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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supercharge Your Journey : Mikrointeraktioner till er tjänst / Supercharge Your Journey : Microinteractions at Your Service

Nordenson, Anette, Nordqvist, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
För att klara Parisavtalets mål om att begränsa den globala uppvärmningen till 1,5 grader är transportsektorn en viktig faktor då den svarar för nära en fjärdedel av Europas växthusgasutsläpp. Användningen av energi från förnybara energikällor inom transport har ökat de senaste åren, med Sverige som bäst inom EU. Ökningen av elbilar i Sverige medför dock en belastning på nuvarande laddinfrastruktur. För att hitta laddplats kan bilens inbyggda navigator eller en navigeringstjänst som integreras med bilen via smartphone användas. Dessa alternativ fungerar dock först när resenären sitter i bilen, vilket gör att reseplanering i förväg försvåras. Denna studie undersöker hur planering och långresa med elbil kan underlättas via en tjänst som optimerar alternativa resvägar med stopp för snabbladdning. Studien genomfördes med mixade metoder och lades upp som en adaption av processen i Design Thinking. Genom funktionsanalys av fyra mobiltjänster nåddes insikt om att användare behöver ha god kännedom om fordonstekniska specifikationer för att tjänsterna ska fungera tillförlitligt. Med fokus på en aktivitets minsta beståndsdelar, beskrivna i Activity-centered design, formulerades ett lösningsförslag enligt principer funna i design av mikrointeraktioner. Den föreslagna lösningen i form av en digital prototyp utvärderades av sex deltagare genom en SUS (System Usability Scale)-enkät. Resultatet excellent är inte generaliserbart med tanke på det relativt sett låga deltagarantalet, men kan ändå antyda att elbilsresande kan förenklas via en mikrointeraktion där fordonets registreringsnummer anges för att automatiskt hämta fordonsdata. Sammantaget kan resultaten från studien bidra vid utveckling av tjänster för långresande med elbil riktade till en bredare allmänhet. Flera iterationer av designprocessen med observationer av användare, kvalitativa intervjuer och formativa utvärderingar skulle kunna ge bättre förståelse för användbarheten. / To reach the objectives of the Paris agreement, to limit global warming to 1,5 degrees, the transport sector is a key means by owing responsibility for nearly a quarter of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions. The use of sustainable sources of energy has increased significantly in the transport sector over the recent years, where Sweden places itself in the lead. Though, the increase of battery electrical vehicles (BEV) in Sweden causes a considerable strain on the present charging infrastructure. To find charging stations; the traveler might use the built-in navigation system in the car, or by integrating a navigation system via a smartphone. Nevertheless, these possibilities are limited to in-car use thus making beforehand route planning difficult. This thesis investigates how planning and conducting a long journey with a BEV could be simplified by a service that optimizes alternative routes with fast charging breaks. The study was conducted using mixed methods and built on an adaptation of the process in Design Thinking. By examining four mobile services via functional analysis, insight was given on the need for the traveler to have thorough knowledge of vehicle specific technical data for the services to perform trustworthy. With focus on an activity’s smallest components, described in Activity-centered design, a solution proposal was formulated according to principles found in design of microinteractions. The suggested solution in the shape of an interactive prototype was evaluated by six participants via a SUS (System Usability Scale)-survey. The result excellent cannot be generalized due to the limited numbers of participants, though it clearly suggests that travel by BEV could be simplified and facilitated by a microinteraction that uses the license plate number to retrieve vehicle specific data. The overall results from the study could support development of services for traveling with BEV, aimed for a broader public. Several iterations of the design process with observation of users, qualitative interviews and formative evaluations could bring deeper understanding for the usability.

