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Implication relative des traits de haut niveau et de bas niveau des stimuli dans la catégorisation, chez l'homme et le singe / Relative contribution of low level and high level features of stimuli in categorization in humans and monkeysCollet, Anne-Claire 12 February 2016 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes proposé d'explorer les contributions relatives des caractéristiques de haut et de bas niveau des stimuli dans la catégorisation d'objet. Ce travail comporte trois études, chez l'homme et le singe. L'originalité de cette thèse réside donc dans la construction des stimuli. Notre première étude a visé à caractériser les corrélats neuraux de la reconnaissance d'images chez le singe en ECoG. Pour cela nous avons développé un protocole de catégorisation où les stimuli étaient des séquences visuelles dans lesquelles les contours des objets (information sémantique, caractéristique de haut niveau) étaient modulés cycliquement grâce à la technique SWIFT (créée par Roger Koenig et Rufin VanRullen) alors que la luminance, les contrastes et les fréquences spatiales (caractéristiques de bas niveau) étaient conservées. Grâce à une analyse en potentiels évoqués, nous avons pu mettre en évidence une activité électrophysiologique tardive en " tout ou rien " spécifique de la reconnaissance de la cible de la tâche par le singe. Mais parce que les objets sont rarement isolés en conditions réelles, nous nous sommes penchés dans une deuxième étude sur l'effet de congruence contextuelle lors de la catégorisation d'objets chez l'homme et le singe. Nous avons comparé la contribution du spectre d'amplitude d'une transformée de Fourier à cet effet de congruence chez ces deux espèces. Nous avons révélé une divergence de stratégie, le singe semblant davantage sensible à ces caractéristiques de bas niveau que l'homme. Enfin dans une dernière étude nous avons tenté de quantifier l'effet de congruence sémantique multisensorielle dans une tâche de catégorisation audiovisuelle chez l'homme. Dans cette étude nous avons égalisé un maximum de paramètres de bas niveau dans les deux modalités sensorielles, que nous avons toujours stimulées conjointement. Dans le domaine visuel, nous avons réutilisé la technique SWIFT, et dans le domaine auditif nous avons utilisé une technique de randomisation de snippets. Nous avons pu alors constater un gain multisensoriel important pour les essais congruents (l'image et le son désignant le même objet), s'expliquant spécifiquement par le contenu sémantique des stimuli. Cette thèse ouvre donc de nouvelles perspectives, tant sur la cognition comparée entre homme et primate non humain que sur la nécessité de contrôler les caractéristiques physiques de stimuli utilisés dans les tâches de reconnaissance d'objets. / In this thesis, we explored the relative contributions of high level and low level features of stimuli used in object categorization tasks. This work consists of three studies in human and monkey. The originality of this thesis lies in stimuli construction. Our first study aimed to characterize neural correlates of image recognition in monkey, using ECoG recordings. For that purpose we developped a categorization task using SWIFT technique (technique created by Roger Koenig and Rufin VanRullen). Stimuli were visual sequences in which object contours (semantic content, high level feature) were cyclically modulated while luminance, contrasts and spatial frequencies (low level features) remained stable. By analyzing evoked potentials, we brought to light a late electrophysiological activity, in an " all or none " fashion, specifically related to the target recognition in monkey. But because in real condition objects are never isolated, we explored in a second study contextual congruency effect in visual categorization task in humans and monkeys. We compared the contribution of Fourier transform amplitude spectrum to this congruency effect in the both species. We found a strategy divergence showing that monkeys were more sensitive to the low level features of stimuli than humans. Finally, in the last study, we tried to quantify multisensory semantic congruency effect, during a audiovisual categorization task in humans. In that experiment, we equalized a maximum of low level features, in both sensory modalities which were always jointly stimulated. In the visual domain, we used again the SWIFT technique, whereas in auditory domain we used a snippets randomization technique. We highlighted a large multisensory gain in congruent trials (i.e. image and sound related to the same object), specifically linked to the semantic content of stimuli. This thesis offers new perspectives both for comparative cognition between human and non human primates and for the importance of controlling the physical features of stimuli used in object recognition tasks.
