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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paauglių rengimo Sutvirtinimo sakramentui metodologinės gairės ir jų taikymas Kauno arkivyskupijos programoje / Methodological guidelines for the preparation of adolescents for the sacrament of Confirmation and their application in the program of Kaunas archdiocese

Lavrinovičiūtė, Evelina 02 March 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo problema: nepakankamas sutvirtintųjų įsitraukimas į Bažnytinės bendruomenės veiklą ir tikėjimo šventimą po dalyvavimo rengimo Sutvirtinimo sakramentui programose ir Sutvirtinimo sakramento gavimo. Tyrimo tikslas yra atskleisti paauglių rengimo Sutvirtinimo sakramentui ypatumus ir pateikti metodologines gaires bei jų taikymo galimybes. Tyrimo hipotezė: esamos rengimo Sutvirtinimo sakramentui programos vykdo tikėjimo gilinimo katechezę, tuo tarpu besiruošiantiems Sutvirtinimui paaugliams, pirmiausiai yra reikalinga, kerigminė katechezė, kad galėtų prasidėti procesas, vedantis juos į aktyvų dalyvavimą bendruomenėje. Tyrimo metodai: lyginamoji literatūros analizė, anketinė apklausa, požymių dažnių lentelės Crosstabs, kriterijus Chi-kvadratu (Χ2), aprašomoji statistika. Pastarasis magistro darbas buvo skirtas paauglių rengimo Sutvirtinimo sakramentui proceso analizei. Teorinėje darbo dalyje (pirmieji trys skyriai) pristatyta sakramentų samprata Bažnyčioje ir skirtingi teologiniai Sutvirtinimo sakramento aspektai, jo samprata ir padariniai. Toliau paauglystės ypatumai, jaunuolių tikėjimo raidą. Atrasta sąsaja tarp paauglystės kaip tapatumo ieškojimo laikotarpio ir Sutvirtinimo kaip krikščioniškosios tapatybės ir brandos sakramento. Taip pat išskirti pagrindiniai katechezės elementai pagal Bažnyčios dokumentus ir pristatytas Ad gentes modelis, kuriuo remiasi Bažnyčios evangelizacinė veikla. Taip pat aptarti pagrindiniai paauglių katechezės bruožai. Paauglių tikėjimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research problem: the lack of involvement in the parish activities and communal celebration of faith by newly confirmed after they finish preparation for the Confirmation programs and receive the sacrament. The research purpose is to reveal the features of the preparation for the Confirmation of adolescents and to propose methodological guidelines and their application possibilities. Research hypothesis: current preparation programs for the Confirmation give faith deepening catechesis, while those to be confirmed need to hear Kerygma which would enable the process, leading adolescents to the active participation in the community. Research methods: comparative literature analysis, questionnaire, Crosstabs, Chi-square (Χ2), descriptive statistics. The aim of this work was to analyze the process of preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation of adolescents. In the first three chapters the conception of the sacraments in the Church, theological aspects of the Confirmation, both the understanding and the consequences of it were presented; main features of adolescence and the development of faith during this period were analyzed and a search for ones identity was found as a major link between adolescence and Confirmation as a sacrament of Christian identity and maturity. The main elements of catechesis were presented according to Church’s documents. The Ad gentes model was presented as the major tool for evangelization. Also the features of adolescent catechesis were... [to full text]

