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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Building blocks for validity : Contributing to a validity argument for high-stakes proficiency tests linked to the Common European Framework of Reference

Mantelli, Esther Rebecka January 2023 (has links)
Den Gemensamma Europeiska Referensramen för Språk (GERS) har haft en betydande inverkan påutvärderingen av språkkunskaper i Europa. Denna studie fokuserar på två nationellaspråkfärdighetstester med avgörande konsekvenser för testtagarna, vilkas utfärdade GERS-nivå kananvändas för antagning till utbildningsprogram, medborgarskap och certifiering i två olika europeiskaländer: CILS i Italien och Swedex i Sverige. Det som testerna avser testa och hur deras innehållåterspeglar detta analyseras i relation till GERS standardnivåer. I analysen fokuseras på inferensernaEvaluation och Explanation i Kanes (1992, 2002, 2013) och Chapelles m. fl. (2008, 2021)tolkningsargument (interpretative argument) som utgörs av sju olika inferenser som används för attanalysera de antaganden som görs om testtagarens språknivå vid tolkning av testresultat ochutvärdering av språktesters användbarhet (figur 1, s. 9, bilaga 2). Resultaten används som en del avett större validitetsargument för språktester kopplade till GERS för att underbygga antaganden omtesternas konstrukt och innehållsrelaterade validitet och konsekvenserna av testernas användning.Den genomgripande frågeställningen är hur den europeiska referensramen tillämpas mellan olikaspråkfärdighetstester och huruvida användningen av en gemensam referensram leder till en jämliktolkning och tillämpning av GERS standardnivåer och en rättvis europeisk språkbedömning. Genomanalysen utkristalliserar sig testernas starka och svaga punkter i relation till grunddokumentet GERS,och vilka sociala konsekvenser testernas användning kan medföra. Resultaten visar att testernauppvisar bristande innehållsvaliditet inom de undersökta områdena, samt att det förekommer faktorersom ligger utanför de konstrukt som testerna avser testa, vilka kan påverka testtagarens testprestation.

La langue chinoise du cyberespace et l'émergence de l'activité langagière d'interaction écrite synchrone et asynchrone en chinois / The Chinese language of the cyberspace and the emergence of the language activity "synchronous and asynchronous interactive writing " in Chinese

Shen, Hanjiao 09 April 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse aux spécificités du cyberlangage chinois et à une nouvelle activité langagière à l'œuvre à travers lui : l'interaction écrite dans le domaine de la didactique du chinois langue étrangère. Nous présentons le phénomène du cyberlangage chinois sous l'angle linguistique et culturel, qui se révèle être un paysage linguistique vivant et riche, avec irruption de néologismes, néographismes et de glissements de terrain grammaticaux. Nous traitons de la langue chinoise du cyberespace dans l'interaction écrite à travers les analyses textuelles et paratextuelles pour découvrir ses aspects discursifs, pragmatiques, interactionnels et culturels. Nous discutons également des spécificités et des présentations des identités virtuelles de la cybercommunauté chinoise. Les analyses des corpus servent à une finalité didactique : l'émergence d'une nouvelle activité « l'interaction écrite », qui est un des enjeux de cette thèse. À la lumière du CECRL, nous avons discuté de sa place dans la didactique des langues et de ses influences sur l'apprentissage, l'enseignement et l'évaluation dans la didactique du chinois langue étrangère. À cause de la spécificité de l'écriture de la langue chinoise, cette activité mérite un débat approfondi sur chaque aspect de la didactique du chinois langue étrangère. / This paper is interested in the specificities of Chinese cyberlanguage and a new language activity: interactive writing, in the field of Teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. We introduce the phenomenon of Chinese cyberlanguage from the linguistic and cultural angle, which proves to be a vivid and rich linguistic landscape with burst of the neologisms, the néographismes and the landslides of grammar. We discuss the Chinese language of cyberspace in interactive writing through the textual and paratextual analysis for discovering its discursive, pragmatic, interactional and cultural aspects. We discuss also the specificities and the presentations of the virtual identities of the Chinese cybercommunity. The analysis of corpus has a didactic purpose: the emergence of the new activity “interactive writing”, which is the final key of this paper. In light of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, we have discussed its place in the teaching of languages ​​and its influence on learning, teaching and assessment of teaching of Chinese as a foreign language. Because of the specificity of writing of Chinese language, this activity deserves a profound debate on every aspect of Teaching of Chinese as a foreign language.

