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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formação de professores de geografia e materiais didáticos

Albuquerque, Lilian de Souza 30 May 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T18:15:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Lilian de Souza Albuquerque.pdf: 1054780 bytes, checksum: bf17ca3be39fab1b1509c54ef3b899dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-30 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This present work had as its aims to check about geography teachers in São Paulo, and at the same time verify how their pedagogical materials are used in their graduation. The research had MEC data to give aspects of the Universities, also its office graduation about their own structures that are offered in these courses to graduate geography teachers. Some interviews were done with the coordinators of some these courses which made possible a well done research also in these institution. The research showed that many points get in fluency in teacher s graduation, and the pedagogical support like materials are very important for these graduations. The institutions which were researched as their coordinators say make the possible to offer a very high quality graduation for the future teachers, but some questions like how long a geography course take (it was the most important question), structures conditions, social-economical situation of the students and future geography teachers, many other reasons make good or bad influence to graduate geography teachers / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a formação de professores de geografia na região da Grande São Paulo, e ao mesmo tempo, verificar como é inserida a temática dos materiais didáticos dentro desta formação. O trabalho contou com dados do MEC para caracterizar as Instituições de Ensino Superior em seus aspectos quantitativos, bem como informações de suas respectivas Secretarias de Graduação sobre as estruturas curriculares oferecidas nestes cursos para formação de professores de Geografia. Foram realizadas entrevistas com os coordenadores de curso destas faculdades, o que tornou possível uma análise qualitativa também das Instituições de Ensino Superior. A pesquisa evidenciou que muitos fatores influenciam a formação de professores e que a questão dos materiais didáticos é vista com grande importância nas Instituições de Ensino Superior que foram pesquisadas. As respectivas Instituições de Ensino Superior, conforme seus coordenadores de curso fazem o possível para oferecer uma formação de qualidade para os futuros professores de Geografia, mas algumas questões como o tempo de duração dos cursos (fator mais citado entre todos os entrevistados), condições estruturais, situação sócio-econômica dos estudantes e futuros professores de geografia, e vários outros aspectos influenciam diretamente este processo de formação

Os desafios de definir um bom professor e a herança das escolas alternativas paulistanas: perspectivas de coordenadoras pedagógicas e professoras do ensino fundamental I / The challenges of defining a good teacher and the legacy of alternative schools from the city of São Paulo: perspectives of pedagogical coordinators and teachers of Elementary School I

