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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sports coaching as an ecology of ideas

Muller, Gene 01 1900 (has links)
In this study an ecosystematic approach to sports coaching is forwarded. This approach is illustrated using the analogy of an ecology of ideas. Ideas informing the life span of a coach within an elite team are explored. The researcher engaged four subjects in conversations the life span of a coach in an elite team. these conversations are viewed as co-constructions of realities. The coach abides within a team for a limited time. he or she enters an existing ecology of ideas, which can contribute to, or detract from, the efficacy of the coach in a team. This ecology of ideas evolves as aold meanings shift and new meanings emerge. These menings are explored in this disertation. An awareness of the ecology of ideas within a team can inform the coach to perturb the ecology of ideas in a direction that is mutually qualified as successful / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical psychology)

Gebruik van regressie-analise in die identifisering van sportprestasiefaktore / The use of regression analysis in the identification of sport achievement factors

De Villiers, Liesel 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om te bepaal watler faktore die grootste bydrae tot sportprestasie lewer. Met die literatuurstudie is die verskillende faktore wat sportprestasie beinvloed, geidentifiseer en verder ondersoek en beskryf. Daar is gevind dat 'n wye verskeidenheid faktore bestaan wat atletelsportdeelnemers se prestasie positief of negatief kan beinvloed. 'n Empiriese ondersoek is uitgevoer waarby 'n aantal atlete/sportdeelnemers, wat aan verskeie sportsoorte deelneem, betrek is. Die afrigters van hierdie atlete/sportdeelnemers is oak by die ondersoek betrek. Eerstens is bepaal watter faktore, volgens die atlete/sportdeelnemers, die grootste bydrae tot hul sportprestasie lewer. Daama is hierdie geidenlifiseerde faktore aan 'n regressieanalise onderwerp om te bepaal walter faktor/e die grootste en belangrikste bydrae tot sportprestasie lewer. Die resultate het getoon dat hierdie faktore soos volg is: motivering, afrigter, kommunikasie, selfvertroue, aanleg en dieet / The purpose of this study was to determine which factors contribute significantly to sports achievement. In the literature study, different factors with an underlying effect on sports achievement were identified, explained and further investigated. A wide variety of factors bearing positive as well as negative effect on athletes'/sport participants' achievement were found. An empirical study was carried out in which a number of athletes/sport participators were involved. The coaches of these athletes/sport participants were also included. The factors that play a major contributing role in these athletes/sport participants' sports achievement were primarily determined. Thereafter the identified factors were further investigated through the use of a regression analysis to ascertain which ones contribute the most to sports achievement. The results indicated that these factors are as follows: motivation, coach, communication, self-confidence, talent and diet. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

Exploring factors that contribute to sport participation amongst boys in the middle childhood phase

Zwaan, Tashwille Carlo Mario 2013 February 1900 (has links)
Beginning as young as five or six years of age, children participate in organised sports and there are an estimated 25-35 million children under the age of eighteen who participate in organised youth sports. Whether success records, statistics, motivational factors or personal reasons are the motivators behind participation in sports, athletes are often studied by the population. Despite a large contingency of children who participate in sports, professional or adult athletes’ thoughts and motivations are often studied. However, one thing is known: The reason children play sports is because they have fun. This study explored the viewpoints of teachers/trainers from Schools in Paarl region from a qualitative perspective on why children choose to participate in sports. The participants were selected via non-probability sampling method with the utilisation of purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected with semi structured interviews with teachers/trainers at Paarl schools. Data were analysed according to Tesch’s (in Creswell, 2009:186) framework for the analysing of qualitative data and data were verified according to Guba’s (in Krefting, 1991:214-222) framework for data verification of qualitative data. The verified data were described in specific teams and sub-themes as well as supplemented by literature control. The researcher concludes this study by drawing certain conclusions and recommendations from the research findings / Practical Theology / M.A. (Daiconiology)

Exercise on Prescription and Exercise Planning in Primary Health-Care Settings. An Approach by the 'Let's Walk Programme' (Programa CAMINEM)

