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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MOTIVATION och LÄRANDE sonderingar kring TVÅLÄRARSKAPET / Motivation and Learning inquiries about Co-teaching

Reichardt, Eugen Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
Detta examensarbete grundades på en kvalitativ och empirisk studie. Målsättningen har varit att utröna vilka teorier och faktorer som kunde bidra till elevers motivation och lärande, och hur lärare verksamma i undervisningen av naturvetenskapliga ämnen ser på möjligheterna att kunna påverka denna. En annan viktig aspekt i studien kretsar kring frågeställningen om ”tvålärarskapet”; som kortfattat innebär att två lärare arbetar parallellt i klassrummet. Har lärare som arbetar enligt denna metod en möjlighet att underlätta och entusiasmera inlärningen och motivationen? Finns det eventuellt några nackdelar? Förutom kontakten med en svensk förgrundsgestalt bakom undervisningsformen; tvålärarskapet, används djupintervjuer med sammanlagt sex lärare, samt diskussioner och två mer omfattande intervjuer med elever som grund. Studien har funnit att bland de viktigaste teorierna för att främja motivationen och lärandet återfanns teorin om Tron på sin egen kapacitet, Sociala relationer, Förväntningar och värden, samt Inre motivation, yttre motivation. Tvåläraskapet kan ha ett samband med teorin om Sociala relationer vilket skulle kunna ha implikationer på dess inverkan på motivationen och lärandet. / This thesis was based on a qualitative and empirical study. The objective was to discover which theories and factors could contribute to students' motivation and learning, and how teachers active in the teaching of science subjects see the possibilities of being able to influence this. A very important aspect of the study revolves around the question of "co-teaching"; which in short means that two teachers work in parallel in the classroom. Do teachers working according to this method have an opportunity to facilitate and encourage the learning and motivation? Are there any downsides? In addition to the contact with one of the most outspoken Swedish professionals behind the educational method of co-teaching, in-depth interviews with a total of six teachers are used, as well as discussions and two more extensive interviews with common students as a basis. The study has found that among the most important theories to promote motivation and learning were the theories of Self-Efficacy, Social Relations, Expectations and Values, and Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation. Co-teaching may be related to the Social Relationship theory, which could have implications for its impact on motivation and learning.

A Principal's Leadership in the Implementation and Support of Inclusion

Smith, Thelma Gray 06 May 2011 (has links)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) 2004 requires schools to provide students with disabilities with all the academic opportunities, services, and extracurricular involvement afforded non-disabled peers and with non-disabled peers. Accountability measures resulting from the law, No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), place increased emphasis on the performance of students with disabilities who must be included in the state assessment system, and meet the levels of proficiencies identified by the state for Adequate Yearly Progress in reading and math no later than 2013-2014. According to the literature, principals felt unprepared to provide the leadership in special education. The purpose of the case study of the leadership of a principal was to provide descriptions of practices in implementing and supporting inclusion so that instruction for children with disabilities can be delivered in general education classrooms. The data were triangulated from an interview with the principal, a focus group discussion of general and special education teachers, and examinations of physical artifacts. The findings revealed that the principal organized the school to support instruction of children with disabilities in general education classroom, planned intentionally for scheduling and grouping of students, expected general education and special education teachers to share equal responsibilities for instruction, used data to monitor the progress of students, developed visible and written procedures for academic and behavioral expectations, and collaborated with parents. Underlying each of the findings was the expectation that the faculty collaborate in understanding the impact of the disability upon learning, and problem solve interventions to positively affect academic outcomes for children with disabilities. / Ph. D.

The Effect of Co-teaching on the Academic Achievement Outcomes of Students with Disabilities: a Meta-analytic Synthesis

Khoury, Christopher 08 1900 (has links)
Co-teaching has been, and continues to be, a growing trend in American schools since the late 1990s. As the popularity of this service delivery model increases, there is an imperative need for empirical research focusing on how co-teaching affects academic outcomes of students who receive special education services. Evidence regarding the academic outcomes of co-teaching is limited, and reports mixed results. The purpose of this study is to provide a synthesis of research examining academic outcomes of co-teaching on students who receive special education services. Quantitative information from each research report was coded, an overall effect size was computed, and a moderator analysis was conducted. Results suggest a significant effect (g = .281, k = 32, p < .05) of co-teaching on the academic outcomes of students with disabilities when compared to students with disabilities who did not receive instruction in co-taught settings; though a larger effect was found among dissertation reports (g = .439, k = 25, p < .001). Additionally, a significant effect was found when examining the academic outcomes of students in co-teaching compared to the academic outcomes of students in a resource classroom setting (g = .435, k = 27, p < .001. Lastly, effects were stronger the longer these students were in co-teaching environments. Implications of findings and recommendations for further research are discussed.

