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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Henoch-Schönlein purpura in children

Jauhola, O. (Outi) 24 April 2012 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this work was to describe the clinical features and clinical course of Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) in a prospective setting, to compare the efficacy of cyclosporine A (CyA) and methylprednisolone (MP) pulses for the treatment of severe HSP nephritis (HSN) and to study the effect of prophylactic prednisone treatment given at disease onset on the long-term outcome. A total of 223 children with newly diagnosed HSP were followed up prospectively for 6 months. Patients with severe HSN also had extrarenal symptoms more frequently during this time. Protein loss via the intestine was more common than previously described, occurring in 3% of the patients. HSN developed in the early course of the disease. The results suggest that weekly urine dipstick tests are indicated for 2 months after HSP onset and individually for over 6 months in cases of HSN or HSP recurrences. Prednisone did not affect the frequency or timing of the appearance of HSN. The efficacy of CyA and MP treatments was evaluated in a trial with a mean follow-up time of 6 years involving 24 paediatric patients (11 CyA, 13 MP), 15 of whom were randomized and 9 were treated according to the given protocol without randomization. Oral CyA was not inferior to intravenous MP pulses and proved to be an efficient, safe steroid-sparing treatment for severe HSN. All the CyA-treated patients achieved remission of nephrotic-range proteinuria within 3 months, while remission was achieved more slowly in the MP group and only in 6/13 (46%) with the initial treatment. There was no difference in the renal biopsy findings two years after initiation of the therapy. The 8-year outcome of HSP was assessed by means of a health questionnaire in 160 (94%) of the 171 former patients in the randomized placebo-controlled prednisone trial and in 138 (81%) with urine analysis and measurement of blood pressure. HSP carried a good prognosis, although skin relapses occurred up to a decade after the initial onset and could be accompanied by late-onset nephritis. Hypertension and/or renal abnormalities were recorded in 13% of the patients, being more frequent in those with an initial occurrence of HSN (OR 4.3, p=0.009, 95% CI 1.4–14.0) and warranting long-term follow-up of HSN patients. Early prednisone treatment did not affect the long-term outcome of HSP and should not be routinely used. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjan tarkoituksena oli kuvata Henoch-Schönleinin purppuran (HSP) oireita ja taudinkulkua, verrata siklosporiini A:n (CyA) ja metyyliprednisolonipulssihoidon (MP-pulssihoidon) tehoa vaikean HSP-nefriitin (HSN) hoidossa ja selvittää taudin alussa annetun prednisonihoidon vaikutusta pitkäaikaisennusteeseen. Taudinkulkua seurattiin prospektiivisesti 6 kuukauden ajan diagnoosista 223 lapsipotilaan aineistossa. Potilailla, joilla oli vaikea HSN, esiintyi myös muita oireita pitempään. Proteiinin menetystä suolistoon esiintyi 3 %:lla, mikä on aiemmin kuvattua yleisempää. HSN ilmaantui taudin alkuvaiheessa. Tutkimustulosten perusteella viikoittainen virtsanäytteiden seuranta riittää 2 kuukauden ajan taudin alusta. Seuranta-aikaa tulee pidentää yksilöllisesti yli 6 kuukauden, jos potilaalla todetaan HSN tai HSP uusiutuu. Prednisonilla ei todettu olevan vaikutusta HSN:n yleisyyteen tai ilmaantumisaikaan. CyA- ja MP-hoitojen tehoa vaikeaan HSN:n seurattiin 24 lapsipotilaan aineistossa (11 CyA, 13 MP) 6 vuoden ajan. Potilaista 15 satunnaistettiin hoitoryhmiin ja 9 hoidettiin tutkimussuunnitelman mukaan ilman satunnaistamista. Suun kautta otettu CyA vaikutti hoidoista tehokkaammalta, sillä kaikilla potilailla nefroottistasoinen valkuaisvirtsaisuus hävisi kolmessa kuukaudessa. MP-hoitoa saaneista vain 6/13 (46 %) pääsi remissioon MP-hoidolla ja hekin CyA-hoidettuja hitaammin. Kaksi vuotta tutkimuksen alusta otettujen munuaisbiopsioiden histologisissa löydöksissä ei ollut eroa ryhmien välillä. Varhaisen kortisonihoidon pitkäaikaisvaikutuksia arvioitiin 8 vuotta lumekontrolloidun prednisonihoitotutkimuksen jälkeen, jolloin aiemman tutkimuksen 171 potilaasta 160 (94 %) vastasi terveyskyselyyn ja 138 (81 %) osallistui virtsa-analyysin ja verenpaineen mittauksen sisältäneeseen seurantatutkimukseen. HSP:n ennuste oli hyvä, vaikka taudin iho-oireet saattoivat uusia jopa 10 vuoden ajan ja taudin uusiutumisen yhteydessä saattoi ilmaantua myöhäinen HSN. Kohonnut verenpaine ja/tai valkuais-/verivirtsaisuus todettiin 13 %:lla. Ne olivat yleisempiä potilailla, joilla oli ollut HSN taudin alkuvaiheessa (OR 4.3, p=0.009, 95 % CI 1.4–14.0). Siten HSN-potilaiden pitkäaikaisseuranta on tarpeen. Varhaisella kortisonihoidolla ei ollut vaikutusta taudin ennusteeseen, minkä vuoksi kortisonia tulee käyttää HSP-potilaiden hoidossa vain harkiten.

