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Physical fitness and health status of sport students in Germany and Egypt / Körperliche Fitness und Gesundheitsstatus von Studenten der Sportwissenschaft in Deutschland und Ägypten : (eine vergleichende Studie)Gamal, Tamer Mohamed 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
There are significant differences between developed countries and developing countries in education, life style and health behaviour to identify the effects of the standard of living in both countries on social and health aspects. Information on the negative and positive aspects of every culture is essential in the overall health context to enable policy makers to improve the populations’ general health.
The aim of this study was therefore to determine the health and fitness status of sport science students in Germany and Egypt and to identify any relevant differences in these two populations in order to derive possible strategies to promote health in a higher education setting in both countries.
The sample of this study was selected from university students as they represent the future elite of companies, communities and countries. 193 students were selected from Germany as a developed country - females (n = 104) and males (n = 89) and 406 were selected from Egypt as a developing country - females (n = 167) and males (n = 238). Sport science students firstly filled in a health questionnaire, and then they participated in anthropometric and fitness tests. The data collection was first contucted on German sport science students at Chemnitz University of Technology in October 2009 (one week). In November 2010 the second year (third and fourth term) sport science students of Menofia University (two weeks).
In the comparison between Germany and Egypt in the General health section the results showed that there are significant differences between the German group and the Egyptian group in describing their health status (p = .044) and in looking after their health (p = .000) in females. However, in the male group of both countries no significant difference was found regarding the item looking after their health (p = .370). The overall comparison between the German sample (both genders) and the Egyptian sample (both genders) show that there are significant differences in the items describing their health status (p ≤ 0.05) as well as in looking after their health care (p = .000).
In the physical and mental health comparison there is no significance difference in the “chronic pain” section in German females and Egyptian females and German and Egyptian males (p ≥ 0.05), while there are significant differences in all other items (p ≤ 0.05). In the German sample comparison of both genders there are no significant differences in: “Stomach problems”, “Abdominal discomfort”, “Weight loss/weight gain/loss of appetite” whereas there are significant differences in all another items (p≤ 0.05). In the Egyptian group there are significant differences in all another items (p≤ 0.05) except for “Weight loss/weight gain/loss of appetite”.
In study and university related problems between Germay and Egypt in both genders, there is no significant difference in the item “problems during study” while there are significant differences in all other items (p≤ 0.05). In the Egyptian group, both gender comparisons show no significant differences in the items: “social isolation”, and the same prospects about “working conditions”. However, there are significant differences in all another items (p≤ 0.05). In the German group in the same context no significant differences were found (p ≥ 0.05).
The comparison between Germany and Egypt in the nutrition section showed significant differences in all food types (p≤ 0.05), whereas in the German group there is a significant difference between females and males (p≤ 0.05), and in the Egyptian group there is no significant difference in Healthy food consumption (p ≥ 0.05). The results in the media usage section show a significant difference regarding the media usage behaviour between the German group and the Egyptian group and in the comparison between German group of both genders, and the Egyptian group comparison of both genders where (p ≤ 0.05). Regarding the fitness tests section the results prove that there are significant differences in all tests among the German and the Egyptian group (p≤ 0.05), except in the static pull ups test between German males and Egyptian males (p ≥ 0.05).
Significant correlations were found between one of the food types (unhealthy food), some between physical and mental health problems and BMI. There are significant correlations between some items of study and university related problems, and food types and blood pressure, and between fat %, VO2max, and physical activity.
A significant link between bad dietary habits in regards to healthy food consumption and students’ own health assessment in Germany was found (95% CI below = 0.10, 95% top = 0.99) with OR = 0.10 and in Egypt (95% CI below = 0.35, 95% CI top = 0.92) with OR = 0.56. Another significant link between a reduced health consciousness and insufficient physical activity in Germany (95% CI below = 0.06, 95% CI top = 0.99) was proven with OR = 0.24.
The key results from this study can be summarised in the following points:
1) There is a significant difference between German and Egyptian students in health parameters.
2) Egyptian students have significantly more physical and mental health problems than their German counterparts.
3) The Egyptian students present significantly more study and university related problems compared to German students.
4) The Egyptian students show a significantly higher media usage.