The attitudes of foundation phase teachers to the inclusion of learners who experience barriers to learning in the education system

Mudau, Sondaha Petrus 30 November 2004 (has links)
In this study, the attitude of foundation phase teachers to the inclusion of learners who experience barriers to learning in the education system was explored. The following were discussed about the problem: Clarification of the concepts, a profile of learners who experience barriers to learning and development, the research design, analysis of the research results and recommendations were made. From this core problem, four underlining sub-problems were identified, namely: - Learners who experience barriers to learning are a heterogeneous group of learners. - Teachers' knowledge of barriers to learning and development is inadequate. - Teachers' attitude towards collaborative teaching and cooperative learning need to be addressed. - An outcomes-based-education approach influences inclusive education. It was found that teacher training in inclusive classrooms, barriers to learning, cooperative learning and collaborative teaching could enhance the attitude of teachers in inclusive education. When well planned for and maximizing the available resources, inclusive education can be a reality. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Special Needs Education)

Promotion of inclusive education by the learning support teacher concerning foundation phase numeracy and literacy in Gauteng independent schools

Yorke, Lynette Claire 12 1900 (has links)
Inclusion of learners with diverse needs implies a shift from a medical deficit model to a social systems model. The latter does not view the learner as a problem; instead it considers the environment or society’s response to the individual as barriers to learning. This study focuses on collaborative co-teaching as a key to inclusion. Collaborative co-teaching requires the learning support teacher and the general education teacher to partner in all aspects of instruction. The outcome of collaborative co-teaching includes effective instruction, a cohesive, accepting class community, positive learner development and the professional and personal growth of the learning support teacher and the general education teacher. A literature review provided the background to an empirical inquiry using a qualitative approach. Data was collected from a small sample by interviews, observations and documents and inductively analysed. Recommendations for the improvement of practice were made based on the findings. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

"Jag tror inte de har en susning om hur bra vi löst det" : undervisningsorganisationen för integrerade elever mottagna i grundsärskolan med undervisning i grundskolan / "I don´t think they have a clue about how well we solved it" : the teaching organization for pupils with intellectual disabilities in ordinary schools

