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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El cumplido en el español de la variante peruana y en sueco. : Un estudio comparativo / Compliments in Peruvian Spanish and Swedish, : A contrastive study

Pettersson, Camilla January 2014 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio es comparar diferencias y similitudes entre dos culturas distintas, enconcreto la peruana y la sueca, con respecto a los cumplidos y en relación a la cortesía. Partimos de lapremisa generalizada de que los cumplidos pueden diferenciarse interculturalmente y planteamos lahipótesis, basada en esta premisa y en nuestra propia percepción como hablante de sueco y de español,de que hay una diferencia intercultural entre los peruanos y suecos en cuanto a la realización delcumplido. En concreto, pensamos que los dos grupos bajo estudio se diferencian, en primer lugar, encuanto a quién es el destinatario del cumplido, y en segundo lugar en cuanto a la persona, cosa ocomportamiento que son objeto de cumplido. Se ha elaborado una encuesta para cada grupo nacional(10 en cada uno) en su idioma materno con situaciones en donde hay alta probabilidad de queaparezcan cumplidos. Las situaciones descritas en la encuesta las elegimos porque pensamos que sonfáciles de reconocer como parte de la vida diaria para la mayoría de las personas y porque nos puedandar respuestas apropiadas para responder a las preguntas de investigación. Las encuestas se handistribuido en su mayoría de forma personal, aunque en algunos casos han sido distribuidas por mediode internet. Los resultados nos revelan que el grupo de peruanos prefiere no usar tanto el cumplidocomo el grupo de suecos cuando la distancia social es más alta, como entre empleado y jefe, yprefieren en su lugar, como una forma de marcar distancia, realizar felicitaciones. Por otro lado, elgrupo de suecos prefieren hacer cumplidos de modo más impersonal, con una preferencia por referirsea los objetos (bonito carro) en lugar de introducir su persona en el enunciado (me gusta el carro). Deesta forma, en cuanto a la primera hipótesis, observamos que los dos grupos hacen en general uso delcumplido a la mayoría de los destinatarios en todas las situaciones de la encuesta, y por lo tanto no seaprecia una variación significativa. En cambio, con respecto a la segunda hipótesis, sí observamos unavariación cultural en cuanto a la forma de enfocar el cumplido. / The aim of the present study is to compare differences and similarities between two different cultures,namely the Peruvian and the Swedish, in terms of compliments in relation to politeness. The studyparts from the generalized premise that compliments can differ interculturally. The hypothesis, basedon that premise and also in the perception of the author of this study, as a Swedish and Spanishspeaking person, is that there is an intercultural difference among Peruvians and Swedes regarding thedelivery of compliments. Specifically we believe that both groups under study differ in two ways. Atfirst they differ regarding whom is the addressee of the compliment and then they differ regarding theperson, thing or behavior that is object of the compliment. A questionnaire was elaborated for bothgroups (10 in each group) in their respective modern tongue with situations where there is a highprobability that compliments may occur. The situations in the survey were chosen because they werebelieved to be easily recognized in the everyday life of most people. They were also believed toprovide us with the answers that were needed in this study to be able to answer the research questions.The survey was foremost distributed personally and in some cases they were distributed through theinternet. The results reveal that the Peruvian group prefers to do fewer compliments than the Swedishgroup when the social distance is bigger, like between employee and chief. They prefer to enouncemore congratulations than the Swedish group as a distance marker. On the other hand the Swedesprefer to compliment in a more impersonal manner because of their preference to refer to the object(nice car) rather than to introduce their person in the enunciation (I like the car). What regards the firsthypothesis it is observed that both groups compliment the majority of the addressees in every situationof the survey, and therefore there´s no significant variation to be observed. On the other hand, thesecond hypotheses can confirm a cultural variation regarding the way to direct the compliment


