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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lament for the Land: On the Impacts of Climate Change on Mental and Emotional Health and Well-Being in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, Canada / kitsautiKannik Nunamik: Attutauniujuit Silak Asianguvallianingani Isumakkut Inosikkut Inositsiagittogasuannimi ammalu Inosinginni Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, Canada

Cunsolo Willox, Ashlee 02 May 2012 (has links)
As the impacts from anthropogenic climate change are felt around the globe, people are increasingly exposed to changes in weather, temperature, wildlife and vegetation patterns, and water and food quality and availability. These changes impact human health and well-being, and resultantly, climate change has been identified as the biggest global health threat of the 21st Century. Recently, the mental health impacts emerging from these changes are gaining increasing attention globally. Research indicates that changes in climate and environment, and the subsequent disruption to the social, economic, and environmental determinants of mental health, are causing increased incidences of mental health issues, emotional responses, and large-scale socio-psychological changes. Inuit in Northern Canada have been experiencing the most rapid climatic and environmental changes on the planet: increased seasonal temperatures; decreased snow and ice quality, stability, and extent; melting permafrost; decreased water levels in ponds and brooks; increased frequency and intensity of storms; later ice formation and earlier ice break-up; and alterations to wildlife and vegetation. These changes are decreasing the ability of Inuit to hunt, trap, fish, forage, and travel on the land, which directly disrupts their health, and is negatively impacting mental and emotional health and well-being. Through a multi-year, exploratory, qualitative case study conducted in Nunatsiavut, Labrador, Canada representing the first research to examine the mental and emotional health impacts of climate change within a Canadian Inuit context, Inuit indicated that climate change was impacting mental health through seven interrelated pathways: strong emotional responses; increased reports of family stress; increased reports of drug and alcohol usage; increased reports of suicide ideation and attempts; the amplification of previous traumas and mental health stressors; decreased place-based mental solace; and land-based mourning due to a changing environment. Data for this research was drawn from 85 in-depth interviews and 112 questionnaires conducted between October 2009 and October 2010. These findings indicate the urgent need for more research on climate-change-related mental health impacts and emotio-mental adaptive processes, for more mental health support to enhance resilience to and assist with the mental health impacts of climate change, and for more mitigation and adaptation policies to be implemented. / Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (2008-2012); Health Canada's First Nations and Inuit Health Branch's Climate Change and Health Adaptation in Northern First Nations and Inuit Communities Program (2010-2012); Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and Changing Environments (2009-2011); and the Nunatsiavut Government's Department of Health and Social Development (2010-2011).

Valstybės tarnautojų mokymo problemos / The training problems of civil servants

Rakauskaitė, Jūratė 17 March 2006 (has links)
The final paper deals with training development system for civil servants. During the five years of Lithuania‘s independance the training of civil servants was delivered on an ad hoc basis. In 1995 the Law of the Officials of the Republic of Lithuania was passed. It was a starting point for the creation of the civil service training system. In 1999 after the adoption of the Law of the Public Service, the need to leggaly stabilize, the market of civil servant‘s training became apparent. In 2002 after the Law of the Public Service entered into force it vas necessary to start rationalizing the training system of civil servants relating it with the annual performance evaluation of civil servants. In 2002 The Training Strategy for Civil Servants has been approved. According to the Strategy it was necessary to identify the priority areas for civil servants training and the priority groups of civil servants that should undergo this training.

« The place to be ? » Vivre et bouger dans les entre-deux : jeunesse et mobilités dans les espaces périurbains / ‘‘The place to be ?’’ Living and commuting within the “space-in-between” / young commuters in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris

Didier-Fèvre, Catherine 29 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat mène une réflexion sur les mobilités juvéniles périurbaines sous l’angle de « l’entre-deux », terme caractérisant à la fois les espaces périurbains et la jeunesse. Comment la jeunesse vit-elle une localisation résidentielle, choisie par les parents, et se déplace-t-elle dans ces espaces peu densément peuplés et faiblement desservis par des transports en commun ? Quel rôle jouent les contextes périurbains dans la construction identitaire des jeunes ? L’étude menée, à partir de trois lycées généraux et technologiques situés dans les franges de l’agglomération parisienne en proie à un mouvement de périurbanisation plus ou moins ancien, a consisté à interroger une population lycéenne périurbaine par le biais de méthodes qualitatives (85 entretiens) et quantitatives (1522 sondés en ligne). Développant un ancrage différencié à l’espace habité dans lequel la maison individuelle tient une place centrale, les jeunes adoptent une multitude de stratégies pour s’émanciper des contextes périurbains. Ils combinent les ressources des entre-deux pour s’affirmer en tant qu’individu, y compris dans le cadre de la socialisation secondaire marquant cet âge. Ils y trouvent ainsi leur bonheur, bien qu’ils cherchent souvent, de manière plus ou moins réaliste ou réalisable, à sortir de ces espaces. Ces bricolages spatiaux les amènent à développer une motilité (Kaufmann, 2002) plus importante que celle des jeunes urbains. En revanche, à l’heure de s’inventer une vie adulte, ce n’est pas tant l’espace périurbain qui apparaît comme un obstacle à leur projet que les ressources sociales, financières ou culturelles de leur famille. Malgré tout, les contextes périurbains, parce qu’ils font territoires, sont des lieux où les jeunes projettent volontiers leur vie future, même si, pour certains, l’attraction urbaine ou de l’étranger est plus forte. / The ‘‘space-in-between’’ refers to any specified situation or space characterizing an intermediary and transitional state. This paper aims at exploring the notion of “space-in-between” through the themes of mobility and the youth living in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris. How does the youth live the residential choice of theirs parents and move to those median zone between rural and urban areas where public transit is deficient? What role have the periurban fringes in the building of the youth identity? Across this research, led in three public high schools located in the periurban fringes of the Great Paris, 85 young spoke about their mobilities and 1522 answered a questionnaire. Become oneself ask to move alone, to explore new spaces without parents but with peers, so these young people combine a lot of means to leave these spaces (walking, hitch-hiking, car-sharing, taking school buses for shopping and so on). Developing a specific link with the periurban areas where the home could be perceived as a special place, these young people live happily and do not consider themselves as ‘‘prisoners’’ in their territories. Nevertheless, they try to going out of them: going to parties, meeting other young people in the night clubs, meeting their friends as they want, practising sport and cultural leisures, and moving anywhere without asking their parents to drive them. At the time to become an adult, when they want to follow high education currucula, if they don’t choose the same way that urban and rural students, it seems that financial ressources and capacities to move are central in their choice. Some of them want to live in big cities or in foreign countries but most of them imagine them living the perurban edges where they had grow up. So the periurban fringes seem, as territories, the ‘place to be’! / El « espacio de transición » es una situación o un espacio que se caracteriza por ser intermedio.Aquella idea de intermedio interesa a los geografos en sus investigaciones sobre el espacio periurbano. Este proyecto , como continuidad de un precedente trabajo de investigaciones (Ser joven en el periurbano de SENS. ¿ Qué movilidades para los alumnos del instituto JANOT ? ; Catherine DIDIER-FEVRE, Máster 2 investigaciones, 2011. 229 páginas), intenta explorar la noción de « transición » a través de las movilidades. Si el término periurbano se define por un espacio de transición (noción aparecida con la instalación de la población en una extensión de la zona urbana) entre dos contrapuestos : espacio urbano y espacio rural, el de la juventud responde también a la noción de « espacio de transición ». En efecto, la juventud es la transición entre la desaparición de las claves de la infancia y la construcción de nuevos modelos. Es un tiempo de experiencias.Mientras « el periurbano sigue siendo el espacio de la juventud en una sociedad envejeciéndose : es el único espacio donde encontramos más de 3 jóvenes para con 2 mayores», muy pocas cosas fueron escritas sobre la juventud del periurbano. Aquella idea de las movilidades de la juventud es nueva. Tener en cuenta la edad de los habitantes de un espacio definido es fundamental para entender las relaciones de ellos con su territorio. Hasta ahora sólo los mayores o los niños pequeños preocuparon a los geografos del periurbano. Al investigar sobre los jóvenes del periurbano una se pregunta :¿Qué relaciones viven los jóvenes con el territorio periurbano al vivir una movilidad singular ?