PITEPULS : Så kan Piteå bli en attraktiv stad för musikstuderande

Franzén, Anna January 2022 (has links)
Studentantalet på Luleå Tekniska Universitet I Piteå har gått från hela 900 till 300 de senaste ca 12 åren. En trend som både Piteå kommun och LTU vill motarbeta, samtidigt som Piteå kommun vill öka antalet inflyttande till platsen. På uppdrag av det kommunala företaget Piteå Science Park så var därför målet med detta examensarbeteatt ta fram en lösning som både ökar intresset för de musikutbildningar som erbjuds på LTU i Piteå och Framnäs Folkhögskola samt uppmuntrar de studerande till att vilja bo kvar i staden efter avklarade studier. Examensarbetet ingår i utbildningen Teknisk design högskoleingenjör vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet. I projektet användes IDEOs Human-Centered design-process bestående av de tre faser inspiration, ideation och implementation. I varje fas användes ett antal metoder för att, på ett metodiskt och produktivt vis, utveckla ett koncept som uppfyllde de krav och önskemål som satts av uppdragsgivaren och målgruppen. Här genomfördes bland annat, en mängd intervjuer med både användare och experter, olika workshops för att ta fram och vidareutveckla idéer, insamling av inspiration med hjälp av metoden benchmarking och slutligen prototypande av konceptet. Under intervjuerna med användarna kom en hel del intressanta behov och önskemål fram, till exempel att de tyckte att det måste finnas fler och prisvärda aktiviteter i Piteå och att de inte besöker centrum oftare än 1 gång per vecka i snitt. Arbetet resulterade i slutkonceptet Pitepuls som är en eventhemsida där alla Piteås evenemang är samlade under ett och samma tak. Sidan innehåller event kopplade till kultur, sport, religion, och friluftsaktiviteter och skall vara tillgänglig för både studerande, fastboende och turister. Projektet genererade ett koncept som har potential att lyfta fram Piteå som eventstad och därmed öka dess attraktivitet, både bland unga vuxna men också bland fastboende och turister, samt att det därmed hjälper Framnäs och LTU Piteå att sticka ut bland mängden folkhögskolor och musikhögskolor.

Agile Project Management/Systems Engineering of an AV Interior Prototype

Clepper, Erin Grace January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Development of a Low-level laser therapy product for home use : With focus on function and aesthetic design

Sandström, Vendela, Klara, Westerberg January 2023 (has links)
Today, 27 out of 1000 individuals suffer from neck pain, affecting both individuals and society (Kazeminasab et al., 2022). These problems are most prevalent in the Scandinavian countries, with Sweden being one of the countries experiencing the greatest increase (Safiri et al., 2020). Non-invasive treatments for neck pain, such as low-level laser therapy, yoga, massage, aquatic therapy, and acupuncture, are already available in the market and have shown positive results (Kazeminasab et al., 2022). In this project, a handheld product with low-level laser therapy has been developed to reduce neck pain. The goal was to create a high-quality, safe, and reliable product that was aesthetically pleasing and could cover a premium market for home-use products. This thesis is produced at Luleå University of Technology in the spring semester of 2023 as a part of the Industrial Design Civil Engineering program. The project was conducted in collaboration with Ozoneair, a local company based in Luleå that specializes in producing air purifiers. The design process drew inspiration from IDEO's human-centered approach (2015) and incorporated various design methodologies to comprehend user requirements and develop a dependable product. The process encompassed three distinct phases, namely inspiration, ideation, and implementation, all of which centered around the target users. During the inspiration phase, user information was collected through contextual investigations, observations, interviews with experts, focus groups, and user testing of existing products in order to compile a comprehensive needs analysis. In the ideation phase, multiple concepts were generated and refined through iterative cycles of user testing, ultimately leading to the selection of a final concept. The chosen concept was realized in the implementation phase by creating of a digital prototype using Blender as a program, followed by the development of a full-scale physical prototype. The result is a clean and sleek product with a distinctive aesthetic that sets it apart in the market, diverging from the conventional sterile appearance often associated with medical devices. / Idag lider 27 av 1000 individer av nacksmärtor, vilket påverkar både individer och samhället i stort (Kazeminasab et al., 2022). Dessa problem är vanligast i de skandinaviska länderna, där Sverige är ett av de länder som upplever störst ökning (Safiri et al., 2020). Icke-invasiva behandlingar för nacksmärtor, såsom lågnivå laserterapi, yoga, massage, vattenterapi och akupunktur, finns redan på marknaden och har visat positiva resultat (Kazeminasab et al., 2022). I detta projekt har en handhållen produkt med low level laser thearpy utvecklats för att minska nacksmärtor. Målet var att skapa en högkvalitativ, säker och pålitlig produkt som är estetiskt tilltalande och som kan täcka en marknad för premiumprodukter för hemmabruk.  Detta examensarbete är framtaget vid Luleå tekniska universitet vårterminen 2023, som en del av civilingenjörsprogrammet Teknisk design. Projektet genomfördes i samarbete med Ozoneair, ett Luleåbaserat företag specialiserat på luftrenare. Designprocessen inspirerades av IDEOs (2015) människocentrerade process och inkluderade flera designmetoder för att förstå användarnas behov och skapa en pålitlig produkt. Processen bestod av tre faser: inspiration, idé och implementering, som alla fokuserade på potentiella användare. Inspirationsfasen gick ut på att samla information om användare genom kontextuella undersökningar, observationer, expertintervjuer, fokusgrupper och användartester av befintliga produkter, för att sedan sammanställa en behovsanalys. I idéfasen skapades och itererades olika koncept utifrån mindre användartester, vilket ledde fram till valet av ett slutgiltigt koncept. I implementeringsfasen väcktes konceptet till liv genom en digital prototyp i programmet Blender och en fullskalig fysisk prototyp. Slutprodukten är minimalistisk och avskalad, med ett unikt utseende som sticker ut på marknaden och utmärker sig från det klassiska sterila uttryck som medicintekniska produkter förknippas med.

