Spelling suggestions: "subject:"collective""
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Collective bargaining, labour market performance, wage structures and poverty: an international perspectiveRycx, François January 2001 (has links)
Doctorat en sciences sociales, politiques et économiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Les métamorphoses de la garantie des créances salariales / The evolutions of wage guaranteeBlanc, Alexandre 01 April 2016 (has links)
En période de crise économique, la question de la garantie de paiement du salaire se pose avec acuité en cas d’insolvabilité de l’employeur. En France, cette protection est assurée par un fonds de garantie géré par l’association pour la gestion du régime de garantie des créances des salariés Depuis sa création en 1974, l’AGS a subi d’importantes mutations : initialement conçue pour pallier les insuffisances d’une protection bâtie sur un système de privilèges, elle est désormais un « amortisseur social » pour les salariés de l’entreprise en difficulté. Paradoxalement, cette évolution est également source d’interrogations sur le devenir du fonds en raison de la différence considérable relevée entre le montant des avances consenties aux salariés et celui des remboursements. Le législateur et le juge ont contribué à la dégradation de sa situation en accréditant l’idée que l’AGS constitue un « employeur de substitution », et en suscitant, chez les salariés, le sentiment qu’elle n’est qu’un simple guichet de paiement des salaires. Assurer la pérennité du système de garantie des créances salariales, technique sui generis participant de l’intérêt général, est nécessaire mais risque, au fil des ans, de se révéler de plus en plus difficile si des mesures énergiques ne sont pas rapidement prises. / In times of economic crises, guaranteeing the payment of wages in the event of insolvency on the part of an employer is a cructical issue. In France, this protection is provided by a national insolvency fund, the Association pour la Gestion du régime des garanties des créances des Salariés. Since its creation in 1974, the AGS has undergone significant changes. While it was originally designed to compensate the deficiencies of a protection built on a system of privileges, it has now become a “social buffer” against a payment default on wages for the employees of a company in difficulty. Paradoxically, this evolution has ushered in further questioning with regards to the future of the fund, due to the considerable disparity between the amounts of the advances granted to the employees and those amounts reimbursed to the fund. The legislator and the courts have both contributed to the degradation of its situation by giving credence to the idea that the AGS is a “substitute employer”, which yielded the impression, for the employees, that it was a mere cash-teller for the payment of salaries. Although it is necessary to ensure the durability of this protective system, as a sui generis contribution to the common good, it might prove more and more difficult, if drastic measures are not taken promptly to fix the system.
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Processus de reconnaissance : de la prévention d'un risque psychosocial à la construction de la santé au travail / The process of recognition : from psychosocial risks prevention to occupational health enhancementTatu, Ofélia 27 May 2015 (has links)
La présente recherche étudie le rôle de la reconnaissance comme ressource et levier pour la construction de la santé et le développement des capacités des employés. Elle analyse également la place des ressources individuelles, collectives et organisationnelles dans le cadre des démarches de prévention des risques psychosociaux au travail et la contribution de la reconnaissance dans le processus de construction de la santé au travail. Dans le cadre de cette thèse nous avons analysé 16 démarches de prévention des risques psychosociaux, ainsi que des documents significatifs par rapport à notre problématique. Nous avons également réalisé 147 entretiens individuels et trois entretiens collectifs. Les résultats ont mis en évidence le fait que la reconnaissance joue un rôle important pour la santé et que les pratiques de reconnaissance doivent se matérialiser en lien avec quatre sources : l’institution, le collectif, l’activité de travail et l’autrui significatif. De plus, nos résultats ont mis en évidence une tridimensionnalité du concept de reconnaissance. Ainsi, cette thèse apporte une contribution théorique et pratique sur le thème de la reconnaissance au travail. Elle permet de préciser le cadre conceptuel et méthodologique à mobiliser pour analyser la reconnaissance et mettre en place de pratiques qui favorisent la santé. / This research studies the role of recognition as a resource for health enhancement and for employees’ capability development. Furthermore, it analyses the role of individual, collective and organizational resources in preventing psychosocial risks in the workplace. This research discusses also the contribution of recognition in the process of occupational health enhancement. In the first study we analysed 16 programs of psychosocial risks prevention as well as important documents for this issue. For the second and the third study we interviewed 147 persons individually, and we conducted three focus group interviews. The results have shown that recognition plays an important role for health and that recognition practices must come from four sources: the organization, the work team, the work activity and the “significant others”. Our results have also shown that the concept of recognition has three main dimensions. Therefore, this research makes a theoretical and practical contribution to the issue of recognition in the workplace. It helps clarifying the conceptual and methodological framework needed to analyse recognition and implement actions that protect, enhance and promote employees’ health.
