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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klimatanpassning - En komplex verklighet : En studie om hantering och samordning av arbetet med stigande havsnivåer och kusterosion i fyra skånska kustkommuner / Climate adaption - A complex reality : A study of the management and coordination of the work with rising sea levels and coastal erosion in four coastal municipalities in Skåne

Ivarsson, Carolina, Tullberg, Louise January 2023 (has links)
Vårt samhälle står inför stora utmaningar när det kommer till klimatförändringarna. Inte minst i att anpassa samhället för att hantera konsekvenser som stigande havsnivåer och kusterosion. Denna studie kommer därför att undersöka hur arbetet kring stigande havsnivåer och kusterosion hanteras och samordnas i kommunal och regional fysisk planering. Den kommer också att undersöka vad nationella och regionala planeringsdokument har för betydelse för kustkommuners implementering av åtgärder i sin översiktsplanering. Syftet med studien är att undersöka fyra skånska kustkommuners arbete med frågan. I studien används teorier kring governance (nätverksstyrning), New Public Management, implementeringsteori, wicked problems och ett analysverktyg om skyddsstrategier: reträtt, försvar och attack. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats där fallstudier använts som metodologi, databassökningar med nyckelord samt dokumentstudie med närläsning som metod. Det empiriska material som studerats är kommunernas översiktsplaner och regionala planeringsdokument. Det har också skett en närläsning av nationella planeringsdokument som en viktig bakgrund i studien. Under uppsatsen har vi även haft kontakt med två tjänstepersoner inom kommunal förvaltning. Genom sin expertkunskap har de bidragit med vägledning i hur planeringsvärlden fungerar. Studien har visat på både likheter och skillnader i kommunernas strategier för upprättande av kustskydd. Länsstyrelsen Skåne anser dock att samtliga kommuner är för vaga i sin vägledning. Av både de nationella planeringsdokumenten och det empiriska materialet framgår det att flera aktörer anser att ansvaret för klimatfrågan är otydligt. Den nationella nivån kritiseras också för att ge för vaga riktlinjer. Nätverksstyrningen och lagstiftningen är två orsaker som ofta lyfts fram. Genom det empiriska materialet kan vi se att otydliga riktlinjer leder till problematik när länsstyrelsen och kommunerna gör olika bedömningar kring implementering av kustskydd. Vi har kunnat konstatera att det ofta sker en krock på grund av det kommunala planmonopolet. Kommunerna och i vissa fall även länsstyrelserna efterfrågar tydligare statlig styrning. Vår bedömning är att det kan finnas en fördel med att den statliga styrningen i klimatanpassningsfrågan förtydligas. Antingen genom tydligare lagstiftning eller bättre samordning av en myndighet. Vi bedömer också att kommunerna behöver låta klimatanpassningsfrågan ta större utrymme i översiktsplaneringen. / Our society is facing major challenges when it comes to dealing with climate change, not least in adapting society to deal with consequences such as rising sea levels and coastal erosion. This study will examine how the work on rising sea levels and coastal erosion is managed and coordinated in municipal and regional spatial planning. It will also examine how national and regional planning documents affect the implementation of coastal protection in the municipalities' comprehensive planning. The purpose of the study is to investigate four coastal municipalities in Skåne. The study uses theories of governance, New Public Management, implementation theory, wicked problems and an analysis tool on protection strategies: retreat, defense and attack. The thesis has a qualitative approach where case studies are used as a methodology, data base researches and document study with close reading as a method. The empirical material studied is the municipalities' comprehensive plans and regional planning documents. A close reading of national planning documents has also been used as an important background to the study. During the thesis, we have also had contact with two experts in municipal administration. Through their expertise, they have contributed with knowledge of how the planning world is functioning. The study has shown both similarities and differences between the municipalities and their strategies for establishing coastal protection. However, the County Administrative Board of Skåne believes that all municipalities are too vague in their guidance. Both the close reading of the national planning documents and the empirical material show that several actors consider the responsibility for the climate issue to be unclear. The national level is also often criticized for providing unclear guidelines. Governance and legislation are often identified as causes. In the empirical material, we can see that unclear guidelines lead to problems when the county administrative boards and the municipalities make different assessments regarding the implementation of coastal protection. We have found that there is often a clash due to the Swedish municipal planning monopoly. The municipalities, and in some cases also the county administrative boards, demand clearer state control. Our assessment is that there may be an advantage in clarifying the governmental management of the climate change adaptation issue, either through clearer legislation or better coordination by an authority. We also believe that municipalities have to prioritize the climate change adaptation issue better in their comprehensive planning.