Efficacité des programmes de reconstruction dans les sociétés post-conflictuelles / The effectiveness of reconstruction programs in post-conflict contexts

Hutin, Hervé 06 December 2012 (has links)
Le but de la thèse est d'apprécier l'efficacité des programmes de reconstruction destinés à assurer le redressement économique de pays sortant de guerre civile depuis la fin de la Guerre froide. Du point de vue de la méthode, cette efficacité est évaluée à la fois par la pertinence du contenu et de l'organisation de ces programmes aux caractéristiques des économies post-conflictuelles, et par une évaluation de leur performance au vu d'indicateurs de redressement spécifiques à ces contextes. Les causes économiques des conflits et le fonctionnement d'une économie de guerre sont analysés dans la mesure ils conditionnent le passage à une économie de paix (chapitres 1 à 4). Une approche en termes d'économie politique (Stewart, Fitzgerald) recoupant inégalités horizontales et verticales et complétée par celle d'Amartya Sen contribue à rendre compte des spécificités de ce type de contexte que la théorie néoclassique ne permet pas d'appréhender. L'approche en termes de moyens d'existence (Chambers et Conway), de vulnérabilité due au contexte (Collinson) et d'économie institutionnelle donnent un cadre théorique cohérent pour cerner les caractéristiques économiques des sociétés post-conflictuelles (chapitres 5 à 7) et permettent d'identifier des facteurs bloquant ou de ralentissement du processus de redressement économique. L'étude de la configuration des programmes de reconstruction fait apparaître une prolifération d'acteurs aux logiques différentes, peu coordonnés et formant une administration de substitution non alignée dans un État fragile (chapitre 8). Le rapprochement entre programme et caractéristiques observées permet alors de procéder à l'évaluation de l'efficacité des programmes (chapitre 9). L'évaluation quantitative converge vers le constat d'un échec relatif, notamment du fait de leur lenteur (d'où risque de résurgence du conflit). Une modélisation à partir des données disponibles appuie l'identification effectuée de l'importance de certaines variables spécifiques (retour des populations déplacées, institutions, sécurité). L'analyse qualitative des causes de cette inefficacité fait apparaître : - les effets pervers du manque de coordination, analysée ici à la lumière de la théorie des coûts de transaction, de la théorie contingente et de l'analyse marginaliste, notamment sur le marché du travail et les capacités administratives, ce qui permet de mettre à jour le concept de seuil de capacités institutionnelles ; - l'inadaptation dans la conception et la mise en œuvre des programmes aux spécificités observées. Entre la référence mythifiée au Plan Marshall et l'absence d'intervention extérieure qui mènerait à un état de suffocation économique, l'analyse de cette inefficacité relative débouche sur quelques préconisations adaptables selon les contextes. / The effectiveness of reconstruction programs in post-conflict contexts Abstract The thesis aims at assessing the effectiveness of reconstruction programs intended to ensure for the economic recovery of countries emerging from civil war since the end of the Cold War. From the standpoint of the method used, this effectiveness is both evaluated through the relevance of the content and the organization of these programs with regard to the characteristics of the post-conflict economies, and through an assessment of their performances according to recovery indicators which are specific to this context. The economic causes of conflicts and the functioning of a wartime economy are analyzed because they influence the transition to an economy in the context of peace (chapters 1 to 4). An approach in terms of political economy (Stewart, Fitzgerald) comparing both horizontal and vertical inequalities and completed by Amartya Sen's approach contributes to the account of the specific characteristics of this type of context which the neoclassical theory is not enabled to grasp. The approach in terms of sustainable livelihoods (Chambers and Conways), of the vulnerability due to the context and of the institutional economy, provides a coherent theoretical framework in order to identify the economic features of post-conflict societies (chapters 5 to 7) and enables for the identification of the factors which block or slow down the process of economic recovery. The study of the configuration of reconstruction programs reveals the multiplication of actors which have different approaches, a lack of coordination in their work, and the formation of a substitute administration non-aligned to the fragile state (chapter 8). Closer ties between the programs and the observed characteristics enable for the evaluation of their effectiveness (chapter 9). The quantitative evaluation arrives at the conclusion that these programs are relative failures, especially due to their sluggishness. From the data available, the significance of some specific variables is observed (the return of populations, institutions, security). The qualitative analysis of the causes of this ineffectiveness reveals: Perverse effects due to the lack of coordination, analyzed through the transaction costs theory, the contingence theory, and the marginalist theory, more particularly in the labor markets, the administrative capacity, reveals a threshold of institutional capacities; Poor adaptation in the design and the implementation of the programs to the observed characteristics. Between the references towards the Marshall Plan and the absence of any exterior intervention, the analysis of this ineffectiveness concludes that some requirements should be adapted for each context.