Mas Alòs, Sebastià 01 June 2012 (has links)
L’exercici físic provoca efectes beneficiosos per a la salut en persones sanes però també amb certes patologies cròniques. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi fou valorar els efectes i l’aplicabilitat d’un programa de prescripció i planificació d’exercici físic per a la salut a dos centres d’atenció primària per a pacients amb patologia crònica reclutats durant visites rutinàries al seu equip d’atenció primària. El disseny de l’estudi fou d’una intervenció pragmàtica de 18 mesos avaluada seguint les dimensions RE-AIM. Els protocols establerts per a la intervenció, emmarcada en el Programa CAMINEM, han demostrat ser aplicables en els dos centres i els efectes de l’exercici físic pels participants adherits mostraren una tendència favorable, tot i que els resultats no són estadísticament significatius. Aquesta intervenció en prescripció d’exercici físic per a la salut possiblement hagi estat la primera basada en els principis de l’entrenament esportiu i en promoció de salut pública on un professional no sanitari treballà conjuntament amb professionals sanitaris d’atenció primària. / El ejercicio físico provoca efectos beneficiosos para la salud en personas sanas pero también con ciertas patologías crónicas. El objetivo de esta tesis fue valorar los efectos y la aplicabilidad de un programa de prescripción y planificación de ejercicio físico para la salud en dos centros de atención primaria para pacientes con patología crónica reclutados durante visitas rutinarias a su equipo de atención primaria. El estudio fue diseñado como una intervención pragmática de 18 meses evaluada siguiendo las dimensiones RE-AIM. Los protocolos establecidos para la intervención, basada en el Programa CAMINEM, han demostrado ser aplicables en los dos centros y los efectos del ejercicio físico para los participantes adheridos reflejaron una tendencia favorable, a pesar de que los resultados no sean estadísticamente significativos. Esta intervención en prescripción de ejercicio físico para la salud posiblemente haya sido la primera basada en los principios de entrenamiento deportivo y de promoción de salud pública en el cual un profesional no sanitario trabajó conjuntamente con profesionales sanitarios de atención primaria. / Regular exercise has many health benefits for apparently healthy people and also for people suffering determinant chronic diseases. The main aim of this thesis was to assess the effects and feasibility of a health-enhancing exercise prescription and exercise planning in two primary health-care settings for regular patients suffering from chronic conditions attending their health practitioner. The study was developed as a pragmatic-driven trial for 18 months. It was evaluated following the dimensions of the RE-AIM framework. Health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) intervention procedures, designed within the framework of the Let’s Walk Programme, have been found to be feasible in both centres. Positive trends may be found in health indicators for adhered participants even though results were not statistically significant. This intervention has probably been the first based on exercise training principles and public health promotion in which exercise specialists were working alongside primary care practitioners.

Sports coaching as an ecology of ideas

Muller, Gene 01 1900 (has links)
In this study an ecosystematic approach to sports coaching is forwarded. This approach is illustrated using the analogy of an ecology of ideas. Ideas informing the life span of a coach within an elite team are explored. The researcher engaged four subjects in conversations the life span of a coach in an elite team. these conversations are viewed as co-constructions of realities. The coach abides within a team for a limited time. he or she enters an existing ecology of ideas, which can contribute to, or detract from, the efficacy of the coach in a team. This ecology of ideas evolves as aold meanings shift and new meanings emerge. These menings are explored in this disertation. An awareness of the ecology of ideas within a team can inform the coach to perturb the ecology of ideas in a direction that is mutually qualified as successful / Psychology / M.A. (Clinical psychology)

Gebruik van regressie-analise in die identifisering van sportprestasiefaktore / The use of regression analysis in the identification of sport achievement factors