Horta, Patrícia Rossi Torralba 21 May 2014 (has links)
Diante de diferentes qualificações usadas na descrição do que seja um bom professor do ensino básico, a presente pesquisa se propõe a analisar a maneira pela qual determinadas professoras e coordenadoras pedagógicas são capazes de identificá-lo na sua prática profissional. Foram investigadas, na literatura especializada, as teorias pedagógicas e psicológicas que regularam as concepções de docência escolhidas pelas escolas em diferentes momentos. Tendo em vista a atual hegemonia da chamada \"pedagogia das competências\" e sua definição do \"bom professor\" como \"professor competente\", este estudo buscou compreender a forma pela qual essas ideias são consideradas no contexto investigado. O estudo tomou como ponto de partida, para tanto, as ponderações de José Pires Azanha e a leitura desse autor de obras de Israel Scheffler, Ludwig Wittgenstein e de Alain (Émile Chartier). Como base empírica, foram escolhidas profissionais de escolas privadas da cidade de São Paulo, que, pelas suas trajetórias na história recente, são consideradas como referência. Trata-se de estabelecimentos que se originaram, direta ou indiretamente, das \"escolas alternativas\" dos anos 1970, procuradas por pais que se autoconsideravam intelectuais de esquerda e contrários à ditadura militar. Foram selecionadas escolas cujos projetos pedagógicos buscam se contrapor às chamadas escolas tradicionais, seja pela ambição por mudanças na relação professor-aluno, seja pelo destaque ao papel ativo dos estudantes. Realizou-se, nessas escolas, uma pesquisa de campo de caráter qualitativo, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com as coordenadoras do Ensino Fundamental I e com as professoras por elas apontadas como \"boas professoras\". Nas entrevistas, foram identificados os referenciais teóricos e as influências que, desde o movimento da Escola Nova até o chamado construtivismo, norteiam tanto o trabalho das coordenadoras pedagógicas como o das professoras. Constatou-se que as \"boas professoras\" buscam preservar seus pontos de vista, mesmo diante de condições adversas colocadas pelo mercado competitivo e da inserção dessas escolas na lógica neoliberal e empresarial, em que discursos de competência e de excelência ganham primazia. Notou-se descrições amplas, difusas e de grande labilidade na definição do que professoras e coordenadoras consideram como \"bom professor\". As professoras, todavia, mostraram-se menos preocupadas com a coerência, conscientes da complexidade de seu ofício e do caráter retórico do uso das teorias. Na comparação entre as entrevistas das coordenadoras pedagógicas e das professoras, constatou-se que, em função de exigências diferentes e das posições diversas que ocupam nas organizações escolares, evidenciam-se algumas visões conflitantes e percepções opostas. No caso das coordenadoras, esses discursos contraditórios enaltecem simultaneamente, como característica do bom professor, a autonomia e a capacidade de submissão a uma pedagogia de resultados e aos controles avaliativos, com uma demanda do professor ser tradicional e inovador ao mesmo tempo. / Upon different qualifications used in the description of what a good teacher of basic education is, this research intends to analyze the manner in which certain teachers and pedagogical coordinators are able to identify it in their professional practice. Pedagogic and psychological theories were investigated, in specialized literature, which regulated the teaching conceptions chosen by schools at different times. In view of the current hegemony of the so-called \"competence pedagogy\" and its definition of a \"good teacher\" as \"competent\" teacher, this study sought to understand the way in which these ideas are considered in the investigated context. Hence, the study took as its starting point the considerations of José Pires Azanha and the reading of this author of works from Israel Scheffler, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Alain (Emile Chartier). As empirical basis, professionals from private schools were chosen from the city of São Paulo, who, through their trajectories in recent history, are considered as reference. These are establishments that were originated, directly or indirectly, from \"alternative schools\" of the 1970s, sought by parents who called themselves intellectuals from the left party and against the military dictatorship. Schools whose pedagogical projects seek to oppose the so-called \"traditional schools\", either by ambition for changes in the relationship between teachers and students or the highlight of the active role of students were selected. In these schools, a field research of qualitative character, by means of semi-structured interviews with coordinators of Elementary Schools I and with teachers appointed by them as good teachers was performed. In the interviews, theoretical references were identified and the influences that, from the New School movement until the so-called constructivism, guide both the work of the pedagogical coordinators as of the teachers. It was noted that the \"good teachers\" seek to preserve their points of view, even in the face of adverse conditions placed by the competitive market and the insertion of these schools in the neoliberal and business logic, in which competence and excellence speeches gain primacy. Descriptions that were broad, diffuse and with great liability were noticed in the definition of teachers and coordinators considered as \"good teacher\". However, teachers were less concerned with the coherence, awareness of the complexity of their craft, and the rhetorical character of the use of theories. On the comparison between the interviews of the pedagogical coordinators and teachers, it was noted that, due to different requirements and several positions they occupy in school organizations, some conflicting views and opposing perceptions were evidenced. In the case of coordinators, these contradictory speeches praise simultaneously, as the characteristic of a good teacher, the autonomy and the ability of submission to a pedagogy towards results and the evaluative control with a demand of the professor to be traditional and innovative at the same time.

