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外資金融機構佈局中國大陸金融市場之決策研究 / Analysis of strategic participation in China banking sector by foreign financial institutions張惠龍, Chang, Hui Lung Unknown Date (has links)
針對臺灣銀行業參股模式方面,以投資中國大陸股份制商業銀行之動機強度為最高,其中泛公股銀行相對民營銀行更具有條件優勢,並以具備綠色通道優惠之大西部地區為佳。研究亦顯示,在外資金融機構已著墨中國大陸金融市場些許時日下,對於身為追隨性金融機構的臺灣銀行業而言,在當地金融服務未臻飽和、初始投資成本降低,以及台商業務平均需求成長趨勢下,將有助於降低其進入門檻。同時,研究中也採行模型論證,對於現階段臺灣銀行業實務上多以先行成立代表人辦事處後升格分行,並儘速於合規範內取得人民幣業務承做資格方式,以深根當地金融市場之經營方向,同時研究亦指出臺灣銀行業應具備創新化業務與利基性策略,方能提高採行成立獨資子銀行或參股之進入動機。 / In recent years China has experienced rapid economic growth that enables the advancement of the local financial industry, which benefited from the strong domestic consumption as well as improvement in average income per capita. The purpose of this paper is to point out an alternative direction for Taiwanese banks by mapping out the future China market expansion strategy, as the Taiwanese banks are facing prolong highly competitive domestic market.
This paper applies Cox’s proportional-hazard survival model to analyze the strategic decisions of foreign financial institutions about acquiring equity stakes in Chinese banks. Based on principal component analysis, we extract significant independent variables from Cox’s model and employ a maximum likelihood method to estimate parameters. With the probability of equity stake acquisition, we obtain the optimal probability hazard threshold and treat it as a criterion for the foreign financial institutions to conduct equity stakes acquisition. Our empirical results confirm that the decisions of foreign financial institutions about equity stake acquisitions are to increase the profitability and market values of the target Chinese banks. In general, financial institutions with higher earning ability and better asset quality have stronger motives to take part in the acquisition or disposal of equity stakes.
The contingent claim model is applied in this paper to examine the risk and return of foreign financial institutions after acquiring equity stakes of a Chinese bank. The model considers dynamic factors such as individual asset value and exchange rates to achieve the goal of maximizing shareholder value. In addition to analyzing the asset value and factors associated with risk after participation, this paper evaluates the optimal acquiring equity stakes proportion with numerical analyses under capital control. For China banking sector, we discover the overall portfolio risk of foreign financial institution will decrease after acquiring equity stakes when the asset value increases, the debt ratio decreases, and the required risk-weighted asset increases. Overall, these foreign financial institutions have well-diversified currency portfolio and enjoy a better asset quality and surplus earning; therefore, they will likely increase their optimal acquiring equity stakes proportion if the invested Chinese banks are with good assets quality and focused on local business.
For the analysis of equity stake acquisition in China banks by Taiwanese banks, invested in the joint-stock commercial banks exists the higher intensity than others, and pan-government-owned Taiwanese bank also stands on the better vantage point than private banks. Under the possession of policy advantage for its green channels, the Western China Region is the best district in China for Taiwanese banks. This paper also examines the appropriate time and method to enter the market in China by applying the real options model. Being the market follower, Taiwan banking industry would need to find the right timing when ready entering China sine the market is pretty much laid out by many other foreign financial institutions. Therefore, the paper discovered some salubrious circumstances for Taiwan banking industry to enter the market, for example, the local financial service has not saturated, and initial investment cost is lower or Taiwan businessman demands more service gradually. The paper also confirms the current practice, which is to establish a representative office first and then promote it to a branch, seems to be practical for Taiwanese banks enter the market. Once meet the standard requests and acquire the license to operate RMB business, Taiwanese banks can establish wholly-owned subsidiary bank or take ownership stakes by having the innovation and business strategy in the local financial market.
