Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rough."" "subject:"tough.""
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Avaliação de adjuvantes em novas formulações de vacina tríplice bacteriana. / Evaluation of adjuvants in new triple bacterial vaccine formulation.Prestes, Ana Fabíola Rollo de Oliveira 12 February 2009 (has links)
As vacinas pertussis celulares apresentam certa reatogenicidade e as acelulares, menos reatogênicas, têm seu uso restrito, devido a seu alto custo. O Instituto Butantan desenvolveu uma vacina pertussis celular (Plow), com baixo teor de lipopolissacarídeo e outra acelular (Pa), por metodologia simples e econômica. Essas preparações, combinadas aos toxóides diftérico e tetânico (DTPlow e DTPa, respectivamente), foram comparadas à DTP tradicional, com diferentes adjuvantes: vitamina A, surfactante pulmonar, BCG, monofosforil lipídeo A (MPL) e Al(OH)3. A resposta humoral em camundongos foi semelhante para as diferentes formulações e independente do adjuvante utilizado. As vacinas induziram níveis equilibrados de IgG1/IgG2a anti-pertussis e a DTPlow mostrou-se menos reatogênica, induzindo níveis significativamente menores de IL-6 sérica. A adição de MPL sugeriu tendência de proteção contra a colonização nasotraqueal no grupo imunizado com DTPa e levou à indução de IFN-g nos grupos imunizados com DTP e DTPa, sugerindo possível atividade imunomodulatória para Th1. / The whole cell pertussis vaccines present some reactogenicity and the acellular, less reactogenic, have prohibitive use due to its high cost. Instituto Butantan developed a less reactogenic whole cell pertussis vaccine (Plow), with low lipopolysaccharide content and an acellular vaccine (Pa), by simple and economic methodology. These preparations, combined to diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DTPlow and DTPa, respectively), were compared with the traditional DTP, with different adjuvants: vitamin A, pulmonary surfactant, BCG, monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL) and Al(OH)3. The humoral immune response induced in mice by the different vaccine formulations, was similar and independent of the adjuvant used. The vaccines induced balanced levels of IgG1/IgG2a anti-pertussis and DTPlow showed to be less rectogenic, inducing lower levels of serum IL-6. The use of MPL suggested to induce higher protection against nasotracheal colonization in DTPa group and induced IFN-g in the DTP and DTPa groups, suggesting a possible immunemodulatory activity for Th1.
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Avaliação de novas estratégias vacinais contra a coqueluche no município de São Paulo / Whooping cough - theoretical evaluation of new vaccination strategies in São Paulo - BrazilFreitas, Angela Carvalho 25 August 2008 (has links)
Introdução: A coqueluche é caracterizada por tosse paroxística, pode levar menores de um ano de idade ao óbito, deixar seqüelas e exacerbar quadros respiratórios crônicos. A imunidade após a doença ou vacina não é para toda a vida. Nos países desenvolvidos, apesar de altas coberturas vacinais e do controle da doença entre as décadas de 50 e 80, desde o final dos anos 80 é observado o aumento dos casos em adolescentes, adultos e lactentes, sendo indicado o reforço vacinal para adolescentes e adultos. No Brasil a doença aparenta estar sob controle, mas há um estudo teórico que demonstra a possibilidade de aumento dos casos. Objetivo: Avaliar novas estratégias de reforço vacinal contra a coqueluche no município de São Paulo. Metodologia: Desenvolvimento de um modelo matemático determinístico, dinâmico e dependente da idade dos indivíduos. Simulações com o esquema vacinal atual e: (i) novo reforço aos 12 anos com coberturas vacinais de 10%, 35%, 45% e 70%; (ii) reforços aos 12 anos e aos 20 anos de idade, com 35% e 70% de cobertura, respectivamente. Introdução de contato heterogêneo da população com o uso de uma matriz de contato. Fontes dos dados: Banco de dados do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS), Centro de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo e a literatura nacional e internacional. Uso dos programas Berkeley Madonna® para resolução das equações diferenciais e Microsoft Excel® para o cálculo da matriz de contato e das forças de infecção. Realização de teste de sensibilidade do modelo. Resultados: A vacinação com cobertura de 10% aos 12 anos de idade reduziu os casos entre os próprios adolescentes (10 a 19 anos); com cobertura de 35%, 45% e 70% reduziu os casos em 59%, 65% e 73%, respectivamente; a vacinação em conjunto aos 12 anos com cobertura de 35% e aos 20 anos com cobertura de 70% reduziu 62% dos casos. Conclusões: Há benefício ao vacinar os adolescentes, inclusive com baixa cobertura vacinal, portanto tal estratégia demonstra-se promissora para o controle da coqueluche. Não houve ganho ao acrescentar apenas um reforço para os adultos (20 anos). Os resultados são concordantes com o que há na literatura e permitiram um primeiro panorama para auxiliar na abordagem do problema. Estudos com diferentes estratégias de vacinação de adultos e estudos de custo-benefício são recomendados. / Background: Whooping cough is a respiratory tract infection caused by Bordetella pertussis and characterized by paroxysmal cough that usually causes complications for infants, including death, and for people with chronic respiratory diseases. Immunity against pertussis after infection