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Eketorps veckningar : Hur arkeologi formar tid, rum och kön / The Folds of Eketorp : How Archaeology Shapes Time, Space and GenderEngström, Elin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines the history of the cultural heritage site of Eketorp, a prehistoric ring-fort, on the island of Öland, Sweden. The archaeological excavations at Eketorp, which began in 1964, lasted for a decade and soon turned into one of the largest archaeological research projects in Sweden. The scale and the implementation of the excavations, as an interdisciplinary and international research project, fostered a whole generation of archaeologists and resulted in numerous research publications. After the excavations the archaeological site was transformed into a full-scale archaeological reconstruction by the Swedish National Heritage Board. Since the mid-1980s the site has been a popular tourist attraction and open-air museum. The history of the site itself connects to several academic fields, including archaeology, history of archaeology, cultural heritage and museum studies. Through Ludwig Fleck’s concept thought collective and Donna Haraway’s situated knowledge, which are used as analytical tools, the aim of this thesis is to explore how these different fields interacted throughout the history of Eketorp. Further, the analytical tools are used to highlight how these interactions have generated notions of time, space, and gender. The study takes an interdisciplinary approach with the history of Eketorp analysed in three analytical chapters, each of them with different chronological and empirical focus. First, Eketorp is explored as a contemporary museum space through ethnographic fieldwork. Second, archive material is used to analyse how the archaeological excavation and the following archaeological reconstruction were conducted during the 1960s and onwards. Third, scientific texts are used to analyse how interpretations of Eketorp as a prehistoric site has changed. The concluding chapter integrates the results of the three chapters in order to critically examine how notions of time, space and gender interconnect between these fields. Illustrated by a wide chronological and interdisciplinary approach, the central argument of the thesis is thus that the Eketorp thought collective and thought style, intimately connected to hierarchies in academic practice, were created, performed, and maintained through several scientific and heritage institutions.
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Manger et élever des moutons au Maroc : Sociologie des préférences et des pratiques de consommation et de production de viandeSarter, Gilles 29 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Au Maroc, la viande est un aliment qui est très valorisé socialement. A l'ordinaire, les ménages la consomment dès qu'ils en ont la possibilité. Toutes les célébrations de la vie collective impliquent sa consommation. A ce titre, la viande de mouton est particulièrement prisée. A raison de 3 à 4 kg/an/hab., selon les années, elle représente 20% de la ration carnée des marocains. On estime qu'un ovin est abattu pour chaque cérémonie de naissance et de mariage. Chaque année, lors de la Fête du Sacrifice, 5 millions de petits ruminants (un par foyer) sont sacrifiés et consommés. Le Maroc est aussi un pays d'élevage des ovins. Celui-ci constitue une activité cruciale pour les foyers ruraux. Afin de mieux comprendre comment s'articulent les préférences des consommateurs et la production de viande et d'animaux de sacrifice, nous nous sommes intéressé aux comportements des acteurs concernés. Nous donnons une description détaillée des pratiques de consommation (cuisine, commensalité, manières de table) et de distribution des viandes, des pratiques d'élevage des animaux, de la manière dont les acteurs apprécient les qualités des produits et échangent ces derniers. Cette description est fondée sur des matériaux collectés lors d'observations et par des entretiens approfondis avec des consommateurs, des bouchers, des chevillards et des éleveurs (à Rabat, dans le Moyen-Atlas, à Ouarzazate). A l'aide des outils de la sociologie cognitive (R. Boudon) et de la sociologie interactionniste (H.S. Becker), nous formulons des hypothèses relatives aux motifs qui sous-tendent les actes et les préférences des acteurs. Nous montrons que les concepts de « croyance normative » et « croyance positive » sont opérationnels pour l'étude de la formation des préférences et du fonctionnement des chaînes alimentaires. Ils nous permettent d'aboutir à des conclusions pratiques dont peuvent faire usage les personnes en charge de l'élaboration des politiques de l'élevage au Maroc.
