Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chronicles"" "subject:"chronic""
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Dire et représenter le vrai dans les chroniques et les romans chevaleresques catalans : Comparaison des chroniques de Bernat Desclot et Ramon Muntaner et des romans « Tirant lo Blanc » et « Curial e Güelfa » / The concept of truth in the Catalan chronicles and chivalric novels : Comparison betwenn the chronicles of Desclot ant Muntaner ant the novels « Tirant lo Blanc » and « Curial e Güelfa »Dareys, Vincent 13 January 2012 (has links)
Notre étude comporte deux axes principaux : premièrement, une réflexion sur la signification de la notion de vérité pour les auteurs médiévaux des textes de notre corpus, historiens des XIIIe et XIVe siècles et romanciers du XVe, et sur la perception de cette signification par la critique actuelle; deuxièmement, une étude des rapports qu'entretiennent ces différentes œuvres, qui présentent une symétrie particulière du fait de la reprise de motifs caractéristiques de chacune des chroniques par chacun des romans. Ces deux axes sont mêlés et doivent s'éclairer mutuellement. Nous commençons par une approche sémantique de la notion dans les œuvres, par un repérage des problématiques concernées par notre sujet (littérature et réalité, distinction entre histoire et fiction au moyen âge, particularités du contexte culturel), et par une discussion des interprétations de la critique au sujet de la véridicité des œuvres. Nous recherchons ensuite dans la structure narrative de chacune des œuvres un rapport avec une conception commune de la notion de vérité, ce qui n'implique pas une même intentionnalité. Au contraire, ayant mis en évidence une référence commune à une certaine apparence de vérité, nous tâchons de mesurer la part de fictionnalisation et de parodie que ces œuvres comportent, à des degrés divers. Nous proposons ainsi une lecture des chroniques littéraire plutôt qu'historienne, et une conception de la reprise des chroniques par les romans comme parodie du discours historique. / Our study follows two main lines: first, a reflection on the understanding of the concept of truth by the medieval authors of the texts of our corpus, historians of the 13th and 14th centuries and novelists of the 15th century, and on how contemporary critics perceive this understanding; second, a study of the relations between these different texts which show a particular parallelism since some characteristic features of each chronicle are taken up in each novel. The two lines constantly cross and must throw light on each other. We begin with a semantic approach to the concept of truth in the texts, and then with a look into the issues related to the theme (litterature and reality, distinction between history and fiction in the Middlle Ages, particularities of the cultural context), and a discussion of critical interpretations of the veridicality of the texts. Then, in the narrative structure of each text of the corpus, we look for a relation with a common conception of the notion of truth, wich doesn't imply they have the same intentionality. On the contrary, after pointing out a common reference to a certain appearance of truth, we try to determine the levels of fictionalisation and parody in the different texts. So, we present a literary, rather than historical, reading of the chronicles, and a conception of the reuse of the chronicles by the novels as a parody of the historical discourse.
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Intercultural sensitivity through the mass-mediated lens : understanding DMIS levels in newspaper editorials in regards to same-sex marriageSol, Nicole Inez 01 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Telling the Story of Mexican Migration: Chronicle, Literature, and Film from the Post-Gatekeeper PeriodBrown, Ruth 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study examines how the social process of undocumented Mexican migration is interpreted in the chronicle, literature, and film of the post-Gatekeeper period, which is defined here at 1994-2008. Bounded on one side by the Mexican economic crisis of 1994, and increased border security measures begun in that same year, and on the other by the advent of the global economic crisis of 2008, the post-Gatkeeper period represents a time in which undocumented migration through the southern U.S. border reached unprecedented levels. The dramatic, tragic, and compelling stories that emerged from this period have been retold and interpreted from a variety of perspectives that have produced distinct, and often paradoxical, images of the figure of the undocumented migrant. Creative narrative responds to this critical point in the history of Mexican migration to the U.S.by applying the inherently subjective and mediated form of artistic interpretation to a social reality well documented by the media, historians, and social scientists. Throughout the chronicle, literature, and film of this period, migration is understood as a cultural tradition inspired by regional history. These stories place their undocumented protagonists on a narrative trajectory that transforms migration into a heroic quest for personal and community renewal. Such imagery positions the undocumented migrant as an active agent of change and provides discursive visibility to a figure often represented, in media and political rhetoric of the period, as an anonymous, collective Other. Filtered through this creative lens, migration is revealed as a complex social process in which individual experience is informed not only by personal ambition, but also by the expectations of the home community and its culture of migration. The creative works examined here foreground the history, motivation, and experience of their migrant protagonists in relation to the socio-historical context of this period. In doing so, they compose tales of migration in which the figure of the undocumented migrant plays a primary role, one informed not only by the experience of migration, but also by personal and community history.