L'accord collectif de groupe : contribution à l'étude du droit des groupes / The group collective agreement : contribution to the study of corporate law

Gury, Geoffrey 12 December 2015 (has links)
La globalisation de l’économie a fortement contribué à la constitution de groupes de sociétés dans le cercle national et au-delà. La reconnaissance de l’accord collectif de groupe par le juge, puis par la loi du 4 mai 2004, a permis une adaptation partielle du droit du travail français à cette réalité. Instrument d’harmonisation des normes sociales en vigueur dans les diverses entités composant le groupe, il contribue à forger son identité. Même à ne considérer que les accords conclus dans le cadre national, maintes difficultés subsistent, qu’il s’agisse de la conclusion de l’accord (quel périmètre ? quelles parties ? quel contenu ?...) ou de son régime juridique (quelle force normative ? quelle portée ?...). Au-delà du cercle national, les accords de dimension transnationale emportent un lot d’interrogations plus vives encore, tant font défaut les éléments permettant d’en fixer, de manière sûre, le régime juridique. Des réponses doivent être proposées, dans le respect de la liberté et de l’autonomie des partenaires sociaux. / The globalisation of the economy has greatly contributed to the creation of groups of companies both nationally and internationally. The recognition of the group collective agreement by the judge, followed by the law of May 4th, 2004, has effected a partial adaption of French employment and labour law to its reality. In harmonising the employment standards and methodology enforced in the various entities composing the group, it has contributed to forging its identity. Even in considering only the agreements signed in France, many difficulties remain, whether about the conclusion of the agreement (scope? parties? content?) or its legal framework (enforcement and impact?). More so than strictly-national agreements, transnational ones give rise to complex questions, due to the difficulty in clearly defining their legal framework. Proposals herein are made in respect to the liberty and autonomy of the social partners.

School Climate Coordinators in Chile: Understanding their Labor Identity / El Encargado de Convivencia Escolar en Chile: Hacia la comprensión de su identidad laboral / La personne en charge de la coexistence scolaire au Chili: vers la compréhension de son identité de travail / El coordenador de convivência escolar em Chile: compreensão de identidade de trabalho

Valenzuela, Jaime, Ahumada, Iván, Rubilar, Andrea, López, Verónica, Urbina, Carolina 30 April 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Addressing school climate and violence in schools requires school management skills. The 2011 School Violence Act in Chile promulgated the mandatory creation of the school climate coordinator (SCC). However, the law did not establish a defined profile, specific functions, or working hours for the SCC, and only recently have school administrators given SCCs more time for this position. This has created a flexible operating framework for the position, which could have implications in terms of the labor identity of the SCCs. This exploratory study employed a qualitative case study. An exploratory focus group was conducted with the school climate committee and three in-depth interviews with the SCC of one municipal school. Content analyses revealed the ambiguity of the SCC figure due to a fragmentation of roles in the areas of pedagogy, administration and school climate, creating a scenario where the roles of teacher, inspector, and SCC are segmented. We discuss how the notion of school climate is separated within the school