A Systematic Evaluation of Fault Seal Integrity in the southern Pletmos Basin, offshore South Africa: A 3D Multidisciplinary Modelling Approach

Mhlambi, Sanelisiwe January 2017 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc (Earth Science) / The syn-rift succession encompasses the primary exploration target in the southern Pletmos Basin. Several fault-bounded structural traps that contain gas accumulations have been discovered within this succession. Likewise, ubiquitous residual gas shows have been encountered in most drilled wells. Yet, the impact of faults on fluid flow is poorly understood. Therefore, this study aspires to predict, and where possible, quantify fault seal integrity and sealing capacities of some of the major prospect-bounding faults. A multi-disciplinary research strategy was employed in order to fulfil the study objectives. Fault mapping and geo-cellular modelling using geostatistical algorithms were undertaken to provide the basic geometric and structural input for more advanced fault seal analysis applications. Juxtaposition analysis was carried out to identify zones with a high probability to seal (or leak) and as the first-order tool for predicting fault seal potential. Threshold pressures, hydrocarbon column heights, cross-fault permeability and transmissibility were used to estimate the sealing capacities of the faults. In addition to juxtaposition and customary fault-rock properties, the study also analysed parameters that can be deemed to be representative of cross-fault fluid flow (i.e. effective cross-fault permeability and transmissibility; ECFP and ECFT). Finally, modelling of the geo-history facilitated the validation of the properties that underpinned fault seal analysis studies. The Ga-Q and proposed Ga-K prospects along with their main bounding faults formed the foci of the fault seal analysis results. The analysed faults showed excellent initial sealing potential due to either favourable juxtaposition or shale gouge development. Nonetheless, predicted hydrocarbon column heights and threshold pressures were low suggesting that the seal integrity of the analysed faults is predisposed to failure. In addition, high predicted fault permeability and transmissibility values signify the presence of open and permeable fracture networks within the fault zones. Thus, it is proposed that the faults are very likely to have leaked during hydrocarbon migration and filling of traps resulting in empty or under-filled hydrocarbon reservoirs.


Azab, Carolin Edward Gergis 01 May 2013 (has links)
There has been considerable research interest in the nature of service failure and recovery over the past few decades. In this context, the role of frontline service employees has emerged as a crucial factor in successful service recovery. Interestingly, while management and organizational behaviour literatures have looked at the favorable influence positive psychological capacities (optimism, hope, self-efficacy, and resilience) have on employee performance, this literature has not yet been used to shed light on how such capacities in frontline service employees might impact service recovery. By bringing this literature into the service recovery context, this research aims to examine how, and to what extent, these internal positive psychological capacities in frontline employees affect service recovery and complaint handling. Using emotion contagion theory, the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, the theory of cognitive appraisal, and justice theory, the study develops a number of hypothesized relationships, centered on the proposition that employee positive psychological capacities influence service recovery and complaint handling through both an emotional and a behavioral path. Specifically, it is posited that frontline employee positive emotions influence customer perceived interactional justice through the emotional path, while the behavioral path influences frontline employee problem solving, thus influencing customer perceived distributive and procedural justice. Data to examine these questions was collected using two studies. The first, based on a survey of service providers, investigates the influence of positive psychological capacities on positive emotions and problem solving competencies of frontline employees. The second uses an experimental design with service customers as subjects, investigating the influence of employee problem solving levels and positive emotions on customer perceptions of justice. Data analysis supports both paths with a stronger influence for the behavioural paths. The study brings new insight to service managers and service recovery.