Burholm, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur lärare och rektorer organiserar undervisningen för den integrerade grund-särskoleeleven samt vilka förutsättningar för inkludering som finns. Med hjälp av klassrumsobservationer och in-tervjuer söktes svar på följande frågeställningar: Hur organiseras undervisningen, vilka förutsättningar för inkludering finns, hur beskriver lärare och rektorer samarbetet mellan lärare, resurspersoner och speciallärare samt vilken kunskap om grundsärskolan finns på skolorna? Teoretisk förankring utgörs av Lundgrens ramfaktorteori (1972), relationell pedagogik enligt Aspelin (2013) samt de specialpedagogiska perspektiven, individperspektiv och relationellt perspektiv. De kvalitativa undersökningsmetoderna observation och intervju användes i studien. Observationer av undervisningen i klassrummet kompletterades med semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare respektive rektor. Sammanfattningsvis pekar resultaten på ett stort engagemang hos främst lärarna i att skapa en bra organisation för elevernas undervisning. Överlag är undervisningen anpassad efter elevernas behov och förutsättningar. Lärarna beskriver att tid för planering och samarbete mellan lärare och mellan resursperson och lärare samt utbildning i grundsärskolans läroplan är bristfällig. Denna studie, om än slutsatser ska dras med viss försiktighet, pekar på att en del rektorer i grundskolan inte är tillräckligt insatta i grundsärskolans läroplan eller vad det innebär att undervisa en integrerad elev. Speciallärare med kunskap om grundsärskolan behövs därför i grundskolan så att integrerade elevers rätt till rätt utbildning utifrån grundsärskolans läroplan kan säkerställas samtidigt som de, utifrån inkluderingstanken, får vara socialt och pedago-giskt delaktiga (Nilholm &amp; Göransson, 2013). / The aim of this study was to investigate how teachers and principals organize teching for pupils with intellectual disabilities in ordinary schools, so-called integrated pupils. With the help of classroomobservations and interviews answers were sought to the following questions: How is the teaching organized, what conditions for inclusion exists, how do techers and principals describe the collaboration between teachers, assistants, and special teachers and what knowledge exists about the curriculum for pupils with intellectual disabilities? As theoretical framwork Lundgren´s Frame factor-theory, Aspelin´s relational pedagogy and the special educational perspectivs, individual and relational perspectiv were used. The qualitative surveymethods were observation and interview. Observations of classroom-teaching were supplemented with semi-structured interviews with teachers and principals. The results of the studie point to a great commitment among the teachers in creating a good organization for the pupils. Overall the teaching is adapted to the pupils needs and conditions.The teachers describe that there is lack of time for planning and collaborations between teachers and assistants. Education of the curriculum for pupils with intellectual disabilities is also insufficient. This study, although conclusions should be drawn with some caution, points out that some principals are not sufficiently familiar with the curriculum for pupils with intellectual disabilities. Special teachers with knowledge about this curriculum are therefore needed in ordinary schools. Based on the inclusive idea the pupils then can be more socionally and educationally involved in their schools.

幼稚園教師合班教學類型的課堂經驗與幼兒課程經驗之研究 / Teachers' experiences and young children's experienced curriculum in three co-teaching types classrooms

