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Le droit de la concurrence et les pratiques monopolistiques : étude comparative des droits saoudien, français et européen / No English title availableAlamri, Thanwa 26 June 2018 (has links)
L'adhésion de l'Arabie Saoudite à l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC) a joué un rôle moteur dans le développement de son système juridique. Elle a créé la nécessité urgente de développer et de conformer son système judiciaire au libéralisme dominant du commerce mondial. Elle a également donné lieu à l'adoption de la Loi Saoudienne de la Concurrence n°(M/24), le 11 février 2014, en faveur de la protection de la concurrence et la prévention des pratiques monopolistiques. Cette loi vise à faire respecter deux règlementations importantes. La première vise à maintenir les pratiques et le comportement concurrentiels des entreprises qui participent activement au marché, par l'interdiction d'ententes anticoncurrentielles, y compris l'abus de pouvoir de marché, dont certaines entreprises dominantes peuvent se rendre coupables par l'emploi de pratiques concurrentielles. Le second règlement porte sur la préservation de la structure du marché et la restriction des politiques d'entreprise visant à concentrer les opérations. Car, il est naturel que les entreprises cherchent à la fois à gérer leur développement sur le marché et à limiter les effets des politiques anticoncurrentielles et de concentration, en vue de maintenir la liberté de la concurrence.L'étude des pratiques de la Loi saoudienne sur la concurrence révèle, néanmoins, certaines insuffisances, qui sont déterminées en plusieurs points dans les lois française et européenne sur la concurrence. L'objet de cette recherche vise donc à répondre à la nécessité de combler les lacunes de la législation saoudienne. Cette étude comprend également trois types d'actions judiciaires en matière de droit de la concurrence. / Saudi Arabia's recent adhesion to the World Trade Organization (WTO) has created a pressing necessity to develop and conform its judiciary system to the high liberalism of global commerce. Including the adoption of a law favoring the protection of market competition and the prevention of monopolizing practices, in the context of the Saudi Competition Act N° (M/24) of 11111 of February 2014. This law seeks to enforce two important regulations. The first is to maintain the competitive practices and behavior of businesses actively participating in the market by disallowing anti-competitive agreements, as well as the abuse of power that certain dominant companies in the market may be guilty of by not employing competitive practices. The second regulation is the preservation of the structure of the industry market by managing and thereby limiting company policies seeking to concentrate operations, as it is natural that companies seek to manage their market development and as such limit the effects of anti-competitive concentration policies to ensure freedom of competition. While studying these practices in the Saudi Competition Act, insufficiency and negligence has been determined on multiple items mentioned and described in the French and European competition laws, as such the researcher judges it necessary to fill the gaps of these lacking areas in the Saudi legislation. This study also comprises three types of judiciary action in competition law.
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A responsabiliza??o criminal no estado democr?tico de direito: o equil?brio entre a efetividade e os limites da pretens?o punitiva da sociedadeAra?jo, Kleber Martins de 27 April 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-04-27 / This paper analyzes the relationship between fundamental rights and the exercise of
the claim punitive society in a democratic state. It starts with the premise that there are
fundamental rights that limit and determine the validity of all forms of manifestation of the
claim punitive society (legislating, investigative, adjudicative or ministerial) and there are
others that require the state the right exercise, fast and effective of these activities. Travels to
history in order to see that the first meaning of these rights was built between the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries, after all a history of abuses committed by state agents in the exercise
of criminal justice, and positively valued in the declarations of human rights and proclaimed
in the constitutions after the American and French Revolutions, while the second meaning has
been assigned between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, when, because of the serious
social problems generated largely by absenteeism state, it was noted that in addition to
subjective rights the individual against the state, fundamental rights are also objective values,
which trigger an order directed the state to protect them against the action of the offending
individuals themselves (duty to protect), the mission of which the State seeks to discharge,
among other means, through the issue of legal rules typifying the behavior detrimental to such
rights, subject to penalties, and the concrete actions of public institutions created by the
Constitution to operate penal law. Under this double bias, it is argued that the rule violates the
Constitution in the exercise of the claim punitive society as much as by excess malfere
fundamental rights that limit, as when it allows facts wrong by offending fundamental rights,
