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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementation of Industrial Symbiosis : How can a collaborative network improve waste management? / Implementering av Industriell Symbios : Hur kan ett kollaborativt nätverk förbättra avfallshanteringen?

Al-karkhi, Zaid, Fadhel, Josef January 2020 (has links)
Global use of natural resources has accelerated during the past decade and emissions and waste have increased as a consequence. The construction sector is a major contributor to global carbon emissions and is responsible for as much as one-third of global greenhouse gas emissions. The negative impact that industries across the world are having on the environment is getting recognized as a serious problem and the environmental awareness is growing. A significant amount of this impact could be reduced with increased resource efficiency. Our economic system needs to undergo an unprecedented transformation, to stop environmental degradation but also to assure sustainable access to natural resources in the future. To tackle this issue, institutions are pressuring to move away from our current linear economy with its “take-make-dispose” characteristics and move towards a circular economy that is waste-free by design. The concept of Industrial Symbiosis is seen as a means to do that. In these industrial networks that resemble biological symbioses, waste or by-products of one company become a resource for another. By engaging traditionally separate industries in a collective approach involving physical exchange of materials, energy and by-products, it is possible to divert waste from landfill and reduce the negative impact on the environment. From a company perspective, Industrial Symbiosis can reduce the need for raw materials as well as waste disposal costs while allowing companies to create new revenue from residue and by products. The aim of this report was to investigate the perspectives that stakeholders have on a potential participation in an Industrial Symbiosis network and the complex interplay of drivers, facilitators and barriers to the implementation, as well as how the responsibilities among the stakeholders could be divided in order to implement this concept in the most effective way. This was done by interviewing key stakeholders within the construction industry to get an overall perspective on their views. The results indicated a generally positive outlook on the concept of Industrial Symbiosis among the stakeholders. Key drivers and barriers were identified as economic – companies are only willing to invest if it is profitable, regulatory – regulations are an important enabling factor as they create the right incentives for companies to participate, organizational – A transformation of the business model is necessary in order to implement circular economy and technological – Technological developments and innovations will aid the implementation as it can increase efficiency and transparency among the network participants. A tentative model has been generated where the responsibility distribution among the stakeholders have been mapped in order to give a greater understanding of the dynamics of a potential network. / Den globala användningen av naturresurser har ökat under det senaste decenniet och utsläpp och avfall har vuxit som en följd. Byggsektorn är en stor bidragande faktor till globala koldioxidutsläpp och ansvarar för så mycket som en tredjedel av de globala utsläppen av växthusgaser. Den negativa påverkan som industrier över hela världen har på miljön erkänns som ett allvarligt problem samtidigt som miljömedvetenheten växer. En betydande mängd av denna påverkan kan minskas med ökad resurseffektivitet. Vårt ekonomiska system måste genomgå en enastående omvandling, för att stoppa miljöförstöring men också för att säkerställa hållbar tillgång till naturresurser i framtiden. För att ta itu med denna fråga pressar institutionerna att flytta sig bort från vår nuvarande linjära ekonomi och gå mot en cirkulär ekonomi som är avfallsfri genom design. Begreppet Industriell Symbios ses som ett sätt att göra det. I dessa industriella nätverk som liknar biologiska symboler blir avfall eller biprodukter från ett företag en resurs för ett annat. Genom att engagera traditionellt separata industrier i en kollektiv strategi som involverar fysiskt utbyte av material, energi och biprodukter, är det möjligt att avleda avfall från deponering och minska den negativa miljöpåverkan. Ur ett företagsperspektiv kan Industriell Symbios minska behovet av råmaterial samt avfallskostnader samtidigt som företag kan skapa nya intäkter från rester och av produkter. Syftet var att undersöka de synpunkter som intressenter har på ett potentiellt deltagande i ett Industriellt Symbios-nätverk och det komplexa samspelet mellan aktörer för genomförandet, samt hur ansvaret mellan aktörerna ska delas upp för att implementera detta koncept på det mest effektiva sättet. Detta gjordes genom att intervjua viktiga aktörer inom byggbranschen för att få ett övergripande perspektiv på deras åsikter. Resultaten indikerade en generellt positiv syn på konceptet industriell symbios bland intressenterna. Viktiga drivkrafter och hinder identifierades som ekonomiska - företag är bara villiga att investera om det är lönsamt, regelverk - förordningar är en viktig möjliggörande faktor eftersom de skapar rätt incitament för företag att delta, organisatoriska - En omvandling av affärsmodellen är nödvändig i för att genomföra cirkulär ekonomi och teknik - Teknologisk utveckling och innovationer hjälper implementeringen eftersom det kan öka effektiviteten och öppenheten bland nätverksdeltagarna. En modell har genererats där ansvarsfördelningen bland intressenterna har kartlagts för att ge en större förståelse för dynamiken i ett potentiellt nätverk.