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Cosma, Octavian Lazár: The Romanian Music Chronicle vol. I (1973) - vol. IX (1991) [Rezension]21 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The nine volumes of the "Romanian Music Chronicle", printed by the Music Publishing Hause, Bucharest, in 20 years (1973-1991) are the fruit of an extremely elaborated investigation, that broke all the walls that tried to hide this real patrimony of spirituality. The author, Octavian Lazar Cosma, shouldered the responsibility of a difficult cultural mission to establish the main points of the Romanian music evolution during these two millennia.
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Chroniqueurs citadins et nouveaux pouvoirs en Émilie-Romagne (vers 1300 - vers 1500) / Power and City’s Chroniclers in Emilia-Romagna (ca.1300-ca.1500) / Cronisti cittadini e potere nell’Emilia-Romagna (c.1300-c.1500)Bouchet, Serge 29 November 2011 (has links)
L’Émilie-Romagne, entre offensives seigneuriales et réaffirmation des prérogatives pontificales, connaît une abondante production historique citadine du XIVe siècle aux deux premières décennies du XVIe siècle. La transformation de l'écriture de l'histoire et la sensibilité des chroniqueurs sont analysées à partir de soixante-dix chroniques issues de Rimini, Césène, Forli, Bologne, Modène, Reggio Emilia et Ferrare.Après avoir présenté les auteurs, la forme des textes et leur évolution, l’étude expose les enjeux politiques des histoires des origines. L'espace est ensuite considéré afin de préciser le regard porté par ces chroniqueurs sur leur cité et, de là, sur l’espace régional et sur le monde. Les images ouvrent une autre dimension de la pensée des auteurs. Les messages des dessins insérés dans les manuscrits ainsi que l’iconographie des marges, la communication par l’image dans la ville et les icônes du pouvoir sont ainsi interprétés. L’analyse du discours tenu sur les hommes de pouvoir complète l’approche permettant d’appréhender les clichés, les critiques et les représentations des auteurs. Les manifestations du pouvoir viennent clore l’étude. L’évocation de la ville et de la société par les chroniqueurs écrivant entre la fin du XVe siècle et le XVIe siècle, est abordée pour finir. / From the 14th century to the first two decades of the 16th century, vast historical urban expansion took place in Emilia-Romagna, mainly due to offensives by lords and the reassertion of pontifical prerogatives. The aim of the paper is to analyze the evolution of the way history is told by chroniclers as well as their sensibilities. For this, we focused on seventy chronicles written in Rimini, Cesena, Forli, Bologna, Modena, Reggio-Emilia and Ferrara. First, the authors, the outline of the texts and their evolution are presented. Then the paper sheds light on the political stakes behind the original stories. Subsequently, the geographical location of the chroniclers is considered to analyze their points of view on their cities and, more widely, on the world. Images lead to other considerations: messages of the drawings inserted in the manuscripts, margin iconography, visual communication in the city, and icons of the power. Analysis of the descriptions of power holders gives an overview of the chroniclers’ criticisms and praises. Finally we reveal how the city and the societies in transformation are evoked in the 15th and 16th centuries. / L’Emilia Romagna, tra offensive delle signorie e riaffermazione delle prerogative pontifice, conosce una abbondante produzione storica cittadina dal XIV secolo fino ai primi due decenni del XVI secolo. La trasformazione della scrittura della storia e la sensibilità dei cronisti sono analizzati a partire dalle settanta cronache redatte a Rimini, a Cesena, Forlì, Bologna, Modena, Reggio Emilia e Ferrara. Dopo aver presentato gli autori, la forma dei testi e la loro evoluzione, lo studio espone le scommesse (o poste) politiche delle storie delle origini. Lo spazio è poi considerato per precisare lo sguardo che questi cronisti rivolgono alla loro città e, di qui, sullo spazio della loro regione e sul mondo. Le immagini autorizzano inoltre altre considerazioni. Vengono interpretati i messaggi veicolati dai disegni inseriti nei manoscritti, l’iconografia dei margini, la comunicazione attraverso l’immagine nella città e le icone del potere. L’analisi del discorso tenuto sugli uomini di potere completa l’approccio permettendo di cogliere critiche e lodi dei cronisti. Viene affrontata, poi, la rievocazione della città e di una società in trasformazione fatta dagli autori che scrivono tra la fine del XV e il XVI secolo.