or vaccination is not everlasting. Despite of high childhood immunization coverage and the disease control from the 50's to 80's, since late 80's developed countries notified high levels of pertussis in adolescents and adults. This reappearance has not being detected in Brazil yet, but at least one formal study has demonstrated the possibility of this change in the next years. Objective: Evaluating new pertussis vaccine's booster for adolescents and adults in São Paulo city. Methods: Development of a deterministic, compartmental and age-dependent model accounting for immunity waning. The data was retrieved from literature, Surveillance Center of the State of São Paulo (CVE), and the Brazilian national health data system (DATASUS). Data manipulation used Berkeley Madonna® and Microsoft Excel®. Vaccination strategies included the current vaccination scheme, plus (i) 10%, 35%, 45% or 70% vaccine coverage for those at the age of 12 and (ii) both 35% and 70% vaccine coverage at the ages 12 and 20, respectively. The Who Acquire Infection from Whom (WAIFW) matrices' method was used to assume age related transmission rates. Sensitivity analysis was performed. Results: Booster vaccination for 12 years youths, at 10% coverage, yields disease reduction only among adolescents (10 to 19 years); coverage up to 35% yields disease reduction for all ages; at 35%, 45% and 70% coverage, the reduction achieves 59%, 65% and 73%. Booster vaccination at 12 and 20 years, with coverage at 35% and 70% respectively, yields 62% cases reduction. Discussion: Results suggest that adolescent's vaccine booster could reduce pertussis occurrence for all ages, including infants, as also demonstrated by other authors. In contrast, only one vaccine booster for adults (20 years) achieves insignificant results. In conclusion, we have been able to demonstrate that, in São Paulo, the adolescent vaccine booster strategy is a promising police to further reduce whooping cough occurrence. However, cost effective analysis and other adults' vaccination strategies are recommended.
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Influência da vacinação com dTpa em gestantes no perfil da resposta imunológica contra a Bordetella pertussis na criança / Influence of pregnant women\'s Tdap vaccination in the child\'s immunological response profile against Bordetella pertussisCorreia, Carolina Argondizo 11 April 2018 (has links)
A Bordetella pertussis é a bactéria causadora da coqueluche, doença infectocontagiosa que tem reemergido em diversos países apesar das altas coberturas vacinais. Como os indivíduos mais afetados são crianças menores de seis meses de idade, a vacinação de gestantes com uma dose de vacina adsorvida contra tétano, difteria e coqueluche (B. pertussis acelular - dTpa) foi proposta. O objetivo é promover a transferência de altos títulos de anticorpos maternos ao feto e recémnascido, resultando na sua proteção até que o seu esquema vacinal esteja concluído. Esta estratégia é empregada em diversos países e no final de 2014 foi introduzida no Brasil. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre sua eficácia, efetividade e interação com a posterior vacinação da criança, que é realizada com a formulação de células inteiras (DTP), enquanto outros países substituíram-na pela formulação acelular (DTPa). Sabe-se que a vacinação materna induz anticorpos que ajudam a proteger recém-nascidos da infecção, mas podem, também, neutralizar a vacinação da criança, diminuindo a eficiência vacinal, além de promover a transferência de antígenos para o feto, induzindo desvio do perfil de resposta. Esses aspectos são particularmente importantes e devem ser investigados quando novos programas de vacinação materna são implantados. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a resposta celular contra B. pertussis em parturientes e neonatos no dia do parto, e em lactentes após vacinação completa contra a coqueluche com DTP no primeiro ano de vida, comparando-se o grupo proveniente de mães que foram vacinadas durante a gestação com as que não receberam a dose de reforço. As células mononucleares do sangue periférico e de cordão umbilical dos participantes foram isoladas e estimuladas com antígeno bacteriano ou antígeno policlonal em cultura. Após o tempo estipulado, verificou-se o perfil de expressão gênica por qPCR nas células e a concentração de citocinas de interesse em sobrenadante, por meio de citometria de fluxo. Os dados obtidos mostram que a vacina na gestação induz resposta celular favorável à proteção contra infecção em gestantes, com produção de citocinas de perfil Th1 após estímulo antigênico, enquanto que nos neonatos poucas citocinas estavam acima dos limites de detecção. Quando se comparou a resposta de lactentes nascidos de mães vacinadas ou não durante a gestação, não foi encontrada diferença significativa nos níveis de citocinas produzidos, sugerindo que os anticorpos maternos presentes durante o desenvolvimento fetal e os primeiros meses de vida das crianças não interferiu no processo de reconhecimento e geração de resposta específica. Apesar do número amostral limitado, este trabalho mostra um panorama da interação da vacinação materna com a resposta celular à vacinação da criança no seu primeiro ano de vida, mostrando que a princípio a dose de reforço com dTpa durante a gestação é capaz de gerar resposta celular protetora nas gestantes, prevenindo-as de transmitir a doença a seus