De Villiers, Liesel 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om te bepaal watler faktore die grootste bydrae tot sportprestasie lewer. Met die literatuurstudie is die verskillende faktore wat sportprestasie beinvloed, geidentifiseer en verder ondersoek en beskryf. Daar is gevind dat 'n wye verskeidenheid faktore bestaan wat atletelsportdeelnemers se prestasie positief of negatief kan beinvloed. 'n Empiriese ondersoek is uitgevoer waarby 'n aantal atlete/sportdeelnemers, wat aan verskeie sportsoorte deelneem, betrek is. Die afrigters van hierdie atlete/sportdeelnemers is oak by die ondersoek betrek. Eerstens is bepaal watter faktore, volgens die atlete/sportdeelnemers, die grootste bydrae tot hul sportprestasie lewer. Daama is hierdie geidenlifiseerde faktore aan 'n regressieanalise onderwerp om te bepaal walter faktor/e die grootste en belangrikste bydrae tot sportprestasie lewer. Die resultate het getoon dat hierdie faktore soos volg is: motivering, afrigter, kommunikasie, selfvertroue, aanleg en dieet / The purpose of this study was to determine which factors contribute significantly to sports achievement. In the literature study, different factors with an underlying effect on sports achievement were identified, explained and further investigated. A wide variety of factors bearing positive as well as negative effect on athletes'/sport participants' achievement were found. An empirical study was carried out in which a number of athletes/sport participators were involved. The coaches of these athletes/sport participants were also included. The factors that play a major contributing role in these athletes/sport participants' sports achievement were primarily determined. Thereafter the identified factors were further investigated through the use of a regression analysis to ascertain which ones contribute the most to sports achievement. The results indicated that these factors are as follows: motivation, coach, communication, self-confidence, talent and diet. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (met spesialisering in Voorligting)

Factors affecting coaches with stress and burnout

Frazer, Kirk Jack 01 January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to examine the factors affecting coaches with stress burnout. This project was intended for all coaches from high school to college level.

Exploring factors that contribute to sport participation amongst boys in the middle childhood phase

Zwaan, Tashwille Carlo Mario 02 1900 (has links)
Beginning as young as five or six years of age, children participate in organised sports and there are an estimated 25-35 million children under the age of eighteen who participate in organised youth sports. Whether success records, statistics, motivational factors or personal reasons are the motivators behind participation in sports, athletes are often studied by the population. Despite a large contingency of children who participate in sports, professional or adult athletes’ thoughts and motivations are often studied. However, one thing is known: The reason children play sports is because they have fun. This study explored the viewpoints of teachers/trainers from Schools in Paarl region from a qualitative perspective on why children choose to participate in sports. The participants were selected via non-probability sampling method with the utilisation of purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected with semi structured interviews with teachers/trainers at Paarl schools. Data were analysed according to Tesch’s (in Creswell, 2009:186) framework for the analysing of qualitative data and data were verified according to Guba’s (in Krefting, 1991:214-222) framework for data verification of qualitative data. The verified data were described in specific teams and sub-themes as well as supplemented by literature control. The researcher concludes this study by drawing certain conclusions and recommendations from the research findings / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.A. (Daiconiology)

Avaliação da associação dos polimorfismos da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ACE) e ACTN3 na relação potência versus resistência / Evaluation of the polymorphism association of the angiothensine conversion enzyme (ACE) and ACTN3 in the relationship of power to versus resistence

Woellner, Glaucio Neves 22 February 2017 (has links)
O Atletismo é uma modalidade esportiva que possui provas com demandas energéticas diferentes: potência (P) para saltadores, velocistas e lançadores e resistência (R) para corredores de longas distâncias e marcha atlética. É possível observar diferenças destas características com as possíveis variações da frequência do genótipo DD (deleção), II (inserção) e heterozigoto ID na ACE, bem como da frequência genotípica RR, RX e XX na ACTN3. O presente artigo tem por objetivo correlacionar à recorrência do polimorfismo ACE (Enzima Conversora da Angiotensina) da ACTN3 nos atletas de Atletismo. Estudos anteriores relacionaram estes polimorfismos à capacidade física demandada em outras modalidades. A amostra foi composta por 50 atletas (39 homens e 11 mulheres), com idade de 13 a 38 anos, participantes de equipes de atletismo, que foram então agrupados em função da característica de suas provas (Potência ou Resistência). O estudo apresentou diferenças significativas entre as amostras e o esperado para esta frequência pelo equilíbrio de HardyWeinberg (p=0,0067, para o Polimorfismo da ACE e p=0,0143, para o polimorfismo da ACTN3), no que tange a capacidade dominante da prova e também relacionada ao perfil da população brasileira, grupo controle comparado da literatura (p=0,0223, para o Polimorfismo da ACE e p=0,024, para o polimorfismo da ACTN3). O estudo apresentou uma recorrência de 71,7% somados os genótipos DD e ID, corroborando assim com estudos prévios e 33,3% do genótipo II, conflitando assim com pesquisas anteriores. / The Track and Field’s is a sport that has tests with different energy demands: power (P) for jumpers, sprinters and throwers and resistance (R) for runners and race walking long distances. It is possible to observe differences in these characteristics with possible variations of the D allele (deletion) and I (insert). This article recurrence of ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) in Track and Field’s athletes.Previous studies have linked this polymorphism to the defendant physical capacity in other modes. The sample was composed of 25 athletes (16 men and 10 women) from 13 to 38 years old with participants in a track team, which were then grouped according to the characteristic of this evidence (power or strength). The study showed significant differences between the samples and the expected for this frequency by the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p = 0.0067, for the ACE polymorphism and p = 0.0143 for the ACTN3 polymorphism), regarding the capacity (P = 0.0223, for the ACE Polymorphism and p = 0.024 for the ACTN3 polymorphism). The study presented a recurrence of 71.7% in addition to the DD and ID genotypes, thus corroborating previous studies and 33.3% of genotype II, thus conflicting with previous research.