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Промене друштвених односа у пољопривреди Војводине и њен развој 1950-1957. године / Promene društvenih odnosa u poljoprivredi Vojvodine i njen razvoj 1950-1957. godine / Changes in social relationships in agriculture of Vojvodinaand its development from 1950 to 1957Petrović Nebojša 23 December 2014 (has links)
<p>Agrarna politika vlasti u periodu od 1945-1950. godine je<br />shodno ideološkim određenjima, bila usmerena na promenu<br />društvenih odnosa na selu. Međutim, osim ideoloških<br />razloga ne treba zanemariti činjenicu da je usitnjen zemljišni<br />posed već ispoljio mnoge slabosti i da su u uslovima<br />uvećane potražnje za poljoprivrednim proizvodima ti problemi<br />dodatno ubedili vlast u neophodnost koncentracije<br />zemlje i formiranja krupnih, pre svega, zadružnih gazdinstava.<br />U cilju realizacije tog cilja, primenjene su rigidne<br />ekonomske i političke mere, naročito na prostoru Vojvodine<br />među kojima je bilo i brutalnih metoda izrazito oprečnih<br />tradicionalnim vrednostima i etičkom kodeksu očuvanom u<br />seoskim sredinama. Ovakva agrarna politika izazvala je<br />veliko nezadovoljstvo seljaštva i veliki pad poljoprivredne<br />proizvodnje. Razni vidovi opstrukcije velikog dela stanovništva<br />prema državi i strah od gladi u jeku sukoba sa SSSRom,<br />ubedili su partijsko rukovodstvo zemlje u neophodnost<br />promene dotadašnjeg odnosa prema poljoprivredi i seljaštvu.<br />Mada se nije lako odustajalo od politike kolektivizacije, gore<br />navedeni razlozi doveli su do njenog napuštanja već<br />1950. godine, a zadružni sistem od 1953. godine transformisan<br />je u ekonomski racionalnije organizacije. Ove promene,<br />nisu značile i kraj primene revolucionarnih mera na<br />selu. One su posebno naglašene 1953. godine ograničenjem<br />privatnog poseda na 10 hektara po domaćinstvu.<br />Ipak, agrarna politika KPJ od tada se razvija na principima<br />većeg uvažavanja seljaštva i uspostavljanja ekonomske<br />saradnje sa privatnim posedom. Novu politiku karakteriše<br />dobrovoljnost kooperacije i značajnije ulaganje u prerađivačku<br />industriju i poljoprivredu proizvodnju.</p> / <p>Agrarian policy of the Government in the period from 1945<br />to 1950, according to ideological determinations, was<br />pointed to the changes of social relations in a village. However,<br />beside ideological reasons, it should not be neglected<br />the fact that fragmented land property had already shown<br />many weaknesses and that in the circumstances of higher<br />requests for agricultural products, those issues persuaded<br />the Government in the necessity of gathering land and<br />forming large collective economies. In order to realize that<br />goal, rigid economic and political measures were taken,<br />especially in the territory of Vojvodina, some of them very<br />brutal, totally opposite to traditional values and ethical codex<br />preserved in rural areas. This agrarian policy caused<br />great discontent among peasantry and huge decline of agricultural<br />production. Different ways of obstruction by people<br />towards the state and the fear of hunger in the middle<br />of the conflict with Soviet Union (USSR), persuaded the<br />Party leader-ship of the State in the necessity of changing<br />the relation towards agriculture and peasantry.<br />Even though it was not easy to give up the policy of collectivization,<br />reasons mentioned above brought to it's abandonment<br />in 1950, and collective economy sys-tem was<br />transformed in 1953 into economically more rational organizations.<br />Those changes did not led to the end of use<br />revolutionary measures in a village. They were even emphasized<br />in 1953 by limiting the private properties to 10<br />hectares per house-holds. However, agrarian policy since<br />that period was developing on the principles of higher respect<br />of the peasantry and establishing cooperation with<br />private property. New policy was characterized by willingly<br />cooperation and significant investment in manufacturing<br />industry and agrarian production.</p>