filhos, e a resposta humoral produzida não interfere na geração de resposta celular de seus filhos após o seu próprio esquema de imunização. / Bordetella pertussis is the bacterial agent of whooping cough, an infectious and contagious re-emerging disease despite high vaccine coverage. As the most affected are children younger than six months of age, a dose of tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis vaccine (acellular pertussis - Tdap) in pregnancy was proposed. It is aimed to promote the transfer of high maternal antibodies\' titres to the foetus and newborns, resulting in their protection until their own vaccination scheme is completed. This strategy is present in several countries, and it was implemented in Brazil by the end of 2014. However, little is known about its efficacy, effectiveness and interaction with the subsequent child\'s vaccination, which comprehends the whole-cell formulation (DTP), while other countries replaced it for the acellular version (DTaP). Maternal vaccination induces antibodies that would protect newborns from infection, but they can also neutralize the effect of the child vaccination, reducing the vaccine efficiency. Besides, it can promote the transfer of antigens to the foetus, which can induce deviation in the response pattern. These aspects are particularly important and should be investigated when new maternal vaccination programs are implemented. Therefore, the aim of this project was to evaluate the cellular response against B. pertussis in women at labour and their neonates, as in young children after complete pertussis vaccination by the first year of life, comparing groups from vaccinated and non-vaccinated women during pregnancy. Peripheral blood and cord blood mononuclear cells were isolated and stimulated with bacterial or polyclonal antigen in culture. After the stipulated time the gene expression profile and cytokine concentration were evaluated by qPCR and flow cytometry. Data from the present study show that pregnancy vaccination inducing favourable cellular response for protection against infection in pregnant women, with Th1 cytokines\' production upon antigenic stimulus, while in newborns few cytokines were detected above the detection limit. When comparing children\'s response, born either from vaccinated or unvaccinated mothers, cytokine levels were not significantly different, suggesting that maternal antibodies present during foetal development and first months of life do not interfere with recognition and cellular response generation to vaccination. Despite limited sample size, this work shows a broader view of interaction between maternal and child vaccination, showing that the Tdap boost dose during pregnancy may be able to generate protective response in women, preventing them to transmit the disease to children, and the induced humoral response may not interfere in generating cellular response in children after their own vaccination.
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Fatores que determinam a produção de IL-12 em macrófagos murinos ativados por Bordetella pertussis e B. parapertussis. / Factors determining the production of IL-12 in murine macrophages activated by Bordetella pertussis and B. parapertussis.Galhardo, Cynthia Soares 29 October 2013 (has links)
Bordetella pertussis e B. parapertussis são agentes etiológicos da coqueluche. A IL-12 liga a imunidade inata e adaptativa. Investigamos alguns mecanismos que controlam a síntese de IL-12 em macrófagos medulares murinos (MfDM) ativados in vitro com estas duas espécies de bactérias. Demonstramos que IL-12p40 e TNF-a foram produzidos pelos MfDM ativados com qualquer uma das bactérias. A síntese de IL-12p40 foi dependente de TNF-a, MyD88 e NFkB e independente de MAPK p38 e ERK 1/2. Durante a estimulação com B. pertussis a produção de IL-12p40 foi dependente de TLR-4, mas com B. parapertussis envolveu outras vias independentes de MyD88 e TLR-4. Estas bactérias não induziram a síntese de IL-12p70, necessitando de sinais moleculares adicionais de IFN-g, que aumentou a síntese desta citocina. A produção de IL-12 p70 aumentou após o bloqueio das vias PI3K, MAPK p38 e ERK1/2 assim como após a adição exógena de PT sobre MfDM ativados com B. parapertussis. Portanto, diversas vias de sinais dependentes e independentes de TLR-4 controlam a produção de IL-12 neste modelo. / Bordetella pertussis and B. parapertussis are etiological agents of whooping cough. IL-12 links the innate and adaptive immunity. We investigated the ability of both bacteria to modulate IL-12 by in vitro activation of bone marrow derived macrophages (MfDM). We demonstrated that IL-12p40 and TNF-a were produced after stimulation of cells with either bacterium. IL-12p40 production was dependent on TNF-a, MyD88 and NFkB but independent of MAPK p38 and ERK 1/2. During B. pertussis activation the production of IL-12p40 was dependent on TLR-4, while B. parapertussis activation was MyD88 and TLR-4 independent. However, the bacteria alone did not induce IL-12p70 synthesis, requiring IFN-g as an additional signal. Evidences indicated MAPK p38, ERK1/2 and PI3K during B. pertussis and B. parapertussis activation, as well as the exogenous addition of PT to B. parapertussis activated MfDM, was critical for the up regulation of IL-12p70. This finding indicates that different TLR-4 dependent and independent signaling pathways may control the production of IL-12 in this model.
