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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suаugusiųjų sаvirаiškos gаlimybės mėgėjų meno kolektyve / Аdult аmаteur teаm opportunities expression

Šatkauskienė, Inga 17 July 2014 (has links)
Bаkаlаuro dаrbe gilinаmаsi į suаugusiųjų sаvirаiškos gаlimybės mėgėjų meno kolektyve. Pаstebėtinа, kаd muzikinis ugdymаs gebа prаturtinti аsmeninę subrendusių žmonių gyvenimo pаtirtį reikšmingomis vertybėmis ir siekiаis. Tą lemiа kolektyvų bendrumаs, vienijаntys tikslаi, tаip pаt bendros kelionės, pаžinimаs ir nаuji potyriаi. Dаrbаs susidedа iš dviejų dаlių – teorinės ir prаktinės. Teorinėje dаrbo dаlyje gilinаmаsi į suаugusiųjų mėgėjų meno kolektyvą ir jo sаvirаiškos gаlimybes. Tаi tiriаmа įvаiriаis аspektаis – sаmprаtos, gilinimosi į įvаiriаs teorines bei prаktines problemаtikаs, tаip pаt sudedаmųjų subjektų vаidmenį ir reikšmę. Prаktinėje dаlyje pristаtomаs dviejų dаlių meninis projektаs – аnsаmblio vokаlinis koncertаs bei spektаklio „Kristijonаs Donelаitis. Žiemos rūpesčiаi“ muzikinė dаlis, kаrtu pаteikiаmos kūrinių аnаlizės suаugusiųjų kolektyvo sаvirаiškos gаlimybių požiūriu. Bаigiаmojo dаrbo tikslаs – аtskleisti suаugusiųjų muzikinės veiklos ypаtumus mėgėjų meno kolektyve. Tikslui pаsiekti keliаmi uždаviniаi: аpžvelgti suаugusiųjų psichofiziologinės rаidos ypаtumus; аptаrti suаugusių аsmenų muzikinės sаvirаiškos formаs megėjų meno kolektyve; аpibūdinti mėgėjų kolektyvo funkcijаs ir veiklos kryptis; pаrengti meninį projektą bei pаteikti projekto muzikinių kūrinių аnаlizę. Dаrbo objektu lаikytinа suаugusiųjų muzikinė veiklа mėgėjų meno kolektyve. Rаšаnt bаigiаmąjį dаrbą buvo nаudotаsi tokiаis metodаis – mokslinės literаtūros аnаlizė, informаcijos аpibendrinimаs... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Bаchelor's thesis explores the possibilities of self-expression in аdult аmаteur teаm. It should be noted thаt music educаtion is аble to enrich the personаl lives of mаture people experience significаnt vаlues ​​аnd аspirаtions. This leаds group’s commonаlity unifying goаls, аs well аs generаl trаvel, knowledge аnd new experiences. The work consists of two pаrts - theoreticаl аnd prаcticаl. The theoreticаl pаrt of the pаper delves into the аdult аmаteur teаm аnd its expression cаpаbilities. It exаmined vаrious аspects - concept of going to а vаriety of theoreticаl аnd prаcticаl issues аddressed, аs well аs components аnd аctors in vаlue. In the prаcticаl pаrt presents а two-pаrt аrt project - а vocаl ensemble concert аnd performаnce “K. Donelаitis. Winter worries” а musicаl pаrt, аccompаnied by works of collective self-expression аnаlysis of аdult possibilities. The аim of work - to reveаl the peculiаrities of аdult music the аmаteur teаm. In order to аchieve the аim: review of аdult psycho-physiologicаl peculiаrities of the development; аdults to discuss the musicаl forms of expression in the аmаteur teаm; describe аmаteur teаm functions аnd аctivities; prepаre аnd submit а drаft of the аrtistic project of musicаl performаnces аnаlysis. The object of the аctivity to be considered аn аdult musicаl аmаteur teаm. Writing а thesis hаs been used in such methods - аnаlysis of scientific literаture, informаtive summаry of аrtistic drаfting, аnаlysis of musicаl works. Following the... [to full text]

The United States Conciliation service

Breen, Vincent Ignatius, January 1943 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Catholic University of America, 1943. / Bibliography: p. 236-248.

The United States Conciliation service

Breen, Vincent Ignatius, January 1943 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Catholic University of America, 1943. / Bibliography: p. 236-248.