L'extension artificielle des côtes vers le large et ses conséquences en droit international/Coastal artificial extension and its consequences in international law

Thang, Nguyen Toan 05 December 2005 (has links)
La thèse aborde une question originale et d'actualité: l'extension artificielle des côtes. Afin de mieux comprendre ce phénomène dans son actualité, la thèse attache une importance à la description de la pratique des États en fournissant les informations aussi précises, aussi actuelles et aussi concrètes que possible. C'est à partir de cette pratique que la thèse répond à la question de savoir comment les règles de droit répondent aux exigences de la pratique. En ce qui concerne la pratique des États, la thèse explique, dans une première partie, que l'extension artificielle des côtes est destinée, tantôt, à protéger les côtes contre l'élévation du niveau de la mer, tantôt à gagner des terres pour diverses fins: habitat humain, agricoles, développement des ports et de leurs infrastructures pour les besoins des navires modernes et du commerce international. Mais parallèlement, cette extension entraîne des effets négatifs pour l'écosystème côtier (chapitre I). Des travaux de ce genre ont été menés, ou vont l'être, en Europe (Pays-Bas, Allemagne, Belgique, France, R.-U., etc), aux États-Unis, en Asie (Bahreïn, Malaisie, Hong Kong, Singapour, Japon), en Australie, et sur certains archipels du Pacifique (chapitre II). La seconde partie de la thèse examine le droit applicable au phénomène d'extension artificielle des côtes. Sont ainsi passées en revue: les règles relatives à la navigation (chapitre III), les règles relatives aux lignes de base (chapitre IV), les règles relatives aux hauts-fonds découvrants (chapitre V), les règles relatives aux îles et aux rochers (chapitre VI) et enfin les règles relatives à la protection de l'environnement marin (chapitre VII).

Data-driven prediction of saltmarsh morphodynamics

Evans, Ben Richard January 2018 (has links)
Saltmarshes provide a diverse range of ecosystem services and are protected under a number of international designations. Nevertheless they are generally declining in extent in the United Kingdom and North West Europe. The drivers of this decline are complex and poorly understood. When considering mitigation and management for future ecosystem service provision it will be important to understand why, where, and to what extent decline is likely to occur. Few studies have attempted to forecast saltmarsh morphodynamics at a system level over decadal time scales. There is no synthesis of existing knowledge available for specific site predictions nor is there a formalised framework for individual site assessment and management. This project evaluates the extent to which machine learning model approaches (boosted regression trees, neural networks and Bayesian networks) can facilitate synthesis of information and prediction of decadal-scale morphological tendencies of saltmarshes. Importantly, data-driven predictions are independent of the assumptions underlying physically-based models, and therefore offer an additional opportunity to crossvalidate between two paradigms. Marsh margins and interiors are both considered but are treated separately since they are regarded as being sensitive to different process suites. The study therefore identifies factors likely to control morphological trajectories and develops geospatial methodologies to derive proxy measures relating to controls or processes. These metrics are developed at a high spatial density in the order of tens of metres allowing for the resolution of fine-scale behavioural differences. Conventional statistical approaches, as have been previously adopted, are applied to the dataset to assess consistency with previous findings, with some agreement being found. The data are subsequently used to train and compare three types of machine learning model. Boosted regression trees outperform the other two methods in this context. The resulting models are able to explain more than 95% of the variance in marginal changes and 91% for internal dynamics. Models are selected based on validation performance and are then queried with realistic future scenarios which represent altered input conditions that may arise as a consequence of future environmental change. Responses to these scenarios are evaluated, suggesting system sensitivity to all scenarios tested and offering a high degree of spatial detail in responses. While mechanistic interpretation of some responses is challenging, process-based justifications are offered for many of the observed behaviours, providing confidence that the results are realistic. The work demonstrates a potentially powerful alternative (and complement) to current morphodynamic models that can be applied over large areas with relative ease, compared to numerical implementations. Powerful analyses with broad scope are now available to the field of coastal geomorphology through the combination of spatial data streams and machine learning. Such methods are shown to be of great potential value in support of applied management and monitoring interventions.