Autoimmune Pancreatitis Type 2: Case Report

Onweni, Chidinma, Balagoni, Harika, Treece, Jennifer M., Addo Yobo, Emmanuel, Patel, Archi, Phemister, Jennifer, Srinath, Manoj, Young, Mark 01 October 2017 (has links)
© 2017, © 2017 American Federation for Medical Research. A middle-aged man presents with acute pancreatitis of unknown etiology and is found to have a presentation consistent with the diagnosis of type 2 autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP). AIP is a group of rare heterogeneous diseases that are challenging to diagnose. There are 2 types of AIP. Type 1 disease is the more common worldwide than type 2 AIP. While type 1 AIP is associated with IgG4-positive antibodies, type 2 AIP is IgG4 antibody negative. Both types of AIP are responsive to corticosteroid treatment. Although type 1 AIP has more extrapancreatic manifestations and more commonly relapses, this is a case of a patient with type 2 AIP with inflammatory bowel disease and relapsing course.

Corticosterone up-Regulates Expression and Function of Norepinephrine Transporter in SK-N-BE(2)C Cells

Sun, Zhongwen, Fan, Yan, Zha, Qinqin, Zhu, Meng Y. 01 April 2010 (has links)
Glucocorticoids affect cellular and molecular events in brains by modulating the expression of many genes during stress. In the present study, we examined the regulatory effect of corticosterone on the expression and function of the norepinephrine transporter (NET) in vitro. The results show that exposure of SK-N-BE(2)C cells to corticosterone for 14 days significantly increased mRNA (up to 43%) and protein (up to 71%) levels of NET in the concentration- dependent manner. Longer exposure (21 days) resulted in greater increases in the levels of mRNAs (up to about 160%) and proteins (up to about 250%) of the NET. The up-regulatory effect of corticosterone on NET expression lasted a persistent period after cessation of exposure. Associated with the corticosterone-induced enhancement in NET expression, there was a parallel increase in the uptake of [3H]norepinephrine by SK-N-BE(2)C cells. Increased NET expression and function were abolished after exposure of cells to corticosterone in combination with mifepristone or spironolactone, two specific antagonists of corticosteroid receptors. This is consistent with the hypothesis that corticosterone-induced NET up-regulation is mediated by corticosteroid receptors. Nevertheless, there was no synergistic effect for a combination of both corticosteroid receptor antagonists. A similar up-regulation of NET protein levels was also observed after exposing PC12 cells to corticosterone. The present findings demonstrate that corticosterone up-regulates the expression and function of NET in vitro, indicating the action of corticosterone on the noradrenergic phenotype may play an important role in the correlation between stress and the development of depression.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography Assay Method for Simultaneous Quantitation of Formoterol and Budesonide in Symbicort Turbuhaler

Assi, Khaled H., Chrystyn, Henry, Tarsin, W. January 2006 (has links)
No / A sensitive and rapid high performance liquid chromatography method has been developed and used for the simultaneous determination of formoterol and budesonide in Symbicort Turbuhaler when assessing the aerodynamic characteristics of the emitted dose using Pharmacopoeial methods. This capability results in both time and cost saving. The mobile phase composition was acetonitrile-5 mM sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate, pH 3 (60: 40% v/v), and was passed at 1.5 ml min-1 through a C18 column with a UV detection (wavelength 214 nm). The method was shown to give good analytical performance in terms of linearity, precision (using phenylpropanolamine as an internal standard), sensitivity and solution stability. The intra-day precision for both formoterol and budesonide were 0.75% and 1.11%, respectively (n = 10). The limit of quantitation for formoterol was 10 ¿g L-1 and for budesonide was 120 ¿g L-1, and the limit of detection were 3 and 30 ¿g L-1, for both formoterol and budesonide, respectively. The method has been applied to determine the content of the emitted dose and the fine particle dose of Symbicort Turbuhaler.

