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The European Court of Justice and social policy : a mixed methods analysis of preliminary references from the EU-15, 1996-2009Sigafoos, Jennifer A. January 2011 (has links)
Although social policy was once perceived to be solely within the purview of the nation state, there has been a move toward a more European social policy. The European Court of Justice for the European Communities (‘Court of Justice’ or ‘Court’) determines the scope of European law and how it affects national welfare states. The court’s decisions will affect not only the national law of the member states with regard to social policy but also the direction of European social policy as it expands. However, the ECJ does not choose the policy areas in which it makes its decisions, but instead reacts to the preliminary references that are sent by the national courts of the Member States. These preliminary references from the Member States will set the Court’s agenda. Preliminary references are unevenly distributed across the Member States of the EU, and some Member States’ preliminary references are concentrated in particular policy areas. The jurisprudence of the Court, and consequently the social policy of the EU, could be steered by this uneven distribution. This thesis will answer the threshold question of why scholars of social policy should care about the Court of Justice, with a legal analysis of some key themes in the Court’s decisions in the area of social policy. It will then employ a mixed methods research design to explain the variation in rates of social policy preliminary references from the EU-15. First, a Time Series Cross-Section (TSCS) model will be used to test a series of hypotheses generated from the literature, and three novel hypotheses, in a dataset of social policy preliminary references from the EU-15 from 1996 to 2009. Next, a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) (Ragin 2000) will group the variables that were found to be significant into sets of conditions, or ‘causal pathways,’ that lead to higher and lower rates of social policy preliminary references. Finally, two qualitative case studies will be conducted, in the UK and France. Analysis of documentary evidence and 25 expert interviews in the two member states and at the Court of Justice will further explain and illuminate the differing usage of preliminary reference process. The analysis of the mixed methods is integrated in the final stage. Implications for the direction of EU law related to social policy and the future development of European social policy will be considered in the concluding chapter.
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Vojenské trestní právo (1918-1938) / Military criminal law (1918-1938)Hledík, Michal January 2015 (has links)
130 ABSTRACT This Master's degree thesis deals with the problematics of the military criminal law in the Czechoslovak Republic between 1918 and 1938. I have chosen this theme for several reasons. First of these reasons is, that this subject mingles two legal disciplines - legal history and criminal law. Concurrently it is a topic, that has not yet been widely written up. The reason is that in both law disciplines combined in the theme of interwar criminal law, it is a marginal area of interest. Existing works in most cases focus only on a constituent parts of the problematics. In the second group of works the topic was chosen too widely and the character of resulting outputs was enumeratives, withnout providing context. The purpose of this tesis is to provide a global view on the matter of our military criminal law in the begining of 20th century and within this view then further focus on its dominant elements. The work is based mainly on the legislation effective in the given period, and the commented wordings. Another valuable source for the elaboration of the thesis were historical publications, although recent papers were not excluded. On several occasions the work marginally mentiones the comparison with the interwar general criminal law. In the topics of the military criminal law, whose legislation or...
1173 |
Překladatelské a tlumočnické služby pro soudní praxi v Rusku / Translating and interpreting services for judiciary practice in Russia (compared to services provided in the Czech Republic)Rucký, Jaroslav January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the interpretation and translation services for judicial purposes in Russia and systematise the way in which they are used in judicial practice. The investigated topic is handled functionally and descriptivelyaccording to the following criteria: (1) development/historic - a description of the development of translation and interpretation services in the USSR and in modern Russia; (2) legislative - the status of the interpreter and the translator in the judicial process, their rights and responsibilities, formulation of ethical principles of their activities; (3) an objective evaluation - an assessment of the conditions for the exercise of a court interpreter and translator, qualifications and growth, the criteria for the selection of a professional translator/interpreter from agencies, the role of notaries in the translation process and its role in checking translations. Linking these aspects will enable not only a comprehensive view of the situation, but also to compare them with the services offered in the country.