Hantering av byggavfall med hjälp av ett cirkulärt tankesätt / Management of construction waste using a circular mindset

Khalil, Ouies, Zidane, Artina January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: In many construction projects, significant amounts of construction waste are generated, requiring efficient management. Construction waste is an important aspect of the construction industry, and it is common for Swedish projects to strive for what is known as material recycling. This means attempting to recycle materials to reuse them instead of buying new ones. Managing construction waste with a circular mindset involves considering waste as a resource and aiming to maximize reuse and material recycling. An important aspect of implementing a circular approach is to carefully plan and execute effective sorting of construction waste on the construction site. The aim of this report is to highlight the importance of managing construction waste using a circular mindset, which can, in turn, contribute to a more sustainable society in the future.  Method: The study has been conducted using a qualitative methodology and has primarily relied on semi-structured interviews and literature reviews from various databases. To achieve the desired results, different stakeholders within the construction industry, who possess knowledge on the subject of circular management of construction waste, were invited to participate in the interviews. The interviews served as primary data in this study, as it is based on the experiences and perspectives of the participants. The literature review was used as secondary data to examine similarities with previous studies. Results and analysis: According to the results, it was revealed that actors within the construction industry share an overarching perspective on the circular management of construction waste. For most, this entails striving to reuse and recycle materials to the greatest extent possible. The findings also demonstrated positive effects of circular management of construction waste, such as reduced carbon dioxide emissions and potential future economic profitability. Furthermore, it was also evident that there are challenges, such as a lack of knowledge in the field and difficulties with collaboration. Discussion: The study has confirmed the problem formulation by interviewing entrepreneurs within the industry. The study's achieved results consist of several proposals to promote circular construction waste. By utilizing impressions, opinions, and feedback from the entrepreneurs, the study has been able to address its research questions.  Keywords: Waste, Waste Hierarchy, Construction Waste, Circular Construction, Circular Economy, Sustainable Future, Environmental Goals. / Introduktion: I många byggprojekt uppstår betydande mängder byggavfall som kräver effektiv hantering. Byggavfall utgör en viktig aspekt inom byggbranschen, och det är vanligt att svenska projekt strävar efter att uppnå så kallad materialåtervinning. Detta innebär att man försöker återvinna material för att kunna återanvända det i stället för att köpa nytt. Att hantera byggavfall med ett cirkulärt tankesätt innebär att man betraktar avfallet som en resurs och strävar efter att maximera återanvändning och materialåtervinning. En viktig aspekt vid implementeringen av ett cirkulärt tankesätt är att noggrant planera och genomföra en effektiv sortering av byggavfallet på byggarbetsplatsen. Målet med rapporten är att belysa vikten om hur man hanterar byggavfall med hjälp av ett cirkulärt tankesätt som i sin tur kan leda till ett mer hållbart samhälle i framtiden Metod:  Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metodologi och har huvudsakligen baserats på semistrukturerade intervjuer samt litteraturstudier från olika databaser. För att uppnå resultatet tillfrågades olika aktörer inom byggbranschen, som har kunskap inom ämnet cirkulär hantering av byggavfall att delta i intervju. Intervjuerna användes som primärdata i denna studie eftersom det är aktörernas erfarenheter och uppfattningar som studien grundar sig på. Litteraturstudien användes som sekundärdata för att undersöka om det fanns likheter med tidigare studier eller inte. Resultat och analys: Enligt resultaten framkom det att aktörerna inom byggbranschen delar en övergripande syn på cirkulär hantering av byggavfall. För de flesta innebär det att man strävar efter att återbruka och återanvända material i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. Resultaten visade även positiva effekter av cirkulär hantering av byggavfall, såsom minskade koldioxidutsläpp och att det kan vara mer ekonomiskt lönsamt i framtiden. Vidare framkom det också att det finns utmaningar, exempelvis brist på kunskap inom ämnet och svårigheter med samarbete. Diskussion: Studien har bekräftat problemformuleringen genom att intervjua entreprenörer inom brunchen. Studiens resultat som har åstadkommit består av flera förslag till att främja cirkulärt byggavfall. Genom att använda intryck, åsikter och synpunkter från entreprenörerna har studien kunnat besvara dess frågeställningar. Nyckelord: Avfall, Avfallstrappa, Byggavfall, Cirkulär byggande, Cirkulär ekonomi, Hållbart framtid, Miljömål.

Cirkulära flöden för avfallshantering inom industriellt byggande : Kartläggning och bedömning av trävirke, plywood, gips, glasroc och fermacell / Circular flows for waste management in industrial construction : Mapping and assessment of timber, plywood, gypsum, glasroc and fermacell