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La modulation du réflexe de toux par l’exercice chez le lapin sensibilisé à l’ovalbumine / Lack of desensitization of the cough reflex in ovalbumin-sensitized rabbits during exerciseTiotiu, Angelica 14 December 2016 (has links)
Introduction : La toux est un symptôme fréquent dans l’asthme, en particulier à l’effort mais peu des choses sont connus quant aux mécanismes impliqués. L’objectif de cette étude a été d’établir le rôle de l’exercice dans la modulation du réflexe de toux (RT) sur un modèle de lapin anesthésié en ventilation spontanée, présentant une inflammation éosinophilique des voies aériennes. Méthode : Nous avons étudié 10 lapins sensibilisés à l’ovalbumine (OVA) et 8 lapins contrôles. La réponse ventilatoire à la stimulation mécanique trachéale (ST) a été analysée pour chaque lapin en conditions de repos et à l’exercice pour quantifier l’incidence et la sensibilité de la toux. Le lavage bronchioloalaveolaire (LBA) et le comptage cellulaire a été réalisé pour vérifier la présence d’une inflammation à éosinophiles chez les lapins sensibilisés à l’OVA. Pour reproduire l’exercice, des contractions musculaires au niveau des pattes arrière ont été induites par stimulation électrique (CME). Résultats : Au total, 494 ST ont été réalisées, 261 en repos et 233 à l’exercice. Le taux d’éosinophiles dans le LBA a été retrouvé significativement plus élevé chez les lapins sensibilisés à l’OVA (vs contrôles, p=0.008). La CME a permis une augmentation similaire de l’ordre de 35% de la ventilation minute chez les lapins sensibilisés à l’OVA et chez les lapins contrôles par rapport au repos. La sensibilité du RT a été retrouvée significativement diminuée à l’exercice par rapport au repos pour les lapins contrôles (p=0.0313) contrairement aux lapins sensibilisés à l’OVA pour lesquels elle reste inchangée. Conclusion : Le phénomène de “down-regulation” du RT à l’exercice décrit chez les lapins contrôles n’a pas été observé chez les lapins sensibilisés à l’OVA. D’autres études sont nécessaires afin d’établir le rôle spécifique de l’inflammation bronchique sur la disparition du phénomène de “down-regulation” de la toux à l’exercice chez les patients asthmatiques / Introduction: Cough is a major symptom of asthma frequently experienced during exercise but little is known about interactions between cough and exercise. The goal of our study was to clarify the potential modulation of the cough reflex (CR) by exercise in a spontaneously breathing anaesthetized animal model of airway eosinophilic inflammation. Materials & methods: Ten ovalbumin (OVA) sensitized rabbits and 8 controls were studied. The ventilatory response to direct (TS) performed both at rest and during exercise was determined to quantify the incidence and the sensitivity of the CR. Broncho-alveolar lavages (BAL) and cell counts were performed to assess the level of the airway inflammation following OVA-induced sensitization. Exercise was mimicked by electrically induced hind limb muscular contractions (EMC). Results: Among 494 TS were performed, 261 at rest and 233 at exercise. The OVA sensitized rabbits have a higher level of eosinophil (p=0.008) in BAL. EMC increased minute ventilation by 36% in OVA rabbits vs 35% in control rabbits, compared to rest values. The sensitivity of the CR decreased during exercise compared to baseline in control rabbits (p=0.0313) while it remained unchanged in OVA rabbits. Conclusion: The down-regulation of the CR during exercise in control rabbits was abolished in OVA rabbits. The precise role of airway inflammation in this lack of CR downregulation needs to be further investigated but it might contribute to the exercise-induced cough in asthmatics
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Identificação de vírus respiratórios em lactentes internados com suspeita clínica de coqueluche / Identification of respiratory viruses in hospitalized infants with suspected clinical pertussisAngela Esposito Ferronato 13 December 2017 (has links)
Introdução: a coqueluche é uma doença causada pela Bordetella pertussis (BP), sendo mais frequente e grave em lactentes menores de um ano de idade. Com a introdução da vacina, houve redução na incidência mundial da doença, porém nos últimos 10 anos observa-se uma recrudescência. Pode apresentar-se de forma menos característica em lactentes, especialmente antes do final do esquema vacinal para o primeiro ano de vida. O quadro clínico, nesses pacientes, pode ser semelhante ao das infecções por vírus respiratórios (VR) que são os agentes etiológicos mais frequentes nas infecções de vias aéreas, nessa faixa etária. São necessários estudos que avaliem a importância da pesquisa de VR em lactentes com suspeita clínica de coqueluche. Objetivos: em lactentes com suspeita de coqueluche: identificar as prevalências de BP, VR e codetecções; analisar e comparar as características clínicas e a evolução, segundo a etiologia identificada e analisar o impacto do diagnóstico etiológico sobre o uso de macrolídeos. Métodos: estudo de coorte prospectivo, com crianças menores de um ano de idade, hospitalizadas com suspeita clínica de coqueluche entre junho de 2014 e junho de 2016 e submetidas à pesquisa etiológica para identificação de BP (\"swab\" de nasofaringe para cultura e/ou PCR) e pesquisa de VR (aspirado de nasofaringe para imunofluorescência indireta). Dados clínicos, demográficos e evolutivos foram coletados com o preenchimento de protocolo clínico-laboratorial padronizado. Resultados: no período de estudo foram analisados 59 lactentes. Em 18 (30,5%) houve identificação de BP, em 23 (39%) de algum vírus respiratório. Em quatro (7%), houve codetecção de BP e algum VR. O vírus mais frequentemente identificado foi o VSR (73%). As características com maior sensibilidade para o diagnóstico de infecção por BP foram tosse seguida de cianose e ser filho de mãe não vacinada com dTpa. Sibilos e desconforto respiratório apresentaram alta sensibilidade para a identificação de VR. Na análise bivariada apresentaram maior chance de infecção por BP: menor idade (OR = 1,86), ausência de febre (OR = 4,9), não ser vacinado para coqueluche (OR = 4,4), leucocitose superior a 20.000/mm3 (OR = 5,4), linfocitose superior a 10.000/mm3 (OR = 4,0) e de infecção por VR: sibilos (OR = 4,33). Após o ajuste para confundidores, os maiores preditores para BP de forma independente foram: ausência de sibilos (OR =5,7) e leucocitose superior a 20.000/mm3 (OR = 5,38). O número de pacientes com codetecção não permitiu a análise comparativa de gravidade com aqueles com agente único. Em apenas um paciente