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L’autorité juridictionnelle de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne et de la Cour Commune de Justice et d’Arbitrage de l’OHADA. / The jurisdictional authority of the Court of justice of the European Union and of the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration of the OHBLA.Capo-Chichi, Videkon Fantine 06 December 2013 (has links)
Le Traité sur l’Union Européenne assigne à la Cour de Justice la mission de veiller au respect du droit dans l’application et l’interprétation des traités. A ce titre, elle interprète le droit de l’Union de manière à garantir une application uniforme du droit dans tous les Etats membres. De même, la Cour Commune de Justice et d’Arbitrage (CCJA) est chargée, conformément au Traité relatif à l’Organisation pour l’Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA), d’assurer dans les Etats Parties, l'interprétation et l'application communes du droit uniforme. Ces cours de justice partagent avec les juridictions nationales l’application judiciaire du droit né des traités. Mais les traités n’ont pas réalisé une fusion du système juridictionnel qu’ils ont créé avec celui des Etats membres et, une hiérarchie juridictionnelle n’a pas été établie entre la Cour de justice et les juridictions nationales. Se pose alors la question des moyens par lesquels ces cours de justice arrivent à imposer une application uniforme du droit dans les Etats membres. Après analyse, on relève qu’à travers l’attribution des pouvoirs juridictionnels, les traités ont conféré une autorité supranationale à la Cour de justice européenne et la Cour de justice de l’OHADA. En plus de cette autorité conférée qu’elles ne se contentent pas d’entretenir à l’égard des juridictions nationales, elles génèrent aussi de l’autorité dans le cadre de leur activité juridictionnelle. Ainsi, ces cours œuvrent pour une meilleure intégration régionale. De leur propre gré, elles n’hésitent pas à adopter des positions impérieuses de plus en plus conquérantes. Ce phénomène fait donc évoluer la conception classique des sources de l’autorité de ces cours. La CCJA bénéficie des prérogatives les plus offensives d’origine textuelle, au contraire de la Cour de justice européenne qui, quant à elle, apparaît plus conquérante dans sa jurisprudence. / According to the treaty on the European Union, the Court of justice ensures that, in the interpretation and application of the treaties the law is observed. As such, it interprets EU law to make sure it is applied in the same way in all EU countries. In the same way, the treaty of the Organization for the Harmonization of the Business Law in Africa (OHBLA) has conferred to the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA) the power to rule on, in the contracting states, the interpretation and enforcement of the treaty. Both regional courts share with national courts the power to apply the law resulting from the treaties.But there has not been a fusion of the judicial system of the member states and the community judicial system. No judicial hierarchy has been established between community courts and national courts. This brings the question of by which means the regional courts can enforce the uniform application of the law in the member states. After analysis, it appears that by granting jurisdictional power, the treaties gave a supranational authority to the European Court of Justice and the CCJA. In addition to the power granted to them, the courts also generate authority through their jurisdictional activities. Thus, the courts work for a better integration of the judicial systems by adopting more and more conquering authoritarian positions. This phenomenon has led to a change in the classical conception of the sources of power of the courts. The CCJA enjoys more power from treaties than the European Court of Justice which is more offensive in case law setting.
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The constitutionality of vicarious liability in the context of the South African labour law : a comparative studyVan Eeden, Albert Jacob 03 July 2014 (has links)
If the expectancy that someone was to act according to what we deem to be his or her “duty” was that straightforward, there would be no need to address the issues of liability of the employee for the wrongful acts of the employer. The recent - and some say alarming - trend in South Africa to hold employers (particularly the government) liable for wrongful, culpable acts committed by their employees, gives rise to difficulties and any inquiry into the possible vicarious liability of the employer should necessarily always start by asking whether there was in fact a wrongful, culpable act committed by the employee. If not, there can neither be direct liability of the employee nor vicarious liability by the employer. Where the employee did indeed commit a delict, the relationship between the wrongdoer and his or her employer at the time of the wrongdoing becomes important. It is then often, in determining whether the employee was acting in the scope of his or her employment that normative issues come to the fore. Over the years South African courts have devised tests to determine whether an employee was in fact acting in the scope of his employment. / Jurisprudence / LL. M.
