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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mesura de la qualitat en el sector serveis

Saurina, Carme 18 April 1997 (has links)
El treball desenvolupat en aquesta tesi consisteix en l'adaptació a la llengua catalana d'un model de mesura de la qualitat en el sector serveis, el model servqual, i la seva contrastació a través d'una aplicació empírica al sector de les entitats financeres de les comarques gironines. El primers capítols del treball constitueixen un bloc introductori al tema principal de la tesi, la mesura de la qualitat en el sector serveis, i indiquen la necessitat i la conveniència d'obtenir una mesura fiable de la qualitat per tal d'aconseguir un avantatge competitiu sostenible tant en el mercat nacional com en el mercat internacional actual. El desenvolupament metodològic de la tesi es realitza en dues vessants diferents, per una banda es procedeix a l'adaptació a la llengua catalana de l'instrument de mesura que es vol contrastar, i per l'altra es descriu, es discuteix i s'aplica la metodologia estadística que permet descobrir variables latents, és a dir, constructes no observables directament, a través de l'estudi de la covariació de les variables observables o indicadors adequats. L'objectiu general que es vol aconseguir és l'avaluació de la qualitat percebuda del servei que ofereixen les entitats financeres de la província de Girona. Els objectius específics que es planteja el treball, a part de la obtenció de l'instrument adaptat a la llengua catalana per a la mesura de la qualitat percebuda en el sector de les entitats financeres, són: a) L'estudi de la validesa i de la fiabilitat de l'instrument, així com l'anàlisi de l'estabilitat de les dimensions inherents al model i que porten a la formació del constructe qualitat percebuda. b) L'anàlisi de la relació entre les percepcions i les expectatives com a manera d'avaluar la qualitat percebuda. c) La discriminació deis constructes qualitat, qualitat percebuda i satisfacció i les possibles relacions existents entre ells. d) L'estudi del poder predictiu del constructe qualitat percebuda sobre el comportament futur dels clients. e) L'impacte que tenen les característiques socioeconòmiqes deis clients, així com la distinció entre tipus d'entitat (caixes i bancs), en l'avaluació de la qualitat percebuda. L'elecció del sector empíric d'aplicació del treball no ha estat gratuïta i obeeix a dos motius principals. En primer lloc, i a diferència d'altres treballs empírics d'aplicació de l''escala servqual, no es vol fer l' estudi sobre una mostra de conveniència o sobre una llista de clients d'una determinada entitat sinó que planteja l'estudi sobre una mostra aleatòria geogràfica presa sobre el total poblacional censat a les comarques gironines. L' altra motiu l'imposa la mateixa metodologia al exigir que el client ha d'haver pogut escollir lliurament l'entitat que avalua i per tant que el seu judici sobre l'entitat no ha estat condicionat a priori. La mostra s'ha seleccionat realitzant mostreig aleatori simple proporcional a la mesura de l'hàbitat prèvia estratificació dels municipis segons tinguin mida censal inferior als 2.000 habitants, entre 2.000 i 10.000 habitants, entre 10.000 i 50.000 habitants i superior als 50.000 habitants. El total de la mostra de la primera fase (500 persones), s'ha administrat mitjançant entrevista personal per enquestadors entrenats prèviament. El nivell de resposta útil consta de 430 qüestionaris. La mostra utilitzada en la segona fase consta de 150 persones, seleccionades aleatòriament entre les que havien donar resposta valida en la primera fase i l'administració es va fer per correu. Les anàlisis exploradores realitzades mostren la poca estabilitat de les dimensions del model encara que l'escala de les percepcions recull un percentatge de variabilitat superior a l'escala servqual i proporciona valors superiors per l'alfa de Cronbach. Les anàlisis confirmatòries efectuades per a contrastar l'existència de les cinc dimensions del model (tangible, fiabilitat, interès, seguretat i empatia), com a variables latents associades als seus corresponents models de mesura. ens permeten rebutjar-les globalment encara que observem ajustos menys dolents per al' escala de les percepcions que per a l'escala servqual. L'anàlisi en profunditat del model ens porta a la conclusió que els aspectes més significatius en l'avaluació de qualitat són els corresponents a aspectes de seguretat, fiabilitat i interès i que els percentatges de variabilitat explicada són superiors en tots els casos per a l' escala de les percepcions que per al' escala servqual. Atès que l' anàlisi de la bateria servqual indica que les percepcions dels clients només superen les seves expectatives en tres dels ítems corresponents a la dimensió tangible, que les valoracions de qualitat i de satisfacció global són molt bones i que la comparació de les puntuacions mitjanes a les expectatives amb puntuacions mitjanes d'importància dels diferents aspectes avaluats indiquen criteris semblants, concloem que l'escala de les percepcions té un poder explicatiu superior i que la interpretació de l'escala servqual s'ha de contextualitzar en el sentit que no es poden interpretar de la mateixa manera els gaps amb mateixa puntuació, sinó que la diferencia entre percepcions i expectatives és més important si la puntuació donada a les expectatives és més alta. Les anàlisis efectuades a través de proves Anova i