o resultado da pesquisa viral positiva resultou em suspensão de macrolídeo. Conclusão: além da BP, os VR também foram etiologias frequentes nos lactentes com suspeita clínica de coqueluche, além de casos de codetecção de BP e VR. Foram identificadas características clínicas/laboratoriais sugestivas, porém não patognomônicas das etiologias identificadas o que corrobora a necessidade da pesquisa etiológica para VR, nessa situação clínica / Introduction: Pertussis is a disease caused by Bordetella pertussis (BP), being more frequent and severe in infants less than one year old. After vaccine introduction, there was a reduction in the global incidence of the disease, but in the last ten years there was a resurgence. It may present less characteristically in infants, especially before the end of the vaccine scheme for the first year of life. The clinical picture in these patients may be similar to that of respiratory virus infections (VR), which are the most frequent etiologic agents in airway infections in this age group. Studies is necessary to evaluate the importance of RV research in infants with clinical suspicion of pertussis. Objectives: In infants with suspected pertussis: identify the prevalence of BP, VR and codetections; analyze and compare the clinical characteristics and evolution according to the identified etiology and analyze the impact of the etiological diagnosis on the use of macrolides. Methods: A prospective cohort study with children under one year of age hospitalized with suspected clinical pertussis between June 2014 and June 2016 and submitted to etiological research to identify BP (nasopharynx swab for culture and/or PCR) and VR (nasopharyngeal aspirate for indirect immunofluorescence). Clinical, demographic and evolution data were collected with the completion of a standardized clinical-laboratory protocol. Results: During the study period, 59 infants were analyzed. In 18 (30.5%) there was identification of BP, in 23 (39%) of some respiratory virus. In four (7%), there was BP detection and some RV. The virus most frequently identified was RSV (73%). The characteristics with greater sensitivity for the diagnosis of BP infection were cough followed by cyanosis and the mother\'s non-vaccinated dTpa. Wheezing and respiratory distress presented high sensitivity for RV identification. In the bivariate analysis they presented a greater chance of BP infection: lower age (OR = 1.86), absence of fever (OR = 4.9), not being vaccinated for pertussis (OR = 4.4), leukocytosis higher than 20,000/mm3 (OR = 5.4), lymphocytosis greater than 10,000/mm3 (OR = 4.0) and RV infection: wheezing (OR = 4.33). After adjustment for confounders, the largest predictors for BP independently were: no wheezing (OR = 5.7) and leukocytosis higher than 20,000/mm3 (OR = 5.38). The number of patients with codetection did not allow the comparative analysis of severity with those with single agent. In only one patient, the result of positive viral research resulted in macrolide suspension. Conclusion: In addition to BP, RVs were also frequent etiologies in infants with clinical suspicion of whooping cough, as well as cases of BP and VR codetection. Clinical/laboratory characteristics suggestive, but not pathognomonic, of the identified etiologies have been identified, which corroborates the need for etiological research for RV in this clinical situation
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The characterisation and treatment of cough in lung cancerHarle, Amelie January 2015 (has links)
Cough in lung cancer (LC) is a significant unmet need. There are no evidence-based effective antitussives for its treatment and a lack of well-designed trials incorporating validated cough assessment tools and placebo controls. There is little research on its underlying mechanisms, perhaps with the assumption that it is simply 'due to the cancer'. Therefore, we have sought to characterise cough in terms of its severity, impact on quality of life, frequency and prevalence using LC specific subjective and objective assessment tools for the first time. We have also explored its potential mechanisms and treatment. Published preclinical data show that the substance P/neurokinin-1(NK1) pathway is implicated in cough in 5 different species. This pathway is targeted by the antiemetic aprepitant in humans. Data on the use of aprepitant as a novel antitussive are presented. To characterise cough and assess cough assessment tools in a cohort of patients with LC attending outpatient clinics, subjective and objective cough assessment tools including 24-hour ambulatory cough monitoring (ACM), were used to determine the cough severity, frequency, impact and cough- associated clinical factors in a longitudinal study. To determine cough prevalence, a cross sectional study of all patients attending thoracic oncology outpatient clinics in a single centre over a defined period were approached to determine whether they had a cough, to provide demographic and cancer related data and if applicable, to complete the Manchester Cough in Lung Cancer Scale (MCLCS) cough impact questionnaire and the cough severity visual analogue scale. To explore the role of the NK1 pathway in cough in patients with LC, a single-arm randomised placebo controlled pilot trial assessing aprepitant for the treatment of cough was conducted. The presented data demonstrated that cough affects over half of patients with LC, representing a huge unmet clinical need. Over 2/3rds of patients felt that their cough was severe enough to warrant treatment and over 1/4 described it as painful. Patients with LC suffer from a very severe and frequent cough. Its impact is considerable, with effects on physical, psychological and social domains. The longitudinal study is the first to report that cough severity and impact is predicted by gastro-intestinal co-morbidities rather than cancer related factors. The presented data demonstrate that ACM is feasible and acceptable to patients with LC. This provides researchers with an objective endpoint for use in clinical trials. The MCLCS performs well and is valid. The cough intervention trial is the first to demonstrate that aprepitant is associated with lower subjective cough scores and cough frequency using validated cough assessment tools. No antitussive therapy study has ever shown a positive antitussive effect using both types of cough assessment tools in the LC population. This suggests that the substance P/NK1 pathway is implicated in cough in LC and identifies this as a potential new therapeutic target, providing exciting data and hope for future patients with LC.