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Influence de la congruence entre la couleur de fond d’une annonce presse et la catégorie de produits présente dans l’annonce sur la mémorisation, les émotions et les attitudes / The effect of the level of congruence between the background color of a press advertising and the product category present in the advertising on memorization, emotions and attitudesDhouib, Malek 18 December 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objet l’étude de l’effet du niveau de congruence entre la couleur de fond d’une annonce presse et la catégorie de produits présente dans l’annonce sur la mémorisation, les émotions et les attitudes des consommateurs exposés à l’annonce. Afin de vérifier nos hypothèses, nous avons développé un protocole expérimental. Dans un premier temps, nous avons conçu à l’aide de pré-tests quatre conditions de congruence et quatre conditions d’incongruence entre la couleur de fond d’annonces presses (bleu ou rouge) et la catégorie de produits présente dans les annonces (quatre catégories de produit). Dans une deuxième étape, nous avons présenté nos annonces cibles dans un magazine fictif à 238 étudiants. Nos résultats montrent que la couleur en tant que telle n’a pas d’effet sur la mémorisation de la catégorie de produits et sur la mémorisation de la marque (rappel et reconnaissance), sur les émotions (plaisir et activation) ni sur l’attitude envers l’annonce. Par contre, nos résultats montrent que le niveau de congruence entre la couleur de fond de l’annonce et la catégorie de produits présente dans l’annonce influence négativement la mémorisation de la catégorie de produits (rappel et reconnaissance), la mémorisation de la marque (rappel), mais qu’elle influence positivement les émotions (plaisir et activation) et l’attitude envers l’annonce. Ces résultats sont modérés par certaines variables telles que l’implication envers la catégorie de produits, l’attitude envers la publicité en général et l’attitude envers la couleur. Ce travail vient souligner l’importance de la prise en compte du niveau de congruence entre la couleur et le reste des éléments d’exécution en persuasion publicitaire. / This research investigates the effect of the level of congruence between the background color of a press advertising and the product category present in the advertising on memorization, emotions and attitudes of the consumers displayed to the advertising. To prove our hypotheses, we developed an experimental protocol. In a first stage, we conceived with the aid of pre-tests four conditions of congruence and four conditions of incongruence between the background color of the press advertising (blue or red) and the product category presented in the advertising (four product categories). In a second stage, using a folder test, we presented our target advertisings to 238 students. Our results show that the color as such does not have effect on memorization of the product category, on memory of brand (recall and recognition), on emotions (pleasure and arousal) and on attitude toward advertisement. On the contrary, our results show that the level of congruence between the background color of advertisement and the present product category in the advertisement influences negatively the memorization of the product category (recall and recognition), the memorization of the brand (recall), but that it influences emotions positively (pleasure and arousal) and the attitude toward advertisement. These results are moderated by some variables: involvement toward product category, the attitude toward advertising in general and attitude toward color. This study comes to underline the importance of the recognition of the level of congruence between the color and the rest of the execution elements.
