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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La sécularisation de la répudiation : ou l'avènement de la rupture unilatérale et discrétionnaire en droit français

Koumdadji, Abla 13 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
D'origine essentiellement religieuse, la répudiation est la rupture unilatérale et discrétionnaire du mariage décidée par l'époux. En droit musulman, elle permet au mari de mettre un terme à la relation maritale sans avoir à se justifier. En France, cette institution est critiquée et même rejetée tant elle paraît étrangère à la civilisation européenne. Pourtant, à y regarder de plus près, la rupture unilatérale et discrétionnaire du couple existe en droit français sous l'appellation de " divorce pour altération définitive du lien conjugal " pour le mariage, mais encore de "rupture unilatérale " s'agissant du pacte civil de solidarité et du concubinage. La différence tient au titulaire de l'exercice de ce droit, alors que la répudiation ne peut être mise en oeuvre que par l'homme, la rupture unilatérale et discrétionnaire du mariage, du PACS et du concubinage peut être décidée par l'homme ou la femme. Toutefois, fondamentalement, les effets sont les mêmes : l'un décide, l'autre subit. Que la rupture soit judiciaire ou non judiciaire, ce mode de dissolution laisse perplexe quant à l'attitude du juge et du législateur français face à la répudiation. Le premier refuse, depuis le 17 février 2004, de reconnaître des effets aux répudiations musulmanes en France sous couvert de la violation du principe d'égalité entre époux. Le second, cautionne la rupture unilatérale et discrétionnaire au sein du couple.

Du péché à l'ordre civil, les unions hors mariage au regard du droit (XVIe-XXe siècle)

Duvillet, Amandine 25 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse vise à appréhender la condition juridique des couples non mariés, à travers près de cinq siècles. Le droit canonique du mariage relégua le concubinage à un état permanent de péché, et, au XVIe siècle, le concile de Trente prescrivit des sanctions sévères à l'encontre des concubinaires. Les pères du concile édictèrent des règles encadrant la célébration du mariage. Puis, l'autorité séculière s'arrogea peu à peu la compétence en matière matrimoniale, par les lois et par la jurisprudence. La frontière entre mariage et concubinage était dorénavant strictement établie. Si l'ancien droit ne regarda pas le concubinage comme un délit, il fustigea les bâtards en les soumettant à un statut d'infériorité. Sous la Révolution, la sécularisation du mariage ne remit pas en cause la forme traditionnelle de l'union conjugale, toutefois, les législateurs accordèrent des droits aux enfants naturels reconnus. En 1804, le Code civil ignora absolument le concubinage. Le fondement de la famille était le mariage ; et, les enfants naturels furent, de nouveau, les victimes de la prééminence de l'union légitime. Dés le milieu du XIXe siècle, la rigueur du Code envers la famille naturelle fut atténuée grâce à un courant d'idées progressistes. Puis, au début du XXe siècle, la reconnaissance officielle du concubinage fut opérée par une série de mesures législatives lui conférant des effets juridiques, et la voie vers un pluralisme juridique des modèles familiaux se trouva ouverte.

La contribution du juge judiciaire à la révélation de l’unité conceptuelle de la notion de famille / The contibution of the judicial juge to the revelation of the conceptual unity of the notion of the family

Alvarez Elorza, Alexis 11 December 2018 (has links)
Le droit éprouve des difficultés à appréhender la notion de famille en raison d’une part, de l’absence de définition légale de cette notion et, d’autre part, de la diversité des situations familiales existantes. Cependant, la nécessité de garantir les droits familiaux des personnes impose la recherche de sa compréhension et de sa rationalisation. C’est en appréhendant la notion de famille en tant que notion indéterminée mais conceptuelle que cette thèse vise à identifier son élément irréductible, c'est-à-dire son unité conceptuelle. Pour ce faire, le juge judiciaire a été désigné comme l’observateur efficace de l’unité conceptuelle de la notion de famille et ce, en raison de la structure de l’acte juridictionnel par lequel il accomplit son office. Il sera donc démontré que, lorsque le juge décide de créer un lien familial ou de reconnaître en France un lien familial créé à l’étranger, il identifie l’unité conceptuelle de la notion de famille dans le concept de lien familial et met en évidence les éléments constitutifs de celui-ci, ainsi que la manière dont ils s’articulent. / The law finds it difficult to apprehend the notion of the family because, on the one hand, to the absence of legal definition of this term, and on the other hand, the diversity of existing family situations. However, the necessity of guaranteeing the family rights of the people imposes the research for its understanding and for its rationalization. It is by the apprehension of the notion of the family as an indefinite but abstract notion that this thesis aims to identifying its irreducible element, that is its conceptual unity. In order to do this, the judicial judge has been designated as the effective observer of the family notion's conceptual unity and it is true because of the structure of the jurisdictional act by which he achieves his duty. It will be shown that, when the judge decides to create a family bound or to recognize a family bound created abroad, he identifies the family notion's conceptual unity in the concept of family bound and highlights its constituent elements, as well as the way they are connected.