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Expectorant and antioxidative effects of semen oroxyli.January 2004 (has links)
Chan Yiu-Pong. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 98-112). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / Acknowledgement --- p.v / Declaration --- p.vi / Table of content --- p.vii / List of Tables --- p.x / List of Figures --- p.xi / List of abbreviation --- p.xiv / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Introduction of Semen Oroxyli --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- Chemical constituents of Oroxylum indicum seed --- p.3 / Chapter 1.1.2 --- Pharmacological studies --- p.3 / Chapter 1.2 --- Introduction to tracheal secretion --- p.6 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Mucus composition --- p.6 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Sputum formation --- p.6 / Chapter 1.2.3 --- Expectorant --- p.7 / Chapter --- Secretolytic drugs --- p.7 / Chapter --- Mucolytic drugs --- p.8 / Chapter 1.2.4 --- Assays of studying expectorant activity --- p.10 / Chapter --- Tracheal phenol red secretion system --- p.10 / Chapter 1.3 --- Introduction to oxidant and antioxidant --- p.11 / Chapter 1.3.1 --- Oxidants/ reactive oxygen species --- p.11 / Chapter --- Production of oxidants/ reactive oxygen species --- p.11 / Chapter --- Reactive oxygen species reaction products --- p.12 / Chapter --- DNA damage --- p.13 / Chapter --- Protein damage --- p.13 / Chapter --- Lipid damage --- p.14 / Chapter 1.3.2 --- Antioxidant --- p.14 / Chapter --- Endogenous antioxidants --- p.15 / Chapter --- Superoxide dismutase --- p.15 / Chapter --- Catalase --- p.15 / Chapter --- Glutathione and glutathione peroxidases --- p.15 / Chapter 1.3.3 --- Synthetic and natural antioxidants --- p.16 / Chapter --- Vitamin C --- p.17 / Chapter --- Tocopherols (Vitamin E) --- p.17 / Chapter 1.3.4 --- Assays for studying antioxidative activities --- p.19 / Chapter --- DPPH radical scavenging system --- p.19 / Chapter --- PMS-NADH system --- p.19 / Chapter --- APPH-induced hemolysis system --- p.20 / Chapter 1.4 --- Objectives of the research --- p.22 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Materials and Methods --- p.24 / Chapter 2.1 --- Materials --- p.24 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Semen Oroxyli --- p.24 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Animals --- p.24 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Chemicals --- p.25 / Chapter 2.2 --- Methods --- p.28 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Assay for studying expectorant activity --- p.28 / Chapter --- Phenol red standard curve --- p.28 / Chapter --- Tracheal phenol red secretion system --- p.28 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Assays for studying antioxidative activity --- p.30 / Chapter --- DPPH radicals scavenging system --- p.30 / Chapter --- PMS-NADH system --- p.31 / Chapter --- AAPH-induced red blood cell hemolysis system --- p.32 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- "Extraction, fractionation and purification of Semen Oroxyli" --- p.33 / Chapter --- 70% ethanol extraction of Semen Oroxyli --- p.33 / Chapter --- Fractionation in polyamide column --- p.33 / Chapter --- Fractionation in resin column --- p.34 / Chapter --- Sub-fractions separation from 95% ethanol soluble fraction --- p.34 / Chapter --- Pure compounds obtained from sub-fractions --- p.34 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- Nulcear magnetic resonance (NMR) for identification --- p.38 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Results of Expectorant Activity --- p.39 / Chapter 3.1 --- Expectorant Activity --- p.39 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- Expectorant Activity on Semen Oroxyli ethanol extract --- p.39 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- Expectorant activities of fractionations of Semen Oroxyli ethanol extract --- p.39 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Results of Antioxidative Activity --- p.44 / Chapter 4.1 --- Antioxidative activity --- p.44 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- Antioxidative activity of 70% ethanol extract --- p.44 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- Antioxidative activity of fractions of 70% ethanol extract --- p.49 / Chapter 4.1.3 --- Antioxidative activity on sub-fractions fractionated from 95% ethanol-soluble fraction --- p.50 / Chapter 4.1.4 --- Antioxidative activity on pure compounds isolated from sub-fractions --- p.59 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Results of Identification of Pure compounds --- p.68 / Chapter 5.1 --- Identification of compounds --- p.68 / Chapter 5.1.1 --- Compound A --- p.68 / Chapter 5.1.2 --- Compound B --- p.69 / Chapter 5.1.3 --- Compound C --- p.69 / Chapter 5.1.4 --- Compound D --- p.70 / Chapter 5.1.5 --- Compound E --- p.71 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Discussion --- p.73 / Chapter 6.1 --- Discussion of expectorant activity of Semen Oroxyli --- p.73 / Chapter 6.2 --- Discussion of antioxidative activity of Semen Oroxyli --- p.75 / Chapter 6.3 --- General Discussion --- p.77 / Chapter Chapter 7 --- Conclusions --- p.82 / Appendix A Procedures for preparing the phenol red standard curve for tracheal phenol red secretion system. --- p.85 / Appedix B 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra --- p.87 / References --- p.98
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Influência da vacinação com dTpa em gestantes no perfil da resposta imunológica contra a Bordetella pertussis na criança / Influence of pregnant women\'s Tdap vaccination in the child\'s immunological response profile against Bordetella pertussisCarolina Argondizo Correia 11 April 2018 (has links)
