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L'exigence de sécurité juridique dans le recouvrement des créances / The requirement of legal certainty in debt collectionNiane, Mamoudou 06 May 2014 (has links)
Inspiré par une croyance fondée sur l’inégalité des parties, le droit del’exécution poursuit le dessein d’un recouvrement rapide, sûr et peu coûteux descréances. Afin de relever ce défi, le droit OHADA a fait de la sécurité juridique uneexigence fondamentale devant démontrer son aptitude à répondre aux attentes desdifférentes parties. Cependant, la pratique du recouvrement permet d’identifier dessources d’insécurité juridique préjudiciable au climat de confiance voulu par lelégilateur communautaire. Ainsi, le caractère quasi-informel du recouvrementamiable, la résistance des juridictions nationales ou l’ineffectivité de certainesdécisions judiciaires perturbent la prévisibilité inhérente à l’exigence de sécuritéjuridique. Conçu comme un système cohérent, le droit de l’exécution OHADA offredes ressources interprétatives propices à la correction des lacunes observées. Dansces conditions, le juge occupe un rôle central dans la promotion de la sécuritéjuridique. D’une part, il assure le contrôle des prérogatives individuelles des partiesdans le sens de réguler les conflits d’intérêts induits par des attentes souventcontradictoires. Dans cette optique, l’une des finalités de l’intervention du juge estd’assurer le respect du recours à la contrainte dans l’exécution. D’autre part,l’exigence de sécurité juridique servira au juge à établir une meilleure corrélationentre toutes les techniques garantissant le paiement du créancier dans un souciconstant d’efficacité. En l’absence d’une consécration explicite de la sécuritéjuridique, la proposition d’une relecture de la théorie de l’exécution en droit privé offrel’opportunité de voir tous les mécanismes de son intégration dans le recouvrementdes créances en tenant compte de la réalité juridico-économique de la créance. / Inspired by the belief grounded on inequalities between parties, theenforcement law continues to design a fast, safe and inexpensive debt recovery. Tomeet this challenge, the OHADA law made legal certainty requirement which mustshow its ability to live up to the expectations of the different parties. However, therecovery practice identifies sources of legal uncertainty detrimental to the climate oftrust advocated by the Community legislature. Thus, the quasi-informal nature of debtcollection, the resistance of national courts or the ineffectiveness of certain judicialdecisions disrupt the predictability pertaining to the requirement of legal certainty.Designed as a coherent system, The OHADA enforcement law affords interpretativeresources conducive to the rectification of the flaws spotted. In these circumstances,the judge plays a central role in promoting legal certainty. On the one hand, hemonitors the individual prerogatives of the parties in the direction of regulatingconflicts of interest arising from the often conflicting expectations. In this context, oneof the purposes of the intervention of the judge is to ensure compliance of coercion inthe execution. On the other hand, the demand of legal certainty will allow the judge toestablish a better correlation between all techniques guaranteeing the payment of thecreditor for the constant sake of efficacy. In the absence of an explicit consecration oflegal certainty, the proposal for a reinterpretation of the theory of enforcement lawprovides the opportunity to see all the mechanisms of its integration in debt recovery,taking into account the legal and economic substance of the claim.
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資本結構與代理問題-或有求償權評價法 / Capital Structure and Agency Problem-Contingent Claim Approach黃星華, Huang, Hsing-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本文立基於Merton(1974)或有求償權評價法及Leland(1994)內生破產資本結構模型上,加入次順位債券的考量,建立一個連續時間資本結構分析模型,量化的資本結構可作為企業融資之決策依據。內生破產行為與風險移轉行為都是股東與債權人之間可能產生的代理問題,本文的模型不但分析這兩種代理問題,更計算其所產生的代理成本。由模擬的結果發現內生破產成本雖然不大,但是其對無風險利率及公司非槓桿價值的波動度卻是非常的敏感。在本文的模型下,只要債務契約不能重新訂立,次順位債券的發行永遠都會降低優先債務的價值。在本模型中次順位債券的風險貼水比優先債券的風險貼水高;但是本文發現不管是優先債券或是次順位債券的風險貼水,當公司接近宣告破產時,公司非槓桿價值的波動度對兩種債券風險貼水的影響出現高風險低報酬的現象,可能的解釋理由如下:當公司接近宣告破產時,公司非槓桿價值波動度的增加使破產可能性提高,進而使風險貼水減少的間接力量大於波動度增加直接使風險貼水上升的力量。 / Based on Merton(1974) and Leland(1994), we construct a continuous-time capital structure model with subordinated debt. Quantitative results may serve the guidance of financial policy of the firm. Both endogenous bankruptcy and risk shifting behaviors are the agency problems between the equityholders and debtholders. Based on our model, the agency problems is considered and the agency costs are calculated. From the result of simulation, endogenous bankruptcy agency cost is small but sensitive to the volatility of unlevered asset value of the firm. Under renegotiation-proof, the senior debt is harmed by the issuance of the subordinated debt in our model. The risk premium of the subordinate debt is higher than that of the senior debt is confirmed by the model, however, when the firm is near bankruptcy, the behavior of "high risk high return" of both debts is reversed. The reason for the junk bond behavior may be explained as the negative effect of risk premiums due to the increase of the probability of bankruptcy is higher than the positive effect of the greater risk caused by higher volatility.