Da superação da monogamia como princípio estruturante do estatuto jurídico da família / On the overcoming of monogamy as structuring principle of juridical status of the family

Marcos Alves da Silva 20 March 2012 (has links)
A tese propõe novos fundamentos para a abordagem da conjugalidade contemporânea, tendo como eixo de referência a superação da monogamia como princípio estruturante do estatuto jurídico da família. Alguns fios condutores perpassam a tese e norteiam o tratamento do tema: (i) o princípio jurídico da monogamia como mecanismo legitimador da dominação masculina; (ii) a preocupação com a construção de lugares de não-direito e de invisibilidade jurídica de determinadas pessoas, mormente, as concubinas, excluídas da condição de sujeito de direito; (iii) o concubinato, campo privilegiado de estudo, é referido e analisado como estatuto de exclusão; (iv) os fatores decisivos para a reconfiguração da conjugalidade contemporânea: a democracia, o pluralismo cultural e a laicização do Direito; (v) a perspectiva do Direito Civil constitucionalizado é tomada como referência para a problematização da questão central da tese, e os princípios constitucionais da dignidade humana, solidariedade, igualdade, liberdade e democracia prestam-se ao estabelecimento de um banco de provas a que é submetida a assertiva que constitui o enunciado da própria tese: a superação da monogamia como princípio estruturante do estatuto jurídico das famílias contemporâneas. O tratamento dado à matéria é necessariamente interdisciplinar, tendo-se mostrado indispensável a interlocução, ainda que pontual, com historiadores, antropólogos, e sociólogos e mesmo com autores das ciências naturais. O princípio da monogamia consolidado no Ocidente, por força do monopólio da regulação das relações familiares pelo Direito Canônico, especialmente, pelos decretos e cânones tridentinos, e transposto ao domínio jurídico do Estado, a partir das revoluções burguesas experimenta, na reconfiguração da conjugalidade contemporânea, efetivo arrefecimento. Fatores, como a superação da dominação masculina, a laicização do Estado e do Direito, a primazia alcançada pela autonomia privada no campo das situações subjetivas existenciais e coexistenciais, a consagração do princípio do pluralismo das entidades familiares, nítida expressão da democratização da intimidade, são indicados como razões decisivas para a superação da monogamia como princípio jurídico. / The thesis proposes new foundations to approach the contemporaneous conjugality, specially referring to the overcoming of monogamy as a structural foundation for the juridical status of the family. Some essential ideas permeate the thesis and guide the discussion of the topic: (i) monogamy as the juridical institute able to legitimize the masculine domination; (ii) attention to the construction of no-Law zones and to the invisibility of some persons, mainly concubines, that are not entitled to the ownership of rights; (iii) the concubinage, an important field of study, is referred and analyzed as a exclusionist status; (iv) the decisive factors for the reconfiguration of contemporaneous conjugality: democracy, cultural pluralism and laicization of Law; (v) a constitutionally based Civil Law perspective is the foundation for the construction of the thesis discussions, and the constitutional principles of human dignity, solidarity, equality, freedom and democracy serve as tests to the main thesis proposal: the overcoming of monogamy as a structural basis for the juridical foundation of contemporaneous family. The perspective adopted in this study is perforce interdisciplinary, and the discussion, even if topical, with historians, anthropologists and sociologists and, also, with some authors from natural sciences, has been essential. The monogamy principle consolidated in the Occident by the Canonic Laws monopoly on the regulation of familiar relations, especially regarding decrees and Tridentine canons, and transported to the State juridical domination by the Bourgeois Revolutions is subjected to an effective loss of strength in the reconfiguration of contemporaneous conjugality. The overcoming of male domination, the laicization of the State and the Law, the primacy achieved by private autonomy regarding the field of existential and co-existential subjective situations, the consecration of the pluralism of familiar entities as a principle, a clear a expression of the democratization of the intimacy, are decisive factors for the overcoming of the monogamy as a juridical principle.