Avaliação dos fatores epidemiológicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos associados à gemelaridade e o impacto dos mesmos sobre os resultados neonatais / Evaluation of the epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic factors associated with the twins and their impact on the neonatal outcomes

Coltro, Rodrigo Soler 15 September 2017 (has links)
Introdução: as gestações gemelares estão associadas a elevadas taxas de morbimortalidade tanto maternas quanto perinatais. Algumas intervenções tem o potencial de reduzir essas cifras, tais como a administração de corticosteroides pré- natal, a idade gestacional (IG) de resolução e a via de parto. Porém, a magnitude com que isso ocorre ainda se mantém incerta. Objetivos: comparar os resultados neonatais das gestações gemelares (GG) com os de gestações únicas (GU), levando-se em consideração características demográficas maternas, aquelas relacionadas à gestação atual, bem como sua idade e forma de resolução. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo caso-controle retrospectivo que incluiu 864 gestantes e seus 1298 filhos (430 únicos e 868 gemelares). As pacientes foram pareadas segundo IG de resolução da gestação, de modo que para cada gestação gemelar foi selecionada uma paciente com gestação única, de mesma IG, no mesmo período. O desfecho primário considerado foi resultado adverso perinatal. Características demográficas maternas, antecedentes obstétricos, intercorrências gestacionais, administração de corticosteroides, via de parto e corionicidade foram avaliados como fatores de risco para índices de Apgar no 1º e 5º minutos, morbidade neonatal composta, óbito fetal, óbito neonatal, hipoglicemia e icterícia neonatal. Resultados: tanto nas gestações únicas como nas gemelares, prematuridade foi fator de risco para todos os resultados adversos neonatais, especialmente em IG< 32 semanas. Sofrimento fetal agudo (SFA) aumentou o risco de Apgar de 1º e 5º minuto<7 nas GU. A corticoindução reduziu o risco de índices de Apgar<7, tanto no 1º como no 5º minuto nas GG e apenas no 1º minuto nas GU. Por outro lado, parto vaginal (PV) reduziu o risco de Apgar<7 no 1º minuto nas GU, mas aumentou o risco para os dois resultados adversos na GG. Esse efeito relacionado ao PV não ocorreu sobre a morbidade composta, mas SFA e a monocorionicidade entre os gemelares aumentou o risco desse resultado. SFA também aumentou o risco de óbito neonatal no grupo de GG. Em ambas as populações de RN, o PV foi protetor contra hipoglicemia neonatal. A monocorionicidade, corticoindução e a prematuridade aumentaram o risco de icterícia nos RN de GG. A ausência de doenças maternas protegeu os RN dos resultados adversos considerados. Conclusões: estratégias que visam reduzir prematuridade, doenças maternas e situações de hipoxemia fetal aguda contribuirão para melhores resultados obstétricos, assim como o uso do corticóide pré-natal, tanto nas GU quanto nas GG. A via de parto adequada na gemelaridade permanece controversa. / Introduction: The twin pregnancies are associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality in both mothers and perinatal deaths. Some interventions have the potential to reduce these figures, such as the administration of corticosteroids prenatal care, gestational age (GA) of resolution and the delivery route. However, the magnitude with which this occurs still remains uncertain. Objectives: To compare the neonatal results of the pregnancies of twins (TP) with those of singleton gestations (SG), taking into account maternal demographic characteristics, those related to the current pregnancy, as well as their age and form of delivery. Methods: This was a retrospective case-control study that included 864 pregnant women and their 1298 children (430 single and 868 twins). The patients were paired according to GA for a resolution of the pregnancy, so that for each twin pregnancy, a patient was selected with single pregnancy, of the same GA, during the same period. The primary outcome was considered perinatal adverse result. Demographic characteristics of the mother, obstetric history, complications of pregnancy, administration of corticosteroids, delivery route and chorionicity were evaluated as risk factors for Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes, neonatal morbidity composed, fetal death, neonatal death, hypoglycemia and neonatal jaundice. Results: In both pregnancies, prematurity was a risk factor for all adverse results, especially in GA< 32 weeks. Acute fetal distress (AFD) increased the risk of an Apgar score of 1 and 5 minute<7 in SG. The corticoindution reduced the risk of higher Apgar scores<7, both on the 1st and 5th minute in TP and only in the 1st minute in SG. On the other hand, vaginal delivery (VD) reduced the risk of an Apgar score<7 in the 1st minute in SG, but increased the risk for the two adverse results in TP. This effect is related to the VD did not occur on morbidity composed, but AFD and monochorionicity between the twins increased the risk of that result. AFD also increased the risk of neonatal death in the group of TP. In both populations of newborn (NB), the VD was protective against neonatal hypoglycemia. The monochorionicity, corticoindution and prematurity increased the risk of jaundice in NB of TP. The absence of maternal diseases protected the NB of adverse results considered. Conclusions: Strategies that aim to reduce prematurity, maternal diseases and situations of acute fetal hypoxemia will contribute to better outcomes, as well as the use of corticosteroids antenatal care, both in SG and in TP. The delivery route in multiple births remains controversial.