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論美國之生醫科技研究工具之專利保護與授權 / Research tool patent protection and licensing for biomedical innovations in united states蔡鴻文 Unknown Date (has links)
論文內容著重在以下三個重點: 試驗免責、延展性授權與延展性專利範圍、書面描述要件。首先是35 U.S.C. § 271(e)(1)之Safe Harbor 緣由、案例、Integra v. Merck 一案之過程與後續影響以及271(e)(1)的試驗免責與研究工具的關係, 最後提出建議應限縮試驗免責範圍, 以強制授權或是明定專利法中的試驗免責範圍緩和基礎研究專利範圍過大現象(第二、三章)。
研究工具專利開發者多所採用之延展性授權與延展性專利範圍無非是想多獲得利益, 而研究工具專利對於生物科技發展是相當重要的, 第四章先以四方角色(大藥廠、大學與非營利機構、小藥廠與政府單位)討論研究工具對於本身的利益考量, 並且因試驗免責範圍不明, 延展性授權契約已是普遍存在, 詳細地討論其存在的意義, 並且分析已探討延展性授權金/契約議題文章, 另外對於延展性專利保護範圍, 明確指出哪一些核准專利是延展性保護範圍, 雖然2001年的三方會議已經明確地限制此類專利的核准, 由於Rochester v. G.D. Searle一案, 法院認為Rochester 專利包含延展性保護範圍, 歸因於未揭露出清楚的書面描述要件, 於是進行第五章書面描述要件的討論。
進而較詳細地探討生物機轉的途徑特性、功能性敘述必要性以及書面描述上的困難, 然後進行相關案件探討, 提出自己對於專利文件之書面描述要件的看法, 希望能在生物類研究工具專利保護範圍與書面描述要件中取平衡, 適切地保護研究工具發明。最後並提出總結與建議。 / Over the last twenty years, the biotechnology industry has grown very rapidly, and increased our understanding of incurable diseases. Research tools are playing important role to form the core of the pharmaceutical research, development, and testing. Because this industry is so research tool intensive, numerous problems have arisen stemming from the competing interests of the many players in this field. From the legislative history, the Hatch-Waxman Act embodies the legislative compromise balancing the competing interests of the pioneer pharmaceutical and allied research-based products industries with those of the generic drug industry. And the section 35 U.S.C. § 271(e)(1) statute provides a “safe harbor” from patent infringement based on activities that are reasonably related to obtaining FDA regulatory approval of drug products, but the plain language is fairly ambiguous. In Eli Lilly v. Medtronic, Supreme Court held the safe harbor extends to medical devices, despite the fact that § 271(e)(1) does not refer specifically to medical devices. Recently, for the case of Merck v. Integra, Federal Circuit announced that the term “solely” limits the safe harbor exemption from extending beyond uses of patented inventions that are reasonably related to those specified in § 271(e)(1). But Supreme Court rejected and held that § 271(e)(1) applies to uses of patented inventions that are reasonably related to the development and submission of any information to the FDA. The Court was silent on the potential applications and opened the questions of the safe harbor's application to patented research tools. These problems may be the reason that research tool providers attempt to request royalties such as reach-through royalties for covering the downstream compounds or products. They also try to file the patent application with the reach-through claim for claiming a future invention. However, the use of reach-through royalties is still controversial and causing a decrease in innovation. Patentees attempt to obtain reach-through claims for covering a future invention without actually describing in the written description. The Federal Circuit's holding in Rochester v. G.D. Searle that the Rochester's patents failed the written description requirement, and Rochester should curtail the use of reach-through claims. So far the USPTO has not been uniform in its application of written description requirement. We therefore propose a new test to determine whether, and under which circumstances, functional claiming may satisfy the written description requirement. One should not overreach the scope of the inventor’s contribution to the field of art as described in the patent specification. The approach would provide sufficient incentive for pioneering inventions, preserve room for the future, and thus expect to promote progress and to advance the purposes of patent law.
