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En sammanställning av studentuppsatser inom bostadsrättsfinansiering / A compilation of student essays within condominium financingToma, Henry, Björk, Theo January 2020 (has links)
Finansiering på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden har sett en förändring från innan finanskrisen till nu. Detta gäller både för privatpersoners finansiering av bostadsköp till fastighetsbolagens finansiering för projekt och tillväxt. Detta har skapat en förändring i vart man finner sitt kapital till finansiering. När banker har gjort om sina utlåningsvillkor med exempelvis bolånetak har privatpersoner, om de inte kan få ihop till kapitalinsatsen, hittatandra lösningar såsom blancolån för att finansiera kvarvarande del. Fastighetsbolagen har också genomgått en utveckling kring finansiering där man börjat utnyttja nya finansieringsmetoder men som ofta då används som komplement till det klassiska banklånet. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vad som har skrivits om i studentuppsatser på master och kandidatnivå för att se trender på utvecklingen kring bostadsrättsfinansiering. Det som kommer analyseras i studien är därmed studentuppsatser som skriver om ämnet bostadsrättsfinansiering. En litteraturstudie har utförts för att sammanställa uppsatserna för att få en bra bild över de trender som har uppkommit under tidsspannet 2007-2019.Sammanställningen undersöker både de finansieringsmetoder som nämns men också olika hållbarhetsaspekter i uppsatserna för att se om det finns trender att analysera. Resultatet från studien indikerar att hypotekslån har varit det mest omnämnda ämnet i studentuppsatser över hela tidsspannet för konsumenter medans för företagen var den mest omnämnda metoden obligationer. De trender som man kan se från resultatet är att under de senare åren har det introducerats många nya finansieringsmetoder i uppsatserna, ett exempel på detta kan vara gröna obligationer som blivit skrivits om tre gånger på två senaste åren. Detta kan tyda på att ekofinansiering är en växande trend i samhället. Uppsatsernas fokus kring hållbarhetsaspekterna social hållbarhet, ekonomisk hållbarhet och ekologisk hållbarhet över tidsspannet som analyserades, visade resultatet en förändring över tid där uppsatserna från det tidiga skedet i tidsspannet nästan uteslutande handlade om ekonomiskt hållbarhet, uppsatserna skiftade sedan fokus mot en blandning av både social och ekonomisk hållbarhet. Under de sista åren har även den ekologiska delen av hållbarhet fått fokus i vissa av uppsatserna. / The Swedish real estate market has seen a major change over the past decades when it comes to financing. Some event such as the 2007 financial crisis, the recent ecology movement and the housing shortage have all in one way or another affected the real estatemarket directly or indirectly. The way consumers and companies finance their real estate purchases have changed over time. When for example, the bankes issued a mortgage cap,a major group of consumers sought another way of financing their mortgage and this need was filled by alternative financing methods that we have seen today. The real estatecompanies have also needed to undergo a change in terms of financing due to the development of the environmental movement that forced an introduction of alternative financing in green bonds. This study aims to research how the topic of real estate financing has changed in academic literature within the period 2007-2019 and identify any trends that have taken place.Furthermore, the study will also research what aspects of sustainability that have been taken into account within the range of literature that is included in this study. From analyzing 30 student essays related to the topic of real estate financing, a clear trend that was concluded was that mortgage loans were the predominant way of financing throughout the time period from a consumer perspective. Furthermore, from a corporate perspective, the most mentioned and studied way of financing were bonds. Another clear pattern that one could conclude was that during the earlier years, there were a limited amount of methods of financing that were mentioned amongst the student essays included in the study and during the later years there were a larger variation between methods that were mentioned in the litterature. From analyzing the sustainability aspects, there was a clear majority of essays that had considered economic sustainability whereas the rest of thees says were primarily focused around social sustainability.