Qualidade de vida no trabalho de pessoas com deficiência / Quality of work life of people with disabilities

OLIVEIRA, Elisangela de Castro Freitas January 2013 (has links)
OLIVEIRA, Elisangela de Castro Freitas. Qualidade de vida no trabalho de pessoas com deficiência. 2013. 112f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia, Fortaleza (CE), 2013. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-11-27T12:05:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013-DIS-ECFOLIVEIRA.pdf: 1265205 bytes, checksum: c4e3c27cdd60a32db715c225f296c52d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-11-27T13:53:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2013-DIS-ECFOLIVEIRA.pdf: 1265205 bytes, checksum: c4e3c27cdd60a32db715c225f296c52d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-11-27T13:53:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013-DIS-ECFOLIVEIRA.pdf: 1265205 bytes, checksum: c4e3c27cdd60a32db715c225f296c52d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / The research theme is the Quality of Working Life – QWL for People with Disabilities – PCD. This issue is relevant for consideration of possible insertion and maintenance of these workers in the labor market, promoting an environment conducive to the development of personal and professional skills. The research aims to analyze the QWT of PCD based upon the relationship between QWL studies and professional factors in a higher education institution. The study aims to identify factors QWT, with reference to the theoretical model of Walton; identify factors of professional reference to the IMBA model, relate and analyze studies with QWL factors IMBA professional model. The adopted methodological approach was qualitative, through interview. Data analysis was performed using the technique of content analysis by Bardin. The results refer to a certain degree in the lack of QWL in the researched group. The factors remuneration and working conditions were highlighted as the most relevant. Professional development, professional growth and stability in the institution and the balance between work and personal life factors were pointed with a median level of importance; social integration in the institution, the institution tights and the meaning of the enterprise in local community were presented as the factors that less interfere in the maintenance QWL. Concerning the factors of the professional capacity in the model IMBA, the group presented partial compatibility between professional and work demands. Among the twenty-four factors, only four of them correspond to work demands and professional abilities, namely attention in the workplace, agility at work; personal capacity to take decisions at work and communication skills with customers. The instruments used in this study (QWL factors and professional Capacity Factors Model IMBA) have been effective for the achievement the of established objectives and contributed to the understanding of the theme as well as, and may be useful for application in other researches and practices in the field of Organizational Psychology. / A pesquisa tem como tema a Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho – QVT de Pessoas com Deficiência – PcD. Este assunto é relevante pela reflexão que proporciona sobre as possibilidades de inserção e manutenção desses trabalhadores no mercado de trabalho, promovendo um ambiente propício ao desenvolvimento de suas habilidades pessoais e profissionais. A pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a QVT de PcD a partir da relação dos estudos de QVT e de fatores de capacidade profissional numa instituição de ensino superior. O estudo se propõe a identificar fatores de QVT, tendo como referência o modelo teórico de Walton; identificar fatores de capacidade profissional tendo como referência o modelo IMBA – Integração de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho; relacionar e analisar os estudos de QVT com os fatores de capacidade profissional do modelo IMBA. A abordagem metodológica adotada foi a qualitativa, através do instrumento de entrevista. A análise dos dados foi feita através da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados referem um determinado grau de ausência de QVT, na percepção grupo pesquisado. Os fatores remuneração e condições de trabalho foram destacados como os mais valorizados. O desenvolvimento profissional, o crescimento profissional, a estabilidade na instituição e o equilíbrio entre trabalho e vida pessoal foram fatores indicados com valorização mediana; a integração social na instituição, os direitos na instituição e a importância da empresa na comunidade foram apresentados como os fatores que menos interferem na manutenção da QVT. Com relação aos fatores de capacidade profissional do modelo IMBA, o grupo apresentou compatibilidade parcial entre capacidade profissional e demandas do trabalho. Dos vinte e quatro fatores, apenas quatro tiveram correspondência entre demandas do trabalho e capacidade profissional, a saber: atenção no ambiente de trabalho; ser ágil no trabalho; capacidade pessoal nas decisões do trabalho e capacidade de comunicação com os clientes. Os instrumentos utilizados nesta pesquisa foram eficazes para a obtenção dos objetivos estabelecidos e contribuíram para a compreensão da temática, podendo ser úteis para aplicação em outras pesquisas e práticas na área da Psicologia Organizacional.

