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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visst känns det ensamt, men fortsätter gärna på egna villkor : En kvalitativ studie om individers upplevelser av det påtvingade distansarbetets effekter på arbetsmiljön / It sure feels lonely, but will gladly continue on my own terms

Said, Rano January 2021 (has links)
Coronapandemin har orsakat snabba förändringar i arbetslivet med stor påverkan på arbetsplatser som har behövt ställa om till distansarbete för att minska smittspridningen. Det har medfört nya typer av krav och utmaningar för arbetstagare, ledning och arbetsmiljön. Syftet med denna studie är att nå en djupare förståelse för om och hur arbetsmiljön upplevs ha förändrats sedan det påtvingade distansarbetet. Med arbetsmiljö menas både den fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Empirin består av tio kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med berättelser om respondenternas upplevelser. Samtliga intervjuer hölls på distans på grund av pandemiläget med restriktioner om social distansering. Datamaterialet analyseras med hjälp av Karasek och Theorells Krav- kontroll- och stödmodell, Clarks gränsteori om olika domäner samt Antonovskys Känsla av sammanhang (KASAM). Studiens resultat visar på att arbetsmiljön har mer eller mindre påverkats sedan det påtvingade distansarbetet för samtliga respondenter. Huruvida påverkningarna upplevs som positiva eller negativa beror på individens förutsättningar, yrkesroll, familje- och boendeförhållanden. Det som är utmärkande för samtliga respondenter är avsaknaden av arbetslivets sociala aspekter och dess betydelse för den övergripande trivseln. Det framkommer även att arbetet numera utförs effektivare på grund av mindre störningar och avbrott. Dessutom förmedlar de flesta deltagare att gränsen mellan arbete och privatliv har blivit alltmer oklar på grund av att arbetet har flyttat in i hemmet och är mer lättillgänglig. Den övergripande trivselkänslan med distansarbetet beror på respondenternas individuella förutsättningar, dock anger majoriteten att distansarbetet är något de vill fortsätta med även efter pandemin, dock i mindre utsträckning. / The Corona pandemic has caused rapid changes in working life with a major impact on workplaces that have had to switch to teleworking to reduce the spread of the virus. This has led to new types of requirements and challenges for employees, management and the work environment. The purpose of this study is to achieve a deeper understanding of whether and how the work environment is perceived to have changed since the forced telework. Work environment includes both the physical and psychosocial work environment. The study consists of ten qualitatively semi-structured interviews with stories about the experiences of the respondents. All interviews were held digitally due to the pandemic situation with restrictions on social distancing. The data material is analyzed using Demand Control and Support Model by Karasek and Theorell, Work/Family border theory by Sue Clark and Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence (SOC). The results of the study show that the work environment has been more or less affected by the forced telework. Whether the influences are perceived as positive or negative depends on the individual's prerequisites, professional role, family and housing conditions. What is characteristic of all respondents is the lack of social aspects of working life and its significance for overall well-being. It also appears that the work is now carried out more efficiently due to minor disruptions and interruptions. In addition, most participants convey that the boundary between work and private life has become increasingly blurred due to the fact that work has moved into the home and is more easily accessible. The overall feeling about teleworking depends on the individual prerequisites of the respondents, however, the majority state that teleworking is something they want to continue with even after the pandemic, albeit to a lesser extent.

Hur har den svenska textilindustrin påverkats av coronapandemin? / How has the coronapandemic affected the Swedish textile industry?