Propositions d'amélioration de la coordination de la logistique humanitaire dans la gestion des risques de catastrophes naturelles / Proposals for improving the coordination of humanitarian logistics in managing natural disater risk

Chandes, Jérôme 15 May 2012 (has links)
Une catastrophe naturelle, ou d'origine humaine, implique la mise en œuvre très rapide de chaînes logistiques éphémères. Les organisations humanitaires doivent intervenir de manière efficace, au bon moment et de façon cohérente, en évaluant les besoins prioritaires et en évitant les chevauchements et le gaspillage des moyens mobilisés, parfois à grand renfort d'appel à la générosité publique. La logistique d'entreprise et la logistique humanitaire ont plus d´éléments en commun que l´on n´a l'habitude de l'imaginer. Faire preuve de réactivité avec des coûts contrôlés (puisque les ressources financières des donateurs ne sont pas inépuisables) est l'affaire autant des organisations aidant les populations civiles que des fabricants ou des grands groupes industriels impliqués dans une guerre compétitive impitoyable, même si « les armes » utilisées restent évidemment spécifiques. Depuis ces quinze dernières années, la fréquence et l'ampleur des désastres d'une part, et les exigences des donateurs quant à l'usage des fonds et aux résultats des interventions d'autre part, ont incité le secteur humanitaire à évoluer vers plus de professionnalisation. En parallèle, le monde académique a montré, surtout depuis le séisme en Asie du Sud-est en 2004, un intérêt croissant pour la logistique humanitaire, ceci se manifestant par un nombre de plus en plus élevé d'articles sur le sujet dans les revues scientifiques. L'administration des Chaînes Logistiques Multi-Acteurs (CLMA) contribue directement à la performance des actions des organisations humanitaires. / The purpose of this investigation is to underline the advantages offered by applying the collective strategy model in the context of humanitarian logistics, enriching the existing benefits that operations management and business logistics techniques have brought to the field. In both man-made and natural disaster relief, humanitarian logistics operations have been hampered by a lack of coordination between actors, which directly affects performance in terms of reactivity and reliability. Adapted collective strategies could offer a solution to this problem. A literature review deals with the issue of humanitarian logistics through an operational dimension, followed by a strategic approach. This is rounded out with a case study dealing with the Pisco earthquake in Peru (August 2007), which is based on a participant observation methodological approach.The research presented revealed that a collective action approach had a positive impact on the working of humanitarian supply chains, as long as a “hub” was used to provide accountability and reliability. If a technical approach, particularly in matters of operations management (optimization of transportation, location of regional warehouses, etc.) is essential to better manage humanitarian logistics, it must also be in the service of a collective strategy, notably in the pre-positioning of supplies and the coordination of relief efforts. The case study provides several ideas for improving operation coordination, particularly through direct “symbiotic partnerships” in vertical relations and direct “commensalistic partnerships” in horizontal relations.

L'emploi dans les procédures collectives : étude comparée des droits français et allemand / No English title available

Ligneul-Lechable, Maite 14 October 2017 (has links)
Dans la logique des procédures collectives, l'emploi des personnes ne permet pas la reconnaissance de l'emploi. La reconnaissance de l'emploi dans les procédures collectives suppose d'identifier la personne employeur, et la personne employée. Or, la différence de l’employeur et de l'employé n'entre pas dans la logique des procédures collectives. Au contraire, l’effet de la procédure collective sur la personne du débiteur induit la suppression de la communauté humaine de travail constituée par l'entreprise capitaliste. / No English summary available.

Manter os olhos abertos diante do abismo : a produção compartilhada de imagens em coletivos de arte contemporânea

Schenkel, Camila Monteiro January 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa investiga coletivos de arte contemporânea que trabalham com fotografia, considerando seus modos de produção e o tipo de atuação que desenvolvem nos cruzamentos entre os campos da arte, da fotografia documental e do fotojornalismo. Para isso, procura compreender os motivos que levam, em um contexto marcado pela afirmação da fotografia digital e da comunicação em rede, um número crescente de fotógrafos a investir em formas compartilhadas de autoria. A partir da opção por estudar a produção de três grupos formados entre 2003 e 2013 na cidade de São Paulo − Cia de Foto, Garapa e Trëma −, a pesquisa investiga como a atuação desses coletivos contribui para as discussões sobre fotografia, arte e autoria e para um tensionamento das fronteiras entre documento e ficção. Propõe-se, também, estabelecer relações entre os grupos que atualmente se dedicam à fotografia e outras práticas coletivas observadas no campo da arte ao longo do século XX. Se, devido à sua gênese automática, a fotografia foi por muito tempo vista como uma simples reprodução do real, a atuação desses coletivos evidencia que a imagem fotográfica é resultado de um processo de construção, que pode ser pensado, discutido e compartilhado por diferentes autores. / This research investigates contemporary art collectives dedicated to photography, considering their work processes and activities developed in the intersections of art, documentary photography and photojournalism. In a context characterized by the expansion of digital photography and online communication, it analyzes the reasons why an increasing number of photographers is investing on shared forms of authorship. By focusing on three collectives formed between 2003 and 2013 in the city of São Paulo, the present thesis investigates how the activities of these groups contribute to the discussions about photography, visual arts and authorship, as well as to revise the boundaries between document and fiction. It also proposes to establish connections between groups that currently work with photography and other collective practices observed in the fields of art and photography over the 20th century. If, due to its automatic genesis, photography was considered for a long time as a mere reproduction of the real, the production of these collectives indicates that the photographic image is the result of a construction process, which can be conceived, discussed and shared by different authors.

