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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kondenzacioni poredak, kondenzaciona ekvivalencija i reverzibilnost relacijskih struktura / Condensational order, condensational equivalenceand reversibility of relational structures

Morača Nenad 09 July 2018 (has links)
<p>Ako je<em> L </em>relacijski jezik, kondenzacioni pretporedak na skupu<em> Int</em><sub>L</sub> <em>(X)</em> svih <em>L-</em>interpretacija nad domenom <em>X,</em> dat je sa: &rho;≼<sub>c</sub> <em>&sigma;</em> ako postoji bijektivni homomorfizam (kondenzacija)<em> f:〈X,&rho;</em>〉&rarr;<em>〈X,&sigma;〉.</em> Odgovarajući antisimetrični količnik <em>〈Int<sub> L</sub></em> (X)/~<sub>c</sub>,&le;<sub>c</sub>〉 ~naziva se kondenzacioni poredak. Za proizvoljnu<em> L-</em>interpretaciju &rho;, klasa [&rho;]~<sub>c</sub>&nbsp; je konveksno zatvorenje klase [&rho;]_&cong; u Booleovoj mreži 〈<em>IntL (X</em>),&sube;〉. Za <em>L</em>-interpretaciju &rho; reći ćemo da je jako reverzibilna (redom, reverzibilna, slabo reverzibilna) akko je klasa [&rho;]_&cong;&nbsp; (ili, ekvivalentno, klasa [&rho;]~<sub>c </sub>)) singlton (redom, antilanac, konveksan skup) u Booleovoj mreži 〈<em>IntL (X)</em>,&sube;〉. U cilju ispitivanja poseta 〈<em>Int(<sub>Lb</sub></em><sub> </sub>) (X)/~c,&le;c〉, za &rho;&isin;<em>Irrefl<sub>X</sub></em> uveden je skup D<sub>&rho;</sub>:={[&rho;&cup;&Delta;<sub>A</sub> ](~<sub>c</sub> ):<em>A&sube;X</em>} i pokazano je kako je poduređenje 〈D<sub>&rho;</sub>,&le;<sub>c</sub> 〉 izomorfno određenom količniku partitivnog skupa<em> P(X)</em>. Fenomen reverzibilnosti relacijskih struktura igra istaknutu ulogu u istraživanju tog poduređenja.</p><p>U slučaju prebrojivog jezika <span id="cke_bm_1038S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>L</em><span id="cke_bm_1038E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span> i prebrojivog domena <em>X</em>, pokazano je da su ~<sub>c</sub> i [&rho;]~<sub>c </sub>analitički skupovi u poljskim prostorima, redom, <em>Int<sub>L </sub>(&omega;)&times;Int<sub>L </sub>(&omega;) i Int<sub>L</sub> (&omega;)</em>, i pomoću toga, pokazano ja da su, u slučaju prebrojivog jezika i domena, klase [&rho;]&cong;&nbsp; i [&rho;]~<sub>c</sub> iste veličine, i da je to neki kardinal iz {1,&omega;,c}. Dalje je istražena hijerarhija između kondenzacione ekvivalencije, elementarne ekvivalencije, ekvimorfizma (bi-utopivosti) i drugih sličnosti <em>L-</em>struktura određenih nekim sličnostima njihovih monoida samoutapanja.</p><p>Naposletku, temeljno je istražen fenomen reverzibilnosti <em>L</em>-struktura. Data je karakterizacija jako reverzibilnih<em> L</em>-intepretacija kao onih čije su komponentne relacije definabilne formulama praznog jezika<em> L</em><sub>&empty;</sub>, bez kvantifikatora i parametara. Pokazano je kako su slabo reverzibilne interpretacije upravo one koje imaju svojstvo Cantor-Schrӧder-Bernstein (kraće, svojstvo CSB) za kondenzacije.</p><p>Poseban naglasak stavljen je na detektovanje relevantnih klasa reverzibilnih struktura. Pri tome, prvo su proučene strukture koje su ekstremni elementi L<sub>&infin;&omega;</sub>-definabilnih klasa interpretacija, pri određenim sintaktičkim ograničenjima, a zatim su istražene nepovezane<em> L</em><sub>b</sub>-strukture, gde je dato nekoliko karakterizacija njihove reverzibilnosti.