Erstam, Fanny, Håkansson, Moa January 2023 (has links)
Den linjära metodiken för användning av produkter i byggsektorn är huvudorsaken till uttömning av naturresurser och uppkomsten av avfall. Inom byggindustrin är förbränning det vanligaste sättet att göra sig av med avfall. Genom att integrera cirkulära flöden kan den linjära metodiken motverkas vilket leder till att livcykeln för produkterna förlängs. Standardiseringen som industriellt byggande kräver är en förutsättning för att cirkulära flöden ska kunna nyttjas. Detta då avfallet uppstår i större volymer och i renare fraktioner. Det kan dock konstateras att det inte är nog studerat vilka cirkulära flöden som finns och som är användbara för industriella byggföretag. Det finns således en motivering till syftet i studien som är att undersöka vilka cirkulära flöden industriella byggföretag kan använda sig av för att minska avfall som går till förbränning och deponi. Målet med examensarbetet är således att först och främst kartlägga det industriella byggföretagets avfall för trävirke, plywood, gips, glasroc och fermacell. Vartefter olika cirkulära flöden för dessa material ska hittas och presenteras utifrån hur väl de presterar i parametrarna ekonomi, utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter, logistikkomplexitet och avfallstrappan. För att stödja detta arbete har följande två forskningsfrågor tagits fram; Vilka är orsakerna till uppkomsten av avfall av trävirke, plywood, gips, glasroc och fermacell hos industriella byggföretag och hur kan detta avfall klassificeras i olika kategorier? Vilka cirkulära flöden kan industriella byggföretag implementera baserat på sitt avfall? För att svara på den första forskningsfrågan har en kartläggning genom mätningar i det industriella byggföretagets fabrik utförts. Sedan har datan från dessa mätningar kategoriserats och katalogiserats för att kunna dra slutsatser om orsakerna till uppkomsten av avfallet samt inom vilka kategorier det kan klassificeras. Från resultatet för kartläggningen kunde det konstateras att den största orsaken till uppkomsten av avfall var kapspill, detta för samtliga studerade material. För trävirket kunde slutsatsen dras att den största andelen materialspill hamnade inom längdintervallet 0–149 mm. För skivmaterialen gips och plywood uppstod avfallet i areor mindre än 0,5 m2, där det enbart för glasroc och fermacell fanns avfall i areor över 0,5 m2. Genom mätningarna kunde det konstateras att fermacell och glasroc stod för störst mängd avfall. För att svara på forskningsfråga två har först och främst en litteraturstudie kring vilka cirkulära flöden som finns gjorts. För de cirkulära flöden som är genomförbara för det industriella byggföretaget har resultatet för parametrarna ekonomi, utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter, logistikkomplexitet och avfallstrappan presenterats för de cirkulära flödena. I analysen har sedan resultaten för de olika cirkulära flödena rangordnats inom varje parameter. De cirkulära flöden som har hittats för träprodukterna är intern och extern fingerskarvning, intern och extern biokolstillverkning, internt ekologipaket samt extern spånskivstillverkning. För skivmaterialen var det endast materialåtervinning för att göra nya skivmaterial som hittades. För ekonomiparametern var det extern fingerskarvning som visade sig vara mest fördelaktig. För parametern för utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter så var det intern biokolstillverkning som var mest fördelaktig och för logistikparametern var det extern biokolstillverkning som var mest fördelaktig. För den sista parametern, avfallstrappan, var det de tre flödena intern och extern fingerskarvning samt det interna ekologipaketet som hade de bästa resultaten. Extern biokolstillverkning visade sig även vara det enda cirkulära flöde som placerades i övre halvan av rangordningen för samtliga parametrar. / The linear methodology of using products in the construction sector is the main reason for the depletion of natural resources and the production of waste. In the construction industry energy recovery is the most common way of disposing of waste. By integrating circular flows the linear methodology can be counteracted, which leads to an extended life cycle for products. The standardization that industrialized construction requires is a prerequisite for circular flows to be utilized, since the waste occurs in larger volumes and in cleaner fractions. However, it has been established that there in not enough research about which circular flows that exist and can be used by industrialized construction companies. There is thus a justification for the purpose of this study, which is to investigate which circular flows industrialized construction companies can use to reduce waste that goes to energy recovery and landfill. The goal of the thesis is thus first and foremost to map the industrialized construction company’s waste for timber, gypsum, glasroc and fermacell. Where different circular flows for these materials are to be found and then presented based on how well they perform in the parameters of economy, emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents, logistics complexity and the waste hierarchy. To support this work, two research questions have been developed; What are the causes of production of timber, gypsum, glasroc and fermacell waste in industrialized construction companies and how can this waste be classified into different categories? Which circular flows can industrialized construction companies implement based on their waste? To answer the first research question, a mapping through measurements in the industrial construction company’s factory has been carried out. Where the data from these measurements then has been categorized and cataloged to be able to come to conclusions about the causes of the origin of the waste and into which categories it can be classified. From the results of the mapping, it could be stated that the biggest cause for waste was spillage. For the timber, it could also be determined that the largest proportion of waste ended up within the length range 0-149 mm. For the board materials gypsum and plywood, the waste occurred in areas smaller than 0.5 m2. Only glasroc and fermacell occurred in areas over 0.5 m2. Through the mapping, it could also be established that fermacell and glasroc accounted for the largest proportions of waste. To answer the second research question, a literature study has been conducted to find which circular flows that exist. For the circular flows that were feasible for the industrial construction company, their results for the parameters economy, emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents, logistics complexity and the waste hierarchy have been presented. In the analysis, the results for the different circular flows have been ranked within each parameter. The circular flows that have been found for the timber products are internal and external finger jointing, internal and external biochar production, internal ecology package and external particle board production. For the board materials, only material recycling to make new board materials were found. For the economy parameter, external finger jointing was the most beneficial. For the parameter for emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents, it was internal biochar production that was most beneficial. For the logistics parameter, external biochar production was the most beneficial. For the last parameter, the waste hierarchy, it was the three flows internal and external finger jointing and internal ecology package that had the best results. External biochar production was also the only circular flow placed in the top half of the ranking for all parameters.