Tornando-se sujeito da sua história de aprendiz de língua inglesa: uma experiência com sequências didáticas na EJA

Aguiar, Claudiane Costa 28 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:42:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 8665681 bytes, checksum: 85d6026e7c0de87eb9d0ad3ca6a1e76a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study is situated in the field of Applied Linguistics and aims at investigating the impacts of the use of a Didactic Sequence as an alternative for the teaching of the English language with a group of EJA students at a public school in João Pessoa. The theoretical framework is based on the studies developed by Dolz, Noverraz e Schneuwly (2004) who assert that introducing students to language practices by means of the use of text genres is a primary role of the school. Their work is based on the Sociodiscursive Interactionism approach (BRONCKART, 1999; 2006; 2008), a socio-communicative perspective of language which conceives it as action and whose expansion in Brazil has occurred due to the studies carried out by names as those of Cristovão (2001, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009), Machado and Guimarães (2009), Pereira R. (2009), Medrado (2010), among others. The specific objectives are making up and giving progression activities to work with the genre personal profile in the English language subject; analyzing the text productions by the students, observing the development of their language capacities; discussing the didactic validity of the progression activities with EJA; besides presenting a brief analysis of the impact of the use of DSs in the teaching practice of the participant teacher of this research. This assumes that the lack of sequenced material exacerbates the problem of the English language teaching with EJA. The corpus was collected in one of the Public Municipal Schools in João Pessoa city through field notes. The results demonstrate that the students had difficulties to make use of language capacities while producing their texts in both, mother tongue and in English, revealing that they lacked previous work targeted at literacy in initial cycles. Despite these obstacles, the results indicate that the use of DSs with EJA group in the English language is feasible and this proposal can be used to turn the process of teaching and learning languages with EJA groups dynamic. / Este estudo situa-se no campo da Linguística Aplicada e tem como objetivo refletir sobre os impactos do uso de uma Sequência Didática em língua inglesa em uma turma do Ciclo IV da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) na Rede Municipal de Ensino de João Pessoa, como uma alternativa para o ensino desse idioma. A pesquisa encontra-se alicerçada na proposta desenvolvida pelos teóricos Dolz, Noverraz e Schneuwly (2004) que concebem, como sendo dever da escola, a inserção dos alunos nas práticas de linguagem por meio dos gêneros de textos. O trabalho desses estudiosos baseia-se na abordagem teórica do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999; 2006; 2008), uma perspectiva sócio comunicativa da linguagem que a concebe como ação, cuja expansão no Brasil tem se dado através dos estudos de nomes como os de Cristovão (2001, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009), Machado e Guimarães (2009), Pereira R. (2009), Medrado (2010), entre outros. Objetivamos, especificamente, elaborar e aplicar atividades de progressão para o trabalho com o gênero perfil pessoal na disciplina de língua inglesa; analisar as produções textuais dos alunos, observando o desenvolvimento de suas capacidades de linguagem; discutir a validade didática das atividades de progressão na EJA; além de realizar uma breve análise do impacto da aplicação de uma SD na prática docente da professora participante dessa pesquisa. Partimos do pressuposto de que a ausência de um material sequenciado na Rede Municipal constitui um problema no ensino de língua inglesa nesta modalidade. O corpus foi coletado em uma escola municipal de João Pessoa através de notas de campo. Os resultados evidenciam que os alunos da EJA tiveram dificuldades em acionar as capacidades de linguagem na produção de seus textos em ambas, língua materna e em língua inglesa, revelando, assim, a ausência de trabalhos voltados para o letramento nos ciclos iniciais. Não obstante, constatamos que o uso das SDs em língua inglesa não somente é viável como sugerimos que esta proposta seja utilizada a fim de dinamizar o processo ensino aprendizagem de línguas na EJA.