interpretades a través d'anàlisis de classificació múltiple indiquen que els aspectes socioeconòmics que més incideixen en les valoracions de qualitat són els que fan referència a la mida de l'hàbitat i al nivell d'estudis. Veiem el paral·lelisme en l'explicació de les dues escales, percepcions i servqual, però sempre a favor de l'escala de les percepcions pel que fa a significativitat i a percentatge de variabilitat explicada. El model estructural saturat entre els constructes que mesuren de manera global la qualitat, les percepcions de qualitat i la satisfacció global, ens permet rebutjar la hipòtesis que es tracta de mesures de tres constructes iguals i ens permet establir relacions entre ells. El modelat amb equacions estructurals de dos models equivalents excepte pel que fa a la direccionalitat entre qualitat i satisfacció entre les percepcions, la qualitat, la satisfacció i el comportament futur del client, ens porta a ajustos completament equivalents. De la mateixa manera, el planteig de models equivalents per discernir quin dels dos constructes, qualitat o satisfacció, és el que causa un efecte directe sobre el comportament futur del client ens porta també a ajustos equivalents. Les principals conclusions del treball són que les percepcions de qualitat dels clients de les entitats financeres de les comarques gironines són molt bones i que els aspectes més importants per a la valoració de la qualitat són els que fan referència a seguretat, fiabilitat i interès. Els aspectes que fan referència a les dimensions tangibles i d'empatia són molt poc significatius estadísticament. Destaca el fet que l'escala de les percepcions té un poder predictiu més alt a nivell individual que l'escala servqual analitzada i que l'escala de les expectatives permet relativitzar la importància de les conclusions extretes a través de l'escala de les percepcions. S'ha comprovat la validació de criteri de l'instrument a través de la predicció del comportament futur del client en l'ajust estructural realitzat i la fiabilitat de l'instrument s'ha comprovat a través de la prova test-retest efectuada entre les dues fases del treball empíric sobre la mateixa mostra de persones en dos moments de temps. Qualitat i satisfacció són la mesura de dos constructes diferents entre els que no hem pogut decidir el sentit de causalitat. El poder predictiu del constructe qualitat percebuda sobre el comportament futur dels clients es mesura a través d'un efecte indirecte a través de les variables de qualitat i de satisfacció global i és significatiu. Les variables socioeconòmiques són importants per entendre millor el comportament dels diferents sectors de mercat així com dels dos tipus d'entitat avaluades (bancs i caixes). L' escala servqual és un esquelet vàlid per a la mesura de la qualitat dels serveis però cal un treball qualitatiu previ a la seva implantació en un sector concret per recollir una part més gran de la variabilitat de les respostes i la seva força està en la utilització repetida al llarg del temps per captar canvis tant en les expectatives com en les percepcions de qualitat dels clients. / During the last years the attainment of quality has become a goal of business environment and, moreover, quality has been proven to be an important tool in the obtaining of sustainable competitive advantages. The measurement and the control of quality in services have a distinctive feature in the sense that focus is put on perceived quality. In services, intangibility is a fact and firms have to strengthen in customers and in the way in which customers form and update their perceptions about quality. In this thesis we adapt the servqual model to the Catalan language in order to analyse customers of financial institutions services in the area of Girona, Spain. A population study is realised. A distinctive feature of our analysis with respect to the majority of previous ones is that ours is a population study. That is to say, instead of directly address on customers of a firm we randomly sampled the population of the province of Girona, Spain. In particular, first stratified random sampling and then simple random sampling within each stratum are applied. Total population reported by the last census (1995 local elections) was N= 421487. The stratum considered were for towns below 2000 inhabitants, between 200 l and 10000 inhabitants and between 10001 and 50000 inhabitants.The questionnaires were individually administered during a face-to-face interview in the home of the individuals of the sample for previously entrained interviewers.Expectatives are specifically analysed. Our aim is to compare such expectatives with perceptions about services. Using the modified servqual methodology, the dimensions of quality are analysed using factor analysis, relative weights for each one of these dimensions and a causal model relating perceived quality, experienced satisfaction, global quality and future intentions of customers about the firm is estimated.The adaptation of the model to the reality is discussed and some proposals about the sampled sector (financial institutions) and the analysed area (the province of Girona) are commented.In addition, anova was used to determine if there were differences among the various sociodemographic categories in regard to each service quality item and each service quality dimension. Posterior MCA were realised to test the overall effect of the different sociodemographic categories on each dimension of service quality.