Étude contrastive du langage publicitaire en français et en italien : approche linguistique et perspectives didactiques pour l’enseignement du français en Italie et de l’italien en France / A contrastive study of the language of advertising in French and Italian : linguistic approach and didactic perspectives for the teaching of French in Italy and Italian in France

Appetito, Paola 08 July 2016 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de recherche est d’élaborer une approche pédagogique renouvelée pour un enseignement du français et de l’italien comme langues étrangères qui utilise le support publicitaire. Pour cela, nous avons fait référence aux principaux travaux existant dans ce domaine et nous avons analysé les caractéristiques de la publicité dans une approche contrastive en français et en italien et dans une perspective didactique. L’étude de l’évolution des stratégies et des formes de codage du message publicitaire ainsi que de ces spécificités linguistiques, iconographiques et culturelles est mis au service d’une approche qui s’inscrit tant dans la dimension actionnelle, interculturelle et plurilingue prônée dans le CECRL que dans l’éducation aux médias recommandée par l’UE et présente dans les plans d’études des systèmes scolaires et universitaires français et italiens. Notre propos est à la fois de montrer les atouts d’une exploitation didactique de ce type de documents à plusieurs niveaux de compétence et pour différents publics et de prouver l’efficacité de certaines approches méthodologiques, notamment celles qui intègrent les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication et les outils numériques. Ce travail de recherche constitue le cadre général d’un vaste programme multimédia interculturel et interlinguistique pour l’enseignement de l’italien et du français qui aboutira à la creation d’un site ou d’un blog didactique offrant la possibilité de réaliser et répertorier de nouveaux scenarios pédagogiques dans le domaine de l’enseignement-apprentissage des langues étrangères en milieu scolaire et universitaire. / The purpose of this research work is to develop a renewed pedagogical approach which uses advertising as tool for the teaching of French and Italian as foreign languages. To this end, we have made reference to the major studies in this area, and we have analysed the characteristics of advertising adopting a contrastive approach in French and Italian and in a didactic perspective. The study of the evolution of the strategies and forms of encoding of the advertisements message – as well as the linguistic, iconographic and cultural peculiarities – is put at the service of an approach which places itself in an action-orientated, intercultural and plurilinguistic dimension. This approach – adopted in the educational plans of French and Italian schools and universities - meets both the recommendations of the CEFR and the media literacy endorsed by the EU. In addition to illustrate the advantages of a didactic exploitation of this type of documents at different levels of competence and for different users, our objective is also to prove the effectiveness of certain methodological approaches, especially those integrating new information and communication technologies and digital tools.This research work represents the general framework of an extended multimedia, intercultural and interlinguistic programme for the teaching of Italian and French and it will lead to the creation of a website or an educational blog, offering the opportunity to implement and catalogue new pedagogical scenarios in the field of teaching-learning of foreign languages in schools and universities.

Nivelación y frecuencia de las palabras de Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes : Una comparación entre el nivel de las palabras de Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes y su frecuencia en Corpus del Español del Siglo XXI (CORPES) / PCIC words and their order of frequency according to CORPES XXI