Associa??o de diclofenaco e code?na versus dexametasona para analgesia preemptiva em cirurgias de terceiros molares retidos: um ensaio cl?nico randomizado, controlado, triplo cego, boca dividida

Lima, Thiago C?sar 28 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-02-14T16:13:27Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) thiago_cesar_lima.pdf: 1162775 bytes, checksum: 1299abb85838ff2827416270126f508d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-03-06T12:23:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) thiago_cesar_lima.pdf: 1162775 bytes, checksum: 1299abb85838ff2827416270126f508d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-06T12:23:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) thiago_cesar_lima.pdf: 1162775 bytes, checksum: 1299abb85838ff2827416270126f508d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / A remo??o de terceiros molares inferiores retidos ? um procedimento invasivo com extenso trauma tecidual e resposta inflamat?ria p?s-operat?ria consider?vel. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o efeito da dexametasona 8mg (grupo controle) com o diclofenaco s?dico 50mg associados com fosfato de code?na 50mg (grupo experimental) para o controle da dor, edema e trismo, ap?s a exodontia dos terceiros molares inferiores impactados. Trinta terceiros molares inferiores de quinze pacientes saud?veis, com idade m?dia de 22,8 anos (desvio padr?o 12,62) receberam dose oral e ?nica de um dos f?rmacos uma hora antes de cada procedimento cir?rgico (dentes do lado esquerdo ou direito). Ap?s a cirurgia o edema foi aferido em 24, 48, 72 horas e 7 dias, sendo determinado por medidas lineares sobre o rosto, o trismo foi determinado pela abertura m?xima de boca. A dor p?s-operat?ria foi determinada pelo paciente atrav?s de uma escala visual de anal?gica, em intervalos de 24 horas, dentro de um per?odo total de 72 horas. A an?lise dos dados envolveu estat?stica descritiva, teste de Shapiro-Wilk, Wilcoxon, e teste T emparelhado (P<0,05). A dexametasona obteve melhores resultados nas an?lises de dor (p = 0,016) e edema (p = 0,08) no per?odo de 48 horas. N?o houve diferen?as estatisticamente significativas entre as drogas em rela??o ao trismo e ao n?mero de analg?sicos consumidos. Em conclus?o, a administra??o preventiva da dexametasona 8mg apresentou melhor controle da dor e edema nas exodontias bilaterais de terceiros molares inferiores impactados. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Odontologia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016. / Removing third retained molars is an invasive procedure with extensive tissue trauma and considerable postoperative inflammatory response. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of dexamethasone 8mg (control group) with diclofenac sodium 50mg associated with codeine phosphate 50 mg (experimental group) to control pain, swelling and trismus after extraction of third molars impacted. Thirty third molars fifteen healthy subjects with a mean age of 22.8 years (standard deviation 12.62) and received oral single dose of one of the drugs an hour before each surgery (teeth on the left or right). After surgery the edema was measured at 24, 48, 72 hours and 7 days, being determined by linear measurements on the face, trismus was determined by the maximum mouth opening. Postoperative pain was determined by the patient using a visual analogue scale at intervals of 24 hours, within a total period of 72 hours. The data analysis involved descriptive statistics, Shapiro-Wilk test, Wilcoxon test, and paired t-test (P <0.05). Dexamethasone better results in pain analysis (p = 0.016) and edema (p = 0.08) within 48 hours. There were no statistically significant differences between the drug relative to trismus, and the number of analgesics consumed. In conclusion, the preventive administration of dexamethasone 8mg showed better control of pain and edema in bilateral extractions of third molars impacted.