王薇蘋, Wang, Wei Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討團隊式、主從式、輪流式之合班教學類型其教師課堂經驗與幼兒課程經驗之內涵。本研究使用自編之「幼兒課程經驗記錄表」與「教師課堂經驗記錄表」進行結構式之觀察,觀察對象為台北市公立幼稚園「團隊式」、「主從式」、「輪流式」班級之教師及幼兒,各兩班;觀察時間從早上九點至下午四點,共18天,並於觀察結束後進行教師訪談。 分析結果發現,教師課堂經驗層面,(一)團隊式教師之合作方式以「共同主導」為主,工作內容以「教學相關內容」為主。而「共同討論」比例最高,深度亦是最深,「常規」管理之時間最少。(二)主從式教師合作方式以「一主一協」為主,除中午生活活動時段「獨自帶領」比例提升;工作內容以「教學相關內容」為主。(三)輪流式教師合作方式以「獨自帶領」為主,除中午生活活動時段以「共同主導」為主;工作內容以「照料幼兒」為主,由於獨自帶領比例高,因此「常規」比例最高。 幼兒課程經驗層面,(一)三種合班教學類型皆以「生活活動」比例最高,「學習活動」次之,「轉銜活動」最少。其中上午時段以「學習活動」為主,中午以「生活活動」為主。(二)「學習活動」以「團隊式」、「主從式」之比例最高;「生活活動」以「輪流式」比例最高;「轉銜活動」以「主從式」、「輪流式」比例最高。(三)下午時段,「團隊式」、「主從式」以「學習活動」為主,但主從式多為角落與各類遊戲活動;「輪流式」則以「生活活動」為主。(四)三種合班教學類型之共同參與者皆以「教師與同儕」為主;活動主導者皆以「教師主導」為主;目標明確度以「團隊式」最高。 本研究亦發現,(一)三種合班教學類型其個別指導比例皆偏低,其與研究者進班觀察時間有關。(二)「團隊式」、「主從式」教師間會交流資訊;影響教師參與專業成長活動因素為教師時間與體力、研習內容等。(三)教師兼任行政工作之影響為中斷教學、增加教師負擔、提升教師獨自帶領比例等。(四)公幼並非完全無注音教學,原因為幼小銜接、因應家長需求。(五)自然科學比例較低,美術活動多為繪畫,素材多為彩色筆、蠟筆,缺乏多元性。 最後根據以上之結論,研究者針對幼稚園教師、幼稚園所、教育行政機關及後續研究提出建議。 關鍵字:合作教學、教學類型、課堂經驗、課程經驗、幼稚園 / The main purpose of this study is to discuss teachers' experiences and young children's experienced curriculum in three co-teaching types of classrooms, including “team work type”, “teach- assist type”, and “ rotation type”. This study uses “children's experienced curriculum record” and “teachers' experiences in the classroom record” to do the structural observation. Researcher observed three co-teaching types of classrooms choosing from Taipei city public kindergartens, two classrooms for each co-teaching type, totally six classrooms, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., totally 18 days, and interviewed teachers after observation. Following are the results of this study: First, on the part of teachers' experiences, (A) The primary cooperation way of team work type is “leading together”, and the primary work of team work type is about teaching. Besides, the percentage of discussion is the most, and the classroom- rule management is the least. (B) The primary cooperation way of teach- assist type is “one teach and one assist”, but the percentage of “leading alone” is increased only in the period of noon, and the primary work is about teaching. (C) The primary cooperation way of rotation type is “leading alone”, the percentage of “leading together” is increased only at the time of daily routine in the period of noon, and the primary work is about taking care of children. Besides, the percentage of classroom- rule management is the most. Second , on the part of children's experienced curriculum, (A) In all three types of co-teaching, “daily routine ” has the highest percentage of the context of curriculum, the “learning time” has the second most percentage, and the “transition time” has the least. And the primary activity in the period of morning is “learning”, while the primary activity in the period of noon is “daily routine ”. (B) “Learning time” in the team work type and teach-assist type classrooms is the most, and the “ rotation type” classrooms have the most “daily routine ” time. The teach-assist type and “rotation type” classrooms have the most percentage of “transition time” (C) In the period of afternoon, the primary activity in the team work type and teach- assist type classrooms is “learning time”, but teach- assist type classrooms have more learning corner and play time. And the primary activity in the “rotation type” classrooms is “daily routine ”. (D) The co-participants in all three types of co-teaching classrooms are teachers and peers, and teachers are the main leaders in the activities. And the goal of team work type is most explicit. This study also found, (A) The reason that the percentage of “individual instruction” in the three types of co-teaching classrooms is low, is because of the researcher’s observation time. (B) Teachers belong to team work type and teach-assist type usually exchange information. The factors affect teachers on attending professional development activities are their time, energy, and training programs. (C) The effects that teachers participate in administrative works are interrupting teaching, increasing teachers’ burden, and the percentage of “leading alone”. (D) Owing to the demand of transition from kindergarten to primary school, and the expectations of parents, there still be Chinese phonetic symbol teaching in public kindergartens. (E) The percentage of science curriculum is low. The art activities are mainly drawing, and the materials of art are mostly crayons or color pens, which are lack of varieties. On the basis of the results, this study proposes some suggestions for kindergarten managers, administrations, teachers, and researchers. Key words: co-teaching, teaching type, teachers' experiences, young children's experienced curriculum, kindergarten

以英語為母語及非母語之國小英語教師協同教學在台之研究 / A study of a native and non-native speaker co-teaching program in Taiwanese elementary schools