5) Egyptian students participate significantly less in physical activity and therefore perform significantly less well in most fitness test parameters.
6) A high correlation was found between the anthropometric data and some physical and mental health problems as well as study and university related problems and food types. Furthermore, a high correlation between VO2max and physical activity could be identified.
7) Significant link between bad dietary habits in regards to healthy food consumption and their own health assessment.
8) Significant link between a reduced health consciousness and insufficient physical activity.
It is evident from this study that there are significant differences between the developed country Germany and the developing country Egypt in regards to general well-being, health problems, which in some parameters is also gender specific in Egypt, physical activity and fitness. The aim of this study was to identify these differences in order to direct future interventional studies in this area as a next step in improving the health of students in different countries. This information could potentially aid policy makers in improving the infrastructure in health care and physical activity and thereby change and/or develop society. / Es gibt signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Industrieländern und Schwellenländern bzgl. Bildung, Lebensstil und gesundheitsbezogenes Verhalten. Daher sind Informationen über die negativen und positiven Aspekte jeder Kultur im Gesundheitskontext essentiell, um Entscheidungsträger in die Lage zu versetzen die allgemeine Gesundheit der Bevölkerung zu verbessern.
Die Zielsetzung dieser Studie war in diesem Zusammenhang den Gesundheits- und Fitnessstatuts von Studenten der Sportwissenschaft in Deutschland und Ägypten zu bestimmen und relevante Unterschiede in den beiden Populationen aufzudecken, um daraus mögliche Strategien abzuleiten, Gesundheit im univesitären Bereich in beiden Ländern zu fördern.
Die Stichprobe für diese Studie rekrutierte sich aus Universitätsstudenten, da diese die zukünftige Elite von Firmen, Gemeinden und ganzen Ländern darstellen. 193 Studenten aus Deutschland, als Industrieland, wurden eingeschlossen – 104 weibliche und 89 männliche. Weitere 406 Studenten wurden in Ägypten, als Schwellenland, rekrutiert – wovon 167 Frauen und 238 Männer waren. Die Probanden füllten zuerst einen Gesundheitsfragebogen aus und nahmen dann an anthroprometrischen Messungen und Fitnesstests teil. Die Datenerhebing wurde zuerst an den Sportstudenten der TU-Chemnitz in Deutschland im Oktober 2009 duchgeführt. Im November 2010 wurden dann die Sportstudenten an der Menofia Univesität in Äypten getestet.
Die Ergebnisse im Vergleich des Allgemeinen Gesundheitsteils zwischen Deutschland und Ägypten zeigte signifikante Unterschiede zwischen der deutschen und der ägyptischen Gruppe bzgl. des Items Beurteilung des eigenen Gesundheitszustandes (p = 0.44) und in Auf seine Gesundheit achten (p = 0.000) bei den Frauen. Allerdings konnte kein signifikanter Unterschied bei den Männern beider Länder nachgewiesen werden (p = 0.370). Der Gesamtvergleich der deustchen und der ägyptischen Stichprobe (beide Geschlechter) wiesen signifikante Unterschiede auf bzgl. der Items Beurteilung des eigenen Gesundheitszustandes (p ≤ 0.05) und auch Auf seine Gesundheit achten (p = 0.000).
In der Sektion körperliche und geistige Gesundheit konnte kein signifikanter Unterschied festegestellt werden in den Items „Rücken-, Nacken- und Schulterschmerzen zwischen der ägyptischen und deutschen Population (beide Geschlechter) (p ≥ 0.05), aber dafür in allen anderen Items (p ≤ 0.05). In der deutschen Gruppe wurden keine Unterschiede gefunden bei „Magenbeschwerden/Gewichtszunahme/ Appetitlosigkeit“ – allerdings wurden signifikante Unterschiede in allen anderen Items gefunden (p ≤ 0.05) – in der ägyptischen Gruppe verhielt es sich ebenso.