practice from the dimensions of pedagogy school management, and its possible effects. / Abordar la convivencia y violencia en las escuelas requiere de capacidades de gestión escolar. La Ley de Violencia Escolar en Chile de 2011 promulgó la creación obligatoria de la figura del encargado de convivencia escolar (ECE). Sin embargo, la ley no estableció un perfil definido, funciones específicas, ni horas de trabajo para el ECE, y solo paulatinamente los sostenedores han ido aumentando las horas laborales para ejercer este cargo. Ello ha generado un marco flexible de funcionamiento para el ECE, que podría tener implicancias en la construcción de su identidad laboral. Este estudio exploratorio utilizó un método de investigación cualitativa a partir del desarrollo de un estudio caso único de un ECE. Se produjo información a través de un grupo focal con el comité de convivencia escolar y entrevistas en profundidad al ECE de la escuela. Usando el método de análisis de contenido, los resultados revelan la ambigüedad de la identidad del ECE, por contar con roles segmentados en las áreas de pedagogía, administración y convivencia escolar. Se discute cómo en la práctica escolar la noción de convivencia es separada de las dimensiones de pedagogía y gestión, y cuáles son sus efectos. / L’approche de la coexistence et de la violence dans les écoles nécessite des compétences en gestion scolaire. La loi sur la violence scolaire au Chili de 2011 a promulgué la création obligatoire de la personne en charge de la coexistence scolaire (ECE). Cependant, la loi n’a pas établi de profil défini, de fonctions spécifiques ou d’heures de travail pour la ECE, et ce n’est que progressivement que les partisans ont augmenté leurs heures de travail pour exercer ce poste. Cela a généré un cadre opérationnel souple pour la ECE, ce qui pourrait avoir des implications pour la construction de leur identité de travail. Cette étude exploratoire a utilisé une méthode de recherche qualitative à partir du développement d’une seule étude de cas d’une ECE. L’information a été produite à travers un groupe de discussion avec le comité de coexistence de l’école et des entretiens approfondis avec l’ECE de l’école. À l’aide de la méthode d’analyse de contenu, les résultats révèlent l’ambiguïté de l’identité de la ECE, pour avoir des rôles segmentés dans les domaines de la pédagogie, de l’administration et de la coexistence scolaire. Il est discuté comment dans la pratique scolaire la notion de coexistence est séparée des notions de pédagogie et de gestion, et quels sont leurs effets. / Abordar a convivência e a violência nas escolas requer habilidades de gestão escolar. A Lei de Violência Escolar de 2011 no Chile promulgou a criação obrigatória do coordenador de convivência escolar (CCE). No entanto, a lei não estabeleceu um perfil definido, funções específicas ou horas de trabalho para a CCE, e gradualmente a equipe de suporte estava aumentando o horário de trabalho para essa posição. Isso criou um quadro operacional flexível para a CCE, que poderia ter implicações para a construção de sua identidade de trabalho. Este estudo exploratório utilizou um método de pesquisa qualitativa a partir do desenvolvimento de um único estudo de caso de um CCE. A informação foi produzida através de um grupo focal com o comitê de convivência escolar e entrevistas em profundidade com a CCE da escola. Usando o método de análise de conteúdo, os resultados revelam a ambiguidade da identidade da ECE, porque tem papéis segmentados nas áreas de pedagogia, administração e convivência escolar. É discutido como na prática escolar a noção de convivência é separada das dimensões da pedagogia e gestão, e quais são seus efeitos.