</p> / <p>If <em>L</em> is a relational language, the condensational preorder on the set <em>Int<sub>L</sub> (X)</em> of all <em>L-</em>interpretations over the domain<em> X</em>, is given with: &rho;≼_c &sigma; iff there exists a bijective homomorphism (condensation) <em>f:〈X,&rho;〉&rarr;〈X,&sigma;〉. </em>The corresponding antisymmetric quotient 〈<em>Int<sub>L</sub> (X)/</em>~<sub><em>c</em></sub>,&le;_<sub>c</sub>〉 will be called the condensational order. For any <em>L</em>-interpretation &rho;, the class<em> [&rho;]~<sub>c</sub> )</em> is the convex closure of the class [<em>&rho;</em>]&cong; in the Boolean lattice 〈<em>IntL (X</em>),&sube;〉. An <em>L</em>-interpretation &rho; is said to be strongly reversible&nbsp; (respectively, reversible, weakly reversible) iff the class <em>[&rho;]</em>&cong;&nbsp; (or, equivalently, the class<em> [&rho;]~c )</em>) is a singleton (respectively, an antichain, a convex set) in the poset 〈 <em>IntL</em> <em>(X)</em>,&sube;〉. In order to investigate the poset 〈<em>Int<sub>(Lb</sub> ) (X)/~c,&le;_c</em>〉, for &rho;&isin;<em> IrreflX</em> the following set is defined <em>D<sub>&rho;</sub></em>:={[&rho;&cup;&Delta;<sub>A</sub> ]_~c :A&sube;X}. It is shown that the suborder 〈<em>D<sub>&rho;</sub>,</em>&le;<sub>c</sub> 〉 is isomorphic to a certain quotient of the power set <em>P(X)</em>. The phenomenon of reversibility plays prominent role in the investigation of that suborder.<br />In the case of a countable language<em> L</em> and a countable domain&nbsp; <em>X</em>, it is shown that ~c&nbsp; and [<em>&rho;]_<sub>~c&nbsp; </sub></em>are analytic sets in the Polish spaces, respectively,<em> IntL (&omega;)&times; IntL (&omega;)</em> and <em>Int<sub>L</sub> (&omega;)</em>, and, using those results, in the case of a countable language and domain it is shown that the classes <em>[&rho;]_</em>&cong;&nbsp; and <em>[&rho;]~<sub>c&nbsp; </sub></em>are of the same size, and that it is a cardinals from <sub>{1,&omega;,c}. N</sub>ext, the hierarchy between condensational equivalence, elementary equivalence, equimorphism (bi- embedability) and other similarities of <em>L</em>-structures, determined by some similarities of their self-embedding monoids, is investigated.<br />In the last part, the phenomenon of reversibility of<em> L</em>-structures is investigated. Strongly reversible <em>L</em>-intepretations are characterized as those whose component relations are definable by the formulae of the empty language<em> L<sub>&empty;</sub>, </em>without quantifiers and parameters. It is shown that weakly reversible interpretations are exactly those having the property Cantor-Schrӧder-Bernstein (shorter, the property CSB) for condensations.<br />Particular emphasis is put on detecting relevant classes of reversible structures. First, the structures that are extreme elements of<em> L</em><sub>&infin;&omega;</sub>-definable classes of interpretations, under certain syntactical restrictions, are investigated. Following that, disconnected Lb-structures are investigated, where several equivalents of their reversibility are proven.</p>