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保險業因應全球運籌物流風險之對策-以高科技電子產業運輸保險為例 / The Strategy for Insurers on the Global Logistic Risk- A Case Study on the Marine Cargo Insurance of Electronic Industry梁銳華, Liang,Jui-Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
隨著高科技產業的興起,電子產業因應市場快速與客戶滿意度的高度需求,供應鏈物流業的快速發展,使得傳統運送模式之風險形態產生戲劇性的變化,損失頻率及損失幅度均已隨著運籌模式物流的風險由傳統運輸Door to Door構成線性的低度風險,轉變為Hub、組裝中心、物流倉庫、承攬人、次承攬人等複雜的關係方所構成,網狀物流模式的高度風險區塊。而運輸保險長期以來處於保險業者、保險經紀人的惡性競爭市場,高科技電子業基於風險成本考量,強勢壓縮保險費,使得電子業運輸保險損失率居高不下。
損失率。 / With the blooming growth of high-tech industry, the electronic industry pursued for swiftness and clients satisfaction as well as the fast development of logistics business, risk of cargo distribution had transformed from the traditionally low-risk lineal “door to door” model to a high-risk complex structure of network composed by Hubs, Configuration Centers, warehouses, contractors, and sub-tractors. Moreover, the intense competitiveness among insurers and insurance agents as well as the cost-down strategy on cargo transit insurance premium of high-tech companies even make the loss-claim ratio have stayed high for such a long time.
By studying cases of specific high-tech company claiming for great loss amount, we herby conclude several main causes of loss during transit and bring up suggestions on Underwriting, Claim Adjustment, Logistics Warehouse, Carrier Loss Prevention, and Logistics Management for your reference.
In the future, in terms of risk management and diversification, we should not only aggressively adjust our underwriting strategy, enhance co-insurance policy but also strengthen investigations on the warehouse staffs and designate supplier adequate responsibilities.
Besides, what’s more important is to alter the myth of being purely interest-oriented and to discard the thought of expanding market percentage by cutting prices, only then we could really make a sound foundation at the market instead of suffering malignant competition with each other.
Key Word:Electronic Industry,Global Logistic,Supply Chain,Risk Management,Loss Frequency,Loss Severity,Underwriting Strategy,Claim Management,Loss Ratio。
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Anmeldung und Feststellung von Forderungen im Insolvenzverfahren / Filing and determination of claims in the insolvency proceedingsJaeschke, Mark A. 13 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Teisės kreiptis į teismą įgyvendinimo procesinė tvarka: lyginamoji analizė Lietuvos ir Vokietijos civilinio proceso įstatymuose / Procedural order for the implementation of the right to access to court: comparative analysis of the civil procedure laws in the states of Lithuania and GermanyMitrulevičiūtė, Vaida 25 January 2008 (has links)
Teisės kreiptis į teismą teisminės gynybos užtikrinimas yra vienas iš pagrindinių teisinės valstybės statusą patvirtinančių siekiamų tikslų. Magistro darbe teisė kreiptis į teismą teisminės gynybos procesine teisine prasme, t. y. teisė pareikšti ieškinį (pareiškimą), analizuojama pasitelkiant lyginamąjį tyrimo metodą, įgalinantį palyginti atskirų valstybių - Lietuvos Respublikos (toliau – Lietuvos) ir Vokietijos Federacinės Respublikos (toliau –Vokietijos) - teisės kreiptis į teismą įgyvendinimo procesinės tvarkos teisinį reguliavimą.