In der Sektion Studium und universitätsbezogene Probleme wurde zwischen Ägypten und Deutschland, auβer bei „Mangelnde praktische Relevanz des Studiums, Tests und Seminararbeiten“, in all anderen Items signifikante Unterschiede nachgewiesen (p ≤ 0.05). Der Geschlechtervergleich der ägyptischen Stichprobe zeigte keine signifikanten Unterschiede in den Items „Anonymität und Isolation an der Uni, und generelle Isolation“ wie auch „Schlechte Karriere, Arbeitslast zusätzlich zur Uni, schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen“. Jedoch sind signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern in allen anderen Items zu verzeichnen (p ≤ 0.05). Dies traf jedoch nicht auf die deutsche Stichprobe zu (p ≥ 0.05).
Der Vergleich zwischen den deutschen und ägyptischen Studenten in der Sektion Ernährung zeigte signifikante Unterschiede in allen Nahrungstypen (p ≤ 0.05) und zusätzlich in der deutschen Gruppe noch signifikante Unterschiede in der Ernährungsweise zwischen Män und Frauen (p ≤ 0.05). Die Ergebnisse in der Sektion Mediennutzung zeigten signifikante Unterschiede zwischen der gesamten deutschen und ägyptischen Stichprobe – wie auch innerhalb deutschen und ebenso ägyptischen Geschlechtervergleich (p ≤ 0.05). Bzgl. der Fitnessektion zeigten die Ergebnisse signifikant bessere Ergebnisse in der deutschen Kohorte im Vergleich zur Ägyptischen (p ≤ 0.05), mit der Ausnahme der „Statischen Klimmzüge“ bei den männlichen Studenten in Deutschland und Ägypten (p ≥ 0.05).
Des Weiteren wurden signifikante Korrelationen gefunden zwischen dem Nahrungstypus „ungesundes Essen“ und einigen Parametern der körperlichen und geistigen Gesundheitsprobleme wie auch BMI. Es gibt ebenfalls signifikante Korrelationen zwischen weiteren Items der Sektion Studiums und universitätsbezogenen Problemen, und Nahrungstypen und Blutdruck – wie auch Körperfett %, VO2max und körperlicher Aktivität.
Eine signifkante Verbindung der Wahrscheinleichtkeiten wurde zwischen schlechten Ernährungsgewohnheiten bzgl. Konsum von gesundem Essen und der Selbsteinschätzung der Gesundheit der Studenten wurde festgestellt (95% CI below = 0.10, 95% top = 0.99) mit einer OR = 0.10 und in Ägypten (95% CI below = 0.35, 95% CI top = 0.92) mit einer OR = 0.56. Ein weiterer signifikante Wechselbeziehung konnte zwischen einem reduzierten Gesundheitsbewuβtsein und unzureichender körperlicher Aktivität in Deutschland nachgewiesen werden (95% CI below = 0.06, 95% CI top = 0.99), mit einer OR = 0.24.
Die Kernergebnisse dieser Studie lassen sich in folgenden Punkten zusammenfassen:
1) Es gibt eine signifikante Differenz zwischen deutschen und ägyptischen Studenten bzgl. Gesundheitsparameter.
2) Ägyptische Studenten haben signifikant mehr körperliche und mentale Gesundheitsprobleme als die deutsche Stichprobe.
3) Die ägyptischen Studenten zeigten signifikant mehr Studiums- und universitätsbezogene Probleme als die deutschen Studenten.
4) Die ägyptischen Studenten hatten einen signifikant höheren Medienkonsum als die deutsche Stichprobe.
5) Ägyptische Studenten wiesen signifikant weniger körperliche Bewegung auf als die deutschen Studenten und schnitten daher auch mit einer signifkant geringeren Leistung in den Fitnesstests ab.
6) Eine hohe Korrelation konnte nachgewiesen werden zwischen den anthropometrischen Daten und einigen körperlichen und psychischen Gesundheitsproblemen. Des Weiteren wurde erwartungsgemäβ auch eine hohe Korrelation zwischen VO2max und körperlicher Aktivität gezeigt.
7) Es gibt einen signifikantnten Zusammenhang zwischen schlechten Ernährungsgewoheiten bei dem Konsum von gesunden Nahrungsgewohnheiten bei dem Konsum von gesunden Nahrungsmitteln und der eigenen Gesundheitseinschätzung.