Konceptstudie för nästa version Brand- och räddningsinstruktion / Concept study for the next version Fire and Rescue Instruction

Jakobsson, Julia, Larsson, Elin January 2016 (has links)
För att brandmännen på flygplatser ska känna sig trygga när olyckan är framme är det viktigt att de får den information som krävs för att veta hur de ska agera när en flygfarkost kraschar. Utöver att vara ett stöd vid skarpa lägen ska Brand- och räddningsinstruktionen, BRI, vara ett läromedel i brandmännens utbildning och ett komplement under resten av deras yrkesliv. Dagens BRI uppfattas av användarna som en tråkig hemsida som inte är anpassad för dem, därför handlar detta examensarbete om hur BRI bör utformas för att vara användbar, samt bidra till lärande och en god användarupplevelse. Detta arbete har varit en iterativ användarcentrerad designprocess. Arbetet började med en kontextuell undersökning hos användaren för att fastställa deras behov. Utifrån dessa behov resulterade arbetet i ett förslag på ett grafiskt användargränssnitt som följer Saabs grafiska profil och som genom tester visar sig uppfylla användarnas centrala behov. Det visualiserades med en interaktiv prototyp. Genom att strukturera visualiseringarna med tillhörande text, se till att ingen information är dold och tillämpa en konsekvent navigeringsstruktur påverkas användarupplevelsen positivt. Denna studie har identifierat vikten av samspelet mellan information och visualisering för att främja användbarhet och inlärning. / When accidents happen it’s important that the airport's fire fighters feel safe with the knowledge that they have. This is why it’s important that they receive the information that is needed so that they know how to act when an aircraft crashes. In addition to being an aid during critical situations the Fire and Rescue Instruction, FRI, is a digital data bank, which is used to educate new fire fighters, and also to keep fully trained fire fighters up to date. Users perceive the FRI as a boring website which isn't designed for them. Which is why this master thesis will investigate how the FRI should be designed to improve the user experience and increase the learning effect. The process, which has been implemented during this thesis, is an iterative user-centered design process. The work began with a contextual inquiry to determine the users' needs. Their needs were then used to develop a user interface concept that followed Saab's graphic profile. The users’ then evaluated the concept to make sure that it met the users' key requirements. The concept was visualized with an interactive prototype. A positive user experience can be accomplished by structuring the visualizations with its corresponding text, you should also ensure that no information is concealed and apply a consistent navigation structure. This study has identified the importance of the interaction between information and visualizations to promote the learning effect and usability.