Avaliação dos fatores epidemiológicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos associados à gemelaridade e o impacto dos mesmos sobre os resultados neonatais / Evaluation of the epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic factors associated with the twins and their impact on the neonatal outcomes

Rodrigo Soler Coltro 15 September 2017 (has links)
Introdução: as gestações gemelares estão associadas a elevadas taxas de morbimortalidade tanto maternas quanto perinatais. Algumas intervenções tem o potencial de reduzir essas cifras, tais como a administração de corticosteroides pré- natal, a idade gestacional (IG) de resolução e a via de parto. Porém, a magnitude com que isso ocorre ainda se mantém incerta. Objetivos: comparar os resultados neonatais das gestações gemelares (GG) com os de gestações únicas (GU), levando-se em consideração características demográficas maternas, aquelas relacionadas à gestação atual, bem como sua idade e forma de resolução. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo caso-controle retrospectivo que incluiu 864 gestantes e seus 1298 filhos (430 únicos e 868 gemelares). As pacientes foram pareadas segundo IG de resolução da gestação, de modo que para cada gestação gemelar foi selecionada uma paciente com gestação única, de mesma IG, no mesmo período. O desfecho primário considerado foi resultado adverso perinatal. Características demográficas maternas, antecedentes obstétricos, intercorrências gestacionais, administração de corticosteroides, via de parto e corionicidade foram avaliados como fatores de risco para índices de Apgar no 1º e 5º minutos, morbidade neonatal composta, óbito fetal, óbito neonatal, hipoglicemia e icterícia neonatal. Resultados: tanto nas gestações únicas como nas gemelares, prematuridade foi fator de risco para todos os resultados adversos neonatais, especialmente em IG< 32 semanas. Sofrimento fetal agudo (SFA) aumentou o risco de Apgar de 1º e 5º minuto<7 nas GU. A corticoindução reduziu o risco de índices de Apgar<7, tanto no 1º como no 5º minuto nas GG e apenas no 1º minuto nas GU. Por outro lado, parto vaginal (PV) reduziu o risco de Apgar<7 no 1º minuto nas GU, mas aumentou o risco para os dois resultados adversos na GG. Esse efeito relacionado ao PV não ocorreu sobre a morbidade composta, mas SFA e a monocorionicidade entre os gemelares aumentou o risco desse resultado. SFA também aumentou o risco de óbito neonatal no grupo de GG. Em ambas as populações de RN, o PV foi protetor contra hipoglicemia neonatal. A monocorionicidade, corticoindução e a prematuridade aumentaram o risco de icterícia nos RN de GG. A ausência de doenças maternas protegeu os RN dos resultados adversos considerados. Conclusões: estratégias que visam reduzir prematuridade, doenças maternas e situações de hipoxemia fetal aguda contribuirão para melhores resultados obstétricos, assim como o uso do corticóide pré-natal, tanto nas GU quanto nas GG. A via de parto adequada na gemelaridade permanece controversa. / Introduction: The twin pregnancies are associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality in both mothers and perinatal deaths. Some interventions have the potential to reduce these figures, such as the administration of corticosteroids prenatal care, gestational age (GA) of resolution and the delivery route. However, the magnitude with which this occurs still remains uncertain. Objectives: To compare the neonatal results of the pregnancies of twins (TP) with those of singleton gestations (SG), taking into account maternal demographic characteristics, those related to the current pregnancy, as well as their age and form of delivery. Methods: This was a retrospective case-control study that included 864 pregnant women and their 1298 children (430 single and 868 twins). The patients were paired according to GA for a resolution of the pregnancy, so that for each twin pregnancy, a patient was selected with single pregnancy, of the same GA, during the same period. The primary outcome was considered perinatal adverse result. Demographic characteristics of the mother, obstetric history, complications of pregnancy, administration of corticosteroids, delivery route and chorionicity were evaluated as risk factors for Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes, neonatal morbidity composed, fetal death, neonatal death, hypoglycemia and neonatal jaundice. Results: In both pregnancies, prematurity was a risk factor for all adverse results, especially in GA< 32 weeks. Acute fetal distress (AFD) increased the risk of an Apgar score of 1 and 5 minute<7 in SG. The corticoindution reduced the risk of higher Apgar scores<7, both on the 1st and 5th minute in TP and only in the 1st minute in SG. On the other hand, vaginal delivery (VD) reduced the risk of an Apgar score<7 in the 1st minute in SG, but increased the risk for the two adverse results in TP. This effect is related to the VD did not occur on morbidity composed, but AFD and monochorionicity between the twins increased the risk of that result. AFD also increased the risk of neonatal death in the group of TP. In both populations of newborn (NB), the VD was protective against neonatal hypoglycemia. The monochorionicity, corticoindution and prematurity increased the risk of jaundice in NB of TP. The absence of maternal diseases protected the NB of adverse results considered. Conclusions: Strategies that aim to reduce prematurity, maternal diseases and situations of acute fetal hypoxemia will contribute to better outcomes, as well as the use of corticosteroids antenatal care, both in SG and in TP. The delivery route in multiple births remains controversial.