Haraldson, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC) es la versión española del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas (MCER). La meta con el estudio es investigar como son los niveles A1-C2 del PCIC desde una vista de la frecuencia de las palabras. Seleccionamos de distintos campos semánticos 318 palabras de 53 subgrupos y de los seis niveles A1-C2, para tener una amplia y fiable selección de datos. A continuación, para encontrar la frecuencia de las palabras se usa CORPES XXI, la versión 0.93 de 2021. En los resultados existe una grande superposición y desviación, y no hay límites claros que difieren los niveles A1-C2 entre sí. A pesar de esto, se puede concluir en general que una palabra del nivel A1 tiene una frecuencia más alta que una palabra de A2, que en su turno tiene más alta frecuencia que la de B1, y así sucesivamente, un descenso de frecuencia. Hemos visto un patrón general, de las medidas de tendencia central, que sirve como idea básica para calcular y concluir lo siguiente sobre las 318 palabras de este estudio: 74% de las palabras A1-A2 caben dentro de las 3 mil más frecuentes palabras. 81% de las palabras B1-B2 caben dentro de las 10 mil más frecuentes palabras, mientras 75% de las palabras C1-C2 caben dentro de las 17 mil más frecuentes palabras. En total, más de 90% de todas las palabras en el estudio caben dentro de las 20 mil palabras más frecuentes. Esta cantidad, 20 mil, sería a su vez una aproximación al vocabulario que pertenece al aprendiente de segunda lengua. / Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes (PCIC) is the Spanish version of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). The purpose of this study is to observe the A1-C2 levels of PCIC regarding the frequency of words. In PCIC, 318 words were selected from different semantic fields in 53 subgroups and the six levels A1-C2 to give a wide and reliable selection of data. Then, to find the frequency of the words, they were compared with CORPES XXI, version 0.93 from 2021.  The results show that there are no clear boundaries that separate the different levels A1-C2 from each other, they overlap, and there are large deviations and variations. Nevertheless, one can generally conclude that a word at A1 level has a higher frequency than a word in A2, which in turn has a higher frequency than in B1, and so on, a decrease in frequency. Using measures of central tendency, it was possible to distinguish a general pattern and calculate the following about the 318 words in this study: 74% of the A1-A2 words fit within the 3,000 most frequent words. 81% of the B1-B2 words fit within the 10,000 most frequent words, while 75% of the C1-C2 words fit within the 17,000 most frequent words. In total, over 90% of all words in the study fit within the 20,000 most frequent words. This number, 20,000, is possibly something close to the vocabulary that could be attributed to the second language learner.

Rozvíjení sociokulturní kompetence žáků a vybrané učebnice češtiny pro cizince / Developing socio-cultural competence of students and selected textbooks of Czech for foreigners

Skoumalová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The presented thesis focuses on the analysis of selected Czech for foreigners textbooks in terms of socio-cultural competence. In the first three chapters the term of socio-cultural competence is explained and its definition in the Common European Framework of Reference and in the descriptions of reference levels A1, A2, B1 and B2 for Czech is examined. Chapter four deals with a chosen research method - criteria catalogue. In chapter five selected textbooks (Česky, prosím I, Čeština pro cizince: Úroveň B1, Čeština pro cizince: Úroveň B2, Čeština pro středně a více pokročilé, Čeština pro život, Čeština pro život 2, Mluvme česky) are analyzed separately and in chapter six individual results of previous examinations are compared with regard to how the publications contribute to the development of socio-cultural competence of students. 1

Kvalitativní a kvantitativní parametry prezentace lexikální zásoby ve vybraných učebnicích češtiny pro cizince / Qualitative and quantitative parameters of the presentation of vocabulary in selected textbooks of Czech for foreigners

Ouřadová, Zdeňka January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims at the issue of teaching vocabulary and ways how it is processed in textbooks of Czech as a foreign language. Theoretical part of the thesis explains most important terms of language and linguistic didactics, describes the curriculum for teaching vocabulary in Czech as a foreign language and the role of textbooks in the educational process. Based on this information the research part analyzes a representative sample of textbooks of Czech as a foreign language. It compares its vocabulary with the appropriate level of vocabulary recommended by CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). Based on the findings of the analysis thesis provides recommendations for the practice of lingvistic didactics. Key words: vocabulary, teaching vocabulary, Czech as a foreign language, linguistic didactics, textbooks, textbooks of Czech as a foreign language, CEFR

La Evaluación De La Competencia Oral En Las Clases De Lenguas Extranjeras: Las Perspectivas De Los Instructores Y De Los Estudiantes

Milgie, Christine Marie 23 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Les compétences lexicales en arabe langue étrangère/seconde : analyse d'un corpus télévisuel syrien / Lexical skills in Arabic as a second or foreign language analysis of a Syrian television corpus : analysis of a Syrian television corpus