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Effekten av ett reglerat redovisningsval för bostadsrättsföreningar : Från regelbaserade K2-regelverket till principbaserade K3?Haapala, Cornelia, Wendel, Klara January 2023 (has links)
I juni 2023 gav Bokföringsnämnden, en statlig myndighet i Sverige ut en remiss som riktar sig mot bostadsrättsbranschen. Remissen innebär delvis att man reglerar redovisningsvalet för bostadsrättsföreningar och är ett av flera ageranden från myndigheter i Sverige, där alla haft i syfte att öka jämförbarheten. Problematiken med att reglera ett redovisningsval grundar sig i effekter, konsekvenser och jämförbarhet där vi ifrågasätter nyttan av godtagandet av remissens förslag. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap om hur de som upprättar de ekonomiska rapporterna i bostadsrättsföreningar påverkas om de tvingas övergå till att redovisa enligt K3- regelverket utifrån bokföringsnämndens remiss. Vidare är syftet att undersöka hur jämförbarheten mellan bostadsrättsföreningars ekonomiska rapporter påverkas av remissen. Studien har två frågeställningar: ➢ Vilka konsekvenser innebär övergången till K3 för upprättare av finansiella rapporter i bostadsrättsföreningar? ➢ Hur påverkar den föreslagna regleringen av bostadsrättsföreningars redovisningsval jämförbarheten i branschen? Vi har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer och uppsatsen är därmed av kvalitativ karaktär. Studiens population består av alla som arbetar med en bostadsrättsförenings ekonomiska rapporter, där urvalet var ekonomiska förvaltare och revisorer i Stockholm. Den tidigare forskningen i studien består exempelvis av studier som undersökt implementeringen av IFRS och jämförbarhet. Av vad som framgår av den insamlade empirin varierar uppfattningarna kring det principbaserade regelverket K3. Ur vad som går att uttyda ur den insamlade empirin kommer jämförbarheten i branschen att öka om remissen godkänns, men förslag på ytterligare åtgärder har angivits. De effekter och konsekvenser som kunnat identifieras i såväl tidigare forskning som studiens empiri är: tid, utbildning, felbedömningar och möjlig minskad kvalitét på ekonomiska rapporter. / In June 2023 the accounting board of Sweden gave a proposal that affects the industry of condominium associations. The proposal implies that the accounting choice will be regulated and is one of several actions from Swedish authorities, all of which has the purpose of increasing the comparability in the industry. The problem with regulating accounting choice is based on effects, consequences and comparability where we question the usefulness of accepting the proposal. The purpose of this study is to bring knowledge about how those who works with the financial reports within condominium associations will be affected if the proposal from the Swedish accounting board is accepted, which propose a transition to a principle-based regulation. The purpose is also to investigate how comparability in the industry is affected by the proposal. This study has two questions: ➢ What consequences will the transition to a principle-based regulation have for those who work with the financial reports within condominium associations? ➢ How will the proposed regulation of the accounting choice affect the comparability in the industry? We performed semi-structured interviews and therefore this is a qualitative study. The population in this study is all who work with the financial reporting of condominium associations. The selection further on is economists and auditors who are based in Stockholm, Sweden. Previous research used in this study's framework theory consists partly of some who studied the implementation of the IFRS and comparability. The empirical parts of the study show that the perceptions vary regarding the principle-based regulation and its meaning. From what can be deduced from the collected empirical evidence, comparability in the industry will increase if the proposal is accepted, but we have given proposals for further measures. The effects and consequences identified in previous research and the empirical parts of this study are time, education, misjudgments and possible decreased quality of the financial reporting.
