Spelling suggestions: "subject:"commitment""
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Les nouveaux militantismes politiques dans les ONG de droits de l'Homme du Sénégal : Études comparatives des trajectoires de l'engagement et de la reconversion / New political militantism and Senegalese Human Rights NGOs : a comparative study of the trajectories of commitment and conversionSène, Moustapha 30 October 2015 (has links)
Des formes d’organisations sociales traditionnelles de l’Afrique au Sud du Sahara, en passant par les luttes de libération nationale jusqu’à la naissance du Sénégal contemporain, les droits de l’Homme ont souvent occupé une place importante dans la société et joué un rôle fondamental dans le processus de construction de l’État de droit et de la démocratie. L’ouverture graduelle vers le pluralisme politique des années 1980 et 1990 a ainsi constitué dans ce pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest, une occasion pour les acteurs des droits de l’Homme, notamment les ONG (RADDHO, ONDH, Amnesty International/Sénégal), de s’étendre progressivement, de participer à la construction de la société civile, à l’éducation à la citoyenneté et au renforcement des acquis démocratiques. Cependant, l’arrivée de la première alternance politique en 2000 marque un moment régressif du respect des droits de l’Homme et le renouveau des formes de militantisme qui, en nous renseignant sur la trajectoire des militants, l’organisation et les stratégies de fonctionnement des ONG de droits humains ainsi que les nouvelles configurations de l’espace public, traduisent les enjeux sociaux, culturels, économiques et politiques auxquels le Sénégal fait face. Une situation qui recentre l’interrogation sur l’impact des nouveaux militantismes politiques observés dans la sphère des droits de l’Homme et dans l’espace public plus généralement au cœur de cette étude. / In the traditional social organizations of Sub-Saharan Africa, the struggle for national liberation and the emergence of contemporary Senegal, Human Rights have held an important place in society and they have played a pivotal role in the process of constructing the rule of law and democracy. The gradual opening to political pluralism in the 1980s and 1990s proved to be an excellent opportunity for people working on behalf of Human Rights in Western Africa and for NGOs such as RADDHO, ONDH, Amnesty International/Senegal to progressively expand and participate in the building of civil society, education, citizenship and the reinforcement of democratic acquisitions. However, with the arrival of the first wave of political change in 2000 came a regression in the respect of Human Rights. This renewal of militancy taught us about the trajectory of the militants themselves, the organization and operational strategies of Human Rights NGOs and new configurations of the public arena which were translated into the social, cultural, economic and political issues faced by Senegal. This situation has refocused attention on the impact of political militancy on Human Rights and the public arena and it is the core of this study.
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Schvalovací proces účasti Armády České republiky v zahraničních operacích / The approval process of participation of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic in foreign operationsPetružálková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the approval process of participation of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic in foreign operations. The aim of this thesis is to find political elite's dominant motivation which leads to the decision take part in foreign military operations. Hypothesis assumes that according to the material capabilities and power ambitions of the Czech Republic there is only one dominant motivation which can be described as commitments to the membership in UN, NATO or EU. To fulfil this aim we used a content analysis of relevant discussions realized in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic since 1993 until present. Identified arguments are assign with one of the five relevant categories (policy related to the commitments to the membership, security and political interests, historical symbolism, potential of profit in the future and influence of the domestic political situation). Analysis also considers the revelation of official statements of the political party and speeches of its members in the Chamber of Deputies.
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Schvalovací proces účasti Armády České republiky v zahraničních operacích / The approval process of participation of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic in foreign operationsPetružálková, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the approval process of participation of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic in foreign operations. The aim of this thesis is to find political elite's dominant motivation which leads to the decision take part in foreign military operations. Hypothesis assumes that according to the material capabilities and power ambitions of the Czech Republic there is only one dominant motivation which can be described as commitments to the membership in UN, NATO or EU. To fulfil this aim we used a content analysis of relevant discussions realized in the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic since 1993 until present. Identified arguments are assign with one of the five relevant categories (policy related to the commitments to the membership, security and political interests, historical symbolism, potential of profit in the future and influence of the domestic political situation). Analysis also considers the revelation of official statements of the political party and speeches of its members in the Chamber of Deputies.