Instantâneos disruptivos: uma experiência de crítica sociopolítica com arte / Disruptive snapshots: an experience of criticism sociopolitical with art

Carla Beatriz Benassi 19 March 2009 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A partir do final da década de 1960, no mundo e no Brasil, o fenômeno de crítica sociopolítica com arte tem se desenvolvido expressivamente e apresentado um considerável conjunto em termos de quantidade, mas também de qualidade de produções. De meados da década de 1990 até a presente data, esse fenômeno se apresenta de maneira mais acelerada, e em torno de coletivizações artísticas. Tais coletivizações caracterizam-se por desenvolver ainda mais as aproximações entre a arte, o sociopolítico e o cultural, e também por revelar lugares outros para o desenvolvimento de expressões artísticas e de formas variadas de atuação artística no e sobre o espaço público no sentido de subversão e de crítica sobre os sistemas sociais. A presente dissertação observa o desenvolvimento do fenômeno em suas diferentes nuances ao longo do tempo, bem como faz uma análise apreciativa e investigativa sobre algumas obras individuais e de coletivos. Visa apontar e percorrer as diferentes produções artísticas presente e passado aqui elencadas, dado que incorporam uma visada de crítica sociopolítica com arte, o que nos possibilita observar a potência da arte para tratar questões que emergem dos ambientes sociopolítico e cultural; sua reincidência, variedade, conexões e diferenças / Since the 1990's until the present date, in the world and in Brazil, the phenomenon of sociopolitical critic through art has been evolving expressively and presenting a considerable set of productions. In a more accelerated manner, and surrounding artistic collectivizations, is characterized by developing even further the approximations between art, the sociopolitical and the cultural, and also for revealing other places for the development of artistic expressions and and various forms of artistic acting on and over the public space in the sense of subversion and critic over the social systems. The present dissertation observes the development of said phenomenon in its different nuances throughout historical time, as well as does an investigative analysis over some of the individual and collective works. Aims to point and go over the different artistic productions present and past here presented, given that they incorporate an aim of sociopolitical critic through art, what makes possible, in this dissertation, our observation of the potency of art for dealing with questions which emerge in the social, political and cultural environments, its re-incidence, variety, connections and differences

Instantâneos disruptivos: uma experiência de crítica sociopolítica com arte / Disruptive snapshots: an experience of criticism sociopolitical with art

Carla Beatriz Benassi 19 March 2009 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A partir do final da década de 1960, no mundo e no Brasil, o fenômeno de crítica sociopolítica com arte tem se desenvolvido expressivamente e apresentado um considerável conjunto em termos de quantidade, mas também de qualidade de produções. De meados da década de 1990 até a presente data, esse fenômeno se apresenta de maneira mais acelerada, e em torno de coletivizações artísticas. Tais coletivizações caracterizam-se por desenvolver ainda mais as aproximações entre a arte, o sociopolítico e o cultural, e também por revelar lugares outros para o desenvolvimento de expressões artísticas e de formas variadas de atuação artística no e sobre o espaço público no sentido de subversão e de crítica sobre os sistemas sociais. A presente dissertação observa o desenvolvimento do fenômeno em suas diferentes nuances ao longo do tempo, bem como faz uma análise apreciativa e investigativa sobre algumas obras individuais e de coletivos. Visa apontar e percorrer as diferentes produções artísticas presente e passado aqui elencadas, dado que incorporam uma visada de crítica sociopolítica com arte, o que nos possibilita observar a potência da arte para tratar questões que emergem dos ambientes sociopolítico e cultural; sua reincidência, variedade, conexões e diferenças / Since the 1990's until the present date, in the world and in Brazil, the phenomenon of sociopolitical critic through art has been evolving expressively and presenting a considerable set of productions. In a more accelerated manner, and surrounding artistic collectivizations, is characterized by developing even further the approximations between art, the sociopolitical and the cultural, and also for revealing other places for the development of artistic expressions and and various forms of artistic acting on and over the public space in the sense of subversion and critic over the social systems. The present dissertation observes the development of said phenomenon in its different nuances throughout historical time, as well as does an investigative analysis over some of the individual and collective works. Aims to point and go over the different artistic productions present and past here presented, given that they incorporate an aim of sociopolitical critic through art, what makes possible, in this dissertation, our observation of the potency of art for dealing with questions which emerge in the social, political and cultural environments, its re-incidence, variety, connections and differences