Närvaro i den vårdande relationen

Norberg, Henrik, Elvås, Katarina January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva vad som krävs för närvaro i den vårdande relationen, utifrån vårdares och vårdtagares erfarenheter. Att se på vad som ger en närvaro som berör, ger ett samspel samt verkar lindrande i vårdmötet. Tolv vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativa metodansatser analyserades med avsikt att utifrån denna uppsats syfte beskriva innehållet. Innehållsanalysen resulterade i fyra kategorier; Att se hela människan, Själslig och kroppsligberöring, Vägen till att knyta an samt Vårdarens tillgångar. Resultatet visar att bekräftelse, vårdarens bemötande, fysisk och mental närvaro samt kommunikationen är väsentligt för hur närvaro upplevs av människor. Närvaro kan skapa en beröring som sker mellan vårdare och vårdtagare i den vårdande relationen. För att kunna mötas behövs avsatt tid samt kroppslig och mental närvaro. Beröring påverkar människan och därmed vårdandet. Att se på det osynliga som sker i närvarons sken kan ge kunskap till vårdare, som kan användas i det dagliga omvårdnadsarbetet, i mötet med vårdtagare. / The aim of this study was to describe what is required for presence in the caring relationship, based on caregivers and care receivers experience. To look at what gives a presence that touch, gives an interaction and soothes suffering. Twelve scientific articles with qualitative methodology approaches were analyzed, with the aim to describe the content from this paper´s point of view. The content analysis resulted in four categories: Seeing the whole person, Spiritual and physical touch, The path to connection and The assets of the caregiver. The result shows that confirmation of the care receiver, caregivers attitude, physical and mental presence and communication is essential for how people experienced presence. Presence can create an interface that takes place between caregivers and care receivers in the caring relationship. In order to meet, time, physical and mental presence is required. Touch affects humans and thus caring. To look at the invisible that is happening in the light of presence, can provide insight to caregivers, which can be used in daily nursing care, in meetings with the care receivers.

Att leva med Endometrios

Eriksson, Cajsa, Horngren, Lotta January 2013 (has links)
Introduktion. Endometrios är en inflammatorisk, kronisk östrogenberoende sjukdom i endometriet. Symtom kan vara smärta, dysparenui, infertilitet och minskad prestationsförmåga på grund av tröttheten. Det är svårt att ställa diagnos då endometrios kan vara svårupptäckt på grund av ospecifika symtomen. Syfte. Att undersöka hur kvinnor med endometrios påverkas av sin sjukdom. Metod. I denna studie användes litteraturöversikt som metod. Fjorton originalartiklar, både kvalitativa och kvantitativa, publicerade i vetenskapliga tidskrifter har studerats. Resultat. Endometrios påverkar kvinnors vardagliga liv negativt, på ett socialt, psykiskt och fysiskt plan. Ett av de stora problemen kvinnorna har är smärta, som kommer till följd av sjukdomen. Smärtan påverkar många aspekter negativt så som arbetet, vardagslivet och det sociala livet. De upplever att sjukdomen inte tas på allvar av omgivningen och sjukvårdspersonal har bristande kunskap och förståelse. Diskussion. Bristen på kunskap om sjukdomen bland sjukvårdspersonal bidrar till att kvinnor inte blir sedda och rätt behandlade. Att kvinnor negligeras kan leda till social isolering och psykisk ohälsa. Slutsats. En ökad kunskap och förståelse hos sjukvårdspersonal skulle bidra till bättre omvårdnad, behandling och omhändertagande av kvinnorna, vilket kan öka deras välbefinnande. Mer forskning behövs om sjukdomens etiologi och omvårdnad. / Introduction. Endometriosis is an inflammatory, chronic estrogen dependent disorder of the endometrium. Symptoms can include pain, dyspareunia, infertility and decreased performance due to fatigue. It’s difficult to diagnose as endometriosis can be difficult to detect because of nonspecific symptoms. Purpose. To investigate how women with endometriosis are affected by their disease. Method. In this study a literature review were used as method. Fourteen original articles published in scientific journals were studied. Results. Endometriosis affects women's daily lives negatively, socially, psychologically and physically. One of the major problem women had were pain, which comes as a result of the disease. The pain affects work, family life and social life negatively. They felt that the illness wasn’t taken seriously by the environment and health care professionals had a lack of knowledge and understanding. Discussion. The lack of knowledge about the disease among health care professionals does not contribute to let women be seen and treated correctly. That women are neglected can lead to social isolation and mental illness. Conclusion. Increased knowledge and understanding among the medical staff would contribute to better treatment, care and well-being among the women. More research is needed on the disease etiology.