何炳德, Herbert Peter Unknown Date (has links)
以英語為母語以及非英語為母語之教師,兩者間之協同教學國家級計劃,從1990年代開始在日本、韓國及香港各地執行。過去十年,台灣地區共有兩個相關計劃:一個位於中部某縣轄市;另一個則在北部地區,由該地方教育局與某知名學術基金會合作執行。關於這類的計畫,目前已有文獻探討執行上的困難,主要包括文化歧見、老師教學效能、與行政單位之運作問題,但其實卻並無整體評析之深入研究可供參考。 本研究遵循質化與量化的方法,針對北部之計畫為對象,深入評析中外師協同教學執行一年後之師生學習成效。研究首先以量化方式以成就測驗與態度問卷了解計畫中80名四年級與六年級小學生的英文學習成果、他們對英文的態度以及學習動機。另外又以訪談、課室觀察以及教學日記蒐集資料,分三組追蹤調查六位中外師之專業成長,藉衛考斯基的社會文化理論做分析,而文化體認方面,則以第三向度觀點,了解不同文化背景的老師之發展。 研究結果顯示此項中外師協同教學計劃對學生學習有正面作用,但程度則多有不同。學生之閱讀與聽力有成長,四年級學生受益又比六年級學生更多,但成果則因時間較短而稍顯淺薄。另一方面,中外教師在專業知識與文化體認上有顯著成長,可以說是本計畫最大受益者。 整體而言,計畫單位對中外師雙方合作關係之培養具備完善的機制,而在文化體認方面又有一群能夠以持平立場看待文化差距的諮詢專家,為中外師創造第三向度合作空間,使雙方能夠大方擁抱兩種文化且無需掩飾彼此之不同。這些設計使計劃更有效能,整體執行方式具參考價值。 / National co-teacher programs involving native English speaker teachers (NESTs) and non-native English speaker teachers (NNESTs) have been in operation since the 1990’s in Japan, Korea and Hong Kong. Two major programs have been established in Taiwan in the last ten years, one by a city government in the central part of Taiwan, the other by the education bureau of a rural county in the north, in collaboration with a well known academic exchange foundation. The cultural, pedagogical and administrative challenges such schemes face are well documented but there has been little evaluation of the benefits for stakeholders This study focused on the program in northern Taiwan and followed a mixed methods approach in order to trace learning gains from co-teaching for teachers and students over the course of one year. Students’ gains in English proficiency and changes in attitude and motivation were measured in a quantitative study involving over 80 4th and 6th grade students who were tested and surveyed. A triple case study investigated growth in professional knowledge and cultural awareness in three teaching pairs through interviews, class observation and teacher journals. Teacher learning was studied through the prism of socio-cultural theory and growth in cultural awareness from the perspective of thirdness. The program was found to have a positive effect on students, but in varying degrees. Student scores in both reading and listening proficiency improved while their attitudes and motivation were positive. Proficiency gains were greater among 4th graders than 6th graders, but the results also showed that for students, the impact of a one year program is relatively shallow. Teachers grew considerably in both professional knowledge and cultural awareness and were the greatest beneficiaries of the program. This study also found that the effectiveness of the program was facilitated by certain enabling mechanisms which nurtured the relationship between NESTs and NNESTs. Cultural awareness was facilitated by a culturally fair panel which helped create third spaces where teachers could embrace both cultures without hiding the differences between them.

The attitudes of foundation phase teachers to the inclusion of learners who experience barriers to learning in the education system

Mudau, Sondaha Petrus 30 November 2004 (has links)
In this study, the attitude of foundation phase teachers to the inclusion of learners who experience barriers to learning in the education system was explored. The following were discussed about the problem: Clarification of the concepts, a profile of learners who experience barriers to learning and development, the research design, analysis of the research results and recommendations were made. From this core problem, four underlining sub-problems were identified, namely: - Learners who experience barriers to learning are a heterogeneous group of learners. - Teachers' knowledge of barriers to learning and development is inadequate. - Teachers' attitude towards collaborative teaching and cooperative learning need to be addressed. - An outcomes-based-education approach influences inclusive education. It was found that teacher training in inclusive classrooms, barriers to learning, cooperative learning and collaborative teaching could enhance the attitude of teachers in inclusive education. When well planned for and maximizing the available resources, inclusive education can be a reality. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Special Needs Education)

Promotion of inclusive education by the learning support teacher concerning foundation phase numeracy and literacy in Gauteng independent schools

Yorke, Lynette Claire 12 1900 (has links)
Inclusion of learners with diverse needs implies a shift from a medical deficit model to a social systems model. The latter does not view the learner as a problem; instead it considers the environment or society’s response to the individual as barriers to learning. This study focuses on collaborative co-teaching as a key to inclusion. Collaborative co-teaching requires the learning support teacher and the general education teacher to partner in all aspects of instruction. The outcome of collaborative co-teaching includes effective instruction, a cohesive, accepting class community, positive learner development and the professional and personal growth of the learning support teacher and the general education teacher. A literature review provided the background to an empirical inquiry using a qualitative approach. Data was collected from a small sample by interviews, observations and documents and inductively analysed. Recommendations for the improvement of practice were made based on the findings. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

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