call center´s: um estudo de caso numa operadora de telecomunicações

Ferreira, Taisa Dias January 2001 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-19T08:16:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0Bitstream added on 2013-07-16T18:40:38Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 178888.pdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo a caracterização da situação de trabalho no âmbito da organização das atividades desenvolvidas por uma equipe de líderes de um Call Center e/ou Central de Atendimento de uma operadora de telecomunicações brasileira. O estudo realizado constituiu-se de uma tentativa de diagnosticar a organização do trabalho dessa equipe frente a um momento de reestruturação intensa, quando há apenas dois anos, passou pelo processo de privatização da empresa e se deparou com a necessidade de quebra de paradigmas e consequentemente, mudança de comportamento originada pelas novas tendências do mercado de telecomunicações. A pesquisa, que aconteceu entre os meses de fevereiro e dezembro do ano de 2000, é do tipo exploratória-descritiva-avaliativa e procurou combinar aspectos da dimensão objetiva e subjetiva. O método estudo de caso está fundamentado na análise intensiva de uma única organização, denominada ficticiamente de Alfa. Trinta e cinco indivíduos que exerciam as funções do cargo de Supervisor no segmento Serviços Básicos do Call Center da Alfa em Florianópolis formaram a amostra. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio de questionário elaborado pela Beta Telemarketing e validado num estudo semelhante realizado em outro Call Center da empresa em outro estado. Além dessa, as técnicas de entrevista, análise documental e a observação também foram utilizadas. A partir da coleta de dados, os mesmos foram objeto de análise comparativa de acordo com o que foi inicialmente proposto, o que fez pressupor significativas mudanças na organização do trabalho dessa equipe estratégica e nos seus padrões culturais, objetivando práticas de trabalho mais eficazes e modelos de gestão voltados para um desenvolvimento contínuo das pessoas e da organização / Abstract The present research had as great objective the characterization of the situation of work in the scope of the organization òf the activities developed by a team of leaders of a brazilian telecommunications call centers company. The carried through study one consisted of an attempt to diagnosis the organization of the work of this team by a moment of intense reorganization, when just two years ago, it passed for the process of privatization of the company and if it came across with the necessity of paradigm in addition and change of behavior originated for the new trends of the market of telecom. The research happened between February and December - 2000 and looked for to match aspects of the objective and subjective dimension. The method case study is based on the intensive analysis of an only organization. Thirty five individuals that exerted the functions of the position of Supervisor in Serviços Básicos Alfa's Call Center in Florianópolis had formed the sample. The information was collected given by a questionary elaborated by Beta Telemarketing^and validated in a carried through similar study in another Alias's Call Center in another state. Beyond this, the techniques of interview, documentary analysis and the comment had been also used. From the collection of informations, the same people had been object of comparative analysis in accordance with what initially it was considered, what made to estimate significant changes in the organization of the work of this strategical team and in its cultural standards, looking for practical of work more efficient and models of management to a continuous development of the people and the organization.

Servant leadership: antecedent to Quality of Worklife of customer service frontline employees