Förebyggande åtgärder vid uppkomst av materialspill : En studie om CO2-e besparande och hur materialhantering kan främja cirkulär ekonomi / Preventive measures in the event of construction waste : A study on CO2-e saving and how materials can promote circular economy

Zhou, Lijin, Hammodi, Anhar January 2022 (has links)
Under den senaste tiden har klimatpåverkan tagit sitt språng där bygg och fastighetssektornstod för 21% av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser under 2019. När en byggnad uppförsär hela anläggningens livscykel inblandad. Livscykel beskriver materialets förbrukning frånråvaruutvinning till bortskaffning. Men detta i åtanken behöver byggsektorn ta tillfället i aktoch börja ta vara på möjligheter för att minska byggspill som i följd genererar mindre utsläpp. Syftet med rapporten är att minska klimatpåverkan genom att reducera materialspill ibyggindustrin. Vilka materialfraktioner som uppkommer främst kommer att kartläggas, dessorsak, hur spillet kan förebyggas samt hinder för att fullfölja åtgärderna. Undersökningenbygger på intervjuer och tre fallstudier, två färdigställda flerbostadshus och ett pågåendeprojekt för Sveriges högsta träkontorshus. Rapporten skrivs i samarbete med byggnadsfirmanOtto Magnusson som är medlem i organisationen LFM30. I LFM30 har en klimattrappabestående av 4 steg tagits fram där varje trappsteg har ett mål. Utifrån framtagna åtgärderdelar rapporten in förslagen under det trappsteg som är mest lämplig att utföra. Åtgärder ärindelad i cirkulära, generella och gipsskivor åtgärder. För gipsskivor åtgärder kommer enklimatberäkning att redovisas för att visa när spillvärdet utifrån förebyggande åtgärd kanminskas och vad det innebär för CO2-e besparingen. Resultatet från fallstudierna visar att de främst uppkomna spill är gips och trä. Orsaken tilldetta beror på tre huvudsakliga faktorer som är tidsbrist, ekonomiska incitament ochbristfälligt planering/projektering. Sekundära orsaker är brist på människors engagemang ochmaterialets lagringsförhållande. Hur dessa orsaker kan förebyggas är bland annat genomatt måttanpassa material och noggrannare mängdning. Vidare ska pengar läggas på att höjamänniskors engagemang och köpa mer miljövänligt material. Det stora hindret för attfullfölja dessa åtgärder är platsbrist som inträffar under byggnationen, speciellt när byggetsker centralt där det är tätbebyggt. Det är även för dyrt att köpa in måttanpassade ochmiljövänliga material. Kostnader är ännu ett ett hinder att överkomma. Klimatberäkning för gipsskivor åtgärder visar att åtgärderna inte är avgörande men det ärfortfarande en möjlighet utifrån principen “många bäckar små”. Målgränsvärdet förflerbostadshus är 216 kg CO2-e/ljus BTA och för kontorsbyggnad är målet 270 kg CO2-e/ljusBTA. Genom att tillämpa gips/osb och noggrannare mängdning kan gipsspillet reduceras meddrygt 50% och tillämpas samtliga åtgärder för gips kommer spillet att reduceras med drygt90%. Andel kg besparad i CO2-e är marginell men om ett projekt inte är långt ifrån LFM30målgränsvärde kan åtgärderna vara intressanta. Studiens slutsats är att mycket kan åtgärdas för att minska klimatpåverkan beroende påmaterialval, arbets- och leveransmetod samt hur noggrann projekteringen är. Materialspilletoch klimatpåverkan kan minimeras oerhört mycket om hela byggbranschen samarbetar ochdelar med sig av sina resultat. Erfarenhetsåterföring är viktigt. / In recent times climate change has taken off where the building industry is responsible for 21% of Sweden's total greenhouse gas emissions in 2019. With this in mind, the construction sector needs to seize the opportunity and take actions to reduce construction waste, which in turn generates less emissions. The purpose of the report is to reduce climate impact from the building industry by mapping out which building fractions arise mainly, its cause, how it can be prevented/reduced and obstacles to overcome. To analyze these issues a survey has been conducted. The survey is based on interviews and three case studies. Measures to reduce climate impact by reducing construction waste are divided into circular, general and gypsum measures. For gypsum measures, a climate calculation will be carried out to show when the waste-value can be reduced based on measures and what this means for the CO2-e savings. The results from the case studies show that the main waste fractions are gypsum and wood. The reason for this is due to three main factors which are lack of time, financial incentive and inadequate planning. Secondary causes are lack of motivation and the materials storage conditions. These causes can be prevented through various measures like customized materials and more accurate quantities. The study concludes that much can be done to reduce the climate impact depending on the choice of material, working and delivery method and how accurate the design is.