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L'appréhension de la criminalité organisée. Étude comparative des droits français et koweïtien / The apprehension of organized crime comparative study of French and Kuwaiti lawsAlsaif, Dalal 29 March 2018 (has links)
La lutte contre la criminalité organisée est, aujourd'hui, une des priorités nationales et internationales. Pour ce faire, les États n'adoptent pas cependant toujours les mêmes solutions, comme le montre l'étude comparative des droits français et koweïtien. Sur le plan substantiel, les deux droits ont de nombreux points communs. La criminalité organisée n'a en effet pas été incriminée en tant que telle, aussi bien par le législateur français que koweïtien. Il existe cependant dans ces deux droits plusieurs incriminations permettant d'appréhender ce phénomène criminel. Il s'agit donc ou bien de lutter contre les organisations criminelles, via l'association de malfaiteurs ou l'entente criminelle, ou bien de lutter contre les activités criminelles commises par ces organisations, via la circonstance aggravante de bande organisée ou de groupe criminel organisé. Pour lutter contre la criminalité organisée, les deux droits adoptent également une politique répressive adaptée notamment en permettant aux repentis de bénéficier d'une exemption ou éventuellement d'une réduction de peine lors qu'ils collaborent avec la justice. Sur le plan procédural, les deux droits ont en revanche adopté une approche différente. Le droit français a prévu, en ce domaine, des règles de procédure dérogatoires au droit commun et a donné compétence à des juridictions spécialisées (les JIRS). Le droit koweïtien, quant à lui, se contente des règles procédurales et des juridictions de droit commun pour appréhender la criminalité organisée. Sur cet aspect, si la spécialisation des juridictions françaises ne semble guère transposable en droit koweïtien, le législateur du Koweït pourrait s'inspirer des règles dérogatoires prévues en droit français pour mieux appréhender la criminalité organisée. / The fight against organized crime is today one of the national and international priorities. To do so, however, the countries do not always adopt the same solutions, as shown by the comparative study of French and Kuwaiti laws. Substantially, the two laws have many points in common. Organized crime has not actually been criminalized as such by French and Kuwaiti legislators. There are, however, several criminalizations to apprehend this criminal phenomenon in these two laws. It is either to fight against criminal organizations, via the conspiracy (association de malfaiteurs/entente criminelle), or to fight against the criminal activities committed by these organizations, via the aggravating circumstance of organized criminal group (bande organisée/groupe criminel organisé). To fight against organized crime, both laws also adopt an adapted repressive policy that allows the collaborator of justice to be exempted from penalty or to benefit from a reduction of the sentence. Procedurally, the two laws have adopted different approaches. The French law contains some special criminal procedures, applicable to organized crime, that derogate from ordinary criminal procedures. It also conferred on the specialized courts the competence to adjudicate the organized crime cases (the JIRS). The Kuwaiti law, on the other hand, is content with relying on ordinary criminal procedures and ordinary courts to apprehend organized crime. On this aspect, if the specialization of the French courts does not seem to be transposable into Kuwaiti law, the latter can adopt the French special criminal procedures to better combat organized crime.
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La question litigieuse en matière contractuelle. Essai sur le traitement procédural du droit des contrats / The litigious questions in contractual matters. Essay on the procedural treatment of contract lawReverchon-Billot, Morgane 09 July 2015 (has links)
La question litigieuse en matière contractuelle correspond aux sanctions du contrat que les parties, à la suite d'un différend, décident d'introduire dans le procès civil. Le concept se présente comme un trait d'union entre le droit des contrats et la procédure civile : il offre ainsi une vision processualiste des sanctions du contrat, qu'il replace dans le contexte du procès civil, doublée d'une perspective contractualiste de la procédure civile, celle-ci étant chargée de la réalisation des droits substantiels des parties. La question litigieuse s'avère un instrument utile pour préciser la nature des sanctions du contrat que les parties peuvent solliciter ensemble et celles pour lesquelles il est nécessaire d'opérer un choix (en les hiérarchisant éventuellement par le mécanisme du subsidiaire). L'intérêt est également de spécifier le régime de l'évolution de la question litigieuse tout au long de l'instance. L'analyse révèle ainsi dans quelle mesure les parties peuvent la modifier en première instance, en appel, ou encore devant la Cour de cassation. De surcroît, lorsqu'un nouveau procès est entamé par un contractant, il faut s'assurer que la question nouvellement posée n'est pas identique à la précédente. Le concept encadre enfin les pouvoirs du juge appelé à trancher un litige relatif au contrat : il permet de savoir de quelle manière le juge peut ajouter ou substituer une sanction à celle choisie par les parties, et s'il dispose, à cet égard, d'un pouvoir ou d'un devoir d'y procéder. De la sorte, l'étude de la question litigieuse concourt à améliorer le traitement procédural du droit des contrats. / The litigious question in contractual matters corresponds to the contractual sanctions that the parties enter into in a civil trial. It is the link between contract law and a civil proceeding: it offers a procedural vision of the contractual sanctions because they are analyzed in terms of their implementation by the civil trial, it also allows to have a contractualist's perspective about the procedural civil law inasmuch as the comprehension of the litigious question is based on a study of contract sanctions.On the one hand, the litigious question concept is used to specify which are the contractual sanctions that the parties have the right to solicit together and the sanctions between which it is necessary to choose (potentially by using a subsidiary claim). On the other hand, it also allows to define the rules of its evolution on the parties' or the judge's initiative. The study of the litigious question reveals to what extent the parties can change the question in the first instance, in appeal or before the Supreme Court. One of them can call a new trial as well; it should be checked that the new litigious question is not the same as the precedent one. Likewise, the concept frames the authority of the judge before which the sanction is requested. It clarifies especially how to proceed to add or substitute another penalty for that chosen by the parties, and if it is a faculty or an obligation. The study of the litigious question thus contributes to improve the procedural treatment of contractual law.