ANA LUCIA VALES DOMINGUES MACEDO 19 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal identificar o modelo canônico de comportamento dos falantes nativos cariocas para reagir a elogios em situações ordinárias de interação. Tendo em vista que as respostas a elogios podem ser consideradas atos de fala complexos, com normas de uso dependentes de questões culturais, consideramos que os mesmos carregam um alto potencial de risco de mal-entendidos e de constrangimentos para falantes não nativos que tentem realizá-los a partir das normas de suas próprias culturas. Visando colaborar com os estudos voltados para o ensino de português para estrangeiros, esta pesquisa se propõe a dar os primeiros passos rumo à compreensão da orientação de polidez carioca que embasa a construção do ideal de comportamento de seus falantes nativos. Para tal, buscamos para nossa fundamentação teórica conceitos da Pragmática e da Antropologia cultural. A análise de dados baseia-se num corpus criado a partir da aplicação de um questionário com algumas hipóteses de respostas a elogios de situações cotidianas, em que os informantes escolheram as mais e as menos adequadas para cada situação. Visando uma confirmação do padrão encontrado, numa segunda etapa, buscamos comparar alguns desses dados a formas usadas em situações reais, por meio de gravações de elogios provocados em interações espontâneas. Os resultados apontaram a aceitação como a forma idealizada de reação a elogios para diferentes tópicos e em diferentes contextos situacionais. / [en] This paper seeks to identity the canonic pattern of behavior of Rio de Janeiro s native speakers and their reactions when receiving compliments in ordinary day-to-day situations. Responses to compliment can be considered complex speech acts, with norms which are dependent on cultural factors. Based on that, the author considers that these situations embody a strong potential for misunderstandings and embarrassment for non-native speakers, when they fail to adapt their own cultural background to the natives standards during interactions. This research proposes to collaborate with the Portuguese as a Second Language field of study by advancing in the understanding of Rio de Janeiro s politeness norms, which are the basis for the ideal behavioral pattern of native speakers. The theoretic fundaments rest in Pragmatics and Cultural Anthropology concepts. The data analysis is based on information gathered from a questionnaire, which presented some hypothesis of responses to compliments in ordinary situations and in which the repliers chose the most and the least appropriate reactions for each situation. Seeking to confirm the pattern that was drawn from the responses, on a second phase, the study sought to compare some of the data collected to the speech patterns used in real-life situations, through the use of pre-recorded responses to compliments in spontaneous situations. The results showed that, for different subjects and situational contexts, the ideal behavior to native speakers is the acceptance of the compliments, rather than its rebuttal.

Insultos, elogios e resistências: participação de repentistas negros em cantorias do Nordeste (1870-1930).

Gomes, Germana Guimarães 30 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:23:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Arquivototal.pdf: 1647550 bytes, checksum: dc466ddd118800569e39a476095e1ef8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The research developed - linked to the search line History of the Regional Program of Graduate Studies in the Historyof the Federal University of Paraiba, with area of concentration in History and Historical Culture,has as its theme, the participation of repentistas blacks in singing northeast of the end of the century XIX and beginning of the century XX. This time adopted in points for the period in which blacks were faced with a backdrop provided by the abolition, which was associated with the new form of "integration", even though still excluding this segment in the early Republic. Using bursts that were corporated by Cordel Literature, as well as classics of the beginning of the century XX, they intend to discuss how repentistas blacks were represented by their opponents in singing in which they participated. Accordingly, we found the "insults" that put the repentista black in the context of inferiority, exclusion, "compliments," that mask the prejudices, but which shows positive visions of the Black opponent, since this, in the course of battle, exposes their knowledge, techniques, and finally, resistance, since the black Singer that highlighted in singing when positioned against certain representations, conferred by opponents "white" about their race and practices. Checking the continuity of these representations stereotyped and discriminatory in the present, this study will enable the understanding about the maintenance of the speeches, as well as a reflection on the position of black populations faced with the situations excludentes to them and (still) being checked. / A pesquisa desenvolvida vinculada à linha de pesquisa História Regional do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal da Paraíba, com área de concentração em História e Cultura Histórica tem como tema, a participação de repentistas negros nas cantorias nordestinas do final do século XIX e início do século XX. Esse recorte de tempo adotado nos aponta para o período no qual os negros se depararam com um contexto propiciado pela Abolição, que estava associada à nova forma de inserção , mesmo que ainda excludente deste segmento no início da República. Utilizando repentes que foram incorporados pela Literatura de Cordel, bem como por obras clássicas do início do século XX, propõem-se discutir como os repentistas negros foram representados pelos seus opositores nas cantorias aos quais participavam. Nesse sentido, evidenciamos os insultos que colocam o repentista negro no âmbito de inferioridade, de exclusão, os elogios , que mascaram os preconceitos, mas que evidencia visões positivas do oponente negro, uma vez que este, no decorrer da peleja, expõe seus conhecimentos, suas técnicas, e por fim, as resistências , uma vez que o cantador negro se destacava nas cantorias quando se posicionava contra determinadas representações, conferidos pelos oponentes brancos acerca de sua raça e suas práticas. Verificando a continuidade dessas representações estereotipadas e discriminatórias na contemporaneidade, o presente estudo possibilitará o entendimento acerca da manutenção dos discursos, bem como para uma reflexão acerca do posicionamento das populações negras diante das situações excludentes que lhes foram e (ainda continuam) sendo conferidas.