remain unpunished either by inaction or by insufficient measures taken abstractly or
concretely provided / O presente trabalho analisa a rela??o entre os direitos fundamentais e o exerc?cio da
pretens?o punitiva da sociedade no Estado Democr?tico de Direito. Parte-se da premissa de
que h? direitos fundamentais que limitam e condicionam a validade de todas as formas de
manifesta??o da pretens?o punitiva da sociedade (legiferante, investigativa, ministerial ou
judicante), assim como h? outros que imp?em ao Estado o exerc?cio certo, r?pido e eficaz
dessas atividades. Percorre-se a Hist?ria a fim de se constatar que a primeira acep??o destes
direitos foi constru?da entre os s?culos XVII e XVIII, ap?s todo um hist?rico de abusos
cometidos pelos agentes do Estado no exerc?cio da justi?a criminal, sendo positivada nas
declara??es de direitos humanos e nas constitui??es proclamadas ap?s as Revolu??es
Francesa e Americana, ao passo que a segunda acep??o foi assimilada entre os s?culos XIX e
XX, quando, em virtude dos graves problemas sociais gerados em grande parte pelo
absente?smo estatal, percebeu-se que, al?m de direitos subjetivos do indiv?duo contra o
Estado, os direitos fundamentais s?o tamb?m valores objetivos, que desencadeiam uma ordem
dirigida ao Estado no sentido de proteg?-los contra a a??o infratora dos pr?prios particulares
(dever de prote??o), miss?o da qual o Estado busca se desincumbir, dentre outros meios,
atrav?s da edi??o de normas jur?dicas tipificadora de comportamentos lesivos a tais direitos,
sob pena de san??o, e da a??o concreta de institui??es p?blicas criadas pela pr?pria
Constitui??o para operacionalizar a lei penal. Sob esse duplo vi?s, sustenta-se que o Estado
viola a Constitui??o no exerc?cio da pretens?o punitiva da sociedade tanto quando, por
excesso, malfere os direitos fundamentais que a limitam, como quando permite que fatos
il?citos, por ofensivos aos direitos fundamentais, permane?am impunes, quer por ina??o, quer
por insufici?ncia das medidas abstratamente previstas ou concretamente adotadas
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Řízení pohledávek ve vybraném podniku / Management of claims in selected companyTUNKOVÁ, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
Claims represent rights to pay financial amount and they are important part of company´s short-term assets. Due to the height of theri amount and rate of debt collection influence on a supplier´s liquidity, every company should set up a well-arranged management claim system. The most effective protection before an emergence of disputable claims debts is the precaution {--} from screening a comapany´s standing over compiling consequential contracts to using security instruments. However, even if all the precautions were done, and overdue claims appear, it is necessarily to use other instruments and solve the problems of desperate debts minimalization. For this reason I have chosen claim management as the subject of this diploma thesis. The aim of this work is to a give a coherent view of a claim management, including possibilities of their assuring from points of accounting, tax and law. In practical part of my diploma thesis I would like to evaluate a claim management in a selected business comapany and propose improvement in this field.
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Pohledávky a jejich řízení ve společnosti ENVIRO-EKOANALYTIKA, s. r. o. / Running the debts in the company Enviro-Ekoanalytika, s. r.o.WEIGNEROVÁ, Jana January 2010 (has links)
Accounting terms are very important for every company in the sphere of company finance, accounting terms are claims and accounts payable. The aim of this work was detailed description of claims, then show the control system of the claims of ENVIRO-EKOANALYTIKA and propose improvements to the existing claims management system. The main reasons why claims come into existence are business relations, but they can be caused by provided deposits, loans and bank credits. Claims from business relations are necessary parts of belongings, because every businessman needs goods and services from others. A company can analyse high earnings and profit in accounting but his financial resources can be essentially different. For a company is very important to have a sufficient number of financial resources and to this a company ensures of claims and then restricts entrepreneurial risk. The ensuring of claims means that contractual partner is obliged to realise his account payable. General forms to ensure claims are for example: penal clause, liability, acknowledge a debt, bank quarantee or altitude of debt. We can divide claims in risk claims and abandoned claims. During trading a lot of profits are formed, these profits can be evoked by for example: political or economical events, announcing a financial insolvency or natural catastrophe. Between the most frequent cause of risk claims are mainly the absence of morality in business relations. If the payment of claim is not done until fixed date, the claim gets the bad debt. The only way how to anticipate abandoned claims is, that busines men do not let them come into existence. The proceedings also include claims recovery. The main objective of recovery is to get customers to pay, and as early as possible. Most companies use a standard procedure for recovery, which includes telephone reminders, terminating the supply of credit, written reminders, the transmission of judicial or extrajudicial recovery.
