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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kolegijos studentų pasirengimas tenkinti mokinių specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius / Readiness of college students to satisfy special educational needs of pupils

Klizaitė, Jūratė 26 September 2008 (has links)
SANTRAUKA Darbe atlikta analizė padėjo atskleisti pedagogo kompetencijas tenkinant mokinių specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius. Iškelta hipotezė, kad kolegijos studentai nėra pakankamai pasirengę tenkinti mokinių specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius. Apklausos raštu metodu nustatytas ir įvertintas kolegijos studentų pasirengimas tenkinti mokinių specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius. Tyrimo duomenų statistinė analizė atlikta taikant Mann‘o ir Whitney testą, Stjudento kriterijus. Empirinėje dalyje lyginami studentų ir mokytojų apklausos duomenys, siekiant sužinoti, kaip jie vertina studentų pa(si)rengimą tenkinti mokinių specialiuosius ugdymo(si) poreikius, kokius jų gebėjimus reikėtų tobulinti. Tyrimu nustatyta, kad kolegijų realizuojamose pradinio ugdymo ir užsienio kalbų pedagogikos studijų programų bendrųjų dalykų (pedagogikos, psichologijos) moduliuose akcentuojami profesiniai gebėjimai išmanyti individualiuosius vaiko ugdymo(si) poreikius bei ugdymo specifiką, pritaikyti mokymo(si) turinį, taikant modifikuotos ir adaptuotos programos sudarymo principus, bendradarbiauti su ugdymo proceso dalyviais, tačiau pasigendama bendravimo su SUP turinčiais tėvais. Pradinio ugdymo pedagogikos studijų programos dalykų didaktikos moduliuose labiau, nei užsienio kalbų, akcentuojami gebėjimai keisti arba pritaikyti bendrąsias programas pagal mokinių poreikius, taikyti alternatyvius mokymo metodus. Studentų apklausa parodė žemą jų informuotumo lygį apie dažniausiai pasitaikančius mokymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Master‘s Degree Thesis Analysis provided in the paper helped to reveal the competences of pedagogues to satisfy special educational needs of pupils. The hypothesis is made that college students are not ready enough to satisfy special educational needs of pupils. Statistical analysis of the data was performed applying Mann and Whitney test, Student criteria. The empirical part of the paper compares the data generated from the questionnaire of students and teachers aiming to find out how they assess preparation of students to satisfy special educational needs of pupils, what skills should be improved. The investigation showed that modulus of the general subjects (pedagogy, psychology) of programs of studies of elementary education and foreign languages realized in colleges highlight professional skills in competence to know individual child‘s education needs and education specifics, to apply studying content, to cooperate with the participants of the education process, however there is a lack of communication with parents of pupils with special educational needs. The modulus of didactics of the study program of pedagogy of elementary education more than ones of foreign languages highlight abilities to change and apply general programs according to the needs of pupils and to apply alternative education methods. Student questionnaire showed low privity of theirs on the most usual education difficulties and reasons thereof. The students indicated that there is a lack of... [to full text]

Utenos rajono pedagogų socialinė kompetencija: raiška ir tobulinimo galimybės / Social competence's expression and development possibility of Utena region's pedagogues

Bražėnienė, Danguolė 07 June 2006 (has links)
Social competence expression and development possibility of Utena region pedagogues The changes in public life and the reform of education determinate new requirements to the pedagogues. Today our school needs new type teacher who has wide spectrum of competence. Especially it is very important topicality of social competence. The aim of this work was to analyze pedagogues’ social competence expression and development possibility. Whereas the construct of social competence is very complicated and various, there were elected shifts of openness, orientation value and social responsibility, communication and collaboration in education institutions, as education and competence cause as the main points. Such selection of the main points allowed to see the rapports among the pedagogies themselves, others and problematical situation. In the theory part of the work there was properly traversed conception of the pedagogues social competence and it’s topicality in current school was developed. Here was unclosed the expression of the competence. The ways of the pedagogues’ social competence development are under consideration. In this work a very big attention is given to the pedagogues shift qualification development and active position in developing education system. In the practical part of the work there were researched the motives and the opportunities of Utena pedagogues social competence development. The research showed that the students at school feel partly good... [to full text]

Färdigheter och förutsättningar för sjuksköterskor i mötet med patienter med psykisk ohälsa : En litteraturstudie

Frykman, Martina, Andersson, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Background: The definition of mental illness is characterized by a lack of management regarding mood, thoughts or behavior. It is difficult for the person to cope with everyday duties as well as relationships with other people. The study revealed that the society should take action to prevent social isolation for those with mental illness. The central concepts of care theory is love, learning and well-being, where nurses' conditions and actions create results in the patient. Aim: Describe skills and prerequisites nurses need at the meeting of patients with mental illness. A further aim was to examine the ethical considerations included studies made use of. Method: A descriptive literature study Main result: Nurses feel they do not have skills regarding mental illness. When nurses care for patients with mental illness are often formed stigmatizations regarding these patient groups and care will suffer. That creates difficulties in dealing with situations where patients' mental health problems are preventing optimal care efforts. The nurses felt that the general nursing care was better if the right knowledge and training in mental health raised further. Conclusion: Nurses need increased knowledge and training regarding mental illness in order to have skills and opportunities.