Kyrkomusikernas plats i organisationsförändringar

Göthberg, Robin January 2015 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze how ongoing organizational changes within the Swedisch Church affects its musical activities in parishes. Method: The study is based on interviews and publicated sources. Conclusion: Church musicians as a group are a powerful and vital resource for the Swedish Church.

Disease, disability, service use and social support amongst community-dwelling people aged 75 years and over: the Sydney older persons study

Edelbrock, Dorothy Marcia January 2004 (has links)
This study investigates the characteristics of and the interrelationships between disease, disability, service use and social support in a random sample of 647 community dwellers aged 75 years and over. The two broad objectives of the study are: to examine the physical aspects and manifestations of health by investigating disease and disability and the interrelationships between these two factors, and; to examine the social aspects of health by investigating service use and social support and the interrelationships between these two factors. Given the dramatic population ageing in Australia, particularly in the very old age groups, the health, well-being and quality of life of older Australians are of paramount importance and will be well into the future. The proportion of the population with diseases and disabilities increases significantly with age. As the physical aspects of health are manifested with increasing age the social aspects of health also become increasingly important. Older adults, particularly those in advanced old age, are disproportionately high users of health and community services. Despite the high use of services in this age group, far more older adults living in the community rely on their families, friends and neighbours for social support and many older adults use a combination of formal services and informal social support. Little is known about people aged 75 years and over living in the community in Australia. In particular, significant knowledge gaps exist with regard to the relationship between disease and disability and that between service use and social support. The characteristics of social support in this group of older adults are also largely unknown. The papers presented in this thesis are based on data collected in The Sydney Older Persons Study (SOPS). This is a large longitudinal multidisciplinary project which began in 1991 in order to investigate the health and service use patterns of people aged 75 years and over living in the community in the Central Sydney Health Area. The initial sample consisted of two groups: first, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) selected census districts with probability proportional to size and 9271 households were door-knocked to obtain a random sub-sample of the general community (n=320, response rate 73%); second, community-living veterans and war widows residing in the Central Sydney Health Area were selected at random from a list provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs to obtain a veteran/war widow sub-sample (n=327, response rate 82%). Respondents participated in both an interview conducted by a social scientist and a medical assessment performed by a medical practitioner with experience in geriatric medicine. An informant was sought for each respondent and this informant participated in a phone interview conducted by a social scientist. The first paper in this thesis investigates the characteristics of diseases (neurodegenerative, systemic and psychiatric) including their prevalence and association with age. The second paper extends the first by examining the nature of the relationship between disease and disability and in particular which individual diseases and groups of diseases have the greatest impact on disability. The third paper expands the analysis in the second paper by focusing in greater detail on the relationship between disease and disability. The contribution of clinically-diagnosed individual diseases and groups of diseases to three different measures of disability (clinician-rated, informant-rated or proxy and self-report) is investigated here. The fourth paper examines the possibility of disease and disability being the major predictors of service use and social support. It focuses on the determinants of service use and social support using Andersen's behavioral model. The fifth paper investigates the characteristics of social support, in particular gender differences and the socio-demographic variables associated with social support. This is an important research area because lower levels of social support have been found to predict mortality, disease and lower levels of well-being. Finally, the sixth paper links the major themes of the fourth and fifth papers by investigating the relationship between service use and social support. This paper tests Cantor's 'hierarchical-compensatory' mechanism, which predicts a negative association between service use and social support, and the 'bridging' mechanism which predicts a positive association between these two factors. Thus it assesses the extent to which demands for service use and for social support are made together or in a compensatory fashion for respondents of equal disease and disability. The presented work demonstrates that neurodegenerative diseases [dementia, cognitive impairment, parkinsonism, instability (gait ataxia), immobility (gait slowing) and motivation loss/behaviour change] have the largest and most significant increases with age of all disease groups. Therefore the hypothesis made in paper one that neurodegenerative diseases will come to dominate the health care needs of older adults, particularly when combined with population ageing, is supported. Further, results of papers two and three indicate that neurodegenerative diseases result in greater levels of disability, lending credence to the finding that it is these neurodegenerative diseases that are of central importance to the future of the health care needs of older adults of advanced age. While systemic diseases play an important role in disability, the neurodegenerative diseases are under-recognised by self-report and yet are most strongly associated with severe disability. A major recommendation of this study is that assessments and diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases be included in disability assessments. With regard to the social aspects of health, the fourth paper finds that disease and disability are the main predictors of service use and social support. The fifth paper highlights important gender differences in social support and also finds that lower levels of social support are associated with increased age, male gender, single marital status and lower socioeconomic status. Because it is widely accepted that social support is protective against adverse health outcomes and low levels of wellbeing, these groups of older adults are at risk of poorer health and wellbeing. Finally the sixth paper fills some knowledge gaps with regard to the relationship between service use and social support. It shows that with regard to IADL (instrumental activities of daily living) services and IADL social support, Cantor's 'hierarchical-compensatory' mechanism (negative correlation) applies but with regard to medical services and both ADL (activities of daily living) and IADL social support the 'bridging' mechanism (positive correlation) is supported. These complex interrelationships between disease, disability, service use and social support are summarised schematically in a model. In light of significant population ageing, substantial resources in the form of medical and community services and social support from carers, family, friends and neighbours will need to be devoted to older adults with diseases, in particular neurodegenerative diseases, and to those with disabilities. Given the increasing importance of disease, disability, service use and social support in very old age, it is crucial that knowledge and understanding of these factors and their interrelationships be advanced in order to better allocate and sustain resources and to ultimately improve the health, well-being and quality of life of very old adults.