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“Ett kvarter, inte ett köpcentrum” : En fallstudie om könsskillnader inom sinnesmarknadsföring på Giraffen i Kalmar / "A block, not a shoppingmall : A case study on gender differences regarding sensory marketing at Giraffen in KalmarGustavsson, Robin, Jacobsen, Emil, Thomasson, Gabriel January 2020 (has links)
Sinnesmarknadsföring är en viktigt aspekt för organisationer och påverkar alla människor medvetet eller undermedvetet. Studien fokuserar på tre sinnen, syn, doft och hörsel kopplat till den traditionella könsuppdelningen. Syftet är att kartlägga sinnesmarknadsföring på ett köpcentrum i Kalmar med namn Kvarteret Giraffen. Det är möjligt att segmentera efter könen för att på så sätt omfamna i stort sätt alla människor. Fallstudien undersöker hur Kvarteret Giraffen arbetar med sinnesmarknadsföring och om det är den rätta vägen att gå. Detta genomförs med kvalitativa intervjuer med både experter inom ämnet och personer med direkt koppling till Giraffen. Bör Giraffen använda sinnesmarknadsföring i förhållande till könen eller fortsätta med nuvarande strategi. Resultatet visar att Kvarteret Giraffen bör marknadsföra sig könsneutralt, men frågor och funderingar kring fenomenet uppmärksammas hos respondenter. / Sensory marketing is something every organization should take into consideration as it affects all people either consciously or subconsciously. The study focuses on three crucial senses, vision, scent, and hearing, in connection to the traditional gender divide. The purpose is to map sensory marketing on a shopping mall in Kalmar called Kvarteret Giraffen. It is possible to segment by gender, thus embracing virtually all people. The case study examines how Kvarteret Giraffen is working with sensory marketing and whether it is the right way to go or not. This is done with qualitative interviews with both experts in the subject and people with direct connection to Giraffen. Should Kvarteret Giraffen use sensory marketing relative to gender or continue with its current strategy. The result shows that Kvarteret Giraffen in question should use a gender-neutral marketing approach, however, questions and reflections about the phenomenon are noticeable among the respondents.
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Formes modulaires et courbes modulaires : quelques contributions à leur rôle en physique mathématique / Modular forms and modular curves : some contributions to their role in mathematical physicsDostert, Mike 13 November 2009 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est d'analyser et de développer les objets mathématiques apparus dans l'article "New classical limits of quantum theories" de S. G. Rajeev, notamment les (loc.sit) "limites néoclassiques" dans le contexte de la théorie des formes modulaires. Afin de voir au mieux quels sont les objets en jeu dans l'étude de Rajeev, on a dans une première étape construit certains modèles-jouets afin de mener dedans des calculs similaires que ceux exposés dans l'article en question tout en essayant d'étudier le rapprochement avec des objets et théories mathématiques rigoureuses, notamment la quantification kählerienne, la géométrie algébrique arithmétique et la formule pour la trace des opérateurs de Hecke. Dans une deuxième étape, on a développé un cadre mathématique rigoureux où vivent naturellement les objets de l'étude de Rajeev. Ce cadre devrait servir dans la suite afin de faire de manière rigoureuse les calculs de "limite néoclassique" dans ce contexte ci. Ainsi les objets développés devraient servir aux mathématiciens de mieux comprendre les idées des physiciens et aux physiciens de pouvoir pousser plus loin les calculs de perturbations / The goal of this thesis is to analyze and to develop the mathematical objects that appeared in "New classical limits of quantum theories" of S. G. Rajeev, especially the (loc. sit) "neoclassical limits" in the context of the contexte of the theory of modular forms. To see what are the objects involved in the study of Rajeev, we constructed certain toy models where could develop similar calculations as those done in the article mentioned above. This was done by trying to compare these toy models with rigorous mathematical theories, for example Kähler quantization, algebric geometry and the trace formula for Hecke operators. After that we developed a rigorous mathematical frame where the objects introduced by Rajeev naturally live. This frame should be used in the futur to do the "neoclassical limit" calculations in this context. So the objects developed could be used by the mathematicians to understand the physical ideas and by the physicists to push further the calculations of perturbation