An?lise da viabilidade de aplica??o de res?duos da constru??o civil da Regi?o Metropolitana de Campinas em argamassas de uso geral por m?todo multicrit?rios / Analysis of the feasibility of applying construction waste from the Metropolitan Region of Campinas to mortars of general use by multi-criteria method

Petitto, R?gia Mara 21 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2017-08-07T13:10:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 R?GIA MARIA PETITTO.pdf: 3577833 bytes, checksum: 125f036f5ae5942ebbd9906d675670d3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-07T13:10:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 R?GIA MARIA PETITTO.pdf: 3577833 bytes, checksum: 125f036f5ae5942ebbd9906d675670d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-21 / The objective of this work was to characterize the recycled aggregates generated in the metropolitan region of Campinas and to test its application in the production of mortars for general use. From a qualitative approach, with an exploratory objective, the surveys of the current legislation and legal requirements imposed to solid waste management and the panorama of this management in the metropolitan region of Campinas were carried out. The six recycling plants for the disposal of construction waste (RCC) generated in the implanted municipalities were identified and, based on the data collected, a map with the geographic location of these plants was elaborated. After the sample collection, with a quantitative approach of applied nature and exploratory objective, analyzes of the physical characteristics were made (grain size composition, 75 ?m sieve material, water absorption, clay cladding content and friable materials, Specific mass and organic impurity) and chemical (soluble salts and organic matter content by fire loss) of these materials. All the analyzed aggregates presented satisfactory results in the granulometric composition and water absorption tests. Regarding the content of fine material (less than 75 ?m), clay content and friable materials and organic impurities, few samples could be accepted for use recommended by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). The analysis of the soluble salts content would also make it impossible to accept the aggregate of some suppliers. With the replacement of natural aggregate by the recycled aggregates, mortars with a 1: 3 dash (cement: aggregate) were prepared, and 20 and 40% of the natural aggregate were replaced. The characteristics of the mortars in the fresh state (water retention, incorporated air content, mass density) and hardened (water absorption by capillarity, capillary coefficient, compressive strength, flexural tensile strength and apparent specific mass in the Hardened state). From the results obtained, the analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology showed the content of incorporation of the recycled aggregate in the production of general purpose mortars composed of cement and sand. For the application of this method, weights were assigned to punctuated criteria related to the physical and mechanical performance of mortars and environmental criteria related to the exhaustion of natural resources and transport distance. The best result was found in mortar with a 20% substitute content of mixed recycled aggregate by municipal unit from Campinas, but it is not possible to observe a tendency to obtain better results in mortars with lower substitution content, nor exclusively by mortars with mixed recycled aggregates. / O presente trabalho teve por objetivo caracterizar os agregados reciclados gerados na regi?o metropolitana de Campinas e testar sua aplica??o na produ??o de argamassas para uso geral. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, com objetivo explorat?rio, foram realizados os levantamentos da legisla??o vigente e exig?ncias legais impostas ? gest?o dos res?duos s?lidos e do panorama desta gest?o na regi?o metropolitana de Campinas. As seis usinas recicladoras para destina??o dos res?duos de constru??o civil (RCC) gerados nos munic?pios implantadas foram identificadas e, a partir dos dados coletados, elaborou-se um mapa com a localiza??o geogr?fica destas usinas. Ap?s a coleta de amostras, com abordagem quantitativa de natureza aplicada e objetivo explorat?rio, foram realizadas an?lises das caracter?sticas f?sicas (composi??o granulom?trica, teor de material passante na peneira de 75 ?m, absor??o de ?gua, teor de torr?es de argila e materiais fri?veis, massa espec?fica e impureza org?nica) e qu?micas (sais sol?veis e teor de mat?ria org?nica por perda ao fogo) destes materiais. Todos os agregados analisados apresentaram resultados satisfat?rios nos ensaios de composi??o granulom?trica e absor??o de ?gua. J? quanto ao teor de material fino (menor que 75 ?m), teor de torr?es de argila e materiais fri?veis e impurezas org?nicas, foram poucas as amostras que poderiam ser aceitas para o emprego recomendado pela Associa??o Brasileira de Normas T?cnicas (ABNT). A an?lise do teor de sais sol?veis tamb?m inviabilizaria a aceita??o do agregado de alguns fornecedores. Com a substitui??o de agregado natural pelos agregados reciclados foram preparadas argamassas com tra?o de 1:3 (cimento:agregado), e substitui??o de 20 e 40% do agregado natural. Foram determinadas as caracter?sticas das argamassas no estado fresco (reten??o de ?gua, teor de ar incorporado, densidade de massa) e endurecido (absor??o de ?gua por capilaridade, coeficiente de capilaridade, resist?ncia ? compress?o, resist?ncia ? tra??o na flex?o e massa especifica aparente no estado endurecido). A partir dos resultados obtidos verificou-se, por aplica??o do m?todo de avalia??o multicrit?rios, com a metodologia Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), o teor de incorpora??o do agregado reciclado na produ??o de argamassas de uso geral compostas por cimento e areia. Para a aplica??o deste m?todo foram atribu?dos pesos a crit?rios pontuados ligados ao desempenho f?sico e mec?nico das argamassas e crit?rios ambientais ligados ao esgotamento dos recursos naturais e dist?ncia de transporte. O melhor resultado foi encontrado na argamassa com teor de substitui??o de 20% de agregado reciclado misto da unidade municipal de Campinas, mas n?o ? poss?vel observar tend?ncia de obter melhores resultados em argamassas com menor teor de substitui??o, nem t?o pouco exclusivamente por argamassas com agregados reciclados mistos.

