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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tecken på diskursförändring efter #metoo? -En kritisk diskursanalytisk studie om hur menstruation framställs i nyhetsmedia

Andersson Larsson, Camilla, Holmberg, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Using critical discourse analysis, the study examines, based on previous research how the construction of menstruation in news media has changed after the me too uprising. The study is based on previous research that shows that the construction of menstruation reflects and contributes to women's lower social status in society. Faircought three-dimensional model means that a communicative event is both constituted by and at the same time constitutes the social practice, which in the study is put into a social context using theories as; discourse, power, gender, purity and danger. The empirical material includes 22 newspaper articles from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. The empirical material has been thematised into four different themes that have been analyzed, where counter power and the contradictions within the women's issues are illustrated. The study results discerns to some degree reproduction of current order but most prominent are the clear signs of interdiscussivity, which shows a discursive change that indicates that the current system is challenged.

Igenkännande och motkraft : Förskole- och fritidspedagogikens betydelse för specialpedagogiken - En deltagarorienterad studie / Recognition and Counter power

Siljehag, Eva January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to describe, explain and understand the importance of preschool and leisure pedagogy for special education. Knowledge was therefore generated concerning teacher’s reflection on three themes: 1) the view of knowledge, people and society, 2) special education as organisation, activity and content, 3) a gender perspective and its implication for their realisation of a professional practice. An analytical aim was to understand the content of the teachers’ reflection process in a critical social perspective. The group included 14 persons. The empirical material consists of eleven analysed group meetings, two sets of interviews with the participants, educational policy documents, archive material and two background interviews. The study is based on a participatory research approach and on democratic knowledge processes guided by critical social theory. The participants formulate the importance of sensory experiences, multiple forms of knowledge and on all people’s equal value. The qualification structure of the group includes overview as well as direct work with an interior and exterior organisation. The participants associate questions from the field with revealed opportunities and obstacles, relations, processes and contexts. The analysis shows that solely acceptance of the different child is not enough. Recognition precedes the appreciation of the unique and absolute Subject. The analysis by the group reveals a reproduction of subordination. The qualification structure of salaried employee and service production demands critical consciousness to avoid exploitation and control in a capitalist and market-oriented society. The double subordination of the group in the school world contains the power of recognising this partly as an opportunity for a counter power based on the justified participation on equal terms, partly as a counter power to the current tendency to split pedagogical and collective work on value issues. </p>

Igenkännande och motkraft : Förskole- och fritidspedagogikens betydelse för specialpedagogiken - En deltagarorienterad studie / Recognition and Counter power

Siljehag, Eva January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this study was to describe, explain and understand the importance of preschool and leisure pedagogy for special education. Knowledge was therefore generated concerning teacher’s reflection on three themes: 1) the view of knowledge, people and society, 2) special education as organisation, activity and content, 3) a gender perspective and its implication for their realisation of a professional practice. An analytical aim was to understand the content of the teachers’ reflection process in a critical social perspective. The group included 14 persons. The empirical material consists of eleven analysed group meetings, two sets of interviews with the participants, educational policy documents, archive material and two background interviews. The study is based on a participatory research approach and on democratic knowledge processes guided by critical social theory. The participants formulate the importance of sensory experiences, multiple forms of knowledge and on all people’s equal value. The qualification structure of the group includes overview as well as direct work with an interior and exterior organisation. The participants associate questions from the field with revealed opportunities and obstacles, relations, processes and contexts. The analysis shows that solely acceptance of the different child is not enough. Recognition precedes the appreciation of the unique and absolute Subject. The analysis by the group reveals a reproduction of subordination. The qualification structure of salaried employee and service production demands critical consciousness to avoid exploitation and control in a capitalist and market-oriented society. The double subordination of the group in the school world contains the power of recognising this partly as an opportunity for a counter power based on the justified participation on equal terms, partly as a counter power to the current tendency to split pedagogical and collective work on value issues.