Da superação da monogamia como princípio estruturante do estatuto jurídico da família / On the overcoming of monogamy as structuring principle of juridical status of the family

Marcos Alves da Silva 20 March 2012 (has links)
A tese propõe novos fundamentos para a abordagem da conjugalidade contemporânea, tendo como eixo de referência a superação da monogamia como princípio estruturante do estatuto jurídico da família. Alguns fios condutores perpassam a tese e norteiam o tratamento do tema: (i) o princípio jurídico da monogamia como mecanismo legitimador da dominação masculina; (ii) a preocupação com a construção de lugares de não-direito e de invisibilidade jurídica de determinadas pessoas, mormente, as concubinas, excluídas da condição de sujeito de direito; (iii) o concubinato, campo privilegiado de estudo, é referido e analisado como estatuto de exclusão; (iv) os fatores decisivos para a reconfiguração da conjugalidade contemporânea: a democracia, o pluralismo cultural e a laicização do Direito; (v) a perspectiva do Direito Civil constitucionalizado é tomada como referência para a problematização da questão central da tese, e os princípios constitucionais da dignidade humana, solidariedade, igualdade, liberdade e democracia prestam-se ao estabelecimento de um banco de provas a que é submetida a assertiva que constitui o enunciado da própria tese: a superação da monogamia como princípio estruturante do estatuto jurídico das famílias contemporâneas. O tratamento dado à matéria é necessariamente interdisciplinar, tendo-se mostrado indispensável a interlocução, ainda que pontual, com historiadores, antropólogos, e sociólogos e mesmo com autores das ciências naturais. O princípio da monogamia consolidado no Ocidente, por força do monopólio da regulação das relações familiares pelo Direito Canônico, especialmente, pelos decretos e cânones tridentinos, e transposto ao domínio jurídico do Estado, a partir das revoluções burguesas experimenta, na reconfiguração da conjugalidade contemporânea, efetivo arrefecimento. Fatores, como a superação da dominação masculina, a laicização do Estado e do Direito, a primazia alcançada pela autonomia privada no campo das situações subjetivas existenciais e coexistenciais, a consagração do princípio do pluralismo das entidades familiares, nítida expressão da democratização da intimidade, são indicados como razões decisivas para a superação da monogamia como princípio jurídico. / The thesis proposes new foundations to approach the contemporaneous conjugality, specially referring to the overcoming of monogamy as a structural foundation for the juridical status of the family. Some essential ideas permeate the thesis and guide the discussion of the topic: (i) monogamy as the juridical institute able to legitimize the masculine domination; (ii) attention to the construction of no-Law zones and to the invisibility of some persons, mainly concubines, that are not entitled to the ownership of rights; (iii) the concubinage, an important field of study, is referred and analyzed as a exclusionist status; (iv) the decisive factors for the reconfiguration of contemporaneous conjugality: democracy, cultural pluralism and laicization of Law; (v) a constitutionally based Civil Law perspective is the foundation for the construction of the thesis discussions, and the constitutional principles of human dignity, solidarity, equality, freedom and democracy serve as tests to the main thesis proposal: the overcoming of monogamy as a structural basis for the juridical foundation of contemporaneous family. The perspective adopted in this study is perforce interdisciplinary, and the discussion, even if topical, with historians, anthropologists and sociologists and, also, with some authors from natural sciences, has been essential. The monogamy principle consolidated in the Occident by the Canonic Laws monopoly on the regulation of familiar relations, especially regarding decrees and Tridentine canons, and transported to the State juridical domination by the Bourgeois Revolutions is subjected to an effective loss of strength in the reconfiguration of contemporaneous conjugality. The overcoming of male domination, the laicization of the State and the Law, the primacy achieved by private autonomy regarding the field of existential and co-existential subjective situations, the consecration of the pluralism of familiar entities as a principle, a clear a expression of the democratization of the intimacy, are decisive factors for the overcoming of the monogamy as a juridical principle.