Om sanningen skall fram : polisförhör med misstänkta för grova brott / If truth be known : police interviews with suspects of serious crime

Kronkvist, Ola January 2013 (has links)
This thesis has explored the context of police interviews with suspects of serious crimes. Focus group studies, a case study and additional interviews have shown several aspects of information flow, decision making, interviewing tactics, human rights and tacit knowledge as these interviews are planned, performed and evaluated. The informants, homicide investigators, describe their work as an information generating and information evaluating process. They apply a series of methods, e. g. different forms of tactics in the use of investigative information during the police interviews. Based on the informants’ description and the case study, their methods seem to have research evidence in general, where such is available. The informants specifically stress the important role of planning and evaluation. The investigative process generates a vast amount of situations where decision making is needed. In these, the bases for the decisions are mainly the information flow of the investigation, which tends to be obscure and in constant change. The investigators’ decision making is thereby exposed to the risk of confirmation bias. The informants express an ambition to work objectively and to presume the suspects’ innocence. However, this generates a psychological conflict, which might affect the human rights of the suspect in negative ways. The informants describe several ways to handle this conflict. The informants describe that they have several concerns when making decisions. These can be categorized as legal, organizational and tactical concerns. Taken together, legal rule conflicts and the organizational ambition to lead the investigators in a target oriented way using quantitative measures, result in strong incitements for investigations to be finalized when they are good enough, rather than when they are good. The informants describe their profession as one where it is possible to develop expertise and where tacit knowledge plays an important role. When previous research on tacit knowledge is combined with the interview results, there seems to be a level between the tacit and the explicit knowledge. I have called this low-key knowledge. This low-key knowledge can be verbalized in the proper context in communication among those initiated in the subject at hand. The low-key knowledge also seems to risk being over-voiced in certain contexts.

Die rol van die gemeente as 'n gemeenskap van gelowiges in begeleiding tot belydenisaflegging / Thomas Frederick Dreyer

Dreyer, Thomas Frederik January 2003 (has links)
Although confirmation should be the zenith of a young person's personal attachment to God and the congregation of believers, the exact opposite of this seems to be true when one considers the large numbers of young people that leave the church directly after their confirmation. A literature study shows that attempts to solve this problem have thus far to a large extent focussed on the young people in the process of preparing for confirmation. The purpose of this study is to shift the focus to the community of believers, more specifically to the role of such a community of believers in the guidance of young people in the process of preparing for confirmation, in order to find a solution to the problem. The following research question arose as a result: What is the role of the congregation as a community of believers in the guidance of young members through the confirmation process? The method employed was as follows: Basis-theoretical principles were formulated from Scripture as a result of literature studies and exegesis of relevant passages of Scripture. Meta-theoretical perspectives came to light by utilisation of the auxiliary science, Sociology, amongst other things. The role of the community of believers as a socialising agent of the youngsters was examined. The actual situation regarding the role of the community of believers in confirmation was examined meta-theoretically by means of a literature study on the situation within the broader Reformed tradition of the three Sister Churches, together with an empirical analysis of the situation within the Reformed churches of South Africa. Practical-theoretical guidelines were given following the hermeneutical interaction between the basis-theoretical principles and the meta-theoretical perspectives. The final conclusion is that the congregation as a community of believers is one of the most important agents in the religious socialisation of young people and therefore plays a very important role in preparing them for and guiding them in confirmation. The responsibility of the community of believers lies on the following levels: The shaping of a Biblical vision of the church or congregation that the young people can commit to. The concretion of this vision by means of the persistent practice of the fourfold ministry (“Hebrew text”) while simultaneously involving the whole congregation (young and old) in order that everything the congregation is, says, prays and does, is in congruence. This approach will lend credibility to the community of believers and by doing this the young people will be drawn closer. Focused community pursuit with special attention given to the acceptance of the young people, self-sacrificing and loving service towards the youths, as well as the verbal and practical teaching and instruction of the youngsters. A change in perception and sometimes a change of attitude of heart regarding the inclusion and participation of young people in the congregation. The creation of a culture in which every member earnestly considers his personal religious commitment and is prepared to be held responsible for this commitment. Such a culture of personal religious commitment, together with accountability to that commitment will carry the youths through their own personal commitment within confirmation, while confirming the importance of such a commitment at the same time. / Thesis (M.Th. (Pastoral))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 200