Källen, Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
I slutet av 2019 bröt ett nytt coronavirus ut i Kina, COVID-19, för att sedan spridas över hela världen. I januari 2020 klassificerades COVID-19 som ett hot för mänskligheten av World Health Organisation, för att senare i mars samma år övergå till att klassificeras som en pandemi. Coronapandemin har pågått i över två och ett halvt år i skrivandes stund och påverkat världens länder på många plan. Denna studie genomförts och undersökt tidsspannet januari 2020 fram till mars 2022. På grund av pandemins enorma omfattning har praktiskt taget alla sektorer och varje del av ett lands ekonomi påverkats och pandemin har massivt stört internationell handel och de globala värdekejdorna. Många länder runt om i världen vidtog snabba åtgärder med bland annat totala nedstängningar av in- och ut resningar men Sverige valde att behålla sina gränser öppna. Istället valde Sveriges regering att införa olika rekommendationer rörande social distansering och maxantal i handeln, restauranger och event, rekommendationer som även många arbetsplatser anpassade sig efter. Denna studien tittar närmare på hur de svenska textilföretagen har förhållit sig till FoHMs rekommendationer och restriktioner samt hur de har utvecklats alternativt avslutats. När företaget utsätts för en kris går de från nuvarande tillstånd och använder sig av egenskaperna flexibilitet, beredskap, elasticitet och påhittighet för att kunna klara av krisen och utvecklas till nästa normala vilket innebär att de har byggt upp organisatorisk motståndskraft och blivit ett resilient hållbart företag. / This study aims to investigate how the Swedish textile industry has handled the corona pandemic and its restrictions. At the end of 2019, COVID-19, corona, was discovered in China and later spread all over the world. In January 2020, COVID-19 was classified as a threat to humanity by the World Health Organization (WHO), only to be classified as a pandemic later in March. The corona pandemic has been ongoing for over two and a half years and has affected countries all over the world on all possible levels (WHO 2021). To get a clearer picture of how Sweden and the local textile industry have been affected, this study has been conducted. The study took place between january 2020 ontowards march 2022. Due to the vast circumstances of the pandemic, practically every sector and layer of a country's finances has been affected and the pandemic has massively interrupted international trading and the global supply chain. Many of the countries around the world took rapid action, including closures of borders between countries, but Sweden chose to keep its borders open. Instead, the Swedish government chose to introduce various recommendations regarding social distancing and the maximum numbers of people at events, recommendations which even a lot of companies took into consideration to (Folkhälsomyndigheten (FoHM) 2021). This study aims to take a closer look at how the Swedish textile companies have adjusted to the FoHMs recommendations and restrictions concerning the coronapandemic, as well as how these companies have evolved or alternatively ended. When a company becomes exposed to a crisis they leave present state and utilize the property of flexibility, preparedness, elasticity and ingenuity to be capable to handle the crises and evolve towards the next normal which imply that the company successfully has been able to build up organizational resilience and become a resilient sustainable company.

Arbetstagares upplevelser av fysisk kontakt på en daglig verksamhet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Workers' experiences of physical contact at a daily activity : A qualitative interview study