Abejose šalyse teisė kreiptis į teismą teisminės gynybos reglamentuojama aukščiausią teisinę galią turinčio teisės akto, t. y. Konstitucijos, normomis. Teisės kreiptis į teismą teisinis reguliavimas, esant asmens teisių pažeidimui privatiniuose teisiniuose santykiuose, Lietuvoje ir Vokietijoje skiriasi: Vokietijos Pagrindinio įstatymo 19 str. 4 d. garantuoja teisę kreiptis į teism���� tik tuo atveju, kai teisių pažeidėjas yra viešoji valdžia. Tačiau Vokietijos Konstitucinis Teismas yra konstatavęs, jog teisiniams ginčams, nepatenkantiems į Pagrindinio įstatymo 19 str. 4 d. ribas, teisė kreiptis į teismą garantuojama įtvirtintu teisinės valstybės principu. Priešingai nei Vokietijoje, Lietuvos Konstitucijoje yra įtvirtinta bendroji teisės norma, taikoma kilusiems ginčams tiek civiliniuose, tiek kitokio pobūdžio teisiniuose santykiuose. Kiekvienas, norintis pasinaudoti teisės aktuose įtvirtinta teise kreiptis į teismą, privalo laikytis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Die Gewaehrleistung vom Justizgewaehrungsanspruch ist eines der Axiome, die den Status von dem Rechtsstaat betont. In dieser Magisterarbeit wird der Justizgewaehrungsanspruch im Sinne des prozessrechtlichen Aspektes, d. h. wie das Recht vor Gericht einzuklagen, analysiert. Die Eroerterung vom Justizgewaehrungsanspruch wird mit Anwendung eines Vergleichsmethodes erledigt. Das Ziel dieser Magisterarbeit ist die Prozessordnung der Verwirklichung vom Justizgewaehrungsanspruch in Litauen und in Deutschland zu vergleichen.
In beiden Laendern wird der Justizgewaehrungsanspruch auf der obersten Regelungsebene verankert – im Grundgesetz (GG) der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands und in der Verfassung Litauens. Die Rechtsschutzgarantie in privatrechtlichen Verhaeltnissen ist in verfassungrechtlichen Normen unterschiedlich geregelt: Art. 19 Abs.4 GG schuetzt die Rechte des Menschens nur bei Velretzung durch oeffentliche Gewalt. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat den aus dem Rechtsstaatsprinzip in Verbindung mit den Grundrechten folgenden allgemeinen Justizgewährungsanspruch zunächst als Grundlage des Rechtsschutzes in zivilrechtlichen Streitigkeiten anerkannt, für die Art.19 Abs.4 GG nicht anwendbar ist. Im Gegensatz dazu gibt es eine allgemeine verfassungsrechtliche Norm in Verfassung Litauens, die nicht nur fuer die oeffenltich-rechtlichen, sondern auch fuer die zivilrechtlichen Streitigkeiten gilt. Jeder, wer sein Recht vor Gericht einzuklagen realisieren moechte, muss es gemaess... [to full text]
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Teisės kreiptis į teismą įgyvendinimo procesinė tvarka (lyginamoji Lietuvos ir Austrijos valstybių civilinio proceso įstatymų analizė) / Procedural orderfor the implementation of the right to access to court (comparative analysis of the civil procedure laws in the states of Lithuania and Austria)Stulpinienė, Aida 25 January 2008 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – kompleksiškai išanalizuoti ir palyginti teisės kreiptis į teismą įgyvendinimo procesinę tvarką pagal Lietuvos ir Austrijos civilinio proceso įstatymus. Abiejose šalyse konstituciniu lygmeniu įtvirtintą teisę kreiptis į teismą detalizuoja civilinio proceso įstatymuose nustatyta šios teisės įgyvendinimo tvarka. Darbe teorinių ir empirinių metodų pagalba yra analizuojama teisė kreiptis į teismą, jos turinys, teisės kreiptis į teismą prielaidos ir sąlygos, nustatytos atsisakymo priimti ieškinį pagrinduose, įtvirtintuose Lietuvos ir Austrijos civilinio proceso įstatymuose. Remiantis moksline literatūra, teisės aktais, Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo ir Austrijos Aukščiausiojo Teismo (Oberster Gerichtshof) praktika atskiruose baigiamojo darbo skyriuose analizuojami Lietuvos ir Austrijos civilinio proceso kodeksuose numatyti atsisakymo priimti ieškinį pagrindai.