A formação continuada na perspectiva das coordenadoras pedagógicas de creches municipais de Fortaleza / Daycare educational coordinators’ opinions about the continuous training offered by the municipal education department of Fortaleza

LEITE, Maria Ilnair Martins January 2013 (has links)
LEITE, Maria Ilnair Martins. A formação continuada na perspectiva das coordenadoras pedagógicas de creches municipais de Fortaleza. 2013. 106f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2013. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-05-07T15:00:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_mimleite.pdf: 329334 bytes, checksum: fdcd8469a5e1695acc8305b8d15cafe6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-05-07T15:03:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_mimleite.pdf: 329334 bytes, checksum: fdcd8469a5e1695acc8305b8d15cafe6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-07T15:03:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013_dis_mimleite.pdf: 329334 bytes, checksum: fdcd8469a5e1695acc8305b8d15cafe6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / The objective of this study was to analyze daycare educational coordinators’ opinions about the continuous training offered by the Municipal Education Department of Fortaleza (MED) between 2008 and 2012. This study is based upon theories by Giroux (1992, 1997), Nóvoa (1997), Oliveira-Formosinho (2001, 2002, 2011), Wallon (1981, 1989) and Zeichner (1993, 1997). The methodology consisted of eight interviews with daycare educational coordinators of the municipal educational system of Fortaleza, who also discussed their opinions about the professional life, continuous training and the role these professionals play as educators in daycare centers, and two interviews with MED educational technicians about the continuous training. Analyses have shown that, overall, the educational coordinators value the continuous training, but point out several flaws, especially where it pertains to training content (because they don’t participate in content decisions and because practical matters aren’t deeply discussed) and the trainers themselves (who are mostly based on theories and need more practical information). Most educational coordinators recognize that the role as continuous training professionals is important, but there is some tension between that need and the lack of specific training and experience in the area. It’s possible to conclude that the objectives of the daycare educational coordinators’ continuous training need to be revised, considering that they not only need to articulate, but also internalize and transform the knowledge in daycare routine; in order to do that, their points of view on important themes must be considered, and trainers need to have deeper knowledge and more experience in childhood education. / Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar qual a compreensão das coordenadoras pedagógicas de creche sobre a formação continuada que lhes foi oportunizada pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Fortaleza (SME) entre os anos de 2008 a 2012. As bases teóricas que sustentaram esse estudo foram compostas principalmente nas contribuições de Giroux (1992, 1997), Nóvoa (1997), Oliveira-Formosinho (2001, 2002, 2011), Wallon (1981, 1989) e Zeichner (1993, 1997). A metodologia constou de oito entrevistas realizadas com coordenadoras pedagógicas de creche da rede municipal de educação de Fortaleza, que versaram também sobre a compreensão delas acerca da vida profissional, formação continuada e do papel destas profissionais como formadoras nas creches, e entrevistas com duas técnicas em educação da SME sobre as formações continuadas. As análises mostraram que, de modo geral, as coordenadoras pedagógicas valorizam a formação continuada, mas apontam muitas falhas, principalmente no que diz respeito aos conteúdos das formações (por não participarem das decisões sobre isso e pelo pouco aprofundamento nas questões da prática) e aos próprios formadores (apoiam-se somente em teorias e carecem de maior articulação com as práticas). Quanto ao papel como articuladora das formações continuadas nas creches, a maioria das coordenadoras pedagógicas reconhece ser essa uma importante atribuição, mas predomina entre elas uma tensão entre esta necessidade e a falta de uma formação específica e experiência na área. É possível concluir que os objetivos da formação continuada para coordenadoras pedagógicas de creche precisam ser revistos, considerando que estas precisam não só articular, mas se apropriar e transformar os saberes no cotidiano da creches; para tanto, seus pontos de vistas acerca dos temas a ser tratados precisam ser considerados e os formadores necessitam ter conhecimentos mais aprofundados e ter mais experiência na área da Educação Infantil.