Motiverande faktorer i det dagliga arbetet hos undersköterskor

Cherish, Reed, Arzana, Pozhegu January 2014 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the present study was to investigate what kind of factors contributed to motivate a group of nurses at a nursing home in western Sweden to to perform their work. Furthermore, the authors wanted to investigate whether the staff nurses felt that the leader helped to increase or reduce the perceived motivation to perform such work, and the way in which staff nurses perceived their relationship to the leader. The study is based on Herzberg's (1959) two-factor theory, Hackman and Oldham's (1980) work designs theory and Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, and those theories are the basis of the study's structure. The study was of a qualitative property, interviews were conducted with seven nurses and was structured, the questions concerned their subjective experience of motivating factors in their everyday work. The results of this study demonstrated that respondents experienced confirmation, the meaningfulness of the work, work colleagues, beneficiaries of care and residents' families as contributing factors to motivate them in their daily work. It was also found in the results of the study that respondents considered the leader as a factor reducing the motivation to carry out their daily work, as the respondents also felt the relationship with the leader to be very limited. The analysis also identified a new category that the authors have chosen to call "resistance".

Understanding process modelling grammar continuance : a study of the consequences of representational capabilities

Recker, Jan Christof January 2008 (has links)
The graphical modelling of processes is of growing popularity and high relevance to organisations that seek to document, analyse and improve their business operations. This research investigates the phenomenon of continued user acceptance of the grammars that are used to build process models. It develops and tests a theory that can be used to explain and predict why users would opt to continue working with certain grammars in their process modelling efforts. This study builds on established theories, including the Technology Acceptance Model, Expectation-Confirmation Theory, Task-Technology Fit Theory and Representation Theory. These theories suggest that end users typically strive for tools that are useful and easy to use, which confirm their expectations through firsthand utility, and which match task requirements and individual abilities. Representation theory suggests that modelling grammars should be complete and clear in their capabilities to represent real-world domains. The research model has been designed by combining conceptual studies of acceptance and continuance theories with a representational analysis of the BPMN grammar, which is a recently ratified industry standard for process modelling and thereby of high practical relevance to process modelling practice. It further incorporates findings from nineteen semi-structured interviews with process modellers in Australia. The research model has been tested and validated by means of a web-based survey with 590 process modellers world-wide. This thesis contributes to the body of knowledge in a number of ways: First, it presents an empirically validated model of the factors determining a user's intention to continue using a process modelling grammar. Second, it measures the impact that grammar characteristics as well as user and task characteristics have on user evaluations of a process modelling grammar. Third, it presents empirical evidence on the consequences that perceived representational deficiencies entail on user perceptions of a process modelling grammar.

Qualifications for sponsors for baptism and confirmation from the 1917 code of canon law to the present

Palmieri, Alexander J. January 1994 (has links)
Thesis (J.C.L.)--Catholic University of America, 1994. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 52-59).

A two-year United Methodist confirmation curriculum employing experiential learning for early adolescents /

Widstrom, Laura. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Wheaton College Graduate School, 2002. / Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 246-247).

Qualifications for sponsors for baptism and confirmation from the 1917 code of canon law to the present

Palmieri, Alexander J. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (J.C.L.)--Catholic University of America, 1994. / This is an electronic reproduction of TREN, #029-0292. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 52-59).

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