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Determinants of the use of debt and leasing in UK corporate financing decisionsDzolkarnaini, Mohd Nazam January 2009 (has links)
This thesis investigates the determinants of the use of debt and leasing in the UK using a comprehensive measure of debt and leases, in recognition of the link between lease and debt-type financing decisions, based on financial contracting theory and the tax advantage hypothesis. The design of the study takes account three lacunae in our current understanding of this topic. Firstly, despite the fact that the capital structure literature is voluminous, it is perhaps surprising that relatively little research has been carried out on lease finance, given its significant role as a major source of finance for many firms. Secondly, the role of tax in the capital structure decision is unclear. Empirically testing for tax effects is challenging because spurious relationships may exist between the financing decision and many commonly used tax proxies. More importantly, our understanding of the impact of taxes on UK financing decisions is far from complete, especially since several major corporate tax reforms have taken place in the last decade. Thirdly, empirical evidence on capital structure determinants is also voluminous but far from conclusive. Notably, contradictory signs and significance levels are commonly observed. Using the standard regression approach invariably involves identification of the average behaviour of firms, and therefore does not measure diversity across firms. In response to these three major issues, this study employs empirical research methods, namely cross-sectional pooled regression, static and dynamic panel data regression, and quantile regression to analyse a large sample of 361 non-financial firms, drawn from the FTSE 350 and FTSE All-Small indices over the tax years 1995 through 2003. The operating lease data are estimated using the constructive capitalisation method while the simulated before-financing marginal tax rate is used to proxy for the firms’ tax status. The endogeneity of corporate tax status is evident since the use of simple tax proxy, the effective tax rate, leads to a spurious negative relation between debt usage and tax rates. The problem was avoided with a better measure of tax variable that is the simulated before-financing marginal tax rate where it is found that the empirical relationships between the tax factor and debt and leasing are consistent with those theoretical predictions. Furthermore, there is a clear distinction between the effect of taxes on debt and leasing where the firm’s marginal tax status is only relevant when managers make decisions on debt financing. The use of quantile regression method in the present study represents a novel approach in investigating the determinants of the use of debt and leasing. The results reveal that the determinants of debt and leasing are heterogeneous across the whole distribution of firms, consistent with the notion of heterogeneity as promoted by Beattie et al. (2006), but contradicting their claim that the large-scale regression approach cannot measure firms’ diversity. This finding implies that average model results (e.g., from OLS or panel data models) may not apply to the tails of debt and leasing levels, and hence assuming that the determinants of debt and leasing decisions are the same for all firms in the economy is clearly unrealistic. Using the dynamic panel data model, this thesis confirms that debt and leasing are substitutes rather than complements, and that the degree of substitutability is more pronounced among smaller firms, where the degree of information asymmetry is greater. More importantly, the use of a joint specification for debt and leasing improves our understanding of the determinants of the two fixed-claim financing instruments. There is also significant evidence to support the view that firm characteristics affect contracting costs which in turn impact on the choice between alternative forms of finance, namely equity, debt and leasing.
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Intrång i patent på den andra medicinska indikationen : "Skinny labelling" och generisk substitutionHemmingsson, Maria January 2015 (has links)
När frågan om möjligheten att patentera nya användningsområden för redan kända läkemedel aktualiserades under det Europeiska patentsystemet, kunde två hinder identifieras. Dels är den aktiva substansen i sig inte ny och dessutom förbjuder patentsystemet uttryckligen patent på medicinska förfaranden för diagnostisering eller terapeutisk och kirurgisk behandling. Genom både rättspraxis och lagstiftning har man dock försökt kringgå dessa hinder och till följd av den uttryckliga bestämmelsen om patent på den så kallade andra medicinska indikationen som EPC 2000 tillhandahåller, kan dess patenterbarhet inte längre ifrågasättas. Med anledning av den speciella karaktär som kravformuleringen för dessa patent åtnjuter och till följd av den snäva tolkning av kravformuleringen som den sparsamma praxis på detta område återspeglar, kan det däremot ifrågasättas om inte kraven för dess upprätthållande är alltför långtgående. Det utgör särskilt ett problem när läkemedelstillverkare använder möjligheten att genom "skinny labelling" utesluta patentskyddade indikationer från produktinformationen, för att kunna introducera generiska läkemedel för icke-patentskyddade indikationer på marknaden. Två motstridiga avgöranden som