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Obligation of negotiation and facultative arbitration as part of constitutional law content on collective negotiation / El deber de negociar y el arbitraje potestativo como parte del contenido del derecho constitucional de negociación colectivaBoza Pró, Guillermo, Aguinaga Meza, Ernesto 10 April 2018 (has links)
This work studies constitutional bases of two essential institutions of Collective Labor Law: employer’s obligation to negotiate collectively and facultative arbitration. In relation to the first one, using tools provided bythe Theory of Law, it is argued that the section 28º of Peruvian Constitution establishes a collective negotiation concept as claim (not as permission) so, employers legal obligation of collective negotiation is constitutional. In theother hand, regarding facultative arbitration, it has constitutional support on state’s obligation to promote pacific ways to labor conflicts; even though, it is questioned that a «sub constitutional» rule has restrictively regulated this institution. / En este trabajo se estudian las bases constitucionales de dos instituciones centrales del derecho colectivo del trabajo: la obligación patronal de negociar colectivamente y el arbitraje potestativo. En lo que se refiere a la primera, utilizando las herramientas que proporciona la teoría del derecho, se sostiene que el artículo 28 de la Constitución consagra una concepción de la negociación colectiva como pretensión (y no como permiso), y por tanto, que es constitucional el deber legal de los empleadores de negociar colectivamente. En cuanto al segundo, se afirma que este encuentra sustento constitucional en la obligación estatal de promover formas pacíficas de solución de los conflictos laborales, aunque se cuestiona que la normativa infraconstitucional haya regulado esta institución de forma restrictiva.
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Julgamentos parciais no processo civil / Partial judgments in civil procedureAntonio Carlos Nachif Correia Filho 19 March 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho trata fundamentalmente da admissibilidade dos julgamentos parciais do mérito e de questões de mérito no sistema processual civil brasileiro, considerando especialmente o modelo constitucional de processo civil, bem como no sistema processual prospectivo previsto no Projeto de Novo Código de Processo Civil, que deve entrar vigor em breve. Com este objetivo, será abordado no início da dissertação o dogma da unidade estrutural da sentença, sua origem, fundamentos e aplicabilidade no processo civil brasileiro, já que esse dogma parece ser o principal óbice que se opõe à realização dos julgamentos parciais. Em seguida, procede-se à análise da natureza dos pronunciamentos judiciais em que se realizam os julgamentos parciais, quando admitidos no CPC/73, para defini-los como decisões interlocutórias de mérito (ou de questões de mérito) ou sentenças parciais e intermediárias. Além disso, pretende-se estabelecer os pressupostos autorizadores dos julgamentos parciais, para que, assim, esses julgamentos sejam realizados de forma eficiente e em prol da efetividade da tutela jurisdicional. Trata-se ainda os julgamentos parciais na arbitragem e suas particularidades decorrentes das disposições específicas da Lei de Arbitragem e das características específicas do processo arbitral. Finalmente, nos capítulos finais deste estudo enfrentam-se os obstáculos que geralmente se colocam à realização dos julgamentos parciais relativamente ao âmbito recursal e à formação da coisa julgada. Para esse fim, são abordados a teoria dos capítulos de sentença, os efeitos dos recursos e, especialmente, a formação gradual da coisa julgada à luz da doutrina, da jurisprudência dos Tribunais Superiores e também do Projeto de Novo Código de Processo Civil. / This paper deals essentially with the possibility of rendering partial judgments on the merits and on issues of merits in the Brazilian Civil Procedure, considering especially the constitutional framework of civil procedure, as well as in the prospective procedural system provided by the New Code of Civil Procedure