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Institutional commitments, integration and student persistence in the NCV Safety in Society at a TVET College in the Western CapeJansen, Henry Hermanus January 2020 (has links)
Magister Educationis (Adult Learning and Global Change) - MEd(AL) / Student dropout, certification and retention rate has played a pivotal role for academic institutions globally. There are various factors that affect student persistence which inevitably leads to a student’s failure to graduate. These factors may also result in voluntary withdrawal from institutions which could impact on the status and funding of tertiary institutions. To deal with such critical issues, there is a need to understand the reasons for the decline in student retention and the factors that influence goals and student departure. The aim of the current study was to explore the factors that may or may not contribute to persistence, which eventually has an influence on the retention rate. In the current qualitative study, Tinto’s longitudinal model was comprehensively explored. Therefore, the current study was located within Tinto’s longitudinal model of student departure. The researcher was prompted to explore the factors that influence student goals,
institutional commitments, social and academic integration and persistence. The South African government expected that the role of the TVET colleges would become the cornerstone of the skills development landscape. According to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET, 2013b), it was estimated that the growth in the sector would escalate as follows: the projection of 345 000 students in 2010, 630 000 students in 2013. The total projection for 2030 was that 2.5 million students would be certified (DHET, 2013b). Unfortunately, the 2030 projection has been adversely affected by the poorly performing institution and the high dropout rate. (DHET, 2013b) Therefore, the setting for the research was a Technical Vocational College in Cape Town which offers the National Certificate Vocational NCV. The single institutional study linking academic integration, goal influencers, institutional commitments social and academic integration and persistence was based in a college in Cape Town. Thus the study has an overarching research question and three sub-questions. The college was selected
conveniently and the researcher purposively selected the participants. A total of twenty participants (20) were interviewed after providing assent and consent. The qualitative design utilized in the current study allowed the researcher to identify themes. Therefore, thematic
analysis was employed in the data analysis section. The researcher is currently an insider in this sector. The unique experience and academic background of the researcher has afforded the opportunity to ethically gain access to past results in the TVET, specifically, in a NCV
programme at a Cape Town College.
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Ledarskap och ISO 9001 : En studie om ledarskapets betydelse för kvalitetsledningssystemet ISO 9001Carleson, Emilia, Shohani, Tara January 2023 (has links)
Kvalitetsledningssystemet ISO 9001 kan användas för att arbeta med förbättringar, men har genom åren fått kraftig kritik. Studier visar att för att en verksamhet eller organisation ska lyckas med förbättringsarbetet är ledningens engagemang och agerande helt avgörande om förbättringsarbetet blir lyckat eller inte. Syftet med magisteruppsatsen är att undersöka ledarskapets betydelse för kvalitetsledningssystemet ISO 9001 och att kunna svara på vilka som är centrala delar för ett företag som ledningen bör arbeta med för ISO 9001 samt hur dessa överensstämmer med ISO 9001 kvalitetsledningsprinciper. Metod som användes var kvalitativ datainsamlingsmetod genom enkätundersökning till ett utvalt företag där enkäten skickades ut till 12 ledare och 5 av dessa valde att inom avsatt tidsram besvara enkäten. Tolkningen av analysen har visat att det undersökta företaget är i mål med kvalitetsledningsprinciperna då undersökningen visade att engagerat ledarskap och ledningens ansvar och åtaganden är en kärna i kvalitetsledningsprinciperna som kräver att ledningen strävar efter förbättringar och ständigt arbetar med processer som ska ge stöd till medarbetarna i sitt vardagliga arbete. I detta sammanhang krävs att ledningen skapar en relation med intressenter samt gör dessa delaktiga för att kunna skapa ett förtroende för kunderna. Slutsatser som studien kom fram till är att ledarskapet har en betydelse för ISO 9001 där det ger en god grund för ordning och reda samt hjälper ledare att samordna arbetssätt. Hos det valda företaget anser samtliga ledare att behovet av kvalitetsledningssystemet ISO 9001 är stort, både för sin egen del men också för sina medarbetare. En anledning till att företaget valt att certifiera sig mot ISO 9001 är dess kunder, det är dock viktigt att kvalitetsledningssystemet används på rätt sätt, så att det inte enbart är en “pappersprodukt”. En del av den kritik som riktats mot ISO 9001 har kopplats till ledarskap och den senaste versionen ISO 9001:2015 har ett utökat fokus på ledarskap, men trots detta visar studien att 4 av 5 ledare inte vet om ISO 9001:2015 har ett utökat fokus jämfört med tidigare versioner och den sista ledaren anser att ISO 9001:2015 inte har ett utökat fokus på ledarskap. Slutsatser är även att viktiga centrala delar inom