Sublette, Michelle A. 01 January 2017 (has links)
Much of the research on metacognition in human factors has focused on prescriptive, normative strategy training. That is, many researchers have concentrated their efforts on finding ways to improve system users’ prediction, planning, monitoring and evaluation strategies for tasks. However little research has focused on the strategies and heuristics users employ on their own to make usability predictions. Understanding usability prediction methods is critical because users’ predictions inform their expectations about whether they will make errors using a product, how much effort they will need to expend to be successful in using the product, whether they can perform two tasks successfully at the same time, whether the costs of learning to use a device are worth the benefits of using it, which tools will assist in accomplishing goals and which tools will make performing the same task more difficult. The following study aims to identify the specific strategies people use to make usability predictions about product designs. From these strategies a set of guidelines, for designers who wish to ensure users’ expectations meet post hoc usability assessments, were proposed. The study was completed in two phases. During the first phase of this study, prediction strategies were elicited by 1) asking participants to make routine product usability judgments, from which implicit strategies can be inferred, and by 2) using explicit free-response methods. Judgments were analyzed using multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) methods to establish the number of dimensions that are implicitly used to predict usability. Subject matter experts (SMEs) coded free-response strategies using coding schemes developed in a pilot study. SMEs will also matched user strategies to formal, professional usability standards. The outcome of Phase 1 was usability taxonomy for classifying usability strategies that includes both expert and user language. The procedure was repeated with three different product design classes to determine how strategies differ as a function of the to-be-judged product. During the second phase of the study, a new group of participants rated specific usability attributes of designs to validate the strategies collected from users’ free-responses in Phase 1. Attributes were selected based on the strategies discovered in Phase 1. These usability attribute ratings helped to inform interpretations of the dimensions of the MDS model generated in Phase 1 and provided input into defining the usability attributes that influenced usability predictions. Results of this study reveal that the type design class participants evaluated had a significant effect on the type of strategy participants used to make their a priori usability assessments (UAs). Participants reported using “complexity” or “organization” most often to predict the usability of cookbooks. Participants reported using “mental simulation” or “typicality/familiarity” most often for predicting the usability of drinking glasses. Participants reported using “complexity,” “organization,” and to a lesser extent “typicality/familiarity,” and “mental simulation” as strategies for predicting the usability of cooktops. MDS methods were used to uncover the underlying dimension of the UA space. For drinking glasses, the “fanciness” and “holdability” were associated with UAs. For cooktops, “the number of controls” and whether participants believed “it was easy to understand how each burner was controlled” were associated with making UAs. And for cookbooks, “the length of the instructions” and “poor contrast of the text with the background” were associated with UAs. Overall, there is evidence that at least some participants in Phase 2 used terminology that was consistent with the terminology people used to describe the designs during Phase 1 and that these were congruent with the uncovered strategies.