Bedser, Mark Bernard January 2018 (has links)
Contact Centre agents operate in closely monitored and highly controlled environments and their work consists of solving service requests or assisting customers with information on products or services. Consequently their work involves a great deal of emotional labour and stress. It is not surprising then, that the working environment of the Contact Centre is reported to have a negative impact on the levels of Quality of Worklife of Contact Centre agents, and that in the Contact Centre context, it is likely that low levels of Quality of Worklife exist. It is argued that it is important for organisations to be particularly aware of the Quality of Worklife perceptions of their employees should they want to address Quality of Worklife levels and benefit from the positive consequences of higher levels of the construct. Numerous variables are reported to play either an antecedent, moderating, mediating, or consequential role in relation to the Quality of Worklife construct. A systems model of Quality of Worklife is developed, which illustrates the inter-relationships of these variables and how they affect and are affected by the Quality of Worklife construct. It is argued that leadership is an important antecedent to Quality of Worklife, and this is the antecedent of interest in this study. It is proposed that it is not just any leadership that will contribute to an improved Quality of Worklife, particularly within a challenging context such as the Contact Centre environment. Rather, it is suggested that certain qualities of leaders will have a greater influence on Quality of Worklife. For example, leaders who focus on relationships and are caring - characteristics associated with servant leaders - are deemed more suitable for the Contact Centre context. The research also proposes that there are close associations between Servant Leadership and Trust, which in turn has the potential to affect Quality of Worklife positively. It is argued, therefore, that Trust mediates the relationship between Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife in the customer service frontline context. While there is a broad base of literature available on servant leadership that focuses on the senior or executive level of leadership, Van Dierendonck and Nuijten (2011) have argued that it is also relevant at the middle level of management and have validated an eight dimensional measure of servant leadership that is suitable for this management level. The Van Laar, Edwards and Easton (2007) Quality of Worklife model is also argued to be an appropriate model and measure of the Quality of Worklife construct, due to the robustness of the instrument design and the appropriateness of its underlying theory to the context of this research. Research has shown that leadership can have a significant relationship with Quality of Worklife. Moreover, a review of the literature on servant leadership reveals that trust, satisfaction, general well-being, and commitment to their jobs increases when employees are exposed to leadership behaviours associated with servant leadership. There is however, no evidence in the literature of any investigation of the relationship between Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife, or of research investigating the partial mediating effects of Trust between these two constructs. Research was conducted to test this relationship. A survey questionnaire was administered amongst a sample of 555 Contact Centre agents, who were employed in eight different organisations. Confirmatory factor analysis procedures were conducted in STATA (V15.0), to test and validate the factor structure of Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife models. The research also produced a Servant Leadership, Trust and Quality of Worklife structural equation model that supported the hypotheses of the relationships between the constructs. Mediation analysis confirmed Trust’s role as a mediator between Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife. The structural equation model confirmed that synergies between Servant Leadership, Trust and Quality of Worklife exist, and that Trust partially mediates the relationship between Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife. It is therefore argued that an increase in Servant Leadership behaviour by the manager or supervisor of frontline staff has a positive association with increases of Trust, as well as positive associations with Quality of Worklife experienced by employees in the frontline context. Moreover, it is also posited that the relationship between Servant Leadership and Quality of Worklife is partially mediated by Trust of the supervisor. The implications of these results are discussed, and recommendations made for management practice and further research.

Análise do risco operacional na unidade de call center de uma instituição financeira

Moschos, Cristina January 2011 (has links)
O Risco Operacional nas instituições financeiras foi normatizado com a Resolução nº 3.380 em 29 de junho de 2006, emitida pelo Conselho Monetário Nacional. Desde então, entidades autorizadas a funcionar pelo Banco Central do Brasil tiveram de adequar suas estruturas e procedimentos com o intuito de aumentar os controles sobre eventos internos e externos à instituição, com a finalidade de reduzir perdas financeiras a partir da mitigação deste tipo de risco. Dessa forma, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar como um banco comercial precisa agir para adequar seus processos às novas exigências legais diante de um assunto com uma importância tão significativa. Este trabalho, além de apresentar os procedimentos de gestão de riscos em uma entidade, procura também elucidar como o risco operacional, no departamento de Call Center da instituição financeira escolhida, pode afetá-la, no caso da inobservância dos procedimentos a serem adotados com vistas à mitigação das falhas já identificadas e de possíveis ocorrências que possam comprometer a continuidade da organização. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa mostram que o banco em estudo, em relação a outras instituições financeiras pesquisadas, ainda apresenta-se em uma etapa de desenvolvimento da sua área de gestão de riscos, trabalhando em conformidade com a legislação vigente e buscando aperfeiçoar suas técnicas de identificação e mensuração dos riscos operacionais. / Operational risk in financial institutions was normalized with Resolution No. 3380 on June 29, 2006, issued by the National Monetary Council. Since then, entities authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil had to adapt its structures and procedures in order to tighten controls on internal and external events to the institution, in order to reduce financial losses from this type of risk mitigation. Thus, this paper aims to present as a commercial bank must act to adjust its processes to the new legal requirements before a subject with a very significant importance. This paper, besides presenting the procedures for managing risks in an entity, also seeks to clarify how operational risk, the department's Call Center financial institution chosen may affect it, in the case of a failure of procedures to be adopted in order mitigating the flaws already identified and possible events that could endanger the continuity of the organization. The results obtained from the survey show that the bank under study in relation to other financial institutions surveyed, still comes in a stage of development of their area of risk management, working in accordance with current legislation and seeking to improve their techniques identification and measurement of operational risks.