“`It’s no disgrace to a colored girl to placer’: Sexual Commodification and Negotiation among Louisiana’s “Quadroons,” 1805-1860”

Voltz, Noel Mellick January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Les conjoints de fait au Québec : perspectives féministes pour un encadrement légal

Jarry, Jocelyne 08 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit LL.M. (2-325-1-0)" / Le Québec est la seule province canadienne à ne pas imposer d'obligation légale quant aux rapports interpersonnels entre les membres de couples non mariés. Pourtant, leur nombre augmente considérablement et, en 2001, il y avait 1 158 410 couples en union libre au Canada, dont 508 525 vivaient au Québec. Les conjoints de fait des autres provinces canadiennes ont revendiqué un statut juridique d'égalité de droits avec les couples mariés, ce qui a donné lieu à plusieurs décisions de la Cour suprême du Canada et à la mise en vigueur de lois visant l'encadrement juridique de la rupture de ces conjoints de fait. C'est ainsi que toutes les provinces canadiennes, sauf le Québec, imposent une obligation alimentaire entre conjoints de fait à la rupture. La présente étude utilise les méthodologies d'analyse proposées par les théories légales féministes pour aborder la situation juridique de la famille québécoise dans un contexte historique et social afin de suggérer la mise en place d'un cadre légal des rapports interpersonnels des conjoints de fait. Afin de favoriser une plus grande égalité et une solidarité familiale, l'auteur propose l'établissement d'une obligation alimentaire compensatoire entre les membres des couples québécois non-mariés, avec enfants. / Quebec is the only Canadian province that does not impose legal obligations regarding interpersonal relations between the members of unmarried couples. In 2001, there was 1 158 410 unmarried couples in Canada, of which 508 525 were living in the province of Ouebec. Common law spouses from other provinces have claimed equal legal status with married couples, which lead to many decisions from the Supreme Court of Canada and to provincial legislations regarding their separation. Thus, ail Canadian provinces except Ouebec impose alimentary support on common law spouses at separation. This study uses the methodology of feminist legal theories to approach the legal situation of Quebec families in a historical and sociological context to propose a legislation regarding interpersonal relations within unmarried couples. According to the author, there should be a compensatory obligation of support between the members of unmarried couples with children to favor equality and familial solidarity.

Dissolution des couples et compensation patrimoniale / Dissolution of couples and property compensation

Molière, Aurélien 13 December 2012 (has links)
L’union juridique formée par deux personnes qui vivent en couple se fonde sur l’existence d’une communauté de vie, dont le droit français consacre trois modes d’organisation : le mariage, le pacte civil de solidarité et le concubinage. L’intensité de cette communauté varie selon le mode de conjugalité et chacun constitue, par conséquent, une inégale source de solidarité. Ce soutien, à la fois matériel et moral, ne résiste pas à la dissolution de l’union qui constitue dès lors, dans certains cas, la source d’un préjudice ou d’un état de besoin.Dans le but de les compenser, le droit met en œuvre une indemnisation, lors de la rupture. Ce transfert de valeurs prend la forme de dommages-intérêts, d’une prestation compensatoire et d’une indemnité in rem verso. Toutefois, après avoir assisté au recul de la faute, ainsi qu’à l’avènement d’une responsabilité objective, c’est tout le système de la compensation-indemnisation qui décline et ne semble plus adapté à l’union telle qu’on la conçoit, libéralisée dans sa dissolution et émancipatrice des individus. Ce déclin incite à rechercher l’existence d’une autre méthode de compensation.L’extinction du lien conjugal dissout la communauté de vie, sans que les effets déjà produits ne soient remis en cause. Or, tout au long de la vie commune, l’union provoque la mutualisation d’un certain nombre de richesses, qu’il convient de partager. Cette redistribution, réalisée par l’intermédiaire d’une communauté, d’une indivision ou d’une société a pour effet de compenser l’éventuelle disparité patrimoniale. Lorsque cette compensation est insuffisante ou ne permet pas à l’un des conjoints de subvenir à ses besoins, c’est une redistribution minimale que le droit organise, en tirant profit des biens présents dans le patrimoine de l’un, pour attribuer des droits utiles à l’autre, notamment sur l’immeuble affecté au logement. Ces deux formes de distribution constituent les manifestations d’un nouveau modèle : la compensation-distribution. / The legal union formed by two persons living as a couple is based on the existence of a joint living for which French Law sanctions three modes of organization: marriage, civil partnership and cohabitation. The intensity of this community depends on the nature of conjugality. As a consequence, each of the presented modes of organization consists of an uneven source of solidarity. Solidarity is both material and moral, and does not survive the dissolution of the union, which therefore denotes, in some cases, a source of damage or a state of necessity. In order to compensate this situation, French Law provides for compensation when couples break up. This transfer of value takes the form of damages, of a spousal support or of an in rem verso compensation. However, as a consequence of the decline of fault and the accession of an objective liability, the whole compensation system is deteriorating and no more seems suitable for the union the way it is understood, i.e. liberal in its break up and liberated from individuals. This decline encourages us to look for the existence of other compensation methods. The termination of the marital bond dissolves the joint living without prejudice to the effects already produced. Yet, throughout the shared life, the union causes a certain mutual wealth that needs to be divided. This redistribution, made trough a community, a joint ownership or a company, ends up compensating the possible disparity in property. When the compensation is insufficient or cannot permit one of the spouses to support themselves, the Law organizes a minimal redistribution, taking into account the present assets of a spouse in order to grant a useful right to the other, especially concerning accommodation. Those two forms of distribution represent the expression of a new model: the distributive compensation.