Beröringsskydd för elskena : Utveckling med användaren i centrum

Nordgren, Johan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is the final assignment for a bachelor degree in Industrial Design Engineering via Luleå University of Technology. The project comprises 15hp and has been carried out in collaboration with MECON AB in Luleå, which works with construction, among other things. This report contains the development process of a touch guard for the power rails that runs along a traverse path. The task of the touch guard is to protect the staff at SSAB from risks that may arise if something falls on the power rails. Objects such as a wrench could create short circuits and be pushed off by the current in the electrical rails with high speed causing a hazard. The work is based on IDEO- the field guide to human-centered design, which is a human-centered process with three phases. In this case, the installer is the user. It is the installer who is affected by how easily mounted the touch guard is. Therefore, in order to design a user-friendly touch protection, an understanding of the user and its needs is required. By collecting information using interviews, observations, study visits and a literature study, a design specification could be created. This was then the basis for the remaining work that led to a bracket and three versions of the protection plates. Together with the users and the stakeholders, a final concept was chosen that fulfills the design specification. The report presents the process and its steps leading to a final concept. Later, the results are discussed and how well the work fulfilled the purpose and goals, and whether the work answered the research questions. / Detta examensarbete är utförts som den avslutande uppgiften för programmet högskoleingenjör Teknisk Design på Luleå Tekniska Universitet. Examensarbetet omfattar 15 högskolepoäng och har utförts i samarbete med MECON AB i Luleå som arbetar med bland annat konstruktion. Rapporten behandlar utvecklingen av ett beröringsskydd för en elskena som löper längs en traversbana. Beröringsskyddets uppgift är att skydda personalen på SSAB från risker som kan uppstå om någonting faller ned på elskenorna. Föremål som till exempel en skiftnyckel skulle kunna skapa kortslutning och skjutas iväg av strömmen i elskenorna. Arbetet utgår från IDEO-the field guide to human-centered design, som är en användarcentrerad process med tre faser. I detta arbete är det montören som är användaren. Det är montören som är berörd av hur lättmonterat beröringsskyddet är. För att kunna utforma ett användarvänligt beröringsskydd krävs därför en förståelse för användaren och dess behov. Genom att samla in information med hjälp av intervjuer, observationer, studiebesök och en litteraturstudie kunde en designspecifikation skapas. Denna låg då till grund till resterande arbete som ledde till ett fäste och tre stycken skyddsplåtar. Tillsammans med användarna och intressenterna valdes ett slutgiltigt koncept som uppfyller designspecifikationen. Rapporten redovisar processen och dess moment som leder till ett slutligt koncept. Senare diskuteras resultatet och hur väl arbetet uppfyllde syfte och mål, samt om arbetet besvarade frågeställningen.

(Re)Constructing the Professional Formation of Engineers: A Human-Centered Model of Communication Design

David H. Torres (5930330) 14 May 2019 (has links)
<div>This study introduced a design-inspired approach to unpack problems of professional formation</div><div>of engineers: 1) the gap between what students learn in universities and what they practice upon</div><div>graduation; 2) the perception that engineering is solely technical, math, and theory oriented; and</div><div>3) the lack of diversity and inclusion (incorporation of difference in perspectives, values, and</div><div>ways of thinking and being engineers) in many engineering programs. The current project</div><div>investigated the discursive practices and institutional processes that contributed to or inhibited</div><div>innovative and inclusive professional formation within an undergraduate engineering setting.</div><div>Specifically, this project showed how Grounded Practical Theory (GPT), Communication as</div><div>Design (CaD), and Human-Centered Design (HCD) offer alternative pathways to conceptualize</div><div>the processes of professional formation.</div><div><br></div><div><div>The context for this study involved the professional formation of engineers at a School of</div><div>Biomedical Engineering (BME) at a large, Midwestern university. Participants for this study</div><div>included undergraduate students and faculty, staff, and administration (FSA). Semi-structured</div><div>interview data was collected and explored participants’ descriptions, accounts, and experiences</div><div>related to professional engineering formation in BME. Data collection included 33 total</div><div>interviews including 15 FSA and 18 student interviews. The study involved an empirical</div><div>examination of discursive practices that invoked, reproduced, and maintained discourses of</div><div>professional engineering at the BME school.</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>Based on insights gained from the empirical examination of discursive practices, a GPT</div><div>framework was applied to examine conflicts in professional formation, strategies participants</div><div>used to overcome these challenges, and the underlying rationale for these strategies. Specifically, the goal of gaining a broad knowledge base—incorporating expertise across various engineering</div><div>and science disciplines—often can come at the expense of realizing specific application and</div><div>technical know-how. For many participants, both goals were critical for becoming a professional</div><div>biomedical engineer but often times blocked a discourse of professional formation that was</div><div>innovative and inclusive. Participants revealed that a standard lecture curriculum influenced this</div><div>tension, in many cases for the worse. However, findings suggested that strategies for overcoming</div><div>these conflicts were by integrating lecture curricula with more active learning formats (e.g.,</div><div>undergraduate research, lab participation). Moreover, findings showed how standard lecture</div><div>communication designs shaped and maintained a discourse community more likely to emphasize</div><div>understanding engineering as a science and also gaining a broad knowledge base often times at</div><div>the expense of realizing specific application and technical know-how.</div></div><div><br></div><div><div>This study’s analysis offers several theoretical contributions. First, GPT pointed to the deeply</div><div>integrated relationship between the ontological and epistemological foundations of biomedical</div><div>engineering professional formation. That is, becoming a biomedical engineer meant having</div><div>knowledge of several sets of disciplinary expertise while also understanding when and how to</div><div>enact this knowledge in practice. Second, professional formation designs for communication</div><div>(e.g., lecture designs, active learning designs) presupposed something about the recurrent</div><div>practices held within the school and how these recurrent practices constituted professional</div><div>ontology and epistemology in ways that were both enabling and problematic, Third, and from a</div><div>HCD perspective, exploring designs for communication brought to life the ways participants,</div><div>through interactivity, actively designed discourses of professional formation in an attempt to</div><div>achieve and meet their epistemological and ontological goals.</div></div>