Análise do risco operacional na unidade de call center de uma instituição financeira

Moschos, Cristina January 2011 (has links)
O Risco Operacional nas instituições financeiras foi normatizado com a Resolução nº 3.380 em 29 de junho de 2006, emitida pelo Conselho Monetário Nacional. Desde então, entidades autorizadas a funcionar pelo Banco Central do Brasil tiveram de adequar suas estruturas e procedimentos com o intuito de aumentar os controles sobre eventos internos e externos à instituição, com a finalidade de reduzir perdas financeiras a partir da mitigação deste tipo de risco. Dessa forma, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo apresentar como um banco comercial precisa agir para adequar seus processos às novas exigências legais diante de um assunto com uma importância tão significativa. Este trabalho, além de apresentar os procedimentos de gestão de riscos em uma entidade, procura também elucidar como o risco operacional, no departamento de Call Center da instituição financeira escolhida, pode afetá-la, no caso da inobservância dos procedimentos a serem adotados com vistas à mitigação das falhas já identificadas e de possíveis ocorrências que possam comprometer a continuidade da organização. Os resultados obtidos na pesquisa mostram que o banco em estudo, em relação a outras instituições financeiras pesquisadas, ainda apresenta-se em uma etapa de desenvolvimento da sua área de gestão de riscos, trabalhando em conformidade com a legislação vigente e buscando aperfeiçoar suas técnicas de identificação e mensuração dos riscos operacionais. / Operational risk in financial institutions was normalized with Resolution No. 3380 on June 29, 2006, issued by the National Monetary Council. Since then, entities authorized to operate by the Central Bank of Brazil had to adapt its structures and procedures in order to tighten controls on internal and external events to the institution, in order to reduce financial losses from this type of risk mitigation. Thus, this paper aims to present as a commercial bank must act to adjust its processes to the new legal requirements before a subject with a very significant importance. This paper, besides presenting the procedures for managing risks in an entity, also seeks to clarify how operational risk, the department's Call Center financial institution chosen may affect it, in the case of a failure of procedures to be adopted in order mitigating the flaws already identified and possible events that could endanger the continuity of the organization. The results obtained from the survey show that the bank under study in relation to other financial institutions surveyed, still comes in a stage of development of their area of risk management, working in accordance with current legislation and seeking to improve their techniques identification and measurement of operational risks.

Uso da metodologia multicritério para suporte na avaliação de profissionais de um Call Center com base na gestão por competências