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[pt] Esta tese tem como objetivo reivindicar a qualidade da obra cronística do
escritor português António Lobo Antunes, que se encontra marginalizada em
relação aos seus romances. Após uma abordagem teórica e crítica ao gênero
crônica, a tese foca no grupo de crônicas em que António Lobo Antunes encena
uma escrita de natureza autobiográfica. A partir de levantamento teórico e trechos
das crônicas, a tese analisa o papel da leitura e da escrita, os mecanismos de
encenação da memória, a relação entre biografia e literatura, e temas caros ao
universo do escritor português como sua infância em Benfica, a Guerra Colonial,
particularmente em Angola; e também velhice e esquecimento, os processos
mnemônicos por meio de heranças e fotografias, e o poder da literatura diante da
morte e da banalidade. / [en] This thesis aims to spotlight the quality of the crônicas ouvre of Portuguese
writer António Lobo Antunes, which is overshadowed by his novels output, with
the proposal of organizing it in three themes. After a close reading of the critic
fortune on crônicas genre, the thesis focuses in the crônicas that António Lobo
Antunes exercises an autobiographical writing. Following some theories and
fragments from crônicas, the thesis analyses the mission of literature and writing,
the mechanisms of memorialistic writing, the relation between biography and
literature, and some regular themes of Lobo Antunes’ oeuvre as his childhood in
Benfica, the Colonial War, specifically in Angola; and also oldness and oblivion,
the mnemonics processes tha works from heritages and pictures, the power of
literature facing death and banality.
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Tempo e artista: Chico Buarque, avaliador de nossa cotidianidade / Time and artist: Chico Buarque, evaluator of our everydaynessAguiar, Miriam Bevilacqua 19 September 2014 (has links)
A tese Tempo e Artista. Chico Buarque, avaliador de nossa cotidianidade analisa, dentre as canções que fazem parte da obra musical do compositor Francisco Buarque de Hollanda, aquelas que abordam o cotidiano. O objetivo desta tese é demonstrar como essas canções, mais do que retratarem o cotidiano, também avaliam o dia a dia da sociedade brasileira criando ou destacando ideias e conceitos que são aceitos por uma grande parcela da população nacional entre as décadas de 60 até os anos 2000. Esta pesquisa também busca evidenciar como as letras das músicas compostas pelo artista se assemelham a crônicas, tanto pela estrutura do texto, como em virtude da escolha das temáticas e do compromisso com a realidade em que as mesmas surgem. O percurso deste trabalho iniciou-se com a contextualização da vida e obra do compositor, seguida por uma extensa investigação e captura nos principais veículos de comunicação da época, o que permitiu constatar como a credibilidade do artista foi sendo construída e fortalecida, a ponto do compositor ser considerado praticamente uma unanimidade, tanto entre as camadas mais instruídas da população como também pelos segmentos mais populares, que admiravam o samba buarqueano. Desta forma, autor de uma obra diferenciada, Chico Buarque obteve o endosso para ser o avaliador de nossa cotidianidade. A análise de um total de 24 canções representativas das cinco décadas possibilitou destacar como a poética buarqueana foi delineada e quais os temas que o compositor pinçava ao cotidiano. Finalmente, este estudo espera ter conseguido comprovar como a obra musical de Chico Buarque mostrou, avaliou e interferiu no cotidiano brasileiro. / The thesis Time and Artist: Chico Buarque, evaluator of our everydayness analyzes, among the songs that figure in the musical work of the composer Francisco Buarque de Hollanda, those that approach the everyday life. The objective of this thesis is to show how these songs, more than portraying the everyday life, also evaluate the day-by-day of the Brazilian society by either creating or highlighting ideas and concepts accepted by a large part of the national population from the 1960s to the 2000s. This research also intends to provide evidence of how the artist\'s lyrics resemble chronicles, both for text structure as well as for the selection of themes and engagement with the reality in which these songs arise. The process of this work started with the contextualization of the composer\'s life and work, followed by an extensive investigation and capture in the main communication vehicles at the time. Such process allowed verifying how the artist\'s credibility was built and strengthened up to a level of the author being considered an unanimity, both in the most educated segments of the population as well as among the most popular ones that admired the samba of Chico Buarque. In this sense, as the creator of a unique work, Chico Buarque was empowered to be the evaluator of our everydayness. The analysis of a total of 24 songs representing five decades made possible to emphasize how the poetics of Chico Buarque was designed and which themes he selected from ordinary life. Finally, this study expects to have confirmed how the musical work of Chico Buarque revealed, evaluated and interfered in the Brazilian everyday reality.