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Fastighetsbildningen av ägarlägenheter i Sverige : En jämförelse med Norges eierseksjonerOlsson, Olivia, Dempwolf, Simon January 2017 (has links)
I maj 2009 infördes ägarlägenheter i Sverige. Ägarlägenhetsinnehavaren har äganderätt till skillnad från en bostadsrättsinnehavare som endast innehar nyttjanderätt. Bostadsformen har hittills inte haft den genomslagskraft som förväntades av lagstiftaren. I Norge är möjligheten att äga sin lägenhet mer etablerad än i Sverige. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att se om fastighetsbildningsprocessen för ägarlägenheter kan göras effektivare genom att jämföra den med Norges bildningsprocess för eierseksjoner, vilken benämns seksjonering. Handlingar som upprättats i samband med fastighetsbildning respektive seksjonering granskades för att ta reda på hur hanteringen skiljer sig däremellan. Intervjuer med sakkunniga i Sverige och Norge genomfördes via personlig kontakt och e-post för att få en djupare kunskap i hur fastighetsbildningen och seksjoneringen går till. En komparativ metod, där den norska seksjoneringen av eierseksjoner ställdes mot den svenska fastighetsbildningen för ägarlägenheter, användes för att utreda om fastighetsbildningen för ägarlägenheter kan effektiviseras. Seksjonering av eierseksjoner och fastighetsbildning av ägarlägenheter skiljer sig en del i hur mycket ansvar som ligger hos exploatören Gemensamma utrymmen regleras mer vid bildning av ägarlägenheter än vid bildning av eierseksjoner. Gränserna mellan enheterna i de olika fallen skiljer sig speciellt då det för ägarlägenheter upprättas fastighetsgränser där lantmäterimyndigheten upprättar en koordinatförteckning, bruksgränserna som dras för eierseksjoner har inte samma noggrannhet. Att införa ändringar i ansökan hämtat från hur den sker i Norge vid seksjonering, och att upprätta en checklista för gemensamma utrymmen som den sökande fyller i, och ändring av fastställningen av de gemensamma utrymmena, är möjligheter till effektivisering av fastighetsbildningen för ägarlägenheter. / In may 2009 the condominium ownership model was introduced in Sweden. The owner has ownership, unlike with the condominium user right model where the owner only has a legal right to use the apartment. So far, the ownership model hasn’t had quite a breakthrough, as expected by the Swedish legislator. In Norway, the condominium ownership model is more established. The aim of this study was to see if the real estate formation of the Swedish condominium ownership model can be made more effective, by comparing it with the formation of theNorwegian condominium ownership model. Documents created in conjunction with the two separate formation processes has been reviewed to find out the differences between the two. Interviews with experts in the area, in both Sweden and Norway was carried through face to face and by e-mail, to get a deeper understanding in the formation process. A comparative method, where the Norwegian formation process of the Norwegian model was compared to the Swedish model, was used to find out if the formation for the Swedish model can be more effective. The formation of the Norwegian model and the real estate formation of the Swedish model differentiate a bit in how much responsibility the real estate owner has. Shared spaces are being more regulated at the formation of the Swedish model than the Norwegian model. The real estate boundaries between the units in the different cases separate especially when the real estate boundaries being determined for the Swedish model and the Swedish cadastral authority establish a coordinate list. The user right boundaries made for the Norwegian model don’t have the same accuracy. To introduce changes in the application from how it works in Norway, and establish a checklist for the shared spaces that the person who apply complete, and impliment changes of the establishment of the shared spaces, are possibilities to make the formation more effective for the Swedish model.