8) Des Weiteren gibt es einen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen einem reduzierten Gesundheitsbewusstsein und unzureichender körperlicnher Aktivität.
Es ist durch die Ergebnisse dieser Studie evident, dass es signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Industrieländern und Schwellenländern gibt bzgl. des allgemeinen Wohlbefindens, Gesundheitsproblemen, von denen einige Parameter in der ägyptischen Population auch geschlechtsspezifisch sind, körperlicher Aktivität und Fitness. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es diese Unterschiede zu identifizieren und damit zukünftigen Interventionsstudien Anhaltspunkte zu liefern, um im nächsten Schritt die Gesundheit von Studenten in verschiedenen Ländern zu verbessern. Diese Informationen kann potentiell Entscheidungsträgern helfen, die Infrastruktur bzgl. Gesundheitsversorgung und die Rahmenbedingungen für körperlicher Aktivität zu verbessern und dadurch die Gesellschaft zum positiven zu verändern bzw. weiterzuentwickeln.
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A comparison of treatment and posttreatment results in four first premolar extraction cases : tweed standard edgewise vs. the preadjusted appliance /Nowlin, Ryan Van. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis--University of Oklahoma. / Bibliography: leaves 101-105.
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Preventing patient harm : the role of nurse competency /Kendall-Gallagher, Deborah Leslie. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. in Nursing) -- University of Colorado Denver, 2008. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 113-132). Free to UCD Anschutz Medical Campus. Online version available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations;
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Modern Comrades or Old Enemies? : A comparative study of the representation of Russia in Italian and Swedish PressLindgren, Sara Francesca January 2018 (has links)
Starting from a personal, contemporary outlook on society today, it might be obvious for a reader to immediately think of media as global, an entity hovering over national borders, transcending geography and geo-politics. As such viewers, we ignore thus that media - and the press in particular - have for a long time in the past been associated and tightly linked with mechanisms of nation-building, as well as with concepts such as nation, national identity and nationalism. Living in Sweden one might be acquainted with a fairly frequent representation of Russia in the media, just as well as with a fairly specific one; and the same would plausibly go for other countries. Through a narrative analysis of newspaper articles, this study focuses on the comparison of the representation of Russia in Swedish and Italian liberal online press in order to research whether the weaker degree of partisanship that characterises liberal journalism would still allow for two different storylines about Russia to be told through different narratives. With Daniel C. Hallin and Paolo Mancini’s study of media systems, as well as Kristina Riegert’s comparison of national representation in foreign news as a background, this study researches whether societal and political agendas and partisanship shape the image (and hence narration) of Russia in the two countries’ newspapers. Using Allan Bell’s values of newsworthiness and Vladimir Propp’s analysis of the quest’s narrative structure, it concludes that although the storylines about Russia told by the two countries were in fact different and plausibly coherent with the respective country’s circumstances (with a margin of exception), their narrative did not fully represent the model that Hallin and Mancini had assigned them.
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Les sources du droit de la recherche biomédicale en France et au Royaume-Uni : étude comparative du concept de légitimité / The regulation of biomedical Research in France and in the United Kingdom : a comparative study of the concept of legitimacyBernelin, Margo 06 November 2017 (has links)
La recherche biomédicale est un domaine scientifique et technique moralement et éthiquement complexe, nécessitant notamment l’utilisation produits et éléments du corps humain pour la recherche mais également l’emploi de données personnelles. En plaçant l’humain au cœur de ses modalités et de ses finalités, la recherche biomédicale est un domaine mettant en jeu des intérêts différents (intérêts des malades, des chercheurs, des entreprises et des États). En France et au Royaume-Uni, l’encadrement de ce domaine fait appel à des sources du droit diversifiées et revêtues de formes de légitimité particulières et plurielles, reflétant à la fois les intérêts en jeu et l’évolution des modes d’action de l’État dans les domaines que sont la science et la médecine. La présente étude vise à exposer et éclairer ces formes de légitimité en proposant une double comparaison : celle des ordres juridiques et celle des sources. Menée sous le prisme du concept de légitimité, entendue comme la justification de l’autorité d’une règle en dehors de toutes notion de sanction, cette étude permet d’offrir une cartographie novatrice de la dynamique du droit dans le domaine. / Biomedical research is a morally and ethicaly controversial field of scientific research as it makes use of the human body but also of personnal data. Therefore, placing the Human at the heart of its methods and purposes, biomedical research brings conflicting interests together (patient’s rights, researcher’s one but also companies and States’ interests). In France and in the United Kingdom, the regulation of this field combines divers normative instruments all depending on specific and plural legitimacy claims. Those claims are matched to expectations with regard to the various interests at stake but also to the State’s nature and function. This study aims at exploring and shedhing light on the divers legitimacy claims by offering a double comparison : a comparison between legal orders and between law sources. Using the concept of legitimacy, understood as the justification of a norm’s authority without any reference to a sanction, this study presents a renewed cartography of law dynamics in the field of biomedical research.