Martinsson, Simon January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: 2019 drabbades världen av en global pandemi. Det har påverkat det sociala arbetet i Sverige på olika sätt. Rekommendationer och restriktioner gällande exempelvis social distansering har påverkat vissa grupper i samhället. För arbetstagare inom daglig verksamhet har detta inneburit att man inte fått kramas eller på annat sätt vara fysiskt nära varandra. Ibland har också den sociala distanseringen varit svår och ibland omöjligt att genomföra för denna specifika målgrupp. Det har rått en frustration bland arbetstagare kring detta och flera av dem har känt en avsaknad av att få vara nära andra och till exempel kramas och ta i hand. Syfte: Studien syftar till att undersöka arbetstagares behov av fysisk kontakt på en daglig verksamhet under coronapandemin. Metod: Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts inom ramen för denna studie. Detta innebär att sex arbetstagare har intervjuats.  Resultat: Resultatet presenteras utifrån tre olika teman som upptäcktes i och med intervjuerna. Det första temat, Bristen av fysisk kontakt, rör arbetstagarnas upplevelser av att hålla avstånd under pandemin. Det andra temat, Fördelar med restriktionerna, handlar om arbetstagarnas uttryck om de positiva sidor som de ansett pandemin fört med sig. Det sista temat, Upplevelsen av munskydd, sätter fokus på arbetstagarnas tankar om att coacherna på den dagliga verksamheten burit munskydd och visir under pandemin. Slutsats: Min slutsats är att arbetstagarna har olika upplevelser gällande behovet av fysisk kontakt på den dagliga verksamheten. Majoriteten anser att fysisk kontakt är någonting betydelsefullt som finns i deras vardag dagligen och som visar sig på olika sätt; man tar i hand, kramas eller gör high fives. Andra tyckte att det inte var lika viktigt med fysisk kontakt och hade inga problem med att pandemin innebar en begränsning av detta.  Diskussion: Då det faktiskt visade sig att arbetstagarna tycker olika gällande fysisk kontakt så kanske den dagliga verksamheten kan börja ta hänsyn till detta på olika sätt. Till exempel uttryckte arbetstagare att det var positivt att coacher besökte dem hemma under pandemin. Kanske kan detta vara ett, av eventuellt flera nya arbetssätt, som verksamheten kan fortsätta arbeta med? / Background: In 2019, the world was hit by a global pandemic. It has affected social work in Sweden in different ways. Recommendations and restrictions such as social distancing have affected certain groups in society. For workers at daily activities, this meant that they were not allowed to hug or otherwise be physically close to each other. Sometimes social distancing has also been difficult and sometimes impossible to implement for this specific group. There has been frustration among workers about this and several of them have felt a lack of being able to be close to others and, for example, hug and hold hands. Aim: This study aims to study workers need for physical contact at a daily activity during the corona pandemic. Method: Qualitative interviews have been conducted within the framework of this study. This means that six workers have been interviewed. Results: The results are presented based on three different themes that were discovered through the interviews. The first theme, Lack of physical contact, concerns workers' experiences of keeping distance during the pandemic. The second theme, Benefits of the restrictions, is about the workers' expressions about the positive aspects that they considered the pandemic brought with it. The last theme, Experience of face masks, focuses on the workers thoughts about the fact that the coaches wore face masks and visors during the pandemic in their daily activities. Conclusion: My conclusion is that the employees have different experiences regarding the need for physical contact in daily operations. The majority consider that physical contact is something significant that exists in their everyday life and that manifests itself in different ways; you hold hands, hug, or do high fives. Others thought physical contact was not as important and had no problem with the pandemic limiting this. Discussion: As it turned out that the workers have different opinions regarding physical contact, perhaps the daily activity can start to take this into account in different ways. For example, workers expressed housecalls as a positive element of the pandemic. Perhaps this could be one, of possibly several new ways of working, that the daily activity can continue to work with?

Patienter med Covid-19 på IVA : Avvikelserapportering under pandemivåg två och tre / Patients with Covid-19 in the ICU : Reporting error during the second and third wave of the pandemic