Britador de resíduos sólidos da construção civil: projeto de equipamento móvel de pequeno porte / not available

Moura, William Miosso 18 December 2015 (has links)
O cenário positivo pelo qual a construção civil atravessou nas últimas duas décadas trouxe incontáveis benefícios ao país, porém alguns aspectos relevantes devem ser avaliados neste panorama de crescimento, principalmente os relacionados aos impactos ambientais ocasionados pelo setor. Uma destas preocupações é a quantidade de resíduos sólidos produzidos e sua respectiva disposição final. O equipamento, objeto deste estudo, propõe que os resíduos produzidos sejam processados, transformados novamente em materiais, e reutilizados dentro do próprio processo construtivo, sem que haja necessidade de transportá-los às áreas de processamento e disposição. Para tanto, foram analisadas amostras de material Classe A, inertes, passiveis de serem reincorporados ao processo construtivo, substituindo o agregado (pedra britada) em determinadas situações. Foram avaliadas ainda as condições conceituais, materiais e mecânicas do equipamento britador, para melhor aproveitamento dos materiais que serão produzidos e reincorporados ao ciclo construtivo da Construção Civil. Os estudos resultaram no projeto de uma máquina britadora de resíduos, de pequeno porte, porém capaz de transformar resíduos sólidos Classe A, em materiais passiveis de serem reutilizados em forma de agregados, sem que haja necessidade de retirá-los da obra para processamento. / The positive scenario which construction has gone through in the last two decades in Brazil brought countless benefits to the country, however, some important aspects must be evaluated in this growth panorama, especially those related to environmental impacts caused by the activity. One of these concerns is the solid waste amount production and its respective final disposal. The device, object of this study, proposes that the produced waste is processed, transformed back into materials and reused in the construction process itself, discarding transportation to processing sites and deposition. For this purpose, inert Class A waste samples were analyzed under certain situations aiming to be able to reincorporation in the construction process, replacing the aggregate (crushed stone). The crusher equipments conceptual, material and mechanical conditions were also evaluated to achieve better results on the use and reincorporation of the processed materials in the construction cycle. The studies resulted in the design of a crusher waste machine, small, but able to turn Class A solid waste, insusceptible materials to be reused in the form of aggregates, with no need to remove them from workplace for processing.

Diagnóstico e sugestões de melhoria da gestão dos resíduos de construção e demolição (RCD), na área urbana de Boa Vista/RR /

Chitlal, Ítalo Harry Cunha January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Valladares Soares / Resumo: Os Resíduos da Construção e Demolição (RCD) são um grande problema da maioria das cidades brasileiras, nos aspectos ambiental, social e econômico. Esse problema também se destaca em Boa Vista, capital e maior cidade do estado de Roraima, com aproximadamente 63% da população estadual, onde os RCD representam quase 46% do total em massa de resíduos depositados no aterro municipal. Considerando que se têm poucas informações sobre a gestão de RCD na cidade, pois o Plano Municipal de Gestão Integrada de Resíduos Sólidos (PMGIRS) de Boa Vista ainda está em fase de implementação, este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um diagnóstico da atual situação e sugerir ajustes na gestão e destinação dos RCD na cidade de Boa Vista, por meio de levantamento bibliográfico e trabalho a campo com entrevistas às empresas de construção, empresas de transporte de entulho, o poder público municipal e com uma empresa de reciclagem de entulho. O diagnóstico revelou que a maioria das empresas de construção e de transporte de entulho não atende à legislação atual, por falta de fiscalização das autoridades. O poder público municipal se esforça para implementar o PMGIRS e tentar acabar com os depósitos clandestinos e obrigar as grandes geradoras a parar de despejar os RCD no aterro municipal. Foi identificado que existe uma empresa de reciclagem de entulho atuante na cidade de Boa Vista, porém, enfrenta dificuldades para se estabelecer num mercado que é pouco desenvolvido, sem incentivos e com a lei de ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) in the environmental, social and economic aspects are a big problem in most Brazilian cities, This problem also stands out in Boa Vista, capital and the largest city of Roraima state, with approximately 63% of state’s population, where the CDW represent almost 46% of the total mass of waste deposited in the municipal landfill. Considering that there is little information about the management of CDW in the city, because the Municipal Plan of Integrated Solid Waste Management of Boa Vista stills in implementation phase, this work aimed to diagnose the current situation and to suggest adjustments in the management and destination of the CDW in Boa Vista, through bibliographical survey and field work with interviews with construction companies, transportation companies of rubble, municipal public authorities and with a recycling company of rubble. The diagnosis revealed that most companies of construction and debris does not meet to current legislation, due to lack of supervision by the authorities. Municipal public authorities are struggling to implement the Municipal Plan of Integrated Solid Waste Management and try to stop clandestine deposits and force large generators to stop dumping CDW in the municipal landfill. It was identified that there is a recycling company of rubble in the city of Boa Vista, however, it faces difficulties to establish itself in a market that is poorly developed, without incentives and with the law of sustainab... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Avaliação do gerenciamento de resíduos de construção e demolição em empresas construtoras do Recife e sua conformidade com a resolução n 307/CONAMA: estudo de caso / Evaluation of management of construction waste and demolition of construction companies of Recife and its compliance with Resolution No. 307/CONAMA: a case study