Gender Difference in Role-Play : Male and Female Character Language in World of Warcraft

Skoglund, Jeanette January 2009 (has links)
<p>In this essay, I have investigated whether players of World of Warcraft change their language to suit the gender of the character they play. I have researched if there are gender differences that correspond to what is defined as male and female language in mixed-sex conversations. Chat-logs, collected during four participant observations, were used for making an analysis based primarily on research by Coates (1993) and Yale (2007). Seven features were selected for analysis: amount of participation, hedges, questions, directives and commands, taboo language, compliments and grammar. It was possible to discover gender differences, but these were not consistent in all areas of research. For example, female characters had a higher contribution than males, as well as a higher use of hedges and tag-questions among males, which contradicts previous research. The lack of consistency might be due to the fact that the participants do not specifically consider all areas as typically female or male, or their unawareness of these tendencies. We also need to consider disagreement in previous gender studies as well as folklinguistic belief. The explanation of the lack of consistent differences may be a more equal relationship between males and females in this context, or due to thepossibility that the participants, who are usually male, make use of their normal male language.</p>

Dansk-svenska samtal i praktiken : Språklig interaktion och ackommodation mellan äldre och vårdpersonal i Öresundsregionen / Danish-Swedish Conversation in Practice : Linguistic Interaction and Accommodation Between the Elderly and their Caregivers in the Öresund Region

Ridell, Karin January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with what happens linguistically and interactionally in naturally occurring bilingual talk-in-interaction between Danes and Swedes. In the data – collected within the elderly care in a Danish municipality – three Swedish caregivers interact with Danish pensioners and colleagues. Previous research on inter-Scandinavian interaction has mostly been concerned with talk-in-interaction in arranged situations and/or situations where the participants do not interact regularly with other Scandinavians. The talk-in-interaction in the present data, however, has a clear activity context, and the participants are used to talking to people speaking the neighbour language. The aim of this study was to examine how comprehension, understanding and social affiliation were achieved and demonstrated across differences in language, age, nationality and institutional roles. The theoretical and methodological framework includes accommodation theory and conversation analysis. The linguistic aspects of the Swedish speakers’ accommodation to Danish were studied both in a detailed analysis of accommodation on five linguistic levels, and quantitatively in a study of five linguistic variables. One result was that the Swedish caregivers had individual ways of accommodating their language to Danish. The linguistic analyses also indicated that one reason for this accommodation was to make communication flow more efficiently. A CA-study of other-initiated repair showed that four factors in the interactional situation influenced understanding: context, physical distance and orientation, clearness of speech, and neighbour language and accommodation. It could, however, not be shown that the speakers’ use of different linguistic varieties caused a significant number of problems in understanding, or that the participants frequently oriented to such linguistic differences as part of the problem. Compliment sequences and their role in creating social affiliation were studied in another CA-study. They often played the role of introducing a new topic and leading the talk away from the practical chores at hand, thereby reducing the institutional aspect of the situation. The interactional ways of creating comprehension, understanding and social affiliation are likely to be at least as important as linguistic convergence in achieving these goals.