Rimbe, Ann-Kristin, Schratz, Sara January 2023 (has links)
I början av år 2020 drabbades världen av ett virus som orsakade sjukdomen Covid-19. WHO klassade virus utbrottet som en pandemi. I Sverige införde Folkhälsomyndigheten och Regeringen en mängd rekommendationer, restriktioner och förbud i syfte att dämpa smittspridningen och upprätthålla vårdens kapacitet. Intensivvården (IVA) var speciellt utsatt och tvingades till stora omställningar. Hur påverkade denna exceptionella händelse våra patienter som drabbades av Covid-19 och var i behov av intensivvård? Upprätthölls patientsäkerheten och sjukvårdens strukturerade arbetssätt gällande vårdskador trots den stor omställning som genomförde till följd av pandemin?    Syftet var att kartlägga och beskriva avvikelserapporteringen för patienter med Covid-19 som vårdades på IVA under pandemins andra och tredje våg.   En kvantitativ design med data från avvikelsehantering gällande patienter med Covid-19 som vårdandes på IVA på ett sjukhus i Västsverige. Totalt vårdades 180 patienter under vald tidsperiod och 74 avvikelser granskades. Data analyserade med deskriptiv statistik och jämförande statistik.    Resultatet visar en minskad rapportering av vårdrelaterade avvikelser under pandemin våg två och tre. Detta skiljer sig till viss del från Corona kommissionens rapport som konstaterar ett ökat antal avvikelser korrelerat till de långa vårdtiderna. Resultatet visar också att antalet avvikelserapporter i relationen till antal vårddygn minskades under denna tidsperiod samt att en förskjutning mellan avvikelse-kategorier sågs där arbetsskada/personskada ökade med sju gånger. Resultatet får stöd av Corona kommissionen som konstaterade flera förändringar i avvikelserapporteringen både avseende antalet rapporterade avvikelser och gällande innehåll.   Resultatet bidrar med kunskap om hur sjuksköterskans arbete kan påverkas av förändrade arbetsförhållanden samt att befästa arbetsrutiner såsom avvikelserapportering påverkas. För att klarlägga bakomliggande orsaker till att det skrevs färre avvikelser behöver resultatet följas upp med fler studier. Det är viktigt att skapa förutsättningar för specialistsjuksköterskor att även under exceptionella förhållande få möjlighet att rapportera samt arbeta strukturerat för en säker vård. / At the beginning of 2020, the world was hit by a virus that caused the disease Covid-19. The WHO classified the virus outbreak as a pandemic. In Sweden, the Public Health Authority and the Government introduced a number of recommendations, restrictions and prohibitions with the aim of curbing the spread of infection and maintaining the capacity of healthcare. The intensive care unit (ICU) was particularly vulnerable and was forced to make major changes. How did this exceptional event affect our patients affected by Covid-19 and in need of intensive care? Was patient safety and the healthcare system's structured way of working regarding care injuries maintained despite the major changes that took place as a result of the pandemic?  The aim was to map and describe reporting errors for patients with Covid-19 who were cared for in the ICU during the second and third waves of the pandemic.  A quantitative design with data from deviation management regarding patients with Covid-19 in intensive care at a hospital in western Sweden. A total of 180 patients were treated during the selected time period and 74 reported errors were reviewed. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and comparative statistics.  The result shows a reduced number of reports of care-related errors during the pandemic waves 2 and 3. This differs to some extent from the Corona Commission's report which notes an increased number of reported errors correlated to the long care times. The result also shows that the number of reported errors in relation to the number of care days was reduced during this time period and that a shift between reported error categories was seen where occupational injury/personal injury increased by seven times. The result is supported by the Corona Commission, which found several changes in the nonconformance reporting, both in terms of the number of reported non-conformities but also in the relevant content.  The result contributes with knowledge about how the nurse's work is affected by changed working conditions and that consolidating work routines such as reporting errors is affected. In order to clarify the underlying reasons why there were fewer reporting errors, the results need to be followed up with more studies. It is important to create the conditions for specialist nurses to have the opportunity to report and work structured for safe care, even under exceptional conditions.

Functionalisation of polyolefins and its effects on surface chemistry and energetics

Popat, Rohit P. January 1995 (has links)
The surface functionalisation of polyethylene and polypropylene by industrial and laboratory scale corona treatments and by laboratory flame treatment was studied. The surface sensitive techniques of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), attenuated total reflection infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR), contact angle measurement and electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) were employed. Corona and flame treatments resulted in incorporation of oxygen only into the surfaces of both polyethylene and polypropylene, resulting in improved surface wettabilities. A variety of oxygen functional groups were introduced by the two treatments. The industrial and laboratory scale treatments of both polymers were found to be similar in terms of the oxygen concentrations incorporated and surface wettabilities achieved. The presence of significant amounts of chain scission products were indicated on corona treated surfaces, while only minimal quantities were indicted on flame treated surfaces. This was attributed to their volatilisation during flame treatment. Introduction of sulfur dioxide into the flame and corona regions during treatment resulted in significant improvements in surface wettability. Incorporation of sulfur and nitrogen resulted from the presence of sulfur dioxide. A possible mechanism involving the formation of sulfonic acid groups and ammonium sulfonate groups was suggested. An oxidation depth model developed for use with variable take-off angle XPS showed that significantly deeper oxidation occurred in the presence of sulfur dioxide. Corona treatment was more effective in improving surface wettabilities than flame treatment, this being attributed to heat induced functional group reorientation during flame . treatment for polyethylene and to differences in surface chemistry resulting from the two treatments in the case of polypropylene. The surface wettability of poly ethylene was more readily improved than the surface wettability of polypropylene after all the treatments investigated. A method for estimating functional group concentrations using chemical derivatisation and contact angle measurement was developed. Functional group estimates for flame treated polyethylene were found to be in good agreement with chemical derivatisation used in conjunction with XPS measurements.