Genilson Correia Pontes 21 September 2007 (has links)
A cada dia aumentam as preocupações com a preservação do meio ambiente, e crescem os desafios para estabelecer uma relação equilibrada com a natureza para suprir as necessidades dos vários processos de produção. A indústria da construção civil causa impacto ao meio ambiente em suas diversas fases e principalmente pela geração e a disposição de seus resíduos. Considerando a necessidade da implantação de diretrizes para efetiva redução dos impactos ambientais gerados pelos resíduos oriundos da construção civil, o CONAMA estabeleceu diretrizes, critérios e procedimentos para gestão de resíduos da construção civil, através da Resolução N 307 de 05 de julho de 2002. Esta Dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o gerenciamento de RC&D nas empresas construtoras do Recife e sua conformidade com a Resolução n307 do CONAMA. Nesta pesquisa foi adotado o método de investigação, o estudo de casos, e foi elaborado um roteiro para analisar os SGRC&D das empresas construtoras. Foram elaborados Protocolos de avaliação, a saber: Protocolo A que caracteriza o SGRC&D, o Protocolo B que foi elaborado baseando-se na metodologia Obra Limpa, sendo composto por um questionário de avaliação, e o Protocolo C que foi elaborado baseando-se na Resolução n307 do CONAMA e avalia a conformidade do SGRC&D em relação a esta mesma Resolução. Por meio destes Protocolos foram atribuídas notas para o SGRC&D de cada obra, e através destas notas obteve-se a média geral de cada SGRC&D. Foram pesquisadas quatro empresas na cidade de Recife-PE, sendo duas obras por empresa, perfazendo um total de oito obras. A partir da análise dos Protocolos, observa-se que todas as empresas pesquisadas tentaram se enquadrar às determinações da Resolução n 307 do CONAMA. Foram identificadas as principais características de cada SGRC&D dessas empresas, além dos fatores positivos e negativos provenientes da implantação do sistema de gerenciamento RC&D. A empresa Y obteve a maior média geral, além de implantar a Metodologia Obra Limpa PE também adotou uma política de não geração de resíduos nos canteiros de obra / To each day they increase the concerns with the preservation of the environment, and grow the challenges to establish a relation balanced with the nature to supply the necessities of the some processes of production. The industry of the civil construction cause impact to the environment in its diverse phases and mainly for the generation and the disposal of its residues. Considering the necessity of the implantation of lines of direction for effective reduction of the ambient impacts generated by the deriving residues of the civil construction the CONAMA, it established lines of direction, criteria and procedures for management of residues of the civil construction, through Resolution 307 of 05 of July of 2002. This project has as objective to evaluate the management of RC&D in the construction companies of Recife and its conformity with Resolution n 307 of the CONAMA. In this research the inquiry method was adopted, the study of cases, and was elaborated a script to analyze the SGRC&D of the construction companies, had been elaborated Protocols of evaluation, namely: Protocol A that it characterizes the SGRC&D, Protocol B that was elaborated being based on the methodology Clean Workmanship, and is composed for an evaluation questionnaire and Protocol C that it was elaborated being based on Resolution n 307 of the CONAMA and evaluates the conformity of the SGRC&D in relation to this same Resolution. Through these Protocols notes for the SGRC&D of each workmanship had been attributed, and through these notes it was gotten average generality of each SGRC&D, had been searched four companies and two workmanships for company a total of eight workmanships. Through the analysis of the Protocols it is observed that all the searched companies had tried to be fit the determination of Resolution 307 ofthe CONAMA. Through the Protocols the main characteristics of each SGRC&D of these companies had been identified, of the positive and negative factors proceeding from the implantation of the system of management RC&D. The company who got the general average greater beyond also implanting the Methodology Clean Workmanship - PE adopted one politics of not generation of residues in the workmanship seedbeds

Britador de resíduos sólidos da construção civil: projeto de equipamento móvel de pequeno porte / not available

William Miosso Moura 18 December 2015 (has links)
O cenário positivo pelo qual a construção civil atravessou nas últimas duas décadas trouxe incontáveis benefícios ao país, porém alguns aspectos relevantes devem ser avaliados neste panorama de crescimento, principalmente os relacionados aos impactos ambientais ocasionados pelo setor. Uma destas preocupações é a quantidade de resíduos sólidos produzidos e sua respectiva disposição final. O equipamento, objeto deste estudo, propõe que os resíduos produzidos sejam processados, transformados novamente em materiais, e reutilizados dentro do próprio processo construtivo, sem que haja necessidade de transportá-los às áreas de processamento e disposição. Para tanto, foram analisadas amostras de material Classe A, inertes, passiveis de serem reincorporados ao processo construtivo, substituindo o agregado (pedra britada) em determinadas situações. Foram avaliadas ainda as condições conceituais, materiais e mecânicas do equipamento britador, para melhor aproveitamento dos materiais que serão produzidos e reincorporados ao ciclo construtivo da Construção Civil. Os estudos resultaram no projeto de uma máquina britadora de resíduos, de pequeno porte, porém capaz de transformar resíduos sólidos Classe A, em materiais passiveis de serem reutilizados em forma de agregados, sem que haja necessidade de retirá-los da obra para processamento. / The positive scenario which construction has gone through in the last two decades in Brazil brought countless benefits to the country, however, some important aspects must be evaluated in this growth panorama, especially those related to environmental impacts caused by the activity. One of these concerns is the solid waste amount production and its respective final disposal. The device, object of this study, proposes that the produced waste is processed, transformed back into materials and reused in the construction process itself, discarding transportation to processing sites and deposition. For this purpose, inert Class A waste samples were analyzed under certain situations aiming to be able to reincorporation in the construction process, replacing the aggregate (crushed stone). The crusher equipments conceptual, material and mechanical conditions were also evaluated to achieve better results on the use and reincorporation of the processed materials in the construction cycle. The studies resulted in the design of a crusher waste machine, small, but able to turn Class A solid waste, insusceptible materials to be reused in the form of aggregates, with no need to remove them from workplace for processing.