Atlikus lyginamąją Lietuvos ir Austrijos civilinio proceso įstatymų analizę, prieinama išvados, kad abiejų valstybių civilinio proceso įstatymuose įtvirtinti atsisakymo priimti ieškinį pagrindai yra beveik identiški, teisė kreiptis į teismą yra tinkamai reglamentuota ir įgyvendinama nepažeidžiant įstatymuose numatytų reikalavimų. Tiek Lietuvoje, tiek Austrijoje įtvirtinti baigtiniai atsisakymo priimti ieškinį pagrindų sąrašai nesudaro kliūčių asmenims pasinaudoti teise kreiptis į teismą. Taip pat darbe pateikiami pasiūlymai Lietuvos įstatymų leidėjui dėl kai kurių civilinio proceso įstatymų nuostatų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In dieser Magistrusarbeit analysiert man die Ordnung der Verwirklichung des Justizgewährungsanspruchs anhand der Gesetze des Zivilprozesses in Litauen und Österreich. Den Justizgewärungsanspruch, den die Verfassungen der beiden Ländern durchsetzen, detailisiert die Ordnung der Verwirklichung dieses Rechts in den Gesetzen des Zivilprozesses. In der Arbeit analysiert man den Justizgewärungsanspruch, Inhalt des Justizgewährungsanspruchs (die Prozessvoraussetzungen und die Rechtszugvoraussetzungen sind in den Gesetzen des Zivilprozesses verwirklicht, die in den Gründen der Zurückweisung der Klage festgesstelt sind). Hier werden auch die Werke der Rechtswissenshaftler in Litauen und Österreich besprochen.
In einzelnen Teilen dieser Arbeit werden die Gründen der Zurückweisung der Klage besprochen. Diese Gründe analysiert man anhand der Gesetze, der Rechtsprechung, der Wissenschaft des Zivilprozessrechtes. Nach der vergleichenden Analyse der Gesetze des Zivilprozesses in Litauen und Österreich kann man die Schlussfolderung ziehen, das die Gründen der Zurückweisung der Klage fast identisch sind. Der Justizgewährungsanspruch ist ausführlich reglementiert und verwirklicht man ohne Verletzungen der Gesetze. Sowohl in Litauen als auch in Österreich ist die Endliste der Gründen der Zurückweisung der Klage verwirklicht, die keine Hindernisse der Personen, die den Justizgewährungsanspruch nutzen wollen, machen. In der Arbeit werden auch die Vorschläge für den Gesetzgeber Litauens wegen... [to full text]
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Les tiers dans le contentieux arbitral des investissements internationaux : de l'intervention au recours directFortier, Carole 04 1900 (has links)
L’arbitrage public international est demeuré un domaine exclusif aux États souverains jusqu’à la fin des années 50, alors que sont apparus les traités bilatéraux relatifs aux investissements (TBI). La principale caractéristique de ces TBI est sans conteste le recours direct de l’investisseur étranger en arbitrage international contre des États récalcitrants, une alternative aux tribunaux locaux souvent inefficaces. Plus récemment, en 1998, l’organe d’appel de l’OMC est allé jusqu’à accepter l’opinion d’amicus curiae dans un différend opposant des États et aujourd’hui, l’admission de ce type d’opinion est expressément prévue dans plusieurs TBI de nouvelle génération. Mais si l’investisseur bénéficie d’un recours devant une instance arbitrale neutre, il en va tout autrement pour la population locale qui se trouve souvent lésée par la présence, sur son territoire, d’investisseurs étrangers. Le droit de présenter une opinion ne peut remplacer le droit de faire valoir une réclamation. Se pose donc la question : est-ce que, dans le contexte actuel du droit de l’investissement international, des tiers (par rapport aux parties signataires de TBI et par rapport aux parties au différend) peuvent prétendre à une voie de recours direct en arbitrage international?