JOBSON LOPES DOS SANTOS 25 May 2005 (has links)
[pt] O poder não está restrito ao exercício da repressão, possuindo também um caráter produtivo, que constitui, sobretudo, uma produção subjetiva ligada ao universo íntimo do sujeito. A subjetividade produzida pelo poder procura criar uma imagem fixa do sujeito e da sociedade para manter inalteradas as estruturas sociais. A resistência ao poder, conhecida aqui como contrapoder, deve, portanto, problematizar essa visão estática através de uma outra produção subjetiva que se manifesta no romance O Manual dos Inquisidores, de Antonio Lobo Antunes, pela utilização peculiar da escrita. Identificar os elementos dessa escrita como práticas de contrapoder - escrita esta descentrada, polifônica e policrônica - é o objetivo dessa dissertação de mestrado, um estudo que aponta na origem dessa nova escrita subjetiva as inovações do modernismo aliadas à reatualização dos elementos básicos da tradição narrativa. / [en] Power is not restricted to the exercise of power; it has also a productive nature that is manifested particularly as a subjective production linked to the inner universe of the subject. The subjectivity produced by power tries to create a fixed image of the subject and society in order to keep social structures unaltered. The resistance to power, called here counter- power, must therefore question this static view through another subjective production that expresses itself in the novel by the use of a particular form of writing. To identify the elements of this form of writing as counter-power practices - a decentralized, polyphonic and polychronic writing - is the aim of this thesis, a study that finds the origin of this new subjective writing in the innovations of Modernism, together with a renewal of the basic elements of the narrative tradition.

Les formes de la binarité dans l'oeuvre de Martín Kohan : une écriture de l'antagonisme / The forms of binarity in Martin Kohan's work : a writing of antagonism

Ramirez Cifola, Cécile 08 November 2013 (has links)
L'œuvre de Martín Kohan (Buenos Aires, 1967), écrivain prolifique à la notoriété grandissante au sein de la littérature argentine contemporaine, est l'objet de ce travail de recherche. Nous abordons le corpus – constitué par l'essentiel de l'œuvre : huit romans sur les neuf publiés à ce jour, La pérdida de Laura (1993), El informe. San Martín o el otro cruce de los Andes (1997), Los cautivos. El exilio de Echeverría (2000), Dos veces junio (2002), Segundos afuera (2005), Museo de la Revolución (2006), Ciencias morales (2007), Cuentas pendientes (2010); et deux recueils de nouvelles, Muero contento (1994), et Una pena extraordinaria (1998), principalement – sous l'angle de l'antagonisme, motif essentiel de l'univers fictionnel de Kohan, non seulement sur le plan de la diégèse mais également sur celui de la forme. Ce travail part de l'observation d'une constante au sein d'un corpus pourtant très varié : un rapport dichotomique, fait d'incompréhension et parfois de violence, entre la culture populaire ou la culture de masse, et la culture lettrée. La première partie de la thèse en propose une analyse systématique dans les cinq romans qui abordent explicitement ce type de conflit sous les modalités les plus diverses. La deuxième partie explore d'autres procédés qui tendent à confirmer le rôle structurant de l'antagonisme au sein de l'œuvre : si la mise à mal de l'union amoureuse semble exprimer la fatalité du malentendu, la dévalorisation des personnages du « milieu » et de la figure du consensus d'une part, et l'aspect revigorant des conflits menés à leur dernière extrémité d'autre part, révèlent l'aspect positif et particulièrement dynamique de l'antagonisme. La dernière partie se consacre aux implications de ce motif, omniprésent au point de représenter une nécessité : sur le plan politique – car sans être réaliste, la littérature de Kohan met en action la révolution marxiste en élaborant des figures de contre-pouvoir – ; sur le plan littéraire, où l'antagonisme montre toute sa fécondité. Le rapport hypertextuel, établi notamment avec des textes qui font autorité dans la littérature nationale, en est une expression essentielle ; mais la dichotomie est aussi une composante qui se manifeste à tous les niveaux de l'écriture, de l'unité minimale du mot à l'architecture complexe des romans. À la lutte entre personnages fait écho celle – défi formel le plus ambitieux – qui se joue entre le fond et la forme, source d'inépuisable ambivalence qui constitue l'une des spécificités les plus intéressantes de cet écrivain brillant. / The purpose of this study is to examine the literary work of Martin Kohan (Buenos Aires, 1967), prolific and increasingly renowned writer in contemporary Argentinian literature. We analyse the corpus – made up of the essential of his work: eight novels out of the nine published so far, La pérdida de Laura (1993), El informe. San Martín o el otro cruce de los Andes (1997), Los cautivos. El exilio de Echeverría (2000), Dos veces junio (2002), Segundos afuera (2005), Museo de la Revolución (2006), Ciencias morales (2007), Cuentas pendientes (2010); and two collections of short stories, Muero contento (1994), and Una pena extraordinaria (1998), mainly – from the perspective of antagonism, an essential pattern in terms of diegesis but also in terms of form. The starting point of this study is the observation of a constant within a diverse work: a dichotomous relationship made of incomprehension and sometimes violence between popular culture and literate culture. The first part of the thesis consists of a systematic analysis of the dichotomy in the five novels which explicitly explores this type of conflict. The second part examines other devices that tend to confirm the structuring role of antagonism throughout Kohan's fictions : love's defeat seems to express the fatality of misunderstanding, yet the depreciation of the middle characters and of consensus on the one hand, and the invigorating nature of conflicts when driven to their end on the other hand, reveal the positive and particularly dynamic aspect of antagonism. The last part focuses on the implications of this pattern which perbades to the point of becoming a necessity: on a political level– although Kohan's literature is not realistic, it activates the Marxist revolution by developing counter-power figures –; in literary terms, where antagonism proves a productive force. The hypertextual relation, set up especially with seminal national pieces, is an essential expression of this productivity but the dichotomy also operates at every level of writing, from the minimal unit of the word to the whole architecture of the novels. Echoing the conflicts between the characters is another type of conflic – the utmost formal challenge, that opposing form and content, an inexhaustible source of ambivalence which represents one of the most interesting features of this brilliant author.