Avaliação do gerenciamento de resíduos de construção e demolição em empresas construtoras do Recife e sua conformidade com a resolução nº 307/CONAMA: estudo de caso / Evaluation of management of construction waste and demolition of construction companies of Recife and its compliance with Resolution No. 307/CONAMA: a case study

Pontes, Genilson Correia 21 September 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T17:57:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_genilson_correia.pdf: 9024362 bytes, checksum: 46cde81f4685ee63671fe929794a1848 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-09-21 / To each day they increase the concerns with the preservation of the environment, and grow the challenges to establish a relation balanced with the nature to supply the necessities of the some processes of production. The industry of the civil construction cause impact to the environment in its diverse phases and mainly for the generation and the disposal of its residues. Considering the necessity of the implantation of lines of direction for effective reduction of the ambient impacts generated by the deriving residues of the civil construction the CONAMA, it established lines of direction, criteria and procedures for management of residues of the civil construction, through Resolution 307 of 05 of July of 2002. This project has as objective to evaluate the management of RC&D in the construction companies of Recife and its conformity with Resolution n º 307 of the CONAMA. In this research the inquiry method was adopted, the study of cases, and was elaborated a script to analyze the SGRC&D of the construction companies, had been elaborated Protocols of evaluation, namely: Protocol ¨A¨ that it characterizes the SGRC&D, Protocol B that was elaborated being based on the methodology Clean Workmanship, and is composed for an evaluation questionnaire and Protocol C that it was elaborated being based on Resolution n º 307 of the CONAMA and evaluates the conformity of the SGRC&D in relation to this same Resolution. Through these Protocols notes for the SGRC&D of each workmanship had been attributed, and through these notes it was gotten average generality of each SGRC&D, had been searched four companies and two workmanships for company a total of eight workmanships. Through the analysis of the Protocols it is observed that all the searched companies had tried to be fit the determination of Resolution 307 ofthe CONAMA. Through the Protocols the main characteristics of each SGRC&D of these companies had been identified, of the positive and negative factors proceeding from the implantation of the system of management RC&D. The company who got the general average greater beyond also implanting the Methodology Clean Workmanship - PE adopted one politics of not generation of residues in the workmanship seedbeds / A cada dia aumentam as preocupações com a preservação do meio ambiente, e crescem os desafios para estabelecer uma relação equilibrada com a natureza para suprir as necessidades dos vários processos de produção. A indústria da construção civil causa impacto ao meio ambiente em suas diversas fases e principalmente pela geração e a disposição de seus resíduos. Considerando a necessidade da implantação de diretrizes para efetiva redução dos impactos ambientais gerados pelos resíduos oriundos da construção civil, o CONAMA estabeleceu diretrizes, critérios e procedimentos para gestão de resíduos da construção civil, através da Resolução N 307 de 05 de julho de 2002. Esta Dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o gerenciamento de RC&D nas empresas construtoras do Recife e sua conformidade com a Resolução n°307 do CONAMA. Nesta pesquisa foi adotado o método de investigação, o estudo de casos, e foi elaborado um roteiro para analisar os SGRC&D das empresas construtoras. Foram elaborados Protocolos de avaliação, a saber: Protocolo ¨A¨ que caracteriza o SGRC&D, o Protocolo B que foi elaborado baseando-se na metodologia Obra Limpa, sendo composto por um questionário de avaliação, e o Protocolo C que foi elaborado baseando-se na Resolução n°307 do CONAMA e avalia a conformidade do SGRC&D em relação a esta mesma Resolução. Por meio destes Protocolos foram atribuídas notas para o SGRC&D de cada obra, e através destas notas obteve-se a média geral de cada SGRC&D. Foram pesquisadas quatro empresas na cidade de Recife-PE, sendo duas obras por empresa, perfazendo um total de oito obras. A partir da análise dos Protocolos, observa-se que todas as empresas pesquisadas tentaram se enquadrar às determinações da Resolução n 307 do CONAMA. Foram identificadas as principais características de cada SGRC&D dessas empresas, além dos fatores positivos e negativos provenientes da implantação do sistema de gerenciamento RC&D. A empresa Y obteve a maior média geral, além de implantar a Metodologia Obra Limpa PE também adotou uma política de não geração de resíduos nos canteiros de obra

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