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Repercussões do trágico e do social no teatro de Dias Gomes : leitura comparativa entre Antígona de Sófocles; O Pagador de Promessas, O Santo Inquérito e As Primícias de Dias Gomes /Alves, Lourdes Kaminski. January 2003 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Lúcia Pinheiro Sampaio / Banca: Ingrid Ani Assmann de Freitas / Banca: Afonso de Castro / Banca: Alamir Aquino Corrêa / Banca: Lúcio Flávio de Carvalho / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo entre Antígona (442 a.C.) de Sófocles e as peças O Pagador de Promessas (1960), O Santo Inquérito (1966) e As Primícias (1977), do dramaturgo contemporâneo Dias Gomes, a fim de observar a presença e a transformação do gênero trágico no teatro contemporâneo. As peças, observadas pelo perfil das personagens protagonistas, podem ser lidas a partir de uma tipologia do herói trágico, na medida em que apresentam uma forte tonalidade trágica na construção das personagens e na sua estrutura interna travando um diálogo intertextual com a tragédia antiga. A literatura comparada é a teoria que estabeleceu o caminho inspirador deste trabalho e, dado o seu caráter dialógico, determinou as partes e seqüências do mesmo. Sob o enfoque da literatura comparada observa-se que a dramaturgia de Dias Gomes, especialmente as peças aqui analisadas, apresentam traços de construção da personagem trágica que ora se aproximam, ora se distanciam de Antígona de Sófocles. A presente tese está estruturada em cinco capítulos: a primeira parte apresenta a fundamentação teórica, partindo de uma exposição panorâmica sobre a literatura comparada, método comparativo, histórico e evolução da concepção do método e da disciplina; material que subsidiará a análise das peças que constituem o objeto de estudo aqui apresentado. Na seqüência, a segunda parte faz um estudo sobre a sociedade grega e o teatro trágico, na tentativa de se compreender o processo criativo, as relações temáticas, a estrutura do gênero e a formação do herói trágico, para então, na terceira parte, apresentar... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This is a comparative study between Sophocles' Antigone (442 B.C.) and the plays O Pagador de Promessas (1960), O Santo Inquérito (1966) and As Primícias (1977) by the contemporary playwright Dias Gomes in order to look at the presence and the transformation of the tragic genre in the contemporary theater. The plays, taking into account the profile of the protagonists, can be read from a tragic hero typology, since they present a strong tragic tone in the construction of the characters and in their internal structure, establishing an intertextual dialogue with the ancient tragedy. Comparative Literature is the theory that indicated the inspiring path of this work and, given its dialogic essence, determined its parts and sequence. From a comparative stance, Dias Gomes's dramatic craft, particularly the plays analyzed here, presents traces of the construction of the tragic character, which at times resemble and at times differ from Sophocles' Antigone. This dissertation is structured in five chapters: the first part presents the theoretical foundation, starting with an overview of Comparative Literature, the comparative method, history and development of the method and the discipline, all of which will give support to the analysis of the plays focused here. The second part is a study of the Greek society and the tragic theater, in an attempt to understand the creative process, the thematic relations, the structure of the genre and the formation of the tragic hero so as to present, in the third part, a contextualizing study about Sophocles and the tragedy Antigone. Antigone was interpreted based on the meanings that characterize the tragic dimension... (Complete abstract, click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Les enfants nés par assistance médicale à la procréation : étude comparée des droits français, anglais et iranien / Children born by assisted reproductive technologies : comparative study of French, English and Iranian lawsMohseni, Elaheh 04 July 2018 (has links)