Nous sommes d’avis qu’une telle voie de recours est actuellement possible et que le contexte de l’arbitrage relatif à l’investissement constitue un terrain fertile pour la mise en place de ce droit, étant donné la place déjà faite aux investisseurs. Nous verrons que les principales objections à l’admission de tiers à l’arbitrage international peuvent être rejetées. L’objection de l’absence du consentement des parties intéressées tombe quand on constate les nombreux cas d’arbitrage international où la portée du consentement a été étendue pour inclure des non-parties ou encore pour soumettre à l’arbitrage des matières non envisagées au départ. Par ailleurs, l’absence de qualité pour agir en droit international est un problème théorique, car les investisseurs y ont déjà accès malgré l’absence de cette qualité. Reste donc à déterminer quelle pourrait être la base d’un recours en droit substantiel international pour qu’un tiers puisse faire valoir une réclamation. Nous verrons qu’il existe des instruments juridiques et des principes internationaux dont la contravention pourrait très bien engager la responsabilité de l’État ou de l’investisseur fautif, tout comme il est possible de bien circonscrire les critères d’admissibilité des tiers à la procédure d’arbitrage international. / International arbitration has remained an exclusive domain sovereign states until, in the late 50s, came the first bilateral investment treaties (BITs). The main feature of these BITs is undoubtedly the right, granted to investors, to direct international arbitration against recalcitrant States, an alternative to often ineffective local justice. More recently, in 1998, the appellate body of the WTO went to accept the opinion of an independent amicus curiae in a dispute between State members. Today, the admission of such opinions is clearly provided for in several recent BITs. But if investors benefit from a right of action before a neutral international arbitration body, the situation is quite different for the local population, who is often affected by the presence of foreign investors on its territory. The right to submit an opinion cannot replace the right to legal action. This therefore raises one question: in the current context of international investment law, is it possible for third parties (non signatories of BITs and not parties to the dispute) are entitled to a remedy direct international arbitration?
We are of the opinion that the answer to this question is: yes. And the context of investment arbitration, because of the right to direct arbitration against States already granted to investors, constitutes a fertile ground for the implementation of this right of action in favour of third parties. The objection based on the absence of the parties’ consent to such right of action has been set aside in many international arbitration cases where the scope of consent has been extended to include non-parties or to submit to arbitration matters not contemplated at first. Also, the objection based on the absence of legal standing of third parties in International Law proves to be theoretical as foreign investors already have access to international justice despite the lack of this quality. There remains to determine what substantial International Law will constitute a valid legal basis for a third party claim. We will see that there exists legal instruments and international principles and that their violation by States or investors may result in the obligation to compensate the prejudice suffered, as well as it is possible to clearly define and indentify who the third parties could be.
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The Word and the Spirit : epistemological issues in the faith, health and wealth movement in ZambiaChanda, Victor 01 1900 (has links)
The Faith Movement is a religious mosaic since it is a multi-layered phenomenon which is coloured by several themes. These themes represent several areas of emphasis like: Blessing and Blessings, Power to declare, Prophetic anointing, connecting with the anointing, dominion, success and increase, sowing the seeds, as well as other ideas which are still evolving.
The Word of Faith teachers have a very unique way of reading the Bible. They usually approach the text without consideration of its historical and cultural context. When they approach the biblical text they usually assign to it an independent existence cut off from its natural context. This in turn results in the reinterpretation of all the major doctrines of the Christian faith. Both God and human beings belong to the same class of “divine beings.” God and human beings it is believed operate under the rule of faith. It is argued that whatever God created, God did so by speaking words of faith (see Genesis 1:1-3). It is therefore argued that human beings similarly can create their own reality and destiny by speaking words of faith.Christology and Pneumatology of the Faith Movement assume a rather narrow outlook. It is believed that Jesus Christ died so that in addition to the forgiveness of sins He provided for all spiritual and material needs of the people. Therefore, no Christian should be poor or sick. The Holy Spirit on the other hand, is the anointing that enables believers to make it in life.