nyligen meddelats i Storbritannien respektive Nederländerna, vilka särskilt behandlar frågan om intrång i förhållande till "skinny labelling", återspeglar det oklara rättsläge som detta rättsområde präglas av. I Sverige kompliceras intrångsfrågan ytterligare av frågan om i vilken utsträckning dessa patent kan upprätthållas till följd av bestämmelser i folkhälsolagstiftningen om generisk substitution. Enkelt förklarat medför dessa bestämmelser att billiga generikaläkemedel, som enbart innehar försäljningsgodkännande för icke-patentskyddade indikationer, byts ut på apoteken mot originalläkemedel, oavsett för vilken indikation läkemedlet förskrivits. I praktiken innebär det att dessa läkemedelskopior även expedieras för patentskyddade indikationer. För att lösa den problematik som regelverket orsakar och till följd av de höga krav som i praxis tycks ställas upp för upprätthållandet av patent på den andra medicinska indikationen, anser författaren att lagstiftaren bör se över hur den svenska folkhälsolagstiftningen och det Europeiska patentsystemet bättre kan samspela. / Two obstacles could be identified when the question of granting patent protection for second medical use of known pharmaceutical products arose in the European patent system. On one hand, the active substance in itself is not new and on the other hand, the system explicitly prohibit method claims for treatment by surgery or therapy and diagnostic methods. However, these barriers have been circumvent in case law and legislation and due to the express provision of second medical use patents in the EPC 2000, its patentability is no longer to be questioned. Due to the special character of second medical use claims and as a result of the narrow interpretation that the sparse case law in this area reflects, it may however be questioned whether the requirement of its enforcement is far to excessive. This is particularly a problem when generic manufacturers uses the possibility of "skinny labelling", in order to exclude patented indications from the product information. As recently announced in the UK and the Netherlands, two conflicting decisions that specifically addresses the issue of patent infringement on second medical use patents in relation to "skinny labelling", reflects the legal uncertainty that characterizes this area of law. In the Swedish context, the issue of enforcement of second medical use patents is further complicated as a result of mandatory provisions on generic substitution. In simple terms, these provisions causes inexpensive generic versions, which solely obtains marketing approval for off-patent indications, to exchange original pharmaceuticals at pharmacies regardless of the indication the drug has been prescribed. In practice, this means that these generic versions will also be dispensed for patented indications. In order to solve the problems that this regulatory framework causes and as a consequence of the high demands set out for the enforcement of second medical use patents, the author believes that it is advisable that the legislator performs a review on how the Swedish public health legislation and the European patent system better can interact on this issue.
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運用雲端運算於智慧型健保費用異常偵測之研究 / A Research into Intelligent Cloud Computing Techniques for Detecting Anomalous Health-insurance Expenses黃聖尹, Huang, Sheng Yin Unknown Date (has links)
我國健保費用逐漸增長,進而衍生出許多健保問題,其中浮報、虛報及詐欺等三種情況,會造成許多醫療資源的浪費。然而,目前電腦檔案分析只能偵測出浮報、虛報的行為,無法偵測出詐欺情況。對於健保詐欺之偵測只能仰賴傳統隨機抽樣檢驗及人力分析,而我國健保平均一年門診審查申報量約3.5 億件,其人力的負擔非常沉重。故本研究將探討如何利用電腦工具初步判別醫事機構之費用申報情況。
本研究透過大量文獻回顧,發現美國有研究指出結合Benford’s law 與智慧型方法來進行詐欺偵測,可獲得很好的效果(Busta & Weinberg 1998)。Benford’s law 指出許多數據來源皆會呈現特定的數字頻率分佈,近年來Benford’s law 亦被應用在許多不同領域的舞弊或詐欺的審查流程中。
本研究使用Apache Hadoop 及其相關專案,建構出一個大量資料儲存分析之環境,針對大量健保申報費用資料來進行分析。此系統結合了Benford’s law 數字分析方法並運用支持向量機(Support Vector Machine)來對健保費用申報進行大規模電腦初步審查,判別該醫事機構是否有異常申報之情況發生,並將初步判別之結果提供給健保局相關稽查人員,進而做深入的審查。
本研究所建構的智慧型健保費用異常偵測模型結合了Benford’s law 衍生指標變數與實務指標變數,並利用SVM 分析健保申報費用歷史資料,產生出預判模型,之後便可藉由此模型來判別未來健保費用申報資料是否有異常情況發生。在判別異常資料方面,本研究所建構的模型其整體正確率高達97.7995%,且所有的異常申報資料皆可準確地預測出來。
因此,本研究希望能結合Benford’s law 與智慧型運算方法於健保申報異常偵測上,如此一來便可藉由電腦進行初步審查,減少因傳統隨機抽樣調查所造成的不確定性以及審核大量健保資料時過多的人力資源浪費。
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Land reform in the Limpopo Province : a case study of the Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality / Harry Mantaneng PhaahlaPhaahla, Harry Mantaneng January 2011 (has links)
My interest in this research was to interview leaders and members of the three
communities within the Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality as well as officials of the
Regional Land Claims Commission (RLCC).
The purpose of the discussions was to find out how the communities involved
Government when lodging land claims. The three communities are, Bakwena Ba-
Kopa, Bakgaga Ba-Kopa and Masakaneng. The research yielded the following
findings: 1. All the three communities followed the correct procedures regarding the
relevant legislation and policies when they lodged their land claims. 2. Government played its role through the RLCC by assisting the communities in their endeavor to have their land restored. 3. In the interaction between Government and the communities challenges were encountered that at times led to the delay of the settlements. 4. When the communities keep patient during the land claim processes and
Government officials are dedicated to assist the communities, the chance of
positive outcomes is maximised.