L’assistance médicale à la procréation, parce qu’elle aboutit à faire naitre des enfants, ne relève pas seulement du domaine de la vie privée ou de l’autonomie de la personne mais s’inscrit profondément dans le cadre de la famille et du droit de la filiation. Cette recherche vise à répondre aux diverses questions liées à la filiation et au statut familial de l’enfant né par les techniques de procréation médicalement assistée à travers une étude comparative des législations en vigueur dans trois pays ayant trois systèmes juridiques différents : le droit français bien connu parmi les pays du droit romano-germanique, le droit anglais comme un système de Common law et le droit iranien comme un système juridique basé essentiellement sur les valeurs et les principes du droit musulman chiite. À travers l’étude comparée de ces trois systèmes juridiques, dont les principes et les méthodes sont a priori très différents, nous analysons la façon dont le droit appréhende des problématiques communes et tente de répondre, in fine, à une même interrogation : qu’est-ce que la parenté aujourd’hui?Il s’agit d'un travail important qui aborde des questions d'une grande complexité tant sur le plan juridique que sur le plan éthique. Sont ainsi abordées, dans une première partie, les questions quant aux principes fondateurs régissant l’assistance médicale à la procréation et les conditions d’accès aux techniques de procréation artificielle notamment en cas d’intervention d'un tiers donneur ou d'une mère porteuse dans le projet parental. Sont ensuite étudiés, dans une deuxième partie, les problèmes concernant le rattachement de l’enfant né par les techniques de procréation artificielle et son statut familial. Les progrès de la technologie de la procréation et l'augmentation de la fluidité et de la diversité de la vie familiale moderne ont conduit à la «parenté» devenant un concept de plus en plus fragmenté. Cette étude nous montre que plus les pays choisissent de s’écarter de la conception traditionnelle hétérosexuelle de la famille nucléaire, plus l’offre des techniques de l’assistance médicale à la procréation est large. / Since assisted reproductive technologies result in the birth of children, they do not only fall within the domain of private life or the autonomy of the person, but fall deeply within the framework of the family and the law of legal parenthood. This research aims to answer the various questions related to the parenthood and the family status of the child born by assisted reproductive technologies through a comparative study of the laws in force in three countries with three different legal systems: French law is well known among the countries of Romano-Germanic law, English law as a common law system and Iranian law as a legal system based on the values and principles of Shiite Muslim law. Through the comparative study of three legal systems whose principles and methods are a priori very different, we analyze the way in which the law apprehends common problems and attempts to answer, finally, the same question: what is parenthood today? This is an important work that addresses issues of great complexity both legally and ethically. The first part deals with the fundamental principles governing assisted reproductive technologies and the conditions for access to these techniques, particularly in the case of gamete donation or a surrogacy. Then, in a second part, the problems concerning the parenthood of the child born by the techniques of artificial reproduction and his family status, the place of the intended parents, the donor or the surrogate mother are studied. Advances in reproductive technology and increased fluidity and diversity of modern family life have led to "parenthood" becoming an increasingly fragmented concept. This study shows us that the more the countries choose to deviate from the traditional heterosexual conception of the nuclear family, the more widely assisted reproductive technologies are available.