Gender Difference in Role-Play : Male and Female Character Language in World of Warcraft

Skoglund, Jeanette January 2009 (has links)
In this essay, I have investigated whether players of World of Warcraft change their language to suit the gender of the character they play. I have researched if there are gender differences that correspond to what is defined as male and female language in mixed-sex conversations. Chat-logs, collected during four participant observations, were used for making an analysis based primarily on research by Coates (1993) and Yale (2007). Seven features were selected for analysis: amount of participation, hedges, questions, directives and commands, taboo language, compliments and grammar. It was possible to discover gender differences, but these were not consistent in all areas of research. For example, female characters had a higher contribution than males, as well as a higher use of hedges and tag-questions among males, which contradicts previous research. The lack of consistency might be due to the fact that the participants do not specifically consider all areas as typically female or male, or their unawareness of these tendencies. We also need to consider disagreement in previous gender studies as well as folklinguistic belief. The explanation of the lack of consistent differences may be a more equal relationship between males and females in this context, or due to thepossibility that the participants, who are usually male, make use of their normal male language.

臺灣高中英文教科書中語言行為之分析 / An analysis of speech act behavior in senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan

賴思羽, Lai, Sih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
當談到外語教學時,教材具有相當重要性。其中,教科書更被視為重要的一環,是教師教學的主要資源,也是學生學習的重要指引。因此,教科書評鑑自然地受到重視。透過教科書評鑑,教師能對於教科書有適當認知並妥善利用教科書,另一方面,教科書評鑑能作為編撰者和出版商檢討與改進的參考。然而,文獻有許多有關教科書評鑑的研究,卻很少是從語言行為方面檢視臺灣高中生所使用的英文教科書。 本研究之主要目的為分析讚美、拒絕、請求三種語言行為如何呈現在三民、龍騰、遠東三套不同版本高中英文課本內的對話教材中。首先,統計三種語言行為在三套教科書內的對話中出現的頻率。接著,檢視這三種語言行為在三套教科書呈現的方式並判斷他們是否主要以美國觀點呈現。最後,探索三套教科書和教師手冊是否有提供相關語言行為的跨文化解釋。 研究結果顯示,三套教科書皆呈現三種語言行為,但是各版本著墨不一。另外,三種語言行為在三套教科書呈現的方式並不是完全採用美國觀點。更重要的是,三套教科書和教師手冊中幾乎沒有提供跨文化解釋。 本研究的發現能提供給對語言行為教學有興趣的老師和研究人員參考。研究結果希望激勵教科書編撰者、出版商以及教師重視語言行為教學,並期盼能協助教科書編撰者在未來補強三套教科書中對話教材不足之處。 / When it comes to foreign language teaching, teaching materials, without doubt, have been of vital importance. Textbooks, for teachers, serve as the major teaching resources. They are identified as important guidelines for students as well. Therefore, textbook evaluation has naturally received attention. Through textbook evaluation, for one thing, teachers can gain a proper understanding of textbooks, then making good use of them. For another thing, it enables textbook editors and publishers to examine and improve on textbooks. Although there have been many studies regarding textbook evaluation, few of them have been done on speech act behavior in senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan. The main goal of the current study is to analyze how the three speech acts, compliments, refusals, and requests, are presented in the conversation sections of the three series of the senior high school English textbooks, published by San Min, Lung Teng, and Far East. First of all, the frequency of compliments, refusals, and requests in the three series of the textbooks was examined. The next part was to look at how the three speech acts were presented in these textbooks and whether they showed American preference. Lastly, cross-cultural comparisons and contrasts in the textbooks and their corresponding teachers’ manuals were scrutinized. The results revealed that the three series of the textbooks examined presented the three speech acts in different proportion. Additionally, they were not completely presented in American ways. More importantly, there were few cross-cultural explanations found in the textbooks and their corresponding teachers’ manuals. The findings of the present study can work as reference for teachers and researchers interested in the teaching and learning of speech act behavior. They may motivate textbook editors and writers as well as teachers to place great emphasis on how to teach speech acts well. Last but not least, textbook compilers can compensate for the limitations of the conversation sections of senior high school textbooks in Taiwan in future materials development.