A Bordetella pertussis é a bactéria causadora da coqueluche, doença infectocontagiosa que tem reemergido em diversos países apesar das altas coberturas vacinais. Como os indivíduos mais afetados são crianças menores de seis meses de idade, a vacinação de gestantes com uma dose de vacina adsorvida contra tétano, difteria e coqueluche (B. pertussis acelular - dTpa) foi proposta. O objetivo é promover a transferência de altos títulos de anticorpos maternos ao feto e recémnascido, resultando na sua proteção até que o seu esquema vacinal esteja concluído. Esta estratégia é empregada em diversos países e no final de 2014 foi introduzida no Brasil. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre sua eficácia, efetividade e interação com a posterior vacinação da criança, que é realizada com a formulação de células inteiras (DTP), enquanto outros países substituíram-na pela formulação acelular (DTPa). Sabe-se que a vacinação materna induz anticorpos que ajudam a proteger recém-nascidos da infecção, mas podem, também, neutralizar a vacinação da criança, diminuindo a eficiência vacinal, além de promover a transferência de antígenos para o feto, induzindo desvio do perfil de resposta. Esses aspectos são particularmente importantes e devem ser investigados quando novos programas de vacinação materna são implantados. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a resposta celular contra B. pertussis em parturientes e neonatos no dia do parto, e em lactentes após vacinação completa contra a coqueluche com DTP no primeiro ano de vida, comparando-se o grupo proveniente de mães que foram vacinadas durante a gestação com as que não receberam a dose de reforço. As células mononucleares do sangue periférico e de cordão umbilical dos participantes foram isoladas e estimuladas com antígeno bacteriano ou antígeno policlonal em cultura. Após o tempo estipulado, verificou-se o perfil de expressão gênica por qPCR nas células e a concentração de citocinas de interesse em sobrenadante, por meio de citometria de fluxo. Os dados obtidos mostram que a vacina na gestação induz resposta celular favorável à proteção contra infecção em gestantes, com produção de citocinas de perfil Th1 após estímulo antigênico, enquanto que nos neonatos poucas citocinas estavam acima dos limites de detecção. Quando se comparou a resposta de lactentes nascidos de mães vacinadas ou não durante a gestação, não foi encontrada diferença significativa nos níveis de citocinas produzidos, sugerindo que os anticorpos maternos presentes durante o desenvolvimento fetal e os primeiros meses de vida das crianças não interferiu no processo de reconhecimento e geração de resposta específica. Apesar do número amostral limitado, este trabalho mostra um panorama da interação da vacinação materna com a resposta celular à vacinação da criança no seu primeiro ano de vida, mostrando que a princípio a dose de reforço com dTpa durante a gestação é capaz de gerar resposta celular protetora nas gestantes, prevenindo-as de transmitir a doença a seus filhos, e a resposta humoral produzida não interfere na geração de resposta celular de seus filhos após o seu próprio esquema de imunização. / Bordetella pertussis is the bacterial agent of whooping cough, an infectious and contagious re-emerging disease despite high vaccine coverage. As the most affected are children younger than six months of age, a dose of tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis vaccine (acellular pertussis - Tdap) in pregnancy was proposed. It is aimed to promote the transfer of high maternal antibodies\' titres to the foetus and newborns, resulting in their protection until their own vaccination scheme is completed. This strategy is present in several countries, and it was implemented in Brazil by the end of 2014. However, little is known about its efficacy, effectiveness and interaction with the subsequent child\'s vaccination, which comprehends the whole-cell formulation (DTP), while other countries replaced it for the acellular version (DTaP). Maternal vaccination induces antibodies that would protect newborns from infection, but they can also neutralize the effect of the child vaccination, reducing the vaccine efficiency. Besides, it can promote the transfer of antigens to the foetus, which can induce deviation in the response pattern. These aspects are particularly important and should be investigated when new maternal vaccination programs are implemented. Therefore, the aim of this project was to evaluate the cellular response against B. pertussis in women at labour and their neonates, as in young children after complete pertussis vaccination by the first year of life, comparing groups from vaccinated and non-vaccinated women during pregnancy. Peripheral blood and cord blood mononuclear cells were isolated and stimulated with bacterial or polyclonal antigen in culture. After the stipulated time the gene expression profile and cytokine concentration were evaluated by qPCR and flow cytometry. Data from the present study show that pregnancy vaccination inducing favourable cellular response for protection against infection in pregnant women, with Th1 cytokines\' production upon antigenic stimulus, while in newborns few cytokines were detected above the detection limit. When comparing children\'s response, born either from vaccinated or unvaccinated mothers, cytokine levels were not significantly different, suggesting that maternal antibodies present during foetal development and first months of life do not interfere with recognition and cellular response generation to vaccination. Despite limited sample size, this work shows a broader view of interaction between maternal and child vaccination, showing that the Tdap boost dose during pregnancy may be able to generate protective response in women, preventing them to transmit the disease to children, and the induced humoral response may not interfere in generating cellular response in children after their own vaccination.