Clients' perspectives of the home modification process and products

Thieman, Lauren Pauline. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.G.S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Sociology and Gerontology, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 39-40).

Serviços ao cliente como estratégia de relacionamento: um estudo sobre a satisfação e a lealdade do consumidor em uma rede supermercadista

Boustany, Samir Mahfuz 06 September 2006 (has links)
In the last twenty years there have been an increasing number of companies that chose strategies to establish a relationship with their clients. In consequence, several studies concerning the Relationship Marketing have been developed with the purpose to identify which type of strategy is more accepted by the clients and to evaluate the efficiencies of these actions in obtaining the loyalty at clients. Therefore, this study intends to analyze the effects of the level of the service satisfaction and costumer loyalty within a supermarket company. The SERVQUAL (Parasuraman et al. 1988 e 1991) model was used to compare the expectations and the perceptions of the clients. A survey was conducted and 402 clients of 14 stores of the company were interviewed, from 28th October until 30th November 2005. The results were obtained through the Factorial Analysis and afterwards Linear Regression showed that from the 22 variables of perception of the quality of the service that were tested, only the ones which are part of the factors Confiability e Tangible influenced positively in the relationship between the company and its clients. At the end, the final considerations were presented as well as the limitations of the study. / Nos últimos vinte anos tem sido crescente o número de empresas que adotam ações no sentido de estabelecer relacionamentos com os seus clientes. Em decorrência disto, diversos estudos abordando o Marketing de Relacionamento vem sendo desenvolvidos tendo como objetivo identificar que tipo de ação voltada ao desenvolvimento de relacionamento encontra maior aprovação por parte dos clientes e também avaliar a eficácia destas ações na conquista da lealdade destes clientes. Desse modo, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os efeitos da satisfação com os serviços na propensão dos clientes em manter relacionamento com uma empresa do setor de supermercados. Como modelo para avaliação dos serviços foi utilizado o SERVQUAL (Parasuraman et al. 1988 e 1991), que efetua um comparativo entre as expectativas e as percepções dos clientes. Para tanto foi desenvolvido um survey que alcançou 402 clientes de 14 lojas da empresa, entre os dias entre 28 de outubro e 30 de novembro de 2005. Os resultados obtidos através de aplicação de Análise Fatorial e posteriormente Regressão Linear demonstram que das 22 variáveis de percepção da qualidade do serviço testadas, somente as que fazem parte dos fatores Confiabilidade e Tangíveis influenciam positivamente nos relacionamentos entre a empresa e seus clientes. Ao final apresentam-se as considerações finais e as limitações do estudo.

Perception of HIV/AIDS by clients attending a community clinic in Mutale area in Limpopo Province

Ntsieni, Azwifaneli Grace 31 March 2005 (has links)
The study sought to analyse the perception of HIV/AIDs by clients attending a community clinic in Mutale area in Limpopo province by interviewing them as they are attending the clinic. The study sought to determine ideas, beliefs or images clients have as a result of how they see or understand HIV/AIDS. The major inferences drawn from this study are that clients still need information on the rights of HIV/AIDS client and the immune system. Feedback from the study is indicative of culture and beliefs playing a major role in diseases epidemic. / Health Studies / MA (HEALTH STUDIES)

Provoz azylových domů z hlediska právní úpravy / Management of reception centres with respect to legislation