Aritmética de corpos finitos : algoritmos para a fatoração polinomial

Noriega Sagastegui, Ruth Noemi January 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve algoritmos algébricos para computação em corpos de Galois GF(q), com q = pn onde pé a característica do corpo, que pode ser arbitrariamente grande. Para fundamentar esse estudo é condensada e apresentada Lo ela. a fena.menta algébrica necessári a. Os corpos ·finitos são caracterizados, é mostrado como construí-los e sua aritmética é analisada. Algoritmos determinísticos e probabilísticos são desenvolvidos para. o cálculo de raízes polinomiais e a. fatoração de polinômios sobre esses corpos. Este trabalho é materializado pela implementação de dois algoritmos, o de Cantor-Zassenhaus e o de Rabin, ambos implementados no Sistema de Computação Algébrica MAPLE V Release 3. / This work elescribes algebraic algorithms for computing in Galois Fielels GF(q), with q = pn, where p is the characteristic of the fielel anel may be arbitrar.ialy large. By justifying this work we give a colection of results about topics of Algebra. Dctcnninistics anel probabilistics a.lgorithms are clevelopeel to compute polynomials roots anel for polynornia.l factorization in OF(q).This work is materializccl by the implementation oi' t.wo algorithms, Cantor-Zasscnhaus's algorithm anel Rabin's algoril. hm, both implemented in MAPLE V Rclease 3 Computer Algebra System.

Aritmética de corpos finitos : algoritmos para a fatoração polinomial

Noriega Sagastegui, Ruth Noemi January 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve algoritmos algébricos para computação em corpos de Galois GF(q), com q = pn onde pé a característica do corpo, que pode ser arbitrariamente grande. Para fundamentar esse estudo é condensada e apresentada Lo ela. a fena.menta algébrica necessári a. Os corpos ·finitos são caracterizados, é mostrado como construí-los e sua aritmética é analisada. Algoritmos determinísticos e probabilísticos são desenvolvidos para. o cálculo de raízes polinomiais e a. fatoração de polinômios sobre esses corpos. Este trabalho é materializado pela implementação de dois algoritmos, o de Cantor-Zassenhaus e o de Rabin, ambos implementados no Sistema de Computação Algébrica MAPLE V Release 3. / This work elescribes algebraic algorithms for computing in Galois Fielels GF(q), with q = pn, where p is the characteristic of the fielel anel may be arbitrar.ialy large. By justifying this work we give a colection of results about topics of Algebra. Dctcnninistics anel probabilistics a.lgorithms are clevelopeel to compute polynomials roots anel for polynornia.l factorization in OF(q).This work is materializccl by the implementation oi' t.wo algorithms, Cantor-Zasscnhaus's algorithm anel Rabin's algoril. hm, both implemented in MAPLE V Rclease 3 Computer Algebra System.