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Etude contrastive des systèmes phonologique et phonétique hongrois et français en vue d'une application didactique en FLE / A comparative study of the Hungarian and French phonological and phonetic systems for a didactic application in FLEHamm, Dominique 14 March 2013 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre global de la didactique du FLE/FLS puis dans celui, plus précis, de la prononciation du français parlé et porte sur les difficultés des apprenants hungarophones en production orale. Si le matériel phonique des deux langues présente certaines similitudes, le point nodal des interférences réside surtout dans les oppositions vocaliques (durée phonologique en hongrois vs durée phonétique en français), la prononciation de certaines consonnes et la prosodie (accent tonique d’intensité hongrois vs accent rythmique duratif français). Diverses méthodes expérimentales usitées à l’Institut de Phonétique de Strasbourg seront exploitées : spectrographie pour le timbre et la durée des voyelles ainsi que pour les phénomènes prosodiques, laryngographie pour les assimilations de sonorité et contacts consonantiques. Les analyses se situeront donc au niveau segmental, comme au niveau suprasegmental. Outre de se poser en tant que contribution à l’étude comparée et contrastive des langues, cette recherche privilégiera les visées didactique et pédagogique et apportera en dernier lieu explications et astuces de remédiation. Nous espérons que cette thèse sera utile à nos collègues français exerçant en Hongrie, mais aussi à nos collègues hongrois n’ayant pas forcément conscience de certaines fautes typiques et redondantes, car partant du même substrat que leurs apprenants. / This research fits into the overall framework of FLE/FLS teaching methods and more precisely, of spoken French pronunciation. It deals with the difficulties of native Hungarian learners in oral production. While the sounds of the two languages have some similarities, most of the interferences are to be found in the vowel oppositions (Hungarian phonological duration vs French phonetic duration), the pronunciation of certain consonants and prosody (Hungarian tonic intensity stress vs durational rhythmic French accent). Various experimental methods commonly used at the Institut de Phonétique de Strasbourg were applied : spectrography for the quality and duration of vowels, and for the prosodic characteristics, laryngography for pitch assimilations and consonant contacts. Analyses therefore lean both on the segmental and the supra-segmental levels.This work is more than just a comparative and contrastive study of languages, as it goes beyond by focusing on didactic and pedagogical purposes, using explanations and remediation tips. We hope that it will be useful to French teachers in Hungary, but also to our Hungarian colleagues who may not always be aware of some typical and redundant faults, starting from the same substrate as their learners.
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Gestão do conhecimento em bibliotecas universitárias: análise de experiências no Brasil e em PortugalMarques Júnior, Euro [UNESP] 17 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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marquesjunior_e_me_bauru.pdf: 6235268 bytes, checksum: f1b006ed05c14a75e2706794c8ea254f (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Este estudo descreve como as Bibliotecas Universitárias (BUs) do Brasil e de Portugal estão empregando a Gestão do Conhecimento (GC) para melhorar a qualidade de seus serviços e a produtividade de suas instituições. A GC representa uma nova visão da gestão para as organizações modernas, pois a informação e o conhecimento são os principais fatores de competitividade dos tempos atuais para pessoas, organizações e nações. A Biblioteca Universitária (BU) é um dos principais veículos de disseminação da informação científica e está inserida na Universidade, que por sua vez desempenha um papel fundamental, ao lado do governo e da indústria, na geração de inovações tecnológicas que podem auxiliar no desenvolvimento da sociedade. A BU promove a aprendizagem dos clientes externos (alunos, professores e pesquisadores), contribui para a geração do conhecimento científico e tecnológico e é, por natureza como uma organização do conhecimento. No entanto, ela deve também promover o processo de criação, armazenamento e compartilhando do conhecimento organizacional no desempenho da sua função gerencial, tendo como alvo a clientela interna. Os principais desafios impostos às organizações envolvidas com a GC concentram-se na gestão de mudanças culturais e comportamentais e na criação de um contexto organizacional favorável à criação, uso e compartilhamento de informações e conhecimento. Desenvolveu-se neste trabalho uma pesquisa quantitativa do tipo descritivo-analítica, usando o método de pesquisa de estudo comparativo, onde se estudou uma amostra de organizações dos dois países. A coleta de dados foi feita nos meses de novembro e dezembro de 2009, através da aplicação de questionários em um survey online, direcionado aos Diretores das BUs. Da mesma forma que o Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, no Brasil, o e-U Campus Virtual congrega... / This study describes how the University Libraries (UL) of Brazil and Portugal are employing knowledge management (KLM) to improve service quality and productivity of their institutions. The KM represents a new vision for management of modern organizations, because information