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Kommunikationens roll i målstyrning : En kvalitativ fallstudie om kommunikation i Länsförsäkringar Kalmar läns målstyrningGylling, Sandra, Janlöv, Ida January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kommunikation är en basal del i människans liv, både privat och i arbetslivet. Företag fokuserar mycket på affärsstrategier och verksamhetsplaner för att uppnå utveckling och framgång. Målstyrning är ett av de sätt som en verksamhet kan styra sin organisation genom och detta för att eftersträva goda resultat med hjälp av verksamhetens medarbetare. Målstyrningen kräver mycket från ledning, chefer och medarbetare, men används kommunikationen på rätt sätt? Forskningsfråga: Hur ser kommunikationen ut i målstyrningsprocessen? Bidrar god kommunikation till delaktighet och målkongruens inom ramen av målstyrning? Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka på vilket sätt målstyrningen används på Länsförsäkringar Kalmar län och hur kommunikation används och upplevs i målstyrningsprocessen. Detta för att kunna ge företag som Länsförsäkringar en insikt i hur arbetet med kommunikation kan påverka dem. Metod: Metoden som har använts för denna studie är en fallstudie som genomfördes med en kvalitativ forskningsstrategin. Den empiriska datan samlades in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes på totalt sex respondenter, två chefer och fyra medarbetare. Då uppsatsen bygger på både deduktiva och induktiva inslag har den abduktiva ansatsen tillämpats. Resultat och slutsatser: Denna studie förklarar kommunikation som en viktig del i framgången för ledning genom mål. Cheferna har ansvaret för att kommunicera all information som måste gå från styrelsens ledare till de operativa anställda där denna kommunikation ger positiva effekter på både deltagande och målkongruens. Resultaten visar att medarbetare upplever delaktighet inom målstyrningsområdet vilket skiljer sig mot tidigare forskning. / Background: Communication is a basic part of human life, both in private and in working life. Companies focus on business strategies and business plans to achieve development and success. Management by objectives is one of the ways in which an organization can control its operations and this in order to strive for good results with the help of its employees. Goal management requires a lot of effort from management, managers and employees, but is the communication used properly? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the way in which goal management is used in Länsförsäkringar Kalmar and how communication is used and experienced in the goal management process. This is to give companies like Länsförsäkringar an insight into how the work with communication can affect them. Method: In this thesis a case study with a qualitative method has been applied. The empirical data has been compiled through semi structured interviews with six respondents in total, two manager and four employees. Due to this thesis is being based on both deductive and inductive contribution, the abductive approach has been applied. Result and conclusions: This study explains that communication as a vital part in the success of management by objective. The managers have the responsibility to communicate all information that has to go from the board leaders to the operational employees where this communication brings positive effects on both participation and goal congruence. The results shows that employees do experience participation in the goal setting process which differs from previous similar research.
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The annihilation graphs of commutator posets and latticesMehdinezhad, Elham January 2015 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references / We propose a new, widely generalized context for the study of the zero-divisor/ annihilating-ideal graphs, where the vertices of graphs are not elements/ideals of a commutative ring, but elements of an abstract ordered set (imitating the lattice of ideals), equipped with a binary operation (imitating products of ideals). The intermediate level of congruences of any algebraic structure admitting a "good" theory of commutators is also considered.
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Social Responsibility within the Fast Food Industry : An exploratory study on factors influencing consumers' socially responsible behavior to guide companies' CSR workKarlsson, Cecilia, Åkerhag, Elsa January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the factors that influence consumers to act socially responsible (CnSR) to provide guidance for CSR work practices in the context of fast food. Method: To answer the research questions a qualitative method has been used where empirical findings have been collected through secondary data and 16 semi-structured interviews. The study has been guided by a deductive approach where an analytical framework, based on previous research, has been the basis when collecting and analyzing the data. Conclusions: One conclusion that can be drawn is that fast food companies are working with the environmental aspect of CSR. Although, the current efforts are not enough to encourage consumers’ socially responsible (CnSR) behavior. Another conclusion of this study is that even though consumers have a positive attitude toward CSR, internal and external factors, especially environmental knowledge, motivation, and economic factors, have an influence on CnSR behavior not being achieved in the context of fast food. Value was the only factor that seemed to result in CnSR behavior. For this reason, fast food companies should provide more concrete information and offer smaller menus or trial samples at a lower price to increase consumers’ motivation to behave socially. Consequently, this could also make them value the more sustainable products in the future. Lastly, another conclusion is that Consumer-Company congruence (C-C congruence) was not achieved as there existed a lack in consumer CSR credibility and consumer CSR awareness. Based on this, it is obvious that fast food companies need to improve both their marketing communication on social media and their in-store promotion.