Paysans et citoyens. Stratégies paysannes de résistance à la mondialisation dans l'ouest du Chihuahua, Mexique / Peasants and citizens : peasants resistance strategies to the modernization of West Chihuahua, Mexico

Quintana S., Victor M. 07 December 2009 (has links)
La thèse reconstruit d’une manière critique les actions organisatrices et les luttes que le Front Démocratique Paysan [Frente Democrático Campesino, FDC] a effectuées depuis 1985 dans l'Ouest du Chihuahua, au Mexique, pour résister à la nouvelle phase agro-exportatrice néolibérale de subordination de l'agriculture au capitalisme, comme une partie du processus de globalisation économique, dans le contexte de la transition à la démocratie au Mexique et des effets désorganisateurs de la modernisation. Elle analyse les différentes luttes du FDC contre l'ouverture commerciale, pour le prix de ses produits, contre la corruption et pour la démocratie, ainsi que la pédagogie de l'action et de construction de citoyenneté qu'il a menée à bien et ses relations internes et externes. Sa conclusion est que les luttes et les actions d'organisation économique et sociale du Front Démocratique Paysan, même convergeant et s’articulant avec celles d'autres organisations paysannes, n'ont pas réussi à construire une corrélation de forces qu'il leur permette de changer ou freiner le modèle agro-alimentaire global d’exploitation et d’exclusion imposé par le gouvernement fédéral au Mexique depuis 1983, bien qu'elles aient influé favorablement les processus de démocratisation et de construction de contre-pouvoirs au niveau local, dans la construction de citoyenneté et densification du social au niveau de leur région d'influence. / This thesis reconstructs the organizational actions and the fight that the Frente Democratico Campesino, Peasant’s Democratic Front the FDC have done since 1995 in the Western Region of Chihuahua, Mexico to resist the new neo-liberal agro-export phase of subordinating agriculture to capitalism as part of the globalization process in the context of the transition towards democracy in Mexico and the disorganizing effects of modernization. Analyzes the different fights of the FDC because of the different components of the productive process against commercial openings, the price of its products, fight against corruption and because of the democracy. Also, the teaching of the action and construction of the community that has been done, as well as its internal and external relationships. It concludes that the Fights, the economic and social organizational actions of the Peasant’s Democratic Front, be connected and unify with the ones of o! ther farming organizations have not achieved a connection of forces that allows them to change or stop the agri-food model imposed by the federal government in Mexico since 1983 even though they have influenced favorably in the democratization processes and the construction of counter powers at a local level, in the construction of community and social densification in its region of influence.