MOURA, Maria do Céu de Sena 26 May 2014 (has links)
Submitted by (edna.saturno@ufrpe.br) on 2016-06-02T14:42:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria do Ceu de Sena Moura.pdf: 2631974 bytes, checksum: 10787c3e80077191fae4235bed863dcf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T14:42:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maria do Ceu de Sena Moura.pdf: 2631974 bytes, checksum: 10787c3e80077191fae4235bed863dcf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-26 / This paper proposes the incorporation of a model using the French Multicriteria Decision Aid ELECTRE TRI in light of management competencies. The axes of Knowledge, Skill and Attitude (KSA) were inserted in to an algorithm as the criteria, while the evaluated employees were treated as alternatives. To model the problem, we conducted an exploratory field study of 101 employees who work in a call center specialized in credit recovery and collection in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The data collected was subjected to quantitative analysis. The theoretical framework allowed exploring the policies and practices of managing people, managing people in a call center, management competencies, the Multicriteria Decision Aid and ELECTRE TRI. The results indicated that it was possible to perform specific modeling for each type of function. In the group of attendants, it was observed that about 15% of workers demonstrated poor performance. A similar result was observed in 10% of managers. In relation to administrative advisors, it was found that 50% of the professionals interviewed were classified as having low performance on competencies, and the other 50% with high competence, a result that is justified when we stratified the uptime of professionals. The suggested model appears to be a new proposal supporting the process of hiring, firing and training. / O presente trabalho propõe a incorporação de uma modelagem, através do método francês de apoio multicritério ELECTRE TRI à luz da gestão por competências. Os eixos de Conhecimento, Habilidade e Atitude (CHA) foram inseridos no algoritmo como critérios, enquanto que os funcionários avaliados foram tratados como alternativas. Para modelagem do problema, foi conduzida uma pesquisa de campo de caráter exploratório com 101 funcionários que atuam numa empresa de Call Center de Pernambuco, especializada em recuperação de crédito e cobrança. Os dados coletados foram submetidos às análises quantitativas. O embasamento teórico permitiu explorar as políticas e práticas de gestão de pessoas, a gestão de pessoas no Call Center, a gestão por competências, o Apoio Multicritério à Decisão e o ELECTRE TRI. Os resultados indicaram que foi possível realizar modelagens específicas para cada tipo de função. Nos grupos de atendentes, observou-se que cerca de 15% dos trabalhadores demonstraram baixo desempenho. Resultado semelhante foi observado em 10% dos gestores. Quanto aos assessores administrativos, foi constatado que 50% dos profissionais entrevistados foram classificados com baixo desempenho nas competências, e os demais, com competência elevada, resultado que se justifica quando estratificamos o tempo de atividade dos profissionais. O modelo sugerido aparece como uma nova proposta de apoio nos processos de demissão, contratação e treinamentos.

Trabalho e saúde: precarização do trabalho dos operadores de telemarketing / Trabalho e saúde: precarização do trabalho dos operadores de telemarketing