KOKEŠOVÁ, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The thesis examines the aspects that might be obstacles to operation and provision of the service. It is obvious that service funding is the most burning question that troubles the service providers. The organizations are subject to the social service inspection, the main purpose of which is assessment according to given criteria and meeting quality standards, which should be in line with the interests and needs of the service users. However this actually leads to administrative burdens for the providers and they often do not agree with the inspection results. Social services are subject to numerous laws, which should help homeless people return to the society, while the dependence on the government help or social services should be as low as possible. The legislation is subject to numerous changes in short periods, which should reflect the needs of the society and particularly those of the practical provision of social services. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the current legislation, which affects the possibilities of service provision and might influence the situation of the clients of homeless shelters. Three research questions were set in the practical part of the research: RQ1 - Do real obstacles to management of homeless shelters result from the current legislation in the opinion of the respondents? RQ2 - Do real obstacles to provision of the services result from the current legislation in the opinion of the respondents? RQ3 - Will the proposed modifications of the Social Service Act (Act No. 108/2006 Col., on Social Services as amended) improve the management of homeless shelters in practice? Seven respondents responsible for management of homeless shelters participated in the research. The research sample consisted of providers from the South Bohemia Region. The interviews were performed individually and anonymously. A qualitative method of semi-structured interviewing was applied. Each performed interview was recorded on a voice recorder with the respondent's consent and then carefully rewritten. The aim of the thesis was to map the opinions of the service providers, who may give a practical insight into the current situation and the possibilities of the social service development. They give us a realistic idea about the fears they face on everyday basis in operation of homeless shelters. The research has confirmed the prognoses of experts that the current system of subsidies from the public budget is really disputable, particularly in the social prevention services. Delayed advance payments lead to uncertainty among the service providers and make the development and planning of the service impossible. It has also confirmed the impacts arisen to the organizations as a consequence of the long intervals between applications for subsidies and payment of funds (debts on energies, problems with timely payment of salaries to employees etc.). It also leads to uncertainty among employees and this uncertainty is reflected in entering into employment contracts for definite periods or even contracts for work. The research has appreciated the contribution of the Individual Project of the South Bohemia Region. The organization funding is also problematic in the field of direct payments from the clients, particularly in the instance of client's leaving without payment or if a client causes a damage on the shelter equipment. Judicial enforcement of unpaid balances or damages is usually unsuccessful and the providers have often moral problems with such a procedure. Sponsorship and support through foundations are usually lower than those for social care services. The operation of non-profit making organizations was also affected by the new Civil Code, which has cancelled some laws and the organizations were forced to change their legal forms, which brought them administrative burden. The new Civil Code has also changed the sphere of rental housing, which might increase the number of homeless people.

Avaliação da rentabilidade do relacionamento com clientes em uma empresa de varejo

Leal, Ricardo da Rosa January 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar a importância da utilização de instrumentos adequados para mensurar o retorno obtido através do relacionamento com os clientes. Inúmeras são as tentativas de buscar alguma forma de diferenciação com relação aos concorrentes, visando obter o reconhecimento e a preferência desses clientes, seja através de produtos diferenciados, em tamanhos, embalagens, estrutura, seja no nível de serviços ofertados desde a venda, passando por entrega, pós venda, entre outros. Além de demonstrar que a utilização de metodologias tradicionais de custeio pode gerar informações inadequadas, e como consequência, decisões distorcidas, será sugerida uma abordagem diferenciada, através da aplicação do conceito de gestão estratégica de custos, mais especificamente, da metodologia Time Driven Activity Based Costing (TDABC). O trabalho sugere a construção de um instrumento que viabilize a identificação de informações mais precisas sobre a real rentabilidade dos clientes, mediante os diferentes produtos e níveis de serviços ofertados. / This final paper has the objective of demonstrating the importance of the correct usage of some tools to measure the response obtained through the relationship built with customers. The attempts to reach, somehow, the differentiation towards the competitors are countless, always trying to obtain the acknowledgment and preference of these customers. This can be through differentiated products, in terms of size, packaging, structure or in terms of the service level offered from sale, going through delivery, after sales, among others. Besides demonstrating that the usage of traditional methodologies can generate inadequate information, and as a consequence, distorted decisions, a differentiated approach will be suggested, through the application of the concept of strategic cost management, more specifically, Time Driven Activity Based Costing (TDABC). This paper suggests the development of a tool that makes the identification of more precise information possible about the real profitability of clients, concerning the different products and levels of services offered.