S'engager pour l'eau potable : de l'indignation à la régulation civique / To commit for drinking water : from indignation to civic regulation

Tindon, Cécile 10 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de la formation progressive, à partir des années 1990, d’un tissu associatif dédié à l’eau potable et de la manière dont cette « nébuleuse bleue » contribue à la régulation du secteur. Elle analyse comment des usagers, ayant expérimenté un problème vis à vis du secteur de l’eau, se rassemblent en publics au sens de Dewey (1927) pour mener une enquête sociale à son propos. Ces individus s’indignent, s’engagent et acquièrent des connaissances et des compétences relatives à la gestion du service. Ils exercent, dans des registres à la fois critiques et contributifs, une régulation qui leur est propre et que nous qualifions de civique. Cette régulation civique est constituée de trois composantes complémentaires : la politisation de l’eau qui permet de maintenir une attention publique sur le sujet, l’exercice d’une vigilance sur les responsables du secteur, et la participation dans et hors des arènes prévues à cet effet. Cette régulation civique, qui s’exerce souvent en conflit avec les élus et les opérateurs, va agir sur le secteur de l’eau comme un contre-pouvoir démocratique au sens de Rosanvallon (2006) / This thesis focuses on the progressive creation of a “blue nebula”, an associative network dedicated to drinking water, and how it contributes to the regulation of its sector. It analyses how water users facing a problem gather in publics, as understood by Dewey (1927), in order to lead a social investigation. Those local activists express indignation, commit and proceed to the acquisition of knowledge and competencies for the service management. They exercise their own form of regulation, referred to now on as civic regulation. It consists of two faces, one being corrective and the other projective, and is composed of three complementary components: the politicisation which enables them to keep public attention on drinking water, the use of vigilance over the sector stakeholders, and civic participation. This civic regulation in the field of water management often expresses itself through conflict with local decision-makers and water operators, and can be conceived as a democratic counter-power (Rosanvallon, 2006).

Pouvoirs et contrepouvoirs : les limites juridiques au pouvoir majoritaire dans la dynamique du regime politique en Italie et en France / Potere e contropotere : gli argini giuridici al potere maggioritario nella dinamica della forma di governo in Italia e in Francia / Power and counter-powers : the legal limits of the majoritarian power in the Italian and French frame of government