Aritmética de corpos finitos : algoritmos para a fatoração polinomial

Noriega Sagastegui, Ruth Noemi January 1996 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve algoritmos algébricos para computação em corpos de Galois GF(q), com q = pn onde pé a característica do corpo, que pode ser arbitrariamente grande. Para fundamentar esse estudo é condensada e apresentada Lo ela. a fena.menta algébrica necessári a. Os corpos ·finitos são caracterizados, é mostrado como construí-los e sua aritmética é analisada. Algoritmos determinísticos e probabilísticos são desenvolvidos para. o cálculo de raízes polinomiais e a. fatoração de polinômios sobre esses corpos. Este trabalho é materializado pela implementação de dois algoritmos, o de Cantor-Zassenhaus e o de Rabin, ambos implementados no Sistema de Computação Algébrica MAPLE V Release 3. / This work elescribes algebraic algorithms for computing in Galois Fielels GF(q), with q = pn, where p is the characteristic of the fielel anel may be arbitrar.ialy large. By justifying this work we give a colection of results about topics of Algebra. Dctcnninistics anel probabilistics a.lgorithms are clevelopeel to compute polynomials roots anel for polynornia.l factorization in OF(q).This work is materializccl by the implementation oi' t.wo algorithms, Cantor-Zasscnhaus's algorithm anel Rabin's algoril. hm, both implemented in MAPLE V Rclease 3 Computer Algebra System.

Une nouvelle chanson indépendante du Brésil. Les Rencontres de Compositeurs de Juiz de Fora et la création brésilienne à Paris / A new independent music from Brazil. The "Encontros de Compositores" from Juiz de Fora and Brazilian musical creation in Paris.