ett företag som ledare bör arbeta med är just ISO 9001 kvalitetsledningsprinciper kundfokus, ledarskap, medarbetarnas engagemang, processinriktning, förbättring, faktabaserade beslut och relationshantering. En annan viktig central del har visat sig vara att ledare och medarbetare är insatta i kvalitetsledningssystemet och visar engagemang för att kunna arbeta med processer och kommunicera ut kvalitetsledningssystemet inom hela organisationen för ett fungerande arbetssätt och 4 av 5 ledare anser att det är enkelt, eller i de flesta fall enkelt att arbeta utifrån ISO 9001 riktlinjer. Studien visar även att ledarna anser att medarbetare får mer stöd än ledare utifrån vilket stöd som ges från företaget samt att den motgång som kan tänkas uppkomma vid en implementering eller arbete med kvalitetsledningssystemet ISO 9001 handlar om internt motstånd mot förändringar inom organisationen. / The quality management system ISO 9001 can be used to work with improvements but has received strong criticism over the years. Studies show that in order for a business or organization to succeed with the improvement work, the management's commitment and action are absolutely decisive whether the improvement work is successful or not. The purpose of the master's thesis is to investigate the importance of leadership for the quality management system ISO 9001 and to be able to answer which are the success factors that management should work with for ISO 9001 and how these are consistent with ISO 9001 quality management principles. The method used was a qualitative data collection method through a survey to a selected company where the survey was sent to 12 managers and 5 of these chose to answer the survey within the allotted time frame. The interpretation of the analysis has shown that the investigated company is on target with the quality management principles as the investigation showed that committed leadership and the management's responsibilities and commitments are a core of the quality management principles that require the management to strive for improvements and constantly work with processes that will support the employees in their everyday work. In this context, management is required to create a relationship with stakeholders and involve them to create trust for customers. Conclusions that the study came to is that leadership has an importance for ISO 9001 where it provides a good basis for order and helps leaders to coordinate working methods. At the selected company, all leaders believe that the need for the quality management system ISO 9001 is large, both for themselves but also for their employees. One reason why the company chose to certify against ISO 9001 is its customers, however, it is important that the quality management system is used correctly, and not just a "paper product". Some of the criticism towards ISO 9001 has been linked to leadership and the latest version ISO 9001:2015 has an expanded focus on leadership, but despite this the study shows that 4 out of 5 leaders do not know if ISO 9001:2015 has an expanded focus compared to previous versions and the last leader believes that ISO 9001:2015 does not have an expanded focus on leadership. Conclusions are also that important success factors that leaders should work with is the ISO 9001 quality management principles, customer focus, leadership, employee commitment, process orientation, improvement, fact-based decisions and relationship management. Another important success has proven to be that leaders and employees are familiar with the quality management system and show commitment to being able to work with processes and communicate the quality management system throughout the organization for a functioning working method, and 4 out of 5 leaders consider it easy, or in most cases easy to work based on ISO 9001 guidelines. The study also shows that the leaders believe that employees receive more support than leaders based on the support given by the company, and that the adversity that can conceivably arise when implementing or working with the quality management system ISO 9001 is about internal resistance to changes within the organization.
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Trestní odpovědnost právnických osob / Issues of criminal liability of legal entitiesHudáková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Hudáková, J. Criminal liability of legal persons Criminal liability of legal persons is a significant change to the continental European law. It is a sensible breakthrough into the core principle of an individual criminal responsibility of individuals. In connection with the adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on the criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them, the thesis deals with main aspects of the criminal liability of legal persons in the Czech Republic. After defining of legal grounds of the criminal responsibility author subsequently discusses sanctioning of legal persons. At the same time, the author discusses legal regulation of moral person criminal liability in France. She outlines the principles of criminal liability of legal persons, as well as the conditions for imposing sanctions. The author tries to demonstrate, by means of the attached statistical surveys, the numerous application of this institute in the French legal practice. Finally, the author tries to compare Czech and French legislation in selected aspects.