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Paulo Mendes Campos: crônicas de sol e domingo azul / Paulo Mendes Campos: sun and blue Sunday chroniclesSoares, Claudio Luis de Oliveira 25 October 2012 (has links)
O trabalho discute os traços fundamentais da poética do cronista Paulo Mendes Campos (1922-1991). Para isso, analisa em primeiro lugar a característica híbrida da crônica brasileira contemporânea, produto jornalístico e ao mesmo tempo literário. A pesquisa evoca estudos que debatem o conceito de literatura, destacando a dificuldade de uma definição para o termo que tenha aplicação universal. Em seguida, refuta a caracterização da crônica como gênero menor, tomando como base estudos literários contemporâneos que modificaram o entendimento sobre a própria noção de gêneros. A pesquisa aborda ainda as relações entre literatura e realidade social, questão importante, entre outros motivos, porque a crônica mantém uma vinculação com o noticiário jornalístico. Ao realizar a descrição tipológica da crônica, o trabalho parte do pressuposto de que se trata de um produto da modernidade, do universo dos meios de comunicação de massa, como o jornal e a revista. Simultaneamente, trata-se de um gênero de fronteira, que assume formas de outros gêneros, como o ensaio e o poema em prosa. Para a caracterização da poética de Paulo Mendes Campos, foram analisadas dez crônicas pertencentes ao livro O cego de Ipanema. O estudo desdobrou-se nos aspectos líricos, estilísticos e narrativos da obra do autor. Uma das conclusões é a de que, em suas crônicas, a persistência dos termos sol, domingo e azul confere-lhes significados singulares, não necessariamente coincidentes com os significados usuais. Em virtude disso, o trabalho caracteriza-o como autor de crônicas de sol e domingo azul, expressão que dá título ao estudo. / The work discusses the main features of the poetic of Paulo Mendes Campos (1922-1991) as a chronicle author. For that, it analyses firstly the hybrid aspect of the contemporary Brazilian chronicle, a journalistic product and, at the same time, a literary one. The research evokes studies that debate the concept of literature, bringing out the difficulty of a definition to the term that could be universally applied. Next, it refutes the characterization of the chronicle as a minor genre, taking for basis contemporary literary studies that have modified the understanding of the notion of genre itself. The research tackles the relation between literature and social reality, an important question, among others reasons, because the chronicle keeps a bond with journalistic news. By executing the typological description of the chronicle, the work takes as presumption that it is a product of modernity, of the universe of the mass communication means, as the newspaper and the magazine. Simultaneously, it is a frontier genre, that takes other genres forms, like the essay and the poem in prose. To the characterization of Paulo Mendes Campos poetic, ten chronicles belonging to the book O cego de Ipanema (The blind from Ipanema) were considered. The study devoted itself to the lyric, stylistic and narrative aspects of the authors work. One of the conclusions is that, in his chronicles, the persistence of the terms sol (sun), domingo (Sunday) and azul (blue) gives them singular meanings, not necessarily coincident with the usual meanings. For this reason, the work characterizes him as author of sun and blue Sunday chronicles, expression that gives title to the study.