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Le statut des administrateurs judiciaires dans les droits comparés des procédures collectives chinoises et françaises / A compared study of the status of the judicial administrator and its evolution in the french and chinese bakruptcy lawsChong, Lin 04 December 2012 (has links)
Le droit français des procédures collectives a connu pas mal de modifications ces dernières années. La profession d’administrateur judiciaire pour sa part, n'a également pas cessé d’évoluer avec des succès et des échecs qui ont attiré notre attention. Il s’agit d'examiner cette évolution pour la modernisation de la profession dans le contexte actuel de la mondialisation. En droit chinois il n’existait pas une vraie loi sur les procédures collectives au sens strict avant la publication de la nouvelle loi du 27 août 2006 sur la faillite d’entreprises. Par rapport à l’ancienne loi de 1986, la nouvelle loi adoptée après 12 ans d’élaboration, est venue apporter des changements importants et constitue un effort majeur pour constituer un système juridique correspondant au développement vers une économie de marché. Parmi de nouveaux régimes établis par la nouvelle loi 2006, nous notons que la mise en place du régime d’administrateur de faillite est un des plus remarquables. Toutefois étant un régime établi dans le droit de la faillite, qui lui- même est apparu assez récemment, le dispositif ne peut que fournir un cadre juridique pour l’administrateur de faillite. Pour autant, la recherche sur l’administrateur de faillite, s’investissant d’un rôle très important, dans les procédures collectives chinoises est sans aucun doute un sujet nécessaire et urgent. Espérant pouvoir faire progresser le régime chinois d’administrateur judiciaire vers une profession libérale juridique en s'inspirant de l’expérience française, nous traitons successivement la nature juridique de l’administrateur judiciaire du point de vue historique et de droit positif, les conditions d’accès aux fonctions d’administrateur judiciaire, ainsi que sa rémunération, ses fonctions, et sa responsabilité en droit français et en droit chinois. / In the last years, the French and Chinese Bankruptcy law has been quite changed. So has the profession of « Judicial administrators » (administrateurs judiciaires), with more or less success. Both the successes and failures of these changements have drawn our attention. Our scope is to analyse the evolution of this profession in the perspective of its modernisation in the today's context of a global economy. There was no specific Chinese Bankruptcy law until the publication of the new law of August 27th 2006 on Enterprise Bankruptcy. The new law which has been prepared for 12 years has brought some remarkable improvements to the existing law of 1986 and has been a major effort to build up a complete legal system in line with the modern open market economy. One of the most remarkable features of the new 2006 law has been the implementation of the « Judicial administrators » profession. Nevertheless, the « Judicial administrators » profession, who was established within the Bankruptcy Law, which has itself been defined quite recently, must only be considered but as an initial framework for the profession. Yet, as the « Judicial administrators » plays an important role in the Bankruptcy Law, making research on this subject appears to be both necessary and urgent. Our hope is to help transforming the « Judicial administrators » profession into a « liberal profession », similarly to their equivalents in the French system. We therefore analyse successively the juridical nature of the profession, from an historical point of view and in the perspective of the « effective law » (droit positif), the access conditions to this profession, its remuneration, the involved functions and responsibilities in both the French and Chinese law.