Contributions and thoughts on Community Psychology training in regions of Peru / Aportes y reflexiones de la formación en psicología comunitaria PUCP en tres regiones del Perú / Contribuições e reflexões da formação em psicologia comunitaria em regiões do Peru

Velázquez Castro, Tesania, Rivera­ Holguín, Miryam, Custodio Espinoza,  Elba 25 September 2017 (has links)
Peru has undergone significant economic growth, but inequality between different groups still exists. In order to improve the training of professionals in Peruvian regions, the Master’s Program in Community Psychology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú has developed different training programs in Cusco, Ayacucho and Huancavelica. These are excluded regions affected by social violence due to past conflict. This article describes and analyzes the characteristics and the impact of training programs on participants and the population. Furthermore, this article reflects on how to develop vocational training to foster and recreate knowledge in a way that avoids reproducing relations of domination. The con­ tribution of Community Psychology is highlighted, as well as the professional, political and personal training in Community Psychology. / El Perú es un país que muestra un crecimiento macroeconómico significativo, pero esto no ha disminuido las brechas de desigualdad existentes en el país. Buscando colaborar con la capacitación y formación de recursos humanos en las regiones, la Maestría de Psico­ logía Comunitaria de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), ha desarrollado diferentes programas de formación en las regiones de Cusco, Ayacucho y Huancavelica, zonas excluidas y caracterizadas por una violencia social posconflicto. Este artículo describe y analiza las características y el impacto de los programas formativos en los participantes y en la población. Plantea una reflexión sobre cómo desarrollar la formación profesional para construir y recrear el conocimiento, de tal manera que no se reproduzcan relaciones de dominación y evidencia el aporte de la psicología comunitaria en el fortalecimiento de capacidades locales, así como el carácter profesional, político y personal de la formación en psicología comunitaria. / O Peru é um país que demonstra crescimento macroeconômico significativo, mas que não tem diminuido as distancias de desigualdade existentes no país. Buscando colaborar com a capacitação e formação de recursos humanos nas regiões, o Mestrado de Psicologia Comunitaria da PUCP desenvolveu diferentes programas de formação nas regiões de Cusco, Ayacucho e Huancavelica, zonas excluídas e caracterizadas por uma violência pós conflito. Este artigo descreve e analisa as características e o impacto dos programas de formação nos participantes e na população. Apresenta uma reflexão sobre como desenvolver a formação profissional para construir e recriar o conhecimento de forma que não tenha a reprodução de relações de dominação e comprove a contribuição da psicologia comunitaria através dos for­ talecimentos locais, assim como o caráter profissonal, político e pessoal na formação em PC.

Cultivating personal leadership capacities to facilitate collaboration in Strategic Sustainable Development

Baan, Christopher, Long, Phil, Pearlman, Dana January 2011 (has links)
The complex, multi-faceted sustainability challenge that society faces calls for a strategic approach to sustainable development. Strategic planning processes towards sustainability in organisations and communities are oftentimes led by a facilitator or facilitative leader. We argue that planning processes of complex and transformational change, call for collaboration among stakeholders and for highly skilled facilitative leaders who are committed to the development of self, others and society. This thesis explores the ‘interior state’ of facilitative leaders as a high leverage point in moving society towards sustainability. We identify nine personal capacities that enable leaders to facilitate collaboration in Strategic Sustainable Development: (1) Being Present, (2) Whole Self-Awareness, (3) Suspension & Letting Go, (4) Compassion, (5) Intention Aligned with Higher Purpose, (6) Whole System Awareness, (7) Personal Power, (8) Sense of Humour, and (9) Holding Dualities and Paradoxes. We identify a range of personal and collective practices that help develop these personal capacities. We propose these capacities are the foundation for a more holistic and authentic facilitation approach applied to strategic sustainable development.

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