Redesigning CATME's Web Interface to Improve User Experience

Youngeun Kang (6639878) 14 May 2019 (has links)
CATME (Comprehensive Assessment of Team Member Effectiveness) is a web-based platform that is intended to improve team experiences for students and faculty in higher education. The goal of this study is to redesign the user interface for CATME employing User-centered Design (UCD) framework. The design process consists of four phases: discover, define, develop, and validate. This study examines the current website to discover potential usability problems by conducting different methodology. Then it moves into robust user research to define the user’s pain points need to be addressed to improve user experience. In order to tackle the usability issues, design solutions are created and evaluated with real users. The result of the study is redesigned UI (user interface) for CATME’s three key pages, the homepage, activity wizard, and data dashboard.

O design na indústria da moda no Brasil no século XXI: uma proposta de design colaborativo / Design in the fashion industry in Brazil in the 21st century: a proposal of collaborative design

Araujo, Giselle da Costa 28 August 2017 (has links)
Essa dissertação está fundamentada em experiência de atuação no mercado da moda e em elementos históricos sobre a indústria têxtil e de confecção, nas duas últimas décadas do século XX e nas primeiras décadas do século XXI. Ela pretende contextualizar a questão do design de moda neste tempo globalizado sob o ponto de vista do olhar interdisciplinar de uma engenheira têxtil e designer de moda. Questiona-se aqui o dilema vivido pelos jovens designers, seus pares dentro das organizações em que atuam e alguns pontos da realidade da prática do design dentro das empresas de vestuário no Brasil. Nesse contexto, se discute a importância de redefinir o processo de desenvolvimento das coleções, o papel do designer de moda e de viabilizar o diálogo entre os diferentes sujeitos do processo de criação, durante o ciclo de vida de desenvolvimento do produto, a partir da sua conceituação a sua execução. Por fim, o estudo apresenta uma proposta de design integrado e interdisciplinar para a indústria da moda por meio de plataformas colaborativas, utilizando como referencial as teorias de design centrado no usuário e a participação em projetos de transformação por meio de Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) em empresas de confecção no Brasil / This study is based in the actual experience of the author in the fashion market and refers to historical elements of the Brazilian Textile and Clothing industry. The impact of the globalized moment on the intricated context of Brazils contemporary fashion is approached in an exploratory manner through the point of view of a textile engineer and fashion designer. The dilemma faced by young designers when practicing design and their relationships with peers is discussed with the aim of introducing best practices inside the Apparel Industry of Brazil. It is relevant to discuss the role of the fashion designer as well as to investigate the product development processes in the Brazilian companies to stimulate dialogues between the different actors involved in the product development cycle, from concept to execution. The study proposes an integrated and interdisciplinary method of user centered design by means of collaborative platforms of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) in Change Management Projects for Brazilian Apparel Industries

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