It must be pointed out that even though the Word of Faith ideas were exported to Africa mainly from the United States of America it has found a home in Africa. The concepts of blessings and curses have a corollary in African Religious Traditional thought. The role that Word of Faith preachers play is similar to the roles played by several religious experts in African Religious Thought. Ultimately, the Faith Movement is not based on sound theological and philosophical ground. It is based on unique reading of the Bible which is more esoteric than theological. More Gnostic than Christian. / Philosophy and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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L'encadrement juridique du droit de grève : étude comparée Benin - France / The legal framework for the right to strike : comparative study Benin-FranceQuenum, Cossi 21 July 2017 (has links)
Délit pénal puis faute contractuelle, la grève est devenue un droit constitutionnel en France et au Bénin. Le législateur français a assorti l’exercice du droit de grève de garanties en optant pour le principe de la suspension du contrat de travail du salarié faisant grève, le maintien de l’emploi dès lors que la grève se déroule dans certaines conditions. Seule la faute lourde imputable au salarié rend possible la rupture du contrat de travail. Le législateur béninois n’a pas édicté expressément les mêmes règles laissant à la jurisprudence le soin de protéger et garantir l’exercice de ce droit constitutionnel. Pour exercer valablement le droit de grève, les grévistes doivent informer préalablement de l’employeur de leur revendication afin qu’il puisse y répondre et éviter si possible le déclenchement de la grève. Le droit de grève doit s’exercer dans la quête permanente d’une compatibilité avec d’autres libertés constitutionnelles (droit de propriété, liberté d’entreprendre, liberté du travail,…). Il existe dans les deux pays des procédures facultatives de prévention et de résolution de conflit. L’exercice du droit de grève s’incline devant l’invocation d’un intérêt supérieur tel que l’intérêt général ; ceci conduit à la prévision d’un service minimum, parfois à un ordre de réquisition. Par ailleurs, l’obligation d’observer un préavis tout comme la multiplication de recours préalable peut participer, singulièrement au Bénin, de stratégies visant à différer ou à rendre difficile l’entrée en grève. Enfin, de façon variable en droits béninois et français, sont interdits certains motifs ou certaines modalités de grève. Dans les deux pays, en cas d’exercice anormal du droit de grève, le gréviste peut voir mis en jeu sa responsabilité tant au plan civil que pénal. Respecter le droit de grève tout en limitant les débordements les plus nuisibles liés parfois à son exercice, conduit à voir affirmer une véritable démocratie sociale, adjuvant nécessaire de la démocratie politique. / Penal offense and then contractual fault, the strike became a constitutional right in France and Benin. This consecration comes in paragraph 7 of the Preamble of the French Constitution: "the right to strike is exercised within the framework of the laws that regulate it". Article 31 of the Beninese Constitution of 11 December 1990 states: "The State recognizes and guarantees the right to strike. Any worker may defend his interests, either individually or collectively or through trade union action, as provided by law. The right to strike shall be exercised in accordance with the conditions laid down by law ". As the formulas adopted by the French and Beninese constituents were almost similar, it was the legislator who had the task of clarifying the scope of beneficiaries. In common, apart from some variable legal limitations, the right to strike is found both in the public sector and in the private sector. The Beninese and French legislators have specified the conditions under which the right to strike can be exercised and the formalities or procedures to be respected before the strike begins. The French legislature imposed guarantees on the exercise of the right to strike by opting for the principle of the suspension of the employment contract of the striking employee and the maintenance of employment if the strike takes place under certain conditions. Only the gross negligence attributable to the employee makes it possible to terminate the employment contract. The Beninese legislature has not expressly enacted the same rules, leaving the case law to protect and guarantee the exercise of this constitutional right. The powers traditionally recognized by the employer are subject to scrutiny when disciplinary proceedings are instituted against strikers or in the event of a pay deduction for strike action. Protection is only in favor of a strike based on professional demands. In order to properly exercise the right to strike, strikers must inform the employer in advance of their claim so that they can respond to it and avoid the strike if possible. The right to strike must be exercised in the permanent search for compatibility with other constitutional freedoms (property rights, freedom of enterprise, freedom of labor, etc.). There are voluntary conflict prevention and resolution procedures in both countries. The exercise of the right to strike is subject to the invocation of a superior interest such as the general interest, but also sometimes to the obligation imposed on employees to observe a minimum service or even to respond to a requisition order. The system of requisitioning strikers differs in its implementation in Benin and French law. On the other hand, the obligation to observe a long notice as well as the multiplication of preliminary remedies is part of strategies to delay or make difficult the strike. In Beninese law, as in French law, certain grounds or methods of strike are prohibited. By way of indication, the requirement to call a strike by a representative trade union in the public sector constitutes a point of divergence between Beninese and French rights. On the other hand, in both countries, the "statute" of an employee's striker does not preclude the possibility that, in the event of an abnormal exercise of the right to strike, civil or criminal liability may be exercised.
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