and Knowledge are the main factors of competitiveness for individuals, organizations and nations. The University Library (UL) is a major vehicle for dissemination of scientific information and is inserted at the university, which in turn plays a key role, along with government and industry, in the generation of technological innovations that may help in the development of society. UL promotes learning from external customers (students, teachers and researchers), contributes to the generation of scientific and technological Knowledge and is, by nature, considered as a Knowledge organization. However, it should also promote the process of creating, storing ans sharing of organizational knowledge in the performance of its management function, targeting its employees. The main challenges to organizations involved with the KM focus on management of cultural and behavioral changes and creating an organizational context conducive to the creation, use and sharing of information and knowledge. It was developed i n this work a quantitative descriptive-analytical research method using a comparative study, where we studied a sample of organizations from both countries. Data collection was conducted during November and December of 2009 through the use of questionnaires in a survey online, aimed at Directors of BUs. Just as the Portal de Periódicos CAPES, Brazil, the e-U Virtual Campus unites the most important institutions of learning and research in Portugal and at UL offers digital access to scientific knowledge. From this link was selected, through voluntary reponses, a sample of 44 respondents from Brazil and 25 ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Repercussões do trágico e do social no teatro de Dias Gomes: leitura comparativa entre Antígona de Sófocles; O Pagador de Promessas, O Santo Inquérito e As Primícias de Dias GomesAlves, Lourdes Kaminski [UNESP] 09 May 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:35:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2003-05-09Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:46:39Z : No. of bitstreams: 1
alves_lk_dr_assis.pdf: 553093 bytes, checksum: 04a8a46d93c198707f73d71aa1a512e5 (MD5) / Este trabalho apresenta um estudo comparativo entre Antígona (442 a.C.) de Sófocles e as peças O Pagador de Promessas (1960), O Santo Inquérito (1966) e As Primícias (1977), do dramaturgo contemporâneo Dias Gomes, a fim de observar a presença e a transformação do gênero trágico no teatro contemporâneo. As peças, observadas pelo perfil das personagens protagonistas, podem ser lidas a partir de uma tipologia do herói trágico, na medida em que apresentam uma forte tonalidade trágica na construção das personagens e na sua estrutura interna travando um diálogo intertextual com a tragédia antiga. A literatura comparada é a teoria que estabeleceu o caminho inspirador deste trabalho e, dado o seu caráter dialógico, determinou as partes e seqüências do mesmo. Sob o enfoque da literatura comparada observa-se que a dramaturgia de Dias Gomes, especialmente as peças aqui analisadas, apresentam traços de construção da personagem trágica que ora se aproximam, ora se distanciam de Antígona de Sófocles. A presente tese está estruturada em cinco capítulos: a primeira parte apresenta a fundamentação teórica, partindo de uma exposição panorâmica sobre a literatura comparada, método comparativo, histórico e evolução da concepção do método e da disciplina; material que subsidiará a análise das peças que constituem o objeto de estudo aqui apresentado. Na seqüência, a segunda parte faz um estudo sobre a sociedade grega e o teatro trágico, na tentativa de se compreender o processo criativo, as relações temáticas, a estrutura do gênero e a formação do herói trágico, para então, na terceira parte, apresentar... / This is a comparative study between Sophocles' Antigone (442 B.C.) and the plays O Pagador de Promessas (1960), O Santo Inquérito (1966) and As Primícias (1977) by the contemporary playwright Dias Gomes in order to look at the presence and the transformation of the tragic genre in the contemporary theater. The plays, taking into account the profile of the protagonists, can be read from a tragic hero typology, since they present a strong tragic tone in the construction of the characters and in their internal structure, establishing an intertextual dialogue with the ancient tragedy. Comparative Literature is the theory that indicated the inspiring path of this work and, given its dialogic essence, determined its parts and sequence. From a comparative stance, Dias Gomes's dramatic craft, particularly the plays analyzed here, presents traces of the construction of the tragic character, which at times resemble and at times differ from Sophocles' Antigone. This dissertation is structured in five chapters: the first part presents the theoretical foundation, starting with an overview of Comparative Literature, the comparative method, history and development of the method and the discipline, all of which will give support to the analysis of the plays focused here. The second part is a study of the Greek society and the tragic theater, in an attempt to understand the creative process, the thematic relations, the structure of the genre and the formation of the tragic hero so as to present, in the third part, a contextualizing study about Sophocles and the tragedy Antigone. Antigone was interpreted based on the meanings that characterize the tragic dimension... (Complete abstract, click electronic access below)
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