Henoch-Schönlein purpura in children: long-term outcome and treatment

Ronkainen, J. (Jaana) 15 November 2005 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this work was to evaluate the outcome of childhood Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP), the effectiveness of Cyclosporine A (CyA) for treating severe HSP nephritis (HSN), and more particularly the possibility for influencing the course of HSP disease by early prednisone treatment. A total of 47 adults who had had childhood HSP were evaluated after a mean of 24.1 years (16.4–35.6). The outcome was highly dependent on the renal symptoms at onset, since 7 out of 20 adults (20%) who had severe renal symptoms at onset had renal impairment as adults, compared with 2 out of 27 (7%) with mild or no renal symptoms at onset (relative risk 4.7; 95% CI 1.3–18.7). 70% of pregnancies in women after childhood HSN were complicated by hypertension or proteinuria. The annual incidence of HSN with nephrotic-range proteinuria was 2 per million children under 15 years. After a mean follow-up of 4.6 years, only three patients out of 19 were in complete remission. Kidney biopsy did not predict the outcome in these patients. CyA seemed to be promising for the treatment of severe HSN with nephrotic-range proteinuria, since four out of seven patients treated with CyA achieved stable remission and three had preserved their renal function after a mean follow-up of 6.0 years. Treatment at an early stage in the disease was associated with stable remission. The efficacy of early prednisone treatment was evaluated in a randomized double-blind trial involving 171 patients (84 prednisone, 87 placebo). Prednisone, given at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks, with weaning over the next two weeks, was effective in reducing the intensity of abdominal pain (pain score 2.5 vs. 4.8; t-test p = 0.029) and shortening its duration (1.5 days vs. 2.7 days; t-test p = 0.028) compared with the placebo. The mean scores for joint pain were lower in the prednisone group (4.6 vs. 7.3; t-test p = 0.030) and the improvement from joint symptoms was faster (log rank p = 0.007). Prednisone did not prevent the development of renal symptoms but it was effective in treating them, since renal symptoms resolved in 61% of the prednisone patients after treatment compared with 34% of the placebo patients (difference 27%, 95% CI 3–47%, p = 0.024). Prednisone was most effective for children aged 6 or more with renal symptoms at onset, since only two patients needed to be treated in order to save one from renal involvement (95% CI's for NNT 2–6). The long-term outcome of HSP is dependent on renal symptoms. Severe renal symptoms indicate early immunosuppressive treatment for HSN, and patients with renal involvement at the acute phase need long-term follow-up, especially women during and after pregnancy. Early treatment with prednisone is effective in reducing the abdominal and joint symptoms involved in HSP and is also effective in altering, but not preventing, the course of renal involvement. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää lapsuusiän Henoch-Schönleinin purppuran (HSP) pitkäaikaisennustetta, Siklosporiini-A:n (CyA) tehoa vaikean HSP-nefriitin hoidossa ja tutkia varhain aloitetun prednisonihoidon hyötyä HSP-taudin oireisiin. HSP:n pitkäaikaisennustetta selvitettiin tarkastamalla 47:n lapsena HSP-taudin sairastaneen aikuisen terveystilanne keskimäärin 24.1 vuoden (16.4-35.6) seuranta-ajan jälkeen. HSP-taudin ennuste oli vahvasti riippuvainen munuaisoireen vaikeusasteesta: 20 % niistä, joilla taudin alussa oli vaikeat munuaisoireet, kärsi vielä aikuisiällä munuaisoireista; vastaava luku munuaisoireettomilla ja niillä, joilla oli ollut vain lievää veri- tai valkuaisvirtsaisuutta, oli 7 %, (RR 4.7; 95 % CI 1.3–18.7). Raskauskomplikaatiot olivat yleisiä lapsuusiällä HSP-taudin sairastaneilla naisilla, sillä 70 % raskauksista komplisoi korkea verenpaine tai valkuaisvirtsaisuus. Vuosittain 2 lasta miljoonasta sairastuu vaikeaan nefroottistasoiseen HSP-nefriittiin Suomessa. Vain kolme nefroottistasoiseen HSP-nefriittiin sairastuneesta 19 lapsesta oli 4.6 vuoden seurannan jälkeen parantunut oireettomaksi. Ensimmäisen munuaisbiopsian vaikeusaste ei ennakoinut selviytymistä. CyA näytti olevan lupaavan tehokas lääke vaikean HSP-nefriitin hoidossa, sillä neljä seitsemästä CyA-hoitoa saaneesta lapsesta, oli oireeton 6.0 vuoden seurannan jälkeen. Mitä aikaisemmin vaikean nefriitin hoito oli aloitettu, sen parempi hoitotulos oli. Varhain aloitetun prednisonihoidon hyötyä HSP-taudin oireisiin selvitettiin satunnaistetulla kaksoissokkotutkimuksella, johon satunnaistettiin 171 lasta (84 prednisoni, 87 lumelääke) saamaan joko prednisonia 1 mg/kg/päivä 2 viikon ajan tai lumelääkettä. Prednisoni vähensi tehokkaasti vatsa- ja nivelkipuja ja se lyhensi merkitsevästi myös niiden kestoa. Prednisoni ei estänyt munuaisoireen kehittymistä lapselle, mutta niiltä, joille se kehittyi, oireet hävisivät merkitsevästi nopeammin lumelääkitykseen verrattuna (61 % versus 34 %, 95 % CI 3–47 %, p = 0.024). Kaikkein tehokkainta prednisoni oli yli 6 vuotiaille lapsille, joilla oli munuaisoire heti taudin alussa (NNT 2, 95 % CI 2–6). Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että lapsuusiällä HSP-nefriitin sairastaneet lapset tarvitsevat seurantaa aikuisiällä, erityisesti naiset raskauden aikana. HSP-nefriitin varhainen hoitaminen on tärkeää. Varhainen prednisonihoito ei estä munuaisoiretta, mutta hoitaa jo kehittynyttä nefriittiä ja vähentää vatsa- ja nivelkipuja tehokkaasti.