The Role of Compliment Topics in Compliment Response

Katsuta, Hiroko 01 January 2012 (has links)
This study examines the role of compliment topic by analyzing compliment responses by Japanese and American college students. Compliment responses can be seen as solutions for maintaining a balance between (1) a preference to avoid self-praise and (2) a preference to accept or agree with the compliment (Pomerantz 1978). Building on studies showing that response strategies can be influenced by compliment content and context, the study analyzed responses to compliments on ability, achievement, belongings, appearance, and personal characteristics by determining the subjects' choice of response strategy--categorized as acceptance, avoidance, or rejection--for each compliment topic. Compliment responses were elicited in a recorded, free-flowing conversation by the researcher or the English-speaking research assistant's issuing of compliments on traits of the participants based on information collected prior to the conversation by e-mail. Compliments were subtly dispersed throughout the conversation. Each compliment response was coded according to whether the overall response accepted, avoided, or rejected the credit attributed by the compliment, while the component parts of each response were coded by semantic formulas. The American group accepted compliments more often than the Japanese group and the Japanese group avoided and rejected compliments more often than the English group. But, contrary to a commonly held belief, the Japanese speakers did not overwhelmingly reject compliments, and instead used all three response types with a substantial frequency. The American participants overwhelmingly accepted compliments and almost never rejected compliments, but avoidance strategies were also commonly observed and should not be overlooked in the discussion of American English compliment response patterns. Furthermore, the study found relations between the content and structure of compliment responses and the type of compliment topic. Overall response strategies varied relative to compliment topic, as compliments on personal appearance were overwhelmingly rejected or avoided by both groups while those on belongings were largely accepted by both groups. Some response structures were also unique to a type of compliment topic, including the use of "wa" as a limit on the credit accepted in response to compliments on achievements or the use of "`a' + gratitude" as a means of demonstrating modesty in response to compliments on belongings.

Étude des types de compliments et leurs liens avec l’estime de soi et les processus motivationnels d’enfants de 8 à 12 ans

Grenier, Fanny 04 1900 (has links)
Différents courants de recherches se sont intéressés à identifier les compliments à éviter afin de ne pas nuire au développement de l’estime de soi et des processus motivationnels optimaux chez les enfants (p.ex. Kamins et Dweck, 1999 ; Kast et Konnor, 1988). Pourtant, aucune étude n’avait tenté d’identifier les compliments potentiellement optimaux pour favoriser ces développements. À travers 3 études, cette thèse exploratoire visait ainsi à comparer différents types de compliments recensés comme positifs dans la documentation à l’aide d’un échantillon de dyades mères-enfants (N = 65 ; Âge moyen des enfants = 10,20 ans). La première étude de la thèse a examiné les relations entre les différents types de compliments, d’une part, et l’estime de soi et les processus motivationnels des enfants, d’autre part, tout en contrôlant pour les variables démographiques de sexe et d’âge des enfants. Étant donné que les différents types de compliments étaient hautement susceptibles de coexister, mais qu’ils n’avaient jamais été comparés au sein d’une même étude, leurs relations avec les variables dépendantes ont été examinées en considérant également leurs interrelations à l’aide de régressions multiples. La deuxième étude de cette thèse visait à mettre en lumière les liens entre la perception des enfants des pratiques parentales typiques de leur mère et les compliments recensés comme positifs dans la documentation grâce à des questionnaires complétés par les enfants et leur mère. La troisième étude, de nature expérimentale, a examiné les impacts situationnels des compliments comparatifs, orientés vers le résultat et descriptifs sur la compétence perçue (ou l’estime de soi situationnelle) et les processus motivationnels des enfants en s’intéressant aux impacts potentiels de trois modérateurs susceptibles d’accentuer ou de diminuer l’impact de la manipulation expérimentale, soit le sexe, l’âge et l’estime de soi globale des enfants. Les principaux résultats révèlent qu’il est possible de dresser un portrait des compliments rapportés comme positifs dans la documentation en distinguant quatre types : les compliments comparatifs, orientés vers le résultat, orientés vers l’effort et descriptifs. Deux de ces compliments, les compliments orientés vers le résultat et les compliments orientés vers l’effort, semblent être les plus utilisés. La thèse révèle également que seul le compliment descriptif semble lié positivement à l’estime de soi des enfants (globale et situationnelle), en particulier chez les filles et chez les enfants ayant une estime de soi plus faible que la moyenne. À travers ces trois objectifs, cette thèse contribue à l’avancement des connaissances sur les compliments, à la théorie de l’autodétermination (TAD) et permet d’identifier des pistes d’interventions qui permettront aux parents d’intervenir et de communiquer de façon optimale auprès de leurs enfants. / Different lines of research have focused on compliments that parents should avoid in order not to jeopardize the development of children’s self-esteem and optimal motivational processes (e.g. Kamins and Dweck, 1999; Kast and Konnor, 1988). However, no study had yet attempted to identify potentially optimal compliments to favor these developments. Through three studies, this exploratory thesis thus aimed at comparing different compliments conceptualized as positive in the literature using a sample of mother-child dyads (N = 65, mean age of the children = 10.20 years). The first study examined the relations between different types of compliments, on one hand, and children's self-esteem and motivational processes on the other, while controlling for demographic variables of children’s sex and age. Given that the different types of compliments were likely to coexist but were never compared in a single study, their relations with the dependent variables were examined while also controlling for their interrelations using multiple regressions. The second study aimed at highlighting the links between children's perception of their mother typical parenting practices and the different types of compliments conceptualized as positive in the literature. To investigate these relations, we relied on questionnaires filled out by two different respondents (children and their mothers). The third study relied on an experimental design to investigate the situational impacts of comparative, result-oriented and descriptive compliments on children's perceived competence (or their situational self-esteem) and motivational processes, with a focus on the potential impacts of three moderators likely to accentuate, or reduce, the effect of the experimental manipulation (i.e. sex, age and children's global self-esteem). The main results show that it is possible to provide a comprehensive portrait of the compliments conceptualized as positive in the literature by distinguishing four types: comparative, result-oriented, process-oriented and descriptive compliments. Two of these compliments, namely result-oriented compliments and process-oriented compliments, seem to be the most used. The thesis also reveals that only descriptive compliments seem positively related to children's self-esteem (global and situational), especially for girls and children reporting lower than average self-esteem. Through the pursuit of these three objectives, this thesis contributes to the advancement of knowledge on compliments, to self-determination theory (SDT) and helps identify intervention avenues that will allow parents to intervene and communicate optimally with their children.