Uma análise do discurso dos bancos à luz do conceito de lealdade em marketing de relacionamento

Silva, Júlio César Rodrigues da January 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2011-12-06T17:36:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Aprovada.pdf: 772700 bytes, checksum: 92a66d73cb96e958a0a1e6ce8bca703c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2011-12-06T17:36:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Aprovada.pdf: 772700 bytes, checksum: 92a66d73cb96e958a0a1e6ce8bca703c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2011-12-06T17:36:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Aprovada.pdf: 772700 bytes, checksum: 92a66d73cb96e958a0a1e6ce8bca703c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-12-06T17:37:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Aprovada.pdf: 772700 bytes, checksum: 92a66d73cb96e958a0a1e6ce8bca703c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se há ou não congruência entre a ideia de lealdade, manifestada no discurso dos bancos, e o seu conceito em marketing de relacionamento, identificando qual o sentido desse constructo nas mensagens das instituições bancárias, além de identificar, também, quais os fatores que levam os clientes a manterem relacionamento duradouro com bancos. O estudo é de caráter exploratório, e foi conduzido com entrevistas individuais com clientes pessoa física e gerentes de bancos públicos e privados de Brasília/DF, com o intuito de explorar o relacionamento entre cliente-banco, para uma melhor orientação na direção das análises dos dados obtidos. Os dados foram coletados junto a 11 entrevistados de ambos os sexos, residentes em Brasília/DF, durante os meses de março e abril de 2011. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, o método de pesquisa adotado foi qualitativo, com foco no valor informacional da mensagem propriamente dita, das palavras, argumentos e idéias nela expressos, utilizando-se uma forma interpretativa para a análise dos dados. Os resultados demonstraram o afastamento conceitual entre a ideia de lealdade dos bancos, definida como algo ligado ao entendimento de que o cliente, confiante em seu banco, está satisfeito e não o deixa, e o seu conceito em marketing de relacionamento, que a define como um profundo compromisso do cliente em recomprar um produto/serviço consistentemente no futuro, pois constatou-se que os clientes bancários, independentemente de fatores como o tempo gasto ou o esforço associados à troca de fornecedores, são sensíveis a aumento substancial da tarifação, não tem compromisso de recompra com banco e nem de compra junto a um único banco. Em decorrência, se pode concluir que não são fiéis/leais. Como fatores responsáveis por relacionamento duradouro com bancos, verificou-se, como principais, a qualidade do atendimento prestado pelo banco e a reciprocidade existente no relacionamento, ambos são constituintes dos sentimentos de satisfação e confiança nos clientes bancários. Conclui-se o trabalho, fazendo-se recomendações com a intenção de beneficiar e desenvolver os gestores deste segmento. / This paper aims to verify whether there is or not a congruence between the idea of loyalty, showed by the speech of bank businessmen, and their concept of relationship marketing by identifying the sense of that construct in the messages of the bank institutions, besides the identification of the factors that make clients keep a longer relationship with banks in general. The study is a kind of exploratory and it has been conducted by individual interviews with physical clients and managers of public and private banks in Brasilia/DF, aiming to explore the relationship between clientsbank for a better orientation related to the data analysis obtained. The data have been collected by the 11 interviewed men and women, who live in Brasilia/DF, from March to April, 2011. To reach all the proposed goals, the research method adopted was the qualitative one, focusing the information value of the message itself, the words, argumentation and ideas expressed in them by using an interpretative form for the data analysis. The results demonstrated the conceptual separation between the banks’ loyalty idea, defined as something related to the understanding that the clients, confident in their bank, are satisfied and will not leave it, and the concept of relationship marketing, which defines it as a serious commitment of the clients to buy back a product/service consistently in the future, because it has been proved that bank clients, regardless of factors like time spent or the effort associated to the providers exchange, are sensitive to the substantial increase of the taxation; there is no compromise to repurchase with any other bank or to buy from an only one. Consequently, it may be deducted that those clients are not faithful/loyal. According to the main factors for longer relationships with banks, it has been verified that the attending quality offered by the bank and the existing reciprocity in the relationship with clients are both the constituting feelings of satisfaction and confidence for the bank clients. Thus, this paper is concluded by doing some recommendation with the intention of to benefit and develop managers of this segment.

Patroni, klienti, příbuzní. Sociální svět Starého Města pražského ve 14. století / Patrons, Clients, and Relatives: The Social World of the Old Town Prague in the 14th Century

Musílek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The present work focuses on the analysis of two main sources: the court book with market entries (Libri judiciorum or Libri contractuum), and lists of new city residents from the years 1324-1393. The text is divided into several chapters. Besides the description and presentation of the two main types of sources, a critical examination of the basic literature is undertaken, and the methodology of social topography is introduced. An outline of spatial mobility was created, including a basic topographical image of the city and its variations, though an examination of the Old Town real estate markets (especially houses and rural estates). Attention was given to the topographic situation of the Jewish Town, which formed an important part of the medieval urban complex, with coexistence of Christians and Jews within the city. Some aspects of urban migration could be observed, though analysis of the list of new city residents. This is generally regarded not only as an indicator of economic development of the city, but also allows one to monitor the demographic crisis of urban society. Given that a lender had to vouch for each new city resident, lists of new arrivals to the ranks of city burghers also suggest connections and relationships between people. In rare cases, it is possible to link data from the judicial...