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Prisoners' Rights Activism in the New Information AgeJacqueline N Henke (6632246) 11 June 2019 (has links)
<p>New information and communication technologies (ICTs), such
as cell phones, email, and social media, have been transforming how social
movements recruit, organize, participate in collective action, and experience
repression. Yet, limited scholarship has addressed the uses of these
technologies by social movements organizing within American prisons. Using a
dialectical interpretive approach, I examine how a coalition of prisoners’
rights organizations uses ICTs to plan and participate in collective resistance
across prison walls. The coalition, referred to here as the New Prisoners’
Rights Coalition (NPRC), organizes against low and no-wage prison labor,
unhealthy and unsafe prison conditions, and inhumane prisoner treatment. The NPRC
has a multi-platform public digital presence and mobilizes prisoner activists
and free activists. Through narrative description, I summarize the ways NPRC
activists use ICTs from December 2013 through September 2016, noting changes in
ICT use over time and in response to movement repression. I find that new ICTs
offer innovative ways for NPRC activists to record and document their
environments, communicate privately, and communicate publicly. ICTs, however,
do not remove all barriers to activism or ensure that activists’ concerns are
resolved or even taken seriously. NPRC activists struggle to overcome stigma
and mischaracterization online. They face physical repression, interpersonal
hostilities, institutional sanctions, economic repression, legal sanctions,
interpretive repression, surveillance, and monitoring. In different
circumstances, the NPRC responds to repression by increasing ICT use,
decreasing ICT use, going dark, migrating from one online platform to another,
and shifting digital responsibilities from prisoner activists to free
activists. I explain how, most of the time, the digital unreachability of the
prison environment makes it difficult for NPRC activists to substantiate their
claims of mistreatment, abuse, and injustice. Moreover, I consider how current
prison technology policies may be inadvertently pushing NPRC activists into difficult-to-monitor
online spaces and exacerbating safety concerns of corrections workers.</p></div>
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L'application dans le temps des décisions QPC / Temporal application of QPC decisions of the french Conseil constitutionnelBenigni, Marina 12 November 2018 (has links)
La question prioritaire de constitutionnalité (QPC), instaurée en 2008, permet au Conseil constitutionnel de se prononcer sur la conformité d’une disposition législative déjà entrée en vigueur, aux « droits et libertés que la Constitution garantit ». Les effets substantiels des décisions QPC, c'est-à-dire la suppression ou la modification d’une disposition législative par le prononcé d’une inconstitutionnalité ou d’une réserve d’interprétation, peuvent se révéler importants compte tenu de la portée erga omnes de ces décisions. C’est alors par la maîtrise de leur application temporelle que les effets substantiels vont être encadrés voire modérés. Certains effets temporels revêtent un caractère automatique : la décision QPC en tant qu’elle porte sur une norme (la disposition législative en cause), s’insère dans l’ordonnancement juridique et, à ce titre, génère des conflits de normes. Par ailleurs, les effets temporels peuvent également, et surtout, être choisis par le Conseil constitutionnel, par l’utilisation de son pouvoir de modulation. Ce pouvoir a été conçu de manière à laisser une grande liberté au Conseil constitutionnel. Dans une démarche d’efficacité, le juge constitutionnel s’est fixé l’objectif de faire bénéficier le justiciable d’un« effet utile » de ses décisions et a par conséquent valorisé l’usage de la rétroactivité. Cependant, la liberté seule n’assure pas une pleine maîtrise de ce pouvoir de modulation et ce même pouvoir est parfois insuffisant pour régir les effets substantiels des décisions QPC. La thèse contribue, sur la base d’une analyse exhaustive de l’ensemble des décisions QPC du Conseil et de trèsnombreuses décisions dites « retour de QPC » des juridictions ordinaires, à étudier ces insuffisances et notamment le manque de réflexion sur la compatibilité entre la technique de la modulation et l’office du juge constitutionnel et sur la nécessité d’une