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Innovations, dynamiques et mutations sociales : les femmes productrices de sésame de la Sirba (Ouest du Niger) et leurs initiatives collectives / Innovations, dynamism and social mutations : women, producers of sesame in Sirba (West of Niger) and their collective initiativesAlhassoumi, Hadizatou 13 March 2012 (has links)
Ce travail porte l’étude des innovations autour d’activités agricoles, notamment la valorisation de la culture du sésame considérée comme une culture de femmes dans l’Ouest du Niger. Pour appréhender les dynamiques en cours, l’étude procède d’une analyse des rapports de genre à travers les pratiques sociales et culturelles au sein du milieu concerné. L’analyse des processus d’émergence des initiatives collectives des femmes a permis de mettre en évidence des positions sociales mais aussi des capacités d’action ayant favorisé des reconnaissances institutionnelles. Les groupements constitués dans le cadre des activités maraîchères et de celles de la mise en valeur du sésame offrent un cadre d’apprentissage associatif favorable à la construction d’une identité collective. La mise en œuvre d’innovations techniques et les interactions qu’elles nécessitent permettent aux femmes l’acquisition de compétences contribuant à l’émergence d’une identité socioprofessionnelle. / This study is based on innovations in agricultural activities, notably the valorization of sesame cultivation which is considered as women’s activity in Western Niger. To understand the current dynamisms, this study proceeds by analyzing gender relationship through social and cultural practices within the study region. The analyses of the emergence of women’s collective initiatives permitted us to bring to light their social positions and their capacity to act has greatly favored their institutional recognition. The groupings involved in horticultural activities and those valorizing sesame offer a favorable learning framework for the construction of collective identity. The implementation of technical innovations and the necessary interactions as a result let women acquire the competence that contributes to the emergence of their socioprofessional identity.
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Discursos de Contrainformação - coletivos de artistas e curadores-autores no Brasil (2000-2015) / -Motta, Gustavo de Moura Valença 25 May 2018 (has links)
Este trabalhou tomou como ponto de partida a presença, no meio artístico brasileiro, entre 2000 e 2015, dos assim chamados coletivos de artistas. Ele procurou circunscrever histórica e conceitualmente as \"práticas artísticas colaborativas\" e as \"estratégias de visibilidade\" desenvolvidas por esses agrupamentos de artistas \"emergentes\" - no contexto de seu envolvimento, entre 1999 e 2001, com os movimentos altermundialistas e antiglobalização, e, a partir de 2003, com movimentos sociais de luta por moradia - alinhando-se, ao menos discursivamente, com a perspectiva dos \"de baixo\". De outro lado, o trabalho também identificou o desenvolvimento simultâneo, \"pelo alto\", de um complexo de procedimentos curatoriais pautados por novos modos de apresentação (displays) de objetos artísticos em exposições de \"arte contemporânea\". Por meio dos novos procedimentos curatoriais, tanto a 27ª Bienal de São Paulo (2006) quanto as mostras de \"arte contemporânea\" do Museu de Arte do Rio (2013-2015) foram capazes de absorver e canalizar, em seus discursos, parte das demandas \"subalternas\" associadas à produção dos coletivos. Para refletir criticamente sobre esse complexo de fenômenos do campo artístico, a pesquisa procurou articular uma discussão atualizada em torno dos conceitos gramscianos de \"hegemonia\" e de \"revolução passiva\". Tais conceitos, formulados originalmente pelo pensador italiano Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), têm sido reprocessados teoricamente, no debate da sociologia brasileira de extração marxista, para pensar o ciclo dito \"lulista\" do Brasil contemporâneo. Em síntese, uma vez verificada a absorção das práticas \"emergentes\" e \"colaborativas\" pelo circuito artístico local, este trabalho procurou estabelecer e questionar historicamente as contradições e possíveis confluências das \"estratégias de visibilidade\", associadas às demandas dos \"de baixo\", com o desenvolvimento combinado dos novos procedimentos curatoriais, operados \"pelo alto\". / This research was motivated by the raising of the so-called artist collectives in Brazilian art field, particularly between the years 2000 and 2015. The thesis aims to delineate conceptually and historically the \"collaborative artistic practices\" and the \"strategies of visibility\" carried out seemingly \"from below\" by these \"emerging\" groups of artists - engaged mainly with the alter-mundialization and anti-globalization movements between 1999 and 2001, and, since 2003, with social struggles for housing. Furthermore, this survey also realized the simultaneous development of a complex of curatorial proceedings \"from the top\", based on new modes of display artistic objects in \"contemporary art\" exhibitions. Through these new curatorial practices, both the 27th Sao Paulo Bienal (2006) and the \"contemporary art\" exhibitions held by the Art Museum of Rio (2013-2015) managed to absorb and convey, in its discourses, part of the \"subaltern\" demands brought forward in the work produced by the artist collectives. In order to critically reflect about this complex of phenomena in the art field, the research articulates a debate operating the Gramscian concepts of \"hegemony\" and \"passive revolution\". These concepts, originally formulated by the Italian thinker Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), had been theoretically reenacted in the Brazilian sociological debate derived from a Marxist background, to think the so-called \"lulist\" cycle in contemporary Brazil. Finally, after verifying the absorption of the \"emergent\" and \"collaborative\" practices by the local art circuit, this research aims to delineate and problematize the contradictions, and possible confluences, between the \"visibility strategies\" coming \"from below\" and the combined development of the new curatorial proceedings \"from the top\".