Calibration of UV-sensitive camera for corona detection

Du Toit, Nicolaas Serdyn 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Electrical energy is continuously transported across the world by high voltage transmission lines. These transmission lines are however subject to losses beside the inherent resistive and dielectric losses. This additional loss phenomenon is described as corona. The CSIR has developed an optical system to detect the radiation caused by the corona so that preventive measures can be taken to reduce these losses. The corona mechanism and how it results in measurable radiation is explored and the structure of the optical system is analyzed. The optical emissions detected by the present optical system offer no indication of the severity of the corona discharge. This issue is addressed in this thesis as correlations are sought between the illuminated pixels displayed on the camera’s display and physical quantities. A blackbody is employed to find a correlation between these illuminated pixels and radiation. Deviations from the correlation drawn is explored regarding the saturation mechanisms of the optical system and the distance from the blackbody. A corona cage is next employed to find a correlation between the illuminated pixels and electrical corona loss, a quantity indicative of the severity of corona losses on a transmission line. Further tests are also performed at a reduced gain as it was discovered that the optical system’s response is more linear at reduced gain than at full gain. It is also indicated that this usage of reduced gain does not have a detrimental effect on the sensitivity of the optical system. The corona cage measurement employs a small spheric source which is taken as a base measurement against which all other measurements can be compared. The deviation of this base analogy is explored against deviations in the corona discharge geometry used, the prevalent weather condition, and the saturation of the optical system itself. Both the corona cage and blackbodies used are quite bulky pieces of laboratory equipment. The use of a smaller, more portable calibration source is therefore also explored. A literature study is made of lasers, lamp sources, and laser diodes that can be employed as a more portable calibration source. The final choice of calibration source is shown to be a lamp source. Tungsten calibration lamps are explored in depth and a circuit is designed to keep the radiation from a lamp source constant in order to improve on its ability as a calibration source.

Aspects of three-dimensional MHD : magnetic reconnection and rotating coronae

Al-Salti, Nasser S. January 2010 (has links)
Solutions of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations are very important for modelling laboratory, space and astrophysical plasmas, for example the solar and stellar coronae, as well as for modelling many of the dynamic processes that occur in these different plasma environments such as the fundamental process of magnetic reconnection. Our previous understanding of the behavior of plasmas and their associated dynamic processes has been developed through two-dimensional (2D) models. However, a more realistic model should be three-dimensional (3D), but finding 3D solutions of the MHD equations is, in general, a formidable task. Only very few analytical solutions are known and even calculating solutions with numerical methods is usually far from easy. In this thesis, 3D solutions which model magnetic reconnection and rigidly rotating magnetized coronae are presented. For magnetic reconnection, a 3D stationary MHD model is used. However, the complexity of the problem meant that so far no generic analytic solutions for reconnection in 3D exist and most work consists of numerical simulations. This has so far hampered progress in our understanding of magnetic reconnection. The model used here allows for analytic solutions at least up to a certain order of approximation and therefore gives some better insight in the significant differences between 2D and 3D reconnection. Three-dimensional numerical solutions are also obtained for this model. Rigidly rotating magnetized coronae, on the other hand, are modeled using a set of magnetohydrostatic (MHS) equations. A general theoretical framework for calculating 3D MHS solutions outside massive rigidly rotating central bodies is presented. Under certain assumptions, the MHS equations are reduced to a single linear partial differential equation referred to as the fundamental equation of the theory. As a first step, an illustrative case of a massive rigidly rotating magnetized cylinder is considered, which somehow allows for analytic solutions in a certain domain of validity. In general, the fundamental equation of the theory can only be solved numerically and hence numerical example solutions are presented. The theory is then extended to include a more realistic case of massive rigidly rotating spherical bodies. The resulting fundamental equation of the theory in this case is too complicated to allow for analytic solutions and hence only numerical solutions are obtained using similar numerical methods to the ones used in the cylindrical case.