"Heaven's Last, Worst Gift to White Men": The Quadroons of Antebellum New Orleans

McCullugh, Erin Elizabeth 01 April 2010 (has links)
Visitors to Antebellum New Orleans rarely failed to comment on the highly visible population of free persons of color, particularly the women. Light, but not white, the women who collectively became known as Quadroons enjoyed a degree of affluence and liberty largely unknown outside of Southeastern Louisiana. The Quadroons of New Orleans, however, suffered from neglect and misrepresentation in nineteenth and twentieth-century accounts. Historians of slavery and southern black women, for example, have written at length on the sexual experiences of black women and white men. Most of the research, however, centers on the institutionalized rape, victimization, and exploitation of black women at the hands of white males. Even late into the twentieth century, scholars largely failed to distinguish the experiences of free women of color from those of enslaved women with little nuance in regard to economic, educational, and cultural differences. All women of color -- whether free or enslaved -- continued to be viewed through the lens of slavery. Studies that examine free women of color were rare and those focusing exclusively on them alone were virtually nonexistent. As a result, the actual experiences of free women of color in the Gulf States passed unnoticed for generations. In the event that the Quadroons of New Orleans were mentioned at all, it was normally within the context of the mythologized balls or in scandalous tales where they played the role of mistress to white men, subsequently resulting in a one dimensional character that lived expressly for the enjoyment of white males. Due to the relative silence of their own voices, approaching the topic of New Orleans’ Quadroons at length is difficult at best. But by placing these women within a wider pan-Atlantic framework and using extant legal records, the various African, Caribbean, French, and Spanish cultural threads emerge that contributed to the colorful cultural tapestry of Antebellum New Orleans. These influences enabled such practices as placage and by extension, the development of an intellectual, wealthy, vibrant Creole community of color headed by women.

Les conjoints de fait au Québec : perspectives féministes pour un encadrement légal

Jarry, Jocelyne 08 1900 (has links)
Le Québec est la seule province canadienne à ne pas imposer d'obligation légale quant aux rapports interpersonnels entre les membres de couples non mariés. Pourtant, leur nombre augmente considérablement et, en 2001, il y avait 1 158 410 couples en union libre au Canada, dont 508 525 vivaient au Québec. Les conjoints de fait des autres provinces canadiennes ont revendiqué un statut juridique d'égalité de droits avec les couples mariés, ce qui a donné lieu à plusieurs décisions de la Cour suprême du Canada et à la mise en vigueur de lois visant l'encadrement juridique de la rupture de ces conjoints de fait. C'est ainsi que toutes les provinces canadiennes, sauf le Québec, imposent une obligation alimentaire entre conjoints de fait à la rupture. La présente étude utilise les méthodologies d'analyse proposées par les théories légales féministes pour aborder la situation juridique de la famille québécoise dans un contexte historique et social afin de suggérer la mise en place d'un cadre légal des rapports interpersonnels des conjoints de fait. Afin de favoriser une plus grande égalité et une solidarité familiale, l'auteur propose l'établissement d'une obligation alimentaire compensatoire entre les membres des couples québécois non-mariés, avec enfants. / Quebec is the only Canadian province that does not impose legal obligations regarding interpersonal relations between the members of unmarried couples. In 2001, there was 1 158 410 unmarried couples in Canada, of which 508 525 were living in the province of Ouebec. Common law spouses from other provinces have claimed equal legal status with married couples, which lead to many decisions from the Supreme Court of Canada and to provincial legislations regarding their separation. Thus, ail Canadian provinces except Ouebec impose alimentary support on common law spouses at separation. This study uses the methodology of feminist legal theories to approach the legal situation of Quebec families in a historical and sociological context to propose a legislation regarding interpersonal relations within unmarried couples. According to the author, there should be a compensatory obligation of support between the members of unmarried couples with children to favor equality and familial solidarity. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit LL.M. (2-325-1-0)"

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