Mokinio muzikinės kompetencijos ypatybės ketvirtaisiais grojimo akordeonu metais / Musical competence's features of the fourth year accordion players

Treščenko, Oksana 25 May 2005 (has links)
In this work "Musical competence's features of the fourth year accordion players" is analyzed the features of the musical competency. The subject of research is a musical competence's feature. The purpose of work is to rate musical competence's features of the fourth year accordion players. The object of musical education is musical culture of person, his artistic, intellectual, moral quality and spiritual wealth. This attitude forms adequate theoretical basics, maximizes pedagogical responsibility for the quality of education content, realization logistics, cultural development. So the objects of musical education, system of assignments, practical activity must be regularized accordingly. Musical education must comprehensively influence culture; improve not only qualification, but competence too. This leverage is thinkable when details of competence are actualized all in one. The quality, complexion, influence of music subject are educed in this context. In the first chapter of this work is surveyed musical competence's pedagogical conception, features, construing pattern. Model amplifies the undivided propagation of musical expression and cognition; accentuate personal qualification, musical activity and socio-cultural activity as the musical competence's criterion aspects. In the second chapter, appealing given musical competence's conception, accentuated features, criterion system, were fixed musical educating features (repertoire, nations music, pedagogical literature)... [to full text]

Darbuotojų vadybinės kompetencijos įtaka organizacijos valdymui / The employee management competence influence to the organisation management

Tamašauskaitė-Skėtrienė, Kristina 03 June 2005 (has links)
In this master’s work there are presented the conception problems of the management competence; analysed and systemised competence theories of different Lithuanian and foreign authors; described the main differences; presented analysis of competence levels and models. The applying possibilities and limits in the organisation context. There are discussed competence training and estimating criteria and the capital investment pays dividends into the employee’s competence system. In this work there are presented the results of the research of management competence conception among the leaders and managers and according by them there are settled the management competence conception tendencies at work. The research presented that the respondents estimate themselves as competitive, but the real competence aspects are rather less than they understand them. It means the author’s formed scientific research hypothesis is confirmed, that the employees face the competence importance, but they do not feel very competitive themselves.

Technologijų mokytojų kompetencijos ugdant vartotoją / The technology teachers competence training the user

Gvozdzinskaitė, Giedrė 09 June 2005 (has links)
The rapid economical and social changes in Lithuania induce the changes of professional life: the increase of planning need in professional career, professional activities changes, the demands for worker’s personality. Democratic society needs professionals, who gal quickly adapt to changeable conditions, full of initiative, self-confidant, seeks for higher professional standards, are responsible, expand or extend their professional know ledges and abilities. (Navaitiene, 2000). The aim of our work was to investigate the competence of technology teachers, training critically thinking user. The investigation took place in 2005 February – March, in Vilnius (In teacher’s professional development center), in Trakai and Vilkaviskis districts schools. 120 technology teachers took part in the investigation. The analysis of literature showed that the training of users takes important place in technology training; there is still duration of competence teachers, who can train nowadays user. The competence of a teacher in science literature is shown as an ability to influence the conditional knowledge of individuals, skills, practices, points of view, personal qualities and values. In the work of a competence teacher exposes natural and acquired characteristics, general skills (such as: intellectual, communicational, abdicated, empathic, diagnostically, organizational, expressive) importance. The training of users induces the rational choice and constructive... [to full text]

Šiuolaikinio pedagogo vaizdinys mokinių požiūriu / Image of a modern teacher by students’ attitude