The period ratio P₁/2P₂ in coronal waves

Macnamara, Cicely K. January 2011 (has links)
Increasing observational evidence of wave modes brings us to a closer understanding of the solar corona. Coronal seismology allows us to combine wave observations and theory to determine otherwise unknown parameters. The period ratio, P₁/2P₂, between the period P₁ of the fundamental mode and the period P₂ of its first overtone is one such tool of coronal seismology and its departure from unity provides information about the structure of the corona. In this thesis we consider the period ratio P₁/2P₂ of coronal loops from a theoretical standpoint. Previous theory and observations indicate that the period ratio is likely to be less than unity for oscillations of coronal loops. We consider the role of damping and density structuring on the period ratio. In Chapter 2 we consider analytically the one-dimensional wave equation with the inclusion of a generic damping term for both uniform and non-uniform media. Results suggest that the period ratio is dominated by longitudinal structuring rather than damping. In Chapter 3 we consider analytically the effects of thermal conduction and compressive viscosity on the period ratio for a longitudinally propagating sound wave. We find that damping by either thermal conduction or compressive viscosity typically has a small effect on the period ratio. For coronal values of thermal conduction the effect on the period ratio is negligible. For compressive viscosity the effect on the period ratio may become important for some short hot loops. In Chapter 4 we extend the analysis of Chapter 3 to include radiative cooling and find that it too has a negligible effect on the period ratio for typical coronal values. As an extension to the investigation, damping rates are considered for thermal conduction, compressive viscosity and radiative cooling. The damping time is found to be optimal for each mechanism in a different temperature range, namely below 1 MK for radiative cooling, 2 − 6 MK for thermal conduction and above 6 MK for compressive viscosity. In Chapter 5 we consider analytically the period ratio for the fast kink, sausage and n = N modes of a magnetic slab, discussing both an Epstein density profile and a simple step function profile. We find that transverse density structuring in the form of an Epstein profile or a step function profile may contribute to the shift of the period ratio for long thin slab-like structures. The similarity in the behaviour of the period ratio for both profiles means either can be used as a robust model. We consider also other profiles numerically for the kink mode, which are found to be either slab-like or Epstein-like suggesting again that it is not necessary to distinguish the nature of the density profile when considering the period ratio.

Determinación de los Efectos Ambientales Generados por la Operación de una Línea Aérea en HVDC

Miranda Campos, Héctor Carlos Gustavo January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Evolución Tectono-estratigráfica de depósitos cenozoicos en la cuenca del rio Teno, vertiente occidental de la cordillera principal

Hevia Cruz, Andrés Felipe January 2014 (has links)
Geólogo / En este informe se presentan antecedentes obtenidos en geología de campo y geocronología, junto con un modelo de evolución paleogeográfica de las rocas estratificadas cenozoicas localizadas en la quebrada La Jaula, en la cuenca del Río Teno, en el flanco occidental de la Cordillera Principal de Chile central (35°S). Se realizó una caracterización de la estratigrafía y geología estructural, junto con la obtención de edades para dos unidades litológicas a través de dataciones radiométricas por el método U-Pb en circones detríticos. Los depósitos estratificados que afloran en el cerro Corona del Fraile y en la quebrada La Jaula corresponden a (1): facies sedimentarias fluvio-lacustres provenientes del retrabajo de unidades de edad Eoceno-Oligoceno y (2) una posterior acumulación de volcanitas provenientes del arco volcánico del Mioceno Inferior. Basado en los datos obtenidos en este trabajo es posible acotar la edad máxima de depositación de las secuencias volcánicas de la Unidad Corona del Fraile (González y Vergara, 1962) al Mioceno inferior (Burdigaliano) y correlacionarlas con la serie volcánica del Mioceno, la cual, al norte de los 35°S, ha sido asignada a la Formación Farellones. Se adjunta un mapa geológico a escala 1:25.000 y un perfil estructural de la zona.

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