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Individual sponsorship implementation and its managerial motivations : A collective case study of the managerial motivations behind the implementation of individual sponsorship in Swedish outdoor recreation sportsLagerqvist, Olle, Carlsson, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
Background: In recent years, sponsorship has become an important and heavily implemented marketing communications tool, and the significance of sponsorship is especially seen within the context of sports. Despite the heavy implementation of sponsorship, both in a team context and on an individual level, existing sponsorship literature has been strongly focused on sponsorship in a team context, thus neglecting the individual aspect of sponsorship. Furthermore, previous literature has highlighted the importance of implementing clear objectives into the overall strategic marketing plan to respond to difficulties in tracing and evaluating sponsorship. The lack of existing literature on individual sponsorship and the need for clear objectives raises questions about managerial motivations behind the implementation of sponsorship. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the underlying managerial motivations behind the implementation of individual sponsorship in outdoor recreation businesses in Sweden. In doing so, this study aims to reduce existing literature gaps within sponsorship. Method: A qualitative collective case study with an abductive approach was conducted utilizing semi- structured interviews with 5 relevant participants who are working in outdoor recreation brands within the Swedish market. Conclusion: Findings of this study revealed that building credibility through the use of individual sponsorship was found to be a highly desired outcome, and strong motivation behind implementation. By transferring meaning, such as credibility, from well known and2 trusted athletes to the brand through associations, the brand in question wished to achieve increased strength of communicated brand messages. The development and strengthening of the brand community was identified as another key motivation behind individual sponsorship. Through the use of individual athletes' mix of properties such as performance, social ability, and own network was believed to strengthen brand community. Another finding was the motivation to achieve brand awareness-through high media exposure using leveraging as a tool. Lastly, the research found that except for implementing sponsored athletes in the marketing activities, utilizing the athletes in the product development process was the motivation behind implementation of individual sponsorship.
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Effect of Schematic Congruence on Mnemonic Discrimination in the Hippocampal SubregionsHedges-Muncy, Ariana M. 28 May 2021 (has links)
Two experiments are presented in this dissertation to investigate the effect a schema may have on mnemonic discrimination. We developed stimuli composed of a foreground item on a background that was either schematically congruent or incongruent. For the encoding phase of both experiments, these stimuli were presented to 98 participants, who were tasked with determining the congruency of each foreground-background pair. Next, the two experiments diverged for the retrieval phase, where participants were presented with either the same object as before (Target) or one that was similar (Lure). Forty-six participants in Experiment 1 saw stimuli with the same background as initially presented during the retrieval phase. For Experiment 2, fifty-two participants saw the foreground item presented only on a white background. Behavioral, eye tracking, and whole-brain, high-resolution fMRI data were acquired for both experiments and both phases of the task. We found memory discriminability (d-prime) scores were larger for incongruent stimuli when target-lure pairs were less similar and only when the background was present during retrieval. Critically, we found evidence of recognition in the hippocampal subregions as opposed to lure detection. These findings support the notion of a congruency benefit due to the "generate-and-recognize" model and an incongruency benefit due to increased initial attention.
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Playing With the Right Soundtrack: Effects of Video Game Music Congruency on EnjoymentDanny Yihan Jia (12477747) 29 April 2022 (has links)
<p>This study investigates how background music congruency affects the overall gaming enjoyment using the framework of the Congruence-Association Model. An experiment with three music conditions (congruent music/ incongruent music/ no music) was conducted using the game <em>Life is Strange</em>. With <em>N</em>= 105 participants, the results show that compared to having no music or incongruent background music, having congruent background music during gameplay resulted in higher levels of identification with the game character and transportation into the game, which then translated into greater gaming enjoyment. However,the difference between having incongruent music and no music was not well established. Thestudy contributes to the lack of literature linking game music and gaming experience. Future studies should consider examining other cognitive and affective factors that impact the effectof music congruency on the gaming experience. Implications for the gaming industry arealso discussed.</p>
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