Avaliação da associação dos polimorfismos da enzima conversora da angiotensina (ACE) e ACTN3 na relação potência versus resistência / Evaluation of the polymorphism association of the angiothensine conversion enzyme (ACE) and ACTN3 in the relationship of power to versus resistence

Woellner, Glaucio Neves 22 February 2017 (has links)
O Atletismo é uma modalidade esportiva que possui provas com demandas energéticas diferentes: potência (P) para saltadores, velocistas e lançadores e resistência (R) para corredores de longas distâncias e marcha atlética. É possível observar diferenças destas características com as possíveis variações da frequência do genótipo DD (deleção), II (inserção) e heterozigoto ID na ACE, bem como da frequência genotípica RR, RX e XX na ACTN3. O presente artigo tem por objetivo correlacionar à recorrência do polimorfismo ACE (Enzima Conversora da Angiotensina) da ACTN3 nos atletas de Atletismo. Estudos anteriores relacionaram estes polimorfismos à capacidade física demandada em outras modalidades. A amostra foi composta por 50 atletas (39 homens e 11 mulheres), com idade de 13 a 38 anos, participantes de equipes de atletismo, que foram então agrupados em função da característica de suas provas (Potência ou Resistência). O estudo apresentou diferenças significativas entre as amostras e o esperado para esta frequência pelo equilíbrio de HardyWeinberg (p=0,0067, para o Polimorfismo da ACE e p=0,0143, para o polimorfismo da ACTN3), no que tange a capacidade dominante da prova e também relacionada ao perfil da população brasileira, grupo controle comparado da literatura (p=0,0223, para o Polimorfismo da ACE e p=0,024, para o polimorfismo da ACTN3). O estudo apresentou uma recorrência de 71,7% somados os genótipos DD e ID, corroborando assim com estudos prévios e 33,3% do genótipo II, conflitando assim com pesquisas anteriores. / The Track and Field’s is a sport that has tests with different energy demands: power (P) for jumpers, sprinters and throwers and resistance (R) for runners and race walking long distances. It is possible to observe differences in these characteristics with possible variations of the D allele (deletion) and I (insert). This article recurrence of ACE (Angiotensin Converting Enzyme) in Track and Field’s athletes.Previous studies have linked this polymorphism to the defendant physical capacity in other modes. The sample was composed of 25 athletes (16 men and 10 women) from 13 to 38 years old with participants in a track team, which were then grouped according to the characteristic of this evidence (power or strength). The study showed significant differences between the samples and the expected for this frequency by the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (p = 0.0067, for the ACE polymorphism and p = 0.0143 for the ACTN3 polymorphism), regarding the capacity (P = 0.0223, for the ACE Polymorphism and p = 0.024 for the ACTN3 polymorphism). The study presented a recurrence of 71.7% in addition to the DD and ID genotypes, thus corroborating previous studies and 33.3% of genotype II, thus conflicting with previous research.

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