Os desafios de definir um bom professor e a herança das escolas alternativas paulistanas: perspectivas de coordenadoras pedagógicas e professoras do ensino fundamental I / The challenges of defining a good teacher and the legacy of alternative schools from the city of São Paulo: perspectives of pedagogical coordinators and teachers of Elementary School I

Patrícia Rossi Torralba Horta 21 May 2014 (has links)
Diante de diferentes qualificações usadas na descrição do que seja um bom professor do ensino básico, a presente pesquisa se propõe a analisar a maneira pela qual determinadas professoras e coordenadoras pedagógicas são capazes de identificá-lo na sua prática profissional. Foram investigadas, na literatura especializada, as teorias pedagógicas e psicológicas que regularam as concepções de docência escolhidas pelas escolas em diferentes momentos. Tendo em vista a atual hegemonia da chamada \"pedagogia das competências\" e sua definição do \"bom professor\" como \"professor competente\", este estudo buscou compreender a forma pela qual essas ideias são consideradas no contexto investigado. O estudo tomou como ponto de partida, para tanto, as ponderações de José Pires Azanha e a leitura desse autor de obras de Israel Scheffler, Ludwig Wittgenstein e de Alain (Émile Chartier). Como base empírica, foram escolhidas profissionais de escolas privadas da cidade de São Paulo, que, pelas suas trajetórias na história recente, são consideradas como referência. Trata-se de estabelecimentos que se originaram, direta ou indiretamente, das \"escolas alternativas\" dos anos 1970, procuradas por pais que se autoconsideravam intelectuais de esquerda e contrários à ditadura militar. Foram selecionadas escolas cujos projetos pedagógicos buscam se contrapor às chamadas escolas tradicionais, seja pela ambição por mudanças na relação professor-aluno, seja pelo destaque ao papel ativo dos estudantes. Realizou-se, nessas escolas, uma pesquisa de campo de caráter qualitativo, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com as coordenadoras do Ensino Fundamental I e com as professoras por elas apontadas como \"boas professoras\". Nas entrevistas, foram identificados os referenciais teóricos e as influências que, desde o movimento da Escola Nova até o chamado construtivismo, norteiam tanto o trabalho das coordenadoras pedagógicas como o das professoras. Constatou-se que as \"boas professoras\" buscam preservar seus pontos de vista, mesmo diante de condições adversas colocadas pelo mercado competitivo e da inserção dessas escolas na lógica neoliberal e empresarial, em que discursos de competência e de excelência ganham primazia. Notou-se descrições amplas, difusas e de grande labilidade na definição do que professoras e coordenadoras consideram como \"bom professor\". As professoras, todavia, mostraram-se menos preocupadas com a coerência, conscientes da complexidade de seu ofício e do caráter retórico do uso das teorias. Na comparação entre as entrevistas das coordenadoras pedagógicas e das professoras, constatou-se que, em função de exigências diferentes e das posições diversas que ocupam nas organizações escolares, evidenciam-se algumas visões conflitantes e percepções opostas. No caso das coordenadoras, esses discursos contraditórios enaltecem simultaneamente, como característica do bom professor, a autonomia e a capacidade de submissão a uma pedagogia de resultados e aos controles avaliativos, com uma demanda do professor ser tradicional e inovador ao mesmo tempo. / Upon different qualifications used in the description of what a good teacher of basic education is, this research intends to analyze the manner in which certain teachers and pedagogical coordinators are able to identify it in their professional practice. Pedagogic and psychological theories were investigated, in specialized literature, which regulated the teaching conceptions chosen by schools at different times. In view of the current hegemony of the so-called \"competence pedagogy\" and its definition of a \"good teacher\" as \"competent\" teacher, this study sought to understand the way in which these ideas are considered in the investigated context. Hence, the study took as its starting point the considerations of José Pires Azanha and the reading of this author of works from Israel Scheffler, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Alain (Emile Chartier). As empirical basis, professionals from private schools were chosen from the city of São Paulo, who, through their trajectories in recent history, are considered as reference. These are establishments that were originated, directly or indirectly, from \"alternative schools\" of the 1970s, sought by parents who called themselves intellectuals from the left party and against the military dictatorship. Schools whose pedagogical projects seek to oppose the so-called \"traditional schools\", either by ambition for changes in the relationship between teachers and students or the highlight of the active role of students were selected. In these schools, a field research of qualitative character, by means of semi-structured interviews with coordinators of Elementary Schools I and with teachers appointed by them as good teachers was performed. In the interviews, theoretical references were identified and the influences that, from the New School movement until the so-called constructivism, guide both the work of the pedagogical coordinators as of the teachers. It was noted that the \"good teachers\" seek to preserve their points of view, even in the face of adverse conditions placed by the competitive market and the insertion of these schools in the neoliberal and business logic, in which competence and excellence speeches gain primacy. Descriptions that were broad, diffuse and with great liability were noticed in the definition of teachers and coordinators considered as \"good teacher\". However, teachers were less concerned with the coherence, awareness of the complexity of their craft, and the rhetorical character of the use of theories. On the comparison between the interviews of the pedagogical coordinators and teachers, it was noted that, due to different requirements and several positions they occupy in school organizations, some conflicting views and opposing perceptions were evidenced. In the case of coordinators, these contradictory speeches praise simultaneously, as the characteristic of a good teacher, the autonomy and the ability of submission to a pedagogy towards results and the evaluative control with a demand of the professor to be traditional and innovative at the same time.

Činnost koordinátora školního vzdělávacího programu / Work of the coordinator of school education programme

Radová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The thesis offers a comprehensive look at the work of the Coordinator of the school educational programme, his professional and personal prerequisites for the performance of specialized function. In the theoretical part of the work is defined the role of the Coordinator, described the content of his activity and characterized his managerial skills needed to management of creating of the school educational programmes. One part of the work is a description of the activities of the Coordinator in the preparation, formation and implementation of the school educational programme. The empirical part of the thesis includes an analysis of the educational programme entitled: The Coordinator of the school educational programme. By means of interviews with the coordinators of school educational programmes, they were inquired about their experience with the authors of educational programmes and the utilization of knowledge from a preparatory course in real activity. Questionnaire survey was the basis for finding out opinions of the educational programmes creators themselves on the activity of the coordinators. Area of research was focused on the schools in the Pilsen region. Keywords: The Coordinator of the school educational programme, the school educational programme, curricular reform, activity of the...