Impact de la prématurité et de la restriction de croissance fœtale sur les voies de signalisation corticostéroïdes rénales : adaptation néonatale et programmation fœtale de l’hypertension artérielle / Impact of Prematurity and Fetal Growth Restriction on Renal Corticosteroid Signaling Pathways : Neonatal Adaptation and Fetal Programming of High Blood Pressure

Dumeige, Laurence 02 December 2019 (has links)
La prématurité et la restriction de croissance fœtale (RCF) sont deux pathologies néonatales fréquentes, qui ont en commun des difficultés d'adaptation à la naissance, avec le développement d'une tubulopathie chez le prématuré, et le développement d'une hypertension artérielle (HTA) a l'âge adulte. L’objectif de ce travail était d’évaluer l'implication des voies de signalisation corticostéroïdes rénales dans la survenue de ces complications dans un modèle murin de prématurité induite par des lipopolysaccharides, et un modèle de RCF par exposition périnatale a la dexaméthasone. Dans ce travail nous avons montré que ces deux pathologies programment la survenue d’une HTA à l’âge adulte chez les mâles, associée à des altérations franches de la signalisation corticostéroïde rénale en période périnatale et une augmentation de la sensibilité rénale aux glucocorticoïdes à l’âge adulte. Dans le modèle de prématurité, nous avons identifié la transmission transgénérationelle d’anomalies de régulation de la pression artérielle chez les mâles jusqu’à la 3ème génération de souris, associée à une hypométhylation du promoteur de GILZ et une augmentation d’expression de GILZ. Notre étude a permis l’identification de potentiels mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la programmation fœtale de l’HTA, sur plusieurs générations, ce qui pourrait aboutir à une meilleure prise en charge des patients nés prématurés ou avec une RCF, et de leurs descendants. / Preterm birth and fetal growth restriction (IUGR) are prevalent neonatal diseases, which both induce poor perinatal adaptation, including the development of tubulopathy in premature infants, and the development of high blood pressure in adults. The objective of this work was to evaluate the involvement of renal corticosteroid signaling pathways in the development of these complications in a lipopolysaccharide-induced mouse model of preterm birth, and a dexamethasone-induced model of IUGR. In this work, we have shown that these two pathologies program the development of hypertension in former preterm and IUGR male mice, associated with strong alterations of renal corticosteroid signaling in the perinatal period, and an increase in renal sensitivity to glucocorticoids in adulthood. Moreover, we have identified a transgenerational inheritance of altered blood pressure regulation induced by preterm birth, in males, up to the 3rd generation of mice, associated with GILZ promoter hypomethylation and increased GILZ expression.Our study has identified potential molecular mechanisms involved in the fetal programming of hypertension, over several generations. These findings could facilitate better management of patients born prematurely

Développement d'outils d'évaluation d'un modèle pré-clinique de dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne, le chien GRMD. / Development of evaluation tools for a preclinical model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the GRMD dog.