Percepce lázeňských služeb klienty Lázní Aurora s.r.o. / Clients´ Perception of Spa Services in Aurora Spa

KROČÁK, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
An importance of spa services is especially in the medical treatment, but their economic significance is also very substantial. It significantly affects investment activities and an employment and it contributes to a regional development. Aurora Spa in Třeboň specializes in treating of musculoskeletal disorders, rheumatic diseases, post-traumatic and post-operative conditions and overall recondition of the body. Spa services in Třeboň have been, since a long time ago, associated with a natural healing source, which is abundant in this locality ? a boggy soil. Aurora Spa is not determined only for ill clients, but it is frequently visited by healthy people who undergo reconditioning and relaxation stays. The current trend heads toward to the fact that in the future the spa care covered from the public health insurance, will be in some way limited and clients will have to pay either a part or the entire treatment from their own financial funds. For this reason it is necessary to concentrate with spa service operators on a great clients´ satisfaction with their spa stay, so that they would return to the spa facility. Since I have worked for five years in the area of providing of the treatment services, I followed my bachelor thesis ?Clients´ satisfaction with spa services? by this diploma thesis, in order to re-map the clients´ satisfaction with services provided in above mentioned spa. I wanted to find out whether clients´ attitudes to the provided services had significantly changed from the research in 2009 year in my bachelor thesis. I used for the research the same questionnaire as in the research in 2009 year. 220 respondents were chosen for the research in the period of September 2011; 110 respondents had their stay covered by some of health insurance companies, either in a form of a complex or a contributory spa care and 110 respondents paid their treatment stay from their own funds as private payers. I supposed that men would be more satisfied than women and clients to whom some of the health insurance companies paid the stay, would be more satisfied than clients paying the stay from their own funds. After processing the data, there were not found out any significant differences in the satisfaction between these groups of respondents and in comparison with the research in the bachelor thesis from 2009 year there were not apparent any significant variations in the clients´ satisfaction with the services provided, which confirms, that the spa services in Aurora Spa are still on a very high level. Results of this diploma thesis can be used by employees of Aurora Spa to enhance the quality of provided spa service in all areas and to improve staff access to their clients.

Etika a kultura v interakci s obtížnými klienty / Ethics and culture in interaction with difficult clients

DUŠKOVÁ, Helena January 2014 (has links)
In my thesis, I focused on the ethical and cultural dimension of social work, application of ethical principles and choice of attitude by a helping professional when working with a client. Subsequently, I followed changes in application of these ethical principles and changes of attitude in high-strain situations in the contact with a so-called difficult client. Further, I focused on the defence mechanisms which a helping professional chooses to cope with high-strain situations and manage his job well. In the individual chapters of the theoretical parte, by the analysis of scientific literature I described theoretical bases of the professional relationship between a social/health social worker and a klient and I focused on the realization of this relationship and on what it brings the worker in high-strain situations when working with the so-called difficult client. In the empirical part, I set one main goal to find out how social workers react on the ethical level in high-strain situations while interacting with difficult clients. Partial goals were designed to find out what ethical principles social workers apply, what attitudes they choose, which clients they consider difficult and what defence mechanisms they develop to cope with high-strain situations. To reflect these goals, I set one main research question and four partial ones. For the collection of data, I opted for the method of quantitative research and I used the questioning method in the form of a half-structured interview. I chose the set of respondents for my research by the method of simple random sampling. To process the research data, I chose the method of case study. Processing the interviews and analysing them, I found out that social workers in high-strain situations do not change their application of ethical principles. Further, I found out that the choice of attitude in high-strain situations changes and that social workers choose, instead of a partner attitude based on equality, a more or less directive stance. All of the respondents met a difficult client at work and dealing with high-strain situations causes them certain indisposition they have to cope with. The answer to the main research question is thus that on ethical level social workers react in high-strain situation by a shift in the choice of their attitude and solving ethical dilemmas. It was a hostile client that the social workers listed most frequently in the typology of clients. It became evident during the interviews what kind of defence mechanisms social workers choose to be able to cope with high-strain situations. The thesis may provide information to the general public and experts.

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