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A crônica de Cecília Meireles: uma viagem pela ponte de vidro do arco-íris / The chronicle of Cecília Meireles: a travel by the glass bridge of the rainbowAlves, Daniela Utescher 28 February 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva oferecer uma visão de totalidade da crônica produzida por Cecília Meireles e indicar caminhos que permitam compreender as linhas de continuidade traçadas entre os diversos momentos de seu fazer jornalístico, desde o das contribuições ainda na década de 20 para o Jornal; passando pelos Comentários escritos para o Diário de Notícias no início dos anos 30 e permeando todo o longo percurso desenvolvido pela artista nos vários periódicos com os quais manteve vínculos na década de 40 durante a qual trabalhou com vigor tanto conteúdos autobiográficos quanto o desconcerto do mundo em guerra e nas duas décadas seguintes em que assumiu com progressiva nitidez o papel de cronista de viagem. Ao explorar a arte, a educação e a espiritualidade como os elementos organizadores da integralidade dessa produção, seu escopo inclui ainda a pretensão de demonstrar a unidade do projeto literário da autora, através da aproximação entre o ideário expresso com clareza nos veículos de comunicação de massa e o subjacente à sofisticada elaboração de linguagem na poesia. / The purpose of this work is to offer a vision of the entirety of the chronicle produced by Cecília Meireles and recommend ways to understand the lines of continuity drawn among the various times of her journalistic work, from her contributions still in the 1920s to o Jornal, passing through the commentaries written for Diário de Notícias in the early 30s and delving into the entire long trajectory developed by the artist in the various periodicals she maintained ties with in the 40s during which she worked with vigor on autobiographical content as well as the disturbance of a world at war and in the next two decades during which she assumed the role of travel columnist with increasing clarity. By exploring art, education and spirituality as the organizing elements of the wholeness of this effort, its scope also includes the intention to show the unity of the author\'s literary project by bringing together the body of ideas clearly expressed in the mass media and underlying the sophisticated elaboration of language in poetry.
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O processo de referenciação na leitura de crônicasSantos, Viviane Dias dos 25 October 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-10-25 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This dissertation is in the field of reading, writing and portuguese language teaching whose topic is the study of chronicle reading referentiation process. From the idea that the referentiation process may be constituted as strategies which collaborate with the reading comprehension and with an independent and critical reader education, the objective is to check how the referentiation strategies are built up and assure the textual development as well as point out the text clincher orientation. For this, the research fundamentals are found in studies of reading and reading comprehension strategies by Van Dijk (2004), Koch (1997, 2004, 2008a, 2008b, 2009), Koch & Elias (2008, 2009), Marcuschi (1985, 2004, 2007, 2008); of referentiation according to Mondada & Dubois (2003), Mondada (2005), Apothéloz (2003), Conte (2003), Francis (2003), Cavalcante (2003), Marcuschi (2000, 2005), Koch & Marcuschi (1998), Koch ( 1997, 2004, 2007a, 2007b, 2008a, 2008b, 2009), Adam (2008), Marquesi (2007a, 2007b) and Marquesi & Elias (2008). The analyses bring into the open that the referentiation helps the reader in sense building, once this process points out the clincher orientation as well as the rebuilding of the discursive objects. So, the referential process may contribute to the proficient readers education / Esta dissertação insere-se na linha de pesquisa Leitura, Escrita e Ensino e tem por tema o estudo do processo de referenciação na leitura de crônicas. Partindo-se do pressuposto de que o processo de referenciação pode constituir-se como estratégias que colaborarem para a compreensão leitora e formação de um leitor autônomo e crítico, o objetivo é verificar como as estratégias de referenciação são construídas e asseguram a progressão textual, bem como indicam a orientação argumentativa do texto. Para tanto, pesquisa fundamenta-se em estudos sobre leitura e estratégias de compreensão leitora, de acordo com Van Dijk (2004), Koch (1997, 2004, 2008a, 2008b, 2009), Koch & Elias (2008, 2009), Marcuschi (1985, 2004, 2007, 2008), e sobre referenciação, na concepção de Mondada & Dubois (2003), Mondada (2005), Apothéloz (2003), Conte (2003), Francis (2003), Cavalcante (2003), Marcuschi (2000, 2005), Koch & Marcuschi (1998), Koch (1997, 2004, 2007a, 2007b, 2008a, 2008b e 2009), Adam (2008), Marquesi (2007a, 2007b) e Marquesi & Elias (2008). As análises revelam que o processo de referenciação auxilia o leitor na construção dos sentidos, uma vez que tal processo indica a orientação argumentativa, bem como a (re)construção dos objetos-discursivos, podendo, assim, contribuir para a formação de leitores proficientes
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