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Mapas dissidentes: proposições sobre um mundo em crise (1960-2010) / Dissenting maps: propositions on a world in crisis (1960-2010)Mesquita, André Luiz 21 February 2014 (has links)
Esta tese é uma investigação sobre um conjunto de mapas e diagramas produzidos por artistas e ativistas entre as décadas de 1960 e 2010, a partir de diferentes contextos de transformação social, política e econômica em momentos de crise, de conflito e de formas potenciais de resistência. Através de documentos como catálogos, manifestos, artigos, fotografias, documentários, obras de arte, reproduções de mapas e entrevistas, a pesquisa realiza uma análise sobre esse conjunto de mapeamentos desenvolvidos por três gerações de artistas. No primeiro capítulo, este trabalho examina os jogos e mapas realizados nos anos 1960 e 1970 pelo sueco-brasileiro Öyvind Fahlström (1928-1976) durante as tensões geopolíticas da Guerra Fria (1947-1991) e as mudanças estruturais e organizacionais do capitalismo global na década de 1970. No segundo capítulo, a tese discute a obra do norte-americano Mark Lombardi (1951- 2000), artista que, durante a década de 1990, procurou mapear com suas estruturas narrativas redes internacionais de poder e transações financeiras obscuras envolvendo bancos, governos e elites dominantes da sociedade neoliberal. O terceiro capítulo trata das práticas de contracartografia conduzidas entre os anos 1990 e 2010 pelos coletivos de arte ativista Bureau dÉtudes (França), Counter-Cartographies Collective (Estados Unidos) e Iconoclasistas (Argentina). Com base nas articulações entre arte contemporânea, ativismo político e cartografia crítica, a tese considera que os mapeamentos realizados por esses artistas-ativistas trazem experiências importantes de produção de conhecimento e contribuem para a visualização das relações de poder no mundo contemporâneo, opondo-se também aos mapas supostamente imparciais, objetivos e naturalizantes do mundo guiados por interesses corporativos, militares e governamentais. / This thesis is an investigation on a series of maps and diagrams produced by artists and activists between the 1960s and the 2010s, in different social, political and economical contexts of change and crisis, conflict and potential forms of resistance. Through the analysis of documents, catalogs, manifestos, articles, photographs, documentaries, art works, reproductions of maps and interviews, the research approaches mappings developed by three generations of artists. The first chapter examines the games and maps created in the 1960s and 70s by the Swedish- Brazilian artist Öyvind Fahlström (1928-1976), during the geopolitical tensions of the Cold War (1947-1991) and the structural and organizational changes in global capitalism in the 1970s. The second chapter discusses the works of the American artist Mark Lombardi (1951-2000), who, during the 1990s, has tried to map international power networks and obscure financial transactions involving banks, governments, and neoliberal elites, using narrative structures. The third chapter addresses counter-cartography practices developed between the 1990s and 2010s by activist art collectives Bureau dÉtudes (France), Counter-Cartographies Collective (United States) and Iconoclasistas (Argentina). Based on the interrelations between contemporary art, political activism and critical cartography, the thesis considers that the mappings produced by this activists-artists are important experiences of producing knowledge and visualizing power relations in the contemporary world, creating an opposition to supposedly neutral and objective maps created according to corporate, governmental and military interests.
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