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Une confrontation comme nulle autre dans le Pacifique : la France, la Grande-Bretagne et la vie politique au condominium franco-britannique des Nouvelles-Hébrides (1945-1980)Stech, Zorian 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Le lot de copropriété, entre complexité et illusion : analyse de la nature juridique du lot de copropriété / Lot Condominium, between complexity and illusion : the legal nature of the condominiumsPaquet, Yannik 03 June 2016 (has links)
L'acquisition d'un appartement dans un immeuble en copropriété semble être aujourd'hui une opération banale tant pour les consommateurs que pour les praticiens, chacun semblant considérer que l'objet de l'acquisition se limite à "la propriété" d'un appartement dans un ensemble immobilier.La notion de copropriété en France est définie par l’article 1° de la loi du 10 juillet 1965 qui dispose : « La présente loi régit tout immeuble bâti ou groupe d'immeubles bâtis dont la propriété est répartie, entre plusieurs personnes, par lots comprenant chacun une partie privative et une quote-part de parties communes. ». Le lot de copropriété se présente donc comme un lien de droit à vocation perpétuelle instaurée entre des parties de l’immeuble pour permettre la répartition de sa propriété. Le lot de copropriété est finalement la résultante d’une appropriation individuelle (la partie privative) à l’aide d’un procédé collectif (l’indivision généralisée des parties communes) et entre dans la notion plus large de propriété privée.L'analyse de la nature juridique du lot de copropriété vient cependant démontrer que l'objet de l’acquisition par le candidat acheteur est de nature bien différente. Celle-ci réside en une forme d’appropriation complexe en raison des distinctions qu’elle implique entre les différentes composantes du lot mais aussi en raison de la multiplicité des qualifications juridiques qu’elle conjugue.Les droits attachés à la notion de lot de copropriété semblent être des droits complexes, tantôt droits personnels, tantôt droits réels, combinant pleine propriété, indivision, servitudes, usufruit et nue-propriété, ce que l’on pourrait appeler « la propriété plurielle », une forme de propriété « caméléon » avec des composantes hétérogènes.Le candidat acquéreur n’achète pas un appartement dans un immeuble mais, en réalité, une quote-part indivise dans des choses communes dont il ne connait ni l’étendue ni l’état ainsi que la jouissance exclusive d’un volume dénommé « partie privative » dont l’étendue est à la fois le critère et la conséquence (l’usage exclusif)L’analyse met en exergue une réelle discordance entre ce que les copropriétaires pensent posséder et la complexe réalité juridique de l’étendue de leur propriété et des droits et devoirs qui en découlent. Le découpage ainsi opéré démontre l’insécurité juridique du statut mis en place par la loi du 10 juillet 1965 ; c’est « l’illusion » de la copropriété immobilièreSi le statut de la copropriété devait être revu afin d’expliquer clairement au consommateur, qu’est le candidat copropriétaire, l’objet de son acquisition et ses implications juridiques et financières, il est fort à craindre qu’il se tourne vers une forme de propriété moins absconse. / The concept of ownership in condominium in France is defined by the Article 1 of the Law of 10 July 1965 states: "This Act governs any building or group of buildings whose ownership is divided among several people, composed each one by a private part and a part of common areas. ".The Lot of condominium is as a legal relationship established between perpetual vocation parts of the building to allow the distribution of its property. The condominium lot is the result of an individual appropriation with a collective process and into the wider concept of private property.Private property was designed by the French Revolution as a natural and inalienable human right, just as freedom. It is an inviolable and sacred right which no one can be private.The analys however highlights one hand great complexity on the scope of rights forming the components of the condominium lot but also its materiality. Difficulty identifying the physical reality of size lot suggests the distortion that may exist between the reality of this form of property and what the owner thinks .This Illusion present a real legal insécurity for the owner who does not measure extent of their rights and duties with respect to the nature of his property.
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O fenômeno dos supercondomínios: verticalização na metrópole paulistana no início do século XXI / The Supercondominium phenomenon: verticalization in São Paulo metropolis at the beginning of the XXI century.Alas, Paulo 13 May 2013 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, analisa-se a ascensão do modelo de empreendimento residencial vertical com ampla oferta de espaços de lazer em condomínio - aqui denominado supercondomínio - ao longo da década de 2000, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Não se restringindo às explicações mercadológicas, justificadas pelo estabelecimento de uma suposta \"nova forma de morar\", o trabalho busca, por meio da caracterização da produção, exposição da lógica financeira e análise do marco regulatório, demonstrar como a reestruturação do processo produtivo no contexto do Boom, levou à revisão das estratégias de atuação dos promotores imobiliários. As quais, dado o marco regulatório vigente, consolidaram os supercondomínios como o novo modelo de empreendimento a ser seguido. / This dissertation analyzes the rise of the vertical model of residential development with a wide range of leisure facilities in condominium - here called supercondominium - throughout the 2000s, in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area. Not restricted to sales arguments, justified by the establishment of a supposed \"new way of living,\" the work seeks, through the characterization of production, display of the financial logic and the analysis of the regulatory framework, to demonstrate how the restructuring of the production process during the real estate Boom, led to the revision of the developers\' strategies. Which, given the regulatory framework, consolidated the supercondominium as the new model to be pursued.