Al-Nassan, Abidrabbo 02 July 2016 (has links)
L’enseignement du lexique arabe à l’Institut supérieur des langues de Damas n’est pas encore à la hauteur des attentes de l’apprenant pour lui fournir une bonne connaissance lexicale. Les outils pour développer ce travail n’ont pas évolué dans les méthodes utilisées. Dans ces méthodes, on applique toujours l’approche classique du lexique. Cette approche n’est plus valable au moment où le critère de fonctionnalité lié à la notion de fréquence a commencé à avoir sa place dans la nouvelle conception du lexique. Ce projet de thèse vise donc à contribuer à l’enseignement de l’arabe langue étrangère à l'Institut supérieur des langues en profitant des recherches faites pour l'enseignement d’autres langues vivantes, et spécialement celles qui s’inscrivent dans le Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL). / Standard Arabic is actually the language of writing. The speeches made in the media and in some TV series are, in most cases, a literal restatement of visual coding of the language (text written in standard Arabic) in auditory coding (reading aloud the written text). Similarly, everyday Arabic does not have the same coding as Arabic that exists in the media, in books and in Arabic language courses. This gives the impression that the current teaching content is not suitable for a usage outside the language classroom.This thesis deals with the problem of the composition of the lexical content of textbooks of teaching Arabic L2 of Higher Language Institute of Damascus (Syria). A content that does not withdraw from standard norms (focus on the adaptation of a classic or moderne standard Arabic), but seeks to be as close as possible to the daily practice of language that is very rich in dialect. The current content represents the traditional approach of the lexicon, which focuses on the semantics of words and phrases while the communicative features of these language elements are little treated. The proposed analysisshows the weak points in the structure of textbooks now in use. It is based on the criteria of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the skill references of Niveaux pour le français that offer an approach batter adapted to the preparation of the lexicon in recent textbooks of teaching moderne languages. This analysis focuses on finding the crossing points in standard and spoken Arabic in Syria to build a route map that allows the learner an easy passage from what he learns in the Arabic language classroom to Arabic that is really practiced in everyday communications. It provides some solutions to reduce the gap between these two usages of Arabic.

Knížky prvního čtení a jejich modifikace pro výuku němčiny jako cizího jazyka / Viability of Using Erstlesebuch in Classes Teaching German as a Foreign Language

Brzková, Šárka January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the book genre Erstlesebuch (book for beginner readers) as educational material in the context of foreign language education at the levels of Basic Users (A0/1-A2). In the context of first language teaching, this specific genre belongs to the field of literature, the didactic of literature, and the didactic of reading. The goal of this diploma thesis is to present different possibilities of didactic activities with Erstlesebuch in the context of second language teaching and to formulate criteria for choosing an appropriate text. The theoretical part describes the context of foreign language education and the role of literature in this context, with consideration for the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The theoretical part also presents the specifics of the book genre Erstlesebuch itself. The empirical part of this thesis is based on several investigations: firstly on a complex analysis (readability and text structure) of six Erstlesebuch and secondly on empirical research in reading with schoolchildren at higher grades of an elementary school (children at the age of 13-15). These results are compared to the results of similar research done with Austrian beginner readers (children between the ages of 7 and 9). The final part of the thesis concludes...

Průřezové téma Multikulturní výchova v hodinách anglického jazyka / The Cross-curricular topic Multicultural Education in English classes

Hessová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
Abstract In our dissertation we address the needs rooting in the ongoing process of systematic efforts to improve the Czech educational system. Mainly, we focus on the question of how to implement the cross-curricular topic Multicultural Education into English language classes at lower and upper secondary schools. As Multicultural Education, along with the other cross-curricular topics, has become an obligatory and essential part of the reformed Czech curricula. The author of this dissertation is employed with the English Department at the Faculty of Education of The University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. That is why we aim to introduce the theoretical background and history of the cross-curricular topic Multicultural Education in the Czech educational system. Then, based on that theoretical background, we shall design and run a course at the Pedagogical faculty for our students (teachers-to-be) that will provide them with sufficient amount of theory. Within the course the students will be given enough practical examples of the implementation of Multicultural Education into English classes when combining cultural and linguistic aims and at the end of the course we will allow the students to design and try such a class during their peer teaching. We will also publish the results of the course for...

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