Barthélémy, Inès 17 December 2010 (has links)
La dystrophie musculaire de Duchenne (DMD) touche un garçon sur 3500, contraint à l'usage du fauteuil roulant à l'âge de 10 ans, et entraîne le décès à une vingtaine d'années. Cette maladie demeure incurable, et les pistes thérapeutiques envisagées nécessitent d'être validées en amont, dans les modèles murins, puis au stade pré-clinique, dans les modèles canins.L'un d'eux, le chien GRMD (Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy), est le plus largement utilisé, et présente l'intérêt de partager, avec le patient qu'il modélise, de nombreuses similitudes génotypiques et phénotypiques. Les différentes fonctions touchées doivent donc pouvoir faire l'objet de mesures objectives et quantitatives, à l'aide d'outils dédiés. Par ailleurs, une problématique inhérente à l'utilisation de ce modèle est sa grande variabilité sur le plan phénotypique.L'objectif du travail mené ici a été de développer des outils d'évaluation du chien GRMD, afin de mieux connaître et maîtriser cette hétérogénéité clinique.La mesure de force de flexion du tarse a permis de démontrer que la force tétanique maximale pouvait être utilisée comme indice d'évaluation à différents stades de la maladie, sans que le déficit de force musculaire puisse être relié à l'atteinte motrice globale. De plus, la relaxation s'est avérée altérée chez les chiens GRMD, en corrélation avec leur atteinte motrice.La locomotion, évaluée par accélérométrie tri-dimensionnelle, a pu montrer des altérations multiples, mesurées par différentes variables. Certaines variables sont altérées de manière précoce, tandis que d'autres anomalies s'installent durant les premiers mois, traduisant l'aggravation de la fonction locomotrice.La dysfonction respiratoire, évaluée par spirométrie en respiration de Tidal, et cinématique diaphragmatique sur images radioscopiques, a également pu être objectivée par différents indices. Une moindre mobilité diaphragmatique, une rétraction caudale du diaphragme, et un effondrement du débit expiratoire en fin d'expiration, s'installent au cours des premiers mois.Afin de contrôler l'hétérogénéité clinique ainsi mesurée, une recherche de marqueurs prédictifs de l'évolution clinique a été menée. Différents indices histologiques et cliniques ont été évalués sur leur valeur pronostique à un stade précoce. La fréquence des cycles locomoteurs à 2 mois et le défaut de relaxation à 4 mois se sont avérés prédictifs de formes accélérées.Enfin, les différents outils mis en place ont été évalués dans le cadre du suivi d'animaux au cours d'un essai thérapeutique, qui a, de plus, permis de disposer d'une population de référence sous traitement immunosuppresseur. Une amélioration fonctionnelle des animaux traités a pu être démontrée par nombre des indices mesurés.Ces résultats démontrent que les outils développés sont utilisables au cours d'essais pré-cliniques, et permettent, malgré l'hétérogénéité clinique qu'ils mesurent, de démontrer un bénéfice fonctionnel. Plus largement, ces données permettent d'optimiser l'utilisation pré-clinique du modèle GRMD. / Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) affects one boy over 3500 at birth. The affected individuals are wheelchair-bound at about 10 years, and death occurs in the early twenties. DMD remains incurable, and therapeutic strategies need to be validated in murine models, and, subsequently, at the preclinical stage, in canine models.Among the existing canine models, the GRMD (Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy) dog is the most widely used. The strong genotypic and phenotypic similarities it shares with DMD patients make this model of great interest. The many affected functions must therefore be reliably measured using dedicated tools, providing objective and quantitative evaluation. Moreover, the wide phenotypic heterogeneity peculiar to this model may compromise its use in preclinical studies.The aim of the present work was to develop evaluation tools for the GRMD dog, in order to better know and handle this clinical variability.The measurement of the contraction force generated by tarsal flexion has shown that the maximal tetanic force could be used as an evaluation index, at different stages of the disease. However, no correlation with the global motor impairment could be found. Conversely, the relaxation has shown to be altered in GRMD dogs, and correlated with the motor impairment.The locomotion was evaluated using three-dimensional accelerometry. This method allowed the measurement of several variables, some of which being early impaired, and some others being altered in a more progressive fashion, reflecting the degradation of the locomotor function.The respiratory impairment has been evaluated by diaphragmatic kinematics using radioscopic acquisitions and by Tidal-breathing spirometry. The diaphragm was shown to be less mobile, and to be caudally displaced. The end-expiration flows were decreased. These abnormalities progressed during the first months.In order to better handle the clinical heterogeneity, some markers able to predict the clinical evolution were looked for. The prognostic value of many histological and clinical indexes at an early stage has been evaluated. The stride frequency at the age of 2 months, as well as the relaxation impairment at the age of 4 months succeeded in predicting severe accelerated forms.Finally, the developed tools have been tested in the context of a clinical follow-up during a therapeutic trial. This trial also aimed to provide a reference-group of GRMD dogs treated with immunosuppressive drugs. Several indexes have demonstrated a clinical improvement of the treated animals.These results show that the developed tools are useable during preclinical trials and allow to quantitatively highlight a functional improvement, despite the clinical heterogeneity. More widely, these data will lead to an optimization of the preclinical use of GRMD dogs.

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