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Česká rozvojová spolupráce: Naplňování principů Pařížské deklarace o efektivnosti rozvojové pomoci / Czech development cooperation: Adherence to the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid EffectivenessOcknecht, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the range the Czech Republic fulfills the international commitments stipulated by the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. And, if it needed, to find factors which influence fulfilling of the declaration commitments. This is done by analysis of the documents and interviews. The analysis of the data related to the supplied development aid is the core of the thesis. The aid depends on these key principles: ownership, alignment, harmonization, managing for results and mutual accountability. Two projects of the Czech Development Agency between years 2013 and 2015 in Cambodia and the State of Palestine are analyzed in two case studies. The operationalization of the terms and following own methodical framework application to the output data led to a result, whether the international commitments are (not) complied with. The performed research implies that commitments are fulfilled rather insufficiently in the Cambodia case, whereas the commitments in State of Palestine case were fulfilled completely. A new innovative approach was crucial. The projects are directed by Palestinian partner. In Cambodia, the critical principle is the mutual accountability because of the lack of the capacities (mostly in funding) and unsatisfactory management. There is a...
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Česká rozvojová spolupráce: Naplňování principů Pařížské deklarace o efektivnosti rozvojové pomoci / Czech development cooperation: Adherence to the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid EffectivenessOcknecht, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the range the Czech Republic fulfills the international commitments stipulated by the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness. And, if it needed, to find factors which influence fulfilling of the declaration commitments. This is done by analysis of the documents and interviews. The analysis of the data related to the supplied development aid is the core of the thesis. The aid depends on these key principles: ownership, alignment, harmonization, managing for results and mutual accountability. Two projects of the Czech Development Agency between years 2013 and 2015 in Cambodia and the State of Palestine are analyzed in two case studies. The operationalization of the terms and following own methodical framework application to the output data led to a result, whether the international commitments are (not) complied with. The performed research implies that commitments are fulfilled rather insufficiently in the Cambodia case, whereas the commitments in State of Palestine case were fulfilled completely. A new innovative approach was crucial. The projects are directed by Palestinian partner. In Cambodia, the critical principle is the mutual accountability because of the lack of the capacities (mostly in funding) and unsatisfactory management. There is a...
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Critical Discourse, Critical Action: An Analysis of Federal Discourse and Action in Response to the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and GirlsBrown, Gillian 14 December 2022 (has links)
Violence against Indigenous women and girls is an unacceptable tragedy in Canada. The 2019 Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls concluded Canada is guilty of "a race-based genocide of Indigenous Peoples ... which especially targets women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA people." Using an intersectional feminist research ethic, I undertake a critical discourse analysis to determine in what ways key concepts such as national myth, dismissals of harm against Indigenous peoples, and conceptualizations of genocide influenced the reactions of the five major federal political parties to the Final Report. I review the parties' respective commitments to action by analyzing their 2021 electoral platforms and compare their discourse in the wake of the release of the Final Report with their official platform commitments. In essence, the research's empirical contribution shows an enabling self-confirming relationship between the key concepts present in political discourse in response to the Final Report and a political party's path forward when it comes to addressing violence against Indigenous women and girls.
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Contrats d'Etat et développement durable / State contracts and sustainable developmentMbala Mbala, Marcelle 08 February 2012 (has links)
La dialectique entre contrats d’Etat et développement durable existe, malgré une antinomie apparente. Elle s’appuie sur une interaction particulière qui s’est construite depuis l’origine, à travers les contrats d’Etat, instruments conventionnels singuliers et autour des nécessités politiques et économiques de l’époque, avec en toile de fond l’impératif de développement.Face aux évolutions sociales successives et l’absence d’arsenal juridique adapté, les contratsd’Etat se sont développés de façon spécifique entre dépendance, indépendance,interdépendance, hétéronomie et autonomie. En droit international des affaires, c’estprécisément à partir du contrat conçu comme un instrument normatif singulier et à travers sesinteractions avec le contexte extracontractuel au sein duquel il est amené à opérer quel’existence d’un droit du développement durable en matière de contrats d’Etat doit êtrefondée. Cela nécessite une autre vision du droit, sans cesse renouvelée et davantageappropriée aux réalités de notre siècle. / Common discussion points between sustainable development and State contracts exist, despite many visible contradictions. They are based on a particular interaction, built up from the beginning through State contracts, which are highly specific agreements and around political and economic necessities of the time, with the notion of development merely as a requirement in the background. Confronted with successive social changes and the lack of an appropriate judicial framework, State contracts developed in a particular way between dependence, independence, interdependence, heteronomy and autonomy. In international business law, the existence of a sustainable development law related to State contracts must be based precisely on contracts, seen as instruments able to set norms, and must benefit from contracts’interactions with a non-contractual environment. That requires another vision of law, constantly renewed and more adapted to current realities.
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