Jablonskienė, Aurelija 21 June 2013 (has links)
Magistrinį baigiamąjį darbą sudaro įvadas, literatūros apžvalga, tyrimų metodika, tyrimų rezultatai ir jų apibendrinimas, išvados ir darbe naudotos literatūros sąrašas (63 šaltiniai). Darbas iliustruotas 2 lentelėmis ir 27 paveikslais, iš jų – tyrimų rezultatai – 23 paveikslais, 3 priedais. Darbo apimtis – 85 puslapiai (su priedais). Raktiniai žodžiai: pedagogas, požiūris, pedagogo vaidmenys, kompetencija. Tyrimo objektas: šiuolaikinio pedagogo vaizdinys. Darbo tikslas: remiantis tyrimu atskleisti mokinių požiūrį į šiuolaikinį pedagogą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išsiaiškinti šiuolaikinio pedagogo kompetencijas teoriniu aspektu. 2. Ištirti teoriniu požiūriu pedagogo vaidmenis pedagoginiame procese. 3. Nustatyti, labiausiai priimtinus mokiniams pedagogų bruožus. 4. Ištirti mokinių požiūrį į pedagogo darbą. 5. Išskirti mokiniams labiausiai nepriimtinus pedagogų bruožus. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė. 2. Kokybinis tyrimas – laisvoji rašinių turinio analizė. 3. Kiekybinis tyrimas - anketinė apklausa. Tyrimo rezultatai: Apibendrinus anketų duomenis, galime teigti, jog hipotezė, kad mokiniams pedagogo autoritetas nebėra toks svarbus, kaip anksčiau, o ir pats pedagogas netraktuojamas kaip vyresnysis draugas ar patarėjas pasitvirtino. / Final work of Master studies consists of introduction, review of references, methods of investigation, results of investigation and summing-up, conclusions and list of references (63 sources). The work is illustrated with 2 tables and 27 figures (23 of them present results of investigation) and 3 appendices. The work consists of 85 pages (with appendices). Keywords: teacher, attitude, teacher’s roles, competence. Object of the investigation: image of a modern teacher. Purpose of the work: to reveal students’ attitude towards a modern teacher. Objectives of the investigation: 6. To ascertain competences of a modern teacher theoretically. 7. To investigate teacher’s roles in pedagogical process theoretically. 8. To investigate students’ attitude towards teacher’s work. 9. To establish most acceptable features of a teacher to students. 10. To characterize most unacceptable features of a teacher to students. Methods of investigation: 4. Analysis of scientific works. 5. Qualitative investigation means free analysis of essay content. 6. Quantitative investigation means surveying. Results of the investigation: After summarizing the data of the survey it is possible to affirm the hypothesis that students’ attitude towards a teacher as an authority has changed and that the attitude of a modern student towards a teacher as an educated knowledge conveyor has been confirmed.

Vadybos specialybių studentų komunikacinės kompetencijos ugdymas Lietuvos kolegijose / Training of communicative competence of management students in Lithuanian Colleges

Bačiulytė, Rima 15 June 2005 (has links)
The final project “Training of Communicative Competence of Management Students in Lithuanian Colleges” by the graduate of Master’s broad education programme of Vilnius Pedagogical University, pedagogic and psychology department Rima Bačiulytė, analyses the situation of training communicative competence of management career education in higher non-university educational institutions. Seeing that every person’s communicative competence forms presumptions for his/her worth personal life, and the effective usage of communicative abilities determines the development of an organization in substantial social, economical and technical transformation conditions, and one of the aims of colleges is to fulfill social-economical needs of appropriate regions and the country, so great attention should be paid to training of communicative competence in colleges. The terms of communication, competence, and communicative competence are defined, scientists’ opinions to required knowledge, abilities and skills, values and motivation are summarised, a manager’s communicative competence in modern transformation conditions is analysed, the basis of effective communication – match of speaking, listening, writing and reading is shown, the role of college in training of communicative competence of a manager is evaluated in the project. The expression of this competence in curricula and the documents regulating them are analysed, the results of the survey of students’ opinions are presented. As... [to full text]

Pagrindinės mokyklos mokytojo profesinės kompetencijos / Professional competence of the teachers' of comprehensive schools

Vaitiekėnas, Arvydas 15 June 2005 (has links)
Founding the society of knowledge Lithuanian educational system changes in essence. The ways of content conveyance are changing, the active learning methods that induce independence and collaboration are ingrafted. The system for especially talented children and young people is being established and developed. The practice of independent development and possibilities to educate students of different abilities and needs are effectively improving. The new goals for teachers are determined. A teacher should be a coordinator of education, a creator of new possibilities in education system, an adviser, a partner, a mediator between students and modern sources of information. The teachers have to develop their competence using learning resources at their workplace and perceive learning possibilities in everyday situations. The teachers who are working at the modern school should be able to work as a team learning and working together, looking for new decisions, causing the interest in work of their colleagues, making an atmosphere of learning and collaborating, looking for more effective teaching and learning ways. The competence becomes more relevant for teachers on solving questions of education management and changing. The modern teacher needs new abilities. The improvement of teaching is very often related to teacher’s knowledge, to the application of innovations in teaching practice, to the improvement of teaching methods aiming producing optimal school subject results... [to full text]

Valstybės tarnautojų atrankos socialinis aspektas / The social aspect of the selection of civil servants

Dainytė, Julija 15 May 2006 (has links)
The paper “The social aspect of the selection of civil servants” fills in the gap in a certain sphere of scientific works on social administration. The problems of shaping of the professional competence of civil servants that are analyzed in the paper were never ever investigated before. They are even more urgent now when Lithuania is a fully entitled member of the European Union and the civil service doesn’t confirm to the expectations of the society so often. The paper consists of two parts – theoretical and practical. In the first part of this paper the most important spheres of the professional competence of civil servants, preconditions of its shaping and the specification of the selection to the post of a civil servant is discussed in detail. Present Lithuanian legal acts; the works of Lithuanian, European and USA scientists’ are analyzed comprehensively in this work as well as the concepts of professionalism, qualification and competence. As it is seen from the given examples, those concepts are not defined in the same way now- slightly different issues are raised. In this aspect it makes the characteristics of a civil servant quite indefinite. Taking into account that most often the requirement for professionalism is usually connected with special preparation, it is suggested that at least in scientific literature it would be purposeful to describe a civil servant as a person, who acts in civil service and has got an adequate preparation to fulfill certain... [to full text]

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