There is evidence that Government made progress to ensure that the affected
communities have the dispossessed land restored. However, there is still a lot to be
done in addressing the outstanding issues. To handle these matters, as indicated
below, co-ordination and interaction between Government and the communities is
One can point out these obstacles by focusing on the three affected communities
respectively. Masakaneng:
There is a need to tackle the challenge of the concerned group that led to the
emergence of another committee in the process. This delays the formal negotiations
with the municipality to help facilitate the delivery of the necessary services.
Bakwena Ba-Kopa:
The role-players missed the time-frames that were targeted for settlement.
Government will have to speed up the matter and finalise the settlement, seeing that
the beneficiaries have been waiting for many years.
Bakgaga Ba-Kopa:
Only portion one of RietKloof was restored to the community. The community is
eagerly awaiting Government to help facilitate the restoration of the remaining
portion. This community also needs to play its part in ensuring that the other sections
of the land are restored. It is important that they go back to the drawing board as
beneficiaries and tackle the prevailing differences so that they end up with a
unanimous stand on this matter.
To conclude: It is quite evident that the democratic government post-1994 is
committed and prepared to restore the dignity of the black people who were forcibly
removed from land they and their ancestors occupied. Government is assisting in
this matter by providing all the necessary resources to ensure that land restoration is
a success. For Government to succeed, the affected communities must also play
their role within the parameters of the relevant legislation. This is what the land Acts
expect of all the beneficiaries. / Thesis (M. Development and Management)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011
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Bibliotheken in der digitalen WeltBonte, Achim 09 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Speziell die wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken sehen sich seit einigen Jahren mit einer paradoxen Situation konfrontiert: Einerseits schreitet die Enträumlichung ihrer Dienste, die orts- und zeitunabhängige Verfügbarkeit von elektronischen Services und digitalen Medien, außerordentlich rasch voran, andererseits werden in den großen Bibliotheksgebäuden bislang noch fast regelmäßig neue Besucherrekorde verzeichnet. Wie wird das künftig weitergehen? Was charakterisiert den Bautyp Bibliothek in zehn, zwanzig oder dreißig Jahren? Diese Frage beschäftigt nicht nur Bibliotheksdirektionen, sondern auch Benutzer, Unterhaltsträger und Architekten.
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Towards deep content extraction from specialized discourse : the case of verbal relations in patent claimsFerraro, Gabriela 20 July 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses the problem of the development of Natural Language
Processing techniques for the extraction and generalization of compositional
and functional relations from specialized written texts and, in particular, from
patent claims. One of the most demanding tasks tackled in the thesis is,
according to the state of the art, the semantic generalization of linguistic
denominations of relations between object components and processes
described in the texts. These denominations are usually verbal expressions or
nominalizations that are too concrete to be used as standard labels in
knowledge representation forms -as, for example, “A leads to B”, and “C
provokes D”, where “leads to” and “provokes” both express, in abstract
terms, a cause, such that in both cases “A CAUSE B” and “C CAUSE D”
would be more appropriate. A semantic generalization of the relations allows
us to achieve a higher degree of abstraction of the relationships between
objects and processes described in the claims and reduces their number to a
limited set that is oriented towards relations as commonly used in the generic
field of knowledge representation. / Esta tesis se centra en el del desarrollo de tecnologías del Procesamiento del
Lenguage Natural para la extracción y generalización de relaciones
encontradas en textos especializados; concretamente en las reivindicaciones
de patentes. Una de las tareas más demandadas de nuestro trabajo, desde el
punto vista del estado de la cuestión, es la generalización de las
denominaciones lingüísticas de las relaciones. Estas denominaciones,
usualmente verbos, son demasiado concretas para ser usadas como etiquetas
de relaciones en el contexto de la representación del conocimiento; por
ejemplo, “A lleva a B”, “B es el resultado de A” están mejor representadas
por “A causa B”. La generalización de relaciones permite reducir el n\'umero
de relaciones a un conjunto limitado, orientado al tipo de relaciones utilizadas
en el campo de la representación del conocimiento.