Naturbaserade lösningar som det nya normala? : Fyra skånska kustkommuners perspektiv på naturbaserade lösningar inom klimatanpassningsarbetet / Nature-based solutions like the new normal? : Four southern Swedish coastal municipalities' perspectives on nature-based solutions in climate adaptation work

Martis, Jennie January 2022 (has links)
Behovet av klimatanpassning i kustområden är stort, och fortsätter öka världen över. Naturbaserade lösningar (NBS) är flexibla och multifunktionella åtgärder som samverkar med naturliga processer, vilket gör dem anpassningsbara till förändrade förhållanden, till skillnad från hårda kustskydd. Genom denna studies kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra skånska kustkommuner har förutsättningar för NBS att främja klimatanpassning visats vara på god väg. Kustkommunerna ser NBS som ett självklart förstahandsval inom kustskydd. NBS har fått större genomslag i och med ökat samarbete på lokal, regional, nationell och internationell nivå genom nätverk och projekt, vilket har möjliggjort stort utbyte av praktiska lärdomar och kunskap om NBS, naturliga processer och klimatförändringars effekt i kustområden. Samverkan är en viktig del i klimatanpassningsarbetet där samlad expertis bidrar till gemensam förståelse för NBS funktion och mervärden. Idag finns konsensus om ett naturbaserat arbetssätt, där tjänstepersoners och eldsjälars kunskap, intresse och engagemang spelar en avgörande roll för det kommunala arbetet med NBS. Deltagande i NBS-projekt ger mer praktisk erfarenhet och synliggör åtgärdernas positiva effekter, vilket i sin tur kan skapa lokala politiska incitament för att integrera och använda NBS ytterligare i klimatanpassningsarbetet. Dock påträffas flertalet svårigheter, i huvudsak gällande förlegad lagstiftning som inte är kompatibel med NBS flexibilitet, tidskrävande och komplicerade tillståndsprocesser samt frånvaron av uttalat tillvägagångssätt gällande gränsöverskridande åtgärder för hur kommuner, myndigheter samt enskilda fastighetsägare ska samarbeta och dela på ansvaret. För att kunna normalisera och skala upp implementering behöver NBS bli inkluderade som standardalternativ vid beslut om olika kustskyddsåtgärder. Svenska kustkommuner kommer behöva ta ställning och diskutera acceptansen för klimatförändringars olika grad av påverkan i kustområden, där obekväma beslut och övervägandet av andra strategier såsom förändrad markanvändning och planerad reträtt väntas bli mer påträngande. Studiens resultat kan förhoppningsvis uppmuntra naturbaserade insatser inom svenskt klimatanpassningsarbete ytterligare, för att säkerhetsställa levande kustområden där natur och samhällen kan bevaras och klimatsäkras för dagens och framtida klimatförändringar. / The need for climate adaptation in coastal areas is great, and continues to increase worldwide. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are flexible and multifunctional measures that interact with natural processes, which makes them adaptable to changing conditions, as opposed to hard coastal protection. Through this study's qualitative interviews with four southern Swedish coastal municipalities, the conditions for NBS to promote climate adaptation have been shown to be on the right track. The coastal municipalities see NBS as an obvious first choice in coastal protection. NBS have had a greater breakthrough by increased cooperation at local, regional, national and international level through networks and projects, which has enabled a great exchange of practical lessons and knowledge about NBS, natural processes and the effect of climate change in coastal areas. Collaboration is an important part of the climate adaptation work, where collective expertise contributes to a common understanding of NBS' function and co-benefits. Today, there is consensus on a nature-based approach, where the knowledge, interest and commitment of officials and champions play a crucial role in the municipal work with NBS. Participation in NBS projects provides more practical experience and highlights the positive effects of the measures, which in turn can create local political incentives to further integrate and implement NBS in climate adaptation work. However, many difficulties are encountered, mainly regarding outdated legislation that is not compatible with NBS flexibility, time-consuming and complicated permit processes, and the absence of a stated approach regarding cross-border measures for how municipalities, authorities and individual property owners should cooperate and share responsibility. To be able to normalize and scale up implementation, NBS needs to be included as a standard alternative when deciding on various coastal protection measures. Swedish coastal municipalities will need to take a stand and discuss acceptance of climate change's different level of impact in coastal areas, where uncomfortable decisions and the consideration of other strategies such as changed land-use and planned retreat are expected to become more intrusive. The results of the study can hopefully encourage nature-based initiatives in Swedish climate adaptation work further, to ensure living coastal areas where nature and communities can be preserved and climate-secured for current and future climate change.