Using Online Pedagogy to Explore Student Experiences of Science-technology-society-environment (STSE) Issues in a Secondary Science Classroom

Ayyavoo, Gabriel Roman 02 August 2013 (has links)
With the proliferation of 21st century educational technologies, science teaching and learning with digitally acclimatized learners in secondary science education can be realized through an online Science-Technology-Society-Environment (STSE)-based issues approach. STSE-based programs can be interpreted as the exploration of socially-embedded initiatives in science (e.g., use of genetically modified foods) to promote the development of critical cognitive processes and to empower learners with responsible decision-making skills. This dissertation presents a case study examining the online environment of a grade 11 physics class in an all-girls’ school, and the outcomes from those online discursive opportunities with STSE materials. The limited in-class discussion opportunities are often perceived as low-quality discussions in traditional classrooms because they originate from an inadequate introduction and facilitation of socially relevant issues in science programs. Hence, this research suggests that the science curriculum should be inclusive of STSE-based issue discussions. This study also examines the nature of students’ online discourse and, their perceived benefits and challenges of learning about STSE-based issues through an online environment. Analysis of interviews, offline classroom events and online threaded discussion transcripts draws from the theoretical foundations of critical reflective thinking delineated in the Practical Inquiry (P.I.) Model. The PI model of Cognitive Presence is situated within the Community of Inquiry framework,encompassing two other core elements, Teacher Presence and Social Presence. In studying Cognitive Presence, the online STSE-based discourses were examined according to the four phases of the P.I. Model. The online discussions were measured at macro-levels to reveal patterns in student STSE-based discussions and content analysis of threaded discussions. These analyses indicated that 87% of the students participated in higher quality STSE-based discussions via an online forum as compared to in-class. The micro-level analysis revealed students to attain higher cognitive interactions with STSE issues. Sixteen percent of the students’ threaded postings were identified in the Resolution Phase 4 when the teacher intervened with a focused teaching strategy. This research provides a significant theoretical and pedagogical contribution to blended approach to STSE-based secondary science education. It presents a framework for teachers to facilitate students’ online discussions and to support learners in exploring STSE-based topics.

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