Uncovering Meanings of Death, Trauma, and Loss as Experienced by Hospice Bereavement Coordinators: A Phenomenological Study

Clarke, Rochelle S. 01 January 2015 (has links)
This study examined the experiences of Hospice Bereavement Coordinators (HBCs) and Hospice Chaplains working with grief narratives from patient-family units exhibiting signs of anticipatory or complicated grief. While a significant amount of research has been conducted on Hospice employees, no qualitative studies have examined the interpretation of meaning from employees whose primary role focused on the psychosocial-spiritual aspects of clients exhibiting anticipatory or complicated grief. The researcher identified shared meaning of death, trauma, and loss from six participants in the context of a high stress and high loss environment. This study‘s findings revealed ten central themes: Death is an earthly transition to immortality; Death is an intense progression; Trauma is an interpretive response to a bad experience; Trauma highlights quality of life; Loss is an adaptation to change; Loss highlights self-awareness about mortality; Cases impact views of death, trauma, and loss; Influences of spirituality; Stressful aspects of working in hospice settings; and Methods of coping. Through this study, the researcher captured five elements of the shared phenomena: the conflicting nature of anticipatory or complicated grief with the participant‘s interpretation of death; the acknowledgement of loss as the next stage for survivors of the deceased; the instability patient-family units exhibiting anticipatory or complicated grief faced; the role of faith; and the proactive efforts of participants to create a balance between work and their personal life. These meanings contributed to the continued need for future qualitative studies whereby the lived experiences of Hospice employees could be expressed to assist with the development of structured training programs specific to the requirements outlined by the nature of their work.

Evaluation of student support services at the Namibia University of Science and Technology Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning

Shikulo, Lukas 06 1900 (has links)
Quality and effective student support service (SSS) is a critical demand in the ever-changing landscape of distance education. It is common knowledge that distance education students need continuous support during their studies in order to cope with academic demands while attending to other key activities. This study set out to evaluate the implementation of SSS at the Namibia University of Science and Technology Centre for Open and Lifelong Learning (NUST COLL) at different regional centres across Namibia. The objectives of the study were to: identify problems and challenges experienced with the current implementation of SSS, determine the needs of the distance students and propose recommendations for the improvement of SSS at the regional centres. In an attempt to realise the objectives of the study, the study incorporated both quantitative and qualitative research design to collect data, by making use of questionnaires, open-ended questions and interviews. The participants included 8 regional coordinators (RC) who were purposively selected and 109 distance students who were selected through stratified and convenience sampling techniques from seven COLL regional centres. It was evident from the findings that most students opted for distance education as it allows them to work and study. Furthermore, many students have been studying for many years without getting any qualification. While NUST was providing different SSS, the findings brought to light some challenges such as the shortage of technological tools, understaffed regional centres, and unavailability of support services on weekends and public holidays and lack of collaboration between marker-tutors, lecturers and regional face-to-face tutors. It is proposed that the current model of SSS should be redesigned to respond to challenges facing distance education students at the regional centres. A model for implementation of SSS was developed to pave the way for effective implementation geared towards reducing the dropout rates and increase success rates. Key terms: Implementation of student support services, technological tools, model for implementation, regional coordinators, academic demands, increase success rates, regional centres, distance education, regional centres, and dropout rates. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Education Management)

A formação continuada de gestores da educação infantil: possibilidades e limites do programa de formação "A Rede em rede" – a formação continuada na educação infantil / The continuous education of managers of early childhood education: possibilities and limits of the training The School System in the Network - continued training in Childhood Education