The influence of biophysical feedbacks and species interactions on grass invasions and coastal dune morphology in the Pacific Northwest, USA

Zarnetske, Phoebe Lehmann, 1979- 09 September 2011 (has links)
Biological invasions provide a unique opportunity to study the mechanisms that regulate community composition and ecosystem function. Invasive species that are also ecosystem engineers can substantially alter physical features in an environment, and this can lead to cascading effects on the biological community. Aquatic-terrestrial interface ecosystems are excellent systems to study the interactions among invasive ecosystem engineers, physical features, and biological communities, because interactions among vegetation, sediment, and fluids within biophysical feedbacks create and modify distinct physical features. Further, these systems provide important ecosystem services including coastal protection afforded by their natural features. In this dissertation, I investigate the interactions and feedbacks among sand-binding beach grass species (a native, Elymus mollis (Trin.), and two non-natives, Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link and A. breviligulata Fernald), sediment supply, and dune shape along the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast. Dunes dominated by A. arenaria tend to be taller and narrower compared to the shorter, wider dunes dominated by A. breviligulata. These patterns suggest an ecological control on dune shape, and thus, coastal vulnerability to overtopping waves. I investigate the causes and consequences of these patterns with experiments, field observations, and modeling. Specifically, I investigate the relative roles of vegetation and sediment supply in shaping coastal dunes over inter-annual and multi-decadal time scales (Chapter 2), characterize a biophysical feedback between beach grass species growth habit and sediment supply (Chapter 3), uncover the mechanisms leading to beach grass coexistence and whether A. breviligulata can invade and dominate new sections of coastline (Chapter 4), and examine the non-target effects resulting from management actions that remove Ammophila for the recovery of the threatened Western Snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) (Chapter 5). I found that vegetation and sediment supply play important roles in dune shape changes across inter-annual and multi-decadal time scales (Chapter 2). I determined that a biophysical feedback between the beach grass growth habits and sediment supply results in species-specific differences in sand capture ability, and thus, is a likely explanation for differences in dune shape (Chapter 3). I found that all three beach grass species can coexist across different sediment deposition rates, and that this coexistence is largely mediated by positive direct and indirect species interactions. I further determined that A. breviligulata is capable of invading and dominating the beach grass community in regions where it is currently absent (Chapter 4). Combined, these findings indicate that A. breviligulata is an inferior dune building species as compared to A. arenaria, and suggest that in combination with sediment supply gradients, these species differences ultimately lead to differences in dune shape. Potential further invasions of A. breviligulata into southern regions of the Pacific Northwest may diminish the coastal protection ability of dunes currently dominated by A. arenaria, but this effect could be moderated by the predicted near co-dominance of A. arenaria in these lower sediment supply conditions. Finally, I found that the techniques used to remove Ammophila for plover recovery have unintended consequences for the native and endemic dune plant communities, and disrupt the natural disturbance regime of shifting sand. A whole-ecosystem restoration focus would be an improvement over the target-species approach, as it would promote the return of the natural disturbance regime, which in turn, would help recover the native biological community. The findings from this dissertation research provide a robust knowledge base that can guide further investigations of biological and physical changes to the coastal dunes, can help improve the management of dune ecosystem services and the restoration of native communities, and can help anticipate the impacts of future beach grass invasions and climate change induced changes to the coast. / Graduation date: 2012 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Sept. 22, 2011 - March 22, 2012

L'extension artificielle des côtes vers le large et ses conséquences en droit international

Thang, Nguyen Toan 05 December 2005 (has links)
La thèse aborde une question originale et d'actualité: l'extension artificielle des côtes. Afin de mieux comprendre ce phénomène dans son actualité, la thèse attache une importance à la description de la pratique des États en fournissant les informations aussi précises, aussi actuelles et aussi concrètes que possible. C'est à partir de cette pratique que la thèse répond à la question de savoir comment les règles de droit répondent aux exigences de la pratique.<p><p>En ce qui concerne la pratique des États, la thèse explique, dans une première partie, que l'extension artificielle des côtes est destinée, tantôt, à protéger les côtes contre l'élévation du niveau de la mer, tantôt à gagner des terres pour diverses fins: habitat humain, agricoles, développement des ports et de leurs infrastructures pour les besoins des navires modernes et du commerce international. Mais parallèlement, cette extension entraîne des effets négatifs pour l'écosystème côtier (chapitre I). Des travaux de ce genre ont été menés, ou vont l'être, en Europe (Pays-Bas, Allemagne, Belgique, France, R.-U. etc), aux États-Unis, en Asie (Bahreïn, Malaisie, Hong Kong, Singapour, Japon), en Australie, et sur certains archipels du Pacifique (chapitre II).<p><p>La seconde partie de la thèse examine le droit applicable au phénomène d'extension artificielle des côtes. Sont ainsi passées en revue: les règles relatives à la navigation (chapitre III), les règles relatives aux lignes de base (chapitre IV), les règles relatives aux hauts-fonds découvrants (chapitre V), les règles relatives aux îles et aux rochers (chapitre VI) et enfin les règles relatives à la protection de l'environnement marin (chapitre VII).<p> / Doctorat en droit / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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