Dienany Pinto Rodrigues da Cunha 20 December 2010 (has links)
O crescimento do setor de serviços e sua representatividade na economia brasileira, tem se mostrado muito consistente. Com especial destaque a telecomunicação, que mostra uma intensa apropriação dos avanços tecnológicos e das repercussões das alterações do molde produtivo do capital. O telemarketing atua como um canal que recebe informações, críticas e sugestões de clientes e divulga produtos e serviços de forma rápida, pelo telefone e estruturase em um diálogo padronizado, que acontece à distância, mas em tempo real. Seu objetivo central é a concretização de negócios, pois as centrais de telemarketing oferecem serviços como novas formas de venda pelo telefone ou atendimento ao cliente. As relações entre operador e usuário se fundamentam em um tipo de trabalho cuja natureza é predominantemente cognitiva e caracterizada pelas funções perceptivas e mentais solicitadas no decorrer do trabalho. Este estudo de caráter qualitativo, objetiva investigar as condições de trabalho dos operadores de telemarketing de uma empresa privada da cidade de Uberlândia- MG, para identificar em que medida as formas de organização do trabalho, às quais estes trabalhadores estão submetidos, interferem em sua saúde, segundo seus próprios depoimentos. Foram entrevistados dez operadores de ambos os sexos, com mais de 18 anos e com no mínimo um ano de contratação. Todas as entrevistas, que foram gravadas, foram realizadas no domicilio dos trabalhadores. A partir dos relatos dos entrevistados foram levantadas as principais queixas de saúde, aqui entendida em seus pelos trabalhadores do setor pesquisado, e estabelecida a sua relação com as condições de trabalho. A reestruturação do modelo produtivo impetrada pelo capital acarretou repercussões funestas nas condições de trabalho e consequentemente na saúde dos trabalhadores. Em especial, os trabalhadores desse setor sofrem com a constante pressão por produtividade a que são submetidos. Os dados revelaram que a intensificação do ritmo de trabalho, o rígido controle exercido aspectos mais amplos, e por isso, envolvendo questões de ordem física e psíquica apresentadas sobre os trabalhadores para o cumprimento de padrões pré-estabelecidos de atendimento dentro de um período de tempo limitado e as condições físicas do ambiente de trabalho, como iluminação, ventilação e condições dos equipamentos acabam por influenciar na saúde desses trabalhadores desencadeando diversos sintomas de ordem física e psíquica. / The expansion of the telemarketing sector in the Brazilian economy has been very consistent. Telemarketing shows an intense use of technologic advances and also reflect the consequences of the transformation of the capital´s production way. Telermarketing acts as a channel that receives information, criticism and suggestions from clients, and also, advertises products and services, in a fast way, by phone. It is based in a previously established dialogue, at a distance but in a real time. It´s main objective is to reinforce a relationship between client and business, offering different ways of phone selling and support to the consumers. The relationship between phone operator and client is based on a performance of cognitive nature, caracterized by perceptive and mental aspects during the work. This study, of qualifying aspect, investigates the working conditions of telemarketing operators in a private company in Uberlandia, MG, to identify, in which ways this type of work affects their health, according to their own reports. Data were collected through recorded interviews with 10 telemarketing operators, men and women, over 18 years old and with, at least, one year experience. They were contacted through personal indication. All interviews were performed at their homes. Based on their personal reports, their main health complaints were listed, involving physical, psychological and social aspects, all related to poor work conditions. The capitalism urge a new productive model that brings terrible consequences to work conditions e consequently to general aspects of worker´s health. There is intense pressure on workers for productivity, due to a modern capitalist model, directed toward maximizing efficiency and productivity. Collected data demonstrate that telemarketing operators are experiencing an increase of work load, a rigid control by supervisors on established patterns (script and time limit), and poor physical conditions at workstation, such as inadequate light, ventilation, equipment, which affect their health, increasing risks of physical and psychological disorders.

Podnikatelský záměr společnosti / Business plan

Cugerean, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with entrepreneurial intention of Invia.cz s.r.o. company. Aim of the thesis is extension of company. Based on analysis of current condition of copany, There is also offered specific design and realization of new created call center, that can help to festen the position of company on tourism market.

Návrh automatizace procesu Call centra v prostředí organizace s certifikací ISO 9001:2000 / Call Center Process Automation Plan in ISO 9001:2000 Certified Organization

Hovadík, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with system of evidence customer requests in service organization. The introduction describes services activities in domain are focused on payment terminals and contemporary situation in call center. The suitable selection implementation tools are done. The second part contains the design of system for requests evidence and design of imports for service information system. The evaluation of the master’s thesis and some future improvements are presented.

Strategies to Reduce Job Dissatisfaction within 911 Call Centers

Marshall, Gary 01 January 2019 (has links)
In 2017, more than 6.9 million employees parted ways with their employer because of voluntary employee turnover, layoffs, or terminations. Emergency call center supervisors who fail to implement adequate job satisfaction strategies experience reduced productivity and increased voluntary turnover. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies some southern Ontario 911 call center supervisors used to reduce job dissatisfaction. The conceptual framework supporting the study was the competing values framework. The population included 6 supervisors of 911 call centers in the province of Ontario, Canada, who successfully implemented job satisfaction strategies. Data were collected from interviews with the leaders and documentation. Data were analyzed using Yin's 5-step process. Three themes emerged: provide supportive leadership, create a balanced culture, and provide non-financial rewards. The implications for positive social change include healthy working communities through decreased job dissatisfaction resulting in organizations' greater productivity and provision of services.

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