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ENTRE MUROS DE SONHOS E SOMBRAS: um estudo sobre condomínios horizontais em Goiânia (1978 - 2005). / Among the walls of dreams and shadows: an essay about horizontal residential condominiums in Goiânia (1978 2005).Borges, Darlene Limongi 21 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:34:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Darlene Limongi Borges.pdf: 3421499 bytes, checksum: 969acb28ba57adaefb5262165ed6e065 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-03-21 / The prime proposal of this essay is to exercise an exchange of different scholars ideas
about the structure of urban areas. A bibliographical research becomes the basic
compilation of selected surveys: Henri Lefebvre who points out that the social construction
occurs whenever there is a demand; Le Goff and his analysis about medieval cities; Sandra
Pesavento in her perception that a city is an objective reality, holder of history and
memory; Milton Santos and his view on the urban space; Lewis Mumford tracing the
history of cities; among many other references that are compiled in this assessment. Thus,
discerning a city becomes essential for understanding overlaps of the forms and functions
which the urban spaces attain, as well as the role of the city in this process. In order to
discuss the main subject of this essay closed horizontal residential condominiums an
initial time report was conceived involving medieval and industrial cities. Also, the
opportunity to identify the role of city walls surrounding medieval towns, as well as the
origin of the modern outskirts. These two images wall and suburb are references for a
deeper glimpse about horizontal residential condominiums. In relation to the point of view
given to urban areas and the condominiums, there is a proposal of a brief history of the city
of Goiânia. Thus, the recognition of a city growth process leads to the notion of new forms
and functions the city attains. Therefore, it is necessary to notice that the appearance of
these horizontal condominiums is causing a new perspective about the outskirts of the
modern cities. Without any intention of overtiring this theme, this paper becomes an
invitation for questioning about initiatives that are taken in the cities, as well as envisaging
new ideas, new aboding options and familiarity. So, first and foremost, the attempts are
presented for the addition of a new prospection to the rhetorical, depictions, dreams,
shadows and misgivings related to the city of Goiânia and its new guise. / Este estudo traz como proposta inicial o exercício de dialogar com diferentes estudiosos a
tessitura da urbe. Tendo como base uma pesquisa bibliográfica, no alinhavar das leituras
propostas, o trabalho considera a visão dos seguintes autores: Henri Lefebvre, pontuando
que a construção da sociedade urbana ocorre enquanto há sua procura; Le Goff, com
abordagem sobre as cidades medievais; Sandra Pesavento, na percepção de que a cidade é
uma realidade objetiva, detentora de história e memória; Milton Santos, com o olhar sobre
o espaço urbano e Lewis Mumford, tracejando a história das cidades; dentre outras
referências que fazem parte da reflexão. Conhecer a cidade torna-se indispensável para a
compreensão das sobreposições de formas e funções que o espaço urbano adquire, assim
como o papel do urbano nesse processo. Para discutir o mote principal do estudo
condomínios horizontais fechados foi feito inicialmente um recorte temporal, envolvendo
as cidades medievais e industriais, oportunidade para identificar o papel das muralhas nos
enclaves medievais, bem como a origem dos subúrbios. A leitura dada às cidades
industriais objetivou a compreensão da dinâmica socioeconômica, que representou a
proliferação dos subúrbios. As duas imagens muralha e subúrbio são referenciais para o
olhar projetado sobre os condomínios horizontais. Entre a leitura dada à urbe e aos
condomínios horizontais, o estudo propõe um breve histórico da cidade de Goiânia, visto
que identificar o processo de formação e crescimento de uma cidade favorece a concepção
de novas formas e funções que a urbe adquire, assim como, amplia a percepção de que a
presença dos condomínios horizontais está induzindo a uma nova leitura sobre a periferia
urbana. No entanto, longe de esgotar a temática, este estudo é um convite ao
questionamento sobre iniciativas que o urbano toma para contemplar seu imaginário, sua
opção de moradia e convivência. Portanto, antes de tudo, os esforços estão em acrescentar
um novo olhar ao discurso, representações, sonhos e sombras que orlam Goiânia em uma
nova roupagem.