Lima, Márcia Aparecida Colber de [UNIFESP] 03 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Submitted by Diogo Misoguti (diogo.misoguti@gmail.com) on 2016-06-20T12:59:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 marcia-aparecida-colber-de-lima.pdf: 2364391 bytes, checksum: b766c5240adfc7ad88f29c6fb9511186 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Diogo Misoguti (diogo.misoguti@gmail.com) on 2016-06-20T12:59:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 marcia-aparecida-colber-de-lima.pdf: 2364391 bytes, checksum: b766c5240adfc7ad88f29c6fb9511186 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-20T12:59:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 marcia-aparecida-colber-de-lima.pdf: 2364391 bytes, checksum: b766c5240adfc7ad88f29c6fb9511186 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-03 / A formação continuada oferecida aos gestores das redes públicas e a coerência entre os conteúdos tratados nessa formação e suas práticas gestoras é o foco de investigação desta pesquisa. O objetivo foi analisar as ações formativas do programa denominado A Rede em rede – a formação continuada na Educação Infantil e investigar as apropriações dos gestores sobre os conceitos de gestão pedagógica e compartilhada nos Centros de Educação Infantil e nas Escolas Municipais de Educação Infantil na cidade de São Paulo. A questão que norteou a pesquisa foi investigar quais contribuições, limites e possibilidades a formação continuada do programa trouxe para a construção dos saberes dos diretores e coordenadores pedagógicos na perspectiva do exercício de uma gestão pedagógica e compartilhada. De abordagem qualitativa, a investigação foi realizada com base nas seguintes fontes: revisão do ordenamento legal e dos documentos normativos sobre educação infantil, tendo como ponto de partida a publicação da Constituição de 1988; pesquisa documental no arquivo da Memória Técnica Documental da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo, ambos com a finalidade de contextualizar os processos de formação continuada na rede municipal paulistana; documentos produzidos no âmbito do programa investigado, buscando compreender os princípios que nortearam as ações de formação dos gestores escolares e; entrevistas semiestruturadas, envolvendo gestores em exercício na rede municipal paulistana, em escolas de educação infantil, na perspectiva de analisar as apropriações dos gestores quanto aos conteúdos tratados no programa de formação. As análises que respondem à questão foram apoiadas em Nóvoa (1992; 1999; 2008; 2010; 2011), Imbernón (2009; 2010), Schön (1992), Tardif (2012), Moss (2005; 2009) e Cury (1998; 2010). Os resultados mostraram que algumas condições devem ser consideradas na proposição de programas de formação continuada, como a continuidade, o acompanhamento e a articulação das ações de formação, envolvendo os diferentes segmentos profissionais que atuam nas unidades educacionais. Esses resultados apontam que o presente estudo pode contribuir para o adensamento da reflexão acerca da proposição de programas de formação continuada em redes públicas de educação infantil, com vistas à consolidação de práticas de gestão numa perspectiva pedagógica e compartilhada para essa modalidade de educação. / The continuous training offered to managers of public education system and the coherence between the content treated in this training and their management practices is the focus of this research. The objective was to analyze the training activities of a program called A Rede em rede – a formação continuada na Educação Infantil (The School System in the Network - continued training in Childhood Education) and investigate the appropriation of managers about concepts of pedagogical and shared management in Early Childhood Education Centers and the Municipal Schools Children's Education in the São Paulo city. The question that guided the research was which contributions, limits and possibilities the continued training program has brought for the construction of knowledges of the directors and coordinators in view of pursuing a pedagogical and shared management. From the qualitative approach, the research was based on the following sources: review of the legal system and of the normative documents on early childhood education, taking as its starting point the publication of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988; documentary research in the archive of memory Technical Document of the Municipal Education of São Paulo, both in order to contextualize the continued education process in São Paulo municipal network; documents produced under the program investigated, in order to understand the principles that have guided the training activities for school managers and; semi-structured interviews, involving exercise for managers in São Paulo municipal network, in elementary schools in the perspective of analyzing the appropriation of the managers about the contents treated in the training program. The analyzes that respond to the question were supported by Nóvoa (1992; 1999; 2008; 2010; 2011), Imbernón (2009; 2010), Schön (1992), Tardif (2012), Moss (2005; 2009) and Cury (1998; 2010). The results showed that some conditions must be considered in the proposition of programs of continuing formation, such as the continuity, monitoring and articulation of actions for training activities, involving different professional sectors who work in educational units. These results suggest that this study may contribute to the deepening of reflection on the proposition of continuous education programs in public networks of early childhood education, with a view to the consolidation of the practices of management in a pedagogical and shared perspective for this type of education.

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