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Locus Standi in the Law of Administrative Process in Tax Matters / Legitimación Activa en la Ley del Proceso Contencioso Administrativo en Materia TributariaLeón Pinedo, Silvia 10 April 2018 (has links)
The article begins by recognizing that the Administrative Process in Peru is full jurisdiction, protects the legal situations in addition to control the legality of the administrative acts. Then the author examines the Tax Administration, specifically if SUNAT has active legitimacy to sue in a Contentious Administrative Process against the decision issued by the Tax Court that revoked or annulled their administrative acts, concluding that it does not have legitimacy but, exceptionally, according to article 157 of the Tax Code, can sue when SUNAT demonstrates that RTFs are not according to the parameters of article 10 of the General Administrative Procedure Act, confirming that the causal most used by SUNAT are those of the numeral 1 and 2, referred to the resolutions which cause serious disability vice, which, according to the author, is not the same as a different interpretative approach. Finally, the author concludes that for tax issues does not apply the second paragraph of Article 13 of the Law on Administrative Process; apply the article 157 of the Tax Code, as the special rule. / El presente artículo parte por reconocer que el proceso contencioso administrativo en el Perú es de plena jurisdicción, esto es, que protege las situaciones jurídicas de los administrados además de la legalidad del acto administrativo.Así, se lleva a cabo un análisis sobre la legitimidad activa de la Administración Tributaria, específicamente la SUNAT, para interponer una demanda contencioso administrativa contra la Resolución emitida por el Tribunal Fiscal (RTF) que revocó o anuló su acto administrativo concluyendo que no la tiene pero que, excepcionalmente, de acuerdo al artículo 157° del Código Tributario, podría demandar cuando demuestre fehacientemente que la RTF es nula de acuerdo a los parámetros del artículo 10° de la Ley del Procedimiento Administrativo General (LPAG), constatándose que las causales más utilizadas por la SUNAT son las del numeral 1 y 2 de dicha norma, referidas a aquellas resoluciones que tengan un vicio grave de invalidez, lo que, según la autora, no es lo mismo que un distinto criterio interpretativo. Por último, se señala que en relación a los temas tributarios no resulta aplicable el segundo párrafo del artículo 13º de la Ley del Proceso Contencioso Administrativo si no el referido artículo 157° del Código Tributario, al ser la norma especial.
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IMF Seniority as a compromise for affordable debtMagalhães, Paula Karine Ribas 11 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Paula Magalhães (paulakmagalhaes@gmail.com) on 2017-05-24T17:25:55Z
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Paula Magalhaes Dissertacao.pdf: 437299 bytes, checksum: 5ee7ce9b3eb164a2bd2068b1d47f4c92 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Suzinei Teles Garcia Garcia (suzinei.garcia@fgv.br) on 2017-05-24T19:26:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Paula Magalhaes Dissertacao.pdf: 437299 bytes, checksum: 5ee7ce9b3eb164a2bd2068b1d47f4c92 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-05-11 / Este artigo trata do papel do Fundo Monetário Internacional como um agente sênior, fato observado empiricamente. Um agente soberano sujeito a um choque estocástico deve tomar emprestado para suavizar seu consumo. O mercado financeiro internacional oferece seus fundos, contudo cobra um prêmio por dividir o risco sobre o choque com o governo. O FMI, embora sênior, empresta a uma taxa menor. Encontramos as condições sob as quais a presença do FMI em tal mercado é relevante e positiva ao agente emprestador. Tais condições dependerão do tamanho do prêmio de risco cobrado, que em nossa análise é dado exogenamente. / This paper addresses the role of the International Monetary Fund in the international monetary economy as a senior agent, as observed empirically. A sovereign agent subject to a stochastic shock must borrow to smooth out consumption. The international financial market offers fund, however it charges a premium for sharing the risk over the shock with the government. The IMF, however senior, lends at a lower rate. Hence, the sovereign government must choose its borrower. We find conditions under which the IMF presence in such market is relevant and positive to the borrowing agent. Such conditions will depend on the size of the risk premium charged, which in our analysis will be exogenously given
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Chat phases, disagreements and claim backing in simulated sales negotiations : an applied linguistics perspectiveVan Huyssteen, Matthys Petrus 09 1900 (has links)
This study compared simulated sales negotiations with authentic negotiations. Specifically, three
areas of language were considered: (i) chat phases, (ii) mitigation in disagreements, and (iii)
argumentation. Findings indicated that greatly reduced use of chat phases in the simulations led to an
impoverishment of the interactional aspect of communication. A statistical analysis indicated that
mitigation of disagreements was significantly reduced when compared to authentic negotiations.
Finally, in spite of the difference noted between professional and non-professional negotiators in the
simulated negotiations, a significant increase in the use of argumentation was found in the
simulations. Even though further research would be required, it could be hypothesized that these
differences may be attributed to the one-off nature of simulations, the absence of a surrounding
business context and the intrinsic difficulty of using interactional language in simulations. These
factors should be considered when simulations are used and designed for business and LSP training
courses. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Linguistics)
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