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CONJUNTOS HABITACIONAIS E CONDOMÍNIOS RESIDENCIAIS.Morué, Maria Heloisa Lima de Moraes 27 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:49:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MARIA HELOISA LIMA DE MORAES MORUE.pdf: 4953295 bytes, checksum: fb0c1bfd462773312b9c4cc887ccb94e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-09-27 / Este estudo analisa os aspectos que implicam nos problemas habitacionais
detectados em Goiânia. O estudo mostra que a história de composição da capital fez
emergir a especulação imobiliária, promovendo a segregação imposta aos
moradores da periferia e a autosegregação de seus habitantes mais estruturados
social e financeiramente em condomínios fechados de luxo. Enquanto estes se
apresentam autosegregados por opção de modelo espacial de moradia, em que o
espaço é planejado para um homem ideal e visa cumprir suas funções básicas com
soluções padronizadas universalmente, os conjuntos habitacionais encontram-se
segregados pelas características de implantação e pelo sítio pouco valorizado,
distantes do centro urbano, com projeto totalmente voltado ao atendimento de
critérios financeiros. Diante desse impasse, o estudo problematiza como a
implantação dos condomínios residenciais horizontais fechados e dos conjuntos
habitacionais transformam a morfologia urbana e criam uma cidade segregada. O
foco da pesquisa é verificar a alteração da morfologia urbana de Goiânia com a
implantação desses empreendimentos, tendo como pano de fundo o momento
econômico e social que propiciou a construção dos mesmos e o mercado imobiliário
dominante. A importância em discutir este tema provém da possibilidade de
compreendermos a dinâmica da implantação dos condomínios horizontais fechados
e dos conjuntos habitacionais, bem como as consequências que promovem no
ambiente construído, uma vez que modificam a estrutura morfológica da cidade.
Para verificar o estudo foram mapeados, identificados e analisados o Conjunto
Habitacional Jardim do Cerrado e o Condomínio Residencial Horizontal Alphaville
Flamboyant, ambos em Goiânia, demonstrando o impacto socioeconômico e
ambiental na construção desses empreendimentos.
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Diretrizes para implantação de sistemas de reúso de água em condomínios residenciais baseadas no método APPCC - análise de perigos e pontos críticos de controle: estudo de caso Residencial Valville I. / Guidelines for water reuse system in residential condominiums based on HACCP method: Valville I case study.Sousa, Andrea Françoise Sanches de 17 April 2008 (has links)
A água é um recurso cada vez mais escasso, seja pelo crescimento populacional, com o aumento da demanda, seja pela redução da oferta, especialmente pela poluição dos mananciais. Uma das alternativas para enfrentar este problema é o reúso de água, importante instrumento de gestão dos recursos hídricos e detentor de tecnologias já consagradas para a sua adequada utilização. O presente trabalho visa estabelecer um protocolo para se utilizar a prática de reúso de água não potável em condomínios residenciais fechados, estilo de moradia em ascensão, localizado normalmente em áreas periféricas urbanas, de difícil acesso ao abastecimento público de água e esgotamento sanitário e com restrições para o lançamento dos esgotos, mesmo tratados, em corpos d\'água. Devido a legislação para regulamentação do reúso ainda ser limitada e a incerteza quanto aos riscos à saúde pública inerentes à esta prática, faz-se necessária a adoção do Princípio da Precaução. Com base neste princípio, pode-se adotar a prática do reúso de água contanto que procedimentos e tecnologias adequadas sejam aplicadas. Um gerenciamento de riscos baseado em medidas preventivas como o APPCC (Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle) é uma boa opção para avaliar os programas de reúso de água. Através de uma revisão bibliográfica, da aplicação da metodologia APPCC e do acompanhamento de um estudo de caso no Residencial Valville I, localizado na cidade de Santana do Parnaíba/SP, um conjunto de diretrizes foi elaborado para a adoção da prática de reúso de água não potável em condomínios residenciais. Nesta proposta de diretrizes foram levantados os perigos e