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Avaliação de novas estratégias vacinais contra a coqueluche no município de São Paulo / Whooping cough - theoretical evaluation of new vaccination strategies in São Paulo - BrazilAngela Carvalho Freitas 25 August 2008 (has links)
Introdução: A coqueluche é caracterizada por tosse paroxística, pode levar menores de um ano de idade ao óbito, deixar seqüelas e exacerbar quadros respiratórios crônicos. A imunidade após a doença ou vacina não é para toda a vida. Nos países desenvolvidos, apesar de altas coberturas vacinais e do controle da doença entre as décadas de 50 e 80, desde o final dos anos 80 é observado o aumento dos casos em adolescentes, adultos e lactentes, sendo indicado o reforço vacinal para adolescentes e adultos. No Brasil a doença aparenta estar sob controle, mas há um estudo teórico que demonstra a possibilidade de aumento dos casos. Objetivo: Avaliar novas estratégias de reforço vacinal contra a coqueluche no município de São Paulo. Metodologia: Desenvolvimento de um modelo matemático determinístico, dinâmico e dependente da idade dos indivíduos. Simulações com o esquema vacinal atual e: (i) novo reforço aos 12 anos com coberturas vacinais de 10%, 35%, 45% e 70%; (ii) reforços aos 12 anos e aos 20 anos de idade, com 35% e 70% de cobertura, respectivamente. Introdução de contato heterogêneo da população com o uso de uma matriz de contato. Fontes dos dados: Banco de dados do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS), Centro de Vigilância Epidemiológica da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo e a literatura nacional e internacional. Uso dos programas Berkeley Madonna® para resolução das equações diferenciais e Microsoft Excel® para o cálculo da matriz de contato e das forças de infecção. Realização de teste de sensibilidade do modelo. Resultados: A vacinação com cobertura de 10% aos 12 anos de idade reduziu os casos entre os próprios adolescentes (10 a 19 anos); com cobertura de 35%, 45% e 70% reduziu os casos em 59%, 65% e 73%, respectivamente; a vacinação em conjunto aos 12 anos com cobertura de 35% e aos 20 anos com cobertura de 70% reduziu 62% dos casos. Conclusões: Há benefício ao vacinar os adolescentes, inclusive com baixa cobertura vacinal, portanto tal estratégia demonstra-se promissora para o controle da coqueluche. Não houve ganho ao acrescentar apenas um reforço para os adultos (20 anos). Os resultados são concordantes com o que há na literatura e permitiram um primeiro panorama para auxiliar na abordagem do problema. Estudos com diferentes estratégias de vacinação de adultos e estudos de custo-benefício são recomendados. / Background: Whooping cough is a respiratory tract infection caused by Bordetella pertussis and characterized by paroxysmal cough that usually causes complications for infants, including death, and for people with chronic respiratory diseases. Immunity against pertussis after infection or vaccination is not everlasting. Despite of high childhood immunization coverage and the disease control from the 50's to 80's, since late 80's developed countries notified high levels of pertussis in adolescents and adults. This reappearance has not being detected in Brazil yet, but at least one formal study has demonstrated the possibility of this change in the next years. Objective: Evaluating new pertussis vaccine's booster for adolescents and adults in São Paulo city. Methods: Development of a deterministic, compartmental and age-dependent model accounting for immunity waning. The data was retrieved from literature, Surveillance Center of the State of São Paulo (CVE), and the Brazilian national health data system (DATASUS). Data manipulation used Berkeley Madonna® and Microsoft Excel®. Vaccination strategies included the current vaccination scheme, plus (i) 10%, 35%, 45% or 70% vaccine coverage for those at the age of 12 and (ii) both 35% and 70% vaccine coverage at the ages 12 and 20, respectively. The Who Acquire Infection from Whom (WAIFW) matrices' method was used to assume age related transmission rates. Sensitivity analysis was performed. Results: Booster vaccination for 12 years youths, at 10% coverage, yields disease reduction only among adolescents (10 to 19 years); coverage up to 35% yields disease reduction for all ages; at 35%, 45% and 70% coverage, the reduction achieves 59%, 65% and 73%. Booster vaccination at 12 and 20 years, with coverage at 35% and 70% respectively, yields 62% cases reduction. Discussion: Results suggest that adolescent's vaccine booster could reduce pertussis occurrence for all ages, including infants, as also demonstrated by other authors. In contrast, only one vaccine booster for adults (20 years) achieves insignificant results. In conclusion, we have been able to demonstrate that, in São Paulo, the adolescent vaccine booster strategy is a promising police to further reduce whooping cough occurrence. However, cost effective analysis and other adults' vaccination strategies are recommended.
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