Resende De Souza, Ébano 24 October 2018 (has links)
Quelle place la musique indépendante brésilienne, notamment celle liée à la chanson d'auteur, occupe-t-elle dans le marché des musiques du monde ? Quels sont les liens que la nouvelle génération de compositeurs et de musiciens Brésiliens entretient avec ce marché ? Ces questions forment le socle des questionnements qui nourrissent ce travail de recherche. Comprendre la place de la musique d'auteur et la circulation de cette pratique est fondamental dans ce contexte. Pour cela, je fais des Rencontres de Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais) au Brésil le point de départ de ce travail. J’enquête sur ces compositeurs et ces musiciens qui se réunissent, depuis 2006, dans le but de créer un espace de création et de diffusion de leurs pratiques musicales. Dans quelle mesure les choix stylistiques viennent-ils questionner les représentations caricaturales que nous avons d’une « musique brésilienne » ? Et de quelle façon sont-ils devenus un facteur de cohésion de ce groupe tout entier orienté vers un renouvellement du message poétique, social, stylistique de cette chanson ? D’une façon assez paradoxale, c’est à partir d'un puissant ancrage local que le groupe se veut porteur d’innovation à travers une démarche en réflexivité qui porte sur les grands thèmes de la tradition, du lien entre les innovations musicales et la mémoire esthétique des populations locales, de la façon d’insérer de nouvelles pratiques dans un contexte professionnel qui ne fait guère de place aux courants porteurs d’innovation. C’est à ce stade que le mouvement des jeunes créateurs devient politique, en ce sens qu’il entend prendre toute sa place dans la vie de la cité. Puis j’opère un déplacement. Quelle place cette musique indépendante occupe-t-elle hors du Brésil, et notamment à Paris ? Pour cela, j'essaie de comprendre comment ces compositeurs et musiciens brésiliens organisent leurs pratiques dans un espace autre que celui d'origine. Je m’intéresse aux raisons qui amènent ces artistes à se déplacer, à la façon dont ils élaborent leurs pratiques afin de prendre place dans ce nouvel environnement culturel porté par une langue qui n’est pas la leur. La musique devient un puissant levier d’intégration ; en même temps, ces musiciens innovants se heurtent aux attentes d’un public parisien qui nourrit de fortes attentes à l’égard de la « musique brésilienne ». Comment faire face à ces a priori ? C’est cette double dimension de la musique comme espace de création et la musique comme moyen de questionner les préjugés que ce travail met en œuvre. / How is Brazilian music situated in the World Music market? How do the new generation of Brazilian musicians and composers, particularly singer songwriters, relate to this market? These questions form the core of my research. In this context, it is vital to understand the position of this music, and how it is disseminated. I started my analysis with the Encontro de Compositores (composers meetings) in Juiz de Fora, Brazil. I studied these composers and musicians, who have been gathering since 2006 to form a space for the creation and dissemination of their musical practices. In what ways do these practices and their stylistic choices challenge current stereotypes of “Brazilian music”? And how do they create cohesion in a group striving towards a renewal of the poetic, social and stylistic messages of this music. Despite this process of innovation, Juiz de Fora is strongly rooted in local history. The discussions taking place at these meetings influence the way these musicians view their musical practice and professional context, and thus allow the development of a new political consciousness. Here I will introduce another angle to my discussions. What place does this independent music occupy outside Brazil, particularly in Paris? In this regard, I examine how Brazilian composers and musicians organise their practices in a space which is foreign to their place of origin. I examine the reasons for which these artists move, and how they adapt their practices to this new cultural environment and language. Music becomes a strong means of integration. However, these innovative musicians come into conflict with a Parisian public which may have deeply-ingrained, stereotypical expectations about “Brazilian music”. How to manage this situation a priori? This dual purpose of music, as both a creative space and a means to question prejudice, is at the centre of this project. / Que lugar a música independente brasileira, especialmente aquela produzida por cantores-compositores ou cantautores, ocupa no mercado da World Music? Quais relações a nova geração de compositores e músicos brasileiros estabelece com esse mercado? Estas questões representam a base dos questionamentos deste trabalho de pesquisa que visa a compreender as dinâmicas de produção que envolvem o universo da música independente e como se dá sua circulação. O Encontro de Compositores de Juiz de Fora (MG), que desde 2006 reúne músicos e compositores na tentativa de conceber um espaço de criação e difusão da música independente local, representa o ponto de partida deste trabalho. Entender como estas cancões interferem na imagem difundida do que se concebe como sendo a « música brasileira » e como a dinâmica essencialmente coletiva da produção musical independente influi no contexto de produção e circulação musical estão na base de nossas reflexões. Nesse sentido, entender os laços que os membros do Encontro de Compositores mantém com o passado e com a historia musical local ainda que em um cenário de inovação se faz fundamental. Organizados em grupo, estes artistas buscam, a partir de uma nova consciência política, melhores condições de trabalho, além de procurar difundir suas obras em um mercado que se encontra ainda resistente a esse tipo de produção. A analise desse realidade me faz refletir sobre novas questões, referentes a outro contexto : que lugar a música independente brasileira ocupa fora do país, em uma capital europeia como Paris por exemplo ? Na tentativa de compreender esta questão, me proponho a verificar como compositores e músicos brasileiros organizam suas praticas em uma realidade diferente daquela vivida em seu país de origem. Interesso-me, particularmente, pelas razões que motivam esses artistas a mudar de país e à forma como difundem suas praticas em um novo ambiente, cultural e linguisticamente diferente. A música pode, neste sentido, representar um instrumento de integração e ao mesmo tempo, um elemento de reflexão em face de um mercado imbuído de clichês. Esta dupla dimensão da música como lugar de criação e a relação entre novidade e expectativas acompanham minhas reflexões ao longo deste projeto.

Fraktály v počítačové grafice / Fractals in Computer Graphics

Heiník, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with history of Fractal geometry and describes the fractal science development. In the begining there are essential Fractal science terms explained. Then description of fractal types and typical or most known examples of them are mentioned. Fractal knowledge application besides computer graphics area is discussed. Thesis informs about fractal geometry practical usage. Few present software packages or more programs which can be used for making fractal pictures are described in this work. Some of theirs capabilities are described. Thesis' practical part consists of slides, demonstrational program and poster. Electronical slides represents brief scheme usable for fractal geometry realm lectures. Program generates selected fractal types. Thesis results are projected on poster.

Feigenbaum Scaling

Sendrowski, Janek January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis I hope to provide a clear and concise introduction to Feigenbaum scaling accessible to undergraduate students. This is accompanied by a description of how to obtain numerical results by various means. A more intricate approach drawing from renormalization theory as well as a short consideration of some of the topological properties will also be presented. I was furthermore trying to put great emphasis on diagrams throughout the text to make the contents more comprehensible and intuitive.

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