os pontos críticos de controle de um sistema de reúso de água em condomínios, as ações emergenciais, sugestões de parâmetros de qualidade da água de reuso e também as formas de conscientização e envolvimento da comunidade. Isto por sua vez contribui para o melhor entendimento da necessidade de regulamentação mais detalhada dos programas de reúso de água exigidos em normas estabelecidas em alguns municípios. / Water is about to become a scarce resource, due to the population growth that increases the demand or even because of the offer reduction, especially due to water springs´ pollution. One of the alternatives to face this problem is the Water Reuse technique, an important instrument to water management and owner of high technologies to its properly utilization. The aim of this paper is to establish a protocol for using the Non-potable Water Reuse practice in residential condominiums, an upcoming stile of living, usually located at big cities surroundings, where the public potable water supply and the sewage transport are inaccessible. Besides that, there are restrictions to discharge these treated effluents into water courses. Considering the limitation of Brazilian water reuse legislation, and the uncertainties about the public health´s risks concerning the reuse practice, it is necessary to adopt the Precautionary Principle, in which the option of reuse can be employed if the adequate practices and technologies are applied to this purpose. A risk management based on preventive measures like the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) consists in one of the best options for the evaluation of water reuse practice. By bibliography review, HACCP´s method application and data collection of a real case study on Valville I - a residential condominium in Santana do Parnaíba/SP, a proposal of guidelines was elaborated to adopt the non-potable water reuse practice inside the residential condominiums. These guidelines considered the hazards and critical control points in a water reuse system in a condominium, the emergency procedures, suggestions of quality parameters for the reuse water and also some ways of teaching and involving the community. This is a contribution for a better understanding of a more detailed regulation for water reuse programs that are enforced by law in some cities.
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La rénovation d'immeubles en droit immobilier : essai de théorisation / Renovation of buildings in real estate law : test theoryVendrell, Vincent 10 January 2012 (has links)
Les opérations de rénovation en France sont aujourd'hui en plein développement et devraient à l'avenir se multiplier en raison d'un contexte socio-économique favorable.Cependant, aux opérations de rénovation restent associées l'incertitude et l'insécurité juridique. En effet, cette notion hétérogène de "rénovation" n'est pas définie juridiquement. Pour l'heure les différentes branches du droit immobilier l'appréhendent diversement par le prisme des notions se rapportant aux travaux sur existant qui dominent dans chacune d'elles.Ainsi, à l'opération, qui d'un point de vue matériel est unitaire, correspond, d'un point de vue juridique un régime éclaté.Cette situation nécessite un approfondissement destiné à mettre en adéquation le droit au fait. Une notion de rénovation d'immeubles peut-elle émerger des profondeurs juridiques ? Dans l'affirmative, quelle serait sa place, son rôle et sa fonction en droit immobilier ? / The renovation operations in France are now under development and expected to multiply in the future due to socio-economic environement.However, at reneval operations are associated with the uncertainly and legal insecurity.Indeed, this notion of heterogeneous "renovation" is not defined legally. At present different branches of real estate apprehend diffrently through the prisme of concepts related to the work on existing dominant in each.Thus, the operation, of a material point of view, is unitary, corresponds to a legal point of view, a regime erupted.This calls for a deepening align the right to the point. A notion of renovating buildings may emerge forme the dephts it legal ? If yes, what is its place, role and function in real estate ?
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