Manter os olhos abertos diante do abismo : a produção compartilhada de imagens em coletivos de arte contemporânea

Schenkel, Camila Monteiro January 2016 (has links)
A presente pesquisa investiga coletivos de arte contemporânea que trabalham com fotografia, considerando seus modos de produção e o tipo de atuação que desenvolvem nos cruzamentos entre os campos da arte, da fotografia documental e do fotojornalismo. Para isso, procura compreender os motivos que levam, em um contexto marcado pela afirmação da fotografia digital e da comunicação em rede, um número crescente de fotógrafos a investir em formas compartilhadas de autoria. A partir da opção por estudar a produção de três grupos formados entre 2003 e 2013 na cidade de São Paulo − Cia de Foto, Garapa e Trëma −, a pesquisa investiga como a atuação desses coletivos contribui para as discussões sobre fotografia, arte e autoria e para um tensionamento das fronteiras entre documento e ficção. Propõe-se, também, estabelecer relações entre os grupos que atualmente se dedicam à fotografia e outras práticas coletivas observadas no campo da arte ao longo do século XX. Se, devido à sua gênese automática, a fotografia foi por muito tempo vista como uma simples reprodução do real, a atuação desses coletivos evidencia que a imagem fotográfica é resultado de um processo de construção, que pode ser pensado, discutido e compartilhado por diferentes autores. / This research investigates contemporary art collectives dedicated to photography, considering their work processes and activities developed in the intersections of art, documentary photography and photojournalism. In a context characterized by the expansion of digital photography and online communication, it analyzes the reasons why an increasing number of photographers is investing on shared forms of authorship. By focusing on three collectives formed between 2003 and 2013 in the city of São Paulo, the present thesis investigates how the activities of these groups contribute to the discussions about photography, visual arts and authorship, as well as to revise the boundaries between document and fiction. It also proposes to establish connections between groups that currently work with photography and other collective practices observed in the fields of art and photography over the 20th century. If, due to its automatic genesis, photography was considered for a long time as a mere reproduction of the real, the production of these collectives indicates that the photographic image is the result of a construction process, which can be conceived, discussed and shared by different authors.

Modélisation de transistors à effet de champ pour les applications térahertz / Modelling of field effect transistors for terahertz applications

Mahi, Abdelhamid 16 December 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est l'exploitation des oscillations de plasma bidimensionnelles dans les transistors à haute mobilité électronique à base d'InGaAs, matériaux de grand intérêt pour les applications Terahertz grâce à sa haute mobilité électronique. Ce travail s'insère dans le contexte d'études récentes dans lesquelles l'utilisation de dis- positifs basés sur l'excitation d'ondes de plasma bidimensionnelles a été proposée pour des applications Terahertz. Cette étude est menée au travers du développement d'un outil numérique de simulation basé sur le modèle hydrodynamique couplé avec l'équation de Poisson pseudo 2D. La réponse continue du courant à une excitation électrique de fréquence THz a été étudiée et l'influence sur les résonances de plasma des différents paramètres de transistor est mise en évidence. Une étude de la densité spectrale de la fluctuation du courant est alors présentée en vue d'établir une coordination entre le bruit dans les HEMT et la détection directe d'un signal électrique THz. La réponse de HEMT à différentes perturbation au niveau de drain et de la grille est enfin évaluée par le biais de la description du régime petit-signal, ce qui permettrait éventuellement une étude plus approfondie des ondes de plasma dans les transistors HEMT. / The objective of this work is the use of plasma oscillations mechanism in the electron mobility transistors channel that based of InGaAs, this materials characterize by it great interest for Terahertz thanks to its high electron mobility applications. This work registered in the context of recent studies in which the use of devices based on wave excitation of two-dimensional plasma has been proposed for Terahertz applications.This study is conducted through the development of a simulation tool based on the hydrodynamic model coupled with the Poisson equation 2D. the continued current response to THz electrical excitation has been studied and the influence of the different parameters of transistor on plasma resonances is demonstrated. A study of the spectral density of the current fluctuation is then presented, we demonstrate that the main resonances in the drain current noise spectrum are the same as those observed in the current response to an external THz excitation. The current response at different perturbation applied upon the drain and the gate of the HEMT is finally evaluated by means of the description of the small-signal equivalent circuit, which would possibly further studies of plasma oscillation in HEMT transistors.

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