Dondi, Sebastiano 12 April 2013 (has links)
Le travail de recherche est une étude comparé des pouvoirs de veto (ou contrepouvoirs) que, selon la lettre des Constitutions italienne et française interviennent dans le produit du travail normatif du Pouvoir majoritaire (lois, ordonnances et décrets-loi). Il s’agit, spécifiquement, du referendum, de l’opposition parlementaire, du chef de l’Etat, du Conseil d’Etat et de la justice constitutionnelle. La thèse, après un premier chapitre qui propose une classification originale des contrepouvoirs, utile à les définir et à les encadrer dogmatiquement, se propose d’étudier en profondeur les relations qui les lient les contrepouvoirs entre eux-mêmes et également vis-à-vis du Pouvoir. La méthode utilisée (systématique et comparée) est innovatrice et se base sur une analyse empirique fondée sur des cas exemplaires. / This PhD dissertation consists in a comparative study of veto players (or counter-powers) that, according to Italian and French Constitution, aim at affect the legislative activity of the executive and majoritarian power and of its majority in the Parliament, i.e. laws and decrees-law. They are summarily: the referendum, the opposition parties, the head of the State, the Conseil d’Etat and the constitutional justice. The research, after the initial chapter regarding an innovative classification of veto powers which describes them with a dogmatic approach, explores in depth the existing relations among veto players and their interactions with Power. The methodology is based on an empirical and systematic analysis of some classic case-studies. / Il lavoro di ricerca è uno studio comparato tra Italia e Francia dei contropoteri che, secondo Costituzione, intervengono sul prodotto del lavoro del Potere maggioritario, le leggi e i provvedimenti di rango primario. Si tratta del referendum, l’opposizione parlamentare, il capo dello Stato, il Conseil d’Etat e la giustizia costituzionale. La tesi, dopo un capitolo iniziale dedicato ad una innovativa classificazione dei poteri di veto idonea a inquadrarli dogmaticamente, si propone di indagare in profondità le relazioni che legano fra di loro gli organi di contropotere e come questi interagiscano con il Potere. La metodologia utilizzata è innovativa e si basa su un’analisi empirica basata su casi esemplari e basata sul metodo sistematico.

Sociologie des initiatives culturelles citoyennes : le pouvoir d'agir entre démocratie participative et économie solidaire / Sociology of cultural citizen initiatives : the empowerment between participatory democracy and solidarity-based economy

Juan, Maïté 02 June 2018 (has links)
A travers l’analyse d’expériences citoyennes dans le champ culturel – un centre culturel de gestion communautaire, un centre socioculturel autogéré et une association de médiation artistique -, cette thèse interroge la capacité des initiatives citoyennes à constituer des espaces publics autonomes, en tant que foyers de créativité et de résistance, d’élaboration de discours critiques et de construction d’alternatives concrètes. Face aux limites de l’offre institutionnelle de participation, au formatage entrepreneurial des initiatives citoyennes et à la pénétration marchande du champ culturel, la recherche s’intéresse aux leviers de l’autonomie des espaces publics de la société civile, en combinant deux échelles d’analyse privilégiées : la fabrique des collectifs (institutionnelle, organisationnelle, économique mais aussi sociale et relationnelle) et le rapport aux institutions, à travers la tension entre institutionnalisation et contre-pouvoir, apprivoisement et innovation institutionnelle. S’inscrivant à la croisée de la sociologie économique et de la sociologie politique, les enjeux de cette thèse sont d’articuler les champs de la démocratie participative et de l’économie solidaire afin de saisir les conditions de l’autonomie citoyenne, d’enrichir l'approche habermasienne des « espaces publics autonomes » mais aussi de contribuer à une sociologie de l’émancipation qui, n’évacuant nullement l’attention aux processus de domination et de reproduction, soit apte à mettre en lumière les capacités critiques et instituantes d’espaces publics populaires. / Through the analysis of cultural citizens’ experiences – a cultural centre of comunity-based managment, a self-directed sociocultural centre and an association of artistic mediation – this thesis questions the capacity of citizens’ initiatives to constitute autonomous public spaces, as sources of creativity and resistance, of elaboration of critical discourses and construction of concrete alternatives. In front of the limits of institutional offer of participation, of entrepreneurial standardization of citizens’ initiatives and of commodification of the cultural field, this research investigates the various levers of the autonomy of public spaces of civil society, combining two main scales of analysis : the making of collective action (institutional, organizational, economic but also social and relational dimensions) and the relation to political institutions, through the tension between institutionalization and counter-power, domestication and institutional innovation. At the crossroads between economic and political sociology, the stakes of this thesis are to articulate participatory democracy and solidarity-based economy fields to understand the conditions of citizen autonomy, to enrich the Habermasian approach of « autonomous public spaces » but also to contribute to a sociology of emancipation that, without neglecting domination and reproduction processes, was able to enlighten critical and creative capacities of these popular public spaces.

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