bill, which shall be in force soon. With this goal, the principle of the indivisibility of the award on merits, its origins, its grounds and its applicability to the Brazilian Civil Procedure are addressed in the beginning of the dissertation, as this principle seems to be the main obstacle against the partial judgments. Following this, the nature of the judicial decisions in wich the partial judgments take place when admitted by the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure of 1973 shall be analysed, in order to characterize them either as interlocutory decisions on the merits (or on issues of merits) or as partial and intermediate awards. In addition, there is a focus on clarifying the conditions in which partial judgments can be rendered, in order to carried out in and efficient fashion, and hence contributing to the effectiveness of the judicial relief. Moreover, the partial judgments in arbitration, as well as their particularities arisen from the specific provisions under the Arbitration Act and singular characteristics of arbitral procedure are analysed. The final chapters of this paper face the obstacles associated with appeals and with claim preclusion that are usually posed against the rendering of partial judgments. For this scope, there shall be addressed the theory of chapters of the award, the effects of the appeals, and specially the gradual claim preclusion in view of the scholars opinions, the case law of the Higher Courts, and also under the New Code of Civil Procedure bill.
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Le juge administratif du référé-libéré et la protection effective des droits et libertés fondamentaux des administrés / The administrative judge of the freedom summary procedure and the effective protection of citizens' fundamental rights and libertiesMinot, Lilian 16 December 2011 (has links)
Longtemps, en matière de protection effective des droits et libertés fondamentaux des administrés, le juge administratif a été relégué au second plan, derrière son homologue judiciaire, en raison d’une inefficacité chronique de ses procédures d’urgence. Le législateur a cependant remédié à cette défaillance en créant, notamment, le référé-liberté dont l’objectif avoué était de faire du juge administratif un véritable juge des libertés, au même titre que le juge judiciaire de la voie de fait administrative. En dix années d’application, le juge administratif a su pleinement se saisir de l’opportunité qui lui a ainsi été donnée de concurrencer le juge judiciaire par une politique jurisprudentielle évolutive et constructive. Cette politique s’est traduite par une conception très extensive de la notion de « libertés fondamentales », et par l’avènement de véritables mesures injonctives au service de celles-ci. L’étendue des libertés jugées comme fondamentales et celle du degré de leur protection vont indéniablement dans le sens de l’accession du juge administratif des référés au rang de protecteur effectif des droits et libertés fondamentaux des administrés. / Regarding citizens’ effective protection in terms of fundamental rights and liberties, the administrative judge has, for a long time, been overshadowed by his judicial counterpart, because of a chronic ineffectiveness concerning urgency procedures. However, lawmakers have redressed that situation in particular by creating the “freedom summary procedure” which explicitly aimed at transforming the administrative judge into an actual custodial judge in the same way the judicial judge is for illegal administrative acts. In the ten years following that creation, the administrative judge has fully seized the opportunity to compete with the judicial judge thanks to a progressive and constructive judicial policy. This policy resulted in a significantly extended conception of the notion of “fundamental liberties” and in the appearance and development of injunctive actions to protect them. The range of liberties considered as fundamental as well as the consequent degree of their protection will undeniably serve the aim of a rise of the administrative judge to the rank of effective protector of the citizens’ fundamental rights and liberties.