collaboration avec les juridictions ordinaires. / The priority question of constitutionality (QPC), created in 2008, allows the french Constitutional Council to operate a judicial review of an adopted law. The substantial effects of a QPC decision, ie the abolition or the modification of a legislation by pronouncing its unconstitutionality or by interpreting it in accordance with the Constitution, can be considerable given the erga omnes impact of these decisions. These substantial effects can however be controlled or moderated by the temporal effects. Some temporal effects are inevitable: the QPCdecision since it concerns a norm (the law), integrates with the legal order and generates norms’ conflicts. Otherwise the temporal effects can be chosen by the Constitutional Council thanks to the ability of modulating the temporal effects of its decisions. This jurisdictional technical lets total liberty to the Constitutional Council. The court, in an efficacy perspective, sets the objectiveof giving a « useful effect » to the litigant and thus accords value to retroactivity. Yet this liberty alone isn’t enough to provide a complete control of this modulating ability and this ability can’t regulate all the substantial effects. This thesis, based on an exhaustive jurisprudential analysis ofthe QPC decisions, aims to study these difficulties and especially the lack of reflection about the compatibility of the technical into the judicial office of the court and about the essential collaboration with the ordinary jurisdictions.
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A Defensoria Pública como instrumento de acesso à justiçaMoraes, Ana Carvalho Ferreira Bueno de 29 June 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-06-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study investigates the performance of the Public Defense institution, in the
search for actual access to courts.
The principle of access to courts is the purpose of this work, which analyzes its
hindrances and the ways to overcome them.
Accordingly, the exposition discusses the right to free legal assistance, as
established by the 1988 Brazilian Federal Constitution, as well as the addressees
thereof, and the way to implement it through Pro Bono Lawyers.
Thus, the institution of the Public Defense is carefully studied, through the analysis
of its characteristics, principles, attributions and institutional bodies; prohibitions,
guarantees, prerogatives and the responsibilities of the members of the Public
Defense Office, as provided for in Complementary Law No. 80/1994 and in State
Laws, with especial focus on Law No. 988/2006 of the State of São Paulo, since that
legal instrument presented several novelties and advancements in the performance of
the institution.
Besides this, the study focuses on the performance of Pro Bono Lawyers in class
Finally, the work discusses extrajudicial performances, with emphasis on
alternative means to settle conflicts (conciliation, mediation and arbitration), to be
developed by the Public Defense Office, in addition to proactive performances of the
institution in the education of the rights of the needy population / O presente estudo investiga a atuação da instituição da Defensoria Pública na
busca pelo efetivo acesso à justiça.
O princípio do acesso à justiça é o objeto deste trabalho, que analisa seus
obstáculos e formas para superá-los.
Nesse contexto, a dissertação trata do direito à assistência jurídica, consagrado
na Constituição Federal de 1988, bem como seus destinatários e sua forma de
implementação por meio da Defensoria Pública.
Assim, a instituição da Defensoria Pública é cuidadosamente estudada,
analisando-se suas características, princípios, atribuições e órgãos institucionais;
vedações, garantias, prerrogativas e as responsabilidades dos membros da Defensoria
Pública, previstos na Lei Complementar n. 80/1994, bem como em Leis Estaduais, com
enfoque na Lei paulista n. 988/2006, uma vez que esse diploma legal apresentou
diversas novidades e avanços na atuação da instituição.
Ademais, o estudo aborda a atuação da Defensoria Pública nas demandas
Finalmente, o trabalho trata das atuações extrajudiciais, com destaque para os
meios alternativos de composição de conflitos (conciliação, mediação e arbitragem) a
serem desenvolvidos pela Defensoria Pública, além das atuações proativas da referida
instituição na educação de direitos da população carente
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