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L'amélioration de la qualité nutritionnelle est-elle compatible avec le maintien de la qualité sensorielle ? : l'exemple des biscuits / Is the improvement of the nutritional quality compatible with the maintenance of the sensory quality? : the example of biscuitsBiguzzi, Coralie 15 February 2013 (has links)
Plusieurs fabricants de biscuits et gâteaux français se sont engagés à mettre sur le marché des produits de meilleure qualité nutritionnelle. Ce travail de thèse a eu pour objectif de déterminer si cette amélioration de la qualité nutritionnelle était compatible avec le maintien de la qualité sensorielle. La première étude portait sur l’impact des réductions en lipides et/ou en sucres sur l’appréciation et la perception sensorielle de neuf catégories de biscuits et gâteaux. Les résultats montrent que les enfants perçoivent peu de différences et apprécient généralement autant les variantes réduites que les variantes standards. Pour les produits réduits sans ajout de polyols, les adultes déprécient principalement les variantes qui sont perçues moins sucrées et parfois également moins grasses et/ou différentes d’un point de vue textural. De plus, les réductions en sucres sont plus perceptibles que les réductions en lipides et à taux de réduction proches, les produits réduits en lipides sont moins dépréciés que ceux réduits en sucres. Les produits réduits avec ajout de polyols ne sont pas dépréciés et ne sont pas tous perçus moins sucrés.La deuxième étude s’est intéressée à deux leviers pour faire mieux accepter les produits réduits en lipides ou sucres. En exposant quasi-quotidiennement des consommateurs à des biscuits réduits d’environ 30 % en lipides ou en sucres, l’appréciation de ces produits augmente après un mois, mais davantage pour les lipides. En revanche, une exposition progressive ne montre pas d’effet sur un mois. Par ailleurs, une allégation nutritionnelle indiquant une réduction ne semble pas être un levier pour l’appréciation de biscuits et gâteaux réduits en lipides ou sucres / French biscuit producers are willing to improve the nutritional composition of their products. The objective of this work was to determine whether it was possible while maintaining the sensory quality of the reduced product.The first study dealt with the impact of fat and sugar reduction on liking and sensory perception of 9 types of biscuits and cakes. Results show that children perceived almost no difference and liked equally the standard and the fat- and/or sugar-reduced variants for most types of biscuits. For products reduced without adding polyols, adults less liked fat- or sugar-reduced variants than standard ones mainly when they were perceived as less sweet, and to a lesser extent as less fatty and/or as different in terms of textural aspects. Furthermore, a reduction in fat content was more difficult to perceive than a reduction in sugar content. With similar levels of reduction, fat-reduced products were less disliked than sugar-reduced ones. Sugar-reduced biscuits with an addition of polyols were not disliked and some of them were not perceived as less sweet than standard biscuits.The second study was about two strategies to promote consumer acceptance for fat- or sugar-reduced products. On the one hand, some consumers were exposed almost daily to -30 % fat- or sugar-reduced biscuits. After a month of exposure, reduced variants were more appreciated than before exposure, but it was more significant for fat reduction. On the other hand, no difference of liking was observed after a month of stepwise exposure. Besides, a nutritional claim indicating the fat or sugar reduction does not seem to be efficient to increase liking for fat- or sugar-reduced biscuits and cakes
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Trojúhelníková schémata v neživotním pojištění / Run-off Triangles in Non-life InsuranceKozlová, Alena January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is about the arrangement of the last known claim values into the run-off triangle. This diagram is used in non-life insurance, mainly in methods for calculating technical claims reserves. Individual methods will be described in detail and consecutively applied on real data. The real data are a set of data with long tail. We are differentiating between easier deterministic and stochastic methods, which are more demanding for calculation. The results will be compared by basic statistical parameter of the analyzed data and at the end the best method will be chosen for the data.
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Insolvenční proces z pohledu věřitele / Insolvency proceedings from the viewpoint of a creditorŠimáková, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
This thesis first describes the insolvency proceedings in general, explains basic concepts, describes the different stages of insolvency proceedings and introduces the reader to the entitiesin the insolvency process. It also explains what is a bankruptcy and presents possible ways of solving it. The current situation in relation to insolvency proceedings is shown based on the basic statistics. In the next section, the thesis is focused on the classification of debts and the possibility of creditors to submit their claims in an insolvency proceeding. It also deals with special cases that may occur. The final part of the thesis describes an example application of claims in practise, incl. complications that the creditor must solve.
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